yo how’s it going guys welcome back to another video all right so in today’s video I am going to be x-raying until I get banned now I saw yarin upload this video and at the start of the video he basically talked about how x-raying can be easy is that these cheaters are terrible at getting away with x-ray because I believe you can and there’s a good chance you can pretty much just get away with it and I have to say that I agree I think x-raying most of the time is really easy and you can get away with it and then he proceeded to talk about how it’s actually doable and not hard at all now after thinking about it a little bit longer I remembered an x-ray strategy I used to do with my friends now I’m talking a long time ago I wouldn’t do this anymore I don’t recommend anyone to do this I don’t know if I should even tell this story but I’m going to essentially what me and my friends would do is just join random Minecraft servers like this right here and we would get rich quick with x-ray of course so here’s how we did it one of us would join the server legit no hacks or anything while the other person had X-ray on again do not do this I’m telling you right now if you’re getting any ideas of doing this don’t do it it’s not worth it I promise so yeah one of us would join the server legit no x-ray or anything and the other person would have x-ray on so essentially what would happen is we would both be in a cave and the one who had X-ray on would just tell the other person where to go so imagine I had X-ray on well actually I can turn on x-ray just like that so now I really do have x-ray on and I would tell my friend oh yeah just go like five blocks straight and then dig straight down and the next thing you know you’re going to hit iron just like that it was that easy now you’re probably thinking okay you’re literally just x-ray that’s stupid but here’s the thing we were devious the person who was playing legit would know where to go cuz they’re being told where to go but theyd be recording their screen so the recording of the video looked like the entire thing was was legit and if we ever got banned we just go on the forums and be like yo look it was legit I got false banned and then next thing we knew we were unbanned and we just kept all the diamonds I’m telling you do not try that because it’s just stupid and annoying and I honestly can’t believe we did that cuz no one knew about that strategy I don’t know if people even know about it today maybe they do but it’s not a strategy and it probably wouldn’t even work anymore but I’m telling you it worked and that was the best way I knew of how to X-ray and never get caught but today I’m on This Server right here and don’t worry it’s my friend’s Minecraft server so you know if I do a little bit of x-raying here and get banned it’s all good no harm done all right there we go we have just x-rayed to our first vein of diamonds and I’ve gotten four diamonds so what I’m testing out today is just to see how long it takes me to get banned on here I honestly have no idea I’m on my main account so maybe hopefully I don’t get banned if that’s a thing probably doesn’t make a difference but I already have 13 diamonds and there is one Junior admin online right now so I just feel like I’m going to get banned really quickly I mean I hope I don’t if I can get an entire stack of diamonds without getting banned then I just don’t know what to think anymore I highly doubt that’s going to happen but I’m almost going to be at like 20 diamonds right now okay there we go 17 18 19 20 diamonds already yo this is overpowered this is just not fair I’m not even trying to hide it right now I’m making it so so obvious that I’m x-raying yep I just have a really good feeling there’s going to be diamonds right here oh my God I was right no no oh oh my God oh my God no the creeper just destroyed my diamonds okay that was kind of like Instant Karma but it doesn’t matter it didn’t even affect me I’m chilling wait was that a staff was that a staff who placed the creeper on me or am I just bugging out right now there’s no way that creeper would have just spawned right no way no way dude that Junior admin mythical they could just legit be watching me right now and they place that creeper there’s no way though there’s no way I know they’re probably getting X-ray alerts and I’m making it so obvious oh my God this is painfully obvious right now oh my God okay okay okay okay I’m just going to go straight and I’m going to grab the diamonds right in front of me as well dude they probably do have x-ray alerts which notifies the staff every time I get diamonds am I going to get banned right now am I legit about to get banned no this is legit mining this is legit mining please do not ban me you know what there’s a good chance that creeper was just there you know it happened to spawn in there it wasn’t actually the junior admin or anything and I’m fine and I’m going to continue Mining and I want to get my stack of diamonds and I’m going