NOOB vs PRO: MODERN BEACH HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

My family’s house is burning down and mutant creepers are coming to kill them we need to build them a secure beach house so they can survive don’t worry woodo I’ll build us a huge beach house to keep us safe your builds are never safe I’m going to use SL slash

Paste instead which will spawn in the coolest beach house ever ew that looks more like a doooo house than a beach house Mongo’s right woodo how do we clean this up in time before the mutant creepers come don’t worry axie if I just take this cobweb

And use this command we can get rid of all of these sticky spider webs wow that already looks way better but what about the dirty walls woodo can’t clean all those up axie just give up of course I can axi let me just grab this block over

Here and replace all of them into smooth quartz but Woodle all these areas down here still look really poopy look at all these dead bushes oh gosh you’re right it really does look all dead over here axie just like Mongo’s beach house made out of dirt but don’t you worry what I

Can do is take this brown concrete p powder and instead make it green concrete powder and now it’s already starting to look like grass again yay but it should be pink instead Pink axie Grass isn’t pink silly it’s green so how about I take all the rest of the dirty

Grass up here and instead turn it back to its beautiful green color so now our lawn is looking beautiful and way better than Mongo’s non-existent one woodo I can add a lawn right now but what’s important is that I already started making the things inside oh gosh

Axi mongu has a point and look at our pool it’s completely poopy too wait I just jumped in no do I have cooies now axie I got to rescue you out of there come on what I need to do is stand right over here and replace all of these

Blocks from this disgusting poop liquid back into water now that looks a lot better oh now it’s nice in here exactly and now what I can also do is take these garden beds and replace all these dirty old blocks back into beautiful grass ones so that we can put down some more

Plants yay can we put down Axel plants Axel plants don’t exist silly so I put some beautiful white tulips instead and now it’s looking a lot more beautiful but ax this floor over here still looks completely rotten so what I’m going to do is replace it into beautiful bright

Birch planks and now our house is looking 10 times better than it did before nice wood now we just have to go check out the inside hey guys I wouldn’t even work on the inside of the base if I were you the outside of your house is completely empty there’s no

Defenses oh no axie Mongo’s actually right if we don’t put any defenses in our house then those Mutant Creepers are going to come and they’re going to do what they did to our old family house and burn it down so we got to make sure it’s extra safe what do we do you’re

Right Woodle we need the strongest defenses ever and I say today we have pigs pigs pigs are not safe axie come on give me a better suggestion something like lasers I think you just gave yourself a suggestion Woodle and I guess it was the best suggestion of my life because now

What we can do is we can set up little sticks over here where we’re going to put up lasers surrounding our entire base that way if Monga or the Mutant Creeper tries to come and side they’ll get burnt to a crisp and it’ll be super duper

Funny cool wo I could avoid your silly little lasers from a mile away no you can’t I’ll show you how they work right now I just need to go ahead and put these blocks like this and stack them up four blocks high and now what I

Can do is I can select this laser block over here and stick it to the end of another one and now these lasers are right in front of the house and will burn down anyone who tries to get in like exactly hey you want to be

The test dummy and try it out that’s not funny woodo I think actually should be the test ofy oh yeah fried fish does sound pretty tasty I’m not a fish woodo oh no don’t be angry at me axie it was just a joke okay I didn’t mean it look

Now we have the most secure front entrance ever and it looks 10 times cooler than Mango’s defenses which are pretty much nonexistent yeah how is a vegon going to defend you from creepers what do you mean guys I’m going to have lava in front of my base boo lava is so boring

You know the mut creeper can just jump over that right come on axi I have an even smart idea what if instead of lava we put down barbed wire which basically works like a really sharp fence so that if the mutant creepers try and get inside they’ll just prick themselves to

Death oh yeah that’s so smart Woodle let me just go ahead and place some more of these sticks Here and Now what I can do is use my special fancy one to select both of these blocks and automatically fill it in now check that out we have two different types of defenses while

only has one woodo I’m going to add a second defense and you won’t believe what it is oh yeah what is it probably something doy related huh nope I hired axxel and turtles to fight for me huh Axel and Turtles you’re lying oh yeah voo then why don’t you come over

Here and check it out check out your army I I’m smart enough to know that there is no Army I don’t want to go over to your side I’d rather stay on my super duper secure side which now has barbed wire across the entire house yeah

besides how do I know that these axelos are willingly working for you exactly they look like they are forced to stand there how dare you do this everyone comment that is trash Mongo’s trash for fre the axelos no guys comment that voo and ax you are mean because I hired these

