Soloing Terraria, But As A Healer..

Today I’m going to be playing Terraria but I’m playing as the Healer class you look [ __ ] stupid here usually you would use a sword or a bow to attack enemies but not as a Healer I will have to heal my enemies so much that it destroys any bit of hatred

They would have towards me no I’m just kidding the Healer class specializes in Scythe like weapons that spin around your body basically true melee but with less defense this some bullsh but where the Healer really shines is its ability to heal Allied players but because I’m a Gangster I’m

Going to be doing this all on my own own and note how I said Ally players nothing about healing myself and let me say the Healer class is added from the thorium mod which is a huge content mod that adds lots of new weapons armor and dare

I say bosses that are really [ __ ] hard and I’ve actually never played theorum mod so but the real question is will I be able to save my little Terraria world but as a lonesome healer well keep watching dude see me die to the [ __ ] primordials after I spawned in I got

Wood and I did the box method for my house and if you’re familiar with the box method then you would know that it’s a great way to show off your building skills because you know I’m a master builder but this time I decided to try something different and I’m not going to

Lie this [ __ ] his ass remember earlier when I said that the Healer class specializes in Scythe likee weapons well with the wood I gathered I was able to make my first weapon the wooden baton it’s not quite a scythe but it functions in the same way oh yeah now that’s what I’m talking

About I went Mining and legit the first chest I found had Hermes boots oh my God what the [ __ ] way to God God damn minute I am 12 minutes into recording this and I’ve already got Hermes boo we’re already starting off really strong but little did I know things were going to

Get very very painful yeah I got my basic ores and then I headed straight to the beach because I needed to get Coral to make my first armor set but guess what this will be the first of many painful segments while heading to the beach I died a

Lot dude I just won my [ __ ] Armor and on the off chance I did actually make it to the beach I usually drowned before I can get deep enough to get any Coral I’m not a [ __ ] bot do not roast me no get back up to the surface God damn it

In this cycle of walking and dying went on for like two whole hours before I finally got enough Coral to make the armor no please Fu no okay 11% decrease nonradiant damage increase radiant damage by one healing spells will heal an additional One Life radiant damage builds up to 20

Life Shield and life sh uh shielding no longer decays guys this is what dying feels like going to catch me rer and somewhere in the middle of all that I made the Platinum Aegis out which gives me 15 Life Shield for minus two defense and if

You don’t know what Life Shield is don’t ask me I don’t [ __ ] know either and I was also able to make these big pills that do a bit of damage but they’re also able to heal Alli players no I said Ali players some [ __ ] I went back to

Mining and I found this new heart or which allows me to make heart crystals I was was also able to make a heart wand which drops little hearts that actually heal me little did I know this is the only weapon that will ever be able to heal me spoiler alert go [ __ ] yourself

Lock me in lock me in I made a new weapon called the palm cross and all you need to know is it’s dog [ __ ] oh more Johnson what the fuckus 20 how about you go [ __ ] yourself I went to the ice Bome to get ice

Materials so I can make a new ice weapon called the ice shaver and bro all you need to know is it’s complete dog [ __ ] is it just me or is there a common denominator in all these [ __ ] weapons now all the weapons I’ve gotten so far are basically true melee and you know

I’m ass at this game so I did a lot of research to see if there was a longer range weapon I could use and there was it was located in the new Scarlet chest that are spawned underground yes wait there’s so much [ __ ] in here that’s wait

Wait I’m horny but minus 10 damage H get me out okay [ __ ] you now this weapon is it’s pretty good it’s even got some really good range but not only does it take Mana but it also takes 2 Hp away from me every time I shoot now that’s

Not so healer likee if you ask me I made both the King Slime and the I culu spawners and I got ready to heal my enemies into submission I’m going to try my best to try and kill the Slime King let’s see how we do I of course

Started off with the King Slime and to my surprise it was a really easy fight it just took a really long time let’s go I waited for KN so I could fight the eye of cthulu and to my surprise yet again it was also a really easy fight yeah

Land on me land on me yeah wait wait lock in oh my God I almost [ __ ] lost I had to lock in with the Demonite I got from the I of cthulu I was able to make the dark Scythe which it’s actually not that bad of a weapon oh it has two

Though wait that’s actually not bad wait this is Mt slept on now at this point I’m able to make a lot of weapons and items that will give me a big boost and power but I need a blood moon to literally make everything so while waiting I ended up falling asleep like

Actually IRL I fell asleep but guess what [ __ ] out of here boy get that weak [ __ ] out of here while waiting for a very crucial blood moon I went looking for heart crystals and luckily I was able to obtain a nice full bar of HP but because the blood moon never

Started when I was getting my heart crystals I decided to try and kill the EO of roads and I’m not going to lie he almost had me in the first half but then I realized I could just pull out my scythe and block literally every one of

