JJ Became SUPER TINY To TROLL Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)

Oh great today I want to make fun of Mikey I can become small and make fun of him he definitely won’t expect it so now we need to find where Mikey is now like he’s home now he sort of said he wanted to go to the shower we need to check

There great and here comes Mikey who’s really in the shower and by the way he sings well I think I’ll take it off nobody will believe me if I don’t show them this video I can joke about Mikey I noticed that Mikey is still very good at dancing and now I have to

Execute the second part of the plan I’m going to climb into Mikey’s house and make a copper Golem I just imagine how surprised Mikey will be when he gets out of the shower and like Mikey has a secret face in the house H maybe when he sees the Golem

He’ll freak out and run to his bunker H now I need to hide somewhere but I need to see what’s going on I think I’ll stand by the tap and watch what’s going on I think that Mikey will be very surprised it seems like he’s getting out of the shower Huh what’s the Golem doing here why is he in my house okay I don’t have time to figure it out we have to leave the house good thing I have a secret passage to the bunker hope to hell he finds that Golem there H so Mikey does have a

Bunker in the house it’s amazing it’s not that Mikey decided to jump down oh no that’s what I do well you fell into my trap honestly it was easier than I thought in this bunker there are a lot of traps it is impossible to pass here not caught in

The Trap it is not Manu why but I have a very bad feeling H well the good news is Mikey hasn’t noticed me yet so I can make fun of him anymore H I have a few ideas what I can do Mikey seems to have a lot of useful resources here maybe I

Need to take some of it NOP they are locked on them a lock what should I do maybe I can find the lock and open the chest great now Mikey’s on the second floor I wonder what’s in this car separately these pics are interesting what they do in a small

Train well it’s even better now I can open the chest and take the resources for myself I wonder what kind of resources Mikey’s going to have in that trunk now we got to pick the lock H now I have to pick the lock I almost got it it’s not

As hard as I thought well I was wondering what would be in that chest his whole chest lays so many traps I think all this will come in handy H I think I heard the lock open but there’s no one here maybe there is but I just don’t see it maybe there’s a

Ghost flying around and that’s why I don’t see it uh-oh I wonder what JJ’s up to right now now I’m sure he doesn’t know I have a secret face great Mikey doesn’t know I’m here it’s actually very exciting I can make fun of him and he won’t even realize it

H if we’re going to use these traps smartly I don’t want Mikey to notice me I wonder when Mikey built this bunker and why I don’t know anything about it great I was able to set Mikey on fire and he didn’t even get it so by the

Time Mikey gets out of this room I’m putting in sharp metal spikes so when he comes back he’s going to step on them actually it’s payback for Mikey eating my ice cream without my permission ouch I don’t know what the hell is going on here why the floor

Caught on fire and why there were sharp metal spikes from somewhere I definitely did not place them great Mikey really thinks there’s a ghost here that’s great so I can keep messing around so we need to crack another chest I have practical it worked I began to be able to crack

The locks and what will be in this chest H here is a musical instrument I wish it were a trap but these musical instruments can also be used it seems to me that there is a ghost living here it’s the only thing I can think of and

How can I fight against someone I can’t even hit look I have a pretty good idea how else I can make fun of Mikey I’ll take the iron pickaxe and I’ll make a hole around Mikey and put spikes down h he’s looking at musical instruments right now

And he wants to see how they played themselves great he doesn’t even see me he doesn’t even look down H I don’t understand how these instruments started playing by themselves I think there’s definitely a ghost here then we need to figure out how to free it and I can

Defeat a ghost if I don’t even see it h great Mikey hasn’t noticed me yet it’s just unbelievable but I think I’m a little bit more and he’ll notice I’m digging a hole under him I think I’ll put a layer of grass over it so you can’t see the hole I think

Mikey will be surprised when he falls on my spikes great I got Mikey falling down so he doesn’t get out I’m going to shoot him with a that’s great and what’s going to happen to Mikey so there’s definitely someone here so it’s not safe I have to get out of

Here I’ll come back and defeat that ghost I’m the only one who can’t beat the ghosts I can’t even see him and I can hear him great I was able to get Mikey out of here but I said he’d come back and get help I wonder who he’ll invite to beat

Me what what is this strange monster why is it pink okay it doesn’t matter if I beat Mikey then I can beat this monster H but how do I do it I definitely have a flamethrower well it’s going to be hot it’s not going to be as easy as I

Thought this monster won’t even stop I can’t hit him with a flamethrower if he walks and doesn’t stand and still I think this monster is too dangerous what how does Mikey even have such a monster he saw me he’ll have this monster know where I am and what am I going to

Do I can’t beat him because I’m very small it’s very strange how I defeat this monster I need to somehow increase in size and become bigger or I can’t defeat this creature I didn’t even put a single scratch on him so what am I supposed to do he’s going to get me

Sooner or later anyway I got to figure out how I’m going to beat this monster I’ll hide in the vents for now I don’t think the monster will follow me here I think he just can’t get through these pipes and I wonder if this monster has any

Weaknesses fire and metal spikes bore no damage whatsoever oh no what are these little creatures from the fact that I became small they became stronger we need to quickly defeat them and leave here and what should I do now in general I need to increase but how can I do it

Should have thought about it before I became small get away from me why are you constantly coming to me I almost got out on the street there is still a little all right I’m out on the street finally some fresh air it’s good to breathe

Fresh air now I have to go home maybe I’ll find some mechanism to turn myself back and be big again in fact it was a very bad idea because I am small on me can step any villager I wonder what Mikey’s doing right now and how’s he

Doing what what’s going on here why is the door to my house broken down what’s going on here is that Mikey’s fault but why would he do that did he know I was the one who was messing with him as long as JJ isn’t in the village I’ll be

