Minecraft but Can You Raid My Base?

So this is my admin base where right now we have 2 hours to defend it before my friends and full netherite come obviously we got to have a lot of defenses from 1 all the way to 7 and inside I have a few plans on how to stop

Them so before my friends with netherite come let’s start with this let’s load this schematic and now paste it in there it is the very first line of defense is a dirt wall it’s not going to be a normal dirt wall though cuz we have admin Powers because they’re going to be

Coming up to the dirt wall and getting greeted by our first defense let’s coat it with our coder so in blockbench let’s start off with our first mob by starting with the basic player shape and because it’s a dirt block we’re going to be taking its entire body and making it

Dirt textur next up a grassy head so they’re not bald and I went ahead and added a cool dirt sword to him too we’ll animate him to do some fun animations like this fun running motion or this cool slash I’m going to have a lot of fun with these defenses but this should

Do it guys so now let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and time to code very simple code this time it’s the dirt Soldier where the type is a mob and the name is dirt Soldier literally the first line of defense and it’s builds are to disguise

As every single dirt block and attack nearby players I’ll show you guys what I mean very soon but let’s go confirm in 3 21 and we got it the dirt Soldier spawner where all I got to do is place it right here and now this entire wall

Is the dirt Soldier spawner let me show you guys how it works so when my friends walk up to it like this they’re all going to come out look at them and yes they will attack them that’s only level zero and so now we can begin from level

One to level s but the time is still going down okay so for number one I’m thinking we use some cactus watch this in 3 2 1 there we go I want the first level to be hard to walk through where we have cactuses ice and sand but lowkey

That’s kind of lame we need to make it harder so I’m going to be editing the code of the cactus to be a bit more defensive so let’s right click you we’re actually going to put all our focus on its texture so let’s first open it up on

Photoshop and scale it up next I’m actually going to take the lava texture and put it over the entire thing and then put a filter on it so it’s a fire Cactus or lava Cactus now let’s just adjust some colors to make it pop and finally cut out the spikes hmm so I’m

Not fan of the spikes let’s see if we can make them bright yellow there we go some evil looking cactuses but the main flavor is going to come from the code so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and in our coder we’re going to be making the spiky

Cactus where skills are going to be to hurt knock back poison and slow down the player and when you guys see what’s coming up in the next defenses this is going to make things really hard to get inside the castle so let’s gock confirm

In 3 2 1 or now when they make a run for it they’re going to be getting hit by all this stuff ow ow now let’s go to the next level with level two also time is going down fast oh gosh so over the next layer I’m thinking water watch this we

Got the water they’re going to be Crossing cactuses into some basic water that’s where we come in though let’s give them a parkour option there we go it’s not really possible of jumps but they’re going to want to be jumping because we’re going to be doing our next

Mob which is the tropical fish won’t be a tropical fish though you guys might know where this is going but if I right click with the coder on the tropical fish we’re going to be back in blockbench and we’re going to be making a piranha like I said it’s going to get

Harder as it gets deeper but let’s first grab its head and drag it out a bit next we’ll copy its head to move it down so we can have something we can use as a jaw yeah just got to rotate and position it and let’s go ahead and pop in some

Teeth yeah it’s going to be painful when they get bit can’t forget to copy them to the other side and now we can copy this top spine thingy a bunch and make it cover its body to look extra menacing and we’ll make the tail slightly bigger

And now for its texture we’ll make the entire thing have a bit of a green Hue and let’s just toss on some extra measur details but no worries we’ll polish this up soon and there we have him our beautiful angry fish the piran let’s go

Confirm in 3 2 1 and now let’s get him coated simply enough it’s going to be damage five but they are going to swarm the nearby player and bite them and trust me there are going to be a lot of piranhas all right let’s confirm in 3 2

1 and we got them the piranhas and with our piranha spawn egg we can now just have tons of them all over the place and so now we have the dirt block the cactuses the water and almost the 30 minutes have passed oh gosh and now to

