COZY DAYS ON THE FARM! – Stardew Valley 1.6 Full Playthrough [Ep.5]

Hello everyone welcome back to the 1.6 playthrough Series in stard Valley here another chapter of Walter’s Journey let’s check the weather for tomorrow sunshine and oh the spirits are very happy today now the last episode was insane we had probably the best look I’ve ever had it’s going to be hard to

Beat that we got one two cauliflower nice is that it now this is good because we do actually need one of these for the CC I’m pretty sure Jody’s going to want the one for a quest as well so I might just keep hold of that oh look early in

The morning and Chief’s still asleep I’m not even going to bother him let him stay asleep a little bit longer so in the last episode we absolutely got a lot of progress done in the mines and we got quite a lot of ior so it’s time to smelt

This bad boy up ready for our sprinklers which we are going to do today but sadly I have got to water all of these crops so we’re going to have a late start to the day we’re going to have no energy I’m going to have to refill this can

About 20 times yeah the sooner I get these sprinklers the better but we will be working on it don’t worry but there we go we got to fill up first time already I’ll do the chickens while I’m here let them outside for the day I love this waterfall it never ever

Gets old in fact it’s my favorite place to fill the C I don’t even want to well I just want to keep coming here cuz it’s a good way just to see the waterfall it’s so pretty this Farm it’s growing on me I I must admit when I first ever saw

This I was was a little bit like underwhelmed kind of like it didn’t really excite me as much as I thought but I think maybe that’s cuz I was rushing trying to get the video out like the farm tour for you guys I couldn’t really soak it in and now that I’m

Playing on it it’s yeah it’s really growing on me I really enjoy it a lot oh the first lot of iron is done guys you know what that means we can get our first two sprinklers come on let’s get that mayonnaise sold and let’s go let’s start putting

These down our first one there a second one there now I did also forget oh Chief’s awake he’s going absolutely crazy he’s doing Zoomies he’s so excited right there’s your water boy are you coming over here Chief come on Chief he’s not listening to me we need

To train this dog what come on boy um yeah I did not craft the skin in the last one I completely forgot so we’re going to do that right away now we’ve got one there like I said I think this is going to be a good radius like

Here so I think we need to go bottom right here it’s behind that tree we can’t see it I might have to get another one for this side actually kind of cover them up let’s try and let’s do another one I i’ rather be safe than sorry you

Know this is going to go there and this should cover this area as well oh more iron I’ve got to keep checking this oh two more sprinklers oh it’s a great day day the more we have the better help we’re going to get every single day the water is going to be

Easier and easier until we completely fill this out I’m going to chop down these trees that on the T level soil and make a nice little area as well I want to put a fence around here make it look pretty make it maintained so once I’ve done the watering that’s what I’m going

To do go ahead and do but we got to fill up the can again this is the second time so far oh takes a long time so long the mayonnaise is done I need this wood from the trees if I want to do a fence I’m

Going to need to chop some of these down it’s probably wise as well to clear up the farm a little bit make it look more or less messy there’s a lot of crap spawning on the farm it’s not very nice to look at today is all about just you

Know chilling out on the farm having a cozy one we don’t need to leave some days I like this you know just staying on the farm having a good time we don’t need to go out all the time to just have a nice cozy one on the farm get some

Work done we’ve got a lot to do it’s not like we’re just sat here doing nothing where has the day gone eh right the stamina is basically done so where these cauliflowers have done we’ve just got to put a few sprinklers in there hav’t got any food we’ve got a few dandelions

Might more iron as well I want to chop this tree down so I need to eat something I’ve got three carrots that I can put down as well that’ll do me right let’s get rid of these two trees feel like maybe we should have put these sprinklers down one more because I kind

Of want a fence going here but then all these two crops here are wasted three of them I guess that doesn’t matter too much so down one two so that can go there like that that’s looking sharp down one two maybe we can get one there

As well yeah cuz that can dig dig dig so that should be okay for the free um so that’s kind of the layout that we can go with the last iron we’ve got four left we can’t get any more in there so let’s wait for this to do and then we can

Craft nine sprinklers plus the few that we’ve already put down let’s do a little bit of a fence going across here this is kind of what I want it to be like eventually uh but I do want a gap like making the little entrance there let’s kind of close that in a

Little bit we can maybe have some decoration in this corner here cuz the sprinkler won’t go there we could have one right in that corner I guess actually let’s get that one in the corner and that’s two more table that’s one yeah that’s two more I guess so that

