No Preparation? No Problem! Stardew Valley Twitch Rivals

[Music] I competed in Stu Valley twitch Rivals and with zero practice got second here’s how we did it the third Stu Valley twitch Rivals was announced on April 25th to be run on May 1st it was for 10 teams of four racing to complete various goals like complete the community center catch all the legendary fish and have every farmer marry an NPC being the first to complete a goal gave prize money with some categories having second and third placings too some goals gave partial credit like completing the museum others didn’t like needing to fulfill all eight raccoon quests the habo was competing habo coached the winning team in the first two Rivals and even competed in the second last minute to bring them to second place he holds the world record for fastest Community Center he knows what he is doing and he has had a week to practice with his team since completing the community center feeds into Grandpa’s evaluation in ginger Island he would be dared if he didn’t go hard at the CC I was invited onto a team the day before the competition our captain Rennie sorus was in the middle of a stream ofon when she got asked to be a captain and hurriedly assembled a team consisting of Alicia WIS suou and after a recommendation myself we had never met we had no time to practice but I had a plan knowing that teams worth practice would be gunning the mines and CCS our team turned our sights on a different goal the Next Generation this involves getting all players married to an NPC and gave the same prize as first to complete the CC years ago I routed four player marriage I have a route I just need to adapt it for the rules and for my team the team agreed with this plan so with exactly zero time playing this game together the competition is on Lo remember to move youred the Run starts with growing the 60 started passs for fing XP and money here is the first deviation in my marriage r we normally track where we Harvest a gold pass up at level zero farming this knowledge tells me when and where to harvest for the rest of the run to guarantee gold quality crops for gifts and for the lure however for some reason we aren’t allowed to use Legacy RNG no Legacy is allowed I’ve Bas I basically told them to not allow it I told them a lot of the rules that should be allowed and shouldn’t be allowed everybody having the same seed was the one that I kind of hard forced and no Legacy randomization which means I can’t do the crop man up this means we have to plant as many cauliflower seeds as we can get fertilize them and pray however we also have to start with shared money if we could start with split money that is an extra 1,500 G between the team so we have less collie than normal to we sleep through as many days as we can hoping for rain to grow the col other than that we Water by hand oh God everyone behind the Scarecrow on the 27th I harvest the collie while the team hits to the mines I’m being selfish and harvesting everything myself this is so I get all the farming XP and levels to make hes and quality crops more likely ideally we get seven at minimum we want five reie will give one to Maru on her birthday and the other four go into the L soup to give the best response we get two [ __ ] we only have two gone cauliflowers oh we’re going to have to re out around that that’s all right we can we can manage I join the team in the MS saou is marrying Emily and we need gifts we need one amethyst to fulfill the Clint’s attempt Quest and another four gems for guts today is Emily’s birthday and she becomes available at 12 so ideally we get all we need by then keep an eye out for any nodes as well don’t think there’s anything go up here I’m going to grab him anyway next okay not bu budes budy Buddy Buddy Buddy get out of here be gone buddy down go go go go go oh just go all the way to the right there is up here there is nice nice have we got e GS yet uh only quart bir Crystal and course I guess course doesn’t count yeah course doesn’t count either yeah yeah not getting anything here in the middle we might be going minerals actually noer nothing in there as soon as you get one the mineral go and give Emily ook I got a geod if g l energy I have some food there’s five licks at least we have access to Emily till late oh you got a you got a club yeah oh nice sweet you do you know how to do the club spam uh no would you like thr old sword I I would I would love to have that club here you go we there’s a top in here there’s a top here bottom right bottom right give it to got to go to we still need an amethyst I’ve got a topz so we need an amethyst and two other je come give me a letter okay and I talk to her and we’re good how’s everyone’s energy how’s everyone’s energy pry low but I have a leak if you’re out of energy let’s just go home let’s go home home we can do mines another day we can get the amethyst another day summer is here and with it more watering since we didn’t get enough golden cauliflower in Spring we need to back up our L gifts a golden quality melon also gives the best response however the lowo is on the 11th and melons grow up on the 13 I realized that speed grow Cuts 2 days of the growing time so we spend some precious G on speed grow to give us more chances at getting the low out ingredients we need goodbye cauliflowers we also plant a couple of poppies and a few hot peer plants these are gifts for Penny and Shane our last two marriage candidates the remaining money goes towards blueberries pretty much the entire summer will be spent watering these blueberries take a while to grow so it will be late summer before we can’t okay oh oh grow a melon grow a melon is this not skippable it’s going to hit a melon it’s not skippable it’s going to hit a melon it’s going to hit a melon going to hit a melon I do have a mix seed is it worth planting when we’re watering yeah why not I guess oh we got melons oh oh nice melons and blueberries we can Harvest these blueberries