Minecraft is officially a terraria clone

Minecraft is officially a Terraria clone meang has been releasing a lot of awesome new content in their snapshots for 1.21 in their new April fools update and it feels like for once moang is actually listed in the community but I can’t help but notice that all this new

Content is pointing to a future where Minecraft looks a lot more like Terraria new items like the heavy core can be found in the new Vault structure but unlike most Minecraft items they have a very small drop rate requiring much more of a grind to acquire similarly to most

Terraria items which have a very small drop rate and also require tons of farming to acquire and they even add a slime boss something that Terraria already has and the boss room for this new boss looks exactly like the boss room in the jungle temple on Terraria

But the absolute most evident proof of Minecraft coping Terraria is actually due to how the progression is changing you see Terraria has hard mode which is entered after beating enough bosses and all the weapons acquired post hard mode absolutely demolish all pre- hard mode enemies but the new Mason 1.21 is the

First difficult to acquire weapon that can absolutely destroy all mobs of Minecraft even the bosses leaving us to believe many more much more difficult enemies and bosses are to come and that’s why


  1. minecraft is already pretty grindy but it doesnt feel like theres much reward for grinding in it. I'd rather updates like this that make grinding fun with interesting unique awards for doing so.

  2. So Minecraft is copying Terraria because…*checks notes* it has low drop rate items and a strong weapon?
    Plus the "slime boss" is DEFINITELY not a concept Terraria made AND technically while it is a retextured slime, that boss is a potato.

  3. Yes, grinding is a thing created by Terraria
    Yes, Minecraft definitely doesn’t already have slimes
    Yes, Terraria created progression scaling
    Yes, Terraria created low drop rate items

  4. Pretty sure terraria goes into hardmode after beating wall of flesh, not after beating a bunch of bosses. You could glitch or even cheat skip to wall of flesh kill it and goes into hardmode I am pretty sure

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