Minecraft, But I Can BUY Pokemon

today my friends and I will be spending 100,000 coins to get God Pokémon in Minecraft every time we complete one of the challenges we’ll get money that we can spend on Pokémon we can buy things like Lucky Blocks Legendary Pokémon and even textured eggs at the end we’ll be battling using our best Pokemon the winner gets to steal all of the Pokémon from the other person all right this is my real spin let’s see what I get come on Big Money big money9 25 you can buy so many good things I need something better than that at least, I’ll take 1,00 little bit more a little bit more stop stop yes no 500 Goldin all right boys we’re going to head over to the smash MC website which will be linked Down Below in the description everything that you see in today’s video you guys can actually get on the server we’re going to head over to smash coins and let’s see yep we can buy 500 smash coins for $4.99 that is a small price to pay we’ll select our server add it to the cart and that looks pretty good and there we go in the chat you can see it says Beck brojack has purchased 500 gold coins okay so if I go and type in slash store you can see we have all of our different options we could get an epic crate an uncommon Lucky Block which I think actually has a chance of upgrading we don’t have enough to just straight up buy a legendary okay I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to roll the dice and I’m going to get the uncommon Lucky Block let’s go ahead and buy it now and bada bing bada boom boys we have an uncom common Lucky Block okay let’s go to somewhere secluded and then I will open this I can’t have Alec knowing what I got all right please upgrade please upgrade right now no dude it did an upgrade but we actually got a pretty good Pokemon a dusk nor oh yeah dude I’m going to use this thing to give Alec nightmares you’re not going to know what hit him and guys I had no idea that was a shiny that makes it even cooler hey Jack is that what you bought are you serious I spent all my money on this red chain and uh this and be aure back bling and I also got a shiny knle stackle somehow you got way more coins than me and did 10 times worse what know what are you talking about dude this is sick I’m asserting my dominance all right jack for round number two determine who will get more smash coins we are going to do a one versus one lucky block battle whatever we get from the lucky block we have to use to battle and whoever wins it gets 5,000 coins to spend oh boy that’s a a lot of coins that’s more money than I’ve ever seen Alec might be the best Pokémon master I know but that’s that’s okay mine’s going to upgrade in 3 2 1 it did okay let’s do that same thing again 360 everybody knows that 360 is for good luck and we’re going to open it from the water the water gives life therefore I will be extra Lucky in 3 2 1 there is no way that just happened okay guys honestly this means I am guaranteed a legendary Let’s see we got to go holy flip yes I got the first legendary of the day dude from a free Lucky Block guys I’ve been nicknaming all of my Pokémon comment down below some cool nicknames that you’ve given your Pokémon okay we’re going to name this guy idiot sandwich because that’s what Alec is going to be after I destroy him okay I’m ready you’re going down dude you got a level seven Tor I feel like this is bullying is this bullying I’m super effective against you effective I can do this toric you got this buddy come I’m going give you a helping hand you’re doing great there little little AFC chicken nugget he needs more than a helping hand I think come on please Tor Chi doing something crazy my finger slipped I’m so sorry oh my God no that’s how it’s done ladies and gentlemen that’s how a giant beats up a little tiny dumb idiot sandwich Pokémon well Al I got to go and spend my 5,000 smash coins hot h ladies and gentlemen the money is in check out that M I don’t know if you can hear me but it feels good to be rich I can hear you I didn’t need to hear that though I’m going to go ahead and if you want to listen just keep on listening uh I’m going to go ahead and spend my 5,000 I don’t know if you heard I have 5,000 Co don’t want to listen I I know I know I could get one of the best lucky blocks in the entire game of the Epic Lucky Block which is pretty freaking epic if you ask me I could probably even get what else can I get oh there’s bundles as well lucky block bundle for 4,000 smash coins I can get a common an uncommon a rare and an epic guys at the end of the day I am a lucky block master I will be getting the bundle by now and yes dude we have one of practically every single Lucky Block that was an absolute steal and then I also have a th000 leftover smash coins we have just enough to get a random legendary or I guess I could get a crate we could get a random Legendary Pokémon from this I think we got to roll the dice boys we’re going to lock that in by now