We are under an attack by the largest Zombie Invasion anyone has ever seen can we keep our fames safe and build the most secure Hospital house CH those zombies are going to get us when the Sun goes down we only have 20 minutes left until it does so we better get building

On our hospitals quickly let’s go my hospital is going to be built on this giant orange Square it’s still pretty close to the zombie cave so we have to be pretty careful luckily we have old data build this thing there’s no way 20 minutes can go that fast although it’s

Gone quick in the past before we just have to make sure we’re really careful and we build this super pro hospital really quickly this is the pro Hospital of course no way would I ever build a noob hospital that’s definitely your job Milo what I’m not building a noob

Hospital I think you are the one building the noob Hospital Milo I’m building such a good Hospital it’ll definitely be a pro one and it will absolutely be strong enough to keep my family safe from these zombies this hospital will be the best hospital in the world and I’m so happy that my

Family gets to be here and Marlo what are you doing I don’t want the negativity hey are you building a wall to try and stop me from talking to you yeah I’m building a sad face a that is a sad face H well I’m going to build an

Angry face the sad face now has crazy Angry Eyebrows so it’s really really mad that looks like a freak one it looks like a Transformer yeah that’s kind of funny the first level of my hospital is going to be absolutely huge it will also have big Windows overlooking the zombie

Cave these windows will be really strong though otherwise we could be in some serious danger of the zombies breaking their way into the hospital I don’t want that since this is where my family stays safe yeah my family is going to be really safe in my Hospital too because

I’m going to keep them really protected really oh that is amazing Milo I’m also going to keep my family so protected in here I’m not just going to build walls we also need to build really secure traps and defenses against these zombies otherwise our families are in a lot of

Danger are you sure your traps and your defenses are going to be good enough to protect them yeah I’ve been wning some really good traps lately and I’m going to test them out today oh that’s amazing Milo I’m so excited to see what you make luckily we are building hospitals and

Not some other building living in a hospital is great because if you ever break your bones or fall off a ladder you can totally go to the hospital hital and get healed right up we have so much healing technology and we can use it to defend ourselves against the zombies

This way we have a bunch of health and we’re not in any danger from these zombies at all Jeff remember the time when I broke my beak yeah I do remember that it was so funny you couldn’t talk and nobody could understand you I thought you were trying to say pop pop

Fiddle but you were definitely trying to say take me to the hospital yeah that was exactly what I was saying and it wasn’t funny all right it was a a little bit funny Milo you got to admit even the doctor started laughing you was sarking

The whole time he was trying to put your beak back yeah well I’m not going to have mean doctors like that at my place that’s a good idea Milo I’m also not going to have any mean doctors I’m only going to have the nicest doctors Ever every single doctor at my hospital will

Treat my family with so much respect a pro Hospital can only hire Pro doctors so everybody working here will be a real professional yeah and maybe they’ll make pancakes yeah maybe they’ll make pancakes too I think there’s more important things for a doctor to do than make pancakes though Milo are you

Building a hospital or an IHOP what I thought that was the same thing what Milo an IHOP and a hospital are two totally different places you go to an IHOP when you want pancakes and you go to a hospital when you break your bones what they spell to say no they’re not

Milo wait a minute Milo are you riding IHOP on the side of your hospital yeah that’s the name of my Hospital Milo you can’t name a hospital IHOP everybody will get confused if you tell your family to head to the hospital and they see an IHOP they’re going to run away

Because they think that’s just for pancakes nuh-uh I know I’m right and that you’re wrong oh my goodness Milo I really don’t think this will go well I really hope you realize that before it is too late and your family is in a lot of danger no there’s no danger except

For your stinky brain Milo if my brain is so stinky then why do all the zombies want it so bad and my family’s brains too well I guess that’s a really good point but we’re not going to have any stinky brains or zombies in my hospital

I hope really are you going to stop them from getting inside your hospital yeah I’m going to Kat them like a ninja are you sure Milo you have to build more defenses than that if you have to fight every zombie at your entrance one by one