Show off the capabilities yep yep they they they don’t like me now to level three where it’s going to get even harder this time I’m thinking we do something with the magma blocks so real quick let’s transform this there we go and so I’m thinking a TNT mine activated

By skull sensors that’ll do it and so with all these skull sensors we’re going to place sound hidden TNT traps they don’t know about so if the YouTubers do get to this part they’re not going to see a normal TNT let’s right click Q sell for our texture we’ll of course

Start with the basic TNT but because it’s a new kind of TNT let’s add a new label we’ll clearly label what this does by adding a plus in infinity symbol so yep we’re making cluster TNT and after some Polish we have this nice and easy

And the code should be the same let’s go confir in 3 2 1 and for the code code like I said very simple summon 6 TNT when explode it’s going to be a bit messy but it won’t do any block damage let’s click confirm in 321 and we got it

The cluster TNT where we can now place them everywhere we are and as for what they do you’re going to have to wait and see when the YouTubers log on okay I made that one with good time but time’s still going down also there’s all the TNT placed and these are only four

Layers so far all right with that done on to level four we’re going to continue doing explosions first we need some grass block all right let’s set this all up there we go where the holes will have something special in them a little bit later that being said this is a land

Mine so let’s put in the mines and there we have it the level four Minefield where these could be rest spots or we can do something more evil you guys remember these guys right here what if instead of normal ground we put dirt Soldier spawners and every single

Waiting area that way they got to run on the bombs speaking about bombs this might look like a normal pressure plate but we’re going to change the code slightly let’s right click you and we don’t need a model just the code where this is the land mine type block name

Landmine and the skills are to explode when stepped on yep it’s it’s going to be a bit messy and when we click confirm in 3 2 1 we got it this might look normal but we’re just going to place that bad boy right there put this here

And there and now we can do that to probably 80% of all these you’ll have to see what happens when the YouTuber goes through this oh gosh we running out of time if they makes to level five though we’re doubling the difficulty it’s time we make weapons first let’s decorate it

This will be level five very basic for now even out of the smoke from the campfires but for this one we need a dropper and with the dropper we’re going to make it face up up and inside we’re going just put a normal single TNT you might be wondering okay what does that

Do that’s where the coder comes in like I said it’s going to get harder so let’s right click this guy I found this cannon online we’ll go ahead and remove the back of the cannon since we don’t want that dragging and after a bit of tinkering here’s our new shooting

Animation oh this is sick all right let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and as for the code it’s just a TNT cannon with a range of 24 blocks just so they at least have a chance and it’s skills are to alert nearby players when they’re in

Range and shoot TNT at them you got to imagine with everything else trying to kill them this is going to be pretty hectic all right let’s gock confirm and see what we made in 3 2 1 there it is the super TNT cannon look at all those

TNT cannons oh this is looking sick and I’ll show you guys what happens when a player goes near the Cannons here it comes alarm triggered and they fire shred at me I’ll now imagine that with all the cannons in the game that’s going to be messy oh gosh we’re about to hit

An hour okay on to number six we got our cannons we got our TNT traps next up I’m thinking hundreds of wardens and we’ll make them Act activate when the Cannons activate for more chaos so let’s get a build in holy this one’s sick and as you

Can see I’ve already set little note block traps for when they get nearby now for the actual Warden this bad boy right here let’s go man but we don’t need him right now he drops that what we’re going to be coding instead is the skull so

When we right click this it’s going to be simple this is the deep dark layer we don’t need a model the type is an area and its skill is a spawn wardens when the alert triggers and there’s going to be a lot of them guys I’m not going to

Show this one but let’s cck confirm in 3 21 and so if they somehow make it past that we finally get get to number seven the last line of defense before they can enter the admin base don’t worry I really hope they don’t make it that far

Okay time is running out so for number seven I’m thinking why not just use the power of electricity you’ll see what I mean let’s get to build it in 3 2 1 very simple iron blocks but I decided to add an extra thing we have now cages all

Around the base where I’m going to be putting something special on that mine cart rail right there but for now let’s start with electricity first we need a lightning rod this guy right there for now doesn’t do much but with our coder we’re going to be making this guy into

