ULTIMATE NEW MINECRAFT 1.21 DOG GUIDE – Secret Locations, How To Find, Dog Armor, & More

Different title format same old everything series welcome back 13 years it’s been 13 cold the long hard lonely years but AAS it’s over today in honor of those beautiful brand new wolves from where to find them to how they act this is everything you need to know ah the

Wolf our journey with this adorable little guy takes us all the way back to March of 2011 initially it was just to mention by notch but a couple weeks later Jeb would be begin to tease the wolf and oh man did it look different now eventually the wolf would make it

Into the game in Minecraft version 1.4 nowadays modern era when you find a wolf if you’d like to tame the thing it’s bones every single time you use a bone on a wolf it has a one in three chance of taming that dog now this is a luck

Based thing so you never know it could take 30 bones or it could take one bone in my survival worlds when I’m looking for a new dog I like to have about a quarter stack of Bones just to be safe but let’s rewind here for a second

Because a wild dog is technically called a wolf now the wolf and the dog are I believe the only mobs in the entire game to have a visual health indicator and that’s going to be the tail now instinctually the wild wolf is going to just naturally hate a couple of animals

A lot of these animals is kind of tragic like a poor sheep it literally did nothing but it doesn’t matter if a mob that the wolf doesn’t like gets close enough to it it’ll turn into an angry mob and seek that mob out until it’s

Demise I’ll pop all of the mobs up on screen right now that then naturally the wolf will hate now back to that visual health indicator thing as we can see a wild wolf the tail is sticking straight down that means it doesn’t have very much health a natural wolf out in the

Wild will spawn with eight health total that means one hit from a netherite sword not even critical will remove it from your world without any extra food or anything like that as soon as you tame a dog it’ll sit down and gain a ton of Health at the same time it’s actually

Crazy a tamed dog as of this new update has a total of 40 Health now that’s double what you have if you want to heal it at any time it’s basically any meat dog’s natural UNP pickiness when it comes to Meats in the game provides an amazing use for rotten flesh if you’ve

Got a dog that took a ton of damage somehow and a lot of extra rotten flesh well the dog is perfect match now the tail is a visual health indicator which means as the dog starts to lose Health the tail is going to start to lower a

Little bit when the dog gets below 10 Health it’s going to walk around and make a sad whining sound now I I promise I’m almost done hurting the dog but for science one final thing dogs will take half the amount of damage from any Source a single non- crit hit from a

Netherite sword should deal eight attack damage but because of how dogs take damage that dog basically just took four damage instead when it comes to the best food to feed your dog to heal it up you’ve got options on options actually almost every single different type of

Food that you feed your dog will restore a different amount of health and on Minecraft Bedrock there there are more things that you can feed your dog including puffer fish to give it hunger poison or nausea so dogs and also all other tameable Minecraft pets have this cool teleportation mechanic where

Basically if they get too far away from you they automatically jump back to you according to the code within the game and too far away from you is defined as more than 12 blocks a dog gets that far away or more and it should automatically teleport back however with that being

Said as you maybe noticed before there are a couple rules to that whole teleportation thing for example the dog can only teleport from a loaded in chunk that dog also needs to not be sitting and needs to have a solid block among other different requirements for it to

Actually be able to teleport Minecraft snapshot 24 w10a added eight brand new types of dogs to the game you’re going to be able to find these dogs spawning as wolves inside of different bioses with different pack numbers across your Minecraft world let’s say you were out

In your world adventuring when you st AC cross a random pack of wild wolves that you want but no bones well in that situation it’s always a great idea to somehow trap those wolves with maybe like blocks in a hole or something like that but you don’t have to worry about

Them despawning in Minecraft the wolves are kind of like the Villager in the sense that they shouldn’t ever despawn naturally on their own maybe they’ll take damage from the environment or something like that but yeah they won’t just like magically go away also no matter the wolf variant when you tame

The dog it will always have a red collar on it and when you tame it it size change and awkwardly it’s always been like that I got so thrown off in that new snapshot when they added all these wolves and uh now always been three pixels the wolf when tamed is

Essentially your number one most loyal friend of all time the wolf is kind of almost like a like a bodyguard inside of Minecraft if you will let’s say I was running around in my world and I attacked something that’s basically going to command any non-sitting wolf to