Axelos and turtles using my poop ew e that is disgusting come on Turtles why would you guys ever agree to giving you that quick axie we got to do something else to make sure that we can protect our other Axel and turtle friends too I think what we need to do

Is add turret yeah we need to make sure that if ever gets close we can shoot him down exactly so I can put turrets on each of these little sticks that we put down for our fences and now we can make sure that no one can come inside unless we let

Them in so uh you’re banned from our beach house wo why would you ban me because you’re really really weird anyway axi look look now I can finally put a nice front entrance over here with the gate so that we can freely come in whenever we would like I would like to

Come in now well you can be allowed axie but hey how about you try to come inside sure budo I bet I could easily come inside I just need to go over here and oh gosh the lasers are stopping me there has to be some sort of door and

Ooh look there’s a garage door right here wait what you weren’t allowed in it’s just because I didn’t put a password axi but don’t worry I’ll just grab this key panel over here and put down the password and it’s going to be super secure doesn’t know that my

Secret password is 43 2 1 instead of 1 2 3 4 so now it can open and close automatically isn’t that awesome axi 4 3 2 1 that is a crazy secure password I know I’m a genius aren’t I woodo I literally just heard your

Password and it is not genius at all it is literally so newbie wait what thinks that we’re newbie you know what axie I’m not going to take any of this guy’s disrespect anymore we need to prove to everyone that we’re better at building so I just splashed some

Invisibility on us so that we can go and prank him a little bit oh mono what are you working on over here oh man I totally roasted rudo when I was talking about his password but I need to continue working on my amazing build look at this woodo this build is

Literally so bad the whole floor is dirt what do you say we add a little water and some fishies you’re right axie this thing just looks like a giant fish tank by the ocean so what I’m going to do is I’m going to use my special one tool and

Turn it into a giant fish tank except they’re not just going to be fish axie they’re going to be sharks wo you made the whole top glass yep and now what I can quickly do is set everything to water and then quickly add a shark spawn egg and then Spa them in

Like this and now the sharks are going to eat M until he dies W oh gosh what’s going on suddenly there’s so many sharks and there’s water in my house is this what a beach house is supposed to look like no that’s what a shark fish sh looks like and if

You think this prank was super awesome then subscribe right now so we can get even more wo I think we actually improved his house it looks way cooler now as a shark fish tank exactly axie it looks amazing and I think to scare even more we can put a bunch of dead

Skeleton bodies to make it look like the sharks ate all these innocent people oh gosh now all these people are dying this is not good this is not good I think I need to take these sharks and put them to wo’s house instead hey what Mongo’s

Not going to do that if I just stack up enough skeletons he won’t escaping H axie there’s a shark in our yard don’t worry Woodle I’ll put them in our pool oh no he’s bringing more I’m going to take this one and put it in the pool too

And what we should also do is take and put him in the pool as well with all the sharks get over here let me just take these sharks and wait what am I floating right now what’s going on oh mango here’s the diving board how about you hop in with those sharks

Buddy oh gosh wait a second I think I’m in woodo swimming pool with the sharks oh my gosh this gives me the perfect opportunity to spawn in some water zombies to prank him huh is trying to do a reverse prank on me I’m not going to let that happen I’m going to

Change all of this water that he’s swimming in into toxic goo toxic go ew that’s right axie so let me just go ahead and run this command and now is suffocating in the goo oh gosh what’s going on wo’s pool is full of cooies I have to leave ew it’s

Actually giving me nausea axie oh no this is not good let me grab some milk just in case and now look everything in our pool is literally dying so I better undo that command quickly and oh gosh everything perish including oh good then we don’t have to see

That guy again exactly right I don’t want to worry about him anymore look at him cleaning everything up it’s going to take him forever Woodle and while he’s doing that we can work on our house yeah you’re right axie and I just realized we need to flex on mango

Too and do you know the best way to flex on a Maxie I don’t know wo maybe doing some arm workouts and then flexing really hard no silly I want to flex on him with my super cool car collection did you notice how big the driveway is

Over here I can probably stack so many cars that can’t even imagine look at all these bad boys they’re all super awesome Ferraris cares are cool and all Woodle but I have a better car you do what type of car a Lamborghini or something no woodo Lamborghinis are lame I have a

Pumpkin car a pumpkin card you can’t drive a pumpkin axie that’s ridiculous oh yeah wo watch me wait what you’re going to drive yourself into Mongo’s house axi watch out maybe maybe I will oh hey wait a second what are you doing over here take you and your pumpkin

