MACE RUINED, Update Done, New Chambers!! | Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre Release 1

Minecraft 1.21 gets closer with the first Minecraft 1.20.5 pre release!! Today we have a huge change (or bug) to how the wind burst enchantment works, new trial chambers to look at, changes to the 1.21 mob effects, and more! This is everything in Minecraft 1.20.5 pre release 1.

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  1. how do we feel about the mace wind burst stuff? should the enchantment just always work (how it was before), work on criticals, or work this new (disgusting) way??

  2. I like the wind burst change, it makes it so using it as an actual weapon or casualy doesnt send you flying everytime you want food or something, and it makes breeze ball combos valid again

  3. I'm really glad they haven't nerfed the oozing potion yet. People are saying they should nerf it because you can basically make tons of slimes with one potion to make essentially an infinite farm of them.

  4. I'm fine with the way that the mace is right now. It's definitely not as fun as before, but it does make sure it doesn't take away from swords and axes. Now, for direct fights, you go for your sword or axe, then switch to your mace when you find the opportunity or use the wind charge. It also makes sure there's still a use for wind charge doesn't get obsolete with the new enchantment and is a requirement for mace pvp.

  5. with this nerf mace will be extremely situational and breach would be the ONLY enchantment that makes this useful just like the riptide for the trident

  6. Doesn't windburst take away the wind charge's viability? And should the enchantment be brought back, tack down the damage a bit so the windburst attack chains aren't too punishing.

  7. I like the dispenser trap because if you scrape the bulb it should activate. Love the randomness of what they Can shoot. It can be good, bad or annoying

  8. That's what I thought! I had a feeling the bad omen does increase the chances of them spawning with enchanted armor and weapons…..just like the raids! Totally makes sense.

  9. I think they should change how many wind bursts you could do in a row, so wind burst 1 does a burst, wind burst 2 would allow 2 consecutive bursts, etc

  10. I don't think they have advancements in bedrock but that right there about taming one of every type of dog should be an achievement just saying

  11. Man, the enchant was so fun before, just for casual players. Being able to place a boat and just immediately launching yourself 20+ blocks into the air was so fun. One of the things I liked the mos actually. Now it seems they are balancing it purely because it was too got for the tryhards? Just let the average casual player have some fun for once.

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