Go out and seek that thing out and attack it as well when it does it it does this whole like little growl thing too I mean like everything about this wolf aesthetic noises even how it just jumps and walks when 100% you are adorable but it gets even better you

Don’t even have to just naturally seek out something and attack it let’s say something attacked me like oh baby zombie not good no very bad well the wolf is going to actually go ahead and fight back and as long as I don’t get involved that mob should Target the wolf

Instead for the most part the wolf can usually handle most bad guys but there are some bad guys for example the creeper no oh God gosh you better be careful little buddy mainly for safety reasons there are some mobs in Minecraft that the wolf will never attack now for

The most part the wolf is going to wait for you to take action on something or something to take action on you first to do anything however there is a big exception and of course of course that exception it only makes sense that it’s the thing built out of the dog’s

Favorite thing while your dog is in Hot Pursuit of a skeleton or any other mob is actually not going to to teleport back to you so that could be a potential problem you need to look out for now the wolf is usually the big bad baty things

Don’t like him but there is one interesting circumstance where there’s a mob that will actually scare the wolf friends I would like to present you the most terrifying mob of all time the Llama interestingly with llamas everything is different when it comes to the dog they have a chance of either

Attacking the llama or just fall out sprinting away from the lava like what in the world it’s terrifying if wolf is hit by llama spit it has a 50/50 chance to attack or run away all righty then so so far today that’s quite a bit of technical knowledge on the dog next up

We’re going to take a look at how and where to find them all but before that tap like also if you’re new here subscribing is a great idea too I’ve got a lot of great guides just like this one that I’m cooking up for all of the new

Features coming to Minecraft soon so as of Minecraft 1.2.5 or on Bedrock it’ss looking like 1.2.8 there are now going to be nine different types of dogs so that you can go out into your world and find the classic one the OG one its new technical name is the pale wolf and

You’re going to be able to find this guy inside of the tiger when you find this guy inside of the tiger every single time it should spawn in a pack size of four that’s going to mean if you find one wolf somewhere nearby there should be three more now technically speaking

Every single wolf has the same chance to spawn there’s not really one rarer than others but but there kind of is jumping back alphabetically our next stop of the day is over in the snowy tigga biome in that biome you’ll be able to find Ashton wolves spawning in a pack size of four

It kind of looks like a husky next up it’s over to two biomes that are very similar looking and first up the old gr Pine tiger inside of this biome you’ll be able to find the black wolf this is a really cool looking one meanwhile inside of the old grow Spruce tiger right

Across the river over there you’ll be able to find the chestnut wolf personally my opinion Chestnut wolf it might be my favorite one now both of these wolves are going to spawn in pack sizes of two to four alongside the expansion of all this wolf spawning stuff wolves can now also spawn on

Podsol and coarse dirt previously they could only spawn on grass now kind of interestingly the jungle wolf which is technically known as The Rusty wolf will spawn in a pack size of 2 to four inside of not the jungle biome but the sparse jungle biome instead however because of

How the jungle biome Works they could be close if a wolf spawns on say like right on the edge of the sparse jungle biome and pops into the jungle well a bit of a niche situation but if it happens it’ll still be a rusty wolf so one wolf isn’t

Really rarer than any other wolf but it also is there are two factors to take into account when talking about Rarity of wolves pack size and biome commonness this wolf right here spawns in a pack size of one inside of the Grove bio that’s going to mean this poor little

Dog right here not only is it lonely but it’s kind of rare not that the grow biome is some Mushroom Island situation that’s really uncommon it just seems like at least for my luck I don’t usually have the best luck of finding this Bome now a little fun fact about

These wolves the new ones every single one of them is based off of some kind of wild wolf a real one in the real world this one is based off of I believe the African wild D It’s called in game the spotted wolf and will spawn in a pack

Size of four to8 inside of the Savannah Plateau biome that’s the biggest back size that we’ve seen so far something like that might offset a little bit of the Rarity of the Savannah Plateau biome like if you buy a savannah Plateau you might be able to stock up on dogs on

Dogs on dogs kind of beautiful another wolf breed with a ginormous pack size that is seemingly based on the real world hyena is the striped wolf that’ll spawn in the wooded bad lens the wooded bad lens is another one of those biomes that’s unfortunately not really the most