You’re never going to be able to save your family what if you need to go to sleep at night time when the zombies attack well a waria never sleeps P my you’re not a warrior you’re a worry wart you’re always so scared about things I’m surprised you’re not totally terrified

About these zombies if I get too scared I get the shakes and then I W be have to B my ey hop do really Milo when I get too scared I get hiccups it’s pretty crazy and I can never even speak I sure hope I don’t get them today luckily I’m

A Really Brave guy so I almost never get scared enough well good for you isn’t chip just the best guy ever hey that’s exactly what I’ve been saying I’m so glad you agree Milo whatever I just want to get back to building my amazing and beautiful hospital I thought it was an

IH hosital yeah it’s four things true my hospital is also going to be two things it is going to be a very good Healing Center and it will also be a crazy defense against these zombies I’m even adding a second story but that’s not the only level I’m adding my hospital will

Have three floors that is three times the height of a normal hospital it will be so tall that the zombies will barely be able to reach up to the third floor it will mean that me and my family are so safe the higher we go the ground

Floor will be mostly a distraction to stop the zombies from trying to get in if they think that this whole hospital is fake and there are no people inside they might not even try to attack us that’s the best option but if they realize we are in here we need proper

Defenses to protect ourselves that’s why on the second and third levels I will make even crazier defenses I really hope the zombies don’t manage to find some sort of crazy medicine in these hospitals that makes them stronger what if they manage to find crutches and they

Use them to climb extra high over the walls that sounds like a really bad thing and I hope that doesn’t happen me too Milo I really hope it doesn’t happen Luckily everything inside my hospital will be very secure there’s no way that a zombie could even come inside to steal

Anything in the first place no way would I ever let that happen I am way too safe about these sorts of things yeah and me too I’m actually being really safe today as well really Milo what safety measures are you taking for your hospital well I’ve already decided that I’m going to

Put a bunch of lava outside Milo lava might be pretty helpful but what are you building your hospital out of right now well I’m using lots of different material so that it confuses the zombies Milo you’re using bamboo warts ice dirt wool and concrete that’s crazy what my

Good recipe all right this is my ‘s hospital I don’t want none of you business over here oh Milo I really hope it works if the zombies break into your Noob hospital and steal all your equipment they could use it to attack my Hospital even more ferociously that

Would put me and my entire family in a lot of danger when the Sun goes down well you’re not going to have to worry because we’re only going to have very basic equipment here so just in case the zombies do get in it’s not too bad oh I

Guess that’s actually really nice of you Milo thanks for thinking about my family like that but wait a minute if you don’t have good equipment inside your hospital how are you going to heal anybody who’s sick we a lot of good vibes Good Vibes Milo that’s not a hospital that’s a fun

Center what that’s pretty much what the hospital is anyway no way Milo hospitals are not meant to be fun hospitals are pretty scary that’s why I’m not a big fan of them but I will build one to protect my family that is why on the insides of this place I need to actually

Start making the rooms the first room I definitely need to make is a big waiting area this is where the patients will come in the hospital and it’s also where the zombies will enter from zombies are not the smartest creatures so if they see a waiting area and a sign telling

Them to wait they might forget about my family inside and just decide to wait in the front section that would be perfect if every zombie forgets that my family is hiding in this secure hospital they won’t attack us I really hope this works to make sure it does we have to build

This waiting area really really well that includes stacking all this concrete up to the ceiling like that we also have to make sure we add in some nice lighting hospitals are very very bright so we have to make sure we do exactly that let’s add these amazing OA frog

Lights going all the way to the back Frog Light is a pretty crazy name but they’re actually a really cool lighting Source now I need to place polished diorite slabs right next to all of these lights this makes it look like a real light source hanging off the roof

Otherwise they’re way too blocky and it looks really silly that would’t be enough to convince the zombies no way only by adding these EX slabs into here do we make sure this is super good and definitely good enough to convince the zombies are you building a waiting area

Inside your hospital Milo um yeah now that you reminded me I definitely am that’s awesome I can’t wait to see what it looks like yeah I can wait to see what it looks like as well wait a minute Milo if you’re building it right now shouldn’t you already know what it looks

