I Added Scary Myths to my Friends Minecraft World…

I’m adding Minecraft’s scariest myths to my friend’s world but why would I do this you see Kevin all of a sudden is the master of scary myth lore hunting and well he’s been playing on this world here and I managed to sneak my way on and it seems like he’s trying to summon

Even more myths I thought we learned what happens last time when he tried to summon an Herobrine I have officially found the scariest seed in Minecraft this right here is Minecraft seed 666 okay I managed to Spa in this meteorite and this meteorite Left Behind if you guys probably remember that

Shrine that I made earlier look at that it’s literally right there are you flipping kidding me and dude look at the freaking crosses it’s the blood Herobrine crosses in their back so I think I just found these scariest seed known to man and I’m hoping the most terrifying stuff happens now little does

He realize the moment that that Netherrack is lit every demon will be released and I’ve custom coded this massive mod that literally downloads every single myth into the game but the coolest part is as time progresses it gets more and more scary now the one

Strange part that I do need to add is I had this mirror come in and it’s been about like an hour or two and nothing’s happened yet so maybe I’m just like scaring myself for an unknown reason or maybe I’m not maybe they know what I’m

Up to and they’re going to try and scare me double oh here we go he’s eyeing it I feel like he’s contemplating right now everybody needs to spam Down Below in the comments that Kevin’s a scaredy cat you know why because I’m just going to

Light it for him I hate when I really really really really really try to try and find something really scary and then it doesn’t happen and I feel like it makes it aund times scarier why because I was expecting it and now that I’m not expecting it that’s when it decides to

Freaking happen like I’ll be just you know in the bathroom just like you know squeezing a deuce out getting a little bit of a turtle head and then boom someone decides to scare the wbi out of me instead of doing a nice comfortable like do you see what I’m talking about I

Was literally talking about taking a poop boom you see what I’m talking about out of the blue nowhere and just you hear thunder and lightning it is freaking clear out where’s the thunder and lightning coming from did you do it I don’t think so yes and now all of my

Powers are available for me oh ladies and gentlemen we’re going to start off with just l v one which happens to be one of the fan favorites and one of my also personal favorites function DP become Herobrine I am now your good old classic Herobrine look at

Me maybe our little ritual here maybe it brought something nothing wa that was not lit before that was not freaking lit before nothing looks out of the ordinary except for that one thing it’s just lit all right let’s see if he’ll notice that I’m near his house wait k maybe I’m

Overreacting maybe the fire just spread you know that is a very big possibility in mcraft you know fire spreads it catches up to other things it catches up to other things did you see oh my God I think he saw me he definitely saw me definitely saw me I I’m losing my

Freaking marbles right now hey you saw that too right oh there’s no way he’s coming this way bro there’s no way I got to hide no don’t see me don’t see me don’t see me don’t see me don’t see me don’t see me yes nothing completely

Flipping empty dude I know what I saw oh thank goodness thank goodness bro I know a lot of you might be thinking I’m losing my marbles this guy is going absolutely bananas and Bonkers I know I’m thinking the exact same thing you know maybe therapy might be a good

Decision for me no dip dip there’s a fire right here dude like how where does this come from now I’m guessing every myth has cool powers like I have shoot Fireball shoot landing and blood mobs yo hold up when it goes night time we’re going to use blood mobs oh my God bro

He’s literally checking where I just was okay hold up we’re just going to shoot lightning boom okay that’s a horse that’s a sheep do you see what I’m saying do you see what I’m saying okay okay listen listen oh my God oh my God oh my God oh

My God oh my God oh my goodness oh perfect perfect perfect wait low key I want to try out shooting a fireball I don’t think I’ve done that before wait we can do it from the sky like this what the balls it sound like a Fireballs there gas around okay wait

Wait wait if it’s shooting that direction it came from this direction I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it okay okay we prepared for this all right oh he’s running to his house not for long cuz I’m already in here setk step

One what is step one step one is find something wait we already have stuff on us okay step two ah what the heck step two step two step two uh kill a cow kill a cow it doesn’t make sense to me dude this stuff is actually

Happening hold on hold on that means I need to make a YouTube video okay hold on hold on hold on okay we’re going to do the intro here in 3 2 1 what’s up guys it’s Sun K we’re back with another video guys today I have discovered legitimate freaking myths in Minecraft

This is not a drill we’re not making anything up here this is like actual stuff look at my hands they’re like I’m getting a little terrified okay okay now listen we all know Herobrine is just an iny Bey little baby in the grand scheme of things this is nothing compared to

What the next myth is all right let’s get out of the Herobrine step one step one you see what I’m saying I didn’t even get to get to Step One okay let me just show you what I’m talking about step one I made a meteor spawn thing

