Terraria – Pro vs Troller

It all started with some stupid « trolling » ideas which I wanted to show you in a video…I hope you enjoy !
Thanks to Diro who helped me a lot to make this video.
Check out his channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClXnIjg5nxAPbvQzY0cElhg

Musics in order :
terraria console music – Main theme
terraria console music – space
Per Kiilstofte – Queen Of The Night
Helix – Archetype


  1. 4:36 '+ 1 for the kill"
    also the troller killing the pro twice
    i protest, he should of had 4 if the pro got a point for killing him but the troller killed the pro twice but no extra points

  2. Why tf does the „pro“ walk forward when he take damage from these landmine-things? Even I’m not that stupid and i played terraria for like 2 hours! And yes, i know what the wof is (i was so stupid that i tried to kill it with a wooden bow and tin armour!

  3. Neither of them are pros or slightly good at the game. The "pro" doesn't even know what the wall of flesh, a boss literally REQUIRED to get to hard mode is.

  4. HOW PEOPLE'S LIVES ARE ADMINISTERED 1st choice: comfortable life (human contacts, fun, relationships, easy work) 2nd choice: remedy the one made by the first choice (all the opposite of the life of the first) 3rd choice, etc.: no personality suitable to survive, probable life as a tramp (in the middle of the street), absolutely no human contact, fun, future, precious things, relationships. With the personality they give you to do all these things it will be too complicated. Probable acts of violence or discrimination, no work or if there is very hard. High probability of suicide. Procedure: there comes a time when suddenly Christ and Satan show up in front of the mirror and by deception force to choose one of the two. By choosing the first, the following things happen: Christ, the Virgin Mary and in case some saints show up and in case you are playing or having fun in any way they force you to work and toil helping someone always with their voice and their words inside your head. Their procedure consists of this: prevent you from having fun, drinking, masturbating, etc. and getting sledding like a mule. Being as they say second choice, you should only work from morning to night and nothing else. Anything else is not good for them. At first Christ pretends to be God and shows you how he pretends to give you gifts by putting for a moment a kind of white glow at the height of the navel and telling you that they give a "gift" to everyone and no more than one but in reality, they are all lies that as you go on, they come out on their own. They try to frame you with vague promises, rewards and various scum once in what they call "paradise", but once they verify that the element in question doesn't take the bait (because he’s not a moron!) they begin to reveal their infamous procedures that they have implemented to try to ruin his life.

  5. Let the Eater Of Worlds decide!
    Eater of Worlds: ኡጀጂጠደመጂእደነሁድነጢሀደሰነየድኡሀ የሀፈነረይየነ ፈርገየነረፈ ነጉንፈረሁነ ሁወረነፉ ወሀ እነፈወሁወ ነሀነወፍሂወፈረ ነሂረወነፈ ሂንወፈ ኡገነወረፉገ ረወበተይቀሰገጉ እፈተየቀወፈቀውየ

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