Like well I’m just us to my crazy imagination so I guess we’ll find out later wait a minute Milo what are you building right now well just a really good Hospital why do you keep forgetting uh Milo you just keep building more and more bamboo are you sure this is a good

Idea yeah bamboo is awesome it’s one of my favorite blocks actually it does look pretty cool but I don’t know if it will be enough to protect you from these zombies I’m making a super convincing waiting room just to make sure these zombies are tricked well these zombies

Are going to be really stupid wait a minute Milo did you just say zomes yeah I decided to call them zombies because it’s really funny hey zombies Milo don’t talk to the zombies especially not if you’re going to call them that it might make them come out early to try and

Attack us although I think we should be okay the sun is still pretty high in the sky so the zombies will not want to attack us just yet if they tried they would totally burn up that gives us plenty of time to build more parts of this hospital here I’m going to build

Some actual patient rooms we need to make sure each of the patient gets a lot of space every patient will also get get their very own room here so we’ve got to make sure we do that as well I think this is a pretty good size for each of

These rooms to be let’s make sure we build it equally in both directions that way no patient ever has to miss out on anything We’ll add a little divider in the middle of this room to separate the two patients this way we really save on Space the patients in my hospital will

Mostly be my family but if we find any survivors from the zombie attack my hospital will take them in it’s just a really really good way to take care of our whole community and make sure nobody is Left Behind in these vicious zombie attacks we also definitely need to

Decorate the insides of the patient rooms of course we wouldn’t want to leave them totally empty in every patient room we will have a waiting chair for their family who a lot of the time in this hospital will be me I can wait for my wife and my kid if they’re

In the hospital I’ll also add an orange waiting chair on this side and the doctor will also definitely need their own chair the doctors will get each of their own chairs in each of their own rooms let’s make sure we add these waiting areas to both sides of this Hospital

Okay this is looking pretty good actually I’m really happy with it so far one thing that we cannot forget though is the hospital beds okay each room will have their own hospital bed right here I think that’s pretty good we also need to make sure we add IV bags beside each

Hospital bed this way whoever is staying in them will be really really safe and they can have all their fluids supplied to them so they don’t get sick you can also attach anything to these stands that makes it really easy to fix these patients broken bones on this side of

The hospital though we will have something very very important I actually need to smash this window in order to make it that sounds pretty crazy but it’s going to make sense in just a second what I’m going to build inside here is going to be a big ambulance Bay

This ambulance bay means that we can take our ambulance and drive it anywhere we need to it will mean everybody in this hospital is safe and everybody around us is safe our ambulance will rescue anybody that needs saving from these zombies and it will especially rescue my family if they need saving too

Well chip I’m going to have a rambulance a wambulance what’s a wambulance Milo well it’s an ambulance that goes we we Milo that’s what every ambulance does do you think that ambulances make some kind of other noise other than we woo we woo no but my ambulance is called the

Ambulance because that’s what I want to call it okay I guess that makes sense but how are the patients going to know that they can go inside the ambulance when they’re hurt because I’ll stand at the front while it’s driving and I’ll scream rul wait how are you going to

Stand at the front if you’re also driving the ambulance well I’ll get someone else to drive it like my baby Milo you can’t let your baby drive an ambulance that’s a terrible idea what why not oh Milo babies can’t drive I thought you knew that already well not

Until I teach him Milo you can’t teach a baby to drive until they’re old enough to drive that’s like the number one rule of driving no babies well I don’t know about all these rules they’re there to keep you safe and the patient safe as

Well are you really sure you want to let your baby be driving if you have to take care of your sick wife W Maybe not maybe I’ll rethink my idea I think that’s for the best Milo I don’t want anybody in your family getting sick they my friends

Too I need to make sure everybody is safe that’s what a real Pro doctor would do I’m going to need to build the ambulance right here I don’t want to add too many because this also needs to be a staircase Zone to get to level two we’ll

Need to build the UN inside of the ambulance using smooth quartz slabs this is looking pretty good so far I’m really excited about it I will move this block a little bit further backwards though Yep this is looking really good let’s also add some extra quart slabs on the