okay let’s do that first we’re going to go to spawn / warp crates and I I should have a crate key I’m pretty sure it’s the legendary crate right or sorry no the Mystic crate and there we go dudes okay let’s see come on please just be a legendary come on oh what did I get non legendary fixed IV boost and three random I have no idea but it boosts the IV of a Pokemon by 10 okay so if I were to oh I also got three Pokémon from that too I got Magmortar moral and leopar okay so if I right click this let’s put back together my entire team if I right click can I use it on a Pokemon let’s put out nightmare cuz I think I have to use it on a shiny right click down oh yeah select the Pokémon Nightmare and I guess we’re going to make his attack super high boom baby we’re going to go ahead and make the Tower of Power just like that boom Tower of Power and we’re going to start out with the lowest common oh okay okay so far not the best I’m going to capture my scy with a master ball next up the great one oh no dude it didn’t upgrade guys you have to leave a like on today’s video with your left elbow in order to increase my chances right now okay let’s do it in 3 2 1 no we got a re durago let’s go dudes okay that is huge we got another legendary this could technically upgrade to a god let’s see in three 2 1 yo dudes okay we got a verian and not even just a normal one we got a shiny verian we are on to round number three which is worth 10,000 coins for the winner I just got goosebumps unfortunately Jack I don’t know if this challenge is a good one for you though because it is the Pokemon spelling me no I didn’t study I am up first give me a Pokémon topel got to get my smart glasses on oh yeah I just got 10% smarter all right with our first contestant being Beck brojack your first Pokemon to spell is Metapod Metapod Green in nature um it is found in generation to um Metapod weighs 10 lb m e t a p o d Metapod ding ding ding nice Jack oh my gosh okay I got it I’d like to thank my mom my dad my grandma my great grandma my great great great grandma and my great great great great great grandma you must spell poror chick it’s a fire Pokemon starter from Generation 3 t o r c h i c forchick ding D ding ding ding he gets the point ladies and gentlemen baby let’s go that was so easy I wasn’t spining at all check your Pokemon to spell is Dragonite okay hold on I need additional brain power I’m putting on my smart smart man sunglasses you got this I believe in you Dragonite d r a g o n i t e Dragonite Jack I regret to inform you that you have pass and you are making it on to the next round yes dude okay you had me in the first half there I’m not going to lie you must spell cryogonal cry you I don’t even think you can say it right cryogonal okay cryogonal that’s a that that’s a tough one I didn’t know that they’re going to be getting this R Jack cryogonal here we go c r y o g o n a l cryogonal he gets it ladies and gentlemen we are all tied up at two to two get it let’s go baby Jack back your Pokemon to spell is amongus that’s not a Pokémon that’s a game nice try nice try all right give me the real one aongus okay a m o o n g u s ohon guys did I get it you so close I thought you had it Jack you literally had it you just needed to add one more s on the end and you would have had it it’s Double S at the end your Pokemon is what I don’t even know what you said [Laughter] isui godi you know it’s really just Hui and deui but Hui okay here we go d e c i d u e ye e space h s sorry h i s UI thisi you almost fumbled the bag but he got the bag he did it he got it he spell it right come on let’s go how thisi hisi in form that’s a tough one bro that’s a tough one let’s go dude he didn’t even have the smart glasses how how Okay dudes it’s looking like yeah we have the 3,000 coins inside of my balance which honestly I thought I was getting less so I’m actually kind of happy with this now there is one thing that I haven’t gotten today one of the egg there’s the Galaxy egg the Crimson Dawn egg Crystal egg ancient Shadow corrupted I think I’m going to go ahead and get my favorite out of all of these different eggs the shadow egg and the best part is it is a guaranteed legendary so let’s go ahead and we will lock that in if I go into my PC you guys should see yep there it is we’ll replace him with fiery meatballs and I think yeah if I just run around for a little bit it should eventually hatch let’s go ahead and RTP oh there we go that was way faster than I thought your egg seems to be shaking yes and 3 2 1 dude we got a shadow tapoo buo let’s go that is epic boys it’s night time so I don’t know if you’ll be able to see this but oh my goodness that is awesome okay let’s take him back to spawn and guys look at this it looks epic dude the texture is so sweet all right jack for the final round the winner will get $50,000 to spend 50 okay woo and the loser still gets a respectable 10,000 coins to spend don’t even talk to me about