I played HARDCORE Minecraft for 24 Hours STRAIGHT…

one year ago I played Minecraft for 24 hours straight and it was so hard but during that challenge I was playing on easy difficulty and if I died it didn’t really matter so this time I’m going to play Minecraft for 24 hours straight in hardcore mode if I die then I fail The Challenge and must start the 24 hours again from the beginning this started off easy but as I got more and more and more tired it got harder and harder to stay alive and not make stupid mistakes I had three goals for this 24 hours defeat all three boss mobs get maxed out netherite armor and tools and build a total of 10 Farms also tomorrow I will post the full uncut 24 hours on my second Channel just in case you want to watch it and make sure that I actually did it And So It Begins the time is 8:42 a.m. so let’s do it in a in a very nice biome I guess we’re in an extreme Hills biome and there is a long time ahead of me but look at this straight away we’ve got iron we’ve got coal and I can’t make any mistakes if I make any any mistakes whatsoever then the entire challenge is kind of failed because if I die I can’t continue I’ve got to I’ve got to play 24 hours straight without dying as well quite a challenge it has to be said so let’s make sure that I get good gear as soon as possible I’m going to be toxic and leave that bit there it’ll be a momento all right if I come back to spawn I’ll be like oh yeah there’s the tree that I couldn’t be bothered to mine the entire thing of let’s go and get ourselves yeah just the okay we need some sticks though get ourselves a pickaxe grab some some Cobblestone and we have an Axe and we have a shovel perfect now to grab eight more pieces just so I’ve got a furnace there is iron down there let’s make this furnace perfect and we can also grab this iron which there is two pieces of so let’s chug that in use up the wooden pickaxe to be honest I don’t really want to use up any coal for like one piece of iron it’s not really worth it is it my goodness mobs spawning already what what is this I mean I played enough hardcore to know how to survive the early game but you’ve still got to be careful things can still go wrong if you’re not keeping your eye on everything those guys oh my goodness they’re spaw in left right and Center what is this all about there’s a little bit more iron here that I’m going to grab it is quite a nice area to be getting the initial iton because I don’t have to worry about anything like going wrong I don’t have to worry about going into caves and and potentially being taken out I really want to mind that bit of a bit of log but I’m toxic I really am toxic oh we’ve got an emerald oh let’s grab a couple of these emeralds as well okay I need an iron pickaxe for that let’s make ourselves an iron pickaxe and on top of that I’m going to make a shield nice and safe and then let’s grab these two emeralds look at that guys we’re nearly 5 minutes in we’re not in fact we’re not even 5 minutes in that’s feel like I’ve been playing for ages this is going to take some time 24 hours to be precise so let’s grab all of that I’m going to have a sip of my my Brew food is also going to be very very important in this challenge so Mr Pig I am I’m sorry we’re not vegan today we need as much food as we can possibly get don’t we ladies and Gentlemen let’s have a look what else is there any is there actually any more food around here other than sheep there’s loads I tell you what actually the Sheep could be handy unless I find a village I yeah you know what sorry sorry sheep but we really do need a bed all right sleeping is going to be extremely extremely important okay you you can survive you can survive I didn’t need to kill you but I I just felt like it sorry about that that was really evil of me I didn’t even eat his meat if I’m starting with a cough now after 5 minutes that is worrying isn’t it ladies and gentlemen I’m going to turn this furnace into a smoker and then start cooking that yeah we have got the mutton I think I’m going to Chuck the mutton away I don’t really need it the reason that I wanted the wool for a bed we need to be able to sleep and I’m actually going to dye this bed another color I’m going to grab a bit of red a bit of yellow get some dye turn it orange and now I have an orange bed the food’s finished cooking all two of my pork chops amazing it does seem like there’s just loads of cows everywhere steak might be Dan alth now these loads of pigs oh all of the food is coming out of the woodwork isn’t it so let’s grab you as well as you oh man two baby pit cows you know what I am not going to get involved in that that’s a very happy family I am not standing in the way of that let’s craft ourselves a boat and then I think I’m going to go and and head out I think there’s an ocean in this direction so that’s what I’m my thinking is I could take out this family no leave M me see Sun’s going down already look at that sun is going down first day done I mean really I could probably do over a 100 days in this 24 hours if I sleep every night it could be over 100 days so that’s kind of crazy I mean it’s not anything I’ve I’ve not done before we’ve done plenty of videos where it lasts longer than 100 days so in one sitting though I mean that’s a a slight challenge isn’t it so we put down the Bed Head to sleep and the the first day is done as well as the first 10 minutes I need to stop looking at the time I should hide the time to be honest because I’m just going to keep being like well that’s 10 minutes done well that’s 20 yeah we don’t want to be getting into that mindset do we this does kind of look like an ocean actually I’m I’m not 100% sure there’s land on the okay no it’s not an ocean at all so since operation find an ocean isn’t really working instead we’re going into a ravine okay guys I lied I found something much much better yes an abandoned M sh okay I’ve got to make sure I don’t die I should probably cook my food before I go in loads of pork chops plenty of coal which means plenty of food for me so I’ve got to keep my wits about me in here something’s already shooting at me I’m just going to keep moving we need to get these two pieces of iron okay some of the mobs see me some of them don’t so let’s just be quick although there is a lot of iron in here do I block myself there we go they’ll never they’ll never get me now will they I mean in a m shaft you can get so much iron so it’s probably is worth exploring it searching it seem okay I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been hit ladies and gentlemen I have been hit let’s keep moving I feel like something’s going to come around the corner so I’ve just got to make sure it’s not a creeper I should probably turn up my game sound so that I’m uh I’m not getting caught out I’ll be all right we’ve got a mine cart chest with a golden apple okay you know that’s a nice little start oh we could use our lava I tell you what here we go ladies and gentlemen it’s time for Big Brain sp737 furnace whack it down bit of coal bit of iron happy days then I just need a little bit more to make a second furnace cuz we you know we’re all about speeding things up so what I’m thinking is we make a bucket probably one of the most useful things in Minecraft you could say tell whoever invented the idea of making a bucket is is pretty smart in it Notch that’ll be the guy so we’ll chug that in there I’m going to grab the lava I’m going to Chu it in there and then look at that all that fuel whilst that’s smelting I’m going to do a little bit of exploring check out the whoa okay I’ve got Creepers on one side this fell on the other side so we’ve got to get rid of you quickly cuz see the creepers are coming all right I knew he was on his way you want to blow up mate Shield don’t fail me now it didn’t thank goodness for that let’s grab this but you say yeah you’ve got to be careful down here and once I craft both of these full iron armor I remember in my Minecraft world like my awesome world my original one it took me like five or six episodes maybe longer before I started getting iron tools and I had a comment someone was like you’ve been playing long enough now to get full iron tools you should have them by now and I’m like I think I then went to get IR to make them up until that point I was using like wooden and stone tools all the time I admit they were right I did I had been play long enough to get iron tools so that’s enough time smelting I think now it is Operation find some diamond we have got another mine cart chest another Golden Apple I’ll take that I don’t really any torches do I no I’m going to leave those alone keep grabbing iron in the roof keep checking your surroundings but if I’m going to find diam okay don’t get attacked thisp but if I’m going to find diamonds this is probably the place I reckon down here is the way to go we’ve got a guy guarding it but once I got rid of him I’m sure yeah this is what you’d expect diamonds to be as as it opens oh there’s got to be diamonds in here I’m 100% sure and I was 100% sure for a reason yes there are diamonds there are also quite a few but that’s it attack each other that helps the situation a lot and then creeper you blow up how did you survive that bro you literally took a point blank creeper blast let’s grab the first of the diamonds we’ve got another one down here another two up there one underneath it this is absolutely fantastic in fact there wasn’t just two here there was three fantastic this is Diamond number eight which means I can make a chest plate that rhymes my poet and I didn’t know it I can burn the other one and continue searching I tell you what this is a great cave isn’t it we have found so so much and it just keeps going on and on and on there’s two Enderman here so I’m going to put him in a boat and we got an ender pearl very nice and this one also dropped okay you know what today is going to be a good day the odds are in Sp sp737 favor there’s another Enderman over there as well I I’m getting me ender pearls for the for the end already why take out mobs when the creeper will do it for you that’s what I always say I should have flint and steel that would make life easy wouldn’t it my Shield’s broke no way I didn’t even realize okay I’m glad I just noticed cuz I was about to try and Shield block that creeper it could have been a disaster waiting to happen make a new one all righty now we’re safe again and with this diamond I can now also make leggings I tell you what the cave just keeps going it keeps going on and on and on still getting getting it good though with the diamonds aren’t it this point I’m going to craft some boots I’ll throw them away and okay you could have picked them up mate you decided you didn’t need it ehh too good for them boots are you wow there’s got to be more stuff down there we got a dungeon a spyer spawner okay that’s kind of probably the best one cuz it’s the least Danger dous and curse of binding okay I don’t really need curs of binding I might take a bucket or two oh we got a not Chaple let’s go you know the Chan of that is so so low but I tell you what I’m not complaining one bit got to go down to that lava to get those I think just scouting out the area is always a smart thing okay there’s another one there I saw the edge of the pixels so let’s just quickly mine it up don’t fail me now Shield imagine being a creeper killed by a creeper that’ be sad so once I grab this diamond in the roof I can make a helmet and and a diamond pickaxe full diamond armor fantastic so that is now full diamond tools as well but I’m going to keep exploring this cave cuz if there’s more diamonds hey I could make a diamond hoe and I generally like to have two pickaxes wow there’s a lot of mobs in here but yeah a pickaxe for silk touch and a pickaxe for Fortune I mean imagine the diamonds I would have had if I actually had Fortune I think this guy’s going to try to shoot me from yeah I see what you’re doing mate what have we got this time another gold Apple I’m not too bothered about Rip Tide oh my goodness I said well golden apples are something that we have plenty of now and this gunpowder to and at this point I think I’ve got more than enough diamonds like 11 full diamond armor all the tools there’s nothing else that I’m really going to need them for I mean there’s even more in the roof I’ll get those two and then I can begin to work my way out of the cave I say why take out Enderman when the blocks can do it for you there you go mate I saved your life and it was just Brave another end that’s three for three on Enderman that’s insane we’ve made it out it’s pouring with rain and we have passed the 1 hour mark on the clock just 23 to go I’ve managed to find a village and I reckon we focus on getting prop four on all of my armor so sugarcane is going to be handy to craft books and from there I can make a bookcase and a lecturn all right good sir welcome to this hole you may not Escape that she’ll help me get protection 4 I’ve just realized that if I do get the prop four book I’m not going to be able to trade for it cuz I haven’t really got enough emeralds so it might be wise to get some flint and then craft a Fletching table to trade a load of sticks Pillager Patrol okay I’m going to avoid do I put him in a boat I could do a raid right here right now I’m going to boat you up bro there we go not all of you though this is where I die to pillagers oh okay I’m getting pinged left right and Center we’ve got rid of one of you got rid of two of you and also three I’ll be back for you later if this gets me a baby chicken you got to subscribe oh no it didn’t never why did I say that we knew it was never going to get me a baby chicken one in 16 chance I think or maybe 1 in eight I can’t remember does this count is this a sugarcane farm I mean it’s a manual sugarcan Farm but I guess Yeah by it’s a farm farm number one built a sugarcane farm n to go I’m going to build an iron farm that is the next plan to do that though I need to get some lava well that’s one bit of lava would be good to find another but not strictly necessary the IR Farm’s also going to require Beds which requires wool and this time I’m doing it in a much more humane way I’m I’m using shears this is how you cook on the go well if you can if you can aim you can what is that oh it’s a ruined portal and where there’s a ruin portal there’s obsidian and there’s lava so we’ve got some obsidian here fantastic I can also get a second bucket of lava and mine up a load more 14 pieces is definitely enough but I think I’m going to keep going until I get 24 and then I’ll be able to make two portals and one enchantment table we’re back at spawn there’s the tree that I left oh we’ve gone round in a massive Circle lovely absolutely lovely and also you well not getting rid of here but get your get your v as the German would say or an Austrian maybe we need to get z s I’m trying to shear a horse that’s not we need to get Z so I’ve made it back to the Village I’m going to craft a couple of chests and then I can just get a bit more space in my inventory cuz things were getting a little bit cluttered and now since villagers are going to be so useful I’m going to make a villager farm and to make it look nice I think some glass would be useful you know a bit of a aesthetic side of things could probably achieve the same thing by building out of dirt but that’s that’s not as nice as it we’ve got two Iron Golems what’s going on guys we don’t need that many of you you meant to be in the iron farm so first things first I’m going to grab a bunch of dirt this right here is where I’m going to build the farm it doesn’t have to be too massive and it’s going to begin with a nice big dirt platform you’re having a mother’s meeting are you having a good chat don’t know where the Fletcher is we lost him he just stood over there he’s obviously an outsider they’re all having a nice meeting but our gu just over there why he obviously doesn’t like the rest of the village fair enough you know if that’s what his life is like then I understand oh we’ve got a baby villager well that’s that’s the first one not even finish the breed yet and we have baby villagers spawning I can put this water here and then start adding the glass all the way around the outside we’re also past the 2hour mark now which is very very nice indeed isn’t