Back here now for our ambulance we need to build a couple extra slabs upwards this is important this is the driving section of the ambulance that actually goes forward then behind the driving section we will need to add the actual window all right I think that looks

Pretty good it needs to be very dark that way if we are driving through a zombie infested Zone which we probably will if we are going to be saving people that get injured in a zombie attack we need to make sure the zombies can’t see

Us we also need to make sure that this ambulance goes really high what if somebody super tall is sick or if my kid grows up and is way taller than I am we need to be able to save them as well nobody should be left behind in our

Ambulance I’ll also push this red symbol all the way back there we go now everybody knows that this is an ambulance and they can totally trust it to take care of them when they are sick let’s also add some frames to the wheels of this ambulance that way it really

Does look like an actual drivable vehicle I really hope we don’t actually have to use this thing I hope that nobody gets sick at all and we can stay totally safe from these zombies speaking of staying safe from these zombies we need to build up and build a second

Level of this hospital I’ll have to break a couple light blocks to do it but that’s just part of the price you pay for safety okay this is looking pretty good but wait a second Milo the sun it’s going down what already yeah Milo look it’s almost setting over the ocean we

Don’t have a lot more time I really have not gone very far in my Hospital build I need more time so do I Milo but the only way we’re going to get more time is if we build quickly and if we stop doing silly things like this I’m going to

Remove the weird Spider-Man Warden statue that you made well I didn’t make it you made most of it true sorry about that Milo I’m going to stop being silly from now on we need to be really serious if we want to survive this zombie attack yeah I’m a really serious guy from here

On out okay Milo I’m excited to see I really want to get started on my second level but Milo I’ve just realized if this sun is going down this quick I still don’t have any defenses I’m going to need a bunch more by the time the

Zombies get here and if they come early oh boy I do not want to be underprepared I’m going to place these final few concrete blocks but before I build the walls of level two I definitely am going to need to build some traps around this area but what traps could I possibly add

I think the first trap definitely needs to be something TNT related I’ll need to put a bunch on the outside of my hospital this is pretty risky putting TNT this close to where my family will ultimately be staying is pretty scary but it’s what I have to do I’m also

Putting it around the ambulance area this area I have to be especially careful of it’s so close to the level two staircase and there’s actually no door so the ambulance can get out that’s why I’ll need to add more TNTs on these sides this way if the zombies try and

Sneak around the side really tightly to the wall they’ll step on the TNTs and they’ll go Kaboom that’s perfect I don’t want anybody else to be blown up by these traps other than the zombies the zombies are who we’re really fighting against hey look there’s a cat uh-oh I

Think we need to make sure this cat stays away and does not trigger any of these TNT traps that means we’re going to need to spawn in a wolf or not just any wolf we’ll have to spawn in a couple all right Kitty if you want to stay

She’s pushing the wolf this is a pretty adventurous Kitty wow okay H that means I just have to spawn more until this cat gets way too scared otherwise we could have a catastrophe on our hands and I’m going to do everything I can to avoid something bad happening here dogs also

Are the enemies of zombies so hopefully zombies will be just as scared of these wolves as the cat was although wait a minute these puppies aren’t that scary they’re actually really cute I better tame these puppies and make sure they can grow up really quick before they

Stay cute forever and even make the zombies want to come here more a hospital with puppies is the coolest idea ever but these puppies are for defending us not for making more people want to come here nobody should want to come to this Hospital unless you have no

Other choice just like me and my family does because it’s where we need to be protected maybe this Hospital can even be a vet as well that way if any of our God dogs get sick we can treat them right here at home I think that’s a

Really good idea and it means we have an excuse to keep all cute animals around our hospital but not too cute though Al they would definitely attract zombies now that I’ve gotten all of these wolves tamed and into a very very good position I need to add down our pressure plates

Oh goodness I sure hope none of these blow up if they do it could cause a chain reaction that destroys the entire hospital that would be a massive disaster I don’t want that to happen so I need to put pressure plates on top of every single one of these okay these TNT

Traps are looking really really good but we still need to do more around the hospital I need to add bear traps and oh no no the poor puppy oh let me break this one and we can push the puppy outside of it no stop walking into the