Holy and now we turn into night time and you mobs are mine do you see what whoa I actually caught that on camera okay guys I’m just going to give you guys a rundown I built this little meteorite thing and it spawned and a shrine started randomly the thing lit on

Fire and now the weird stuff is happening I ran into heroBrine not once not twice but like five times look look look look look uh the blood moon is rising yes oh my God I remember those please get away from me okay we’re going to head inside and there’s a freaking

Blood moon dude this is like the freaking double on Tandra of like scary stuff going on right now yes Feast on on their souls yes okay now while Kevin is dealing with 1300 killer sheep chasing him this is the perfect time for me to get into my next scary

Myth please please get away from me get away from me boom ladies and gentlemen seeing as we are inside of a village what perfect scary myth to be other than vilr themselves yo this guy is getting destroyed right now maybe we should help him out a little bit shall we

Guys I confirm every scary myth you have ever you guys just saw that right everything just disappeared Into Thin Air every myth you have ever thought of every myth you have ever dreamed of every myth you have ever tested I have confirmed in this very moment I not kidding there’s literally no other

Exclamation for this I am telling you I found this on Reddit and it literally freaking works okay wait there’s a wild right there let’s cut its head oh my God oh my God yo it’s this villager there is no other explanation for this this cannot be happening any other way

This look at that do you see what I’m saying the dude’s head just freaking split off of his body oh he’s staring right at it but he has no idea VR is behind him come here Kevin what’s wrong Kevin he still talks how are you still talking your head’s gone there’s no

Voice box left where’s the H coming from what the heck is that bro I have never freaking seen that before in my life what is that oh yes oh my God wait I have a perfect idea let’s bring all the villagers inside of Kevin’s base we’re going to chop all their heads off

I am so lost right now I am seeing stuff that I’ve never freaking seen before in my life and I promise that on my freaking life right now I have never seen that bro that literally looked like freaking Mario eating a freaking star dude he’s going inside perfect here we

Go and now we going to chop all their heads and home okay okay okay okay okay maybe my house is not safe why are you coming towards me get away from me yo VR also has some of the craziest day and night cycle capabilities just like this okay we could probably start playing

Like that that that did you see that I have never freaking seen that before in my entire life I swear to you I have never seen that before in my life what is that bro what the absolute balls was that thing it’s actually so insane now I

Need to think of a way I need to get him out of the village because the next scary myth oh my gosh wait this is perfect if I can somehow get him into this B over here I can finally become the next scary myth think shark think

Wait oh my God have such a good idea okay so I may have made a mistake I just wanted to summon in one myth just one and I’m getting every single one that I’ve ever seen before and ones I’ve never seen before in my life wait blood

Water oh my God yes yes yes yes bro I can probably get his attention wait bro this might actually be perfect maybe if I flash I’ll stand out a little bit better dude I am actually pretty freaking curious about what that thing is I’ve never seen that before and I

Think I just found Did you see that it was literally freaking flashing oh he could definitely see me he could definitely see me turn all of the water red okay I know I should not be doing this but I really want to see what that thing is I swear I

Have never seen that before in my life follow him oh he’s following yes yes okay perfect perfect perfect oh my gosh I can tell I just discovered something nobody’s ever seen before in their lives as terrifying as this is this is one of the biggest opportunities of my life

Right now oh my gosh if I’m wrong right now and this isn’t something new somebody please drop it in the comments below of this video because right now in this very moment I think I’ve just discovered something that nobody’s ever seen before in Minecraft leter all this

Into blood water give him a little bit of a path to go and now moving on to level three the next terrifying myth happens to also be one of my favorites is error 422 now are you familiar with a 422 if not a 422 is more of a code based glitch

And well let’s just say this thing is actually really creepy but it unlocks a lot of different powers what the balls dude like how fast do you travel bro is like running at a th000 blocks a second bro slow down you’re going to get pulled over and here we go the soul particles

Are knitting around Kevin and now it is time to reveal myself wait what whoo whoo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo okay oh he doesn’t even notice me how like literally just freaking disappeared there’s no red over there so I know it

Did not go this way oh my what the balls is that was that What entity 513 303 3 303 Entity 303 I’m pretty sure that was it I’m I I I don’t even know okay my sky demon has just been summoned this thing is going to stare at Kevin everywhere

That he moves I can even put one right here what what is happening to me right now did I just make the biggest mistake of my life okay that’s a fox don’t do that please seriously I not in the freaking mood right now sheep bro he doesn’t even notice it he doesn’t even

Notice it it’s just standing there admiring his presence as the sun goes down yes okay so here’s the thing that wizard thingy Miggy is gone and then that like thing shows up and then it disappears holy bro there it is oh yes okay that’s not Minecraft that is not

