Why the Girls Trapped me in UPSIDE-DOWN SHRINKING PRISON…

This is me and this is the upside down barrier Dome an unbreakable sphere that damages anyone standing close to it my mission get out and find my enemies but first let’s show you how I got here okay guys we found the base now we got to get

Every last item you really thought this junkyard was our base what what what just happened what is this this is an upside down barrier Dome and the closer it gets to you the closer you’ll be to falling into one of my traps good luck you’re going to need it yeah sure thing

Buddy this thing’s going to be easy oh legie I don’t think Easy’s the right word look at her health what how are we taking damage what’s going on is it from these amethyst blocks I don’t know why but I have a feeling it is we should get

Down this is crazy okay we sto taking damage but I have a feeling this thing is going to be hard to escape what do you mean we can just leave through there through where wait there’s literally a hole no way that’s perfect this guy he thought we weren’t going to escape this

Prison but he literally left a hole in the dome let’s go what what just happened it just got patched up oh legie get off the gravel now why wait what okay I clutched I can’t believe I hit this clutch but once I fall through this cobweb I’m instantly dead hold up I need

To get to this side and place this mod right there okay and then I can use this bamboo to build out this place it’s perfect wait what I’m taking damage again but we’re not next to the crystals what’s going on wait a second guys check your inventory look the barrier Dome is

What’s causing this whole thing yeah and it’s indestructible We Can’t Break It We need to get away from this barrier now wait that’s our Escape it’s right there our Escape where that portal we need to get there before we die no way there’s a nether portal and we also need to get

Away from this barrier I’m a 2 Hp this thing is lethal that’s crazy I’m not taking damage anymore so it’s 100% from the Dome and this guy said it’s going to be shrinking as well which means it’s is going to be getting closer and closer in

That case we need to get out fast indeed we do but we have a portal right here so it’s perfect all right guys let’s go what what just happened you got to be kidding me guys the Dome just shrunk I think the roof is constantly going to be getting lower which means eventually

We’ll get squished but we can’t let that happen man things are really going to get intense in here guys why don’t we try blowing up the Dome I have this TNT that’s a great plan dexi but I don’t have anything to light it with we can go

In that house maybe there’s something to light it with there that’s true that’s true all we need is a lever or anything we can light this TNT with really let’s have a look if I’m not mistaken I’m pretty sure that there is a trap chest

And I’m pretty sure I can see a redstone repeater behind that chest hold up guys be careful correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure this is a trap would you look at that guys the good old classic sign trap I bet one of these chests

Activate it let’s have a look yep right there this guy is filled this place with traps we have to be extra careful wow luie after so many traps you became an expert what can I say fif the more you learn the the the smarter you get what

Now back to the mission there’s food in here yes a redstone block right here guys it’s perfect now let’s go like that TNT and get out this place let’s hope this works stand back Dex if this TNT doesn’t blow it up then I don’t know what will stand back everyone what you

Kidding me the Dome is left completely untouched oh guys do you hear that wait I do where’s that coming from guys get away from that door what is that thing it’s going to eat us all and what is it holding it looks like it has two stuffs

Guys I’ve been trapped by the mob and it’s not good guys I’m taking barrier damage again I’m going to distract them up Legend you try and get out of that trap good job dexi okay but I have no idea what I’m going to do I’m getting l

In here almost half my health is missing and I have nothing in my inventory to help me escape and breaking these blocks is Impossible Fifth what am I going to do man I’m at 2 Hp I need to heal up okay I’m regenerating some of my health

But this is still not good do you really have nothing in your inventory legie I only have some bamboo and a block of bamboo wait hold up though I can turn these into planks and then I can make a crafting table I need to heal up I’m

Getting so low I almost died there F if I place the crafting table down I can then go in it and use all my bamboo like this perfect and now I have more blocks of bamboo turn that into planks craft a boat come on please bro I’m at 1 HP come

On please yes I lived I’m a half a half if that was nuts are you kidding me that thing can just spawn prisons on you with that stuff guys run this thing does so much damage quickly guys run run run where can we go I guess down here but

Where does this lead oh my gosh thank goodness for hay bales I almost died okay and I don’t think that thing’s going to jump down here legie we have a different problem what are these what what are you talking what uh guys I’ve never seen anything like this before but

