Mystery Statues & Terraforming! | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.12

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to hermitcraft blind date I’m your host smish beans but sorry everyone I’m already taken so let’s meet our first free contestants we love you Jo contestant number one what is your name and a facts about yourself hi there Joel I’m Joel and I like killing horses woo

Horses s what a weirdo contestant number two hi there I’m the Joel who asks people to subscribe do it amazing and number three I’m the Joel who edits the videos well we’ve met our free contestants now let’s meet our single who’s ready to mingle hi there Joel I’m

Joel and I like long walks on the beach he’s so relatable great let’s get started ask a question to our contestants hey there fellas how are you doing not bad Please Subscribe yeah good my question is what would our first date be for our first date I think we should

Go around and kill some horses okay I would have to say Please Subscribe I love it well I’d buy you some roses and I take you on a beach what e ew e e e please shut up I don’t want to do this anymore I’ll just date

Number two that’s great please Subs guys please answer honestly in the comments am I weird am I a strange person what why did I just spend two hours making that I’m not joking it took so long I had to play every individual part but welcome back to hermitcraft season 10 10

I guess after that weirdness today we have some big plans for this area down here what is this what is this who built this this wasn’t me I promise this wasn’t me I know people think I’m obsessed but generally who built this you think this

Is Gem this looks like it could be gem I’ve asked je you mean I’m obsessed with Ean you met you yeah okay but you seemed to be very quick over here like almost you were waiting for me to find this gem oh yeah but it genuinely was not me I

Wish it was this is very clever who was this it’s it’s quite cute but it’s adorable it’s perfect it really captures his Essence I don’t know if I should keep it or not like it’s kind of cute but also this is not epo’s area I’ve spent a long time building this and

People like wandering around like oh what has EPO built this entire area no he hasn’t wait you say that like he’s going to have an area in your base are you are you making an ethal area no no no no what the heck you just move the to

The Etho area I don’t have an Etho area I’m not obsessed you’re the one who’s obsessed I feel like you should have an Etho area maybe D and he could I don’t think he’d build this right that’d be weird no no he’s too for this yeah okay

I’ll have to figure out who it is it could be scar maybe I don’t know maybe it is scar oh it could be actually that’s a good shout oh gosh all right good luck I just wanted to come see yeah thank you bye-bye goodbye what on Earth it’s not

Gem who is it who is it it’s kind of funny that’s there because like I was saying I’m planning on doing some teror farming today as I’ve been thinking right and with impulse is massive City down here I don’t really want to have many buildings that much lower I think

It’ be cool to have like the building stop here so we can still get a really good view at least on this side I might go further down on this side but for this side I think around here is a good place to stop and I’ve done some big

Terraforming projects in my past so this one shouldn’t be too hard we’re going to put the basic rocks down first and then come back in later and texture it let’s head over to the shopping district and buy some Moss from Gem Store plus while we’re here we can check if we’ve sold

Anything oh yeah wait how many is that I need to keep track I’ve only just realized this while editing but in all my excitement I didn’t realize at the time that someone paid half the amount it’s meant to be $6 per stack how about ink sacks lovely oh only two more so

We’ve made over a stack of diamonds from our shops now but we still nowhere near that 100 diamond mark on either of them but we’ll continue to track them in our profit shulker and one day I might get a trophy also I just noticed something up here just because ooh maybe they bought

Some glow ink sacks what’s in this oh my gosh smallish Shish give box an extra elytra a beacon oh w this is actually so useful I don’t know who sent this four Ender Chest amazing and emeralds I haven’t got any emeralds yet thank you mysterious person do some

Research guys tell me in the comments who this is but let’s grab a load of Stone from here why are you here and let’s head down oh my gosh we’ve got mail it’s my first mail oh my gosh oh my gosh what is it what is it okay let’s

See a little weird eepo what’s he said dear Jo I just saw I wasn’t me fo I just saw the statues at your front gate while I think you did a fantastic job at capturing my lights do worry that you’re obsessing at me might be getting a

Little too far some people might find it a little weird in fact I know you hold me in high regard and it might get feel wrong getting rid of the statues of someone you respect so much but I think it would be best for everyone EPO I will

