New 1.6 Money Makers in Stardew Valley

Heads up this is going to be the first video that includes Major Spoilers for the 1.6 update because it added a bunch of new ways of making money as well as improved existing money makers which is good because wow you need a lot of money

Now look at the prices of those hats if you haven’t seen my previous money maker video I would recommend watching it because we are going to be comparing these new methods with the old methods for this video to start I’m going to talk about new mechanics added in the

Update and then I’ll spend some time going over the money I talked about in that previous video to see how they’ve been buffed or nerfed before I get into it I want to thank everyone who’s been contributing to the stardew valley Wiki for working hard to catalog all of the

Information for 1.6 I want to give another special thanks to blade for all of his code deep Dives giving us a better understanding of how exactly everything works now let’s start with what I think is most interesting fish smokers are a new Artisan machine that allow you to smoke your fish for the

Price of one coal smoking the fish doubles its price which is nice but that’s not why it’s so good see the smoked fish counts both as a fish and an artisan good so the 1.5 times multiplier from the angler profession and the 1.4 times multiplier from The Artisan profession both apply altogether that

Makes a 4.2 times multiplier for any fish you put in the fish smoker let’s put this into perspective you go fishing and catch an aridium quality Legend the most expensive fish in the game at 10,000 gold put it in the smoker and that’s 42,000 gold for one fish but

That’s a legendary fish so what let’s look at a smoked lava eel just a regular one they reproduce every 5 days in the fish pond easily farmable it will sell for 2,940 gold this makes lava eel ponds a 588 gold a day machine not counting any

Of the row you get so combine the fish smoker with tons of the other Buffs that fishing got such as targeted fish bait the advanced aridium rod and of course blobber Styles and you’ve got a pretty great Money Maker the other major Artis machine we got is the dehydrator it can

Either take five fruits or five mushrooms to turn them into dried mushrooms or dried fruit which sells for 7.5 time the base price plus 25 gold to put it into simpler terms it’s a 1.5 times multiplier as far as the fruits go you may notice that this isn’t as good

Of a deal as kegs or preser jars but in the case of crops that produce a ton of fruit like blueberries or cranberries there’s a case to be made if you couldn’t possibly have the time to put them all in preserves jars or cegs one

At a time it only takes one day for the dehydrator to process so it’s good for getting rid of fruit fast but that’s not where it shines in the case of mushrooms this is the only way to turn them into an artisan product to get that juicy 1.4 multiplier from The Artisan profession

But where could you possibly get enough mushrooms to make it consistent may I introduce to you the mushroom lck unlocked at level four forging it produces mushrooms every 4 days the more trees you have in a 7×7 square around them the higher the chance for you to

Get more mushrooms it maxes out at five mushrooms which are guaranteed if you have 10 nearby trees as for the type of mushroom that’s determined by the type of trees nearby pine trees give Chantels maple trees have a 10% chance for purple mushrooms and 90% chance for red

Mushrooms and the late game Mystic trees give a 100 100% chance for purple mushrooms and for the quality of the mushrooms it’s determined both by the nearby tree count and by the amount of trees that have Moss but this is negligible if you plan on using them to

Make dried mushrooms so an early game setup would have stumps surrounded by pine trees as chantells outsell the other tree types and late game you’d eventually build up Mystic trees they’re one of the new Mastery rewards we’ll go over them a bit later so the calculations in 4 days we have five

Guaranteed chantrell with the Artisan profession in consideration when turned into dried mushrooms they’ll have a 2.1 times multiplier plus 5 gold so each fully stacked mushroom log will give 1,75 gold worth of mushrooms every time it produces or 426.7 gold per day for reference an ancient fruit makes around 75 gold a day

It takes a bit of setup but these blow just about everything else out of the water oh and if you’re using Mystic trees that goes up to 6625 gold a day and rainy days make the logs produce a day sooner but I’m not calculating all that now I’d like to

Talk about the Mystic trees themselves before we get too into it this is a pretty late game item if you haven’t heard of the Mastery system before it’s unlocked after reaching level 10 in all skills you then need to get 10,000 of any type of experience to choose a skill