that’s a lot more money that is a lot more money well that is the absolute best time that the faar could show up 19 blueberry plants B grow day two that is 171 extra blueberries we otherwise wouldn’t have and one of the melons is gold quality potentially saving the L friendship route anyway enjoy the watering Montage harvested already all [Music] right you did you pull is five or how many did you pull five right y yep I’m going to parel these before I do the peppers hopefully I get some golden policy out of that I sold the cauliflower we don’t have garu no oh shoot we want love gifts um dang I messed that up can we go grab one real quick somewhere something she like loves uh cauliflower battery pack strawberries yikes um oh we sold all of them dang it I might to purchase it back from PI I was so fixated on not guessing in many Golds I sold everything else um a t is okay go to Min today and I’ll purchase the um CIF back today because I sold directly to Pi he will sell them back he loses about 15% of the stock each day but we should be fine there’s a lot of we still need an amethyst and more gifts for Emily so on the ninth the Team Heads back to the mines and I managed to fix my mistake and buy back seven collie okay we got some cauliflower back St is immediately is this a good day stairs im a great day oh my God what a good day I mean not Cofe how’s the gifts looking how’s the minerals looking no minerals we’re not 38 we are not getting mineral so bads I don’t I don’t have room to pick oh let’s go I’ll grab it I’ll grab it I’ll grab it okay once you get to 40 go back to 10 and start going down again we just aiming minerals actually I’m going to go go 10 oh jeez hey you can start at 10 we’re on 38 I’m getting all the copper here well that is something to donate so wait we’re going to 10 go go to 20 this point go to 20 oh amethyst amethyst oh let’s go we got amethyst sweet how many gifts do we have I have one amethyst two topad one amethyst two topad we have one topz at home we already given a topad it’s four that’s five that is enough make sure that you keep the amethyst until year two topz are your gifts sleeping sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep summer 10 is maru’s birthday this is the day most of us meet our candidates for the first time as birthdays have a massive gift multiplier Alicia takes one of our gold cauliflowers to get Maru we banking on getting two more gold melons from the remaining five crops summer 11 the L out the melons have grown just in time do we get the two golden ones we need best of here’s one de one more here’s two no one saw that houses are locked on Festival days but NPC still follow their schedules Shane Maru and Penny all come out of their houses before the L starts we are able to gift them before heading to the low out she’s coming down no to left to left to left to left to left here yeah so she’s above above you okay okay I didn’t see her talking to the low out to the low out now why is the low out and golden col so important getting the best response from the low out gives 120 friendship points with everyone you have met this is the equivalent of a gold quality gift in talking pretty good but in multiplayer every farmer gets credit for every ingredient this means that all four of us get credit for the four best ingredients for 480 Points each a huge boost that all of us get I also talked to Clint so that he has a chance of seeing bars in the mail later all there is left of summer is to water and sleep oh I’m sleeping by myself I just went to animation cancel good thing my script is off oh my God I don’t even know what this animation canceling is I’m curious right click delete and R interrupts your animation right click delete I’m not going to remember that a lot of heck no click right shift right shift delete the heck did they figure this out right checken the code I know how who figured this out for real oh in the code oh oh in the code that’s funny there’s a function called chick for escape Keys what for escape Keys chick chick Che oh check c h e c k I love your accent all two brings us to Pen’s birthday and fortunately we don’t have quality gifts for Reen to gift we all have to make up for that later this is also the first big deviation from the standard route normally the amount of money received from the blueberries is enough for the house upgrades and the mermaid’s pendants but as this is Rivals and there are other goals to go for we need an engine to keep making us money we will be sleep anyway so I use G to purchase copper and iron ore and pumpkin seeds so that we can craft Sprinklers and grow of crops while we hibernate and that’s it for the day oh no wait wait wait wait I’ve got I’ve got something I’ve got something I’ve got something go chop go chop go chop go chop not in B Chop Chop we’re chopping forgetting this would have been a quite disastrous I need the Apricot Tree aot apricot the apricot is for another Quest from Emily that gives a full heart we are not watering right we’re buying copper and iron yeah I got them I got them you got it all okay so you’re going to place the sprinklers we do the sprinklers on the 14th right now we are just sleeping oh okay so we’re just Spam sleeping until 14 yeah sorry Mouse is hard to aim don’t mind me yeah I keep missing dude controller so much easier to aim I’m biased oh do you want to just clear the grass done I can do the no it’s fine I’m fine don’t look at me that was so bad I offia uh I think we got all the spots okay let’s just uh one the midd of thecrow one in the middle near the oh I see it I see it here you go okay yeah chop some trees or something while he’s planting feel like a tree all right get really good be okay right bedtime going in yep B I’m in sweet yep yep bed so are we just Spam sleeping spam sleeping spam sleeping until until the 28th I go out and harvest and then we I’m sleeping alone SP sleep all the way through to Spring I’m lonely make sure we don’t miss the 28th