To the emitting lightning rod where the type is block of course and its skills are to zap the nearby player and slow them down when zaap and that’s where it’s going to get harder let me show you guys what I mean by confirming 3 2 1 and

We’ve got it we’re now if I go game with survival right by them ow ow ow oh gosh like I was saying it works so that should be the next line of defense so imagine this they got to go through the landmines cannons wardens electricity poles and I’m not even done with this

Area cuz we still have the cages right here where you might guess what it’s going to be we’re going to be using the gas all right so for now let’s real quick get this bad boy in here don’t escape and right click him with the coder we’re now going to be making a

Supercharged gas so of course we’ll start with the normal looking gas on block bench but I don’t want just a gas let’s also add a blaze I want this to shoot as fast as one after all let’s just remove the Blaze’s body and spread the legs all around it now let’s remove

Our gas legs we don’t need those anymore after all they’re going to be kind of stationary super easy model but now for a super easy texture let’s go ahead and just invert the colors of gas and give it some red eyes cuz it’s supercharged now we’ll just animate his legs to spin

Around really quick and there we have it super gas let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and time for the code where of course it’s a supercharge gas where its skills are to rapid fire at the nearby players and fly in place so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1

And there they are the supercharge gas and to show off what he does watch this gas do thing oh and there he goes yep we’re going to f all the cages with him and that’s what happens to the zombie and that’s only the outside barriers we

Get to also defend the castle itself but we only have 45 minutes oh gosh the base looks insane so far and look at all the gas okay time for actual defenses cuz if they make it this far they’re going to be able to jump all the way over here

Into the actual inside we can’t let that happen so right up here we’re going to get one of our last lines of Defense which is the Villager so we just got a simple villager right here but he’s not going to do much thank you for subscribing by the way appreciate it

He’s part of that 20% people watching right now anyways let’s right click you and back on blockbench we’re going to start off with the basic villager and give him a crossbow kind of like a Pillager but now we want this cross mode to be rapid fire cuz again we really

Want to stop them from getting inside so to show that we’re going to add a ton of arrows hanging under it like it’s the ammo now a normal siiz villager isn’t really intimidating so let’s kill him up a bit there we go I’ll add some animations of him rapid firing and just

Like that model complete now for the code self-explanatory name where its skills are to shoot and aim at the nearby player we’re going to be having a lot of these so let’s get this guy in in 3 2 1 and we got him look at this guy I

Wonder what happens if we put a villager right there y for scale that’s their size change and as for what he does um yep he’s uh he’s a bit op oh I got to fix that let’s place a lot of these all around that should be good look at all

The arrow guys oh gosh time is going down so quick okay I’m thinking one more defense for these guys and I’m thinking at the entrance let’s not put in this villager but instead what if we use this Dragon let me show you guys what I mean

With a simple dragon head we’ll put one right here and one right here and let’s change the code a little bit for these guys we’re going to be making a dragon breath Cannon so we’re going to start with the dragon here and just get rid of everything we don’t need the tail

Everything there we go just the head and wings that’s all we need to start with I’ll just scale the wings down and reposition them and will open up the mouth cuz it’s going to be breathing out some pain and they’re probably going to be getting hit by everything else around

Them and there we have it just like that a dragon head Cannon now for the code in 321 and like I said dragon breath Cannon where its only skill is going to be simple Blast Dragon Breath at nearby players it’s going to be like a straight

Line going to be purple all that good stuff let’s cck in verb in 3 2 1 and let me show you guys what we got and there they are they’re already firing the little purple stuff and I’ll probably add some more around this place that being said we only have 30 minutes left

To do the defenses in the base itself but I’m very happy how this turned out this is the outside of the castle with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight layers of defense and now it’s finally time let’s go all the way down and go inside of the castle

Where everything starts literally right here as soon as they come in we’re making a hidden floor trap I think we start with the Piston so for now we’ll place this piston right here let’s give it some code or it’s the piston door trap where it skills to place a trap

