Which Exploits Can You Still Use in Stardew Valley 1.6?

As expected, not all exploits were allowed to exist in the new update, some were mentioned in the patch notes, some weren’t. We’re going to test all of them to definitively see if they made it through! I think you’ll be surprised what is and isn’t possible.

0:00 – Chair Skipping
0:40 – Scamming Pierre
1:37 – Geode Copies
3:00 – Out of Bounds (end-game spoilers)
4:38 – Turbo Milking
6:07 – Clay Farming
7:21 – Infinite Golden Walnuts
8:40 – Berry Boosting
9:34 – Item ID Overlaps
11:06 – Statue of Perfection Duplication
11:44 – Item ID Naming
12:28 – Multiplayer Exploits

Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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  1. Fun fact: Naming yourself %noun will no longer replace your name with a random noun. You'll just be %noun. Except for when you win in a festive minigame, then it will work for some reason.

  2. tbh given that ID naming was specifically patched out on console only because it caused crashes, I think CA won't be patching that for desktop. I had no idea about the infinite walnuts glitch, I guess that's kind of needed as a failsafe so you don't sell all the nuts and still have stuff left to buy

  3. The only one I ever really used was the /recountnuts, because I am not great at most of the challenges especially Qi's bean one. So I'm glad its still in the game.

  4. Love it that CA (and when other devs) kind of lean into and embrace some of the glitches and exploits. Helps keep the charm of earlier patches and just what it made it fun in the past.

  5. you could also say that he patched the casino exploit cause we can't buy infinite items like before , that we can sell from the infinite casino coins we can get from blade's predictor

  6. I tried the /recountnuts command, but it's not doing anything for me. I'm thinking it won't work if you use the golden parrot to find the rest of the nuts for you, as that's what I did when I had just a few left to find. I'll add that I play the game on the PC.

  7. The one with item id in the name… I wish I didn’t know it 😢 I have no will power not to use it and at the same time it makes the game a little less interesting

  8. i was just trying to look this up yesterday to know what i should do before the update reaches console and couldn’t find anything, so thank you for this!

  9. The walnut one is way more broken than the berry exploit, but I guess once you are THAT late game exploits like that don't have as big of an impact as lets say the berries which you get super early.

  10. The funny thing about the item id glitch is that there is something new about it (i think idk i didnt play one pc before 1.6). If you change your name at the Wizard Tower at text box show up saying "ConcernedApe: Thats an unusual name, how fishy." and if you change your name again, it says,"Call all cars, call all cars, we have a insert item name theif".

  11. That's now 2 out-of-bounds events related to Mr Qi. The man knows far more than he lets on.

    Also I very much doubt the Item ID thing will ever be patched. CA seems to respect it a lot, since he only ever patched it in the console versions because he was forced to.

  12. I remember an older versions of console edition if you got an item from a magna geode you would just keep getting that item over and over again

  13. I'm quite happy that the multiple statues of perfection exploit got removed. It is too strong tbh, but ofc some people may think that at that point in the game, it is kind of pointless to even have it as you clearly already have access to whatever it provides.

    But to me, that statue was helpful. And I'm glad I have an OG save file that have multiple statue of perfection placed on the farm before it got patched out. Gonna cherish that file for sure.

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