πŸ”΄β”‚Can we 100% Terraria?? (w Sipho) Pt 7β”‚πŸ”΄

[Music] all right man uh we back with some Terraria today [Music] um yeah it’s been a while it’s been a while back just shoots up in pain for no reason all the time hey welcome back guys welcome back what’s up guys what’s up SC scab Bob how’s it going guys go dang it I just want to what’s up uh the Leu the cipo is indeed not live today fish run I so screwed that up is he playing with me of course of course what’s up goofy lost connection are you freaking serious gotta go John all right man incorrect password what what could possibly be the password then huh what’s up Duck pro how’s my day do uh my day is good dude I guess you changed the password on me what in it may have actually not even put a password hold up no I I don’t know try something stupid he he literally just want to wait too try beer teacher thinks are you still in the game yeah what’s the pass smarty do you think it’s h it’s it’s literally not it is I’ve tried Capital I’ve tried lowercase it’s h it’s not H it’s [ __ ] H I’ll make it h again I’m restarting all right password H accept starting server shut up the end all right sell me the auto hammer now dude he doesn’t oh yeah planta how does I already forget that I don’t know my memory here lately has been absolutely effed up I’m already on the blue team so you better join it right when you join I guess we’re going to what are we doing first thank you you’re welcome all right here we go man here we go so we got uh if anybody is not if anybody is not aware um currently we have we have the godamn beard bottle goam H or house man um pretty going good why is a truffle way over here in the middle of no man’s land that huh he has his own little biome kind of gay okay so here we go all right so first things first stop that hey stop that okay clarifying where do we leave off I don’t even remember where we left off we left off we need ice I need okay we let’s go there let’s go don’t need to the snow it’s this way it oh yeah dude i’ like I said I’ve explored this area so much and not found ice skates and we need two pairs not even here oh our snow biome is like cut off ain’t it well not really I mean it’s still technically snow it just turned to corruption there will still be ice chests we just got to find them all right like I don’t know where else to go like like I’ve explored everything down here it seems I mean are you uh are you against are you against going and getting a ow [ __ ] them from a different world yeah right so absolutely we have to we just what do I what is a pig Ron and what is it doing on me it’s dead is what it is you pig you pigot yep I’m just going to keep so me and it’s Mick are going to try to fight planta here soon but first we really want to find ice skates so we can get our boots upgraded but we really can’t find them like look at how much of it we’ve explored and we can’t find we haven’t we need two pairs and not only that but we probably need more life Fruit before we fight plant Terra yep yeah so there’s a couple things on the to-do list before ice Elemental stupid ass overpowered pointless try going down here see if I can find anything we could fight fishron but you don’t like him do you we’re going have we’re going have to we’re have to fight him eventually but I if we fight him now we get some pretty good weapons like come on where’s the cave oh I don’t even know how many chests I’ve opened here but none of them had ice skates obviously and imagine I found ice skates that would have been that would have been something that would have been something damn oh yep I’ve been here oh for the love of God bro how am I not hitting him this giant bad is sitting in my face and he’s just taking my blaster he was taking my blaster like it was going out of style there’s a chance at my die here well as long as we both stay alive we can wormhole now I walk right into the dark trap I just get hit by CYO Stormtrooper aim not that time that time was Stormtrooper Cod programming by the developers that’s what that was oh and my game stuttering now y trying to get me killed before it’s can t you better teleport quick this game’s trying I’m stuttering out the wazu there’s a little rare Turtle that’s my turtle man not and now I get vitamins that’s awesome I’m dead John please help get that thing and kill it I I have I have literally 15 Health the worm I’ll get him yes kill it I’m I’m dying down here up here he dead man I’m dead don’t you die on me oh my God for what what oh okay well we’re underground we’re safe just don’t die this is no point of them even coming there is come on oh we’re out of the snow biome down here so this is where it should we just go across the bottom of it like to the right and left I think we should make a strip mine at this level you know what I’m saying O just’s cut that guy off cover me let’s go to the right first just like legendary mode ah good times yep yep yep me and M are creating a strip mine to find more ice biome we’re going to do that can’t stop addicted to the shin dig it’s Mick he says I’m going to win big all right get your ass up here quick get your ass up here quick I’m dead I’m dead one way or another oh my oh my rapid fire rapid fire you do because you can’t hit the guy so we can just infinite shoot at you with that there you go just don’t die just don’t die just don’t die just don’t die better hurry hog shoot the Pirates are cool Pirates are here hey goodbye Duck pro take it easy dude oh my God stop spitting at us all for a pair of ice skates that we’re not even like I don’t even care about that part nice shot Turtle good fight put up a good one we’ll go all the way across we’ll map out the hole oh it’s just more demoralizing to find chests and then not have ice skates in it I’m worried we’re going to find chest I’m going you get excited then you know what’ll happen I keep clicking a button I don’t know kind one and the same thing get your ass up here now we’re on a mission where you want to go huh you want to go huh oh God it’s not going be fun this get filled with water you think do you think Charter is the best internet of all time go go press that wait for him get back up here wait for No I slipped please chest please oh look I’ve been here before that’s cool you’re going to have to you’re going to have to drink a crate potion and go fishing in the ice biome until you just get a bunch of crates and hope one of them has oh yeah you can do that can’t you what are you doing get dodged think you can do that oh my God god what the [ __ ] an emerald blocking I don’t think there’s anything this way this is all corruption now H may not be looks to be yep that’s uh border all right so there’s that border no not necessarily you gone and destroyed every torch I’ve ever laid you how can you live with yourself what are you going up there for I’m just looking around lifeo still looks like a high schooler you even know what I look like you little [ __ ] you ain’t seen me you never seen me change your stream name and title and everything yeah think one time I saw you forgot to do that oh I I don’t know I don’t know where else to look this is just demoralizing see I can find a oh boy I found a chest but guess what it’s a web chest stupid oh a web Slinger cool ah cool no no C was furry how’s this wifey uh she’s doing good got no wife she’s getting her nails done that’s pretty cus scoby doooo what is that like where could these chests be Chad is there is there a way is there a way to um get ice skates without finding them in chests I hit my life I hit my life I’m paying for the nails no okay well there’s this big section that’s the last hope that is the Last Hope Oh forgot about the freaking Pires man what have you done went home why did you go home cuz I had an inventory full of stuff oh nothing good oh oh cool a chest oh cool a snowball Cannon oh we so we