yeah yeah I it just in case I on the 28 someone go ah everyone scream chat get out of bed chat everyone scream yes everyone scream chat that would be so funny that’s perfect isn’t it no chat you’re early you’re already screaming you’re screaming too early 28th mine’s not screaming yet I’m proud of you guys CH just said scream on no further instructions required all 27 next 28 so go to bed again oh someone squealed early start screaming screaming ready go scream very nice find some trees good job there is absolutely nothing to do in winter but to sleep it actually makes for a nice break all right so how are you guys doing today oh good you know H just a casual casual stream little casual I wasn’t coming in today what do you usually stream blade I normally stream at my 8:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. a okay and you just do stardo essentially pretty much really I’m so I’m mainly Stu streamer but I have played other things on stream m i i quite like doing Minecraft lockouts what’s a lockout yeah what’s that a lockout it’s a bingo board that teams compete to complete the objectives first as soon as one team gets the objective the other teams are locked out so it’s a series of many speeduns we’re trying to complete a goal before someone else does oh that’s so cool very cool so otherwise you just do star do like speedr running stry speedr running challenge running I dig into the code of this game oh you’re like a programmer job is program day job Isam so the St predor something you can upload your safe file into or sit your seed in that and and it’ll let you know the results of yours RNG in the game like I made that this game which is banned today oh you made that you made it yeah so that’s one of the third party sites they said we’re banned there’s two predictors you’re banned there’s mousy pounds predictor which is one online that tells you like what what floors are going to be infested what the traveling cart’s going to have what the weather’s going be what what’s going to be in geod and then my one is a map Proctor which tells you where Clay’s going to be where GE are going to be in rocks going to be dude sa is about to like dive cuz she she loves cracking open geod oh yeah I’m a how do how does the code no it’s just rngs at the start of the day or something right oh a lot of the things that the game uses RNG for it makes a random object which is something you can go okay a random number and you just have the same random object give me a random number give me a random number give me a random number if you know how that has been created so most time it’s the day of the farm it’s the there a hidden unique ID for the save the game seed how many geod you’ve opened before if you know all those things that go in you can simulate you can off to the site and go okay I’m going to make this other random with all the same inputs pretty much re um decompile and reload the game into that that and then and then it tells you what it’s going to be and the game does exactly the same thing y that’s cool so I figured we’re a little bit in but we never really introduced ourselves so blade is a speedrunner a good time yeah is a speedrunner who is recommended to me cuz he was looking for a team still and we needed a person so that’s where he found let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in very cool uh Alicia is probably one of my longest time friends ever from the Creations Place yeah two weeks ago how many years has it been now like freaking eight years or something long yeah I met her I met her um cuz we used to or I used to stream Heroes of the Storm as like a normal streamer that’s where I met Alicia a long time ago and she’s like the nicest person you still usually do Heroes right I’m switched into like I might be like half half variety and Hots or maybe more variety than Hots yeah something modern cry yeah it depends on the really oh yeah really nice person you guys don’t know Al you want to know Alicia oh oh I love you Randy and then s is this chaotic little Gremlin that I met which was also quite a few years ago I caused chaos yeah I met her also quite a few years ago yes one of my best friends we’re old is this fortunate or unfortunate for me I we’re old we are old I think we’re all old people here okay one more day last day of sleep on the first we need to retell around El sprinklers okay wait no what yeah last day of sleep for now he got lots of practice on that you need to pick up anything or oh never mind yeah sleep one more Sate we need to clear the farm until around those uh sprink okay once spring comes we plant another run of cauliflower for the money and for year two lower ingredients okay baby bye oh you’re carrying a cauliflower seed it’s fine I think he planted everything that he could right okay this is my emotional support cauliflower seats okay so we’re going to bed until the 14th correct okay so just sleep keep sleeping keep sleeping Harvest day Harvest day someone popped on to her boo stream for a second and was like yeah BL at the Sumit are you are you’re replanting right yeah okay i’ got some new ideas to sleep on it’s crazy okay next out is the 20th the 20th is Shane’s birthday so I give him a gold pepper I have a friend we also upgrade all of our houses today this is needed to be able to propose while I was selfishly keeping all the halfes to myself the team was spending time chopping trees for wood we have a lot but we still need to purchase some to have enough year two prices make this painful even though there was only one Robin we are all able to order a house upgrade on the same day yep everyone sleep everyone sleeping until the 24th we’re all going to the dance oh my God a school dance okay uh oh God I’m in a fancy bed Robin separated all of us yeah feel so alone Robin basts into the house go what’s going on here picks up all of us individually on Spring 24 we all go dancing this Festival gives all of us one full heart with our candidates