Day yeah we already did nothing it was a bit we still made a bit of money though May a e it’s amazing having that early on but I was kind of just prepping the land getting it all sorted we’re going to do the fences today I do need a bit

Of wood as well I started a little bit going here the crops are looking amazing but I kind of want to take this a little bit further so I kind of get the fence going all the way down here like that get R of them trees we’ll get rid of this tree as

Well I’ve got to do the water in again though because I I ran out of time last night to put the sprinkers down so that’s my bad uh I didn’t want to pass out cuz I wanted the energy so yeah and plus I was waiting on this last

Sprinkler as well it wasn’t quite done so I’ve got to do all that water in again which sucks big time but I can craft nine sprinklers we need way more than that by the way way way way more but it’s looking good it’s looking good

We’ve got so much more work to do to get this layout perfect and eventually maybe later on in the year when we get big big money I will do a brand new layout maybe for full season of the good good sprinklers so we got to get these

Torches up because we’ve got to now put them on the like the fences I think one on either side there that’s going to look awesome I like this area you see how we’ve got some space I think some decorations around here might look quite nice like a little entrance to the farm

Maybe a sign as well but I think this is looking good we are getting there we are getting there right now we just want efficiency you know we don’t want to be watering we want the crops to be sorted kind of like wake up and just let them

Do their thing and we Harvest and I think that’s where we’re going to get to eventually there’s a lot of crops there I’m tempted as well for that we’ve got 10 more days of the Season I’m tempted to work hard around the mines get even more iron and copper and then fill out

This with sprinklers and even more crops good morning chickens that maybe some like parsnips or kale or something like that but we need we need animal food as well we need a silo oh um did we have the clay don’t we need 10 I don’t think

We’ got enough clay yet cuz I think that’s what I’m going to work on next is The Silo and the pickaxe upgrade that is what I need to do before summer that’s my checklist before summer to do both of those got this watering can

Sucks but I don’t have to do this soon I won’t have to do this forever I might have to eat the mayonnaise cuz I’ve got no food maybe mine’s going to have to be tomorrow cuz watering should be a bit easier cuz I’ve got the sprinklers down

Oh and there we go finally that was insane guys I’m so glad at least a quarter of this is going to be watered for tomorrow did I check the weather rain would be amazing for tomorrow oh my god oh someone’s looking down on me thank God for that and it was a terrible

Upate today as well it’s raining tomorrow that means we can go straight up and we can maybe get half of this done I think I’m going to go and fish for carp we need food and I’m going to try and get as much as I can do some

Night time fishing I’ve not done it in a while I feel like we need to do it and all the low quality fish that I get I’m going to use for food tomorrow so we can have a big day in the mines and get as much copper SL iron as possible any

Salmon berries would be lovely as well yes this is what I wanted food I’m sick of not having stamina it’s really bad I do want to start getting a bit more money so I can just buy salad and that’s always a good food source you can just buy it in abundance

But that’s long ter we only got 3K so wores oh there’s a bit of clay that we need let’s go right let’s do spot of fishing here get that fishing XP up try and find some treasure bit of money and a bit of food this is us just for a few

Hours well this is going to be the last fish it’s super late we got no stamina oh it’s not even a fish and yeah not even one Treasure Chest all night guys that was not very good but I got three aridium C which is great for food

Because they give you 33 energy each we’ve also got free aridium chub which I’m also going to use for food the extras down here I’m going to sell for a bit of cash so yeah we’ve got a six fish there iridium quality to keep us going

Tomorrow I think the plan of action is to swing by to the travel lady tomorrow morning see what she’s got also go into the secret woods and pick up uh any forage in there just have a little nosy maybe even catch the new fish down there

As well and then make our way all the way around to the mines right let’s sleep before we pass out another day done night Chief hey again nearly 1,000 gold Just For Those few fish not bad at all but here we go love the rain oh he’s

Awake good morning imagine if we got another rain day tomorrow come on Winston good boy Chief you gave us the luck another rainy day tomorrow that’s just going to allow us to get even more sprinklers is done and jod wants that cauliflower which of course I had a feeling was going to do

So I’m going to take that chair and take that collie we’ll do both of that today oh look at this the green beans done as well which we need to donate which I’m going to now complete the spring crops bundle yep we’ve got all three perfect