that that’s not going to matter well whoever wins this round is uh going to have a lot of money to spend and the challenge for this round is first person to catch an entire starter Trio wins okay bye all right see you guys we got to go we got to go we got to go okay we need to catch a fire starter a water starter and a grass starter guys it’s so dark out here I can’t see a thing you make it daytime I’m scared of the dark dang it dude okay we need to go to an area where one of the starter Pokémon will spawn I’m pretty sure the fire types have a better chance of spawning in the desert biome so we’ll check out this for a little bit and see what we can find is that one no dude it’s a bed to be fair a bed definitely should be a starting Pokemon bed is indeed the God of all Pokémon so I mean it only kind of makes sense the sun is starting to come out and everybody knows that as soon as that happens more Pokémon should spawn or at least the type of Pokemon that I’m looking for we can also put on our smash running boots so that we can run super fast that is more like it dudes oh there’s a planes biome over here we definitely are going to have have a better chance of finding a Turtwig or maybe I don’t know it could be a Venusaur even it doesn’t need to be the exact starting Evolution it could be any form of it is this one of them yes dude it is we got our first one we got a lito okay now we need to randomly TP and find a forest um this looks kind of good we need something a little bit more foresty with maybe a few trees so guys supposedly I am stupid and lito is not actually a starter even though Google I swear if you Google it it says it’s a starter that was a little confusing that’s fine oh no way dude okay we just doubled across a flipping Bulbasaur that is going to be absolutely perfect which means now we only need to find a Charmander and a squirtle okay let’s go ahead and hit BR RTP we can go ahead and let’s see can we go to a beach maybe let’s go to the beach and somewhere on the beach or in the water we should have a better chance of finding a squirtle if you guys see it and somehow I miss it leave a comment down below and tell me that I look stupid Squirtle are you out there Squirtle seriously there’s 50,000 coins on on the line I need you to show yourself and then get inside of my ball uh o Squirtle let’s go boys squir Squirtle that is amazing and then next up we just need to find a Charmander wait guys I mean technically I I already have a Charmander but nah we can’t do that right that would be cheating I would never do that let’s go ahead and BR RTP I’m pretty sure a Charmander has the best chance of spawning in some sort of Extreme Hills biome so like how many Pokemon like do you have like now I’m at two right now what looking around wait you have two of the same generation yeah two of the same gen oh my God oh my God wait right in front of me oh oh does this count okay so I needed technically a Charmander but I just found a charmeleon it does count it does yeah yes let’s go okay dude have fun have fun with your money I can’t talk to you anymore you’re too poor ladies and gentlemen w w W that’s what rich people do now guys we have way too much money to even spend so I don’t even know what I’m going to do let’s see first up um I’m thinking I have 50,000 coins I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to buy a god Lucky Block yep we’re going to do that byy now and we still have 40,000 coins left so I’m going to go ahead and buy things and make myself look really cool like zian sword should look nice and then I also have what is that zian sword very nice and okay I can’t get anything else for now but I think that looks pretty dang cool and let’s see Yo that is sick dude check out the giant sword on my bag okay we can also go ahead and buy some crate Keys let’s see the most expensive one is how much Fusion crate guys for 3,500 coins I’m going to buy three of these there’s number one number two number three okay and that gives me how much 29,000 extra coins let’s go ahead and just buy a specific legendary uh buy now yep Don’t Mind If I Do Right click slash reward claim and then let’s get a Rayquaza form interesting what form should I do I guess let’s just do any form and see what happens successfully claimed yep we just got a flipping Rayquaza let’s go ahead over to the bundles and we might as well do the lucky block bundle again that worked out super well in my favor last time bundles uh we could probably also do what is this the choice case bundle we can get a choice band choice scarf or Choice specs which we can use on our Pokémon let’s do that uh we could also what is this just buy some extra eggs as well let’s get a corrupted egg and let’s see let’s get a crimson Dawn egg as well one of my favorites you can plop them in here for now and let’s start opening my lucky blocks we’ll open up this one right here we just got a ginormous avalo welcome to my very very powerful