can go fishing for it okay if you want to do that while I look welcome too can like a fishing potion I got to take care of these douchebags up here though there’s only like a little section that I haven’t explored going to it now apparently you explored it looks like that’s not good oh I have 10 Health oh ice chest flurry boots thought those were ice skates they tease you at every turn they tease you every turn tease you at every turn this guy needs to be put down this freaking pirate man but it’s up to me to schedule the meeting ah if the zombie apocalypse happens I have scier to blame oh all right we we can go fishing what’s the point of having a celebrity boyfriend [Laughter] then I’m not quite celebrity um status yet you know I hope these I hope these Pirates that’s how I die huh huh what a grand old wait there’s no way I’m out of good now you can help me clear out these idiot cancer Pati down here no [Music] F how are you even hitting me man how why aren you go for him lava trap so it is to be a Mele layer Patchy the Pirate wait wait who who’s who’s the bird I don’t remember guys who’s who’s who’s the who’s the uh who’s the um parrot on SpongeBob okay yeah good luck hit me there you pervert what he just shot a cannonball through the h bro is almost dead I spaed to kill him which one like the guy with Patchy the Pirate he has a he has a pet parrot what’s his name damn parrots that was satisfying is it potty oh my God it is party choose not a life of limitation there’s a pirate coming our way over here G to the bus G to the bus the MC r a e oh my God you could you could shoot this guy I got him in a way got nobody in a way yeah good barel stuff idiot yeah you like ite put it down your mouth yeah keep sucking on it yeah deeper [ __ ] deeper I’m pulling on his beard and yanking him back and forth uhoh ghost is gonna okay as long as got jeez how did you get out of that cuz I’m a pro tell him fans just doesn’t know that I’m a pro yet I think he’s blind he’s in denial that I on Pro why is there another freaking pirate man come on they’re all Pirates okay sorry Captain Nice Shot dude great shot oh [ __ ] yeah W wicked stuff dude I think I just got a hernia what’s his what’s his name he failed um boating class is about to is about to be coming in Sp I guess Captain’s back for seconds extremely sloppy we killed each other really guys traded what am I getting shot by we’re almost done oh SpongeBob’s here you just you did not just die to SpongeBob no I died by something else I must call him SpongeBob for some sponged hard sponge me boy Spong meard where’s spongeball [ __ ] oh he’s up here he’s stuck d he’s glittering e me and you’re going to to talk Le let’s have a face to face I can’t even get out of here so what’s got you so upset want to kill us yeah you better look at me when I talk to you [ __ ] I’m just I’m just going to keep slapping him he look at me look at me look at me all right fine what an idiot man worst AI thing in this game blood moon God all right too long die die die oh one more came out cut he dropped a cutless who dropped a gold ring yeah I I’ve for some reason I got two of those something else oh there’s a captain and a clown and a chattering teeth bomb this guy does not ever stop firing does he no he doesn’t really engaging fight boss that was on par with Elden yeah spawn right in the captain’s face yeah clown okay if my game didn’t freeze I wouldn’t have died it froze when I tried to Grapple and it just didn’t grapple and I fell Pirates are at 100% why haven’t they left yeah for real I’ve actually noticed that he glitched okay there there you go okay yeah get one last oh I’m going to chase that little [ __ ] fire captain escapes with 180 health I swear if he gets away I’m pissed you better off the screen I’m going to be do not let him off the go get him get him he’s good he’s good unless I die [ __ ] him that this a Spore zombie I’ve never even heard of that lagging what is happening uh-oh dude my gun was firing it was making the shooting sound and not shooting huh it was like glitched now I’m I don’t video happen trle D die oh my God got 94 gold too that was cool I cannot stand that cl’s laugh like I died one again dude I found nowhere near it oh I got the banana ring [ __ ] him and his b isn’t that isn’t that the thing that I could have used a while back yes yes it is now oh there a hooping Jack on me guess I have to kill you is this what beer causes yes Ty ow you a 2012 n Deluxe Samsung refrigerator I did not we got to clean this crap up man yeah we do we have to clean this up and all the blood moon enemies up you are such a little threat to me I’ll gladly mine tombstones away while you try to kill them yeah they killed shumi yeah Dicks Sporting Goods not you two oh my God I don’t know why it’s oh I’m nowhere near these bombs and they’re apparently killing me that one actually hit me but before that I would intentionally walk around them and they just blow up and kill me anyway [ __ ] that I’ve died to the his bombs like five times I’m not even the one fighting him just like off the scen oh here we go what could go wrong you might hit me with a bomb from down there prick was the that time I don’t know I thought I thought that was a demon eye so I just went to bounce off of it and of course it does 300 damage and kills me I get one last Lick in okay I can we play please like did not get on to fight endless waves of [ __ ] got on to actually get [ __ ] done how are you alive okay trash trash Oh golden toilet okay fine in Amy’s room that [ __ ] Amy will live right here what are these I also have a gold to who who else deserves that or is it only Amy I will throw sell it right now am and the Fat Bastard just he needs it where’s he at where he blows up well nobody’s here right now everybody’s [ __ ] dead okay that’s true oh my God can we sleep past the blood moon you want to try uh good try good night if the clouds start moving quick that means it’s working guess you can’t sleep past the boat cool love it I mean we could go underground and be fine that we could that we could what boss do we even have to kill next planta or oh it is planta Duke might be better to kill first but PL is pretty easy that Duke don’t you hate that fight H look at this giant funy bulbs you’re like hey how’s it going I just yeah oh my are you Ohio Sigma because you are moving I’m not going to read that this stupid question stupid comment very very dumb this thing isn’t really that good um okay anyway I guess not anyway this shit’s so going now my mouth’s dry I want milk and kind of getting hungry [Applause] oh no what was that mushy ladybug mushy ladybug mushy ladybug you’re back and eating grilled cheese sweet where is the Moon at why can I not see it cuz it’s almost done better be you’re done toting it better be actually I’m really hungry right now so I’m I’m going to go eat real quick you can fish or something like I’ll be in 10 minutes all right all right all right I’m going to go fish here once all this crap is gone done didly done did over with is the jiggle or wiggle later guys tell Sao arlex that he stink like Scooby-Doo I [Music] will oh [Music] was what’s up BR how’s it going man I can we just cannot catch a break in here be honest why is this guy still here good are you leaving buddy are you leaving H that’s a shame this is that’s sad what kind of sauce is ccio uh that’s a good question I’m going to go with like I’m going to go with like ketchup I think no maybe Chick-fil-A sauce Maybe oops do we defeat a back or two or two backs or post we are post Mech currently um we beat all the mechs dinging [Music] all right Chad we’re going to go fishing here I think all right and then we are going to go into the underground snow I think going to try and get some crates save water drink beer that’s right why is why is the goblin Tinker with a piece of cake cuz he