Shane is accessible in town before the dance begins so I am able to sneak in the gift before it starts Forest the forest here we go to the forest I love these waterfalls nice wait Shane’s in a different spot up there oh yeah on your two they’re in different spots now so pretty dancing time I love how we have all these girls and dresses and then just blade in the middle of it okay so after this we’re going to sleep a bunch until summer the 9th I’m going to harvest the color on the 28th I’ve got some new ideas to sleep on sweet coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming please DEH no I I can’t dehydrate I didn’t know do that I’ve never actually used a dehydrator he dehydrating the cauliflower in his hands in bed oh no what my emotional support cauliflower seeds now it’s my emotional support cauliflower a they grow up so fast oh my God you grow up so fast I was going to say is it going to be your emotional support like cauliflower fried cauliflower next it’s going to be dinner soon that was going to be my emotional support dried cauliflower we next go out summer night so you do you have any gifts [Music] um no your mail spam open your mail if you get any cloth or any wool you can that in the black in the black yep re get that ideally we are all dating our candidates when we get to the L it’s the points will bring us to 10 hearts at this point saou is the only one that can purchase bouquet so the purpose of this Daye is for saou to get all of our bouquet and to start dating Emily oh penny is not at the Museum or her trailer so she should be here search party we need a search party for Penny okay I’ve got the four bouet I’m searching I found a to the mountains if that helps at all she’s not in pi you see Penny let me know I cannot find her Okie doie I’m going towards the graveyard now okay she’s not up by the river he’s not by the fountain not by the no playground where the freck is she oh no wonder no one Mar her you you can’t find her should I look up her schedule on the wiki or something wait we just looked at it and I don’t see her oh is there special day Tuesday the 9th or something she’s she’s by the graveyard she’s by the graveyard she’s reading by the graveyard oh graveyard graveyard this girl okay I’m on my way Penny you gave us a real scare we couldn’t find her your wife who hangs out in the graveyard ha ideally the rfer should be able to start dating the morning of the LEL but with the lack of quality gifts this may be an issue so 11 brings us to the second LEL grab a golden cifl for the L I don’t have eight so give the gift first okay I don’t have enough friendship for oh no I do I do have enough surely no one will see me check this trash can I found a red mullet I’m still at seven with her so okay come come down here come down here come down I’m coming go put my put your thing scop got it where them Shane and Emily have now reached 10 hearts with myself and sa respectively and we can now propose unfortunately Maru and Penny aren’t friendly enough with Alicia and renie so they aren’t able to start dating before the low out that’s okay we were kind of expecting it this means that these two candidates are at exactly 2,249 points one point short of nine hearts and they only need 251 points to get to 10 Hearts reenie and Alicia have both given two gifts this week so we need to sleep till Sunday when the gift limit resets since say and I don’t need to gift we set up the farm for another Rand of melons to keep our money engine going make sure you get the bouquet first so bouquet gift first yes yes okay bouqu gift talk as well like what am I doing right now blade am I just dropping trees if you bade and gifted we go home and sleep a gift on Sunday and Monday means that Alicia is now best friends with Maru but a lack of quality gifts with Penny means Rennie is 26 Point short and we need to sleep till the next Sunday Monday is raining so s and I get our mermaid’s pendants and propose marry me Summer 18 and we have the first two weddings done why are we all the way at the back oh wait that’s true cuz we’re not we’re not excited for you apparently hibernated months Seasons together why are we not in the B party it’s going to be different from now on that’s so funny life’s going to be different yeah my our our family’s in the back seats that’s so funny and we’re still in the back want you guys in the party yeah we any on Sunday wey gifts the last gift and Penny is now at 10 Hearts all we need is rain do you see Shane up there in the top left corner you might what is he doing up there how can he go there is there a hole in your wall I think there’s a hole in your wall sir sir I think you have Termites Termites he’s got Shan in his wall 26 is it going to rain it’s guaranteed on 26 right oh okay okay so if it rains beforehand go otherwise 26 is the latest okay come on give us rain give us rain give us rain give us rain today give us rain today oh dear bed bed okay 26 now so me and Alicia are going to go get married just straight to the beach a proposal today means that the last two winnings will be on Fall one oh everybody head home we got two people who are engaged now go home spam and then we can claim that goal as ours all ours I hav the melons on the 28th and we sleep we got to get married come on this is our marriage all right you can what have so some one can snipe Us in these last minutes can you not Rie don’t jinx it we’re freaking bad now quiet ready no jinxing wake dtin dtin wake up officially we are all married now yay dtin dtin well after the next one after one congrats now according according to the game code according to the flags in the game we are married really it’s all happening simultaneously he’s he’s hacker manck hacker man’s you’re married off he’s loging it you know like all one the last two ws and our team secures the Next Generation prize this news is devastating to Wendy Junior’s team is there 10 minutes behind us and going for the skull Z preed us as a team and