House out my house now it’s on fire woodo it’s even cooler oh yeah I guess you actually did make it cooler maro’s just jealous that he doesn’t have this many cars to park in his garage and after you park all these fancy cars you’re probably want to going to come

And eat some delicious food while watching some woodo videos axie wouldn’t you yeah woodo but uh there’s one problem all these couches are made of poop and there’s a bunch of those cobwebs again I’m going to go ahead and delete some of these because they’re

Super nasty and instead we can put up a nice HD TV that I bet doesn’t even have his is probably from like 1984 oh yeah that guy doesn’t have anything nice you guys are talking so much trash but you don’t even know what’s inside of my

House yes we do oh oh gosh I shouldn’t probably say that because we actually pranked him um we actually don’t know what was inside okay well I just added shopping carts as my vehicles and I also added a giant TV so how about that oh wow

That is so cool good for you if you guys care about what Mongo’s building then comment I care but if you don’t say that is a loser in the comments hey don’t call me a loser say Mongo’s awesome guys no because is not awesome because he doesn’t have this TV

Doesn’t that look amazing axie uh-huh and I’m even going to add some popcorn on this table ooh popcorn is awesome now whenever we watch our videos we can enjoy some delicious popcorn and I’m putting up some really fancy lights too just to give it some more decoration now

This is somewhere I’d want to chill after pranking and driving our super cars but axi what if we bring our friends over we need to feed them too and this place back here is still so dirty you’re right woodo we need to fix it and fast let’s do it axie because

Otherwise those Mutant Creepers Are Going to make themselves the guest so let’s go ahead and put a table over here and why don’t you put down some sofas well I go over here and upgrade this kitchen to something a little bit more modern and delicious how about we serve

Our guest McDonald’s axie McDonald’s that doesn’t sound that fancy Woodle but it sure does sound delicious oh it is the most delicious thing ever of course and this kitchen is going to be so modern in fact that it even has a fryer so that we can make custom fresh

McDonald’s fries even a mango doesn’t have something that cool what do you mean buo instead of McDonald’s I have KFC KFC ew everyone put in the comment section that KFC is so trash obviously McDonald’s is way better yeah no one wants KFC guys I

Know but it’s all that I could afford I spent all my money on the turtle and AEL lot defense oh my gosh that’s your fault why would you ever do that oh no you know what I guess that’s just what gets anyway axi check this out I

Put down all these raw ingredients over here so that we can actually cook with them here are the beef patties a fish Patty and even some sliced cheese W I’m really good at cooking Woodle just leave it to me oh no you’re going to burn something axie so instead what I’m going

To do is I’m going to come to this preparation area and put down some McDonald’s that I already had like a double cheeseburger and some french fries oh my gosh that looks so good wo I cooked something uh-oh what did you cook axie it’s beautiful ew dried kelp let’s

Get rid of that good thing you reminded me we need a trash can there we go now our kitchen is looking absolutely insane especially with these kitchen hoods that make it look so modern wow Mongo’s going to end up having to pay us to use our own kitchen

When his breaks exactly axie and look we even put some great plates down so that our friends can enjoy some food too but axie what about the fun we still have this huge outdoor area but these beach chairs are all made of mud I think what

We need to do is remove those and give them a little upgrade something a little bit more beachy if you ask me you’re right W instead of mud bricks we can put mud piles mud piles axie are you you serious I don’t want to put down mud

Piles that sounds way worse instead what I want to do is I’m going to put down these beachy deck chairs so that we can sit back and lay down right next to the water a fine woodo those do look pretty cool I’m going to add a rubber ducky you

Go ahead and do that axie because guess what else I’m putting down next to them ice cream ice cream that’s right what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream axie I think mine is choco chocolate my favorite flavor of ice cream is worm and Cake worm and Cake what guys everyone

Knows the best flavor of ice cream is vanilla vanilla no chocolate is better axie we really need to start a war against this guy he’s really making me angry now okay Woodle but only if you admit we’re flavor is really good no worm flavor is not good the only good

Ice cream flavor is Chocolat everyone comments right now your favorite flavor of ice cream and it better be Chocolat it better be worms no it better be vanilla oh yeah Mona well how about this I have the drink for you let me just put down these coconut drinks these pumpkin

Drinks and these melon drinks and now check this out taxy we have a full Tiki Bar and I’ll even build some sand castles next year for fun oo that looks really good woodo I know right I’m kind of the best at this you know I don’t

