welcome to the god Pokémon Lucky Block race each lane is filled with lucky blocks and Powerful Legendary Pokémon we’ll need to defeat on our way to the finish line and we need to catch the strongest Pokémon possible because some of these bosses are not going to be easy to beat especially the god Pokémon bosses at the end first person to open all their lucky blocks beat all their boss Pokémon and make it to the end is the winner and Mr shud are you ready for the lucky block race I sure am let’s do this well the timer starts now good luck sir get your master balls go go go oh so we got our master balls let’s get to Breaking these Lucky Blocks first things first we get a Snivy a starter Pokemon let’s see what our first Lucky Block is oh I got orus okay all right I thought I thought I going to turn around to see a Machamp but no it’s an exeggutor well you’re going to need a lot stronger Pokemon than that to take on the bosses so good luck sir thank you that is actually a really good point that he makes Not only is just a Race So we should be trying to break these Lucky Blocks as fast as possible but we also need to get a really strong Pokemon to take on all of the bosses at each of the different checkpoints oh but we get a KO as our next Pokemon a fully evolved pseudo legendary that is going to help out so much in the first boss oh my God a b that is so bad come on we need to get some better Pokemon then a b macargo could definitely work I’m also trying to keep in mind what syyu gets a Venusaur who we get a chestnut so two fully evolved grass type starters hold on we got to get ahead of them though we get a looted Colo a semi seere and a dusk Nord yo boun Sweet let’s see if harpus is getting any good Pokemon I don’t think that he has much better Pokemon than I do at this point based on what I’ve seen he just got an Al lumiz that is so trash come on come on oh the first bosses it looks like we will be fighting a suun wait we’ve gotten so many grass Pokémon this isn’t that bad oh no do you guys see what I see that’s not good at all that is an ente and honestly I feel like I’ve been getting a ton of grass type Pokemon so far so that’s really not going to be good for me caesar four times weak to ente Doo maybe could work and a mudre as my last Pokemon and now we have to take on a legendary beast Pokemon we have made it to the first boss it is time for us to build the team and I think this is the squad to do it so let’s take on suot it is level 63 five levels higher than my highest level Pokémon so we might have to take off the team actually I don’t know come on lud Colo Giga drain super effective and that actually did a decent amount all right here we go let’s see if we can take on this ente it’s level 53 which is not the greatest for me please live one oh boy guys this is not going to be good oh dusk o keep holding on buddy I know you can do it I think after this turn suun will go down DUS survives the bite and Lee seed takes down suun and just like that we’ve beaten the first the boss oh he’s still battling ente good luck with that ente battle Mr sauda I don’t know if you noticed but I just beat suun yeah I I did notice and it’s not looking good for me I will be honest well good luck I’m on to the uncommon Lucky Blocks guys we are just down to a level 41 nobat who is dead in one hit lovely here’s our chance to get ahead and like I said we have uncommon blocks now which means Shiny Pokemon and if you like shiny Pokémon just wait for the next Lucky Block section cuz those will be legendary lucky blocks in shiny legendary Lucky Blocks after come on one more hit one more hit one more hit yes there we go down go stupid and day let’s go wait no way I can’t believe you beat it R I got to go okay arus is only a couple Lucky Blocks ahead let’s go and now we’re on to uncommon Lucky Blocks which will give us Shiny Pokemon oh harpis I’m coming for you slow bro oh slow bro is actually going to be good hopefully it’s got some good moves on him Geodude a loading shiny Geodude that’s so cool ooh wait I you could actually be really good as well hold on we’re getting some decent ones now blasto that’s what I’m talking about right there the bosses oh no have appeared as we get an A of SL two let’s go but I don’t know how useful that Steel type will be against a Rashi Ram that is very terrifying a zon boss o incinerar though that’s good I don’t know how we’re supposed to beat a zeron boss especially with the Pokemon that we’ve been getting oh boy I’m going to really have to strategize this one so we’re definitely going to have to rework the squad a bit but maybe we can get something crazy a level five Oddish as our last Pokemon we got to build a team this is still going to be very difficult as you can see the ri Ram is level 78 all right here we go confuse Ray yes let’s go duskin or actually holds on hold on this could totally work out guys my plan could actually work Shadow sneak does a little bit of damage come on Take Me Out r r let’s go Fusion flare takes me out all right here goes here goes nothing ja Dr level 67 I’m going to try to hit him with El leite Sheed and he knows that headbutt no he’s snapped out and flamethrower just takes out poly toad our strategy is toast I could have totally seen that working unfortunately I think that was our only chance I might have to retry dragon breath just takes down Kom oh okay someone is able to live a shot wow wait that did a lot let’s go we have a chance we go Miss magius and we hit him with a willowwisp and he dies in one shot Doo I can’t imagine that you live anything here ancient power super effective okay we’re going to we’re going to have to go back to the drawing board on this one this was not easy but since dnor is too high level he’s forcing the rest of our team to also be at a super high level thankfully after this boss though we will be catching legendary Pokemon so it’ll make the next bosses a little bit easier quick metor boom let’s go slow Bros yawn really did the trick there and oh now we’re getting a ton of levels let’s go oh harus I just destroyed my zro let’s go wait no way I’m on my third attempt I keep losing oh yeah I’m on to the rare Lucky Blocks now okay well I got to catch up then guys look at this we’re on rare Lucky Blocks which spawn a guaranteed legendary Pokemon and Victini is our first let’s go I really needed a fire type and psychic type Pokémon and what better way to get one than having it be a legendary Zora that’s good but unfortunately it’s on level 50 which is is not going to do us too great for the next challenge after this turn Rashi Ram goes down to the Paris song and we have one FY Ram goes down I am right on your Trail Mr s what what oh my gosh okay you better speed up bud you better speed up oh I got a Mewtwo but it’s level 80 see the thing is in these challenges whenever we Face boss type Pokemon the