If we stay right here I think we’ll be fine what what just happened did we really just get pushed onto these honey blocks what and now we’re moving oh my gosh guys stay on the honey blocks and don’t get hit by the zombies wait guys

Do you see that the signs up there say that this is the dome’s exit as long as we stay on this flying machine we should be able to find a way out at this place there are so many of them and they’re so weird why do they have pieces of the

Barrier Dome on top of their heads I can’t believe how many there is come on come on come on punch them away from us okay I think we’re safe here they can’t get to us that was so freaky yeah but what is that that’s got to be the

Weirdest thing I’ve seen I’ve seen enough weird stuff for now let’s find a way out with this place fast check it out guys there’s like four skeletons where did you not finish fourth grade it’s five of them oh wait I didn’t see the other one behind them what are you

Babies waiting for let’s go come on come on yes you made it look so easy I have a feeling I’m going to get shot though so I’m going to dodge a few of them here we go let’s go one right here come on jump here jump there I need to dodge these

Arrows final jumps come on yes All right guys I’m coming now just wait for me come on you got this bro yes yes wao are you guys seeing this check it out I bet there’s something Mega overpowered in here it does look pretty fancy let’s

Have a look that was are you kidding me I just hear an explosion I really don’t want to turn around right now no it’s back everyone get together what oh she has invis take off your armor Dixie it still sees you okay are we good I don’t think it sees

Us guys this is bad though eventually our invis is going to run out and then it’s just going to kill us what are we going to do wait guys I have an idea we can go back to where we came from what did it really just close on me wait guys

Maybe we can parkour up these chains that’s a good idea I think they eventually lead from the whole the mob came from this one to this one then to this one two jumps left don’t mess this up brosi I did it nice good job yes me

Too come on Taxi last jump quickly let’s go good job everyone we got away from the mob successfully and now we just hope this leads to an exit but I have bad news guys I really see more barriers that wasn’t an exit whatsoever it was

Just a trap wait am I the only one seeing this the dome has shrunk so much we’re eventually just going to get squished and then die wait guys check it out I’m not taking any damage from the barrier wait for real wait hold up neither am I and although we already

Know we can’t break it now that we have invis and it’s not detecting us we can try some other things out here wait guys help me get this wood okay I got six wood turn that into planks make a crafting table real quick first thing

That comes to my mind is a boat we still haven’t tried boat glitching through this thing so I say we give it a shot go into the corner come on I have a good feeling about this guy and shift what how did that not work it’s literally

Right on the corner that should totally work I don’t understand why it’s not wait legie craft a piston maybe we can move it move the barrier hold up I think I get what you’re saying that’s a pretty good idea I need to craft the lever as

Well just like this okay perfect if we put it right there and a lever right there here goes nothing guys come on what no way it doesn’t even activate the Piston whatsoever hold up guys maybe we can leave from the top what you mean by glitching out with the boat I’ve seen

This work before please boat don’t fail on me okay I’m in and now shift what what’s going on I can’t move and I’m taking damage wait let me break the boat oh my goodness I almost died good safe fth these barriers are lethal we can’t even glitch through the top uh-oh and

Our invit just ran out everybody stand back from the barrier we don’t want to die to this thing wait guys name tag what where oh my goodness I see them that’s JC that’s the person who trapped us here what do you think guys you think the mob killed them or they fell into

One of my genius traps guys they’re all here they’re checking if we died or not this right here is one of my best traps I reckon they fell into this one check it out guys they’re going into this house hold up let’s climb up this balcony let’s get a better view check it

Out all three of them are in that room the traps activated but I don’t see any items they’re going to be looking for us for a while oh no did they hear me eat you guys heard that right let’s go check it out this is bad they’re coming our

Way what are we going to do come out come out where huh there’s no one here let’s keep searching the place no one’s here they leaving that was insane good job fif I can’t believe you have weeping Vines okay they left the house listen I know we almost got caught but if we

Follow them around then eventually they should leave this place and and lead us to an exit now when I think about it they have to have cave through somewhere yep and whatever has an entrance definitely has an exit well I guess the monster the one that took the out all

Right guys we’re out of here job done they think they killed us and they’re leaving it’s perfect they’re going to reveal the exit let’s go where are they going what they’re going up the mountain we haven’t checked behind that quickly guys we can’t lose them we have to see