Know I think I’m a bit better at building I’m the best builder ever no that’s not true that’s like saying Mongo’s good at building which is obviously not real woodo I’m way better than you and you know it oh yeah monco well and how’s your trash garbage build

Coming along I bet you don’t have a tiki bar with a bunch of really cool colorful drinks like I do well that doesn’t even matter voodo I’m almost done with my build uh-oh axie that’s bad news can’t be done yet at least we have a

Tiki bar but my family I don’t want the house to burn down and kill them don’t worry Woodle because I made a really tall diving board so your family can have fun by jumping off this yay that is awesome but actually we can’t forget the rooms if they don’t have a place to

Sleep then how are they going to live inside this house they can’t just sleep in the water oh yeah wood I forgot about that quick we have to build them a place to live don’t worry axie I’m putting down three beds over here but I’m actually going to come bind them because

This is going to be my bed with the view of the beach and then I’ll put their beds in the back over here so they can sleep as well okay Woodle what if I build them some wardrobes over here ooh wardrobes like a place where they can

Put their clothes that’s a pretty good idea axie uh-huh I’m even going to start them off with some amazing clothes wo what types of clothes are you going to put in there this one can be Chef’s clothes so that they can be inspired to make me food wait what my family’s not

Going to make you food axie you need to make the food yourself no woodo I don’t want to anyway this other one over here is going to be beach clothing ooh beach clothing like a cool swim trunk and huh is that a bikini yes woodo I think your

Family would look great in bikinis well maybe my mom but not me or my D or my brother come on axie you can pick better outfits than that and while you pick those I’m going to go ahead and make a nice bathroom over here with some nice

Toilet rolls and toilet paper and a beautiful sink so that we can wash wash wash our hands ew washing hands is boring huh that’s not boring that’s so I stay clean and I bet doesn’t even wash his hands yuck hey I wash my hands before eating a meal after eating my

Meal every single second I go outside and every single second I get back inside the house okay fine I guess you do so in that case I’m just going to put a vent over here as well just to make sure that my farts don’t stink up this entire

House ew your farts are really stinky but wood where am I going to sleep well axie I was thinking you could sleep in this room too except you can sleep on this carpet right over here okay wait you actually like that axie yeah it’s like a mud pile but softer oh

I was just joking I was going to give you a real bed here you go goofy oh okay this works too nice now you can put some of your ax a l of friends and stuff as well and while you do that axie I’m going to go ahead and put down a nice

Desk over here too where I can record all my videos can I record them with you wood well axie aren’t you technically doing that with me like right now yeah but I want to be the main character well ax you are the main character always can’t be the main character though

Because he’s such a noob Noob what guys in my life I’m the main character and you guys are side characters what that is not true actually what we need to do is we need to grab some coffee and record so many videos that doesn’t even remember who we are

Anymore yeah and we’re going to replace with a sheep a sheep what yeah I mean we don’t need him for every video we can just get a sheep and train it to say like two words oh yeah and I think it would sound like too he would just say B all day

Are you serious that doesn’t even sound like me come on give us your best sheep noise that’s the best sheep noise I can make M you sound so goofy anyways axi check this out what I’m currently doing is picking out some toys to put on our nightstands too so now it looks really

Fun and we can record our videos whenever we want with these super awesome microphone should we record one right now okay Lodo I’m ready wait actually we’re already recording a video right now what are you talking about can we record a video inside a video oh my

Gosh that is genius hello everyone my name is Runo and you need to subscribe right now so subscribe he my name is axie and I’m the main character so you should subscribe to me a that is awesome axie but um I actually have pretty bad news I have a feeling that that M

Creeper is going to come axie so what we need to do is we need to quickly build some armor to protect ourselves and luckily I actually have a vault inside of this amazing beach house you just need to follow me downstairs it’s really really secure okay wait there’s more

Rooms down here yes axie and check this out I’m going to grab my wand tool and I’m going to to grab some steel blocks so that we can reinforce this room over here out of pure steel so that not even could come steal our super secure armor you hear that you’re never

Going to get into our Secure Vault what guys I could totally figure out a way I’m the smartest come on axie we’re really running out of time so let me go ahead and set all these blocks to Sea lanterns and now it’s looking super duper cool in here I can now put down

These armor stands which will have all the armors that we need and then I can also grab some item frames and put them over here for our weapons now axie what is going to be our armor of choice I think I know what I want to pick my

Armor is going to be that bikini that I put upstairs a bikini axie you are not allowed to wear the bikini because it is not sec here we need something secure like this one that looks super scary if the creepers see that they’ll poop their pants for sure okay Woodle what about