Pokémon party let’s do the uncommon one next for some reason I’m not getting the upgrades that I usually get maybe this time no D but I did just get a Teran that is sweet and then yeah I should have a master Lucky Block let’s try this out and dude you got to be kidding me out of all of them I just got that what is this a random Pokémon somebody gift this to me I just got a hitmon Lee out of nowhere and we also get a god Lucky Block boys let’s see what happens in three two one yes dude Reggie Steel type null and a regi I think it might be like a crimson Dawn regi too oh there we go okay this is the first one out of the two eggs that I got my hands on let’s see what’s cracking yes it is dude yo oh wait we just got the same one Crimson Dawn regil what are the chances of that and it also looks like my other one hatched too and it is a corrupted aelf aelf usually is not the best legendary but it’s still a really really cool looking Pokemon that I really like having on my team it’s so tiny okay guys let’s go back to spawn and I should be able to use my crates let’s go over to the crates and where are the fusion crates yep right here let’s see what we get dude there are so many different fusions to get first up we just got a it looks like kylei which is oh never mind blast ogre which is a fusion of Blastoise and Kyogre and I think we have one more come on give me something good please be a Mewtwo Fusion what is it going to be did I actually get it a gutina that’s one of the best ones and even after all of that I have left with 7,000 leftover coins I think that the best thing that I could do with them is probably just spend them all on Fusion so we’ll get one more Fusion Crate Key and I think yeah just doing that one more time is honestly going to be the best the fusions are the coolest Pokémon in the entire world so let’s see let’s open up another Fusion we’re going to get a Panza Ros incinerar Unbound I haven’t heard of that one yet and let’s get the final one of the day it’s going to be a Absol Deo guys our team is looking absolutely unreal Alec it has been a pleasure however I need to battle you and then I am going to steal your entire team after I’m done with you oh we oh gosh okay we’ll see about that not a great start for me though as you have a blast ogre as your very first Pokemon are you kidding me wow yours look sweet it’s like a futuristic Charizard I’m not a fan of this matchup whatsoever oh my gosh one hko right off the BET zero is like my favorite legendary Pokemon do not let me down yes wow that did a lot boom wow oh my that did that did almost more that almost did more nailed you with a crit not a fan of being on the receiving end of that move lightning barage stay alive stay alive stay alive stay alive stay alive yes down Goes My Little Pony shoot dude okay pling barage critical hit oh oh it does a lot does a lot hey okay that’s fine big hit out of Snape how do extrem speed not kill oh no oh no that did like nothing oh no oh no Jack this is bad this is really bad this is a very good use of your Fusion Pokemon Jack great job he just keeps Vanishing oh why doesn’t that do more he keeps playing peekaboo boom that’s fine I have another trick up that’s fine yeah no seriously don’t even worry about me big guy okay good he’s dead I just big banged your Galaxy dark crime I don’t like when you big bang me like that don’t worry it’s going to keep happening actually the heck did you s a thunderus yes a shiny thunderus I don’t like this match up oh switches into idiot sandwich I remember you and I paralyzed you go [Music] boom Jack please tell me this is your final Pokemon please I’m begging you seriously tell me it’s your final pokon die die die die die oh gosh thunderous Phoenix no die die die yes I W the battle let’s go oh no way dude well I guess that’s what 50,000 coins I’ll get you I will take all of your Pokémon there you go yes oh yeah keep them coming there you go there you go there that’s all my Pokemon that’s all my Pokemon there you go thank you thank you it’s been a pleasure Alex GG’s GG’s if you guys enjoyed and want to see more Pokémon you guys know what you have to do smash like and click right here to see more [Music]

Minecraft, But I Can BUY Pokemon

HOW TO INSTALL PIXELMON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBXXuHvQek0&t=0s


SERVER IP: play.smashmc.co

👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co


👪 This video is suited for ALL ages!

🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack

Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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  1. Bro, I haven't watch beckbroplays in like forever and he look so different, it's like a blur but he had more hair and less subscribers, so im happy that he is still playing minecraft pokemon, because all the other minecrafters I watch don't plays these games, so I'm just happy. 😊❤😊

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