Living in his house anyway there’s a ghost in my bunker that’s keeping me from living here h no one will ever know what how can it be how dare he even live in my house well I’ll give him a hard time I’ll go to the store and buy

Traps and tools I’ll have to buy lock picks H I’m going to make Mikey so sure he’ll always remember that you can’t live in my house unfortunately I have locks everywhere in my house even on the windows and the key is at my house but that and the good news is if

There’s a lock it can be broken I think I can fool a with Mikey for a few minutes and then find a way to get tall again what a great day to make fun of Mikey H well I bought everything I need now I can start what I should start with is to

Pick the lock I think I’ll start with the window as I remember it looks like the old locks on the windows and I’m sure it was them I managed to crack H why would I pick a lock when I can just go through a little hole in the house I

Just bought a special little pickaxe it splits a little piece of the block so great I could get into the house I wonder what I should do next I have to cook I wonder where I can start I think I’ll put up a picture of the monster first let Mikey know I’m

Here H although no I’d rather hang all the pictures at once when he sees this he’s going to freak out and run out of my house my main goal now is to get him out of my house so I can be big again huh huh no way why are these pictures

Here there’s a picture of me taking a shower so the ghost started following me the moment I started taking a shower there’s also a picture of the monster from the lab where did those photos come from did a ghost beat a monster and now he’s come here to make fun of me

Again great I was able to temporarily distract Mikey I knew he’d be in complete shock now I have to get my stash H I think with these diamonds I can buy even more different traps I think I can buy lasers or maybe sharp spikes well let’s see

What will be available at the cell H I wonder what Mikey is doing now I think that now he is thinking what to do if I go to my house and Mikey’s not home I won’t be surprised I think he’s really scared great I bought all the appropriate traps

I think this should definitely be enough so you need to run home faster I wonder how I apply lasers H I’m sure Mikey’s waiting for any trap but he’s definitely not waiting for a laser trap so you have to get in the house gently I hope he doesn’t notice me

It’s actually funny that Mikey hasn’t seen me yet I wonder what Mikey’s thinking he really thinks it’s a ghost well if he really thinks that it’s just hilarious I think Mikey already guessed and just plays along with me and I want to play me that way H I think I figured

Out what I can do I think just putting the spikes will not be interesting I know Mikey loves trains very much and even Mikey’s Hideout had a little train I think I’ll build a little trip here I think Mikey will definitely buy this trap and around this train I will

Dig a high hole and put spikes down it’s a terrific idea and I don’t think he was expecting it I just imagine how surprised he’d be to see this train H before the train itself I will need to put the rails in order for Mikey to buy

It I’ve got a long way to go and if I make a little Loop out of the tracks Mikey might not be interested in my train H I wonder if this trap will really work or not I think if I make a very cool train the Trap will definitely work great I

Made the rails now need to activate them then you need to start building a train so now I have to start building the train itself in fact I have never done it before and it turned turned out to be easier than I thought now all I have to do is set up

The train cars it’s a good thing I don’t make the train myself how I turned out very good I think I can ride a train like this listen he looks really good H okay what do I do next and I remember now the train is ready now I have to

Choose a long and deep hole around the house and I’m going to put spikes on the bottom of the hole but first I want to check out what Mikey is doing now H if he has left my house at all and there’s Mikey so he’s out on the

Street woohoo this is amazing but has JJ’s House always had this little train Wooh I don’t know what’s going on here but this is really cool I’ve always wanted to have such a cool train there are also very long tracks I will ride this train all day it’s just

An forgettable emotion H it’s kind of interfering with my plans I wanted to do things differently H okay it doesn’t matter I’ll import while Mikey’s on the train I’ll dig a hole when he comes out and the holes he will fall into the pit and at the bottom

Of the pit will be sharp metal spikes great while Mikey’s on the train he said he liked it very much and he could skate all day long my trap would work just amazing now I just have to finish digging the hole and to put the stakes

At the bottom of the hole I think Mikey will really like my trap well if he really liked the train then this part of the surprise will definitely like H I wonder what will happen next what will Mikey do after he falls into my trap maybe he’ll finally leave my house and

I’ll make him big sure it’s cool to be small and make fun of Mikey but it’s better to be big H well I finished digging the hole and finishing the spines I wonder what Mikey’s reaction will be when he falls into the pit you will then have to put a

Thin layer of grass on the pit so that there is no hole in the floor it will be just a genius trap H hopefully after this trap Mikey will definitely run away and I can go back to my house the truth is I’m hurt that I spent some of my

Diamonds buying all of this and I think when I get big I’m going to let Mikey come to my house and ride the train woohoo this is amazing I just don’t have the words this little train is pretty cool so hopefully when JJ gets home he’ll let

Me ride the train I drive like this all day but honestly I have to pee a little and I’m really hungry so I’ll have to go inside soon and then I’ll come back here all right Mikey’s going home to the bathroom I want to watch him fall into the

Hole great I got Mikey to fall in the pit how cool it was now I can tell that I was right to build this trap now there’s a cherry on the cake I’ve got a Grenade and now I’m going to throw it at Mikey which is really just a big

Firecracker but Mikey doesn’t know it that’s great now he’s definitely going to run out of my house I don’t understand what’s going on here at all still ouch it was good but it was all a trap is it all the work of a ghost

How can it be it seems to me or someone is pranking me okay no ouch time to find out what is going on here ouch I think running away from here maybe I can find the Ghostbusters it was you JJ all this time it was you do you know how worried I was

That a ghost was flying behind me is this all because I ate your ice cream I’ll never forgive you JJ but if you let me ride the train then I’ll forgive you H okay I don’t mind come and ride all you want

JJ Became SUPER TINY To TROLL Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

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Maizen – @maizenofficial


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