ANT FARM MAP WARS! (Minecraft)

What if 4 Players were TRAPEPD inside an Ant Farm!?

Today in Minecraft Map Wars Cody and his friends play ANT FARM MAP WARS!! This Challenge has each of the 4 players trapped inside giant ant farms. Each players ant farm has a Ant Queen that they must defend. Watch as Cody builds an Ant army to defend his queen, battle his enemies and be the last ant colony STANDING!!


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ANT FARM MAP WARS! (Minecraft)


  1. I love all you’re videos and I watch them all and I wish you become a massive YouTuber one day with 10m subs so carry one with your amazing content just remember I will always love your vids

  2. You should learn to play games before playing games you noob don,t know how to play you biggest noob I can play better then you

  3. Let's have a hand for the mod makers and likely Mike for the map and especially for Josh luring Cody out of his base with a classic smokescreen maneuver!

    But we all must hail our new Ant Overlord: BRAAAADDDDDDY!! Two in row? Could this be a turn around for the hardest-working super villain at Atlanticraft? We'll just have to keep waiting and watching.

  4. It havent watched in two years and just hearing the intro and scrolling through the old videos makes me feel so nostalgic. I genuinely hope you guys are doing well and that you're having fun doing youtube.

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