it usually at this point I would have been to the nether I would have taken out the Ender Dragon done all sorts but you know what I’m very very happy to instead just just be taking a bit of time to build some Farms next thing I need to do is make a hoe until all of the ground very important indeed for growing those crops I think these are the only crops in the village there is there carrots okay we’re going to go with carrots I reckon that’s what I want to be be be growing in there maybe potatoes as well a bit of a mixture will be very very nice I’m also going to take these composters and add them in here this should eventually lure the villagers up there and all of these can be gr now bone meal is going to be very important I think the best way to get bone meal is not to let it go dark and then take out loads of mobs for bones no instead I’m going to use my obsidian to build a nether portal and then I can grab bone blocks that can be turned into bone meal it’s also very very convenient that my portal took me to this biome it’s all falling into place cuz otherwise we would have to travel loads and loads of blocks to find the fossils what are you doing okay they they’re breeding I’m trying to low them up here and they’re uh they they’re making babies come on leave each other alone yes go and get it so far I have successfully l two villagers into here they’re already farming away planting crops for me good sir you’re doing very well and I can add some light for them and roof it all off so that they’re completely safe I’m covering this platform in beds that means they should probably start breeding more baby villagers for me and if I bow meal up the crops that’ll speed things up even more I’ve almost managed to finish the roof and I’m going to add a couple more composters in here so that when these breed some baby villagers I’ll have four workers in total are you trying to talk to that guy underground that you know is there you know but did that squid just die po thing right um what am I doing now the Villager breeder is really coming together isn’t it and I do now have enough glass to finish the roof so you guys are completely safe I’m waiting for them to breed one extra villager so are then have four workers in total oh he’s escaped no oh I tried to get out without him escaping and he’s he’s just yeah okay right well welcome to the The Village you can go and and freely explore can’t believe you survived the fall but yeah the plan is to build a bit of a choot for them that brings them down here but in order to do that I’ll need plenty of glass it is slowly smelting away and from there I can keep expanding it downwards until it reaches this point where the baby villagers will land my sugarcane farm is also working very very nicely growing me loads and loads of it and whilst I wait for the fourth of these baby villagers to grow up I Can Begin mining out the area to build an iron farm this Farm’s pretty simple we’re going to need slabs and trap doors and then there will be three beds along here I’ll I’ll add those in a bit instead I’m going to dig out this area as well I’m going to add a boat right here and then place down the three beds and I think that’s it I think I just now need to get the actual villagers into it and that is where the Villager breeder will come in I tell you it’s all coming together ladies and gentlemen we now have four adult villagers I I just need you to go and get a real job yeah that’s the that’s what my parents keep telling me and I can now make it so the baby villagers are able to escape and then these baby villagers and any others that are produced will try to get to the beds and then they will fall down my shoot I nearly just died oh my goodness SB be careful it’s absolutely perfect I’m not going to sleep tonight because I’m going to need to lure a mob into the iron farm so that’s why I’m going to need some Darkness so I suppose I’ll I I’ll just begin searching and see who I can find you seem like a pretty good landed to me I just need him to come down here and get trapped in the boat and once these baby villagers become adults they can go over there I also need to dig out the area right here where the Golems can spawn this is just a simple 9×5 hole I’m going to I’m going to till the ground here Place some water and then the Golems will get pushed directly above this Hopper from there I just need a bunch of signs to enclose the lava and from there I can add my chests that will collect the iron this needs to be Spawn prooved from the golems and all of you guys need to hurry up and grow up what one of them’s done just need the rest of you me likes Tea Cups of Tea taste nice drop some on the floor why don’t you drop it again I’m losing all coordination skills now guys that’s um that’s a did I just threw away me not Chapel I’m glad they didn’t pick it up and steal it can I use this Knight to lure them oh they have okay right the adults know where they’re going oh they’re all going all random directions all right well we’ve got a baby over there we’ve got two why do the adults have to both go over here and the babies don’t I don’t know eh think youself so clever you guys I’ll break this one here we go you ready put it back oh it worked we’ve got Golems Aha and then we do the same thing here put it back and then if the other one’s smart he will come back as well this is this is actually an ingenious plan the farm is working which is a positive yeah so what we’ll do is we’ll break that send in the last one okay they’re all happy happy and dandy we can block this in and then we put the beds in here all right they’ll love it in fact the beds I’m happy for the beds to stay in here permanently cuz then they can kind of breed down there as well there’s a bed there’s a bed over there come on little fell I’ll get you home safe and sound the baby villagers are safe and sound in there the adults are not quite as safe as out that that guy seems happy but they’re not quite as safe and sound down there and the iron farm is working away nicely bringing in plenty of resources and that means I’ve now created three Farms out of the 10 that I want to make I can also get busy harvesting up more sugarcane and then I can get back to trying to get prod four from this guy which might take some time but it it’ll be worth it when it’s done probably a good idea for me to spend a bit of time stood up now isn’t it I’m not getting smaller you guys are getting taller forgot everything there Z ah I just kicked my chair oh I was I went to lift my leg up and I just healed my chair ah that was that was that was really painful that’s is why I sit down playing Minecraft all right it’s much safer SP gets injured playing Minecraft there you go there’s a there’s a shot so I’ve managed to get Pro three I I think I’m just going to accept that let’s buy a couple of these books and then I’ll be able to start adding them to the armor I’m also going to make the little station where I’ll be able to do even more upgrades I’ll probably get prop four in everything anyway right here seems like a good little spot I’ve so far managed to craft 13 bookshelves in total I’m going to need 15 to get those I need a little bit of wood and I’m going to steal it from your house don’t look at me like that yep we’re stealing it from his house there we go and there we go now I shall temporarily remove all my armor to see if we can get any prop for things ahead of time let’s try the leggings Unbreaking through props okay that’s not too bad you know that is okay feather falling for we take that every day of the week yes blast protection but that is actually really really good cuz I won’t have to worry about falling off places like that anymore and in order to upgrade much more I’m going to need more XP XP which I’d say I can get pretty easily from the nether but when doing it I will have to be careful because I’m not used to playing Minecraft stood up you know so my my skill level won’t be as good as usual which means I’ll have to keep my wits about me and not do anything stupid me not do anything stupid that is actually a bit of a challenge but don’t worry it’s a challenge I’m willing to take on at least if I fall from a high place I’ve got feather falling now so I I should be safe in that area this is also a pretty rubbish way to get XP really all all things considered so maybe coming up with some sort of simple XP farm is is a good idea I just don’t know which one I don’t really fancy doing a pigman farm and an Enderman Farm over the void I might do it but again that’s a little bit risky so maybe I’d be better just having like a a simple mob farm anyway upgrades on the chest plate what’s it offering fire protection I don’t really want that I’m going to risk prop three on the helmet please be some what just Pro three the RNG on that really has let me down lately hasn’t it I suppose a good place I could get XP is in an ancient city or a general deep dark but then I could run into the ward and that’s that’s a little bit of a risk and they’re kind of tricky to find unless you have elytra so yeah I’m not too confident in that area Okay Siri thought I was talking to it sir I’m not talking to you sorry at this point I’m I’m pretty happy with all the armor that I’ve got obviously my tools don’t have anything on them which which is is n great and the only thing I’m really missing is prop four in the helmet I need more emeralds for that though so I shall mine up a stack of wood hopefully but for the final time for now and then we’re going on another adventure we’re going to go ahead and get busy beating Minecraft so we can now get the emeralds and XP from this guy meaning I can buy one more book and apply it to my helmet I don’t know if I’ve been coming back here before I go to the end so just in case I’ll grab some gapples and I’ve got these so that I’ll be able to make firew rockets in the end and with that let’s get moving I don’t think I need anything else as you can see the Villager breeder has been working perfectly as has the iron farm as well so it’s to the nether I go to hopefully find a fortress and a bunch of Ender Pearls would be nice too but it’s not a fortress but it is a Bastion I I don’t know if I really need to go into one like realistically what what have they got to offer me arrows maybe the ender pearls and more gold but what I really need is a fortress a fortress and a warped Forest would be nice too okay well instead I I just find a crimson one which is probably pretty Danger if I come across hoglins and piglins they are not going to be nice to me at all you know what I don’t often do this why don’t I just make friends with them I don’t have to wear my prop four diamond helmet look guys I’m one of you isn’t this great nice to be finally accepted by this people another Bastion I mean yeah I still don’t really need to go to it especially with guys like him no get out of the shop I said especially with guys like him there I think if I’m very very careful I can probably steal all of their gold at the very least so I’ll give it a try yeah we know these are very dangerous there is I don’t think unless the terrain is weird I don’t think any of the piglins will be able to get up to me now we’re we’re we’re safe we’re going to make them all angry but I think we’re we’re safe as we need to be obviously the brutes are the the big problem I I could probably go and get the chests as well actually cuz all I’ve got to do is just lava them and and and they’re easy to get rid of in fact there’s even a sneaky way here to get inside through the walls so there are the brutes I say just make it rain not with money but with lava is that even going to get him well they’re taking a little bit of damage I say when it comes to this Bastion we leave no survivors can I reach the chest that’s a good question oh yes you know this was well worth it wasn’t it what about this chest anything good just more pork chops yeah not not too crazy we could get a load Stone if we wanted to but I don’t think I will instead I’ll I’ll just take the arrows and the gold block I I don’t think I need to bother with the spectral one then I’m going to go a little bit risky okay this guy’s after me let’s just be careful I can’t get in CU see I’m going to carefully make my way across maybe if I just stick to inside the walls cuz Lally like three hits from a brute and I’m dead and I I really don’t want that to happen especially when all I’m I’m really getting is some arrows and obsidian and gold like it’s nothing too groundbreaking is it certainly not enough to die for anyway are these the only guys down here cuz I tell you what if they are I could do a nice bit of gold trading with them I’ve set up a nice little bartering station in here all the junk gets thrown into the lava and they’ll just keep giving me all the good stuff and it looks like they’ve now Bartered everything to me I’ve got a pretty full image a lot of fire resistance to be honest I’m not entirely sure where the other chest is in this section I think maybe down here somewhere perhaps Yeah by my calculations it should be somewhere under here there it is I take a block of I could go and give that to them guys again could I there you go boys enjoy the gold and I’m now going to continue my hunt for the Fortress can’t believe all that only got me six pearls too the rates are rubbish oh no I’m falling into lab don’t you worry I’ve got fire resistance quite a graceful way to float down isn’t it ah one has been spotted now to try and find the blaze spawner okay well that wasn’t hard it’s right here let’s drink the fire resistance and then getting these is going to be pretty pretty straightforward ah look who came to join the party well you weren’t invited buddy so the only place I need to find after this is a warped Forest since the the Bastion kind of let me down in getting the ender pearls I also really hope this pickaxe doesn’t break maybe I can find a diamond in this Fortress in order to be able to craft a new one chest number one it’s got obsidian and a dead end wait are you kidding me this this is the entirety of the inside of the Fortress what kind of a joke is that in that case I’m going to use a Fire Res craft a new Anvil since I left my other one at home by mistake and then use the these two final diamonds to repair it a little bit I know it’s not perfect but it’s better than completely losing my diamond pick at this point I’ve got 15 blaz rods that’s more than enough and I’ll be able to get a pickaxe with all sorts of upgrades on it from an n city so I’m not worried too much about this one instead my main focus now is just to find some Enderman plus one good thing about doing all this exploring is I will end up getting hot tourist destinations once I do eventually track down the Warped Forest I still haven’t come across a warped forest and we are now past the 6 hour mark we have 18 hours left and I’ll tell you what guys I’m still feeling good I’m still alive I would be very sad if I die now and have to restart but but things are looking up feel like I’m endlessly searching the nether for this wal Forest but I’ll get it eventually then I’ll get the Enderman and then I can go to the end it’s a foolproof plan I just need the seed to be kind to me found some diamonds nice makes me feel glad that I popped into this Fortress now there’s another two here as well and the armor trim do I take it I don’t know if I have the space or do I really even need it I’ll just take a screenshot of the coordinates and then I’ll be able to remember where it is and this Fortress has brought me more goodness there’s a warped Forest at the end everything’s fallen into place I’ve got H tourist destinations and now I can start tracking down Endermen putting them into boats and collecting ender pearls oh my goodness just got withered okay I won’t complain with that and floating plants okay that’s that’s very bizarre and I think at this point I’m just going to get back to taking out Enderman and I reckon that that is enough taken out I’ve got 15 pearls in fact make that 16 for good measure and I’m now going to head back in this direction closer towards the spawn area so that I have a higher chance of being near one of the strongholds that generate in the first ring a round spawn I’m really getting to the point where I can’t wait to get the elytra because it’ll really