needs it me and Waffle time should collab I agree I agree fact if he if he if he ever listened to this tell them to call me waffle waffle time carries McCrae throughout the game why you say that huh let try it again I need to find a good fishing spot though that isn’t corrupted o over here maybe imagine the CATE Adrian waffle make an eternity playthrough mode that would be pretty sweet y do not care about the mayor at all what do you think about the new 4J Studios game it’s like 3 3D terar uh never heard of it dude I don’t know what that is how is this crap still corrupted how is this stuff still corrupted what Ty doing he uh he said he wanted to go eat all right fine I’ll just do this what’s up mza what’s up dude these guys are annoying that is that is a great song opportunity about uncorrupt thing I could probably fish here right you have three-day weekend sweet very nice what is this pixie doing man that’s true the the fairy actually might lead me to something what do you want fairy there’s no way you’re going to this that was cool thanks thanks pixie what Su quackers come on man please thank you all right finally leave me alone okay I just I need to get some crates at length to Cod I don’t know what that is can I call you macaroni that’s a good one dude Place background walls so worms can’t spawn it’s good point I I could I should but that’s okay I will just I will F them off Frost minnow oh you’re back how long was that I just uh probably about 10 minutes I just I just kind of started fishing what the [ __ ] you been doing dude I’ve been trying to freaking find a spot to fish I got I got a whole bunch of bait if you want to fish as well did you take a crate potion oh shoot I forgot about that I got I got them all these streams the highlight of my night bro thank you for the two the two Euros man thank you dude um here you go bit nothing in there what do you mean gosh dang it hey let’s get some W’s for mcloven man ow where the crates at oh I got one it’s not I know but it’s oh wait hold up stay right there I’m getting old shoes dude I’ve gotten two that’s all I’ve got here you go thank you why can’t I fish oh shoe I’ve gotten three old shoes and that’s it suck at fishing Man game sucks oh there we go perfect that’s what I wanted minutes maker now trying to get ice crates via fishing oh that’s a mythal crate I could try your stupid ass bobber keeps making me go I why a million times quicker I have did you drink the potions I gave you yes this is stupid you suck at fishing dude I wonder what these Atlantic C ODS do all right I’m not fishing this is [ __ ] dumb it literally will not let me get a single thing um here try this somehow I picked up your crap what is there a truffle worm doing on the ground doing nothing Pro [ __ ] fish pearlwood crate why did it give me that before it give me an ice crate how the hell did it give me a pearlwood crate I don’t know I’ve got a few of them there are such thing as ice crates right um according the chat there is there is you can get these ice skates from from fishing right yeah there’s a oh there isn’t real crates oh B real crates instead of frozen crate or yeah B real crate snow or ice biome it says does it have to be in the cave though m m is a real one m is a real one dude I don’t yeah I mean I’m in snow you can get normal crat AO real crates okay mythal crate heart reach potions no freaking way not a single snow biome crate oh my God those ain’t it dude she just throw me yeah those ain’t it I keep getting [ __ ] like that that’s tough D speaking in genen Z look at all the crap on the ground yep and like whenever we finally do get a crate it’s not going to have never know and my crate potions out oh you I got a couple more mhm you covered up me Hood stack well thank you why did you do that oh yeah what’s and what’s better normal M&M’s or normal Skittles show show chat show the chat go like this okay they didn’t even see nothing what’s up Raul dude what’s up man welcome back uh for me I I’m going to have to I’m going to have to go with Skittles as well what do you think no yep I ain’t the best but do you know spam what I ain’t the best but how do you spawn Goblin Army manually does anybody know uh you have to get tattered cloth from the the goblin Goblin wander dudes by the uh Scout by the um by the dungeon my guy is back to not catching anything oh why do I keep getting portal it’s like are you sure it’s almost like it’s acting like this ain’t even a snow biome I don’t understand but I know it is I know it is cuz I’m getting I’m getting Frost stuff we should be on the ground level not the cave seriously probably you search it up anybody hold up Bal crate the snow is with Hollow no you trying to go on are you trying to go on the surface yeah found a nice little Pond don’t do that again back he M we need to go get more life ruit too mhm I just I got a single crate up here so I can’t tell what kind of crate it would give ah these ice skates dude go a life Fruit Farm could I could keep getting C what are we searching for we’re we’re trying to get Frost crates I got a crate and it was mithil on the surface it’s crazy oh oh Bow real crate no way yeah I got one I’m G to open this [ __ ] I got ice skates no way yes we just need one more pair all right [ __ ] yeah where’s Mr guide where’s Mr guide all right I’ll come over here in a second can’t believe I got first try hey that’s a w though that’s it out of my inventory both of you W’s okay hold up fishing boom wait wait joj Cola Frost spark boots very nice [Music] what’s up blue what’s up man where’s my excaliber I went with the true Knight’s Edge this time you love the you love the Tor series thank you dude thank you I got a pearl wood it’s McCrae search at the jungle for the anklet of of for the anklet and with your aglet and boot boots you craft lightning boots yeah that was another thing that we need to try and find is um ankle of the wind we had trouble finding that didn’t we um yeah it took me a while to find it did you did you have hell yeah did you did you have did you find two or no okay one all right we’ll probably forever yeah we we might have to do some fishing just like this oh I keep getting sailfish boots that ain’t a thing pearwood crate yeah I kept getting them too I got a be real up here pearlwood what the [ __ ] yeah I keep getting those what is wrong with this game I know man my pearlwood yep pearlwood what the [ __ ] is anywh you are you you f it up it’s all you it’s all your fault B real B real B real ice skates ice skates ice skates yes all right good thank God could have been way worse okay cool boots all right I’m I’m going to keep fishing here for a little bit what is the purpose of this I’m going to the underground jungle to get started started on life Fruit oh okay fact I let’s go what’s up quackers what’s up cheese I got it let’s go man CU it sell your that video recent I can’t believe you guys didn’t buy a single weapon we did what do you mean we literally Walk This Way We I don’t know I’m I’m just going right here though why I was going to finish my fishing while I still got try and get some uh prismite stop that you creep what nothing all right now we need some life fruits and then it’s planta time yep there’s a plant bul right there he has to be playing furry simulator oh are we down here recently I a’t seen no life FRS um did you get a spunker potion there’s one what are we what am I fishing for prismite fishing for prismite here true gosh dang it love on Jupiter what do you mean can’t believe I’ve not got a Prisma yet shouldn’t you two be doing fishing quests probably yeah we definitely should be wait I don’t know why I just got that achievement what up uh where the Truffle just moved in cuz he probably just came back which he did but I’m just I thought I already got that achievement no the Truffle is a new edition so far I found one