His projectiles this is the best weapon against him wait this weapon stops the [ __ ] things all I got to do is just dodge him D [ __ ] Lord you would think after all this time at least one blood moon will spawn well [ __ ] no and I was getting tired of waiting for a blood

Moon so I decided to look for better items to make and I was able to make the full set of the blooming armor and on top of that I was able to make two SES the bouny full Harvest sight and the molten thresher sight but I decided

Because you know this game [ __ ] hates me and it won’t just give me a single blood moon I’m just going to skip it and fight Skeletron oh oh yes stroke it let’s [ __ ] go this game is so [ __ ] stupid come here [ __ ] I completed the blood moon and I

Realized all the items I made while waiting are better than anything I can make from the blood moon that’s um I’m going to go kill myself now I could go fight Skeletron or I could go fight a boss that I’ve never fought before just for the slight chance of him dropping me

A cool looking sight what the [ __ ] I’m a bad all right I just got to like take this meds oh my God stop turning me into a bat you [ __ ] he’s pissed me off to no extent now I’m going to [ __ ] his ass bats bro all this [ __ ]

B oh dude like I don’t even [ __ ] care bro I don’t even [ __ ] care yeah now of course after a few attempts I killed him but he didn’t drop me the new weapon but he instead gave me something that’s even cooler I can trans I can transform into the bad bro that’s insane

Now that Skeletron is dead the dungeon is open and inside the dungeon there is a scythe that I really need yes I got it while I was down there I was also able to find dark steel ingots which are used to make armor and

I was also able to make the omen it’s a weapon it’s uh pretty cool all right guys what I’m about to show you is really epic so prepare yourself falling Twilight wow now this is what I’m talking about it’s a scythe like all the other weapons now the thorium mod

Actually adds a lot of prehard mode bosses that I can go fight right now but you know [ __ ] that I’m going to go fight the Wall of Flesh I went down to hell and I made a pretty simple and average sized Arena and I challenged the Wall of

Flesh what the [ __ ] I haven’t even damaged him bro I got to be dude look at how close I have to be yeah GG’s give me home dude okay so that’s going to be impossible bro yeah so if you think I can beat that [ __ ] you can go [ __ ]

Yourself so I decided to search for a ranged weapon that was actually [ __ ] viable unlike the stupid fat Omen what I first had in mind was a weapon called the lights laminate but they only spawn in Shadow chests and for some unknown reason all my shadow chests just

Disappeared don’t ask me how now there’s one more range weapon that I can make it’s called The Spirit Blast one and after making it I realized it’s exactly what I needed oh yeah that’s what let’s [ __ ] go GG’s in the chat GG’s in the chat [ __ ] so of course I got all my

Potions ready and I got ready to fight once again realizing the spirit w a bit more I realized that the more HP boosting accessories I have the more projectiles it shoots so I decided to change my accessories and yeah I think it helped I think look so if I take off

These three these two what I just added look it this is how much it shoots that’s a lot right that’s a lot then if I add these on can’t tell me that’s not more or am I bugging am I tripping this is winnable wait I’m doing so much damage this is

Winnable come on lock in lock in lock in lock in come on no yes let’s [ __ ] go now that the wall of flesh is dead we are finally in hard mode and this is where all the bosses are going to start to get extremely difficult but there’s a Twist

The Healer class is still dog [ __ ] I broke alters and I gathered all the basic free hard mode or but before I was able to do anything I had to go fight the burri champion because after he’s dead a new NPC will spawn called the spiritualist and of course he sells

Everything that I need but luckily the boss is a preh hard mode boss so it shouldn’t be too difficult well I mean that’s what I would assume if I was actually able to [ __ ] fight him basically you can only spawn this [ __ ] in a marble cave and as you

Probably guessed I am yet to find one and after like dead ass two [ __ ] hours of mining I finally found one why are there so many [ __ ] worms bro the [ __ ] this man has an impeccable Shield my God he’s like freezing me and [ __ ] bro why is this the most elaborate

Boss bro I thought he was just a [ __ ] mini boss bro I didn’t think it’d be this [ __ ] difficult yes I waited for the NPC to move in and once he did I bought some pretty good items yeah dude this guy blesses me oh my God all right

Let’s check out this one since when am at The Bard class this is healer brother I’ll take it though oh my [ __ ] it’s when am I the Summoner class I’m a Healer and I was also able to buy my first hard mode armor set now I think

It’s a pretty good time to share my theory on what’s going on with the Healer class and if I’m completely wrong then don’t [ __ ] roast me but basically what I think is look at the armor set it looks uh it looks sort of evil doesn’t it and also remember back

To to the weapons that make me take damage whenever I use them and the last time I checked a Healer is supposed to heal life not take it away so with all that in mind I honestly think I’m slowly becoming the angler now think about it the angler helps you with giving you