we pulled this off but we are not done there is still 1 hour and 40 minutes of competition remaining what other goals can we go for K has albino lier on his team in the last stue Rivals albino lier caught all the legendaries so I expect them to go for that again the raccoons are an interesting goal however this one is all or nothing there is no partial credit you have to get all eight standard bundles done to get the price these can be quite tricky to collect if it was partial it may be worth going for but we decide against this befriending everyone also has no partial credit credit it took us this long just to max four people and that was only one person each there is no way we are going for this goal Grandpa’s evaluation is much easier if you complete the CC which we are not doing per King has already been claimed this leaves Ginger Island Money Museum and junimo Cat we decide to try for ginger Island going the joju route our route from here on out is a lot less focused we need money hardwood batteries and idian bars aidian bars will be difficult we plan to go to the desert festival for the AE in the mean time we upgrade the X for the hardwood we go out on Fridays and Sundays hoping to pull some bars from the traveling cart before buying the Georgia membership we plan to complete the Vault from the CC this gives us a lightning rod for batteries and a crystarium we have the forage from Spring to Fall we grow the fall crops to unlock the Vault today is just um tot hes oh um I’ve got level 10 everyone Harvest everyone Harvest oh Harvest everyone okay Co yeah touch pumpkins as we progress through fall we get word that habo team has fully completed the CC oh oh team Haru finished the bundles oh my God they completed them all wow they going Ginger Island do they have the idium for that I don’t know they might have the Arium but we don’t have any so what else do we do not going to Ginger Island what do we do mining at all no mining is basically done already oh it is huh there’s no way we can do the level 100 we might be able to do level 100 I think we still aim we we we we save the course in Winter we test out the strategy for Museum donations winter has a heightened chance to spawn artifact spots every Friday we split up and search the map for artifact spots hoping to find new artifacts to donate this also lets us collect the hardwood from the secret Woods here have some money corn we’re rich if you go complete the Vault today and gather all the rewards from it we can purchase the Joan membership I think you need to do the Jo me I think the host needs to do that okay I never done that before I’ve never gone geia guess there’s a first time everything come to the dark side no God just after we buy the Jo membership we get news that habo team have reached Ginger Island oh yep they got the they got Ginger Island oh my God got it yeah they got it they got it so is there anything else for us to do so we can either try to force in money or we try to get some artifacts going as well what do we want to do we could we could try to do a hero run of junimo cut uh what is our plan like if we do that ji mode thing I don’t think any of us are I suck at it what if we do the what the playing thing junal cart if we want to do that we need to get to the bottom of the mines it’s said junimo cart what’s that Juno cart doesn’t unlock until you’ve reached the bottom of the mines oh really I could SP run that so we could go into the mines we could get lots of of minerals lots of GEOS to open for Dona get to the bottom and then attempt a long run of Gena cut that’s been quite a while since I’ve given it a proper goat and that’s going to cut into money time do you think it’s more reasonable to do junimo Kart than money cuz money I feel like is more realistic cuz there’s three prize yes yeah so I think we go for money I honestly think the artifacts might be doomed if’s team is doing it too cuz there’s only one for that year yeah there’s only one price for that so I think realistically the only thing that we could try to do is gold so what’s our game plan for gold for gold for gold we we plant and process CU it’s just a sleep plant like we don’t need to look for okay so everyone sleep plant process sleep plant process we are no longer doing hardwood and stuff right correct all right so s worms I think we just sleep straight to the spring yep okay okay I do some quick wiing and spray cheating to work out how many more Sprinklers and preserve jars we can buy we sleep to Spring and expand our money machine bought everything I need anything else that we get is gravy gravy each of us get five jar to split the job of processing so many wow beautiful okay who’s going to be Rich me well who’s ready to not be rich money money money oh boy what money oh we only got we got 240 240 is what we have in summer we plant the best crop in the game star fruit load load load load load load load load and then bed yep time is now super tight and we aren’t able to harvest our second round of star fruit and everything can start grabbing stuff from chest in it so we sell everything we got to sleep we got to sleep too remember we got to sleep too we got to sleep too we’re all going to sleep in the main house 40 [Music] seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds [Music] 20 seconds okay be be be be be okay go straight to the bed go straight to the bed yep in bed go go go go [Music] go okay let’s go oh my God that money we got to the inventory come on and just like that the competition is over we end up with 321,000 practice as a team and we managed second place big congrats to the Habu jic alino lier and the real guy judge you refined and executed your route as PR I think yesterday was a 10-hour day of practice we did two complete full 4H hour runs and we were just talking and strategizing but big crops to my teammates renosa Alicia ws and saou from zero practice to second is a huge achievement here’s to the next rivals [Music] [Music]