life Fruit yeah it’s pretty bad when I come to you I I’ll I’ll get um I’ll make um IUS bloners got two minutes left yeah we do know it’s there’s a I just got a freaking painting out from fishing uh-uh yeah it doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t make any sense crazy finally a prismite holy crap you don’t need them have I considered killing the dragon of the old ones Army event gives a better Terror blade I didn’t know that was a thing dude um might have to look Betsy you know Betsy is that what that is MHM we don’t need this much life for to fight plantar though let’s be honest we don’t need full life Fruit what’s up Pokey dude what’s up man oh my God I just got another Prisma right as right as I was about to to give up too all right so that being said I need to put this into oh I need to get the lightning oh okay so I need to get the lightning boots boots do you have Hermes Spectre oh my God yeah so I need to go get I need to go get an anle anklet of the wind good luck with that I’m in the jungle right now I haven’t seen any new chests all right I need I just I need to go fishing there why did I just tap out like and we for sure don’t have one 99% yeah no that is not happening sucks let’s just fight planta oh wait you need your your anklet I that would probably make in the fight but next play through bring me at to peee [Music] house jeez what’s happening to me sweee is bleeding on the cone how many wormholes do you have um let me look none dude I’m I’m I’m about to trash all of it so well it’s up to you what you do with it I just don’t want it is that is that acceptable or no if you don’t want it then trash it I did I was giving it to the trash can that’s you got no comeback to the Jungle wait so that means I probably have to fish above ground probably guess I’m going to blow the plantar ARA open there’s Demo Man yay more fishing all right let’s blow this thing oh the fans are chanting oh my God they want me to blow okay okay you the dir plank boys it’s honestly right here just blow this is he bouncing away double Cod double Cod huh you just saved a bird really did you touch it is scratching from why is CYO sagging I don’t know I not that’s honestly a personal question bit inappropriate of you to distract me with that question okay plant Arena’s ready I’m spawning I canot get a crate what’s up ABD what’s up dude I have I have I have to see the stream at 1:44 or else I’m going play you’re watching this in 144p I don’t I don’t know why like um I I see no connection errors on my end dude having a connection error huh you’re having a connection error um I think one guy is jeez you give me an Uzi now I’ll kill you I thought got two angry Trappers on me I’m just I’m amazed that I cannot even get a crate I should make us I got a I got I got one but I got a boom stick out of it I should make a song My Voice is awesome well thank you dude uh Raul wants me to make a song so ra back off what’s up Jay what’s up man oh yeah this arena is sick tell cypo to make a Terraria cover of not like us I think okay this is a perfect Arena means no improvements this is a real man’s Arena it’s make I’ll have to give you a couple pointers when you come look at it what’s up Kane all right I got three angry Trappers on me yeah you do titanium crate what think about the Minecraft movie announcement I think it’ll be there’s a Minecraft movie coming out is that right no you know that yeah I’m dead dude a [Music] poison guys trash how what how are they dying I don’t know what are you doing at the house I’m at I’m in the jungle what’s up Catal May he’s running a goddamn scam ow eight gold just cost me I’m going to flip that right around and probably get a couple hundred out of it huh just going to flip that right around and wait wait never mind coming a fish Yep this is so boring man I just want this freaking you don’t need it right now if you want to spice the things up come down to the arena it welcomes all shapes and sizes even you we give ccio a nickname T is my nickname you [ __ ] his nickname is [Laughter] Noah only goes by ccio ccio the S that’s your nickname I’m just getting attacked relentlessly I’m just trying to build an arena M Hornets are so annoying yeah I’m about to be down there giant flying fox what is that let’s try mimic and stay oh man I was just about to freaking teleport too it’s right down there you barely have to walk let go to where I died God damn my game is so laggy see I’m already back wait where the hell did you go it’s your fault technically try to look to see where you went on the map so you owe me money for that oh we need to toss life Fruit into the Shimmer we’ll do it at some point there’s a planter bulb down here yep there a lot of them we only need one try though you ready no you like the arena I hav I Haven even seen it yet the [ __ ] did you go went home really really quick oh I do have splunkers on me I didn’t even know oh yeah all right where [ __ ] what I’m dead no I’m not family of toxic sludges has joined the party dude this Arena sucks it’s better than anything you’ll ever built oh this ain’t no planter Arena I agree this is a plant Arena we don’t need much to kill her she’s pretty damn easy it definitely needs to be longer and a little bit taller so we could Circle easily you don’t need a circle which rotted this cord oh yeah oh oh it’s me God so many freaking have fun with all that we need to get we need to get the some banners down here oh we just got one good timing fire freaking Stingers man oh I think I think I think you you beat it so if you got the banner on you place it down in the middle I think I’m going to go home and get the get the bass statue no Banner man I think you do I don’t I ain’t got it well I got it gosh dang it use a p peace candle oh yeah peace candles are good too jeez P oh water candle how do we get the peace candles I forgot need pink slime oh yeah okay is this B actually over here oh we we probably got oh yeah heart lanterns Don’t Mind If I Do sharpening station somebody in toxic sledg Ville got a tip that there was a party going on here or something yeah there is quite a bit here they’re [ __ ] everywhere I mean they’re less annoying than the other stuff I’m honestly not going to kill them so stuff stops spawning those guys are harmless Turtle Lane don’t kill him look what you’ve done you’ve triggered everything now here come the sludge raining from above okay don’t kill tell him to get out of my face they’re teleporting everywhere oh my game is so laggy oh my God I can make Beetle armor oh wait I already have half Beetle armor I I just needed one more turtle shell and I I just got it I just need 18 clight bars okay oh next time I get over there I’m spawning Planet ter I can’t take this [ __ ] no more I don’t want to be in that jungle any longer heal from Amy and then I think I’m good to go you good to go it’s okay let’s do this all right Chad here we go we’re going to we’re going to try and fight a planter here plan ter fight plan ter fight j a fight three 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 you ready three ready ready back ah this is a terrible Arena but let’s go 3 2 one don’t worry for this fight I specifically drank a potion to make you happy guess which potion iron skin crate potion let’s go you pink you pink [ __ ] why are none of my things going in the direction that I want them to why is everything so laggy for me I’m hosting the goddamn world you had ior would been oh wait we can’t get I oh I guess we could with Shimmer how good I is it’s do you know how good I is I keep hitting a block somewhere I see it I’ll get it how you feeling uh well not very good because none of my things are going yeah why why can’t you hit her why is she on me why am I lagging why do I play this game still [ __ ] my life oh my God the [ __ ] frame rate lag is insane at least as long as we