I Uncovered Minecraft’s Greatest Secret

This Minecraft player knows a secret… a secret so powerful that it could change Minecraft forever. So, why does he want me to find it?

Like ParrotX2 and his Unstable Universe series where he broke bedrock or blew up 2000 TNT. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or Lifesteal with rekrap2, Grian or MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on.

People in this video: @Wifies @Spokeishere @wemmbumc @PrinceZam @FlameFrags1 @ManePear @peentar @Merffinn @LuigiToan

Crazy escape room created by: @Wato-1876

This is a video on the Unstable Universe: a staged Minecraft server where ParrotX2, Wemmbu, and Spoke aim to tell the best stories possible.

A Minecraft video made by Parrot or ParrotX2 on other platforms! Enjoy!



    btw, I'm testing out all sorts of new content, so let me know how you feel about videos like this! I really enjoyed making this, but I'd love to hear everybody's opinion 🙂

  2. Wanna toss out a few critiques before I forget them. from the first 7 minutes, I feel like the intro, is good, but I wonder if there should be a setup that shows the discs are possible. (Honestly that probably doesn't matter.) Or one thing is have a messenger player or written book instead, trying to keep it vanilla for viewers who don't know about certain mods may make it more straight forward.

    Also I noticed at 6:00 wenbu said "why are your here?" then in the voiceover you said, "we couldn't tell him why we were truly here." then AGAIN wenbu said "why are you here?" it's a small thing, but for story-telling I'd say try not to include repetition that can be annoying to the viewer. If you give context to the viewer, then they'll have that context in their memory, so have the satisfaction of that context either worded differently, or a bit hidden so they will be satisfied when they hear what the context was promising.

    Also I wonder if you have players in the different build areas working, that could help with world-building, cause I feel like there should be something in those structures to give them meaning and emotion for the viewer.

    Also it is fun for me to pick a part story videos, so If you do ever want help with brainstorming lemme know!

  3. This is really incredible, keep up this good work man had to watch it all in one go. This hooked me instantly and is probablly the greatest thing I habe ever seen in Minecraft when it comes to storytelling

    greetings from Germany btw

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