to do so successfully oh my God there’s so many diamonds right there if I get a stack of diamonds I’m calling it a day and I’m done okay 34 35 36 37 diamonds let’s go there’s like a bunch more over there I’m kind of n nervous right now I feel like I’m being watched wait a diamond pickaxe would be way more efficient let’s do that there we go let’s go I’m making it up in the world oh my God it’s so obvious it’s so obvious how am I not banned yet you don’t even need to hide it all right let’s go we’re at 50 diamonds just 14 more to go and I’ve got a stack I didn’t think I’d actually be able to do it all right all right let’s go let’s go we’re about to have 56 diamonds it’s too easy it’s actually just too easy all right boom there we go six diamonds yeah the creeper really just threw me off but I think it just happened to be there okay as soon as I grab these diamonds as long as I make it there without getting banned which there’s like a 99.9% chance that I have successfully been able to x-ray a stack of diamonds without ever getting caught let’s go why was it so easy all right I’m going to test the same Theory but on my Minecraft server all right so I’m just going to log into invadedlands.net and now I’m on okay except this time it’s going to be a lot more fun I’m logged into my ALT account and I ought myself so I can pretty much do whatever I want and this is going to be a lot more efficient all right let’s go ahead and start to find some diamonds come on I know there’s got to be some diamonds over here somewhere where are the diamonds at why are there no Diamonds oh wait I literally have x-ray I forgot okay so there’s some diamonds right over here going to go ahead and grab these super quickly let’s go okay I just got the achievement for mining diamonds I got the diamonds achievement and then I got the stone achievement next okay I really just hope no one notices that and everyone just ignores it okay I’m honestly hoping I get banned on my server cuz I don’t want anyone to just go and be able to x-ray a stack of diamonds and nothing happens to them there we go more diamonds okay let’s go we’re already at 11 diamonds I mean that’s a good thing but it’s also a Bad Thing bro this dude’s on to me he just said how did you get diamonds first head stone and then that dude said ah all right just going to ignore that and keep mining oh my God he just said my name I’m on my alt account and the name is I am stupid what do you want all right boom more diamonds where’s the staff come on ban me I want to be banned okay you know what I’m going to make it more obvious enchant efficiency who is messaging me efficiency 5 what bro what oh my god look how much more efficient this is why you you ignore me I don’t know what you want who you are I ask question but no okay why is this guy actually messaging me answer huh I don’t know how I did it I’m a genius I saw you get the diamond achievement first and then you get Stu that makes no sense wow you have a really good eye feel like most people would have missed that is that all you can say okay listen dude I went in the cave and mined a diamond then Stone okay okay I mean that’s very easily possible you must think I was born today I’m already about to have a stack of diamonds and I’m going strong and no one’s Banning me and this is stupid I should be banned by now someone said someone TPA me to you okay admin Sky TPA to me right now bro did not type the right command I’m a Minecraft veteran I’m not going to fall for your games okay who is this guy I have admin sky here with me there you go admin Sky take a diamond and I’m also going to teleport this Mass paw Prince guy to me this dude said you hack n I’m Legit oh my God and we have Master paw Prince and admin Sky okay I’m going to enchant my pickaxe to efficiency 10 bro this dude says he has work what is wrong with everyone oh my God he’s like what bro listen I’m Legit okay I’m just testing a theory here seeing how many diamonds I can get I’m also going to enchant myself to have Fortune 10 on the pickaxe okay I actually want to know how many diamonds I’m going to get from this I have 63 I’m about to have a stack and now I have oh my God two stacks already what does this dude want oh I am rich I knew you were fishy you’re doing something it’s called playing Minecraft get with the program admin sky is just over here stare at me what do you want bro okay I’m going to enchant my pickaxe to efficiency 25 Aimbot give me your pick I don’t know if you deserve this pickaxe why I want it dude you do not deserve this pickaxe will you give it back yes D hashtag okay if you don’t you will see I’m serious I’m going to go in this guy’s inventory and take it back if I don’t get this back all right Master pow Prince has my pickaxe oh he’s probably like what the heck oh my God he got it bro he’s op now oh he’s probably so happy he has to be oh my God wait keep going that way dude you’re so close to Diamonds over here over here to the right is he dumb where’d he go dude