I got invited to Stardew Valley Twitch Rivals at the last minute, and helped my team do very well. Here is how we did it

Full VOD




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  1. considering you got 2nd with the team having NO PREPERATION, youre place 1 undisputed imo
    and if everyone knew the seed to be played beforehand aswell… well that makes you deserving first place even harder

  2. I was following 5 streams at once on the day, so it's nice to see just your team's perspective and properly follow it from start to finish. You did amazingly. My favourite part was the getting to know each other during winter hibernation.

    Followed closely by the fact that Penny just carried on walking as she was being asked out @26:19!

  3. Was going Joja allowed? I don't see anything in the rules I can find online about it, but I'm not sure they're complete. If so, seems odd no one went that way; it's almost guaranteed 1st to Ginger Island and Raccoon's Requests. (Blade and Haboo's teams not going for it makes a lot of sense since they had viable other winning plans, but there were 8 other teams who, ah, didn't have Haboo or Blade on them. 🙂 )

    EDIT: Yes, yes, see my next comment, watch the video before commenting, I know :p

  4. I’m so glad I was in the chat to watch this live! (And can relive it here)

    The CC route is so familiar from all the speedruns I’ve watched that I preferred rooting for this novel approach

    Haboo’s VOD was also impressive for their tight efficiency, but this holds more charm for me

  5. I'm confused, was the first to marriage goal enough for you to reach 2nd place by itself, seeing as you didn't get any points from the gold earnings? How were points calculated in the end?

  6. A bit unfair that the others had much more time to prep, but you did amazing considering this was the first time all of you worked together.

  7. The way everyone worked together is a joy to watch here, esp given that time for introductions only happened partway through! GGs ✨

  8. love how everyone agrees that haboo's team was gonna win first place. making the second place the actual goal for everyone else 😅

  9. Reminder: the casters referred to this team as TEAM RIZZ multiple times during the cast. THAT SAYS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW. GG WP BLADE AND FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!

  10. you guys popped off! even though you were added last minute i was still stressed abt you beating us to some of our goals LMAO

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