Minecraft Will Never Be The Same

I have never been so impressed by a video game before and to have that video game be Minecraft in 2024 is blowing my mind right now I’m taking a look at distant Horizon there’s a few other mods going on in the background here but what distant Horizon does is it uses some

Very very clever GPU code to let you essentially render just about an infinite distance away from you and why this is such a big deal is that Minecraft’s world is essentially infinite it’s one of the main appeals of the game is just being able to go in any direction almost

Limitlessly however you’ve always been limited by what you could see in front of you never really knowing what’s over the next Hill and now we can see just about as far as you could possibly want to and look at it at a decent frame rate

Which as far as I know before was never possible you could render things out in the distance but the game engine would slow down you would be limited distant Horizons is working some real magic behind the scenes to make this possible now I’ve also got the tectonic mod going

Here in the background which scales things up in the Minecraft world to look better at distance with the vanilla World Generation it still looks cool but you kind of see these tiny biomes put together in the mountain ranges aren’t quite as big or impressive it almost doesn’t work with the view distance when

You turn on tectonic all of a sudden the world’s size its grandia scale just feels much more impressive now whether or not you want to play in that world is really up to you but I was really enjoying the incredible Vistas uh provided by both combined and just in case you forgot

What vanilla Minecraft look like in comparison this is it here certainly a fun playable game but the atmospherics the the feeling of being in a massive world of the scale that Minecraft actually is isn’t quite portrayed at least not to the scale not to the Fidelity that these mods can do

Especially if you look at the game on default settings where the view distance is even lower the world just isn’t really done Justice for the impressiveness that is Minecraft I mean just look at the comparison between the two it’s two completely different games that are actually the exact same game

And play out in the exact same way now I’ve been following this Tech as it’s been in development and at one point getting all this stuff up and running required a bit of technological knowhow a little bit of scripting and stuff like that but now it’s very simple I followed

A 10minute tutorial which I’ll leave a link to in the video description and I was up and running in in the game in no time and as far as I know it just works you can use all the mods that you like using for the most part uh aside from

Shaders though this did require um specific shaders which are part part of the instruction set and installing them and all that I think it’s called Bliss and it it looks fantastic I mean I feel like I’m playing Minecraft for the first time all over again really exploring like look at this

Exploring this underwater cave it just it it feels like a brand new game now of course I’m sure some of you guys are wondering well why the heck didn’t somebody else just increase the view distance in a mod call it good what makes this one different why why can’t

Anyone just crank the view distance all the way up well firstly you can crank the view distance all the way up and sort of break the game limitations that way and you can also watch your computer catch on fire even though Minecraft is just about as low poly as a game can get

Uh if you render out kilometers and kilometers and kilometers of landscape it’s still going to become High poly at the end of the day with not a lot of ability to reduce the level of detail without some very clever coding well that very clever coding was added by

This mod using what is kind of like a Skybox technology the world is essentially broken up into two render zones we’ve got the playable Zone where you will see chickens and cows and things doing other things in the distance and then you have the Zone beyond that consider it like a circle or

A sphere around you that’s further away and that’s rendered out in a different way it breaks the world up into chunks and then reduces them into basically even lower poly versions of themselves this is normally called level of detail but because Minecraft is already so low poly the level of detail system scaling

For normal rendering is already kind of at its Max this guy figured out a way to push it even further and get incredible performance while doing so like right now this is on a computer with a 3080 TI and I’m getting well over 100 FPS and

This is my view distance trying to do this with the traditional render engine just not possible now the one little catch here about how this trick works if you will is that anything in that second distance that sort of Skybox distance of rendering level of detail is not going

To be an interactive segment of the world you’re not going to see players fighting or like blowing things up that far away I think that’s a pretty small price to pay for such an incredible visual upgrade now distant Horizons isn’t necessarily a brand new mod for Minecraft but the 2.0 update came out

Recently and that’s made it uh easier for people to write shaders for it it’s got its own API now and people can kind of go to town here and it almost feels like this is the branch of Minecraft there’s been a bunch of different Shader or modding approaches to uh take a crack

At upgrading the visuals for the game and it seems like this could be the official Direction I absolutely wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft was just like can we can we buy this mod and integrate it to our base game because it’s so freaking impressive like I think it’s

