1. omg, i remember enjoying so much of your videos in the beginning of your channel and is really great to see how much it grown!!
    i love how you create not only a house, but a home that tells a story, its really sweet and caring
    hope you never stop β™₯

  2. I was waiting for Elliott and you didn't disappoint!!! Also for a hot second I thought you put actual sand in the rooms, I was scared to hear him complaining about it when being inside πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

  3. Does anyone know where to get the pet bowls she put in at 0:20?

    I can only find the ones to put outside the house, I don't know how to put them inside 😭

  4. That’s such a nice house! And the video production is great too! I have a suggestion, the sound effects are really nice but unfortunately the music is a bit too loud and overpowers the other sounds.
    Really good video and editing over all!

  5. I keep waiting for updates on this series!!! Your content is an absolute delight and has inspired me so much. Waiting for Harvey’s version so I can redecorate my newer save 🫑❀️

  6. I saw you said you were planning on making houses for all the spouses, and you said β€œ13”, is krobus that 13th? If so I’m very excited! (If not I still very much enjoy your channel)

  7. It's his beach house but on the farm! Complete with a piano! So cozy and right on theme for Elliot. Can't wait for the next spouse decor vid ❀❀

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