way it works is depending on the level of the boss it takes the highest Pokemon level in your party then adds an extra couple levels to it so if you have a level 80 in your team that means the boss itself is going to be a much higher level as well o now we’re talking xerus is a very good Pokémon definitely happy about that we get a RI RAM for taking down oh Groudon is here what a Pokemon to get that is definitely going to help out o now that is what I’m talking about we just got the legendary wolf Pokemon Zan that is sick oh no it looks like I’m going to have to face palia while arpus has to face Dialga honestly neither matchup is a good one let’s spice it up a bit he gets a Zama zenta yo come on give me a zachian still a chance for that zachian though that would be amazing oh and we’re taking on Diga okay maybe I don’t want a Fairy Type legendary actually zerude we get a Victini and the last two rare Lucky Blocks a verian and a girach so not very helpful for Diga let’s build a team and see if we can take on this Palo quickly let’s waste no time and take on the rare boss Diga look at it 20 levels above our highest level Pokémon all right here we go let’s see what we can do I’m leading off with these Zapdos that we got because it has Thunder Wave on it so if we can paralyze the py that would be perfect and we do tank one hit and Thunder Wave boom that is probably the best possible start that you could have when you’re in these like six versus one situations Dron I need you to save this battle come on earthquake we need this to do a lot of damage earthquake earthquake ooh big damage critical hit foros spere though is enough to take us out okay we have a lot of damage on Diaga can we finish the battle oo zerude this might seem crazy I’m going to go for scary face oh cuz on the off chance we live which we do we can lower dga’s speed which will help the rest of our Pokemon I think one moonblast will do the trick and boom down goes palia and down goes palia arpus I am moving on to the master luy down wait hold on I’m actually really close to taking on Diago come on Raichu please oh we’re so close I can’t get behind here I got to focus up come on come on come on what else can we get another zerude not too bad Thundurus okay okay we haven’t got one of those yeah teron very good as well type null only level 50 we don’t love that Hoopa only level 50 we don’t love that level 70 dark cry though that is really good because it’s super fast so it might be able to outspeed the next boss and it might have the move Dark Void which will put the other Pokémon to sleep we got a crit a but he crits us back it is all on the back of suun oh my gosh we have sheer cold do I go for the one hit KO move and look at how far we are in the lead now against arpus that is so good I’m going to go for ice Fang please freeze or something power gem does a decent amount to us it doesn’t care I’m going to go for sheer cold wa that is what I’m talking about right there oh arpus can’t even see it he’s so far away but boys we just got ourselves one of the most overpowered Pokemon of all time a shiny eternus there’s a 30% chance this move Hits come on wait know I can’t go for sheer cold he’s higher level no I think my only chance is an ice Pang Flinch Flinch no we lost next up it looks like I’ve to face a shiny evelt while arpus has to face a xerus I think I’d rather have to face off against a evelt than a xerus to be honest so I I think I have a better match up here all right round two with Diga now surely we can win this one I’m going for mud shot on the the first turn because boom there we go speed decreased is there a chance Groudon outp speeds now and he does okay that’s what I should have done on the first one when oros spere doesn’t even take us out this time can Groudon just solo Diga why couldn’t that have happened the first time so Groudon takes down Diga by himself and we’re on to the shiny legendary Lucky Blocks look a shiny zerude Mr syud I am right on your wait oh my God you are so far ahead oh my gosh finally dude I’m so far finally defeated that diala bro I’m already about to challenge the next boss ooh good luck with that that one’s going to be pretty difficult maybe for you maybe for us what does he talk about we get a shiny Hoopa which is amazing a shiny zero Ora one of my favorite shiny Legends I’m not even going to lie I just love the colors but next up ooh shiny marshadow you can’t even really tell that shiny but marshadow is great we got to keep it moving shiny Groudon now what’s better than a Groudon a shiny one I will tell you that and this is our chance to catch up syud is fighting the boss shiny Reggie Drago which is not going to come in handy we have a Fairy Type xerus boss coming up shiny Cosmo I’m not even going to say anything about that but we get a Shiny reggi Rock in the final block before the shiny xerus boss is an U which is very weak to xerus okay guys I got a plan now we’re leading off with regi luy and we’re going to click Electro web which should do pretty good damage but also it’s going to Slow Down evelt Speed so hopefully now my other Pokemon will be able to outspeed it and if they can honestly I think xeria should be able to finish it on its own but we didn’t outspeed but moonblast still does huge damage and I’m talking massive damage oh yes come on one more shot and boom down goes EV valal arpus you’re going to have to go a little bit quicker if you want to catch up to me and I just got a choice C from that battle as well things are looking good and now guys we are on to Mega Poke mod Lucky Blocks some of my favorite forms of Pokemon Mega Caesar I will take that let’s go Mega abom snow boy that dude is thick what else we got ooh Mega Charizard Y Mega tar yo okay now we are talking now we are talking but now we can bring out the big guns I’m going to go for mud shot with groud yes we do Live come on come on come on mud shot we lower his speed I need you to be faster now Groudon no we use his tackle are you serious t tackle was enough to get him through all right well lava plume hopefully will take this out please lava plume does a lot we just need the burn we’re lava pluming in the sun please don’t kill me here moonblast nice it doesn’t take us out lava plume get the burn please no we are so close to taking this xerus out Lugia I need you to do this I don’t think dusk nor can I need you to put the team on your back we’re actually faster so just live one hit moonblast no way no way did we do it extra sensory takes down the xerus let’s go baby xerus is down Mr siren I I am catching up to you what no way you beat that thing you better enjoy that lead while you had it I am made it through no way and the first thing I see oh wait turn around turn around turn around turn around what no way you get a Mega Rayquaza I get a Primal Groudon and that was my first lucky