I Opened a School in Minecraft

I bought this rundown school and I’m going to renovate it to be a lovely Bastion of education but it’s quite a mess at the moment so I’ll be cleaning it Gathering supplies and hiring staff to bring my vision to life ah my glorious school or one day it will be the little grass logo it’s my dirt school got to head to Grass class now the school is relatively cheap and I can see why now oh gosh the classrooms are full art more like fart oh my gosh look at this cafeteria man why is there so much dirt was there a cave in or something well let’s pick a class to clean huh we got the history class here that might be a fun one I’m a bit of a history buff myself what is history history stud of passive oh yeah I’ll gather some cleaning materials as I tell you some Minecraft history Minecraft this month is celebrating its 15th year anniversary and you couldn’t even Sprint for 2 years after that it was a slow walking time for us the first ever creeper looked like this that’s real that’s a real thing and last year Minecraft became the bestselling game of all time all right that’s enough let’s get back to the school shall we all right history class prepare to get cleaned cleaning up shops yeah started with nothing it’s not actually too bad oh there’s some broken glass I guess I could smelt it with the sand that I just Min huh there we go good as new yeah dude it’s not perfect but it’ll do for now maybe I clean up the hallway as well we’ve got one class open but I will need some supplies to put on the Shelf here I can’t teach without my supplies we could start with a bone that’s not too bad right we can learn about the history of a skeleton’s femur we can make a little brush a brush is a fun idea that’s archaeology or something grabbed a nice old buried treasure map that’ll be good ouch all drowning and we can grab ourself where did it go a pottery Shard or shirt a pottery shirt sure some nice little additions to our classroom the classroom is ready for students I even have a nice little chair but before we can have students let me head into my school store isn’t that awesome I’ve got a Little Portal that takes me into a shop where I can buy various school things like teachers or hire them I should say the first thing we’ll buy for zero emeralds goodness is a history teaching license I am extremely underqualified come on in students come on in class come on in or leave that’s fine too I am your teacher for today guys can you not the attention span of kids these days my name is Professor crafty this is not a piece of chalk we shall start our history lesson from the beginning the world was created by I don’t know a dude on his iPad press the create new world button so uh pretty cool huh no okay I am not fit to teach this class let’s head back into our school store portal and now that we got kids paying tuition I can afford a teacher here we’ll put you right there yeah you look like a teacher dude cool little sweater you got there what is it a hoodie from crafty do store no all right do your thing Professor teach those kids while I um clean up some dirt I guess I don’t really love the idea of these kids roaming the Halls just with all these spider webs and dirt everywhere so yeah let’s make this place look a little nicer shall we well let’s set up our next class the art class is very expensive I’ll come back to that later uh music class can’t quite do that yet I can buy a buff crafty why do I need to be a buff crafty Ah that’s more like it the biology class we’ll buy a strong shovel to make clean up a little easier and we’ll go ahead and buy a teacher strong shovel is it faster it’s not that much faster oh it has no durability well that’ll be nice Where Art Thou biology class I feel like I should know this as you know the principal or Dean or whatever here’s the biology class let’s clean this place up shall we oh this is cool it opens up into this backyard here oh it’s biology right so there’s like a farms and stuff I could teach those little baby villagers how to go H we’ll I have little farmer Jeremy in no time all right let’s do some cleaning shall we oh come on editors why do you have to slow down the Montage we were going so fast there we go looking good now for the insides not too bad in here shouldn’t take too long there it’s beautiful the chairs work and everything I love that dude also check this out I can change the chairs as well there we go there’s our special student of the day come have a seat in the special chair oh fine how about you in the special chair yeah for the most prized students nobody wants to sit in the cool chair there we go thank you for volunteering it’s our legendary door holder you know how how special it was to be a door holder in junior high you know what I’m talking about oh shoot hold on there’s a bunch of kids here let me put the teacher down there you are my boy now they don’t have supplies yet though so I might need to grab that oh gosh I cleaned this place a little too fast let me go find some nice supplies you hear that principles were supplying the teachers with supplies isn’t that a crazy idea maybe the teachers don’t have to buy their