I'm pretty certain the lore of terraria has an explanation for why there isn't a mech brain. If I remember correctly, the mech bosses were made by the mechanic who was kidnapped by the lunatic cultists to revive cthulu (I forget how to spell it lol.) She needed to complete 4 mechs in order to succeed being the spine, skull and arms, eyes, and brain. The mechanic finished 3 of the listed mechanical bosses except for one, because we saved her from the dungeon.
Hi pin me?
this truly raided my game
W vid gameraiders keep it up bro! Also first
W video
I'm pretty certain the lore of terraria has an explanation for why there isn't a mech brain. If I remember correctly, the mech bosses were made by the mechanic who was kidnapped by the lunatic cultists to revive cthulu (I forget how to spell it lol.) She needed to complete 4 mechs in order to succeed being the spine, skull and arms, eyes, and brain. The mechanic finished 3 of the listed mechanical bosses except for one, because we saved her from the dungeon.