Notch Is Making Minecraft 2?!

Levers and Chests is a brand new game that is being developed by Minecraft creator Notch. Here is everything we know about Notch’s new game right now.

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if you read this comment “notchles”


  1. It is not minecraft it's not even on the same genre, it's dongon croaler and will probably never realease if you talk ebout to mutch im not in the head of notch but to what i see on last few year he wan't he small player base

  2. Bro, i just realized, I thought the 2.5 billion dollars were 2.5 million or something.

    But 2.5 billion are crazy.

    Of course, material gain is indeed only a temporal enjoyment, and if one is only into that, then let him taste the evil of that.

    But well used, that would be kinda nice, you can donate it and make cool project and live good while doing good.

    Like king Solomon.

    Anyways, one must work regardless, then the reward will come God willing.

    This life is short, so if you want good trees, plant good seeds.


  3. I can't really say that it reminds me of Minecraft much on its own, if at all- it's really the context of Notch making it that calls to mind my favorite blocky game. If it were, say, the devs for Slime Rancher or Concerned Ape, Minecraft wouldn't really come to mind other than my standard internal comparisons for textures. Feeling like Minecraft 2 is an extreme stretch of a comparison tbh

  4. isnt notch like hella transphobic and just incredibly problematic? idk i feel like we shouldnt be talking about his new project and besides most of what made minecraft good was implemented despite notch, not because of him

  5. the only team i need for Ļ̷̡̡̢̢̨̧̢͈͇̹̟̯̰̹̜̟̦̣͎̹̥̻̭̭̱̲͉͇̩̺̬͉̮̖̯̳̖̟͍͔͕̪͚͙͔̠̺̭̹͈͖̙̝̦̲̠͎͎̭̹̮̰̻̻̜̘̮͇̂̏̿͋̉͐͐͠ͅͅơ̴̧̛̛͓̰̟̘̮̘̙͔̬͕͑̊̃̂́̓͐̌͂̔͒̀̉͒̀̈̒́͒͐̃̃̃͂̏̾͐͐͛̂̋̓̓̋̃̎̂̄̾̋̈́̓́̆̓̀͂̓̉̈́̔͒̓̂͂̽̈́̉̇̈́́̆̄͒͊̑̒͆̎͋͋͊͒̅̌̃̒̽͊̇̅́͑͘̕̚͘̕͜͠͝͝͝͠ͅE̶̡̡̢̢̧̛̛̱͙͙͕̦̹̥͓̳̙̫͚̮̬̰͚̰̰̜̻͚̟̪̬̺̹͍͕͉̯̭̘̼͖̝͚̠̣̗͔̼͖͔̝̬̠̖͈̞̜̻̖̙̜̺̳̗͇̮̭̰͓̳̩̗̦̙̰̹̱̰̺̭̺̤̯͕̠̼̥̻̭̙͎̘̰̒̽͆̓̏̒͐́̓͗̀̍̑͂͑̓̀̅̂̀̒̽̓̾̎̈̈́͋̀͛̉́͊͊̈́̈́̍͌̍̀͗́́́̎̃͋̆̃͌͋́̐͌͂̑̒͗̈́̿̆̋͛͗̃͌͛͗͒͂̃͋̽̔̂̀̒͆͌͛̓̃̎̍̄̕͘̚͘̕̚̚̚̕͘͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͠ͅm̵̢̨̢̫̗̤̙̩͇͇̘̝͇̘̺͙͎͖̻͚͇̙̮̲͇̟͔̥̞͆̈́̃̊̓͗̑̓̄̓̈́͑̐̎͋̃͌̓̇́͋͒̋̿͐̚̚̚͝͝Į̴̢̡̧̧͈͕̫̮͕̻͙̼̬̯̩͙͓͉̲̳̘͈͎̖̩̼͈͖̦̯͚͎̜̭̘̯̬̣͙̦͉̣̻̦͛̏ͅͅͅP̷̨̨̛̛̼͍͖̱͉̫̥̲͎̻͓͍̻̠͍̩͇͔̪͂̆̉̋̐̓͌͛̌̿̓̔͐̿͊̊̃̂̓̾̒̉̊̓̀̑͒̂̓̇̿͘̕͝ş̸͎̩͕̟͚̥̭͈͉̜̗͓͉̺̜̑̉̿̄̈́͆̏̔̿̃̐͐̓͝ͅi̶̧̡̡̡̛̛̛̜̗̥͈͍̩̥̹͕̲̙̻̫̺̬͔͔̮͙̞̩̙̬͖̪̹͙̓́͛̎̆̓̿̃́̏̌̎̿̓̆̇̃̈́͑͐͌̽̄͒͗̓͐̌͑͂̒͆̏̊̐͋͆̏͑̀̾͛͂͌̇̐̄̀͑͛̐̂̀͐̈̓̏̈́̏̒͌̄̀́́̿̐̊͑̿̈̕̚͘̕̚̕̚̚͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠ͅͅṀ̸̡̢̢̢̡̡̨̧̥͖̟̬̞̯̪͓̘̪̫̭̱̮̱͔͕͚̳͈͙͙͎̱̭͈̠͎̰̱̩̦͎̜̖͍̤̹͍̲̭͕̜͕͓̗͜ Is me!
    Because i am the best
    game developer*.

    (not really)

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