Get rid of them in fact this gives me a quick idea I can’t believe EPO called me wi I didn’t build a bluming statues go the wording of this makes it look like he built the statues I know you hold been high regard right and it might feel wrong getting

Rid of the statu someone you respect so much but I think it would be best for everyone respect I reckon he’s built these statues of himself there we go I think that’s how they looked let’s go send EPO some mail now dear EPO I’m inclined to agree that whoever made the

Statues did a fantastic job however I cannot take credit for them I also agree that it’s a little too much and have taken them down they really washed out the place I didn’t want them to go to waste though so I’ve moved them to the the front of your house you obviously

Don’t have to keep them there but seeing as it’s your area I found it more fitting sincerely Joel smish beans beans so let’s pop this in here we’ve got our EO Stampin let’s send it off and now we can finally get working on this terraforming now after last week’s

Episode where I did honey honey honey my song which by the way people pointed out there’s actually the song honey honey how you kiss me by abber which I I I forgot about okay I forgot I’ll admit people have brought up the fact that I also play the drums so for this little

Time lapse here I found an old recording of my band when I was 16 so I thought I’d play our radio one jingle while we build these Rocks Swit sorry if you could hear some Call of Duty gunshots in the background during the drum roll it’s the only version I could find but look at this place it’s looking lovely you may or may not have noticed that I built a little

Path going up as well as you can see it goes across here down here where we’re going to build something who would have thought he he he and it also goes to here where it ends cuz at some point I want to link up that to there which is

Why it’s just nothing here but that’s because we got more building to do today and we also have all these Rock PS here because the plan is to have the water come from here down here down to there come across here down into there as well

It’s all going to look very lovely also when I logged back in a few seconds ago Gem and impulse were there I can’t believe you took them down Joel I had a personal message from e look he called me weird je you called me weird it wasn’t me built them and I’m getting

Accused of being obsessed with him when he someone else built them that video where he’s like we’re not friends that’s what he just did to you I know what the heck like I it was even me and I’m getting like we’re not friends Joel you don’t know me this is parasocial that’s

What ether just did it’s not fair it’s not fair I didn’t do anything I’m so sad I can show you where they are because they’ve been rebuilt perfectly if you want to see oh Jo these little things well he built if he built them then it’s

No I I did not see these These are outside my base so now they’re here I I do you reckon he could have built this I don’t know it seems like too much cuteness for him like they’re too chibi you know he’s he’s been a bit different

Lately he’s bit a bit cheeky I I bet that he could have done this oh Wonder Trader wait wait what the heck not seen one yet oh you already I’ll get I’m going to get the oak GLS quickly on let me get some emeralds I was waiting for it to despawn

Cuz it’s been here for a few nights wa your first trade ever God and you had to oh my God thanks J stop trying to crit me Joel you I want stop trying to act me Joel look at this this is this could be you should

We no no no it’s there’s no such thing all right all right all right all right anyone else trading with this guy what are you doing take that mus carpet you musy muser got burn wow God he he got me see you on the flip side nerds so they also think it could

Possibly be EPO as he’s been acting weird this season I guess we’ll find out when he uploads his video before we carry on building in this mountain range we’re going to head to the permit office as apparently it’s finally open hello sir hello hello there’s a big hole here

Can’t get everything right mushroom stem there there you go nice thank you it says please use the other oh okay I’m in oh more lights now that’s good more time wasted can I help you uh I finished me permit form oh really yeah everything it’s all done okay right well uh I need

To review this so if you don’t mind popping down into the the waiting room this is so sad I’m going to I’m just going to uh review this were you um oh it’s so boring down here there’s lit I normally like mushroom blocks yeah

You see page five is a bit of a problem Oh in what way what was that could put a TV down there or something at least I like this song At first not anymore what is that oh it’s actually hurting my ears well if you want to submit a complaint

There’s a complaint submission oh I will submitting a complaint right so page five there’s an error on here right what’s the error so so right it says here what’s the command to make the custom permit model again every form has this well I I I need the command Joel

Cuz well am I supposed to know the command green I don’t know how to do it what did you mean you don’t know how to do it you’re the one who made on the I did it ages ago yeah it was like 3 weeks ago can you please calm down sir can you