To get Mastery in and each Mastery gives you a couple of new crafting recipes and one special effect the crafting recipe for Mystic seeds is in the foraging category while they can be used for mushroom logs they can also be tapped to produce Mystic syrup once every 7 to 8

Days Mystic syrup sells for 1,000 gold there’s two possible boosts to this first the Tapper profession at level 10 forging increases the sale price by 25% and using a heavy Tapper unlocked from the Walnut Room brings the day count down to four so in an ideal setup each

Tapped Mystic tree will earn 312.50 gold per day which is about five times as much as if you use the same strategy for maple syrup from Maple trees and you can still use these tapped trees to influence your mushroom logs so a forging based Farm could probably do

Pretty well for itself so maybe you don’t want to mine you don’t want to farm fish forage fight what can you do you can go on a scavenger hunt and no I’m not kidding for yet another Mastery reward this time in farming you get this statue of blessings recipe when crafted

It’ll give you a random blessing out of seven possibilities the blessing I want to look at is the blessing of the butterfly bizarrely it will spawn a butterfly somewhere and when you find it you’ll either get a prismatic Shard or 5% of your total earned gold up to

50,000 to get that 50,000 you will have needed to earn 10 million gold so yeah it’s clearly very late game but you just walk around and find a butterfly boom 50,000 gold and if you get the Prismatic Shard yeah you won’t get much money but it’s still a prismatic Shard they have

Plenty of uses so as showcased in the previous money-making video pigs are the go-to animal if you want to make money but as of 1.6 sheep might be a contender too due to a couple of different changes first using higher quality wool has a larger chance to yield double cloth in

The loom idium quality wool now guarantees two cloth up from the 50% chance of 1.5 second the addition of the animal cracker which is yet another Mastery reward this time for farming any animal it’s given to will double its produce excluding pigs because they’re already so good so the humble sheep

Which can produce wool every single day when at full happiness and if you have the shepherd profession at level 10 farming can now produce two aridium wool which produces two cloth each now unfortunately if you have the shepherd profession you can’t also have the The Artisan profession you will however have

The Rancher profession which increases the price of cloth by 20% so four cloth at 564 gold each and you’re making 2,256 gold a day per sheet now we’re comparing against pigs which at full happiness will earn you about 4,500 gold a day but considering sheep can be

Bought for half the price they still work in Winter and on rainy days that’s not a bad alternative and truffles can’t be tailored into a part hat yet another win for cloth I think that just about does it for new viable money makers but there’s a couple of old methods that

Need re-evaluating and I think I know the one that y’all want to hear about so the ta- sapping sale price got nerfed from 500 gold down to 250 gold so they’re worse now right wrong another change that they got is that they will now drop the sapling if you chop them

Down after planting them the reason people sold them in the first place is because the amount of gold you got from selling them was higher than the amount of gold you got from harvesting the tea from it for a month which comes out to 350 gold but guess what you can do now

Once you craft them and plant them it’ll take 20 days to grow they don’t need to be watered or anything they grow on their own you can then harvest the tea leaves for one season and then chop them down and sell them now you made 600 gold

That’s more than 500 gold that’s what we in the business call above that’s right I’m saying tea saplings got buffed and guess what you could leave them for another season now you made 950 gold each yes you need to harvest them but it takes like 10 seconds to get the

Whole group of them and I think that’s more than worth it fish ponds also got a buff through the animal cracker doubling the production of anything they make so previously the most profitable fish pond the lava eel Pond made about 1,053 gold a day from row only that is if you aged

It with the Artisan profession the new cave jelly has been added to its item pool so the chance for row is slightly decreased now but with an animal cracker the profit is still almost double what it was before at 258 gold a day and remember every 5 days

You can fish up a lava eel smoke it and sell it for even more money there is a buff to mining moneymaking as a quick reminder with the blacksmith profession at level 10 mining you can sell aridium bars for 1,500 gold and radioactive bars for 4,500 gold making skull Cavern deep

