Mojang changed Pistons… I fixed them

In the latest Minecraft snapshot, Mojang made a huge change to Minecraft pistons for the first time in many years. So I decided to fix them myself. I created new Minecraft sound effects using various different minecraft redstone components, as well as creating a PISTON PROTEST resource pack.

Filming channel:


  1. The volume isn't the problem, it's the sound, if the volume was a bit closer to like, a pressure plate (maybe a bit chunkier) and the sound had more of a 'cachunk' it'd be perfect. Regarding the jokes everyone has made about the new sound. I'll admit it does sound like 'that' but, I highly doubt that was the intention. Honestly they could just give us an option to adjust the volume of particular mobs (let me dampen the sounds of mobs that sound horrid in farms and turn up the mobs that sneak up on me!) Also I agree with the idea of a waxed/oiled piston where it's the classic piston sound but it's quieter because of the oil. It works so well and would be so much better than just altering the entire feel of the device entirely

  2. Hear me out:
    Waxed Pistons.
    Have regular pistions keep the old sound but if you apply wax to a placed piston it turns into a waxed piston with the silenced sound like it stops copper from aging.

  3. Why not make it so that in normal conditions the pistsons have the classic mechanic sound, but you can do something to them (Like wax or a wool block touching the piston) and then they are "oiled" and so – quieter? for scifi builds a cleaner sound would help I guess, but most often I want the feeling "I made a mashine" that mojang risks losing that feeling surprises me.

  4. idea: pistons should be able to be silenced or quieted by putting wool on any face of the piston. If you want a silent piston door, you can do so, you just need to figure out how the wool should be placed to do that. Basically, treat it like sculk sensors do
    that or maybe even better, the sound volume is directly tied to the number of blocks pushed. Pushing 12 blocks in a large flying machine? That's gonna be pretty loud
    Pushing 2 or 3 blocks in a piston door? Not so much

    Edit: I'm making a mod for that second idea rn just to test it out and see how it sounds

  5. They should revert the sound change and simply add a sound slider for pistons.

    A slider would allow it to be dynamically changed to exactly what you want, rather than just on/off

  6. Please Mojang, just add more sound sliders in the audio options tab. At least one for redstone components/minecarts. The sounds themselves aren't the problem, the volume is.

  7. I think Mojang should add a way to dampen sounds, rather than change the sound of pistons.
    Changing the sound of pistons does nothing. Something else will be noisier in comparison otherwise, and there's plenty of machines that're noisy, even without pistons.
    TNT dupers, mob farms, auto-farms in general.. All of these are noisy, with or without pistons. Mojang should just… Go the Sculk route, add something that can dampen sounds. They've already got a sound level = redstone level function, use that! Let us use something similar to the tuned sensor to blot out sounds that match a redstone signal.

  8. maybe reducing the magnitude of how loud pistons can get would be better? Now they just sound like fish!
    they should have a lower peak volume over distance, but should also have the same start volume, that'd probably make everyone happy.

  9. You managed to not only make me hate the lack of piston sound but simultaneously be interested in its potential within a minute. fascinating

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