Important to to maintain the original look of the game and sort of keep that as an option you can always go back to at any point with Minecraft cuz it’s historically important and it’s interesting to see where it all started this mod is so impressive that it it got

Me back into Minecraft I wanted to play it now I want to get it set up on the family computer and play some Minecraft with my son who’s getting into the game this is going to blow his mind it’s got me excited about Minecraft all over

Again after all these years and to maybe get a bit silly with the metaphor of Minecraft but maybe this really is at the heart of what makes this game so popular and why it’s lasted so long is that it started off as a game of infinite World size and essentially

Infinite complexity in terms of what you wanted to build and do since then the devs have just been expanding upon the project increasing those possibilities in many sorts of gameplay areas and improving some of the render opportunities and adding new adventures and things that you could do but

Increasing the view distance now to essentially seemingly infinite infinite seems to be a a through line a theme of Minecraft and I don’t ever see this game going away or getting topped at this point as long as there’s a community that works this hard to create such incredible mods and if Microsoft can

Take those mods and try and inject them to the core experience down the road so that anybody getting in down the road has just got access to such incredible stuff right away right out of the box I see this really becoming a forever game at this point anyway I’d be curious to

Hear what you guys think about this incredible new technology for Minecraft is it enough to get you guys back into the game if you’ve taken a break have you never taken a break in you’re like finally level youve you’ve paid some attention to what’s going on in

Minecraft let me know in the comments and if you guys enjoyed this video don’t forget to leave me a like subscribe for more content like this ding that notification Bell to beat the YouTube algorithm with me and up next check out this other incredible Tech video on Star

Citizen getting 800 players into a single solar system as always guys thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time this is level app signning Off

Distant Horizons is an incredible mod for Minecraft that is basically the future of the game…

Distant Horizons https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/distant-horizons
How to install Distant Horizons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIRSjKz9RLg

#minecraft #distanthorizons


  1. I have never played Minecraft. After watching this video i started to service my old pc to use it as a personal minecraft server where i will invite other friends who haven't played the game, to play together ❤

  2. I play 1.17.1 and use distant horizons for that version. It’s really the only one of two mods im running. The other being a mini map mod. But it serves it’s purpose and makes the world feel so much larger. Everyone thought Java Minecraft would die with Microsoft’s purchase 10 years ago and that never happened. Then again with Bedrock, and it didn’t happen again. Because Bedrock sucks.

  3. This is almost a lie tbh, the mod does not work properlly and most of this videos graphics are different mods. Default game looks like ass with the rendering all the way up since horizons cant really stop chunk issues.

  4. I remember as a kid making a local server with friends using notepad++ forwarding ports online so kids from the street could join was a fun time!

  5. I keep coming back to minecraft time and again, and I used to do tones of Tekkit when it was all Java. But then Microsoft got a hold of it, and it suddenly felt like it had been Disneyfied. No longer Java, the new game felt clunkey but multiplayer was massively improved – finally I can play with other people. Tekkit ended up being Tekkit 2 – a nerfed version of the mod, and suddenly my many months of building stuff without copy/paste tools was just blown to the winds. Suddenly Vanilla Minecraft didn't feel so exciting. yes more stuff has been added, but something is missing. Maybe that cool PvP were all used to seeing with the Yogscast, or the various series they did that truly inspired me. This new mod should really be part of the base game. Minecraft is 13 years old, and the view distance hasn't really gone up all that much for me over the years. I'd like to plan my epic builds based on landscape arrangement, and I spend a good deal of time flying back and forth with my elitra.

  6. most people playing minecraft probably are not even running an rtx 2060..or maybe they are around that level of GPU perf…but CPUs are also on the lower end….that being said, this is still amazing.

  7. This mod looks amazing but I have to say I always played minerals to escape the real world, not to recreate it. I love the vanilla Minecraft world and how unique it is. That’s truly Minecraft for me. Every additional mod makes it somehow less Minecraft (at least for me).

  8. Minecrafts inventory is too small for modern versions and with these mods now the 1 block at a time building rate and the one block at a time mining rate are too slow as well.

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