This cardboard armor cardboard axie you’re going to blow up into a million pieces of Axel Sushi if you wear that you need to wear something like this Samurai armor instead so I also going to get a copy for you so that you can wear it instead of whatever that is oh okay

Woodle I have a better idea then how about I wear this pumpkin armor wait what did you just say pumpkin armor a let me take a look and what it’s just a pumpkin exactly then it look super tasty well I have even better armor that I’m going to donate to mongal it’s poop

Armor ew ew gross you know what I’ve had enough for you guys constantly making fun of me you should know that you shouldn’t poke the wrong bear so I’m putting on my Samurai armor and my Katana it’s time for you guys to go down oh yeah well we

Have Mecca look at this axi doesn’t this giant robot look sick and I can use it to take down yeah little and I’m going to add some Bazookas to this wall to take him down even faster oh no hexie M just stole our robot wait what that’s if I don’t take

Your Mecca and take it to my side wo no we got to put down another one so that we can fight him again let me just put it right over here and there we go now axi it’s time to load up our weapons with Bazookas and super strong swords

Look at these don’t they look super duper powerful fall of course they do woodo I can’t wait to beat up that guy and also the mutant creepers Wai need to beat him up right now axi so what I’m going to do right now is grab us some

More Mecca and axi let’s go outside and go to his base and get him back for what he did oh guys are you finally here yes and we’re here to kill you why did you steal our robots are you really going to kill me over robot woodo I was

Actually going to show you my new invention okay and what is that it’s called shopping cart travel where you go from one shopping cart to another that’s genius what in the world how did you come up with this you see I went to a very prestigious school and there’s

A bunch of smart kids like me and we learned this there Manga was that McDonald’s school or something because this is a stupid idea just show us what’s inside your house okay when you go inside my house there’s a bunk bed for our families then there’s some

Arcade machines with a sofa and a TV and that’s about it why is the ground still dirt yeah this place is more tight than one of our rooms imagine this but 10 times cooler that’s what you can expect at the wudo and axi beach house so would you like to come inside

Sure woodo open the door for me please all right let me just put my super secure passcode and now you can come inside and park okay let me just go over here and steal all the ice cream hey hey hey you’re not allowed to steal my ice cream sir you must come

Through the entrance and enjoy the amazingness that’s inside we have our beautiful TV over here and then we have our d area as well as our McDonald’s kitchen with frenchly fried french fries would you like some mango oh yeah no I would definitely like some but I don’t

Just want some I want all of it yay you can’t have all of it and to get you back I’m going to dump you in the pool on top of this duck oh gosh you don’t need to dump me I’ll do a Spider-Man flip into it oh my gosh that

Was so sick I think you deserve some drinks at our tea bar oh you’re right buo I deserve all of them wait what you can’t take all of those those were mine to drink you monster axie I say we take him upstairs and show him who’s boss yes we should

Woodo I’m going to beat him up take me upstairs yep look at this this is mine and axi in my family’s bedroom with my big bed my family’s beds and then a recording setup um are you ready to record a video mango yo yo my check my

Check let’s go let’s do it and look even Axia has a cute bed over here and she even picked out my clothes no way wudo you wear bikini on Tuesday and cooking gear on Mondays wait what that’s not true that’s for ax to wear I’ll show you what Armory we really have why

Don’t you just follow me all the way downstairs into the Vault oh the Vault that sounds interesting wudo but it doesn’t look that cool all you have is literally just three poopy armors and a giant armor that I already have no it’s because you stole it from us and anyways

It’s all because I want to defeat those M creepers and guys is it just me or do you hear something hissing outside I think I do wood I think the creepers are here quick put on your armor we need to kill them look woodo they’re over here they’re trying to take your

Brother are you serious no one is going to harm my family get over here you bued creepers you’re going to die let’s get them thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye bye

NOOB vs PRO: MODERN BEACH HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft
We’re in big trouble! We need to build a MODERN BEACH HOUSE in Minecraft to save our family from a MUTANT ZOMBIE invasion! Will we be able to survive?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. Why are you hating oh Mangal bro it’s because mango royalty bro she got the outfit got the crown. She got the crown. He got the crown. You don’t get the turtle with the shield and green all over you either your power power reman your total for GC, you a turtle bro you know how are you Mommy 💕💕

  2. For the last time you calling mango a noob you a freaking turtle turtle are you calling a human a noob? You are a turtle with a green back shell roll shush.

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