Common one in the world which means having this dog might be a bit of a flex and then finally last but not least probably the most common wolf out of all of them is now going to be the new wolf that is called the woods Wolf the woods

Wolf will spawn in any forest biome across your world in a pack size of four now I’m not going to lie I’m not complaining about this wolf being the most common one now because that’s like an updated look at the dog nothing against the old classic one but like

This is a nice one to have this the most common guy all over the place that looks good so let’s go back to that meat situation for a second because of course we can heal our dog up with Meats but we can also actually breed our dogs when

They’re at full health with Meats as well if I have two dogs and I feat them both Meats if I have two dogs and I feed them both Meats they will breede if they have different coats the coat of the pup it’s going to be picked at random also

Don’t know if you can notice it pass it’s adorably gigantic head but when you breed you dogs the puppy is automatically tamed as well if you have two wolves from different owners the owner of that new pup is picked at random oh and careful because if you un

Lifee next to your dogs when you respawn they don’t necessarily teleport back it’s sad but anyways next up I’d like to talk about personalization when it comes to your dog nowadays there are a lot of ways to customize the Buddy first things first we can dye the color of the collar

Any color of dye in Minecraft that’s going to give you 16 different options combine that with those brand new wolf code variants and I mean you’re going to have to play around a bit to see which color maybe looks the best on your dog now just like that factoring in the 16

Different colors and the nine different types of dogs from the bat that’s going to mean there are 144 different kinds of dogs kind of like aesthetically that you could have factor in the fact that it could have armor or not and we can go ahead and double that now another

Beautiful thing that the 1.2.5 or 1.280 update did is adjust the shading or coloration of the collars the collars actually wrap around the dog’s neck now and yeah they got like a nice little gradient to them they all look pretty good then a very final thing I like to talk

About today which is going to be something that we talk a little bit more about in the armadillo episode is Wolf armor wolf armor is now also a thing and 100% of the time your dog should probably just have the wolf armor on the wolf armor is crafted with armadillo

Scoop when you equip wolf armor on your wolf you just like use it to get it back you shear your wolf I’ll just leave this as a bit of a just trust me bro moment but if you take your dog out you will get nothing other than a little bit of exper

And wolf armor the wolf tamed or not has no drop now this wolf armor stuff is absolutely amazing because the wolf armor is actually hey buddy come back okay we’ll try it again the wolf armor is going to take all damage like it just soaks it up first we can tell that that

Is happening by taking a look at the tail it didn’t go down at all instead the armor got a little bit cracked now just like you were healing an iron golem or something to fix up that cracked wolf armor use armadillo scoot on the dog while it’s sitting down and it’ll repair

So wolf armor will absorb all the damage before the dog will unless it’s any of these damage sources right here these damage sources unfortunately skip right past the wolf armor and go straight to the dog so be careful some of the greatest ones is uh this one right here

Fall damage poor dog fell really far but it doesn’t matter the armor just soaked it up and then actually fire damage as well and your dog is smart enough to run around and look for a little bit of water so that’s kind of cool now one final very final exciting detail about

The wolf armor is the fact that oh boy it can be dyed right here on screen you’re seeing what the wolf armor would look like with a single die in the crafting recipe so it’s kind of like each base color essentially however there’s a lot more so this is where

Current day it kind of differs a little bit on Minecraft Bedrock all of your armor dying will be done in a cauldron this is just like how you do it with any other leather armor in the game or the horse armor that you can die too meanwhile stuck in the Stone Age is

Minecraft to Java you die the thing customize it inside of the crafting table the more dyes that you add the more the color will change this is where the math if you want to talk about different variations of of the wol that you could have gets absolutely insane my

Opinion yellow plus C that’s a pretty fresh one and actually matches the grass and some biomes Woolf farmer in total has a durability of 64 so it’s pretty low but keep it mind the scoot is really easy to get if you’re looking for a specific color of wolf fer I got you

Down in the description I’ll leave a link to the Minecraft Wiki and on that Wiki if you scroll down a little bit you can calculate any specific color that you’re trying to create it’ll tell you the exact sequence of what the dies in and everything like that wolves dogs

Everything to know every single type how you find it a little bit of information and more I hope your thirst for knowledge about Minecraft’s best friend has been quenched you got a Bonus wolf fact throw that down in the comments below and thank you so much for watching

On the end c car right here I’ll throw the everything series playlist and another video that you might like thanks for watching It’s Been Me Waddles and I’ll see you all thearrow Goodbye

Minecraft 1.20.5 is revamping the dog just in time for Minecraft 1.21! In the new minecraft update wolves have been revamped with eight new variants and a new armor set to keep them a little more safe! in this complete guide to the minecraft dog we take a look at everything there is to know about these little buddies!