When right clicked I’ll show you guys what I mean let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and now we have the Trap maker where let me show you guys how this works so pretty much when we right click right here or right here or right here we now

Have invisible blocks so they’ll move forward and fall straight down into spikes so pretty much we’re going to just make a little parkour right here okay now it should be ready we’re pretty much if they make the wrong jump they’ll fall in here and it’s going to be a bit

Of a hard parkour oh gosh yeah no this is actually very difficult I’ll probably coat it till they get teleported back if they do fail anyways let’s go all the way up and now for the actual interior where their only goal is to go downstairs all the way down here and be

Met with two staircases there’s actually no difference they do the same thing we only takes them all the way down here now for the fun part their goal is to get to that lever to go deeper and deeper into the castle where we have our final stand but for now we just need

This item called The Observer it’s actually going to be a lot more simple than you think I just kind of thought it was cool that had the little red block right there but when we right click it we’re going to be making the laser where this room is a laser defense area where

The skills for the laser are to scan forward rotate and send to entrance when it sees a player we might add some damage there too but it will definitely be annoying for them to not even to continue and there it is good old laser so we can go ahead and place one here

And here and here and here and you guys will see what happens when they actually get hit luckily we’re in creative mode We’ll add a good bit of them all around the castle but for now let’s go and go down to the next area which is going to

Be a parkour for now it’s a very simple parkour you literally just jump over it and not much happens and because we’re short for time that’s where my coding friend comes in watch this we now have blocks that get destroyed over time and disappear so they can be doing some

Normal parkour but at they’re too late they’re going to fall not the hardest thing ever but over here we can make it even harder by having this guy defending the trap door he might be asleep though uh I’ll fix that a little later but that should be that room done and again

They’re going to go deeper let me lock that real quick in this room I had to already get it set up by a friend it’s going to be a bit dangerous and you guys will see what happens when they actually go in here but imagine this all these

Are filled up with lots of lava buckets and you see all these lever some of them do absolutely nothing but one of them which is this one right here it opens the door but while the room fills with lava they got to figure out which one it

Is so let’s go through the other way SL slash through there we go and now let me show you guys what we’ve been defending this whole time the illegal spear look at this thing it’s as close as we can get to a spear in Minecraft infinitely spinning and it’s our final trump card

Guys if we get defeated in this room which I’ll show you guys what we’re doing very soon this is going to activate and do something insane which I won’t even tell you guys what it is just wait and see if we actually even get here but if we do this is what we’re

Fighting them with let’s right click and because we don’t have a lot of time left we’re actually going to take an older asset I had Ling around from my robot video and we’re going to drop him into block bench here let’s go ahead and just add some basic animations to him like a

Simple run there we go and the rest of the magic is going to be done with some code so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and now this is the Nester backck where skills are Rockets ray gun and machine gun and it’s what I’m going to fight all

The YouTubers with so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and here we go so for this part we’re going to be in survival and we’re going to be spawning in this bad boy right here the Super Robot B Mech where I even have a Boss Bar and of course a

Mea sword a mecha slam and the Mecha Cannon yeah yeah I got to clean that up too but if they do manage to kill my Mech which the Boss Bar is right there we’re going to be running all the way back here and activating the finale so

Can they raid my base let’s check how much time we have left oh gosh okay it’s almost time so at the very end this is our base right here where we’re going to see if they can survive all that let me get in position and they’re going to be

Starting right here okay 1 minute 20 seconds left here we go gentlemen Welcome to the adaman base where as you can see we have the best defenses a dirt wall but uh just trust me it’s going to be difficult so I’m glad you guys brought all your armor and everything

And yes I will One V one you guys if you make it into my castle that’s all I’m saying though and before we go in I have one last thing to show you guys so you guys can’t do any mining or break anything here’s an Elder Guardian yep

Yep yep yep that’s very much needed right now but your only instruction is go inside make into the castle if you don’t make it well I wouldn all right on your marks get ready go oh dude I did not bring a shovel why is the wall breaking wait they’re attacking me wait