own supplies huh there we got some items to craft we can grab some of these flowers as well if we need those we’ll find some rare Global Aries that’s their SCI ific name gr there’s our gr brother wait they’re called sweet berries yeah close enough I said the name wrong like seven times we’ll grab some of these glowberries officially this time sweet berries and glowberries there you go teacher hey hey hopefully that’ll give you what you need my boy W and look what the teacher did out here dude this is incredible bro I came back with like two seeds and a carrot he’s out here finding the rarest items in Minecraft all right buddy I see you I see a raise coming in in your future and soon it’ll be a living wage too close to home well let’s fix up this music class shall we oh my goodness it’s like a child sand pit in here don’t worry music class you’ll be singing in no time and with a magic of editing we’ve got a clean Place beautiful all right oh was I was I standing on the drum kit oh that’s so cute it’s for all my hilarious jokes but uh okay let’s see what we can buy in the shop today I do have 600 emeralds so that actually gives us quite a bit of a budget here we have our bone bow that’ll be helpful and I’ll explain why I can’t afford it just yet so we’ll buy our teaching license now we can officially teach although I’ll need some kind of supplies though huh and I know just where to get them I can get myself a goat horn that’s kind of musically right and maybe uh slightly deadly what’s up buddy excuse me sir can I borrow a horn of yours no I’m doing it for the children I got you buddy you’ll be my whole monitor for the day and now I can grab the go horn what a what a beautiful musical instrument sounds like somebody’s releasing some gas I have I have one musical item so far I have some more ideas though come with me we’ll grab some Redstone and some diamonds don’t ask why all right it’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine wait wait wait before I get the rest of the diamonds let me show you something pretty cool I can now afford our bone bow going to grab one of those bad boys you might be asking what’s the bone bow do well let me show you come here creeper boy charge up with my bow and Hy smack okay uh yeah come on what oh gosh I’ve ran out of arrows gosh dang it I have to kill him with the bow okay well let me grab some arrows real quick huh excuse me sir can I borrow one Arrow please thank you and smash arino we get music discs every time we take out a creeper with our bone bow that’s cool huh so if I smack you once don’t explode smack you twice don’t explode and now hey oh sick okay perfect I still get music discs if I punch them with the bow which is kind of funny but that’ll be be great for our music class don’t know how great that one’s going to play looks like somebody took a bite out of it but you do what you must okay let me grab these diamonds we’ll make some Juke boxes there we go and then some Redstone makes a single Note Block hold on give me a second there we go that’s looking better and lastly we find ourselves deep in the jungle looking for elusive parrot turns out parrots are quite sful sful we just got to keep quiet I’ve discovered the elusive parrot let’s sneak up on them close by and make unthreatening parrot sounds oh no he’s run away I must have said something very threatening there he is come here buddy come here buddy don’t embarrass me my boy I’ve got seeds for you come on little buddy come on yeah we’ve got him dude ah look at me look at me dude I’m a straight up pirate come with me friendo to the music class we go oh I love him so much uh careful Jeremy you might get some poop on your head next class might want to wear those little head umbrellas you know what I’m talking about in case it rains from the sky if you catch my drift all right let’s place our items from our adventures we got some music we have we have two songs some Juke boxes and some note blocks I’ll call that a win yeah that looks all right now class we’ll begin with some vocal warm-ups I will start by eating 12 shards of glass where did everyone go uh uh where are you going okay maybe I’m not the best one to teach let’s go find a teacher shall We There You Go teach I warmed him up for you hey hey look at our emeralds going up dude we’ve got so many classes dude I love it next up let’s do some art shall we we love art around here look at that and that that’s your art little bit of this little bit of that gorgeous Cy report musy report the music room what uh hello report to the music room I didn’t even know we had an announcement speaker system okay teach what happened did somebody make a meme in our school huh no you want to do a music performance oh I’m so ready these kids have been training for a whole 11 minutes listen to them oh they’re incredible look what you’ve done here a man could cry listening to this they’re following all the rules of excellent job excellent well done Gerald and Well Done Orin you’re an incredible singer my boy what’s that oh you’re Owen Owen an incredible job your name’s Derek okay well guys maybe have a different face or something next time dress differently