make traversing around places like the nether so much easier this right here should be a good enough spot so let’s light up the portal mine out of the cave that it’s put me in then craft my eyes vendor visit the Mushroom Biome that was conveniently very nearby and then go out in search of the stronghold if I had to guess I would think that it is somewhere around here because I’ve just traveled over a massive ocean and it can be near the shore it’s in this direction which means there’s still quite a bit more traveling to be done now then is it somewhere around here or do we have to keep going across the ocean okay is somewhere on this island so I was kind of right and according to my calculations it is right about here so let’s start digging down and hopefully we’ll come across it yep here we are and I found the p room too all right fantastic just quickly get rid of the spawner and place as many eyes as I can but sadly I’m one short just kidding I’ve got loads of blaz rods let’s just craft an extra one if I had to craft an extra two now we’re cooking and I’m going to make an Ender Chest which I can’t really use at the moment but it’ll it’ll be Hy when I have silk touch now then the next thing on the agenda is to go into the bookcase room because I need paper I need the fancy books and some normal books could be handy too I’m going to use these cobwebs to get some string so that from there I can make a bow and put Power four on it and now let’s see if I can find the other bookcase room found a chest with an end Pearl that’s not bad and I like the fact that because it’s in a jungle there’s like Vines everywhere here it is but it didn’t have any paper it didn’t really have any good books so I’m just going to fill up my inventory so I’ve got a full stack of these and then I’ll also use the wood found here to make a brand new Shield that should safely get me through the end and speaking of the end it is now finally time for me to take on the Ender Dragon so let’s jump in build out and begin the battle we’ll have to be quite careful when doing this the only thing that could really go wrong is if I get knocked into the void but considering that I’ve got ender pearls that shouldn’t really happen I should be able to know clutch it if I need to the Ender Dragon is now perching right at the moment which means it’s going to fly after me and knock you know what I’ve got a better idea I’ll stand underneath him and hit him so that he can’t fly into me even though he is currently able to regen very easily I believe I’ve now got every single one of the towers so it’s it’s smooth sailing to to go ahead and take out the dragon the sword will do a lot of the damage and the power five bow will do the rest and I haven’t actually got shot up into the air is good cuz I don’t really want to have to do an MLG if I don’t need to in fact it is defeated Perfect Look at that and all of the XP is mine I mean some of it will go through the end portal and the rest of it can be collected yes I could have brought like all my enchanting table and stuff like that to to get more usage out of the XP but I’m not too bothered I’m just ready for the next challenge which is to go and get the elytra it’s been quite the journey so far hasn’t it so I’m going to crawl in thankfully no glitch that pushes you in the void I’ve seen that happen to players before in hardcore and I have got a lot of end pears so I’m going to use them as and when I can and already we’ found an n city doesn’t look like one that is going to have the elytra but it’s still a good start I’m going to get myself some slabs so that I can build a lot further oh got the first shulker shell nice and in fact I took out three and got three in return that’s an awesome rate don’t know why I’m going up the middle of here to get the loot it would be a lot safer for me to have gone on the outside anyway I’m okay okay well that’s an improvement on the sword so I’ll take it the Spire armor trim not bad and a much much better shovel so let’s get the first of the Shuler boxes made now we’re going to have so much more inventory space for me to fill up with even more loot aha another end City and it looks like it’s another one with no Electra so I I think I’m just going to search elsewhere since it’s quite a big void Gap to cross and and I don’t think it’s worth it as once I have the eltra I’ll be able to loot loads of them so so quickly and the end is in sight literally everywhere the end is in sight but the end of walking is in sight because I can see somewhere where the elytra will be which is absolutely perfect because once I’m able to fly around everything else will become so so much easier and my chances of dying and having to restart the entire 24 hours becomes much much Slimmer rather than go up through that building I think I’m just going to Tower straight up here and I’m really hoping I have enough blocks to make him go a little bit further I can alternate slabs like this but even then I’m not sure if I’ve got enough slabs to actually alternate all right yeah we’ve run out of those slabs now it’s just normal building upwards and it looks looks like we’re definitely going to just about be okay especially because that shulker over there is going to be able to shoot me to make me float over if I need it come on then do your worst while I’m hit and I’m in now to get rid of this guy just peeping at me that’s it mate you don’t stand a chance and we have them the elytra are mine and in these chests we’ve also got some extra diamond armor as well prop four and breaking three you see I didn’t need to mess about with getting that to prop four did I and more oh fantastic I might as well grab the dragon head cuz it’s always nice to have at least one of them and I’ve got plenty of storage space in a Sher box also there’s an advancement about Brewing isn’t there so if I take that out and put it back in it can go like that and now the whole looting thing just became so so much easier a mending sword nice to be honest there’s no point me showing you all the loot I get one by one unless this something absolutely crazy because I’m just going to end up with loads of it anyway I’d love to actually pick up the Ender Chest but unfortunately I don’t have silk touch at the moment so instead I’ll just have to settle for the obsidian and whilst I’m flying around there really is only one thing that could possibly possibly go wrong and that is if I forget about these elytra and they break and I fall into the void so I’ll definitely make sure that I keep an eye on that and apart from that everything else should be absolutely fine and now that I’ve got a second pair of elytra I should be even safer because if I find myself falling to my death I can just right click and switch him out like that look at that a double City ahead hang on a minute better make that a triple that is insane and I get the feeling that I’m going to end up with a lot of loot from all of these I reckon I’ve looted enough i’ I’ve looted about six end cities that were all near each other so I think my main goal now is to try and spot an end Gateway and hey if I come across some nend cities on the way back I’ll go ahead and loot them anyway what a pickaxe okay that is great I’m very glad to get that half for the life of me really finding the end Gateway so I’m just going to fly to spawn I’m nearly there so I might as well head through the endless void there’s the end Island up ahead my elytra is nearly broken but but it’s okay we got loads of spares and I can now go ahead and grab the dragon egg and head on through and back home we’re over a third of the way there and we have beaten Minecraft it sent me back to spawn because apparently I broke my bed there’s my little village base easy enough to fly to and I tell you what the amount of gold diamonds emeralds like that you get from En cities it’s absolutely crazy isn’t it let’s go ahead and get a new axe made and I’ve got a plan you see this one in my inventory is very very broken but I can just put efficiency 4 on it then I can go ahead do the same okay is it is it just efficiency both times come on game give me un breaking as well there we go then I’ll be able to put them together on an anvil I’m not going to it just yet because I want to use up the levels above 30 before I I I start combining stuff but yeah I’ve now got a great relax I’m going to grab this Le turn very sorry but I’m going to trap this guy into the ground and then it is Operation get The Mending book from this villager accidentally punched this guy in the face but he’s offering looting three I think it’s worth it because despite the fact that I searched so many entities I actually never found that sword I do also think that I’m going to end up needing a few more emeralds so I’m going to head over here to chop more trees and now that I have this efficiency 4 ax it’s going to be so so much faster here you are my friend and now I can start using the villagers from this breeder to start getting even more useful books silk touch that is going to be handy and also Unbreaking three it was a little bit on the pricey side but it will be useful for my Electra and then I’ve just used up a load of XP trying to get a decent sword I mean what’s that Smite for Unbreaking three who cares about that although this has come out of looting three and Sh then I’ve already got a looting three book i’ I’ve just wasted all my XP on this okay sharpness four looting three that’s good that means that this book is completely pointless let’s make that pickaxe efficiency 5 and this pickaxe efficiency 5 before heading out to chop more trees because I do need more emeralds and when the sun sets I’m going to spend the night getting more gunpowder which will be very very useful because I’ve I’ve unfortunately run out of firewor rockets and now that I’ve looting three collecting gunpowder will be super easy all righty creepers let’s get to work and at the same time this is going to get me more XP through the night too all in all that wasn’t too bad of a night’s work 39 gunpowder which I can put with with all of this paper to make plenty more that gets me an efficiency 5x I can give this man a load more sticks this guy’s selling gunpowder do I do I just buy some why not well that was that was really not worth it I suppose it does let me make a few extra firew rockets that I can slot into an Ender Chest now I’m going to properly focus on getting a mending book and nothing else no other books are going to distract me and that did not take long at all for 34 emeralds I can get mending although my only worry is I’ve got 27 at the moment I hope he doesn’t change his trade thankfully I could trade with this guy we’ve got up to 43 and if I have been Speedy enough we can buy mending if I can reach 18 levels I can combine these swords and if I combine all four of these it’ll be completely maxed out that gives me sharpness five oh and there goes the Anvil thankfully iron isn’t really a rare commodity I reckon it’s now a good idea for me to head to the Nether and start mining up oh what on Earth why is there a lava piece there as I was saying and start mining up quartz for XP because the combination of having a much faster pickaxe and the fact that I can fly make this method of getting XP much much faster and with that I’ve managed to get a fully maxed out diamond sword not bad at all can also now add mending and Unbreaking to my elytra and I think the next thing that I need to focus on getting a load of is totems they’re very very useful in hardcore outen they I think I can buy o okay this is cool we can actually get some poison arrows from him I like that I like that a lot and there there’s going to be two ways for me to get totems I could take out this guy and do a raid or I could get a map and head to a woodland mansion and you know what I fancy doing I fancy going to a woodland Mansion I just want to explore the world a bit spend some time flying around Mansions are dangerous but they’re probably less dangerous than a raid I think and whilst I’m heading towards the Woodland Mansion I might be able to find some areas that have an ancient city cuz I’d love to search one of them and possibly get a load of Notch apples so the reason for mining those trees was because I first need a bunch of emeralds then using the paper I can make a cartography table and begin trading with this guy although I will still need quite a few more emeralds or I could also Harvest from my sugar can Farm to make a bunch of paper and trade that with him next I need to sell him a load of glass panes and then if I have a compass I’ll be able to buy a woodland Explorer map B I’m SP sp737 I’m never well prepared I’ve got no Redstone to make a compass sadly this guy is useless and won’t sell me any but don’t worry I know where I can get some because I can craft a brewing stand and buy some from this guy yeah that was way quicker and easier than going mining for it I know I have a grand total of four 9 arrows which I do reckon is probably going to be good enough we need to head Southeast to get to the mansion so I’d better begin that Journey there it is down there and it’s also very nice that I found a bamboo forest I can I can see a panda down there somewhere through the trees as you can see what you reckon should I quickly breed them just in case later on I want to do the 2x two advancement I’ve got good armor so I should be okay in here but that doesn’t mean that I can’t die these mobs can be very very dangerous when they want to be he’s actually going to be great for getting a few more emeralds as well but yeah a few wax in the back from them could leave me with not very much health at all oh so you’re guarding the LA are you so what have you done imprisoned him poor guy come on out you come should probably free the other ones as well shouldn’t I now upstairs is probably where the real dangers lie because this will be where the aokas are and as we know All Too Well when vexi spawn things can go wrong I tell you who knows even better than me D TDM yeah he learned that the hard way in his hardcore world so I need to make sure that I do not make the same mistake look at that you idiot but yeah I need to make sure I don’t make the same mistake although having said that I haven’t even found a single one yet where are they all at I hope I didn’t come all this way way just to not get a single totem cuzz that would be very annoying but now we’re okay there he is in the corner can we shoot him before he even summons him oh we can oh that’s fantastic now I’m feeling safe I’ve got this fell in my hand and I’m guessing that I’ll find a few more aokas up these stairs oh found some more vindicators the boys are coming into where did you come from all four of you well I’m afraid it won’t be enough knockback is actually very useful against these guys and boy there sure is a lot of them I think I could just do the exact same thing to this guy again can I yep he didn’t oh somebody did spawn back oh I didn’t know we had a friend in here oh being caught out let’s get you then before you can run away hit you grab the totems and keep moving before the vexes can catch me and is that it have I explored the entire place it it it it seems to be that way well I came I saw and I conquered and I maned to safely get three totems in total which is beautiful and it was my goal to make 10 farms in this 24 hours so far I’ve made three of them so I reckon it’s now time that I make Farm Number Four which will mean that I’ll never have to worry about gunpowder ever again yep I’m thinking for this Farm sorry I just stole the flower from that guy’s house but I’m thinking for this Farm we could just make a general mob farm which will just spawn all of your normal mobs and it’ll get me all of the normal mob drops now to build the platform that all the mobs are going to stand on I’m going to need lots and lots of blocks I don’t know why I just I just feel like Netherrack is going to be the easist to these so my plan is simple strip mine for a bit of ancient debris and whilst the strip mining is happening I’ll be gathering up Netherrack it should in theory be a pretty foolproof plan especially when it’ll get me a bit of ancient debris along the way found another two together pretty shortly after that’s very nice in fact it was three excellent so that’s the first