Beating Terraria Using ONLY Chest Loot

Terraria’s progression is one of the most essential parts of the game. Beating different bosses unlocks different areas and items, which makes you stronger. In this run however, all of that can essentially be forgotten. Almost every item I use in this video is obtained from a chest, and because most of the chests in this game are found in early prehardmode, I will be severely underpowered for literally the entire run.

If you guys enjoy the video, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments. This video was honestly a lot of fun to record, so if you guys wanna see a part 2, let me know. Other than that, thanks so much for watching.

My Wolf Playthrough:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Music Used:
34:17 Song “Droopy Likes Your Face” by C418

38:21 Song “Celestial Resort – Good Karma Mix” by Lena Raine & Christa Lee

1:01:37 Song “Sky and Soul” by Creo


  1. Insanely underrated! Loved the vid, tho wouldn't using bars from chests for armor sets technically be allowed? Since this run being armorless seems like such an extra burden

  2. The pre hardmode gear against the mechs was crazy, one thing id do differently is use the aqua scepter against the destroyer, because its really surprisingly good against it specifically

  3. Hmm I think armor could be possible in this run.
    You can find bara on chests can't you?
    Fair use crafting armor IF the bars were found in chests jnstead of mined.

  4. Oh my god. In the twins fight at the end I loved the song synced to when you flew up to dodge the laser barrage. This is one of the best vids I have seen in a while.

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