Push through push through push through you’re going to have to help grer he is already stuck in the outside I’m holding them off I’m holding the off the entire wall is turning into these dirt minions everywhere dude everywhere we walk this is only level one guys what is going on

Right now I have to get through I’m poison just saying these cactuses are a little bit different than normal okay yeah they’re they’re about to be back I I’m not even hitting them I can’t get into the cactuses brother they’re making me poison I’m I’m through it I’m through

It I’m through it on to level two you might want to help your friend though eat your golden app if you need to remember you have a lot of potions how much damage are you guys taking right now are we getting close to death right here we’re good we’re good we’re easily

Well it’s time for the piron go on my friends get them all okay wait wait this is bad this is bad I’m actually losing a lot of Health right now I’m losing tons of Health I’m inside the freaking Loy okay hold on well I might die I might

Die just swim through I think that’s the only way come on push me up piranhas push me up I made it okay gentlemen you guys have made it this far and now we are at the minefields where if you look around you there’s a lot of TNT and

There’s also cannons and maybe a few other things are going to pop up so I’m just saying you might want to be careful here cuz I’ve said a lot of traps and uh yeah if you guys don’t die here then I don’t know what will good luck have fun

Oh gosh okay wait stay crou oh and there there’s the Cannons the Cannons are starting to fire oh no no grer work as a team guys you got this okay inner defense is engaged go on my defenses probably going to have to go to the Minefield I’m going through the

Minefield I’m walking through it I’m walking through it I’m walking through it he’s going for it I got by the C’s going with a good St he’s going quiet Warden activat oh gosh there are wardens we’ve reached a layer of wardens okay we got to can we just Crouch past them I’m

Going I’m just saying guys you guys are going the wrong way you guys have to get to the bridge which is that way oh will will it’s going the right way my health is going down badly okay I’m good now I’m good now I’m getting in there oh no

He’s going to get dragons do something oh gosh oh my you’re getting pelted so bad you’re getting pelted so bad I’m in the lava come on come on come on come on I got it I got it I’m in I’m in I’m in well you’re in a bit of a tough

Situation are you going to survive this take this Warden out I got one gosh you’re getting attacked by somebody you killed one of them I do want you to see the rest of my castle so I’m going to let you go all the way back up if you

Make that parkour jump right there you got to make that jump easy jump for you okay all right I’m the goat when you get past the bridge there are holes in here so just watch your step oh wait watch your step even in here just watch your steps crouch crouch crouch crouch crouch

I me it’s a completely normal floor I don’t know what you’re on about oh wait you just got boosted to the right spot all right all right I think we’re good keep going keep going just watch out for anything here before we go forward congrat ulations on making it this far

Guys I actually didn’t know this was going to happen but now it gets very serious cuz this is my domain all right behind me you guys can see a laser if you guys get hit by the laser you guys will see what happens you don’t want to

Get hit by the laser play this methodically if you guys can and uh maybe I’ll only fight one of you maybe I’ll fight both of you who knows who will make it but um have fun I’ll meet you guys downstairs uh do you want do

You want to go first you go watch a lot of heist movies they’re going to need teamw work for this cuz it’s a lot of stuff blind it with a potion and go it didn’t work okay I’m going to wait I’m going to wait I’m going to wait oh come

On come on come on it’s going to look at me it’s going to look at me I’m behind the wall watch out watch out watch out and we are through and go go go go go go go go yeah there’s another one there’s another one another laser they are

Playing this so slow they don’t want to get hit by it let it do its thing there’s one more no there’s a lot more it’s a Laser Maze okay quick hide behind here I don’t okay I it’s going to get us here follow it follow it follow it

Follow it go go go go go go go go go go go there’s there’s lots in here there’s lots in here I want to see them get hit by it oh Grace is going for it okay quick okay I think stairc yeah oh my God look at how many

There are this is the final hallway of lasers make it to the end where the trap door is and you’ll get to the next level I’m just saying though one of you might not make it I’ll lead this one let’s go through here this is going to be a tough