netherite Ingot hopefully there’s many more to come but but in reality I’m not going to need too much more Netherrack as the Sher box is pretty quickly getting filled I reckon that should be enough and we’ve also passed the 10hour mark now I’m I’m kind of starting to struggle a little bit everybody else has left the office except for poor s sp737 it’s coming up to 700 p.m. and they still 14 hours to go but you know despite that I I think I’ll be fine I think I well as long as I died to these guys I think I’ll be able to keep it going yeah you take his gold boots that’s fine by me but yeah I think I’ll be able to keep it going I just need to get some Redstone components now and I think it’s best to probably go mining for the Redstone rather than trade for it cuz I need quite a decent amount for stuff like observers dispensers repeaters comparators all of the good stuff I put this Sher box in here for now and all the spare Netherrack in there as well as the ancient debris right here and then the mining Expedition can begin I don’t know if I’m likely to find a big cave anywhere might be best if I just dig down and see what I come across I am also going to end up needing my fortune pick so I’ll get that hand I’m going to keep a spare totem in my inventory cuz you just never know if I get into a sticky situation it’s always nice to know that there’s another one on hand like this there you go straight into lava I mean I I don’t feel in a sticky situation but I lost a lot of Health there I’ve got water that’s all good though I should keep that in my hot bar I suppose so yeah you just never know when you’re going to dig straight into lava and now I’ll just continue digging down yep my recklessness Knows No Limits straight away this looks like quite a good cave I found Redstone very easily which would make sense it’s not exactly the rarest thing in in the world slime do I need slime for this Farm I maybe not this Farm but for some Farm it’s going to be handy isn’t it so I might as well grab what I can for now and keep collecting up little bits of redstone 47’s okay for now I also want to try and get more diamonds I think they’re just going to come in handy later down the line because for netherite armor I’m going to need netherite upgrades and to craft more netherite upgrades I’m going to need quite a lot of diamonds so yeah getting more diamonds is a good idea I know I got a lot from the nend cities but now that I have a fancy Fortune pickaxe I can get even more I do also think that I’ve already explored this cave which means I should probably search somewhere else if I do want to find diamonds it’s fine for Redstone because I didn’t collect that up before but yeah most of the diamonds have probably already been found so I reckon if I just dig down here I can then do a bunch of dive mining along and you just never know what I might find got some diamonds very very nice is it is it just three well it’s better than nothing let’s just keep going the diamond hunting is is going quite well you know already up to 20 oh more than 20 and if you think about it one netherite upgrade oh my goodness I just found more straight away I was about to do the the maths on the netherite oh there’s loads here as well an eight vein insane but if I get one netherite upgrade I I probably need about N9 or 10 in total which means I need like 70 diamonds to craft them all just casually mining through an amethyst Geo don’t mind me but yeah to craft them all I’m I’m going to aim for that 70 Mark I know I’ve already got some so if I can have at least a stack of diamonds from this strip mining Journey I’ll be pretty happy I would have also liked to turn my Redstone into redstone blocks but I forgot to bring a crafting table so that’s it’s a little bit sad but I have got a lot of space still I can get rid of a lot of different things plus I’ve got an Ender Chest if I need it so what there’s just loads of them is it it’s not can’t just be one no it’s never just one it’s three but yeah sometimes you don’t see diamonds for ages and then suddenly you find loads and loads in one go and that is over a stack obtained do I even have space for it we’ll get rid of the stone yeah 66 diamonds which I think means I’m ready to get out of here don’t mind me just building up past the Lush cave and we’re out and we’re in a jungle okay o a little jungle temple let’s check it out it could have an armor Trim in it which would be nice nothing there okay there’s how many creepers one two what’s that all about guys and it does okay I’m going to grab them cuz you just you never know it might get to a point where I decide I want to try and get as many of the armor trims as possible and at least that’ll be checked off the list I’m not going to worry about the gold instead I’ll just continue to worry about flying back home home I I guess I don’t really have a home it’s more of a village that I’ve I’ve adopted for myself let’s turn a load of these into redstone blocks maybe maybe not that many and then when I combine all my diamonds oh we’ve got like nearly two and a half stacks that’s awesome and I think I’m also going to need a lot of string cuz I’m going to need quite a lot of dispensers I’m going to I think 10 layers of the farm which means I’ll need 30 string so I shall try to track down some spiders and with looting three this really isn’t going to take long at all and I might as well grab gunpowder whilst they’re Mountain about just to keep those reserves nicely topped up that’s all of them actually it’s not I need I need one more spider thank you good sir Cobblestone is another item I’ll need quite a bit of in order to actually craft all those dispensers and then Stone will be handy for the comparators and repeaters and so now using these resources I need 10 observers and 10 dispensers then I can also make a comparator a lever and a few repeaters if my calculations are correct I’m pretty sure I’ve got everything I need other than the Sher box of Netherrack definitely can’t forget that and next I need to find a large body of water to build it this looks like a pretty good spot and to make it an even better spot I’m going to completely get rid of this little bit of land since I don’t want mobs spawning there it’ll just ruin the rates I reckon this right here is about the middle so I’m going to start off with a bunch of Hoppers going into that double chest that is where all the drops will be collected then I build a nice little tube around it and I will need campfires on top of there I I I just need to actually craft them you know what I I’ll just do it now otherwise I’ll only forget about them won’t I the easiest way to do this is just to grab a load of logs and then combine them with sticks and coal there we go I can get all of them placed down then I’m going to add slabs all the way around the outside followed by a big platform of Netherrack this will just be used to catch all the mobs and push them into this Central bit and look at that guys I’m also now 11 hours in almost at the halfway mark just one more hour to go and then it’s all downhill from there I’m getting a nice border built around the outside of this and at some point it will need to be spawn proofed otherwise we’re just going to get mobs spawning on it and another news a bit of an update on how I’m doing I’ll be honest I’m starting to get tired I’m just kind of trying to distract myself with projects like building Farms because I think as long as I can keep doing that I can probably keep powering onone that’s the water feature done they’ll all get pushed along and so now can begin the great platform building basically in the middle of each platform for there’s going to be a slab and thanks to a dispenser each slab is going to become water logged so what I can do now is just go ahead and build the exact same thing above with another slab on top that has a dispenser facing into this and an observer facing like that and yeah I’m basically just going to keep rinsing and repeating this for 10 layers in total and what this water will do is every time it gets dispensed it will push all the mobs off and they will go into the water onto the campfires and I will successfully get the mob loot what an earthy thing you’re doing are you really trying to shoot me from all all the way down there look you might have a big stick but I’m s sp737 and you are going to wish that you never took me on because guess what okay you meant I was about to say you didn’t even manage to hit me once yes you hit me twice and you didn’t drop your Trident but yeah I prefer to just be able to build in peace without him shooting his Trident at me that’s the last of the dispensers and observers down but what I do still need to do is build a massive roof so that it’ll always be darker than the farm will work in daytime night time and anytime and if I make the roof out of slabs it’ll also be SP St proof so it’ll be a double good thing that’s the outline of the roof done I’m probably going to need a bit more Stone to actually cover it completely but thankfully stone is a pretty common commodity so it shouldn’t be hard to get loads of it to finish the entire build I’ve successfully filled it all in I think I’m going to expand it a bit more cuz I I got plenty of stone as you can see and it does always help to make it as big as possible there we go I can actually see mobs spawning underneath which is it’s both good and bad because I haven’t put the water buckets in so I so I can’t really get there cuz there been mobs all the time and I haven’t really done the Redstone side of it either but at least we know it’s working using these repeaters I can make a nice little Redstone clock which I believe works like that let me just double check that it it does it so it should all turn on and then it all turns off okay that works and if I flick this lever it just turns the whole thing off tell you what even after 12 hours straight of Minecraft my farm making skills are still there next I need a load of water and also kind need to get rid of this Netherrack in there I’ll make Maybe a little platform or something to stand on that could be handy and yeah I can see quite a few mobs I’m just going to have to do my best in not letting any creepers blow up at the moment there isn’t any on the layers I’m on okay there’s three here three that I can deal with before they even knew what hit him that might not be so easy with this level here we go I’ll start by punching him off then I’ll do the same with this guy if I can or I’ll just get rid of him that way that that probably works too and then you oh look at that I thought it was one behind me no we’re we’re good we’re good and we’re completely safe Next Level just have spiders really so that’s easy enough oh my goodness how many creepers how am I supposed to get past those one by one I suppose for once the knockback is actually kind of useful all righty we’re finally on to the last level I mean when it’s not creepers it’s very rezy as I’ve said that’s in there and now all that’s left for me to do is from this Center Spot build up to Y level 190 probably don’t even need to be that high I might go to about 185 I’ll now add some slabs this will just make a nice spawn proof platform and at this point the farm should be working there should be loads of mobs that have spawned below me this little bit here it’s just to make sure that Phantoms can’t spawn so what if they un added them you’d be completely safe up here and you wouldn’t think anything of it would you now if I swoop on down we’ll get a good indication of if it’s working oh yeah it’s brilliantly working if I then flick this we can we can see the magic happen the water should be dispensed on every single level yes it is oh look at them all raining down from the sky admittedly some of them do land on the sides but it’s not that many I was meant to spawn proof that bit as well wasn’t I and then at the bottom we should be getting loads and loads oh look at this we’ve got G powder string you name it it’s coming through and so I’ll spend a few moments here and get loads and loads of resources and I can eat me sandwich at the same time too that should be long enough let’s Flo on down oh and look at this is fantastic I’m just going to grab all the gunpowder for now and then Harvest all of my sugar can which for the most part has grown and that right there ladies and gentlemen is Farm Number Four complete I’m sure I’ll work out what the other six are going to be eventually my boots looking a little bit worse for wear so I’m going to do some combining and with a little bit extra oh in fact no I’ve just about got enough to Max them out I think except for the soul Speed 3 and also Thorns too but I don’t worry too much about that I’d also like to add mending to these leggings but I still need a bit more XP and the same goes for my helmet too as I do have one that could do it right there so so here’s my idea realistically where is the best place to get XP well unless I build a farm you would say probably an ancient city so I’ll grab my trusty hoe and start exploring exploring really far and wide to see if I can track down the ancient city also all these G powder is going to be very useful because it’s probably going to take a lot of firew rockets to find one of these places oh and by the way guys as a side point we’ve just passed a very significant amount we are now past the halfway mark we are 12 hours into the challenge which means every hour that ticks by gets us closer and closer to that magical 24 and I’m still alive I’m pretty sure I’m only going to die now either to a Wither or to a warden I don’t see what else can really kill me so hopefully I can survive and not fail the this challenge okay I was looking for an ancient city and I’ve found a woodland Mansion we’ve got to go in for it haven’t we absolutely we have to we don’t want to waste a nice opportunity like this I’ll put that there I’m going to keep my Notch Apple handy I don’t need the fortune pick and I just find that blocks are very helpful in getting you out of sticky situation sometimes so I’ll grab a stack of them and begin exploring at the very least I’m going to get emeralds from the vindicators and then who knows what I’ll find in the chest Diamond chest plate I really don’t need that so that means it’s getting left behind I I am so sorry I have just ruined their house that is that is really good really not good for me at all such a griefer okay I’m happy we’re going in and murdering them all but ruining some lovely real estate that’s that’s just not on and I could be wrong but I I think it looked as good as new they’ll suspect nothing although when I’m done with you guys there’ll be actually there’s loads of them where have you all come from they obviously heard the explosion and came to see what was happening so I think it’s best that we do this in the safest way possible by towering up yeah I didn’t want I didn’t want to give him any chances is there to completely ruin me I’m sorry okay that creeper nearly blew up I don’t know what I’m going to kill you but I’m not going to ruin your house that’s that’s my motto ah the first of the evokers can I get him from here before he even summons aex indeed we can there’s usually two of them in sometimes no not this time though oh in the corner eh I’ll be quick s SP oh no okay like well the creeper you know if the creeper blows up this time we might just have to accept it I think it’s the the other mobs that are going to oh I did actually get him with the arrow oh I like didn’t even realize that’s good to know yeah it’s all the normal mobs that are kind of getting in the way and annoying me if they weren’t there I’d be absolutely fine did he oh he managed to get the vexes up okay there’s someone behind me oh okay just don’t panic espb 12 hours in now is not the time to die just just just eat a steak You’ve Got A Notch Apple don’t be afraid to use it if it means Staying Alive told you these guys Pack-a-Punch you’ve got to keep your hunger up cuz if not they will keep your health down oh there’s more of them look at them they were already around the corner for me oh oh my goodness half my health gone those vexes I tell you this is why I don’t want the vexes to spawn cuz they’re just an absolute nightmare at least I’ve got knock back on them but they can fly through walls and they