Bear traps oh goodness this dog is not very smart by adding the bear traps all the way around the hospital as that puppy just proved these will totally entangle anything that walks into them especially zombies zombies are very very fragile they’re very very old and they’re getting close to turning into

Bones so these bear traps are perfect to take them down they grab under the zombes legs and they stop the zombies from moving this is very very handy to have all the way around our hospital we can also have a bunch around the front entrance because they will not hurt my

Family at least I don’t think hopefully my family is smart enough to know not to step on them but if my family isn’t we could be in a lot of trouble I think this is pretty good now we can get started on the next set of defenses

Which I am very very excited to add before we build the next defense though we are going to need to add some fences here this is to stop the next defense from wandering out it really likes to try and escape from places and this hospital is no different so by adding

These fences we help keep it nicely inside for our next defense we will have a nice Iron Golem but this will not be the only Golem in this hospital and uh-oh that Iron Golem was taking some pretty serious damage for a second we cannot let our Iron Golems keep getting

Hurt like this that would be really really bad for this Hospital let’s also make more doors that only people can walk through people and zombies I guess I wish the zombies couldn’t walk through these places but we have no choice because because zombies used to be people they actually are the same size

As them so anything we can fit through the zombies can fit through as well that is why we need to add defenses to every part of this Hospital not just the beginning and we won’t just have iron golems we also need to have every different kind of Golem we possibly can

Just like golden Golems as well as Diamond Golems too oh this diamond golem is about to be so awesome wao that’s amazing he totally fits in with the other golems and these guys can totally man the front section I wonder if a glass Golem could work here it could be

Really really sneaky It’s Made of Glass so it is crystal clear and the zombies might not even see it while they walk down this hallway this could be very very cool inside the patient rooms we need to have cool Golems as well I think an amethyst Golem would be perfect wao

Look at those crystals and I think in this patient room we can also grab a Glowstone Golem this guy’s probably going to light up so brightly and will fit in really well with the hospital room wo he really does glow brightly that is awesome we need to add one more

Golem inside this ambulance section maybe we can make a Golem out of the same material as the floor he might be able to blend in and wo he totally does especially if you look at him from a top angle he is really hard to spot I think

We also can make some using the other colors of concrete inside this area we have a white concrete Golem and a red concrete Golem this is pretty cool they blend in really well with this spot and you can barely tell there are even any Golems here I’m also definitely going to

Add in some trip wire hooks these look pretty normal but they will link all the way back up to a dispenser hidden at the back of this hallway this dispenser will be filled with a bunch of arrows that will then shoot out at whatever is here wait a minute that cracked the gloss

Golem oh no he is really really fragile we need to use gloss to heal him W that is way better perfect now the gloss Golem is a lot safer but that just means this is not the right area to place this trap in we need to pick all this up and

Move it over into a different section that way he is not in any danger maybe we can place all these trip wires at the very start yeah that’s a great idea now we can also add in the trip wire hooks these trip wire hooks also block off the

Mouths of these dispensers it makes it seem like they’re not even dispensers and they could just be a different block like a furnace or something that’s actually pretty tricky I really like that plan it’ll definitely help make sure we get a lot more zombies in this section that’s for sure all right I

Think this is the final level of string we need to place although wait a second there’s one more here let’s just break that front dispenser I don’t want these zombies stealing any of the arrows wait a second when did the Sun get that low this is Bad Milo are you seeing the sky

Right now I sure am and it’s not making me feel real good uh Milo what have you built so far well do you want to come see yeah sure okay I found that IHOP IHOP IH hopital yeah that’s the name of my hospital now this is the reception

Desk Milo why is the desk made out of ice isn’t this in danger of melting yeah but it’s really clean and it’s really cold which is good for hospitals power uh okay I guess that makes sense and these paintings Milo they’re a little terrifying why because Milo this is a

Hospital it’s where sick people go you can’t have flames and skeletons and Bones as well as spiders painted here yeah but I think these pictures are really funny so maybe everyone else will laugh at them too no way people won’t find these funny they’ll find them really scary especially the skulls well