block and a mega Mewtwo W so if you can’t tell we have moved on to the mega Lucky Block section Primal Groudon Mega mewwy then Mega Mewtwo X back to back to back is am I dreaming and a megga laddio what is even happening right now four of the best mega Pokémon in a row but since we’re catching Mega Pokemon you might imagine that the boss is also Mega meaning it’s going to be very scary but Mega meta Cham is a Pokemon that could definitely help same with mega Charizard Y I don’t understand how we’re supposed to defeat this thing honestly cuz not only is it a primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon but boys it’s going to be like level 10 or something it’s going to be outrageously high level and we can’t even Thunder Wave it because it’s a ground type Primal Kyogre is not going to be an easy boss to take on by any means but Mega Metagross mega guard chomp all of these Pokémon are going to help tremendously what that was Aris right next to me already are you serious we still need that mega Rayquaza come on come on CY can’t be the only one that gets it Mega Charizard X and finally ooh a mega lario which is great fortunately it’s only level 30 2 well this is like my worst nightmare ever let’s see if we can take on an epic level boss of a Primal Groudon we have a legendary boss Primal Kyogre to prepare for so we got to make sure our team is amazing I think a good strategy here is actually bringing Groudon cuz Primal Groudon can get rid of kyogre’s rain and then I have thunder on Zapdos wait hold on that could work you know what now’s our chance to get ahead let’s just try it and yes let’s go desolate land has caused the sun wo let’s go so we have gotten rid of kyogre’s rain which is possibly the scariest part about it and instead of damage I’m going to go for scary face no way he just hit sheer Cole I’m just ending the battle after that there’s no way we can win come on now I need Primal Groudon to actually not get one hit KO here please Shear Cole Just Hits again I actually don’t know what we’re supposed to do against a Pokémon that just only clicks sheer cold wait do I disable it all right I mean this Strat is probably not going to work dude level 80 Primal Kyogre what does he go for on the first turn muddy water no wait there’s a chance that that misses actually hold on on so maybe there’s a chance he actually misses it here on the first turn come on just miss mud yes he missed muddy water come on and Le seed hits wait this could be our ticket guys this could actually be our ticket I’m going to go out into Ludy Colo on the muddy water I feel like Ludy colu can live one and he does we cannot celebrate too much yet though I’m going to swap out for sunflora come on can sunflora live a mudy water that’d be c yeah we can unfortunately now poly toad this is your time Paris song I I I don’t know if we oh my God he misses muddy water let’s go Parish song lands all we have to do now is survive three turns I think we got this in the bag come on muddy water does critical hit poly toad okay but only two more turns guys this is our chance to get ahead of syud he has been ahead of us like the whole race but we have poly toad AKA our secret weapon chestn goes down but so does Primal Kyogre to the parish song and we have beaten our legendary tier boss no way bro Mr cyu good luck that is all I got to say I don’t even know what to do I I have three camera UPS in my team right now trying to I’m losing hope I’m I’m losing some hope well I I’ll tell you if you if you perish I’ll sing you a song oh I wish I had that move but I don’t but now we’re on to the final section good luck sir good luck to you which means we have Fusion Pokemon Lucky Blocks look at this a manif pisu fusion AKA Manor risu but that of course means we’ll be facing Fusion Pokémon at the end I have no idea what our boss will be so that leaves me super super scared we just got a marora though and oh we get a Mewtwo Knight another Mewtwo Pokemon Fusion Mewtwo and Dragonite a very powerful combo this is it boys this is it one more hit here and we got it come on boom down go croud on let’s go no way what I thought you were going to take so much longer oh my gosh and I got a choice band I will take that woo all right well we have one more boss Mr syud it’s a race to the end Good Luck Good Luck let’s go boys and now we’re on to Fusion Pokémon our first Pokemon is an Absol that is one of my favorites yo that looks so sick so we got to go go go we cannot let siron catch up at all z aard z Ramen Charizard Fusion that is so so cool spectralert is next up come on give me all these op fusions and we can’t see the bosses yet I am so scared guys oh no this is easily going to be the hardest boss we face today come on we keep getting duplicate fusions give me something new a Blazer Coco Blazer kin and Tapo Coco fuse yo Ray VTO you can’t even see his head that is how big he is that is a Rayquaza Fus with the VTO absolutely insane in a second we can see the god bosses two Fusion Pokemon it looks like we’ll be fighting arenatus who is of course one of the strongest Fusion Pokemon to ever exist so we got to hope we get some good fusions and zachus is a great start being a Steel type that is definitely going to help us out with the poison arenatus so come on our two Final Fusion blocks we get an abolio and the last Fusion block is going to be another Zia so potentially we could bring two oh my Lord have mercy that is not good well Arvest doesn’t really have that great of a match up either he has to face off against an arer nus that does not look fun in the slightest but I have to face off against a raen I will say the raan is four times weak to fairy type moves and I did just get myself Aus so if if so if that thing has moonblast on it this battle might actually be easier than you think and to be honest I think we should use both of our zachus o and arenatus is a normal type so let’s bring the Ghost type spectr we’ll bring dragon ninja cuz it’s really fast beaa cuz it’s super bulky and marora cuz it’s super effective and just insanely powerful and now it’s time to take on the ultimate level boss arenatus look how ginormous this dude is he’s bigger than the entire room and he is insane looking to we have psychic on zachus which is super effective earth power though oh no all right boys and it is now time for our toughest challenge yet we have to face off against a level 150 Fusion rant which by the way is a Rayquaza fuse with iron Valiant zashi please you got to live in earth power oh no earth power takes down zashi and we’re on to our final Pokemon betil let’s try an outrage do we live one wait w w this is good wo whoa W oh oh we did it and Flash Cannon doesn’t even I did I did it let’s go I beat him oh my goodness let’s go Mr syyu beats the fusion boss GG you are the winner sir GG bro let’s go don’t forget to subscribe