do quite a lot of damage too plus the super hard to hit oh you the spawning them all my goodness gracious me is it time to leave SB it’s time to leave just regroup all right there’s two of them spawning vexes non-stop there’s about nine vexes then again I’m mustb 737 I don’t run from a fight let’s first get rid of you and then you’re getting the bow tree okay the Vex is just just took the boat hits let’s let’s just go regroup get up close and personal with this fell I missed I missed my arrow I can’t miss the arrow oh you want a crocodile Mia it won’t work I’m going to have some serious totems after this if nothing else which is good did another creeper blob I’m so sorry you know what at this point I I don’t think I have any other choice but to do one thing burn it burn it all down to the ground what’s that creepers you want to blow up well be my guest I’ve had enough of these guys and remember ladies and Gentlemen even the smallest of Sparks could very quickly become a roaring flame yeah I know it’s evil but they nearly killed me so that that’s what I had to do nice little side point is I can use the XP to add mending to my leggings and now let’s get back to the task in Hand of tracking down an ancient city that’s a pretty big mountain a jagged Pig SC on a mountain oh and there’s Frozen pigs over there too there’s got to be an ancient city around here somewhere so let’s see what I can find well straight off the bat we managed to find some bedrock and as for these mountains over here which would be an absolutely epic place for a base by the way I’ve also to find Bedrock although this time I’m going to kind of try strip mining around a little bit cuz there has to be some deep dark around here and I wouldn’t be surprised if there is also an ancient city about I really want to get Swift sneak that’ be handy it would make this strip mining quicker anyway and I could get a really good Hoe from it I could get a bunch of Notch apples it’s it’s got to be done it’s 100% worth visiting isn’t it so I found a deep dark no ancient city but it might be connected right I I should probably have my wits about me now shria means Warden and wardens mean danger danger means death and death means I got to restart the whole Challenge and I do not want that to happen because I’ve already been at this for over 12 hours now at first glance I don’t really see an ancient city but I do see diamonds and I do see a massive cave to explore I should probably be taking this opportunity to get loads of XP like it’s all around me in the skull and I can use it to upgrade my equipment that little bit more although I do really need to get ACA affinity and respiration on that helmet it’ll make things way way better hey Min of the skul kind of reveals diamonds as well that’s always a good thing to know oh we found one fantastic I just put my head around the corner to get more skull and I saw the wool that led to the ancient city oh and I’ve just set off a shrier I don’t know where I’ve set off the shrier but somewhere I’ve Set It Off oh there it is let me get rid of it so I don’t have to worry about it ever again nice little diamond in the floor right here I fully maxed out my shovel and now it is time to explore this ancient city and I might actually find it useful if I’d make myself some shears cuz I didn’t bring any wool and wool is actually very helpful in these situations especially when you want to build around without drawing any attention to yourself see chest number one over here I don’t see any shers I think if there was a shrier it would have just gone off right then nothing too good in chest number one and the same is true of chest number two and also the third one as well you know me I don’t really like the cautious approach when being in this kind of place but hey I’ve still got 11 and 1/2 hours to go so I’m in no rush I might as well just take my time and see what good stuff I can get at the moment nothing but I’m sure that won’t take too long to change Swift sneak 2 okay we’re getting there if it isn’t Swift sneak 3 I’m not having it but progress is progress nonetheless flame is actually quite good cuz I don’t have that on my boat at the moment and here we have a chest that if I’m going to open it it’s going to do a shriek so let’s let’s just accept it we’ll get a ward thing we’ll break both of them and then we’ll just keep moving on they’re really annoying when you get ones like that but you you’ve just got to accept that they’re going to happen I see a chest over there I’m going to fly for it it’s a risk I know but I I like taking risks every now and again was it worth it not one bit hey there’s another one up that I can grab and again yeah it was uh not great the the diamonds more exciting to be honest Swift sneak 3 okay that is perfect finally I can put it on my leggings at 15 levels are you kidding me just hold that thought I can’t yet put it on my leggings but after mining a bit more skull I can very quickly get the 15 levels that I need there we go mission accomplished even got a diamond too and now this is going to really speed up getting around here cuz I can very swiftly sneak around and now that I’ve got that all of I can think of that I’ll need is probably Notch apples and some good books oh and a good hoe yeah I’ll take amending efficiency 5 one not bad at all tell you what the notch oh infinity and that is really good too I think I’ve got another plan we’re not really in the deep dark area are we what happened to all the skull did I did I mine it away no I think it just wasn’t here it makes exploring easier anyway doesn’t it I’m not bothered about multishot I am bothered about that diamond that’s another nice one I don’t really want one with silk touch though but yeah my thinking is to get a little bit more XP and then ooh sharpness four I’m going to have to start finding some ways to make a bit more space but yeah I thinking it’s is to grab a bit more XP and then I can use that to make a completely maxed out Diamond hoe I tell you what else I’m going to use the XP for to repair this pickaxe yeah it’s uh it’s seen better days so might as well put all of this XP to good use fantastic it’s fully repaired there’s a couple of unlooted chests lurking about but for the most part I think I’ve checked all of the ancient city in some ways it has been a bit of a let down but I suppose I have got some good stuff such as a nice new hoe and some good fancy Swift sneak leggings but ideally I did want more I wanted more notch and I’ve just set off the shers probably a good time to leave perhaps and instead move on to the next project which I I think at this point has to be to get netherite like look at it I’m just a peasant in Diamond gear and I’ve been like that for over 12 hours it’s got to stop hasn’t it it’s got to stop so I think next stop we go NE oh and some more diamonds just can’t get away from them can I but yeah the next stop has to be the nether for more ancient debris searching my pickaxe is fully repaired so that’s going to be perfect and actually whilst I am digging out of here I could instead gra some obsidian if I have any in my Sher boxes although oh yeah we do I was about to say it doesn’t look like we do have any but I have got some flint and steel right here as well so I might as well take the opportunity and go on an ancient debris mining spree and then I need to go to basan to get the netherite upgrades to apply them so yeah that’s also another important thing first couple of pieces have finally been found you you can kind of track how long it actually takes me to find the ancient debris with the timer can’t you and speaking of the timer 13 hours down can’t believe I’ve got this much energy in my voice to be honest guys I I I don’t know what’s got into me but you know what I’m I’m I’m still feeling kind of kind of good you know time’s moving on I’m mining for ancient debris I’m getting out of this peasant Diamond phase things are looking good but I’ve bet in a few hours time yeah I I won’t be enjoying it so much although these bits of an debris were a bit quicker to find I’ve got seven netherite scrap at home so I’m up to 17 in total which means I will be able to do all my armor but I’ll need another 24 in total for all of the tools well technically 23 cuz I have 17 ancient debris not 16 and at this point I’ve got enough ancient debris for six pieces of netherite I think I can change my tack to get the rest of them maybe use some TNT or something like that oh I just as I’m digging out I just found a few more pieces or maybe I keep going then so I’ve got enough for seven pieces no I can’t I need to go out into the world and find the netherite upgrade smithing templates and about okay I did not have my electron that was um what am I what am I doing why am I putting that on me off hand and this is how s sp737 dies Apparently after after nearly 14 hours he jumps in lava like an idiot then proceeds to take his totem out of his hand I don’t know let’s just focus on finding a Bastion and it is kind of worrying that super mistakes are already starting to creep in because I’ve definitely still got a long way to go Bastion located let’s be careful and see what we’ve got there is chests up here and I’m hoping I can reach him without having to drop down okay oh my goodness he reached me the health goes pretty quick when those guys smack you in the face what about this chest so yeah no netherite upgrade I I will take the golden carrots cuz they’re just a nice little boost and in this chest yeah not what I need again no I just fell down okay okay I just had to make that head hit a jump as well that’s very underrated guys so I play an action replay of that if I missed that head hitter and fall down I would have been toast right SP this time trying not to be a stupid idiot there wasn’t even anything good there anyway from what I can tell it’s a real let down of a Bastion there is one more chest if I’m smart I can get it and kind of box myself in safely but doesn’t have the netherite upgrade really I need to find a treasure Bastion Pig step by the way I’m not taking it but it cool but yeah I’ll keep searching and yeah it probably needs to be a treasure Bastion cuz then you get the netherite upgrade template 100% of the time this looks more like it and the only problem with this kind of place is it’s also the most dangerous Bas but I guess that leads to my excitement which can only be a good thing also I say it’s a dangerous place get sple what on Earth are you doing jumping out of the sky there you go get sple okay what am I doing I’m getting ruined by a Magma Cube the SI of my head if not smaller right let’s oh I tell that was a beautiful move there with the pickaxe as well they’re all getting taken out with you can be spliff and in this chest the netherite upgrade we knew we’d get that I’m not bothered about the swords or hello good sir and goodbye the chest Plate’s good because it could get me Thorns three on it which is kind of nice and is that it is that is that all we get here not even a little bit of ancient debris what are you doing in there yeah not even a little bit of ancient debris I was hoping for a little bit more excitement and the chests in this room don’t seem to be much better either can I get through that hole oh it was so close instead I’ll have to go through that Gap that’s too dangerous let’s just build out instead so I’ve got what I’ve came for I could be greedy and try and get some more ancient debris by looking in these chests but I’ve already been making quite a few stupid mistakes probably cuz I’ve been playing for 14 hours straight now so I really don’t want to give myself the chance to do something stupid instead I’m going to put this Enderman in a boat and I’m going to try and get an ender pearl then I’m going to mine a bit of wood make some ladders and fly as high as I can before digging up to bed okay yeah you know okay what on Earth am I doing making stupid mistakes that’s what it’s going to be a miracle if I actually survived this challenge isn’t it but yeah now that I’m up here Place some ladders this is nice and easy we’re just going to go throw that and we are above the ne how am I going to get back down just kidding I knew I brought obsidian all right guys I’m not that stupid but yeah basically realized it would be way way quicker and easier for me to get back if I just flew above the nether and so that is my plan I’ve got about 4,600 blocks to go and if I’m going to manage to build 10 farms in this video I’m going to need to build one or two above the nether aren’t I it’s just just part of M craft so I reckon having access to this place will be pretty helpful this is the portal I can use to easily get up here and it seems to work fine oh we back at spawn there’s the tree the tree with just some leaves and yeah it really is Tradition now I can’t mine it I can’t remove it it has got to stay and I’d love to get a load of gunpowder for TNT for netherite so I’ll spend some time right here letting the farm do its thing I reckon that’s been enough time and there’s a pretty decent amount of gunpowder right there which when combined with all the other gunpowder I have probably adds up to a pretty decent amount in fact if I can grab four stacks of sand which I’m sure I can get from one of these little pockets then that’ll give me a stack of TNT it’s not a crazy amount to hunt for netherite but I’d say it’s probably better than nothing let’s also get the rest of this ancient debris smelting and start crafting more of these nice little netherite upgrades so I’ll craft a load of these make a smithing table and I’m happy to upgrade these and also these to netherite the helmet still needs quite a bit of improving for example it needs pudding with this but I haven’t quite got the levels for that so we’ll put that on the back burner and instead I will upgrade this pickaxe this shovel my sword and finally the best one my hoe I think my ho deserves a good upgrade we also get an advancement for it which is cool too and so now the plan is to go out and get another 14 pieces of ancient debris the way I plan to get most of them is pretty simple cuz I’m going to follow this trail of Netherrack that I placed which connects to this long bridge that I built which leads to this hole down here then at the bottom of this tunnel is something that I dug earlier so bit by bit I’m going to go head and place down the TNT there we go next I’m going to light it up and stand well back I don’t want to be in the firing line of that and as you can see the the chain didn’t connect very well not to worry though if I grab my bow and then go into I think this Shuler box no not that one it’s this one and I take the infinity and the flame I can then do some combining put them onto this bow take one single arrow and remotely light the TNT so it’s just a lot quicker in getting it going again just in case at any point the chain breaks but for the most part it’s working quite well I just really need some ancient debris to be revealed oh there we go we we’ve got some almost as if it was on command fantastic is it just one piece yes it is now to carefully navigate the lav okay well that didn’t work let’s shoot it okay you know this is how I spe dies this is this is really a stupid I’m glad I missed that Arrow I really am cuz I would have just been at the mercy of the TNT had it actually lit up all this lava has kind of been annoying and getting in the way but once you find a bit of ancient debris it makes it all worth it and I’ve reached the end of the line once stack of TNT three ancient debris I need 14 in total so I guess it’s time to get busy digging for the rest the eighth piece has been found which means there’s just six more to go took ages to get the rest of them but I now have every single one that I need so I can finally finally finally oh no it’s raining it’s falling lava let’s just swim out cuz yeah I can finally finally finally fly back to my portal wherever that is I think it’s somewhere in this direction yep just follow this fancy bridge that I made and we are back back so I can now smelt the rest of the ancient debris and if you want a progress update all I can say is it’s starting to get a bit tricky just less than 9 hours remain I’m starting to get tired I feel like I want to break obviously that can’t happen I’ve got to power through