win the fight I don’t care how long till she goes monster mode and question two-part question what when does she go monster mode and do you think she’s sexier in monster mode no but you got to enter both parts um here in probably about 12,000 health and no you don’t think she’s sexy you think she’s SE she’s sexy now when she’s all pink and ripe no you have to you have to choose one you can’t say no to both which version Let tanked her a little bit you need go you need to go um heal she’s about to go told you who knows their [ __ ] okay this is your job itmi get all those little guys I that’s a good weapon this how we doing folks how we doing oh no I opened up plantera’s box go Dynamite at well I’m trapped no there’s a block stay alive just stay alive just stay alive I cannot believe that’s what killed me actually yes I really can this arena is so freaking terrible he we get used to it 6 5 4 3 2 1 I’m going to hit Amy here I come game’s [Music] freezing this fight’s easiest Mi say it oh I I I know it was going to be easy but well still just say it it’s it’s easy oh my game just froze I think I’m going to die because of it I’m so sick of the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you’re not be I am of fact think I give a [ __ ] I don’t understand how all our minions are still alive I don’t think I I am there’s a chance I might die here well if you die I’m probably [ __ ] cuz my game is really freezing like what’s the point of having an expensive ass computer if this is the [ __ ] that it does come on we got to kill her I’m gunning her in the face take it like the woman you are take it like a woman take it like a woman G to the bus I was at 33 Health right there all right got a new gun what gun never even heard cool love trying being able to try out my new weapon guys uh it’s called like venomous Venus Magnum never heard of it I I got a little pig St all right let’s go open let’s go open the crates in the dungeon actually first I’m me go talk to Mr shroy Man all my chlorop FY should be saved up give me the I don’t have enough money for the auto hammer spent it all on [ __ ] [ __ ] I spent it all on [ __ ] Amy I think there needs to be a comma in there spent a long [ __ ] comma aiming doesn’t do anything no you’re right the the comma doesn’t do anything well I dropped 40 gold when I died so who has it there it is Lambda the side if you used all my chlori it you know how I’m pissed I’ll be at you can’t believe this auto hammer cost 94 gold like why I’m not GNA have enough I’m not GNA have enough time to go to the dungeon find a vampire KN is is a pain yeah why did I do that where the glowing mushrooms go SM there’s none in here what chest have you put them in mushrooms uh probably in the potions one how much shite can I make oh man I have to go get chlorop fight oh I’m about to get a big fat armor upgrade big fat armor upgrade you hear me I do what am I about to get then what am I about to get then it’s honestly not a clue I just said I just said I hear you you just weren’t even listening then well I mean mean fine I said I’m about to get a big fat armor upgrade a big fat armor upgrade it’s Oh shot M armor right no well that’s what you’re freaking talking about ah I just need where wait did I did I just sell the temple the temple key you’ve got one right temple key yeah I just S I just sold the temple temp what the [ __ ] I don’t have one oh really oh no I do I do I do I didn’t I didn’t guess I didn’t even like I was probably zoned down I sold the temple key wait where’s where’s the other key though for um for uh um the the biome chests um I have two of them oh okay trying to get chlorop FY before I go down there so I can have my new armor equipped all right chat what what’s the next weapon I need what’s the next weapon I need oh so I get the ter blade yeah true uh we need to do the uh Sol oh there’s a big sexy vein of chlorop FY yeah terrible BL IO has some traumas with teleporting mouth runs yes I hate those things I was just thinking about those earlier today we still need to find the temple too we don’t on the left side for fight please I think I should be good after this I’ll go check and we go to the dungeon yes new armor what a good feeling that is huh huh Bang okay cool reading all the oh yeah oh yeah wait why are my pants blue now what the whatever doesn’t matter okay um you ready to go to the dungeon yeah we can oh bring go go go in the potion chest and grab a danger sense potion not the dungeon or our chest did I say that no I’m saying the dungeon isn’t the temple I’m going to the I see so we can get dude if we had a corruption key you’d be set the scourge of the corruptor is so good but we do have something for you follow me damn it Mr shroy CFT the TR Tri Excalibur are we are we still going to the dungeon yeah if only you had a corruption key if only you could either get the scourge of the corruptor or vampire knives oh yeah I wonder if you could Shimmer a like a corruption key is that a thing yeah well I think you would you would um get the scourge of the corruptor and Shimmer that and I think it would give you vampire knives [Music] um make an Avengers emblem so I can upgrade my power glove oh yeah I forgot about that uh okay first things first we’re going to get you your weapon oh yeah I forgot there’s new guys here you could get a Paladin’s Hammer oh yeah and the shield shield goes good with something these guys drop something too oh they do drop me a sniper some of them when we get the um the uh bones Leons all them oh yeah the black belt and Tabby get some ninja gear why am I not using my new Gat what is that I don’t know plant dropped it Venus Magnum ice shell plus Shield come on I don’t remember where all these chests are so we’re just going to have to oh oh oh here’s a jungle one okay get that one open uh is this hollowed where no is that corruption it’s corruption all right this is the piranha gun right yeah it should be big booty big booty that’s you itmi whoa who’s diabolist not sure I’ve ever seen him before they knew are we on Candid Camera what is that this Fire won’t go away now got the piranha gun let’s try it out someone I can test this oh there’s a sniper down there I’ll get him you can test it on this uh this chest that’s bouncing around oh ectoplasm so I just hold it down and they eat him yeah I think so is that range working yeah it’s ranged it’s not even working though okay well that’s sick I think you’re doing it wrong doing [ __ ] wrong Bain the vampire CR like the chest instead the dungeon has I corrupt the chest discour corruptor oh so it’s actually impossible oh right here here you go wait I just got I just got an achievement weapon what’s it called robbing the grave whose grave did you rob that’s not very nice I agree oh yeah okay I got you a weapon though they either of them drop anything oh I got a black bu you oh another one another one another one come more you well ectoplasm I’m I’m down for the count I am down for the count I just keep getting sworn by Fireballs man nothing I can do about it robbing the grave did you kill that bones yes good did you get anything I got an achievement and a tabby Terraria Terraria devs are crazy with the names of stuff like morning wood I think it’s quite brilliant that’s disgusting um I have to go back there and get the chest for you oh and masturbate yeah true golden shower I for golden shower oh wondering where the [ __ ] you are all right come follow me come follow me I am the way the truth and the life come follow me come follow me I am ni shot shot ow ow oh okay I I I I can’t I can’t even swing a weapon currently yeah I can’t either I actually there’s a I might die by this guy okay I made it to the chest dude how the [ __ ] does that hit me from 10 miles away okay here’s your chest it’s Mick oh put it for you boom there you a weapon I’m going to die Rob the