0:00 – dogs everything to know
0:20 – history
0:40 – how to tame a wolf
1:03 – basic dog mechanics
3:44 – wolf spawning
4:41 – combat mechanics
6:53 – every minecraft dog + where to find wolves
10:30 – breeding
11:11 – dog armor and collars

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if you read this comment “arf arf”


  1. I hope they make the wolves able to spawn more bigger variety of their specific biome, because on bedrock, there’s no way to tell the exact type of biome like yes, you know you’re in a taiga or a mega taiga but only because there’s big differences there’s not really a way to tell the difference between a grove and any other snow biome

  2. mojang doesnt want make sharks hostile because that 'enforces stereotypes', but theyre willing to make the fox cute, sleep and defenceless. for example, if a wolf attacks a fox the fox will just run away. realistically, the fox would fight back. the fox only eats wild berries, and doesnt hunt other mobs. foxes who live in the wild (which is the type minecraft has obviosly) would hunt basically any other animal where they live, in exception to wolves and similar animals. and yes i know this is the definition of the nerd emoji.

  3. 10:33 don’t quote me on this, but I believe on bedrock it’s not a 50-50 random chance, but instead, it depends on whatever one you fed first at least that’s how it works with cats. I would assume it works the same with dogs so an example if you had a pale wolf and a black wolf and you fed the black wolf before you fed the pale wolf you would get a black wolf.

  4. Um… Golems crack as they get hurt, at least on Java, pretty sure that is a damage indicator… not sure how u forgot that when talking about the wagging tail.

    Also the fact that llamas attack wolves is accurate to IRL, they HATE WOLVES!!!!! Sheep farmers buy a single llama to protect their flocks since a llama on its own will try to bond with wutevr looks most like it… n sheep have similar coats. So they befriend the sheep n fiercely protect them by stomping ant canine they see to death can kill dozens of wolves a yr.

    Also, I really hope y r wrong about that wolf u said was based on a hyena. Cuz if Mojang messed that up, ima be pissed. Hyenas r on the cat side of the carnivore family tree, not rhe dog side. They might as well base their dogs on lions n tigers then cuz they r closer related to dogs than a hyena is. The body shape is just convergent evolution.

  5. This is great and all but Java still has a cleave effect when attacking hitting everything in range meaning your friends and pets will get hit. In my opinion this should've never been added.

  6. 0:24: 🐺 Comprehensive guide on taming and finding wolves in Minecraft 1.21 update.
    3:41: 🐕 Teleportation mechanic for dogs in Minecraft 1.21 allows them to automatically jump back to you if they get too far away.
    6:22: 🐕 Terrifying llama mob can scare wolves, with unique behavior of attacking or fleeing, adding complexity to encounters.
    9:21: 🐺 New wolf breeds introduced in Minecraft 1.21 update with varying pack sizes and spawning locations.
    12:45: 🐕 Enhanced wolf armor absorbs all damage, repairable with armadillo scoot, except for specific sources.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  7. I have a nitpick about the stripped wolve. It's based on a striped hyena. Hyena aren't canines, their closer to cats. They could have used the Mexican wolf. It lives in a similar environment, and it could raise awareness for the species. (Also I think they're pretty.)

  8. The new rusty wolf seems to be based off a dhole. (Aka Asian wild dog). Also, if mojang ever introduced tigers they should be scared of wolves, not just because of the cats and dogs dynamic, but also because a large pack of dholes have been known to scare lone tigers into trees. The dhole might be my favourite wild canid ❤. Also, the striped wolf seems to be based specifically on either the brown hyena or maybe the aardwolf (which is funny because of how wolves and armadillos have kinda a symbiotic relationship, maybe as a reference to how aardvarks and aardwolves also have one!) lol I’m a bit of a nerd on animals lol 🤓😂

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