Quests and stuff right but as you’re doing all the quests it’s slowly draining your life and any bit of remaining brain cells you had I went to hell and I farmed for Souls more specifically Souls of light Knight and the new soul of fight you fat fat [ __ ]

With all the materials I gathered I was able to make the bone baton and the midnight staff wait is it called Midnight staff cuz it’s a mid [ __ ] weapon but not even a whole 5 minutes later I realized that everything I just made is pretty much [ __ ] useless so

Basically ignore everything I just got and only use these weapons good to know that took me for hours that’s because I’m able to make better weapons but to make those weapons I need to find the wizard NPC and bro I kid you not I looked around my small ass [ __ ] world

For like 4 hours Jesus Christ Release Me I fought this dude and he’s he’s below the bur Champion what the [ __ ] yes oh my [ __ ] God bro suck my [ __ ] now I made a bunch of weapons so I’m going to speedrun this first I made the blood transfusion it does this thing pretty

Nice next I made the dark conjugation and it does this wow and after that was the Holy Fire OMG and finally the Umbra this weapon is pretty crazy but what the [ __ ] is that name it’s time okay let’s go that was a little anticlimactic if you ask me I made two

New weapons one of them was complete dog [ __ ] so I’m not even going to speak on its name the other was a hollowed Scythe it’s just a scythe I fought a new thorian boss called the Fallen Beholder oh Jesus this [ __ ] was so easy so ugly and so yeah I don’t even know

Why I fought him oh wow he’s freaking dead oh my god that actually so cool what if I run into it ow I went and fought the Twins and I thought I’d struggle a lot more I even ran out of Mana potions midf fight but because I’m the [ __ ] goat I still won

[ __ ] I’m out of Mana potions bro you’re dead ass right now wait am I [ __ ] him holy [ __ ] my him yes and I I also fought Skeletron I won yeah I made a new weapon called the hollowed blessing and I don’t remember what it did but if I had to guess it’s

Complete dog [ __ ] now don’t quote me on that I could be wrong I could be wrong probably not though dude all these weapons are for healing my allies [ __ ] my allies I made a huge arena for planta and I got straight to kicking his ass now as you may or may not have

Noticed I was kind of getting my ass kicked so I decided to expand my Arena and guess what I bet you didn’t see that coming oh you did well go [ __ ] yourself no he was one shot no oh my God yes bro oh my God okay so this is

Where I really started to struggle everything before this was hard and tedious but from here on out things were just painful and I had no clue what I had to do next all of the guides for the Healer class mainly focused on a more team aspect build like um accessories

For healing my teammates but I don’t [ __ ] have teammates so I didn’t know what I had to do but I will say once I get moving you can’t stop me now after doing some research I found out that I can get a new armor set from

A boss that spawns in a new biome called The Aquatic depths but first off because I’m [ __ ] stupid I didn’t realize that you’re supposed to fight this [ __ ] after the Golem and second off he’s hard as [ __ ] so I instead decided to go to the dungeon to get

Ectoplasm to make a new weapon but you probably guessed it I got [ __ ] on there as well and to top it off after like an hour and a half of trying to get ectoplasm I ended up with only one now this is where the struggle really

Started to take effect I was stuck for like 3 hours making no progress and that was mainly because the only healer class guides I could find literally jump from mechanical bosses to pre- lunar events that makes no [ __ ] sense there’s like four bosses in between go [ __ ] yourself

But after about 20 minutes of crying I did what I should have done a long time ago kill yourself no I instead went on YouTube and watch people who have already accomplished what I am trying to accomplish yeah it uh it seems pretty [ __ ] obvious I don’t know what I was

Thinking so I started off by going back to the dungeons to look for paladins because they Dro me a material that is used to make a very very overpowered armor set now just finding a single Paladin took like a [ __ ] hour but it’s okay because I had the Fargo mod

Activated which allows me to spawn as many as I want after I killed one now finally I was able to make some very tanky armor but I was also able to make the holy Hammer weapon and I think I just creamed in my pants I used this weapon on the solar eclipse event

Because I needed hero fragments and bro this weapon is so [ __ ] good I got all the hero fragments and I was able to make the Terra scythe and even this weapon was strong as [ __ ] things were really looking up um I think I’m freaking Hornet I made a temple bomb and

I used it to make a big arena and honestly I could have won without it honestly this fight was so easy it was a [ __ ] joke oh my god oh what a hard fight holy [ __ ] H don’t hurt me don’t hurt me go on please don’t freaking hurt

Me oh my God I Fought The Lunatic ctist and it was honestly a really easy fight oh my God don’t freak it hurt me oh I’m sorry and after that I made the terrarium site dude holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the what the [ __ ] wait wait wait I

Think I just creamed in my pants and I use this insanely beautiful weapon to kill the first three pillars I made an arena for the moon Lord and before I finish off the last pillar I realized that I need to upgrade my accessories because I still need to make endgame