Minecraft why don’t we try out our corrupt laser shall we hold up I just heard something okay okay crisscross applesauce I’m sitting like a good person right now good boy I can teleport everywhere what what what what what what what kill it kill it kill it kill it

Uh-oh guys the blood moon is rising again you know what that means the blood mobs are coming out but they’re only getting stronger so let’s bring in my clone ah yes come on guys watch sudden K as he has no idea what’s happening around

Oh my God oh my God no okay yo yo yo listen listen listen here just take it I don’t even like TNT what is going on right now I am like super zoomed in right leave me alone run run run run run run oh you want to run into the cave

Kevin this man fell from a wow you can’t make this up bro that was so freaking stupid of me come on don’t die this time please okay come on come on this freaking man is so scared he fell from a high place but now hiding in a cave is probably the worst place

You could possibly go to and why you might ask well let’s see you don’t have that many places to hide and while there’s plenty of scary things that happen inside of a cave especially when I’m the one that custom go to these mods this man died again are you kidding me

Okay I think we’re freaking safe now we’re far away from everybody there’s no way in and there’s no way out what is go why is this fall me this what is this this is also oh my gosh dude the freaking content I getting right now here we go the soul

Particle it’s emitting itself again okay maybe we’re by the deep dark I I I could be wrong but we could be potentially by the deep dark and now I have become the cave demon now he can’t see me yet but let’s get him down a long hallway let’s

See he’s going to go down this way perfect oh my God this is the hallway this is perfect okay a really dark hallway maybe I shouldn’t go down this but at the same time what’s the flipping difference dude they’re going to get to me anyways daylight they follow me and

Teleport and they like they just get me here we go 3 2 1 oh what the B was that what the heck is that huh huh like black oh yes you guys are getting a freaking show right now everybody watching us Goosebumps I know it you don’t have to lie to

Me what’s wrong buddy please please please please please please I don’t have a pickaxe please please please please please please I don’t know what to do right now yes I want to get out of here I made a mistake coming down here and I want to

Go back up I don’t want to be down here anymore how do we get back up please let me back up wait dude where am I even going right now now listen it’s actually pretty late at night and I don’t want to utilize all my scary myths I’m going to

Give Kevin like 30 minutes to just cool down a little bit so I can bring in my favorite scary myth ever this one let’s just say is probably the scariest of them all I got out of the freaking cave and I finally found my first swamp you know what I’m just really

Excited that you know I finally got out of that cave that cave was freaking terrifying and look what we have here we have another freaking cave with teeth this time can we make it any more freaking terrifying okay everybody watching you have to flip and subscribe

We have found the most amount of Ls I think anybody on YouTube has ever found this is real it does not get any realer than this I have proof there’s nobody on my server it’s just me playing by myself on seed 666 everybody has to subscribe you are witnessing freaking history right now

Okay Kevin has made it to my favorite biome ever the swamp and you might be able to guess why leave your answers Down Below in the comment section and if you said giant Alex you are correct now first I need to find a little bit of a

Spot to transform cuz giant Alex is actually really really big okay this should be good right in here function DP become giant Alex oh my goodness okay now this is freaking perfect bro now because I’m massive I cannot have him catch me maybe if I’m off in the

Distance a little bit like right here what is happening right now why is my FPS like two oh I see footsteps yo look at that I happened right in front of Kevin creepiest thing ever FPS literally said nope not today buddy but no what what bro that’s terrifying it’s

Literally a giant footprint in the ground bro oh my God whoa those are freaking humongous yep yep exactly what I flipping thought giant freaking Alex dude did he see me I don’t even know if he did huh okay I don’t know what I just did here but this feels like every

Single myth and any sort of scary thing you can figure out in Minecraft is happening right now yeah no did he just belly flop into the flipping ground dude please spare me what’s wrong Kevin I thought this is what you wanted and now giant Alex is here to play you’re

Running away we need to get out of here what is happening Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey listen listen listen listen this man is running like a little baby bro I can’t even this is actually too funny what’s he doing leave me alone listen listen I didn’t mean to spawn

This many I just wanted one ultimate jump scare inbound I’m going to be honest with everybody my heart can’t take this right now my heart is racing faster than anybody with adrenaline right now if you have not liked this video yet what are you even doing right

Now I have gone through every single emotion humanly possible why oh my gosh bro I could let Kevin play all night till 5:00 in the morning and this dude is just going to be all the way up here terrified whatever it is I hope it made him a good YouTube video

Oh my what the boss bro dude like come on I’m just going to quietly AFK off this world and and just listen to him stress and panic all night go watch my next video right there I promise you’ll love it and I will see you there

I Added Scary Myths to my Friends Minecraft World…


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