chest and get the hell out of there yay it’s my got a rainbow gun all right now we can isn’t it sick yep um wait wait we need to farm bones Le and where the Paladin’s at yeah I don’t know who now he it’s MC with the rainbow gun all right yeah those things are really annoying I didn’t even know it would blow up like that how am I at five Health coming don’t just don’t die well I literally clicked on you as you died I’m not going back there [ __ ] that place I’m going to the I’m going to the temple going to the Temple already yeah what’s the hold up I need crap what do you need what um there’s my ninja gear you did i’ still need something I still need the um I have the black belt what’s the other one uh black belt Tabby and tiger climbing claws yeah so tiger climbing claw I already have but I need the I need the Tabby thing so you can go to the you can go into the temple if you want I’m going to go back here nothing better than watching us at 1:30 a.m. let’s go dude I also we need to we need to get the solar eclipse going it’s impossible cannot be done what do we what do we need for that oh we actually we actually need to go into the temple for that I think go ahead and pronounce that name for me Yeo [Laughter] milk yeah we also need to get all life [Applause] fruits I don’t know it’s me gosh those things are annoying all right so the bone leaves were somewhere around here I think oh God it’s a windy day you know what that means with bone Lee oh my mustache smells like puke the [ __ ] happened oh I think I’m going to die yep cool be better merry Halloween everybody am I got to go by tyo pre golum right now pre goem cool what did I miss I don’t want that wait give me that back I dropped something important this sitting there we guys do TR 3D good chance I would like to what’s happening I’m going to go get the Tabby we also need to get life Fruit we don’t need life Fruit for the temple do we I’m G to beat you like I’m G to beat you my [ __ ] game froze nice ninja gear [Music] oh who’s the quickest in the [Applause] game the guys that shoot the Fireballs are really annoying yeah cuz as soon as you hit them they disappear the Fireballs aren’t even fair uhoh oh here’s one of them kill this [ __ ] ass what is what is the criteria for a bones lead to spawn I don’t even remember even know I know they can’t Spa on Windy days so it’s pointless to fight them right now that’s not true isn’t I don’t know my game is so laggy I bless you oh my dude what the [ __ ] what just everything going down just got surrounded by like every creature possible [Music] watch this they a even going to know where I’m at you ready stealth mode stealth mode you lost me dead watch this watch this watch this stealth mode oh wait wait wait watch this watch this you don’t even know don’t touch stealth mode wait what what the [ __ ] was I on fire from the stupid fire oh bon bon bony come on I cannot die no where you going [Applause] bonley escape this come on do not do not give me a freaking black belt did you get something no how the [ __ ] did that guy go through My Bullets what oh god this is the final [Music] stand what they just walked through my bullets did you see that uh-uh oh yeah I mean I did yeah I did a straight line at him and he just ran through them all and jumped at me that was dark dark okay did you did you get a did you get a tabby no seriously yes it ain’t going to happen it’s like we’re never getting it we just got to face it it’s like you’ll never get the boots have I seen the first update of the big have I have I seen the first update of a big Calamity update what Lenny what’s up R there was ABS nothing on the line okay if there was absolutely nothing on the line but but you have to make out the cipher wood heck no heck no you see him man that’s not very nice sao’s PC runs on blessings dude this computer is the nicest computer I’ve ever had and yet it runsa like uh oh he’s coming for you it’s ni uh oh he’s coming for you it’s Mi every time I kill someone the ectoplasm goes for you oh bones Lee boner Lee get it no of course not can this thing go away Jesus Christ oh my god oh now now I can’t swing now I cannot swing he’s just chasing us okay we escaped his [ __ ] that guy seriously oh still on sounds like he’s stomping towards us yeah I know he sounds like a giant scary monster he just a little spam firing [ __ ] okayy we escape him is that guy new I think he is he has to be I don’t know to be honest why am I at one Health I’ve not been hit in a long ass time what happened to my health can’t just try to get me killed by making me freeze when I was directly over spikes I don’t know what hit me I don’t even know I’m just dying to random [ __ ] I don’t think I’ve had a single death here that I was like okay I messed up there it’s been people walking through my bullets my game freezing random [ __ ] oh boy [ __ ] Give Me Your Inferno for you give me your sniper ow do not let this guy freaking hit I’m freezing so bad Bon Le Bon Le bone bone bone coming coming coming coming at you sandwiched black belt no way what did you get a black belt last time or something I yeah I have three black belts on me Good Luck canot stand this [ __ ] I’m trying to not die but I don’t would I consider playing contant Waring with wa uh waffle and Adrian definitely dude I can’t even see him oh my God I’m dead [ __ ] that guy like why did they buff him out the wazu yeah he like a mini boss now all I need is a bon Le over here all I [Music] need bonesy with a black Bel hold on oh yeah you should use chlorified bullets those are the ones that [Applause] hone how you doing [Applause] why is there dark traps out the Wu oh my God it’s like as soon as there’s a fire guy then the the giant skulls tell ccio to friend me on Discord I something to send him all right I think he’s away currently you get it no because because as as soon as soon as the the fire guy comes there’s a giant skull yeah it’s like they come in like a the whole like family comes so and you then you can’t swing or do anything you just have to run for your life as an onslaught of Fire balls explode making it was making me sweat in real life that was why I had to take a second skeleton sniper give me a sniper give me it I got it oh it’s a rifle scope oh give me that you kidding me this devour say say you’re an accessory hog right now watching The Hub oh God what’s the best sight B knee on me no way what’s the best sight for that how do I not get anything honestly we’re getting lucky with how much he is dropping oh another bony this is some BS please guess what I got black belt I already saw it I’m just kidding I’m just kidding this is what I actually got yeah I got four of them unbelievable Bon these are spawning up here I’m going to try to go actually I probably shouldn’t try to go back to where we were cuz oh May of slime town is here yeah wish I just put a bullet in his slimy brain yeah four four black belts another one back up that’s what I got just kidding guess what I got another black belt oh wow say say thank you and then you no say thank you thank you some girls talk like that yeah I know okay well now can we go to the temple please it’s all I ever wanted it’s Mick it’s all the fans Ever Wanted permission where’s where’s Cameron at Cameron’s dead no he’s not he’s right here get out my way 25 magic Mir sweet oh oh that was awesome what a you see the Moon up there watch this nice like that that you did not do that that’ll come in handy whenever it’s fishing time why do I keep magic mirror man I don’t know I’m going to head to the temple and you can teleport there when you’re done having your mental breakdown not a gold come yeah I am too I’m I’ll AFK whenever I gotta go here soonish and I’ll AFK whenever I’m going I mean I’ll be where is the I swear it I swear I’ve seen the temple on this squ oh y there it is okay it’s honestly like