and I’ve got to keep going so let’s craft the netherite ingots and in order to actually use them I do need to upgrade these tools a bit more and I want to get mending on the chest plate and so for that I need a couple of things I need emeralds and I need more XP so I’m going to start with the emeralds but I’m going to take it a little bit more seriously this time and head to a jungle the trees are much bigger and much thicker in these biomes so I’ll be able to get all the wood much much quicker that’s probably enough for project deforestation each of these stacks of logs is worth 16 emeralds to me and I did actually throw away some Flint conveniently it hasn’t yet despawned which means I can make a bunch of Fletching tables let’s get six of them you know what forget six let’s have 10 well I would have 10 if I had the Flint to craft him I’ll just use this fortune 3 pickaxe to get a couple more and then all these villagers that have been breeding away nonstop I mean look at them we’ve got we’ve got a real overload Haven we what are you doing in there he knows he’s not supposed to be how is there two cartographers with one job s anyway I’m not going to ask questions I’m just going to mine out a bit of the wall and create a load of Fletchers then we’re going to make a load of sticks and get to work trading feel like I’ve really given these guys a purpose in life you finally got a job and I managed to get loads and loads more emeralds so it seems like a win-win all around and now comes the XP problem I do have a decent amount from that trading but it’s it’s very limited I need to solve the issue once and for all and so I think it’s time that I build my fifth Farm of the day and that is an Enderman XP farm I mean I’ve got to get 10 done so I might as well do it but to get that done I’ve got to go to the end and I cannot for the life of me remember where the stronghold is so after grabbing some extra food I’m going to head to the nether to grab a load more ender pearls and also blaze rods then I’ll search for a new stronghold and once I found it I’ll build a portal right here so that I’ll much more easily be able to get to it and I’ve even built this fancy Bridge so I know that it goes from this portal all the way along here it follows itself round and connects to that portal over there and now I think I’m ready to collect up all the needed materials to build this Farm it requires nine stacks of leaves in total I don’t know how many I’ve got here a decent amount still not yet enough but it’s not like Lees are exactly the hardest thing in the oh well I said they’re not the hardest thing in the world to get becomes a little bit trickier when your shears keep breaking and all of the other needed items are very simple ones indeed I’m pretty sure that’s everything and now getting back to the end couldn’t be easier thanks to my very helpful bridge now the design for this Farm is by Dash pum 4 and it’s it’s the best Ender Farm ever uses so little resources and it works very very well I’m just currently waiting for this lava to flow all the way down to the void putting water here then turns it all into Cobblestone and I can then start building a bridge at the bottom of the world now we’re going to go ahead and create a nice little infinite water source and water log every single one of these leaves so that Enderman cannot teleport onto the BL box I’m going to say every single one I’ve only got to do about 30 of them so yeah it’s not too crazy cuz doing it all the way back to there would take a long long time and with that all sorted I can start building the next platform of the farm this right here is where all of the Endermen are going to land I’ve built a temporary Bridge which I’m now destroying that has a leaf block at the end of it as you can see sorry Ender you’re all getting spliff and this right here is going to be the platform that all the Enderman spawn on no Ender will actually spawn on here but due to the pack spawning mechanics it’ll make more spawn on this platform in the middle and with that done I’ve built a little staircase that’s going to have a bridge let’s now fill in this area so that when the Enderman fall in they won’t be able to get out and this next pit is pretty fun cuz I have to water log everything so everything you see right here ladies and gentlemen that’s all the top layers oh don’t get angry at me Ender come on nobody likes an angry Ender it only leads to death but yeah all of it needs water logging basically anything that you see that is kind of a a top Leaf needs to have water so the Enderman can’t teleport onto it yes it’s a little time consuming but hey I’ve got 24 hours to fill so I’m okay with a little time consuming look at that Enderman are sporing already and I do kind of need to somehow get rid of all of these I think maybe spliffing them is the answer or pushing them off a little bit too these guys are kind of in the way I I’ll just use water to get rid of them that’s the easiest isn’t it honestly I think it’s just quick if I use my sword and it w my axe next I’m going to put a little trapo there trap door there open this one I’m a stand down and it’s it’s done all I’m going to do now just to make it that little bit better is expand the platform a tiny bit that means all of these need water logging and it’s job done there’s nothing more I can do apart from question why did I forget to remove that Cobblestone I just allowed him to go up there you’re not meant to be on top I also need a sword that doesn’t have fire aspect on it The Mending one is is probably perfect because now I stand here I look at the Ender they’re all look at them just filing along to me they’re spawning more they’re coming along and then bit by bit I just swing away and the entity cramming will do the rest and me well I’m just going to keep Gathering XP look at how fast my levels are going up this ladies and gentlemen is exactly what I needed and that is Farm number five complete and that is 50 levels obtained just like that and I can use it to repair all my tools as well it’s it’s absolutely fantastic and now I can begin operation max out all of my tools and armor once I’ve done that I’m going to take out the Wither and defeat a raid and then I’ve got more Farms that need to be built so first things first I need to try and get a helmet with respiration on it respiration three that is that’s only respiration two that’s more like it it could have been a bit better but it’ll have to do now I also really need to be getting Thorns Thorns three needs to be on all my armor to properly Max it out I also used up a load of my levels unnecessarily there anyway let’s let’s do this I’ll make a couple of el turns and then get to work with this villager right here you sir are going to get me Thorn three I know it’s going to take some time but one way or another we are going to eventually get it I think that’s pretty much all that stopped me from maxing the armor out oh and soul speed okay you can’t even see me soul speed three I need I need to do some Bing later on but that that that’ll happen in time right now it’s just me and the guy with the funky glasses guys I can hear villagers dying I don’t know what’s happening up there get out of my way no what have you done well you know this one’s kind of on oh you know what this this is all my fault I admit casualties do happen but it is kind of my fault and I think somehow I’ve got to fix it I might just look guys no don’t no no no no no no no no I’m going to keep you all alive okay well not the middle ones you guys can get out of here for both of you this is going to be tricky cuz I think one of them is going to despawn all depends if the one holding the item is also the one that I traded with or not so we’ll see they might both be there when I get back they might not but if I’m going to fix this I’ll need a couple of things such as some glass bottles filled with water gunpowder a bit of sugar and a spider ey there’s actually one under this tree guys you need you can look at the full uncut footage if you don’t believe me all right um it didn’t even drop a spider are you kidding me I almost got like the best look ever it turned out to to not be any good I don’t know why I didn’t think of this soon anyway I have Lal farm that spawn spiders so yeah I’ll just use that now it doesn’t actually get your spider eyes in as loot because spiders only drop that when you as a player hit them so what that means is I’ve got to hope that a spider spawns and I can then hit it that’s a disaster way to happen with the creepers in there isn’t it but if I can I don’t know if I actually successfully did that doesn’t look like it all right this time I’ll be braver get them okay surely one of them has to drop might be able to get one here and now okay yeah no the creeper blew it all up all righty well the Farm’s slightly broken but I was going to say but we got a spider eye but we we didn’t just ended up with a broken Farm all of this to cure a couple of villagers that I don’t even really care about this time I have a better idea turn the machine off and then manually get him that’s certainly much better I’m I’m just making stupid decisions now I guess guess it’s been that long I need a singular Brown mushroom it’s a stupid decision to be curing him right we’ve got the brown mushroom and craft a fermented spider eye don’t me so long to do that it’s going dark again I could just have got spiders at night but anyway I can do the necessary brewing and cure them both against all the odds I can actually do it and hopefully I can get back to trying to get Thorns 3 in peace I hear the Cur wait wait did one wait you just you just done are you guys stupid come on I really can’t just leave you guys together can I cuz this is just a disaster you know what if you’re going to be like that all right it it wasn’t actually your fault it was the other guy but I’ve just I’ve had enough of you both all right get out of here I try to be a good citizen I try to save their lives and they do that kind a guy just get thorns in peace I tell you villager yeah you guys driving me absolutely crazy so what I’ve been trying to get Thorns 3 for absolutely edges come on bro just give it to me please I’ve had Thorns 2 a few times but really it the the XP cost gets too expensive if you start combining books with thorns and then you can’t use the amble so I’ve just got to keep going I’ll go all night if I have to literally cuz there’s now just 6 hours left and it is almost 3 a.m. and finally I’ve got it it’s taking forever but we’ve got it let’s buy that from him I think I’m going to need three in total there we go I’m star to feel really tired now by the way but I must go to the Nether and my reason for that is that I’m hoping to find a Bastion in fact it it doesn’t even have to be a Bastion it can just be a few few random piglins cuz I really need to get the soul Speed 3 book for my boots in the meantime I can also Lear this guy into the hole and this guy too it’s going to be a proper party down there isn’t it and now I just simply wait for the book and we’ve got it perfect and now to do a bit of anvil combining 28 levels needed which is very very easy thanks to the XP farm there we go that’s the helmet done too the leggings are done [Music] too and he just died there guys and I left the Shuler box out so they were able to teleport to it what a rookie error that was indeed look at my health you know down to half that’s that’s that’s way lower than we want it to be and I can teleport onto the Anvil I really am stupid why why have I let this happen remove it SP I said at this point I do need it back to max out the chest plate which will require 36 levels and it’s done all the armor is maxed and once I get either sharpness four or five like that the tools are also maxed out and full netherite finally got the advancement to cover me in debris it’s about time isn’t it and now I’m going to head back to the brewing stand where all the villagers are and I’m going to make it so this fire resistance is 8 minutes and not three look at this guy he’s literally smaller than the brewing stand nearly you are really tiny I know that’s kind of mean and unnecessary isn’t it anyway I’ve Got My Fire Res I’ve got less than 5 hours to go so let’s Farm a load of sugar cane grab some Gunpowder and get busy collecting wither head oh my goodness okay we just got it first try I honestly you can check the uncut footage ladies and gentlemen I just got one first try the first I literally just landed I mean I’m certainly not complaining but yeah I I literally just landed there in that moment that’ll go nicely with the one I got earlier which means I now have just one more to go and I I don’t really think that’s the best Fortress for them spawning so I’m going to fly around for a bit to try and locate a better one and now we can see if this one’s any better I doubt it but we can give it a try oh okay well it was good in oh my go I tell you what I have taken out barely any of those guys and I just got three that is ridiculous haters will say it’s fake I mean I can’t prove that it’s not fake other than just saying watch the uncut footage but that is ridiculous I mean I’ve got time to fill I don’t want things to go that fast I was expecting it to be like oh well we can knock off you know a good 40 minutes collecting these things no we can knock off about 3 minutes I went way too fast but oh well it’s done now I guess it’s time to battle a Wither I’m going to combine all these so that this is also maxed out and I reckon that means I am ready to take on the Wither I really hope I don’t screw this up I’m kind of getting tired now I’m nearly 20 hours in if I die I will have messed up completely and failed everything but come on I’m sure I can do it my bow works fine I’m going to sleep before I spawn the withering and then let’s do it we’re going to place these hold on hold on on before we go any further spare totems you just never know when you might need a spare totem and golden apples again you just never know and let’s do it the Wither is there oh I forgot to get more food oh oh dear okay we’re living off gapples remember thatb I I meant to get some more food well that adds more danger I’ve just got to make sure that I keep moving if I do a shot and then move the Wither won’t be able to hit me but if I stand whoa watch out wolf get the wolf out of there okay he’s all right I will tame that wolf after if I live to tell the tale but okay now I’ve being hit you see this is where it gets tricky because I it’s very difficult for me to regen without getting hit again all righty and I’m losing I’m losing hunger which again makes this very dangerous the withers’s health is kind of going down I think I I pop a gapple let’s do that there we go all righty we’re good and we keep going again I mean I could do like back to back arrows but it’s a little a little risky what have we got over oh B watch out B be careful okay we’ have no time for jokes espb it’s almost down to half Health that should yes oh no I’m in a hole okay get out of that hole s be pop another gapple just to be safe and once again I think it’s yeah it’s down to half Health this is where we go with the sword but we’re careful again we don’t need to be stupid we I’m doing a lot of damage but it’s usually like me or the Wither when I’m doing a lot of damage so let’s gapple up and now we’ we’ve got this we’ve got this in the back we can’t lose and mission accomplished I’ve successfully defeated the Wither the bee is still alive isn’t that great news and as for the wolf he is too in fact there’s two of them right i’ I’ve got to do this I’ll head head to the general mob farm grab a load of Bones and tame them both cuz you know what how many did you want but yeah one one is not enough two dogs oh you only wanted one that’s great I now have I have a couple of dogs let me change the color of your colar so we can tell you apart and before I take on a raid my dogs are going to die in a raid AR they I want to set up a beacon in fact I could set up the beacon in here so we’re going to need five glass and we’re going to need three obsidian thankfully that is very easy we’ve got all of that but we’re also going to need a crazy amount of iron blocks to build the beacon in here well it looks to me like we have a crazy amount of iron that’s for