Boots and wings and other stuff like that so I started off by making the terrarium Defender the terrarium partial sprinters and the terrarium wings and other endgame thorum accessories check me out bam boop bop oh yeah wait what the [ __ ] did I just fly to space but it

Is finally time to fight the final boss aka the moon Lord so I finished off the final pillar and I got ready all right let’s just try to fight this [ __ ] dude as the fight started I was nervous and anxious but the longer the fight

Grew on the longer I became lock in lock the [ __ ] in his top is so low this is so winnable I’m above half HP have a heal in 40 seconds and I’m and I’m dodging like [ __ ] King right now wait this is so Winable I don’t need heals heals are for [ __ ] bro I’m healer Class wait winnable I’m at that distance I’m at a perfect distance winnable winnable lock in lock in lock in lock in lock in lock in lock in let’s go wait I’m so good yeah I uh ended up beating him first try that’s pretty anticlimactic so yeah that was the Healer

Class oh Little Nate so naive what you’re about to go through it’s [ __ ] stupid there’s another boss interesting before I fight the true final boss I needed an upgrade obviously the moonlord is going to drop a new healer class weapon but of course this game is [ __ ] stupid and it didn’t

Give it to me so of course I had to go fight him again but before I did that I made some new and pretty sexy armor and surely with this new and improved armor that’s going to enhance my skills I should be able to kill him with no

Problem all right what the [ __ ] just happened yeah so it took a couple tries but after a few deaths I was able to get the weapon nice oh I got it so if you’re at all familiar with the mod then you know what comes next the [ __ ] primordials now obviously I’ve never

Actually fought these guys but let me just say these guys can go [ __ ] themselves this was by far without a doubt the worst and most painful experience I’ve had throughout this entire playthrough and let me show you why okay so I’m going to show you this boss’s patterns and if you’re one of

Those [ __ ] Geeks and you’re like oh the the freaking primordials they’re one of the easiest bosses go [ __ ] yourself okay so basically there’s three bosses that you have to kill but only one of them fight you at a time and they switch out every like 30 seconds and their

Attacks are pretty easy to dodge mainly at the start but their attacks get a lot faster near the end and even then it’s still pretty easy to dodge but the thing is they do so much [ __ ] damage it’s not even funny basically if I just get

Hit once I might as well just go [ __ ] myself now there was a run where I was actually [ __ ] locked in what the [ __ ] what’s this oh my [ __ ] there’s another phase bro I wasn’t prepared for this is it all their attacks in one I’m not prepared for this

Bro what the [ __ ] is that dude I was not bro I did I did not sign up for this bro he [ __ ] G yeah so there’s a [ __ ] second phase that basically is just every [ __ ] projectile in all of Terraria shot at me at once for like 2

Minutes straight now after a few more deaths I decided I needed to change up the Strat to start off I took off my boots it’s basically no help I’m in the air the whole fight so they do nothing and next I switched back to the more

Tanky armor that I got from the paladins because the extra defense helps a lot and with all that being said this Happened look at his HP Bro Look it holy [ __ ] oh my God down red is down repeat the red version is down Green’s down it’s only on Blue now all right I’m Max I’m Max I’m Max it’s winable bro come on lock the [ __ ] Please please please please please what the [ __ ] going on why is he taking no damage wait wait yeah what the [ __ ] with the primordials dead I made the reality slasher what the [ __ ] he got [ __ ] obliterated come here what the [ __ ] I need more enemies bro come here

Whoa whoa look it what the did I just slice a [ __ ] up off my screen this shit’s insane oh my look at his HP holy [ __ ] I can’t even control my character let me just uh kill this guy real quick oh [ __ ] yeah bro I’m so dog

[ __ ] bro thank you guys so much for watching to the end man it truly means a lot and if you guys did enjoy the video then consider hitting that subscribe button I’m almost at my alltime high of three subscribers but with all the jokes aside if you guys did enjoy the video

And you want to watch another one I recommend these videos of course it’s been your boy Nate I hope you guys have a great rest of your day or night and I expect to see all of you guys in my next video take care


Today I Played Terraria, But Im a lonesome, lonely, sad, unoptimistic, depressed, little midget healer..


Videos I Rec..
– Archery Mod –
– DBZ Mod –
0:00 Intro
0:55 Pre – Hard Mode
9:05 Hard Mode
13:40 Depression
20:45 Outro
– 🎵 MUSIC 🎵 –

🎵 Outro Song: —

🎵Background Music: Undertale OST




If By Any Means You Liked This Video Consider Showing Some Support This Video Really Took Alot Of Time.. And Effort To Make But I Really Am Happy With How It Turned Out!

#terraria #modded #rage #moddedterraria #healer #nurse #thorium #joke #terrariaclass #terrariamods


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