Please calm down or I’m going to have to just just doing just over here looking around uhhuh what is it what’s it going to say where do I put it superiors read that oh what I hear it oh I hate this well you see how it’s

It’s signed Joel at the end but I need it like the book signed signed as in notorized you know it technically it’s like someone that’s observed you signing it and there’s only one person on the server that’s authorized to notarize on on hermitcraft so they have to sign the

Book for me yeah they have to sign that’s all they got to do is sign the book who is it it’s BDubs oh but BDubs is never online when I’m online he’s like got the opposite sleeping pattern to me that is closing time so I think I’ll leave bebs where are you

Hate this place I logged out for an hour and logged back into to a lovely surprise oh BDubs I was just looking for you you were looking for me oh funny funny to find you here I actually really desperately need you for important business you do yes apparently you have

To sign my permit form I don’t know if you know anything about this no I wasn’t doing anything just hanging out okay uh uh I need to I don’t know about signing your permit form okay will you sign it or do do am I going to have to convince

You I I would like to know why why do I need to sign it that’s a brilliant question that should be taken up with the permit office themselves grien is online right now so maybe you should ask him because I don’t know but you don’t

Know and the permit is for I just wanted to duplicate my glow squid things so I had a one for decoration to put here cuz you have to display the shopping district yeah that’s that’s criminal I know the fact that you have to do all that run through all those Loops for

Just a simple decoration is insane it’s it is insane but I’ve done it now and all I want is my thing and apparently you have to sign it so please bebs please don’t out of control out of control they’re out the permanent office is out of control um I will sign it I

Will sign it thank you thank you on one condition okay we go yep no no please please please go ahead please go ahe copy West I made a slight adjustment to to your base I made a slight adjustment it’s not it’s it’s a it’s not even aesthetic it’s a he

Knows I knew I should have waxed these SIDS all right I I didn’t even know I was standing right next to it and I didn’t even know that this inaccuracy was out in public right yeah yeah so I thought I’d come and I make a just

A an appropriate proper fix uh I’ll I’ll okay if you sign it I will leave that there for a week before I was going to say a week I was going to say a week yeah we can both we can both agree on a week okay good good I’m going to bring people

By to see it in that week okay that’s fine yes signed by me nice signning close oh look at it amazing oh gosh there it is I hope that’s the end of it for goodness sake I hope that’s the end of it you haven’t

Had a deal yet but go oh well okay well thank you very much for signing this I am going to going to head over to the permit office now and see if see if Green’s around green refused to serve me so I went back the next day which

Happened to be April Fool’s Day hello grian grian aha hello I finished wait go on then go on then let’s have a look BDubs he signed it he signed it now I didn’t tell BDubs no he he w we had to make a deal well yeah I didn’t need to

Read any of this so good what did you want again it was something I just want another glowberries like no no GL glowing sack glowing sack not glowberries it’s too late no please here we go no wait here we go I I seem to remember all of the commands nice

It’s Glo ink sacks it says with have two stars on either side Glo ink sack it was a gold one but I’m assume that doesn’t matter uh I can change it being nice today what’s going on is it cuz it’s April Fall’s day it’s a special it’s a

Special day today it’s the 1st of April wow I’ll just have to wait for next year to far I have more per issues if he doesn’t get here today he’s he’s he’s going to be delayed until next year oh okay well I’m I’m here can I have my per

Please right so just going to this is a replica and it’s as easy as that here we go glow inks saacks replica permit oh my gosh wow life’s never been so easy I love the permit office I’m coming back next April 1st thank you so much grien

See you next year Joel thank you very much right we can finally display our replica permit amazing now let’s never do that ever again all right I think it’s time we did some texturing on our rocks here I got a bit inspired by looking at be dubs’s and his use of

Andesite and light gray wool so I went and bought a load of white wool from Joe Hills because no one’s selling light gray wool yet and we’re going to dye it oh shoot out dang it oh CRA you just broken my armor stand H oh it was

Supposed to be a fun surprise it was a fun surprise but also no no I said the Fun’s over dang it you know I just saw your delightful head I thought I’d give you a little Hawkeye surprise okay like I was saying we need some light gray dye