I don’t want to hear your criticism thank you very much do you want to see my hotal or not uh okay Milo let’s see more of your hotal well this is the upstairs room while we have the hopital bed Milo the floor is dirt I thought you

Said this was a clean hopital well this is clean dirt and it’s really yummy Milo there’s no such thing as clean dirt and wait a minute did you just say the floor is yummy um no moving on we have a kitchen here Milo um okay this kitchen doesn’t look

Too bad what are people meant to cook here just really yummy things pretty much bird seed which is what I’m keeping right here uh wo that is a lot of bird seeds um shouldn’t you be keeping medical equipment here Milo rather than just bird seeds oh I really didn’t think

About medical equipment and wait a minute that’s not the only equipment you need to put in this thing do you have any defenses against the zombies to keep your family safe oh my gosh I totally forgot to put defenses in Milo is there defenses in this room I really hope so

Nuh-uh there’s pretty much nothing in this room Milo this is the nurse’s office why is there nothing inside because there’s no nurse oh Milo do you have a completely empty Hospital mhm I didn’t think this to a chip now I’m really scared Milo you do not have a lot

Of time to fill your hospital with nurses and defenses before the zombies attack and we have to keep our family safe okay Che puy really quick okay Milo I trust you to do a good job we both want to protect our family so I know you’ll do the right thing we need to

Build up these walls quickly and add windows before the sun continues setting come on we have to go super speed wo okay that was pretty tough but we managed to do it there’s still so much more we need to build like a giant Hospital maze this maze will look

Exactly like a bunch of patient rooms but it will secretly be designed to be very confusing this means that any zombie that does manage to make it up will have a really hard time getting all the way through the maze will also be clear and that will make it so much

Harder to see where you’re going it’s a really really genius design idea and I think it will really help us especially against zombies that can’t see very well and are pretty silly we also have to make sure that the patient rooms are separate from that really big staircase

Drop otherwise people could fall down I don’t want my wife or my kid to fall down into the zombies that would be terrible I do want them to be safe inside here though so I have to make sure I build this properly this is looking pretty all right but I know I

Can do better I have to do better to save my family okay now that I built up this entire room really really well to save my family we need to add in the actual hospital equipment in every single part otherwise it will not look convincing at all we need to remember

What design we use for these hospital beds before if we don’t do it properly it won’t look like a real hospital and the zombies won’t get too confused wa Milo your cobwebs are also looking really good I really like your ideas and I think you need to keep making them

Here I’m trying to rush really fast so I can get this done great idea Milo just make sure that when you rush you don’t go too fast that could lead to some really really bad mistakes and it could put everybody in a lot of danger don’t

Worry chip a guy like me does not make mistakes uh Milo didn’t you forget to add a nurse or any staff or any defenses to your hospital oh yeah but that wasn’t really a mistake that was just a learning situation okay as long as you’re learning not to do it again I

Guess that’s all right just make sure that from now on you are very careful to keep your family safe by building your hospital properly otherwise things could go really really bad yeah I’m building it properly now I promise okay I trust you Milo I’m really happy to hear it’s

Going better I’m also going to add a double patient room this way if twins get hurt they can both come in here at the same time they will also get equal decorations on each side of this room this is perfect now I really need to fill the rest of these rooms this looks

Very much like a hospital though which I am very happy about hopefully this will be enough to confuse the zombies it would even be enough to confuse me if it wasn’t a crazy maze I’m pretty good at spotting these sorts of things so I would definitely figure it out but if I

Was as slow as a zombie I don’t know that I would this is perfect we need to add one final room to this Hospital right here okay this is good I should also move this bed over here perfect now the p patient hospital room is complete

This is good but we need more and by more I mean lots and lots of traps it is very important that we cover every single part of this hospital with traps including this level it can’t just be a random maze with no obstacles otherwise no zombies would die inside this third

Floor will have to be the final level we don’t have time to build anything else before the sun goes down we’ve got to build this really quickly and inside I think we can make some sort of family room that will be very important to keep our family safe from these zombies we

Can all stay together as a family on level three it will be our safe Hideout and if this gets overrun by zombies we may not have anywhere else to go that is unless I can think of some other last resort to build but I’m not too sure what that could be hopefully the