or something myy boys okay let’s get some stuff for our music class shall we hey hey son where you going you’re just walking into an open field oh well we got invisible school buses around here ooh this is perfect actually we can just pick some flowers right outside the school for some dye right some nice color dye might get myself some wool here too ah very nice such a glorious day the bees are fluttering the blocks are floating what more could you want oh gosh out of your Minecraft experience guys could you not fly into my body that would be awesome let’s grab some of this wool here thanks for your hair I’m going to use it for children’s brains be better come on down to the crafty school we make kids brain better cuz of stuff we get from sheep still working on the catchphrases beautiful there’s our dyes some nice colored wool a this is looking perfect love it all right all right not looking too bad honestly let’s grab our teaching license for the Arts and we’ll grab a teacher for inevitably when I’m back bad at this it’s always good to pre-prepare for delegation why hello there class today I’ll teach you how to draw a beautiful drawing where are you going first we’re going to draw a happy little crafty we’re going to draw little seeds for the eyes oh wow that’s glorious should we add a nose yeah I think a nose is great nope that’s SpongeBob we got a new nice Happy Crafty smile oh eting that delightful how many teeth does crafty have let’s go with three three teeth absolute work of art we’ll give him the tiniest little body and we’ll give him the sharpest legs with giant feet don’t forget the shoelaces should we dry some nice ears on crafty I think so yeah that looks real nice and we of course can’t forget Chester can we we had a nice little locket to Chester add some cute little teeth in there there we go we’ve got KY and chainer NOP everybody left all right all right fine we’ll get a professional teacher up in here you do your thing dude well what else can we fix up here um we got the gymnasium oh my goodness the gymnasium is terrible oh man that’s going to take me like an hour to clean let’s do that later okay we’re going to do something called productive procrastination let’s do something a little easier okay the cafeteria all right the cafeteria you know our kids need food oh gosh have our students not been eating this whole time yeah let’s take care of this first huh oh gosh it still is going to take forever though is there something else I can buy a shop vac oh that’d be so sick I can’t afford it though 5,000 is a little much a giant shovel though let’s do that he yeah oh that’s going to be so much better dude take that dirt oh yeah oh yeah I like that I like that why is this not breaking oh that’s a loadbearing pillar okay maybe that’s why just got to clean up the school and make it collapse on itself oh that’s so nice dude this place will be cleaned up in no time and we can repurpose this dirt to be ground beat so not too bad cafeteria looking nice and clean I don’t have a whole lot of food so we’ve got potatoes and bread that’s all we got right now a full starch breakfast all right hold on let me get some vegetables and stuff we’ve got our nice little garden here after all ow we can Harvest some of these sweet berries our students have grown and we have two carrots perfect it’s not much of a meal but it’ll do for now we’ll hire some cafeteria ladies there now we got a fullblown cafeteria looking beautiful today Janet is that a new shade of unibrow come on in it’s lunchtime boys get ready Janet those kids are hungry you can make them a potato carrot sandwich so part of this bounds break break well let’s see what else we can fix up here we got the hallways yeah we should probably clean those up just a little bit right yeah we have we have like seven working classrooms in the hallways look like this now worries we’ll give a little cleanup ooh look at this we got a nice little library in here how will the kids learn what’s this an empty shelf they don’t even have the crafty comic books on here how dare they we’ve got a new Mission first this Library secondly the hallways God this place is terrible man it’s like an avalanche happened or something don’t worry we’ll fill you with educational pieces and maybe an I Spy book for no reason oh this shovel is so good man I’m in love with this thing dude there we go that’s looking much better let’s head to the shop and see what we can buy huh can I buy educational books a shop back that’s an upgrade to my shovel I’ll have to come back for that later but I can hire some Librarians so we’ll hire you there you are Phyllis beautiful looking great today oh goodness am I being too loud oh gosh do I have just sneak around I did I’m to sneak around in the library sorry for being loud Janet just trying to make a video over here that’s so funny all right we put another Janet over here oh yeah they’re very mad that I’m sprinting around in the library it’s fine it’s fine I’m the principal or Dean or something there you go Philipa now make sure he’s not Googling something or watching skibby videos I do like how the computer’s from like 1982 seems about right