And we have enough to make ooh not that much guess I better kill some squids so I’m not the best in the world at texturing but my idea basically is to have light great wool to andesite to Stone it makes quite a nice gradi it’s just going to take a long time to

Replace all this but I stuck a TV show on my other monitor and got to work I’m not going to tell you what TV show was watching okay it was Gossip Girl oh yes that’s looking good this is something I always struggle with but I think this is

Looking pretty good obviously this is just the bare bone still we’ve got a lot more to add and we can start with the water that’s looking good for the next part we’re going to have to gather a few things but the life story doesn’t continue today because it’s not that

Much now we’ve already had a couple of time lapses today and we’ve got more to come for this one though we’re not going to timlapse it instead here it is right now and let’s do a fancy transition and like magic look at it look at it now you

Know me I’m quite a humble guy I don’t like to Big myself up ever at all but I am like really impressed with this I think this is looking really really cool I’ve tried to like do some stuff that I don’t normally do so like we got the

Moss and the little flowers the jungle leaves and then we’ve just got loads of little Greenery flowers bamboo we got some cherry trees allotted around oh it’s looking really cool I’m really really happy of it especially if you come down here put the fov in look at

That with shaders it’s magical but you know what’s not magical behind it look at this it’s still the ugly old mountain well don’t you fear guys we’re going to change that right now but first I finally got to the bottom of the statues of epo when the main man himself came

Over lumon scared the life out of me EO I’m sorry I was just sting there watching a YouTube video and then bam oh I was here like 2 minutes I thought you were ignoring me no I just didn’t see you I was in my own world I’m sorry

So let’s be real you built those statues of yourself right I I saw you moved the statues did you build them did I build them did you build them yeah that’s what I’m asking that doesn’t even make sense Joel why would I to mess with me because you love to mess with people

You’re such a crazy guy well according to the Reddit uh there’s a graph and it’s oh I’ve seen that graph and I don’t want to talk you probably built it Joel I don’t know I definitely didn’t I definitely didn’t build them I want to say that right now

It wasn’t me that’s why I returned them to you cuz I believe you built them so that’s I’ve not heard you deny it that’s an interesting Theory okay I will say right all this began because of the Joel XO Thing by my shop the what XO somebody rearranged my

Shocker boxes I don’t know if you saw they said Etho ethu right that wasn’t me and then they got rearranged to Joel XO okay which means which means hugs and kisses I know what it means and I I asked Joe and he didn’t do

It so then I assumed it was you it was not me I can promise right now I know you like to think I’m obsessing you but seriously I’m just doing my own thing here you just keep bugging me that’s what’s keeps so now you buil some St

Thought I play into it a bit thinking it was you I found out it wasn’t you actually that did it it was someone else that’s how this kind started I’m glad to know my mail systems worked at least that was my first ever mail that you

Sent me and it was you calling me weird are you keeping them at yours or you going to just put them somewhere else no I’m tearing those down you should put them outside jeem she’d probably love it oh yeah yeah yeah and then I’ll and then you send her a

Message as well saying why are you so weird jeem oh that’ be good oh dear hopefully it didn’t cause you any problems no no no no I I mean it did get in a bit of a way of my terrifying project but I just m them straight away and thought you’d

Enjoy them good stuff all right see you in a bit all right see you man byebye The Audacity Of This Man to call me weird in his book when he comes to my base builds statues of himself then send me a book calling me obsessed with him

My guy EPO you you’re the weird one anyway I’ve been Gathering up some materials here for this next build but we need a lot of oak logs and as you can see we don’t have many oak logs and the only way to buy oak or any logs for that

Matter is with sand thanks to Doc so we’re going to go angrily collect some sand so I can buy some stuff I he a secret message in this sand Gathering can you see it can you find it so four stacks of sand for oak logs let’s get

Three stacks like so I hope I’m doing this right seems that way as fireworks are going off all right time to start our building and we’re actually not going to be building a building as such more of a walkway here as I just want to get rid of this grassy weird bit here

And I think this will be perfect for the future as like I’ve said many times before I want this base to feel very connected so we’re building this walkway here so we can like walk across in the future and it also connects up to our lovely rocky area we just built and this