GOD POKEMON Pixelmon LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft! First person to open all their lucky blocks, beat all their boss Pokémon, and make it to the finish line wins!

Install Tutorial: https://youtu.be/o_DsCd6pgmA
Download: https://reforged.gg/
Server IP: play.smashmc.co
SmashMC: https://www.smashmc.co/

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Edited by: https://twitter.com/lewislool

#Pixelmon #Minecraft #Pokemon #Gaming #arpus

00:00 Intro
00:21 Common Pokémon
03:17 Shiny Pokémon
06:39 Legendary Pokémon
10:46 Shiny Legendary Pokémon
13:33 Mega Pokémon
17:08 Fusion Pokémon
19:54 And the winner is…


  1. Dsshhyxrztgzzghdjfj
    Shhhh good for the rest can be a good time to come over and watch 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. I am not a hater, but there is something in these lucky blocks race series I just hate, the fact that you are in the lead by so much, but then you start glazing at an Arceus or you just start chatting instead of breaking blocks, Sirud really just asked,"WOW, HOW DID ARPUS ALREADY CATCH UP?" well I don't know, probably because you were just standing there looking at a Mega Rayquaza or talking to the Camera, letting Arpus catch up to you, you guys wanna win, speed run, don't turn back to your opponent to see how far they are, just go, run.

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