Exactly where they go come on quickly what they just left it’s like they just teleported outside it I literally have no idea where they went no did you guys just see that it’s shrinking as we speak and it’s getting Mega close to us wait guys I think I got something oh what

Have you spotted check it out it’s a lever nice fine dexi I would have never seen that let’s have a look what it does what that is so cool hold up no way look at that it literally builds us a bridge to go over The Lava that’s epic again no

Way that quick and would you look at that we’re taking damage again we need to figure this thing out fast wait hold up I think I found it check it out guys through the back of this water quickly quickly quickly no way are we actually out let’s go we’re finally out of this

Thing come on come on get away from it bro you stop taking damage nice good job fifth guys I can’t get out it’s shrunk and blocked up the exit what did it actually no no no that’s bad news de get away from the barrier we need some we

Breaking this Dome what are we going to do F regie punch the leaves we need a sapling quick a sapling wait are we going to grow a tree on the barrier Dome I think that would actually work fif I’ve seen people do this and break bedrock so it’s definitely possible and

I just got a sapling we pick up this dirt and quickly run over come on come on come on I place it around there it should be good sapling right there do you have any bones fif yeah I’ve got two let me craft them into Bild new nice go

Go go yes it must have worked surely let’s break the leaves come on come on come on no away are you kidding me you me to tell me it didn’t break any of the glass I guess this barrier is tree resistant guys I’m getting low we’re

Trying dexi but I don’t know what we can do wait there’s an Enderman but wait I’m a 2 Hp get it away from me get it away from me place a block b place a block good job oh my goodness you saved me one more hit and I was dead this is good

Though fif all we got to do is kill him now and get his ender pearl and drop it to dexi come on he’s got to be getting low any second now please yes there we go wait the others are coming are you kidding me that’s got to be the worst

Timing ever are they really coming now I really can’t believe this is happening right now dexi quick take this end Pearl we got to make this Snappy they’re coming fast wait do I see name tags up there I got it but I need a ladder to

Get out a ladder oh my goodness how can I forget come on come on come on they’re coming right now I can’t believe it they’re so close turn the logs into planks crafting table sticks ladders like this take them deck quickly please go go go go go you have a got time nice

Well here I thought the monster killed you guess I’m going to have to do it myself this is not good this is not good wait there’s water everyone jumped oh my goodness please yes I landed this is nuts this is nuts we can’t die now guys

Guys we haven’t done all of this for nothing they’re chasing us down though I can’t believe it we finally escaped the prison but now we’re getting permanently chased there’s a ruin portal here and they’re quite behind us guys I think we have enough time to loot it up quickly

Ender pearl there’s some useful stuff in here wait nine obsidian I can craft an Ender Chest that’s perfect wait they’re coming what oh my gosh he’s right there go go go go go I can’t believe how close he was I could smell his teeth wait hold

On I think I can crab the Ender Chest now come on come on come on nice one fify everyone get what they have I got myself here take these wait what what are these F these boots to cool and all but they’re directly behind us why you

Check it out they have so speed follow my trail wait they do that’s insane you’re such a genius fifth using this inch we can run away faster that is nuts I can’t believe you thought of that good stuff guys we’re gaining some distance would you look how far back we left them

Guys that’s cool actually but there’s one problem I ran out of Soul Sand you ran out of Soul Sand that’s not good because they’re right behind us again but wait what is this how are we supposed to cross this thing this is messed up sexy I never really like that

Name wait what what she just got shot down no she this isn’t good they’re coming right now fif hold up I think I have an idea how we can close this distance get in the boat make sure you get out the last second like this yes

That was a sick clutch legie but we’re doomed they’re coming and I only have this fishing rod in a TNT that is not good they’re on their way right now we need to think fishing rod in TNT I think I got it F this is going to sound crazy

But place the TNT down ignite it and pull it oh what light it when I teleport out just trust me got it like this and throw the ender pole come on yes it landed make sure you pull it ready let’s go like this come on

Wait what yes yes good job no way we just did that that was insane that’s got to be one of the most insane things we’ve ever done f

Why the Girls Trapped me in UPSIDE-DOWN SHRINKING PRISON…

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