sure so let’s craft those into blocks is it going to be enough actually believe it or not I I don’t think it is wow this Farm’s been running tirelessly and I still don’t have enough although I have got even more iron in my Ender Chest maybe it’s not far off but yeah I do need that to run quite a bit more and at the very least I can probably get the bulk of the beacon done I want to give you guys names but I’m going to end up getting attached to you both and then it’s going to be sad if either one of you dies and all this go on then I’m going to call you wither and I’m going to call you Survivor together wither Survivor cuz that’s what they are they survive the Wither I think Survivor is a great name for a dog by the way wither maybe not so much but we love you just as much okay don’t worry I guess I’ll just get this Beacon done it’s crazy that I might used to get so much netherite that I managed to build one of these out of netherite blocks because I thought I had more than enough iron there and yeah there’s still quite a bit missing and the other issue that I had there was the fact that I didn’t have any food which I’m not happy with I’m not happy with at all that i s sp77 have run out of food so I think it would be a smart idea I’m going to go and put the bacon over here by the way but yeah I think it would be a smart idea for me to build some sort of food farm and the one that makes the most sense is a hoglin one it’s it’ll be very easy all right wither Survivor stay sat here we’re going to the nether well you’re not I am but yeah I’m going to build a simple hoglin farm and I’m going to grab all the resources that will be needed something that I realized very quickly is to build this I’m going to need quite a lot of wooden items and things like chests and Hoppers and yeah I’ve run out of wood again I should be building a wood farm at some point that should be one of the 10 Farms but no instead I’m just going to keep destroying entire forests now I can make all the needed wooden items and all I’m going to be missing is a booket of lava okay well that was a little bit uh little bit careless of me but yeah it was warped fungus that I was trying to collect and before it was just a little bit too dangerous and now I can go through this portal which takes me above the Bedrock and if I go about 2 100 blocks in this direction I end up in a Crimson Forest which is where the hoglin farm needs to be built so I’ll build up a little bit and now I’m going to build a 13×13 platform this is where the hoglins are going to spawn and I thought since I’ve been mining so much quartz earlier I had the blocks and it would probably look quite nice to be this color now to fill in these gaps to instead be dirt with a wared fungi and fence above them over here is where the hoglins are going to fall into so we need trap doors to make sure that that happens this is going to be the the entire storage area and then I’ve got trap doors like that and there’s just going to be lava on top now these torches are very important because they make it so that only hoglins will spawn and not piglins and and stuff like that and now it’s just a case of building the AFK platform so to do that I need to build up really high into the sky with a nice little AFK platform at the top and if it’s worked okay we should be getting hoglins down below should we have a little look did it work well so far no food maybe I’ll just stay up there a little bit longer and now it does look like stuff’s happening I can see hoglins spawning I can see them running around running away and ultimately they are ended up in the lava and I’m ultimately ending up with the food so that’s great I’ll just spend a little bit of time up here getting lots and lots of food in I think I’ve run the farm long enough I know it’s not a super efficient and fast one but it definitely does the job in meaning that I don’t have to worry about food anymore and I think it’s safe to say that that is now six out of 10 Farms complete don’t know what I’m going to do for the other four but I’ve got 3 and 1 half hours to figure it out speaking of 3 and 1 half hours left I am getting to the point where this is getting harder and harder as the time ticks down I’m just I’m just counting away the minutes at this point but I’ve got to stop clock watching and just try and get into another project haven’t I and whilst I am still waiting for all of the iron to come in to finish the beacon doing that would require me to kind of stay in this area so that the iron farm can run but I don’t really want to do that I know I need quite a bit of iron so how about we head to this trusty ocean a trusty ocean which is no doubt filled with shipwrecks containing plenty of iron yeah yeah if you can find them quickly you can get a lot of iron really really fast I think flying is actually going to be a much smarter idea or swimming with a dolphin well briefly getting Dolphins gra should I say because with dep Strider it is ridiculously fast shipwreck spotted and a decent amount of iron gathered already also diamonds that’s lovely and underneath we’ve got a buried treasure map which can be found right around here oh loads more iron that’s perfect as you can see already got 19 pieces plus nuggets and that’s not even a very good one for I usually you get loads more from a wreck don’t you and from what I can tell there’s a lot more that this ocean offers we might even be able to find a monument and do the Elder Guardian which could be good fun look at this you see loads more iron this time around and another treasure map oh it’s the same one as before well that is uh oh no it’s not the same one as before at all don’t know why I thought it was I’m going to grab that from the ru portal and I don’t know why but apparently it’s right here in the ocean this is this is the middle of nowhere well I guess I can’t complain because it’s there is more good stuff in it but yeah this is this is not near a beach I’m very confused not to worry I suppose instead I’ll just keep searching the land and looting for iron a mangrove swamp that’s very cool isn’t it although as cool as it is it’s not what I need right now I’ll keep searching for my shipwrecks and treasure at this point things are looking good I mean we’ve almost got a stack but when you actually think about it a stack converted to iron blocks I’ve got like seven more so yeah is it is a bit you know AIT a bit of a steady process it’s better than sitting AFK waiting for that a am Farm to finish and it also makes me realize just how many blocks are involved in a full Beacon I know I’ve already said it once before but it is pretty crazy and I’ve discovered a little bit of a cave here which I do think is worth checking out to try and find more iron there’s actually a decent amount of it yeah caving is is pretty fast especially when you have a very powerful pickaxe tell you what partnered with fortune and the sheer abundance of raw iron is meaning that I am actually getting all of this way way faster than I was from the shipwrecks like look at this already nearly four Stacks three and a half almost just by running around mining in some caves we’ve even found a proper iron vein I know that cuz there’s actual raw iron here bro stole my iron who do you think you are get off it I’m mind that fair and square not having it stolen from me okay what’s going on here I just went why am I being so calm s SP wake up all right yes it’s nearly 6:00 a.m. but I went down to half a heart and then decided to rearrange my inventory what’s wrong with me let’s get another totem put my chest plate on to be a bit safer and then continue the iron collection although realistically I I feel like I’ve got enough raar iron to to do all of it if I haven’t then it’s kind of crazy how much you need for a beacon so I shall go ahead and dig my way out I found a monument on the way I I think I’ve got to go for it haven’t I I’ve got 3 minutes of water breathing there that’s probably all I need let’s try and break some holes before let’s try and not die as well um yeah but let’s try and break some holes before we get the mining fatigue so that means I can easily get get to all the Elder Guardians is’s in here I I should probably be wearing a chest plate at this point and let’s let’s take on the big man himself first one no problem bring it on I’ve got a s okay now it’s a little bit harder cuz I’ve got mining fatigue we want to keep eating don’t want to die at this late stage okay there’s actually a lot of Guardians around is there but we defeated him first one down and I can easily swim around I tell you what this must be like one of the fastest times you’ll ever see somebody beat the ocean Monument none of this getting lost in the Maze no I know how to get to the allall very very easily in fact I’ll drink my water breathing now cuz I am starting to drown second one’s gone and if I swim down here to this hole I’ll be able to take on the third and final one there we go ocean Monument defeated in extremely extremely quick time I can’t really steal all of their gold because I still have mining fatigue so I have put my elytra on and I’m going to fly back home where the plan is to smell all this iron now then are there any cows out on the horizon or did I did I take them all out nope I left some of them so these could be like the happy family that I left at one time you know you just never know so we can drink that milk to get rid of mining fatigue and next I can begin doing some smelting well I sort of can I haven’t really got enough coal ever it’s just one thing after another I mean there is there is coal right there so I guess it’s not the end of the world and it’s not like I took out loads of um those wither skeletons where I was getting them the Wither heads because I only took out like like 10 of them or something so I couldn’t get loads of coal from that either so I’m mining up what I can when I can I think is going to be the answer and it’ be good to head to a couple more mountain places where coal is abundant reckon all those Stacks ought to do it and I should probably craft a few extra furnaces too and whilst that’s all nicely smelting away I still feel like considering I’ve been playing for 21 hours the fact that I’ve only managed to get one not Apple is is poor and yes I know I went to an ancient city and was unsuccessful in finding any but I still feel like there’s no excuse so I’m going to fly up to the top of here so that I can be getting more gunpowder from that and then we’re going ancient city hunting once again I reckon that’s enough whatever gunpowder I have is what I will combine with what’s in my Ender Chest to craft loads more firework rockets and now operation get more Notch apples can begin what’ you reckon there’s got to be some ancient cities under here hasn’t there so let us see so I have found a deep dark but will it lead to anything below nope sadly it won’t and below this mountain right here well I’ve set off a shrier but again it it just seems to be deep dark and an ancient city all right I just I just just followed the uh the skor sensors and yeah I’ll try not to set off anymore cuz I’d rather not spawn a warden if that is at all possible although I haven’t actually spawned one yet do we do we just be a little bit braver and go for it could be an option either way I am going to need wool so I’ll begin with that I don’t know if I’m yeah a little bit sleep deprived and been PL for too long to be ready to take on a warden but I don’t know other than the last 21 hours of progress what have I got to lose and it has also got to the point now that if I accidentally activate one more shrier I think I will spawn him in so you know what let’s do it I put hit boxes on I can take this guy where is he there he is you just do this bit of wool around him what are you going to do now big fow I’ll tell you what you’re going to do you’re just going to stay there and do nothing that’s because all he can actually do is sniff me when I’m within six blocks and outside of that he’s he’s just trapped now it’s a little trickier in here to do the same thing because there’s there’s just more spots that it could spawn on so for this one I’ll use wool oh okay should we take him on let’s do it over there I can do this come on ES me two of these I mean he takes a bit of time to crawl out of the ground so there we go and then just come over here now no more wardens are going to spawn which is great I can use my hoe to get rid of the shers and I can search the chest I mean this is a pretty good way to loot end cities isn’t it you just got to be a little bit Brave and a little bit confident and in theory everything else should fall into place this is going to be a really tricky one okay can we can we even do this this one he might Escape he’s going to escape on isn’t he I’ve got him somehow I trapped him I don’t know how own that one that was a pretty scary and dangerous one that’s for sure it’s 600 a.m. and here I am messing about with wardens oh another one let’s be just just just calm down I I know I’ve got this down to a fine art at this point oh that’s how you actually get him damaging himself as well you just have him so that he’s why why didn’t I think of that before tell you what I’m having an absolute nightmare in actually finding any chests not sure what’s going on but there’s one right here and if it doesn’t have a not chapol in I’m not really that interested okay that’s bad he’s angry at me I just just fly away SP I accidentally made the warden angry I ran out of wool so I couldn’t box him in he’s not coming after me is he please don’t tell me he’s coming all the way after me keep moving SB I I I’m not dying now no I’ve not come this far I just hear the the footsteps getting louder I have no idea where oh he’s there he is coming after me still go away it’s actually kind of Terri tering seeing him run through the entire ancient city to try and get to me and he’s doing it as well he’s actually finding his is he calmed down now oh it’s about time bro he was all the way over there finally yeah just just just climb back in the ground all right that’s it back into the ground it goes I really don’t need that kind of stress in my life although I think I might be about to spawn another one oh no I got away with it I think it’s wise for me to actually spend some time Gathering up more wool cuz yeah that really is my only way to deal with these guys if I put efficiency 5 on my shield I’ll be able to insta mine it which would be really helpful but I’d have to buy that from a villager and I I don’t think I really want to be bothered finally Two Notch apples in one chest it’s about time I think I’ve now cleared this entire place out including spawning another Warden I I need to stop doing that don’t I so I reckon we fly out and move on to the next place because I’d still like to get quite a few more Notch apples guys I’ve really got lost I’m I’m nowhere near any mountains but I have found desert pyramids and there’s always a chance that you get not chaples in these so they’re worth having a little look through and all in all a couple of diamonds yeah not too bad and there’s another one over there now on average you have to search 10 desert pyramids to find one notot Chapel so I’m not too optimistic but you you just never know finally found another mountain and there’s just 2 hours left this is great we’re getting closer and closer and I can’t wait to go to bed to be completely honest with you guys but I’ve got to make sure I do not die to a warden if I fail this challenge now I’m going to be mortified don’t even know why I’m going to the most dangerous place in the game I I I could go anywhere but no I’m going to an ancient city well I will are you kidding me don’t spawn a warden I’m flying out if it spawns a warden I think we’re okay there’s shers there’s loads of shers though I’m probably going to activate another one I’m going to dig down more over here and let’s see what we can find below and we’re in now I have plenty of gray wool I think I’m just going to go all out hit boxes AR on quick turn them on there he is the hit box just lets you see him so much earlier and know where to put it yeah let’s make his so he’s taking damage I I kind of enjoy it for some reason although he isn’t taking damage in that instance never mind let’s just get rid of