Took about 70 minutes to build and that’s because there’s quite a decent amount of detail in this thing I feel like the best way to show it is if we come up here by foot rather than sticking with the elyra and as you can see we’ve got the San terra cotta the

Gray concrete The Mangrove the spruce we’ve also added like a little mini gate here and an entrance up to here and we’ve got this lovely walkway where we’ve got the looms which I which took quite a lot of string so I had to buy some of BDubs and I think it just

Connects up nicely and it can look over impulses very nicely as well you can also head up the stairs here to get to here but we have another little viewing platform which is very nice also I tried to make this look like graffiti I’m hoping it does look like that it looks

Kind of cool I think sticking with the Cyber Punk Vibe on that section there as there’s going to be some cyber Punky buildings probably behind it but out front here we have this space and what we’re going to build here is a temple with a shrine in it now let me just grab

My trusty magic shulker box which as you can see is empty but if we stand on top of it zoom in and click it again and look at all those where did they come from wow another shulker box appeared as well magic Law whatever it is I don’t

Care it didn’t take me too long to gather them not that I gather them cuz it was magic sorry broken the illusion there that’s embarrassing anyway let’s build a temple in a what one a two a three after last week where we built that massive orange building this week

We’ve gone a bit simpler and built some nice cute little stuff here and this area here is so cute I am loving it look at it wow I think it’s going to look amazing once the city is built up behind as well we’ve got this sort of old

Traditional stuff at the bottom and the new stuff at the top I saw someone say that it should really be the other way round and it’s a bit too late for that now to have all the old stuff in the top and the new stuff at the bottom I’m not

Rebuilding all this guys I’m sorry I’m just not going to do that but our Temple here is looking a bit empty in the middle and that’s because I’m not going to build anything yet I want to try my hand again at some more armor stand stuff by building you know a little

Shrine of something what should the shrine be though let me know in those comments and no it’s not going to be eepo okay I’m not going to build EPO maybe I’ll come up with some ideas cuz your guys comment just going to be oh just build EO cuz you’re so obsessed

With him I’m not obsessed he’s the one who’s building stuff in my area but let’s have a quick look with some shaders activate them now wow look at that and let’s add another Shader ooh look there it is while I’m just walking around there why is he so small he’s so

Small down there and let’s just have a little pan out at our new terraforming ooh it’s looking really good I’m definitely going to have to work on this side at some point as it’s looking a bit lopsided now but we we’ve got plenty of space maybe some like little buildings

Here or something that could be cute like sticking out the wall another a pathway along like up the mountain I don’t know we’ll have to figure it out I also want to point out if we come from this side it’s not looking so good look

At it oh no floating stuff oh I’ve tried not to do that so far this season but I just really don’t know what to put yet I don’t know if I’m going to bring the Rocks around a little bit or put like a big building here I just don’t know okay

So for now it will remain floating fix it at some point I promise but unfortunately guys that is all we’ve got time for today thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe if you’re new goodbye

Today I get to the bottom of the etho statues, as well as visit the permit office. Plus a big terraform project! Subscribe if you’re new 😀

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Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames


  1. maybe you should add some kind of a teacher-master in shrine and his students sitting with armor stands?
    Or maybe like 2 people fighting in the shrine?

    (I feel like I completely missed what the shrine is so my suggestions might be insanely inaccurate)

  2. i know you said no, but making an etho shrine would be very funny. maybe you could make a shrine to another thing, but then have a secret basement were the etho shrine is hiding.

    if not etho, you could maybe put a koi fish there? and since there arent any koi fish in minecraft, i would put a salmon, that would get you on good terms with beef and skizz

  3. for your temple/pagoda i think you should put an object or a shrine/deity there. some sort of ancient relic or weapon could make sense, or a deified animal like the godly blue axolotl (im sure you could pay cleo to create a flying one from armorstands(though your squid is pretty amazing so you can probably handle it yourself))

  4. Oh the openings are always the best ones! I think that last side Joel, would be cool to see maybe waterfall which descents to a Japanese hot spring with all cherry trees and stuff? or that side on front where you said could build something, that would also look cool like that! hot spring partly inside the mountain! I love this place you've build so much! I'm into Japanese stuff a lot so these gives me a lot of ideas!

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