he’s all the way over there why is he stacking up why is he trying to get out n I’m going legit have to troll this guy too I’m just going to teleport him to me yep welcome back buddy yep and I’m going to say wait where’s the p pickaxe go dude give it back give it back to me now I lost it bro is actually dumb promise okay I’m giving myself another one he said WTF bro how many do you have I should probably ban this guy he says he’s hacking watch this LOL okay I Enchanted the pick to Fortune 100 and let’s see how many it drops oh my God there’s so much I have x-ray give me your netherite pick and I’ll get diamonds dude get smited not giving you anything why am I not bned yet a staff member needs to get on and ban me this is not fair for the other players look how many diamonds I have oh my gosh you know what I’m just going to tell this guy the truth dude wait this guy’s actually hacking this dude is legit hacking what is wrong with my server stop hacking oh my God hacking is bad bro this guy’s trying to expose me he said I think something is wrong with I’m stupid why he has a lot of insane pics and he finds diamonds more than Stone dude can you stop I’m not doing anything rep dude come on who is this guy why would you report me this guy’s also hacking this guy’s the real hacker because you’re weird all I’m trying to do is go in a mission to get some diamonds I’m not trying to get banned okay let’s go more diamonds I’m going to have a full inventory of diamonds you know what Master paw Prince watch this where did you get that pick I want one he told him he could have it oh okay you can have it for a little bit he said how oh my God nope it’s mine again it’s a hacked Pig it’s a illegal pick did you hot bar save it listen I got work to do all these diamonds over here mine dude there’s actually too many I can’t hold on to all of them oh my God I’m going to have a full inventory of diamonds Let’s Go full inventory of diamonds I am the greatest Minecraft player to ever do it what do I even do now I have a full inventory well guess I should start putting all these diamonds Into My Vault there we go oh my God it’s been about like 30 seconds and I have have an entire inventory of diamonds yet yo what the heck where did that cut no oh my God I almost died dude where did that come from okay I’m just going to SL heal what okay that was weird that’s like the creeper on the first server dude okay going to put all these diamonds away let’s go C Vault 2 put all these diamonds in here I’m rich oh my pickaxe broke that’s awkward dude okay now I’m not actually tweaking this makes no sense that was weird okay I was going to say I’m going to enchant my sword to I a fish effc 10 but I don’t think that’s even going to work yeah it’s not going to work so I’ll just get a wooden pickaxe and enchant it to efficiency 10 okay that’s honestly pretty quick but I think it’s going to break what are the chances of Staff members is watching me right now and they plac that mob and broke the block uh okay no wait that’s the same one that is how no I broke the thing so no I’m being watched right now I’m being watched right now I am being watched there’s another one there’s legit no no no no no no no are you kidding me all right well it doesn’t matter I’m op I’m back I have a very strong feeling feeling I’m being watched right now and you know what I’m going to check it out I’m signed into oh my God oh my God look at the X-ray alerts I’ve set off dude oh my God wait is that oh oh my God there’s one two three staff members literally watching oh my god I’ve got the whole staff team watching why am I not banned wait this dude said wasn’t that one of Sky’s alts oh this guy trying to teleport to me yep I’ll accept it welcome welcome the blood king oh no a sign oh my God it said yo yo n no no no slash heal you can’t kill me you can’t kill me you can’t kill me they’re killing an innocent player oh no oh no oh no what is going on what is going on dude what is happening are they trolling me oh my God I’m not moving at the same time on both my accounts it’s so obvious okay I’m going to try and blame the shift on this guy the blood king is x-raying oh no they said they’re not bro what all right take those diamonds there you go that’s all you they said they don’t want it oh my God I’m going to die dude I’m going to die oh come on dude I’m actually just being trolls at this point oh my God oh my God nice hacks I’m not hacking I think it’s Sky’s alt he got efficiency 80 pickaxe no no okay well I guess it’s kind of deserved well that is x-raying until I got banned I really would have hoped I got banned a lot quicker but I’ll take that I guess yeah all right if you enjoy this video subscribe please like the video and click this video right here you will not regret it you will not regret it click it and comment gy is not an x-ray all right bye


watch Yeah Jaron’s X-ray Video here: https://youtu.be/iZRwPq_MXJ0?si=1OKwcqtOGqz9osql
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