Dives really good for money there’s no specific calculations to be made because it’s so luck based but there are a few Buffs to be had mostly with the Mastery rewards the heavy furnace is a new crafting recipe that acts as a better furnace it produces five bars at once at

The price of 25 ore and only three coal so you’re saving two pieces of coal it also has a 50% chance to produce an extra bar which I had to test myself because it’s not included on the the wiki adding 20% to whatever profit you would have made plus a little pocket

Change from the coal there’s also the statue of the dwarf King which has a chance to give you one of five different powers now if I were to choose out of all of these the plus one or when mining would seem to yield the most profit on average if you’re already running the

Minor profession which you should you’re getting three ore per node bump that up to four on average and that’s a 33% increase in profit so considering both of these you’ll be making around 50% more money from selling your bars whether it’s gold iridium or radioactive

They all apply so uh there was a buff to farming oddly enough but it’s super specific in Niche there’s an item in the game called raisins now you get them from drying grapes in the dehydrator if you put these in a junimo hut there’s a chance that the junimos will double

Harvest whatever they’re harvesting I actually had to do the calculation for this myself because I couldn’t find what percentage chance they have to double Harvest was and I’ve done enough testing to feel confident saying it’s about a 15% chance which sounds insignificant but remember that’s a 15% buff to one of

The best money makers in the game already that’s 15% more starfruit wine you can make and if you’re wondering one raisin will last for a week in the junimo Hut so you don’t need a lot to keep them going forever and to close us out we have the one true through Nerf

Clay farming if you didn’t know getting clay or winter forgea bles out of the ground follows a pattern and it wasn’t truly random so you could ho this pattern out after finding clay and get clay almost every single time this could easily get you around 2,000 gold from a

Day’s work which doesn’t sound like much but it’s crazy when you consider you can pull it off on day one it has been removed from the base settings of 1.6 but if you choose Legacy randomization you can still do it and that just about does for any changes to moneymaking in

General nothing that was super profitable before got nerfed and in the end game when you start to need millions of gold you have a lot more options which is exactly what I wanted to see not everyone wants to have an ancient fruit wine farm to grind out Perfection

Which by the way that’s less annoying now too because you can Harvest all of the ancient fruit with an aridium Scythe quick mention there’s probably many other ways that you can use the other items to make a better profit too I just picked up the ones that seemed particularly powerful I hope you’re

Enjoying the 1.6 update I’ll have more guides around it coming out soon thank you for watching and good Night

With both additions and balance changes in the 1.6 update, many new ways of making money are now viable, even many that compete with making wine! It seems like the mastery rewards made sure to make almost every profession a little profitable, so no matter what you enjoy doing, you should be able to make some money!

0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Fish Smokers
2:03 – Dehydrators and Mushroom Logs
4:36 – Tapping Mystic Trees
5:43 – Hunting for Butterflies
6:39 – Sheep with Animal Crackers
8:02 – Tea Saplings
9:13 – Fish Ponds
9:48 – Selling Bars with Mastery Bonuses
11:06 – Raisins
11:56 – Can you still clay farm?

Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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  1. I like the dehydrator because I can make dry blackberries and salmonberries that regen more health per use compared to the fruit. More convenient than spamming in the mines or skull cave

  2. Alpha cc, especially alpa build cc just looks so out of place with everything. Like the townies will be walking around in maxis clothing, meanwhile your sims look super realistic, it just looks stupid.

  3. Are we talking about the pet prices cuz what the 😭

    ?? ive gotten common mushrooms so are those just always possible?

    oh 😲 yeah! I loved tea saplings

    the small amount of testing ive done has shown the bait maker doesn’t make more money than just having the fish itself

  4. Fun fact, if you have finished the cc you will get a junimo with 5 stars around it and if you press the junimo multiple times it will grow then give it a new background with leaves

  5. Is there going to be a 1.6 update for the skills videos? I’m mostly interested in updated fishing charts lol, I use them on every save

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