1. The way you design houses is super inspirational! Can't wait to revisit my house after 1.6 comes to the Switch ❀

  2. Does anyone know where to get the pet bowls she put in at 0:20?

    I can only find the ones to put outside the house, I don't know how to put them inside 😭

  3. I will follow this, thank you! I have to redesign my house, I didn't know that Sam is allergic to pollen, I built a home full of flowers for him, I'm so dumb, omg.

  4. Really like this one, but I especially love the upper right room made to look like a city street! I also like the messy furniture added outside near Sam's skateboarding ramp, I think it's fitting :3

  5. So, I was planning on giving Sam a D&D room too after I saw your Seb vid, but that indoor skatepark tho!! 🀩

    Also, all of those non-fruiting cacti can be replaced by the unique cacti you generate at the desert festival yes?

  6. Using a light as a microphone in the recording studio you created?! Are you serious?! Fantastic work as always!! (Also I have to agree, the skate park is so good too!)

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