Inspiration for that strikes before these zombies do inside this family room I will need to build one big room for each member of my family I will take this room in the middle that way I can protect my wife and I can protect my kid I need to be able to protect prot

Everybody from these zombies I will leave nobody behind every single room will also get a big storage chest just like this and we will also have our own little hospital bag this way if we get sick we don’t need to go downstairs into the main hospital we can stay up here

And be safe in our very own one we also need to make sure this Hospital area is really really nice otherwise my family won’t want to stay in here I will also turn my baby’s bed into a big double-sized cradle this will be really cool and I know my baby will totally

Love it in my room in the middle I’ll also add a big desk but I think I’m only going to have a flower pod I don’t want to have to take care of a flower my baby on the other hand I will give him so many flower pots he will have all the

Flowers he wants it’ll smell really really nice in here and I think that’s really healthy for a baby my baby also will be able to read a bunch of books this way my baby can grow up to become super duper smart I also need books but

I read a little bit less than my baby does so I only will need six bookshelves my wife loves loves to read though she reads all the time so I’m going to need to build a huge bookshelf in here for her perfect I hope she enjoys that one

I’m also going to place some concrete all the way across here this way the rooms are nice and divided okay I’m also going to need to place some concrete in between me and the baby although I will place two Acacia trap doors just like this this way I’ll be able to hear the

Baby and if any zombies try and sneak into my baby’s room we can stop them before they even have a chance to do any damage I also will definitely add some stained glass panes all the way around here this way it makes it clear that it

Is its own separated room just like this I’ll even give myself and my wife one too we all deserve our own privacy in this super secure Hospital house if we’re going to make sure we survive we deserve to survive happy I’m also going to put the carpet all the way along here

It can stick right out to the end just like this perfect let’s also fill it in I Don’t Want to Miss a single spot I would never do my family dirty like that that would be really really mean let’s also make sure we add a bunch of carpets

Going all the way back here perfect my carpet’s a little thinner but that’s okay I don’t need much as long as I have the space I need to take care of my family and protect them from these zombies I’m going to be totally happy okay perfect these carpets look awesome

My baby’s also going to really love the carpet because it’s such a safe space to play on we do need to add some paintings to this room though and wo that’s my favorite one I can’t believe I got it that’s my wife’s favorite painting too but we should probably add more I think

This one’s really good we’ll move it a little bit over to the left though whoo my wife would not like a skull painting one person who would like a skull painting though is my baby he can be pretty crazy and he likes the most dangerous paintings but wait a minute

This looks like the drawing my baby put on the fridge wao that’s perfect let’s totally keep that drawing my baby does also like creepy paintings though so we’ll give him a fighting painting as well as a skeleton Yep this is looking really good over here we’ll also put the

Biggest fighting painting of all my baby will absolutely love that we can even add the same fighting painting to every every single hallway at the end of everybody’s beds this way we all remember never to let our God down and never to become too comfortable or else the zombies will totally get inside

Uh-oh I just broke that glass maybe I need to chill out a little I definitely need to build an automatic armor dispenser I’ll build it right over here we’ll need to put two dispensers on either side for this to work perfect now we need a pressure plate in the middle

And we just need to fill each of these dispenses with this bad armor the bad actually doesn’t mean bad it stands for brilliant awesome fence armor this will keep us so safe from the zombies and there’s enough for everyone in my family to have some we also will put some

Shulker boxes underneath this painting inside we can add netherite swords these are very important because we will use them to defend ourselves from the zombies too in my room we will also have more shulker boxes except these ones will be full of golden apples this is very important because golden apples are

The best healing item in the entire world now that we’ve built up this entire area really well we need to build up this area area to be a little more dangerous let’s add some spikes in the hallways of this super cool patient room maze it makes it look a little bit less

Like a hospital but that’s okay this is important because it means the zombies will not be able to easily get through okay this is pretty good and we’ve added lots to every single room now I need to build a way to save Milo and his family