straight down from here I’m just going to dig straight down got 18 more for good fun we’re up all night have you ever stayed up all night to get some no yeah you have no I literally haven’t yes you have oh you don’t want the fans to know sorry fans just make this want talk about it um I’m about to dig into a honeycomb I woke up my nose was bleeding um what else went wrong something else can’t remember though is this is this at all necessary I’m like drowning in Honey right now oh my gosh oh my the honey just doesn’t stop him oh yeah wel come I’ve had enough what’s your favorite um Cheerio flavor it’s make what are you slamming stuff for because I I hold on hold on it’s m tell shipo to friend me on Discord I need him to read this message put loud won’t let me send it um hold on it’s m tell CER to friend me on Discord I need him to read this message put loud YouTube won’t let me send it McCrae you to get the fire it’s good MRA you got to get the fire Gauntlet it’s good dude thank you both for the donations Raul dude um R wants you to wants wants to send you something I don’t know R’s Discord name it’s um uh gosh dang it I can’t even hey uh Mr fatigue I think something like oh I’m drown I’m going to drown to death if I drown to death I’m you’re going to hear me from it’s mcre do the mechanical glove and the mechanical glove in fire do what yeah there’s a couple accessories you can make now but I want to go into the temple just be well honestly we don’t have to if you don’t want to have to what go in the temple oh no we can didn’t you I I got the master gear but we need life Fruit you cannot say master how dare you use that word in this day and age ooh this is living the temple should be under why would you do that got some we were doing really good for a second oh you could find there might be an anklet down here for you you is that right it’s just everything is wet that a single block that open that chest we a flare gun oh wow oh amazing thank you again I’ve gotten you two items in the past 10 minutes you haven’t unappreciative so wait how do I get how do I get the anle of the wind oh are you that you have it you just picked it up oh my what a I com you got me killed I didn’t know I didn’t know I had to combine them with that too no way and and then I got warding lightning boots no freaking way let’s go for long you need to put ice SKS on them oh for real yeah you need to go all the way up to the teror spark boots oh unless you okay well whenever I gave you the anklet of the wind and then you said okay how do I get the anklet of the wind that made me so confused that it got me killed why did you say that se um don’t know what were you thinking born too late to explore the world born too early to explore the universe born just in time to hear it it’s some CRA say [ __ ] that makes no sense drop an Uzi [ __ ] okay oh anyway what what am I doing with the Power Glove I don’t want to know what you’re doing with the Power Glove I’m at the [Music] temple I don’t know where the entrance is though it’s usually like right what have I done wrong I’m at the peak of the temple and there’s no entrance in sight how do I get the am I am I getting how how do I make the Avengers emblem you know Avengers emblem um I think you need to use the emblem you currently have and then a bunch of other [ __ ] I don’t remember it’s probably where the freaking guy go why are you doing man I cannot find the entrance to this thing oh okay just three different Souls uh sight you never gave me that sniper scope after everything I’ve done for you Hey where’s it’s it’s in the it’s in the chest where is the rest of the it’s me you’ve got to see this Temple there’s not a there’s not a way in do you know do you know where the other Soul souls are what Souls the soul might and fright yeah I think I ate them all what do you need I need I just need five of each I only have I only have these that’s all I have for you this is who I am this is all I can give you what will you what will you give me you’re telling me the sniper scope is in here huh I don’t see it yeah it’s in the accessories one of them oh greases how I say increases I don’t understand this how does it increase my view range you have to like right click or something stupid oh yeah I see what the that’s just kind of weird yeah it was kind of trippy I don’t know about all that okay either I AFK for while or we go to the temple what do you want we can go to the temple if you want okay we’ll go to the temple and I’ll show you that it has absolutely no way in and you’ll you’ll have never seen anything like it it’s pretty crazy trying to see if there’s another accessory that would be good for me no bad bad it’s me no have you ever given Missy a spanking uh I have what did you do to deserve it uh curle up in a ball curdle no no what did do to deserve the spanking oh she ran away she ran away where like over at the farm use planta accessory the spores is that even good I don’t think I’ve ever used that oh my Sean please get down here it’s really upsetting me I’m coming now I got I got a whole bunch of new accessories and crap all right okay the the entrance should be right down here right what can be on either side uhuh there’s no such thing as a right entrance Temple yeah there is and now there’s honey there’s no such thing wait hold on I’ll solve that best not blow it game’s freezing game’s freezing game is freezing get magma Gauntlet magma stone and sh I quit hold on can’t you can’t keep putting me through this oh so then okay you’re telling me there’s such thing as a temple you can enter from the right yeah all right let’s go walk forward and now you may wait yeah it’s right here okay I’ve never well actually no legendary mode had a temple we entered from the right I think oh yeah achievement Temple Raider did you get that I did yeah all right okay all right let let’s take a chill pill here for a minute no let’s run through this hoe chill pill my ass let’s do it the cipher away how long the temple was on a Calamity yeah let’s go forward why did you push me I forgot how fast the ninja gear dashes I just launched myself into it you think we could kill Gollum I don’t think we could well no I think we could I know we could I think we probably could oh wait that lucky duck dude see here here we have an example of me being smart and grabbing a danger sense potion going through it so then every time we have to come back through here if we ever have to can’t hear you I’m you basic you basically just killed me cuz you you stepped on a pressure plate yeah who’s the smart one now all right you want to get why no ter blade um no solar clipse yeah yeah do do we have to have the solar Cliff for that that why no teror blade yes I believe oh this ninja gear sometime too good okay let me switch weapons man nice it’s got sat on dude what it it just made me back dash directly onto the pressure plates so we have an example of me being smart not dying to the pressure plate with a danger sense potion active oh the May of slime Town’s in the temple that’s a new one uh Raul wants you to look at your Discord message tell ra I’m in the middle of a [ __ ] dunk jungle temple but I will oh yeah here’s Gollum room okay well I found Golem room it’s literally right where you warm holding me at it’s like right there let’s let’s kill go and then I’m going AFK I feel disgustingly like I almost feel ill because of how this dirty I feel Oh The Blood MO is rising that means we’re about to get absolutely spawned on down here we got to get in there and close it go go go you close it it close yeah don’t die there’s bouncies everywhere oh yeah and my wings ran out of flight oh good good Banner Good Banner all right let’s make this Arena oh dude it was not me it was not me I know it was it was me it made me dash for no reason dude take it for the $2 man after you beat G you got to get