for a library all right let’s go grab some books and fill up some of those shelves shall we greetings mighty Village do you mind if I borrow some books for the children oh we’re taking donations for our local school children would anyone care to donate aha a donation yeah this is the donation box house obviously I’m not stealing you’re stealing there we go filling up those shelves looking much better now still kind of empty but we’re underfunded much better oh sorry I meant much better perfect looking gorgeous I’ve got plenty of emeralds what do you think shall we splurge on a shop vac that’s probably a terrible idea I spent most of the school’s budget but it’ll be worth it okay this school’s going to be clean as heck oh I love this thing dude yeah let’s clean up the whole school oh this is so nice I can clean classrooms in like 10 seconds now yes oh gorgeous that’s our computer class I’ll come back to that later we’ll clean up some of these hallways oh whoops sorry my child I almost just vacuumed them up oh my goodness the gymnasium is terrible dude I feel like I’m going to find a desert pyramid in here that’s so oh nice dude this would have taken me like an hour best investment I could have made beautiful beautiful fresh and clean this gym looks so sick dude I’m excited for that but before we hit the gym we got to learn about numbers and business and stuff I think that’s what economics means we’ll buy our economics teaching license and we’ll hire a teacher cuz I have no idea what I’m doing there youo my boy now you got to teach those kids economics I’ll give you a little example so class what does one craft plushy plus one comic equal that’s right one happy customer no okay do your thing buddy I’ll come back later for a pop quiz next up let’s get our computer class all up and running but first I’ll need some supplies oh gosh we have a pool I thought this was the front entrance I didn’t even know that we had a pool although we don’t have a lifeguard yet so we’re just going to block that off for now mhm okay let’s go grab some computer supplies shall we we’ll grab some Redstone easy enough and we’ll add some nice Redstone stuff in our shelves yeah there we go I don’t know anything about Redstone so we’re definitely hiring a teacher for this there is our license and there’s our teacher beautiful there you are buddies there you go boys there you go hey you better not be playing games all right um except maybe Minecraft I guess I guess you can play Minecraft but you can’t get a job playing Minecraft oh oh wait let’s check it on the economics class shall we pop quiz boys now class listen up we’re talking about Fair Trades today okay so show me an example of a fair villager trade uh we’ve got um okay this is looking good oh gosh two stacks of emeralds for a diamond come on how about you Orin uh okay two emeralds that’s not bad okay okay they really think that diamonds are very expensive I guess fair enough they are like seven how about you sir okay okay still with the whole diamond stuff come on guys wait one cookie for a stack of golden apples okay that might be a little too Fair my guy what Emerald for a bunch of diamonds my good man I know it’s your first day but you got a lot of work to do all right one Emerald for 20 diamonds five emeralds for a stick I don’t want to ask next up let’s get this gym up and running right I figure if I’m going to be a gym teacher might as well be buff crafty right oh my goodness I’m beautiful oh wow and I can jump very high too if you can’t grow muscles just buy them life lessons with crafty is that it do I not need a license I just have to be buffed I look qualified enough to teach Jim right come on boys line up it’s gym time all right after me ready and jump and float down I guess and jump that’s so good there we go jump and then uh act like a chicken good job good job left right left right oh dude that’s so good watch watch when I look up they look up when I look down they look down yes we’re going to do some nice neck exercises uh Jeremy can you not stand so close to me there buddy no okay and slide to the left slide to the right oh God if I just keep jumping they just fly oh no oh no hey you come down here both feet on the ground gentlemen thank you thank you good work today boys couple more sessions like that you look like me in no time it looks like I stuffed pillows in my sleeves well looks like there’s only one thing left for me to buy and that’s decent pay for all staff the greatest reward making sure those teachers get the emeralds they deserve there’s a couple more things I can do though just for last little polishes let’s grab some hul monitors there we go make sure there’s no Shenanigans in the cafeteria buddy let’s clean up the rest of these cobwebs the school is done it’s working great I’d say my job here is done the only last test we have is for you only one question are you subscribed

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Chairs datapack by WASD:

Simple Chairs

#Minecraft #But #Craftee

I Opened a School in Minecraft

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


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