If we need to and I think I know exactly what I’m going to do with it inside of this ambulance we’re not just going to have it sit here no way that would be really really boring instead we are going to place down a control panel this

Is going to be a pretty cool design because it will allow us to actually steer the ambulance there’s a little more we have to do first though like putting in a proper windshield this way we can see really really well we’ll even need to put in some windows at the back

Of this ambulance so we can see out the back I will also add a door to the side of this ambulance that way nobody will ever fall out the side and we can even get in now I also need to place a seat right here this way we can sit and

Control the ambulance at the same time I’m going to have to take off these item frames it is not safe to drive around with item frames on your wheels No Way the final thing I will have to do to this ambulance is I need to superglue it all together including these little

Mirror Windows perfect I’m also going to have to connect it right up to the front here which is not going to be too easy especially with all the different parts I have okay the ambulance is now activated and it will now work as a real

Vehicle I just hope I can drive it over to Milo’s Hospital in time yeah help me what is it Milo oh no the sky is totally black now and uh-oh I think I know what you might be screaming about the zombies are all here oh my gosh oh no Milo

They’re starting to see us this is Bad Milo I can’t believe this is happening oh chip what do we do we need to get inside now our family should be up there already but we need to make sure they stay super safe all right zombies you are not getting anywhere near my family

In in my hospital my Army of defenses will take you down come on iron golems don’t let them get through the doors and my puppies need to be Unleashed against these zombies right now okay hopefully this should work but oh no one of the TNTs just got set off this could be bad

Oh goodness the TNTs is starting a chain reaction hopefully it does not go any further the Iron Golems are holding them off pretty well but Milo how are you doing no good they at my door and they trying to punch me oh no I need to come

And save you Milo don’t worry I have a couple pieces of equipment on my very top level I need to equip myself with everything I need to come and save you but first I need to make my way around this Spike maze they just broke down my

Door oh no this is bad I getting hurt by my own spikes Milo hold them off as long as you can oh no they’re coming up the stairs get away from me zombies okay my family is safe up here I need to equip the armor wo that was crazy the armor is

So powerful it made an explosion noise just by being equipped okay okay I should have everything I need Milo I’m not going to go down the normal way I’m going to break out a window luckily I do live in a hospital so I should be fine

And ouch that actually did a lot of damage Milo I’m going to come towards you please be quick chip there’s not a lot of time I need to make my way into my very own garage all right it is time to Pilot this ambulance don’t worry Milo

I’m coming first I do need to destroy this wall a little bit it won’t be able to drive out of here in time CH I’m really having a hard time W my family okay I’m coming ow wait a minute I drove through a wall this is bad luckily I

Manage to get back inside don’t worry Milo I’m coming a my B family don’t worry I’m running over the zombies in my ambulance CH please stop we need to get in all right Milo I’ll park somewhere on the other side you’ll need to come around here it is not safe just yet and

Oh no I drove the ambulance through a cliff what the this is too crazy for me y okay Milo we need to all get inside here come on quick okay I’m getting inside where’s the door on the other side Milo can’t run around then I’m inside but where’s my family don’t worry

Milo I’m sure they will have made it safely out all right that should be a good parking spot okay Milo I can’t believe I crashed the ambulance we’ve got to get up here quickly the zombies are going to try and follow Qui way let the Golems get them all yeah I think

They will but Milo there are so many zombies coming we’ve got to get up here and check if our families are upstairs if my family isn’t upstairs I’m going to freak out I’m sure they will be we just have to make our way through this maze

But uh-oh I don’t know if we have time come on I’m just going to break through these walls it’s the only way to get to our families in time yeah just SP are really hurting me sorry Milo I didn’t mean to hurt you and look our families

Are here they’re all safe in the room and there’s even a puppy here with us away everyone’s alive guys that’s zombie apocalypse was really scary but we really made it

Milo and Chip are going head to head in a Noob vs Pro Hospital Build Challenge to protect their family! But what happens when a new type of zombie leads the attack??

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Bro somethings wrong when liked some viewers came and like at the same time I liked it moved from 708 to 713 likes but when I turned off the like botton and turned it back on it went up to 714 likes and i was sure i liked and it weird

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