One you guys can’t stay around and think for this one no you can’t you got to kind of just go oh here it comes here it comes oh well that’s a close one this way go this way I’m just following this I’m over here oh my gosh graser you got

To go you got to go you got to go why am I rooting for you careful careful careful careful okay I did it I did I did I did congratulations get down go go go cuz now it’s time for the hallway of destroying parkour and we’re not done

There yet though you guys remember me I’m right here don’t forget about me this might look like a disappear in parkour but we also have one last thing introducing the machine gun villager you guys are going to have to defeat him to get to the next level have fun bye wait

So he’s going to shoot us off while we try and complete this parkour just remember if you die this is game over so be very careful I’m very surprised it made it pass all this go okay I’m behind the wall oh CER CER gra is crazy too

We’re good we’re good we’re got to go quick as soon as someone comes back Sprint are you ready goes y go did I forget to activate this guy why is he doing nothing no okay that was bad okay you’re way ahead of me I I I can’t do

This you’re way better at parkour okay just stay alive stay alive stay alive staying alive staying alive and I’m here I feel like he’s just going to shoot us at oh he looking at us dude he hasn’t shot anything um this is awkward I forgot to fix his code so uh yeah you

Guys are actually safe to kill him that was a lot easier than I thought I mean it was still pretty difficult you coming let’s go down got it okay so you guys want to wait on the ladder for this one this is going to be

A bit of an explanation so I’m going to be waiting for you guys right down there but before you guys go all I want to say is as soon as you guys hit these trip Barre Hooks stuff is going to start coming out your goal is to figure out

Which one of these levers opens the pressure plate if you guys don’t figure that out soon um you guys are dying so uh yeah have fun wa are these avoidable are these I was going to say we can kind of justum jump over the strip wires you

Think rush it and spam let me jump over okay go the lava’s coming it’s dropping lava it’s dropping lava we got to get him come on come on come on come on keep flicking them keep flicking them oh they’re going for each one keep flicking

The you got it you got it no no you didn’t oh no yes you did no okay go go go go go lava’s coming go go go go go go go go well gentlemen you guys made it don’t he hey stay back stay back stay

Back I have one final task for you guys as you can see behind me we have a big orb I can not let you guys get my orb so the final boss it’s me what your final mission is take me down let’s go oh gosh

Okay oh oh gosh that is strong that is very strong very strong stay away from the cube please aim for the legs aim for the legs aim for the legs get them there’s fire everywhere a for the legs there’s fire everywhere I’m almost dead I’m almost dead you guys can’t get the

Spear I’m healing I’m healing I’m healing keep keep getting the legs keep hting the legs he’s halfway dead half of his health is gone oh gosh wait I am actually going to lose this okay good good keep going for the legs me slam I’m healing does that do anything no does

Mecha Canon again Mecha Cannon again I was at half a heart how are you guys not dead I’m I’m going to I got to fall back I got to fall back I got to fall back come on come on guys guys guys we’re talk pressure pressure pressure it

Pressure it what is this what did I he’s almost dead he’s got one little sliver of Health left look look look look come on just heal heal heal it’s going he’s basically he’s basically he’s got he’s got we got him you know what final time activate the cube time for the black

Hole wait black hole everything is going to be in everything’s going to be in come inside here we go what we’re getting sucked in gentlemen there is no winner today hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and this video just have this one bye guys

I Built the MOST SECURE Illegal Minecraft Base… w/ @Craftee@Graser @Kiingtong
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🎨 Thumbnail/Idea Idea Inspo: @TheRealCarvs @Bionic @09sharkboy

🎉 What was your favorite Illegal Admin Base Moment in todays Minecraft, But Can You Raid My Base?

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#Minecraft #But


  1. kenadian would chuck this base off the side of a mountain

    FIRSTLY you can just go over it and circumvent EVERYTHING (with elytras, riptide tridents or even just BRIDGING OVER IT)
    SECONDLY you could likely just go under it, avoid all the rings of doom, and just nerd pole up to the top (and maybe break through some flooring and ceiling)

    idk i'm just taking a glance at the base and just thinking of ways to escape

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