all of the shers and I would say keep looting the area I don’t know where this Warden has just spawned which which does worry me slightly worries me enough to fly away from him and just regroup over here it would seem that there’s some chest that I haven’t got yep and oh no another one where’s this one okay I can get this one it’s doable it’s got to be we do somethingwhat like that yeah perfect you just got to be so brave with this method aren’t you as long as you are yeah it’s it’s pretty pretty straightforward and I am accidentally spawning these guys left right and Center at least I’m getting good at this I run out of wool I don’t like just looking at him face to face like that really most terrifying place to be it stood right next to him but somehow I surv are you kidding me another one I suppose we’re surviving him well but now that he’s there it this shrier here isn’t going to activate so that’s just great we’re also apparently not going to get not chaples everywhere I look which is also rather annoying okay we did get a not Chaple we’ve got a warden spawning I have no idea where is he H I don’t know I think I’ll just fly away and not even stick around to find out where he oh oh he’s up there okay another one oh this is great I’m going a little bit more risky now which is probably not a good idea I’m just kind of flying around willy-nilly but at this point with five not chaples I’m happy to fly out of it I don’t think it’s worth risking the entire last 22 hours and losing all that progress I’m on the home straight I’ve got five not chaples staying down there with the warden’s roaming about I’ve got everything to lose and considering how tired I am and how hard I’ve had to work to get to this point I’m not failing the challenge now no Siri instead I want to avoid Taking Chances as much as possible so I’m ready to fly back now and then I’m taking on a raid all right all this iron is smelting well not in that furnace but in all the other ones it smelt in nicely and it’ll create a few more blocks I think when it’s done I’ll probably have all the iron that I need because ideally I’d like to have this Beacon finished before I start the raid yeah it’s definitely doable cuz I only need three more iron blocks which is 27 ingots I don’t know if my iron farm is still still working or if something has broken it oh it’s still working fantastic great to see guys so let’s craft those and get ready for another advancement to be obtained there we go we got beaconator and bring home the beacon we’re going to I think I’m going to go with resistance and regeneration that should keep me even safer I’m going to have to get into bed sir and and I want you all to be aware my dogs might die here all right they’re coming into the battle guys there you go I’m going to put my chest plate on get my sword ready take out some arrows and then say goodbye to this guy this is it the raid’s about to start you better watch out mate you’re you’re wandering in a dangerous area I it ring the bell it’s an emergency and I see them on the hill the hardest part about this sometimes is just finding the Raiders but this time I can see them clearly I’ve already lit one up on fire and this guy as well fantastic get them dogs the dogs don’t seem to be doing much really do they kind of useless I’m joking guys you’re doing an amazing job look at him go literally man’s best friend if you guys survive this it will be a miracle I really hope you do but there’s no guarantees especially if we start getting ravages for now we’re okay I’ve just heard a villager die that’s not good go on dogs get him you guys are just standing around come on help me out one of the missing Raiders is here and he’s trying to run away well it won’t work and the other one has has somehow got himself trapped in this little hole yes it was no accident building this without a doubt one of my greatest inventions okay I see the rav the ravages coming from the mountain come on dogs villagers run for your lives cuz let me tell you these guys are dangerous the dogs are great cuz these guys are trying to attack me and the dogs are just doing all the work behind the scenes as long as they don’t go for the ravager we’ll be okay or as long as the ravager doesn’t go for them I need to get rid of you go on then dogs let’s see if you can do it oh are they doing it can they actually take it out I don’t think so I’ll I’ll do it myself there we go and where do you think you’re sneaking off to there you go defeated I think aokas are going to start up which means we’re going to get vexed that’s where real danger is going to start oh look there’s loads of them here try and use my bow as much as I can and any that I tag up my dogs will then go for which is fantastic what a great team effort now I actually have to beat the evokers there’s at least one maybe two okay there’s two I got rid of him oh what a what a couple of shots there were I’ll be honest my dogs have been unbelievably helpful they they actually outdone themselves which I didn’t expect right I need to I need to get rid of this guy on the ravager and I need to collect up my totem I was about to say I don’t know where they’re coming from in this wave but I found them all here we go vexes are in I knew it would just be a matter of time dogs stop going for the vexes you’ll never get them okay let’s make sure we get rid of the real problems around here such as you guys yeah this is the final wave two ravagers aokas riding on top arrows from Far Far Away oh so you’ve got in the water well that was your first mistake the dog has absolutely destroyed the ravager by the way can I just say pair of you have been unbelievable I just hit my dog are you okay I think he’s okay I didn’t mean to shoot my own dog there that would be very tragic if I killed my own dog wouldn’t it tell what this bow is very very op I’m getting a lot of usage out of it there’s so many aokas around here by the way I think I’ve got rid of them all now and here’s the last one dogs I’m so sorry there you go and we’ve done it we’re hero of the village a raid has successfully been completed which is another thing checked off the list we’ve got fireworks going off it’s brilliant and I’ve got around an hour and a half look how damaged you are my goodness are you Survivor yeah you’re wither and you’re Survivor you have you have done well to survive we could have easily had a casualty there no thanks to me I can top up this Sher box with totems I’ve got quite a lot now haven’t I and the only goal left now that I haven’t done was to build 10 Farms so far I built six I’ve got an hour and a half to build four more and I suppose if there’s anyone that can pull it off it’s s sp737 and I reckon the first one I should build is a gold Farm it’s just very useful to have lots of gold it’s another way to get XP which is useful you guys out coming I’m sorry guys I’m going to be flying a long way so yeah let’s do it it’ll be the seventh Farm whether that means I’ll be able to do a few more farms in that time or not I don’t know I might have to do like the the easiest tiny Farms ever but we’ll see the gold Farm is kind of quick to build the only issue with it is it requires a turtle legegg to build so I need to have a good hunt around in order to find Turtles that I can breed apparently there’s absolutely loads of them here look at it it’s crawling with turtles so that means I’m very very quickly got the turtle eggs not even going to wait for you to lay them I could just get out of here most going to need quite a bit of obsidian for this build I don’t think I’ve got much left unless there’s more in this chest and oh okay I have more than enough obsidian I was completely wrong and the other thing I need a decent amount of is glass so we can we can stop all that smelting and we can start the sand going everything I’m going to need is right here and whilst I haven’t been playing Minecraft for 24 hours I have now officially been awake for 24 hours I’ve just got to close out this final hour or so right now I’m digging out a room that needs to be two chunks by two chunks in size so it’s it’s fairly big 32 blocks by 32 blocks to be precise this right here is where the portal is going to go in the middle and there’s going to be like a little area for the turtle leg here and now just above that I’m going to dig out another area that is two chunks by two chunks as well the holes in each Corner are going to make normal piglins despawn because they’ll run away from those fellas and when they fall down there they’ll be out of my spawn radius which is why they’ll despawn now I can safely place down the egg it only need to be one but but we’re going to go with that many oh you want to go and get him well you can’t now I can safely light the portal they won’t go through because it’s not connected to anything on the other side and now above the nether we need to pillar up really really high and then build a little glass platform at the end there’s going to be a nether portal just like that there’s going to be another portal at this side and this shoot is what the Pigmen are going to drop through that’s all nicely set up let’s head on through and I’m going to need to remove this portal now from here I need to build up really really high up to level 191 and on the side note we have less than an hour left guys this is not a drill I almost done it yes I’m kind of tired I’m not even bothered if I don’t if I don’t meet the goal of building 10 Farms I don’t mind Seven’s kind of respectable all I’m really bothered about now is successfully completing the challenge let’s add some obsidian and build a bit of a portal this right here is the other portal which is what the mobs are going to get pushed through and I believe once I had three slabs here and light both the portals I can go through one of them and that should be it the farm should now be working I think it’ll take about a minute for mobs to come through so let’s let’s wait patiently and see if it works it seems to be we’ve already got one fell coming through and loads more are spawning as well so now what I can do is I can start hitting them like so and I actually throw away a load of Netherrack and other stuff and the Farm’s working perfectly this could have been just as good of an XP farm as the Enderman one but what I would say is it’s always good to have both in a world can also use this convenient crafting table to turn the Nuggets into ingots and the Looting three means I’m getting a lot of gold very very fast and 50 levels of XP that’s is pretty epic I’m just going to jump down gracefully and build a little Trail so I can easily find my way between the farm and my portal well it’s great to get a lot of extra Loot and that is seven out of 10 Farms complete and at this point to get it all done in time I think I’m going to have to make some slightly less impressive Farms first on the menu a very simple tree farm the saplings grow on these little dirt blocks and they won’t be able to grow so tall that I can’t reach them because the grass blocks up here will block them next I need water and this will collect up the saplings and push them all the way into this water at the bottom where the Hoppers will pick them up it should work okay and just to test it out I’m going to grab some bones from this chest and turn them all into bone meal right let’s see what happens so the tree grows no problemo I could probably move the dirt blocks to be even higher although this height does seem to be working pretty much perfectly then we mine the trees nice and easy and as the saplings despawn some of them will land on the dirt blocks but most of them will end up in the chest as well as your stick your oak logs and also your apples so I think we can confirm that this Farm also does work that means we’ve done eight out of 10 and I can also replant the saplings back down and if I really wanted to I I could probably build a couple more farms in the the 30 minutes that remain you know what I’d rather do I’d rather fly around and explore you see I’ve managed to visit 44 out of 53 biomes so I’d like to try and I don’t know if it’s going to be possible but I’d like to try to find the remaining nine I know what some of them are but I don’t know what they all are so I’m just going to try and visit as many BMS as I can that I don’t think I’ve already been to and if at any point I see the number go up I know it’s a new place I have an idea that the Giant Tiger Biome hasn’t been visited yet cuz I don’t think I’ve seen any of those Mega tiger trees but aside from that I’m not sure what the other ones are maybe one of the mountainous ones I know I’ve done the jagged and the Frozen Peaks so perhaps the Stony Peaks is on the menu I have no idea but what I do know is I’m going to explore as much as I can like I don’t even think I’ve been to a normal swamp when I think about it so that would definitely be a good one to try and check off oh well I’m going to get my answer have I been into this one or not right now it says 44 out of 53 and as I fly through it it still says 44 out of 53 so yeah I’d already been here anyway it is possible that I’ve missed some of the ocean biomes without like actually looking into the file it’s really hard to tell and I’d rather just kind of guess it and explore and and see what happens there’s less than 30 minutes left and I honestly just cannot wait to go to bed I don’t know which biomes I’ve just been through but it’s just gone up to 46 maybe one of the mountain ones The Grove an ocean perhaps no idea but I’m not complaining now I’ve got up to 48 still don’t know what I’m doing but I’ll just keep flying just been through an ice spikes which means I’m up to 50 I might actually do it believe it or not I’m either going to get to like 52 or something I know or I might just do it okay I’ve done the 50c one it was these Stony Peaks I’ve got 15 minutes to find the final one I’ll know when I have flown through it because I will get the advancement so I’ve checked the advancement file and I’ve realized the missing one is the eroded Badlands I’ve got two of them but I’m missed one of them so yeah I need to I need to try and find that area also known as the Mesa as I like to call it it’s pretty rare can I do it in the time I’ve got left I have no idea now the challenge is just to play Minecraft for 24 hours straight technically if I want to I can play for a bit longer but trust me when I say this I will absolutely not be playing this any longer than I have to cuz I am now so so tired and so so ready to go to sleep plus my elytra are kind of on their way out as well I’ll be honest guys with 1 minute 40 left I’m not ready for this challenge to end I feel like I should have done 30 hours straight or something like that no I’m very much ready for it to end I’m very tired but you know the ending just come so fast like the last minut finishes quickly I it’s annoying that I’ve been to every biome including some of the Badlands but not an eroded Badlands you know and I’ve come pretty close I’ve searched for the last 20 minutes 15 minutes for for savanas for Maes I mean and no success but hey do I look tired guys I’m guessing I look very very tired I feel tired I feel a bit Achila obviously you know playing Minecraft for a long time does kind of make you a bit achy and as the timer counts down rather than just aimlessly fly around I’m going to both in Minecraft and in real life go to sleep think it time that perfectly thanks for watching guys see you later

100 Days, But I Add a New Mod Every Day – https://youtu.be/D_Q52myCrP0

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In this Minecraft video I play Minecraft Hardcore for 24 Hours Straight. This was a super difficult challenge, hopefully I can be successful!

Full Uncut 24 Hour Version: COMING TOMORROW ON SB737+

100 Days Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTa_zCPAj5TKJ9ocpDNNpNqN

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JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132


  1. Dammit. I want to use full bright but people say it's
    kind of sn exploit. Is this true. Cause I'm so tired of making 400 torches😂

  2. You clown and mini or with whoever you guys what need to come back and do a 24 hour live stream that would be awesome!
    Who else agrees?

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