a teror blade all right man you you got my you got my promise you got his promise don’t worry oh I got something to someone if I die I’m going to die they’re just spawning in here dude oh I just accidentally activated another trap and somehow dodged it right in time stream now good night I will head off all the best thank you dude I’m you need to get here I’m going to die I was I dude I just spawned yeah Didn’t I saw how long you spawn for it’s not that long well I guess we have to go through the whole thing again during the blood moon just go just go just go just go chat do anybody want cookie chat don’t answer that he’s not too bad you ain’t going to be able to get one see try to tell you try to tell you guys what you doing for dinner don’t f up on cookies okay it’s Mi um him they want cookie [Music] they W cie but I’ll take one I’ll take half oh my God they’re like a plague I’m going rubbing in I’m going to die all right I’m here for sitting down here eating cookies in the temple [Music] mhm I’m up here fighting holding off waves of whatever those things are and you’re sitting back there munching they charge at me again why am I getting oh Spike all right cool dude I might run out of ammo just gone fight I my game froze and it just got me hit awesome you need to go get Cory bullet I’ll get him at some point oh Mar slime town just got killed right in front of my very eyes good yeah that was that will be the last thing we do on this world is open him are they going to be spawn did you close it up are they going to be spawning in during the fight can’t have that careful where are these buttons it’s Mr potion of danger sense I didn’t drink one I don’t know we need those things to disappear though grenade launcher quite good for Gem they disar would love some of that cookies oh I found it right here I just stepped on another one there’s they’re everywhere in here what have you just done I don’t know I I destroyed like three or four buttons on that left side there’s still one or two more just don’t die and we’re fine and we’re not fighting with platforms either by the way yes we are who made you who made you the dictator huh well I threw you oh I have platforms we got to make it no no no no at the very very top very very top very very top this is the very very top no it isn’t dude you want to fight him in that gay way yes or no it’s Mi um yeah that’s better okay say yes you have to say the words that you want to fight him in the gay way yeah I want to fight him in the gay way cuz it’s easier oh it’s easy being gay huh is that what you’re saying it is it is easy being gay in this in this world uhhuh I said I don’t care all right yeah you would know all right spawning him you ready three ready it’s Mick it’s now or never you ready wait it’s Mick we don’t have we don’t even have the bass statue or nothing man yeah we don’t need it though we have infinite tries let’s be how are jungle bats in here why does cypo laugh like an ogre oh God the fight’s off we’re going to die wait and then and then and then then honestly let’s just get it all let’s get it all zany up in here is that the right word oh it’sing about that oh really just crunch the ey can through F dragon look out f are greasy uh we have I’m run out of ammo teleport home real quick and grab some you can’t boss me around no but this guy came with his fists yeah perfect for you you just said you like being gay or whatever when his head comes off that’s the trick um Amy just said I’m sorry but you can’t afford me and there’s a clown on me I have to come back and die this is a death sentence for me does this mean ismi has to carry another yet another fight oh you’ve been carried you fat bastard who carried planta come on now not you zero damage he’s shooting now is he yeah and his head’s about to pop off in a fit of rage I just I just slime got the um I and pick up all his Hearts I 500 bullets left F could be going worse I guess shouldn’t probably say that but this is the easy part God here go my bullets can’t believe Amy talked all that [ __ ] in the middle of be trying to save the world sorry but you 14 gold she wanted 14 gold to heal me I just had a big uh with my Dash his head popped off yet I think we got to kill both other fist if we just kill his head he dies you know yeah true uh-oh there’s his head right on Q [Music] see it’s fine it’s easy you can survive 15 seconds come on 8 seconds it’s make are you a woman okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I should have got ammo what my dumbass thinking I only have 100 bullets This Is the End we supposed to Target his body or what yeah I just honestly just go underneath them it’s so much easier I’m not used to the ninja Dash right now you go my game froze my game froze you got him dude I I don’t think I I don’t think I really took more than like a 100 damage from this guy guy sucks God this guy this guy’s trash this guy’s terrible hey all right come on say thank you for caring say thank you Sean I I really suck that fight okay got to get my TR did you come home you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh let’s go back NOP I’m done this is what you’ve caused you hear this this is what he did fans what it mccre did I’m very close to punching something whenever my game pros and it killed me but I I didn’t so jokes on all of you I think it’s funny okay I’m getting my treasure bag God this ninja Dash formal oh I’m out of ammo I ran out of ammo midf fight with a flying snake cool I have no money to buy ammo I have no money to heal from Amy I have nothing I’m afking for 48 hours just to rub it into this stupid ass game so I never have to wait for money again more like skill issue I agree BD all right I got my things iel more like ww oh my God I picked up the cthulu treasure I’m going to AFK this is no oh my God I’ve given this game you picked up the wrong one yes I picked up cthul I just saw it said treasure bag so I instantly left and then I get back and I open it and it has an Shield of cthulu in it okay afy K give me money I more like short and saggy they’re good dude this ride of Discord is actually so nice IO could pick it up four be honest when ter blade uh that definitely used to happen I I’m about to call Noah though tell him that 40 gold bro I almost have a plat call I guess he really doesn’t want his treasure bag all right so that being said now sell cell all righty then we got to go to banners kaboom boom don’t care boom uh boss stuff boom boom right accessories boom boss stuff boom wait boss stuff boom banners boom okay so how do I I got to get the I got to get the terb blade when we fight the solar BL I don’t not going to do that do that without ccio here so uh let us see what can I reforge yo well I was I was going to um I was I was sitting in the uh jungle waiting for you but I was I was S I was sitting in the jungle in the temple waiting for you uh to come get your stuff but no no all right I I picked up the I picked up the alter so we can do that later all right well are you AFK I said ufk in all right all right man see okay watch out watch a hollowed mimic get him would be surprised all right all right chat so here’s the S I’m going to end the stream um it was a good little sesh um got some stuff done next next stream uh it’s we probably going to fight Moon Lord to be honest so y I’m not going to progress without ccio he needs to read that message on stream all right I’ll I’ll tell I’ll tell him I’ll tell him next stream um for sure but uh all right well everybody oh God my back thanks for coming to stream you guys um suck it before I leave all right and done and stream equals depression I apologize you guys um but uh I’ll I’ll be streaming come next week so y’all stay tuned for that and uh we’ll see you in the next one take sure come to stream guys

join me!



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