Oh I should have maybe bought a blue Jazz do we have enough days to get a blue jazz is that going to grow in time and tulips we need flowers I completely forgot guys oh no I’ve got take a trip to Pier’s as well oh we need food as well okay yeah

We’ve got a lot to do M for food Pierre for some flower seeds travel lady secret Woods oh and then the mines how am we going to get all that done oh and the CC as well oh well we’ve got two days of rain so you know what even tomorrow we

Can have a good shift of um getting iron if we need to so it’s all good right come on please give us something that we may possibly need apricot for 400 I’m going to take one of those that’s really good quite cheap as well cranberry of of course there’s a cauliflower there Iron

Know oh is that a new hat yeah it’s the travel Pig’s hat it’s the same hat as what he’s got on right and we’re in yes we need this Morel never found one of those before what got hogy seed oh get a little hardwood tree any anything else new

Here exactly what I wanted the king we saw we conquered I just wanted it for the collection whilst I was here well that is everything we got a Mel that we might possibly need to donate as well yes we do and I think that is for the um the

Exotic foraging perfect we’ve got the cave carrot as well and the red mushrooms that’s free that we can donate but let’s go to man let’s pick up some animal food we got to get some just until we get our Silo which we’ll be we’re doing we hopefully we’re doing we

Just need a little bit more clay I think we actually need two more pieces oh there’s one if we can get another one I might be able to go and build that come on give me another random clay I think it was 10 pieces we needed we’ got nine right

Now yes we did it just like that should we get two more chickens guys 1,600 gold yeah why not we got loads of money coming soon from the strob so and we still can afford as well our Silo right we got Doty and marshmallow I almost forgot the food let’s definitely get

That damn I bought too much and I’ve I’ve under we needed a th000 for The Silo it looks like I’m going to get a few fish that we can sell to Wily just we need a bit of extra cash I just need to get a thousand yeah this catfish will

Do but that’ll be nice that that would be nice let’s go and give that to Willie we got two new chickens I’m I’m excited about that oh we can actually sell all this as well or do we need any of this stuff um yeah we do need that

oh we’ve just leveled up our forage I think that was oh is that a new right we’re going to get that in a second I’m just going to sell this fish so we can have some space I think that’s a new artifact that we need Willie right let’s

Sell one of those wait hold on do we we need I’ve already got an oyster back at the farm I’m sure we do we got enough money now anyway I’ll keep it just in case have we got any new Bobbers oh we do we got a docky I’m definitely having

The duck on that is adorable I’ve never used that one right let’s get this artifact is this the triller bite yeah we need it we need it I need to repair that bridge to get to the other side as well on the beach hopefully before summer cuz that’s where

Get a lot of beach forage right so we’re not selling any of those we’ve got I can sell that and I wanted some flowers right a jazz is seven days we’ve just got enough we just need one of those and we also need a tulip we’ve got enough of that as well any

More flowers we can get in this season I think that’s it right don’t have to worry about those obviously when we get into summer we can then go for I think it’s summer Spangles and sunflowers and then that’s done we don’t need to get the the fair Rose we can get this done

In Summer perfect cheers Pierre your scumbag yeah we’ll do CC why I’m here we’ll finish the spring crops also the Crab Pot I can put in here while I’m this side cuz we’ve not got any of those one two and three we’ve got the crab at

Home maybe have we got the muscle as well I can’t remember but that might be done I’m an absolute idiot we need the wood skip for the speciality bundle and I sold it but we can get loads more of those with a chair glitch is no problem

Right spring crop finally got this one done yes and we got 20 speed grow and doesn’t that unlock the um another room the boiler which ones did we get any new ones Engineers okay a ridium and a battery and five refined quartz geologist okay easy enough and treasure

Hunter okay that’s pretty simple I think we can do all three of those no bother I think the odest one’s going to be the battery Maybe the one already more as well whilst I’m here I can drop off the Mel mushroom as well and of course the apricot for the Artisan bundle whilst

I’ve got it why not that was a great find for 400 gold I’ll take that that saves me getting one of those fruit trees now because I am going for mushroom cave um so it’s going to help me out a lot that’s one fruit already

And let’s just say we go with um we get some honey pretty simple I’ll make some jelly pretty simple so that’s top row done then we’ll go with cows we’ll get the cheese maybe we’ll go with goats as well and then either one more fruit or

We’ll go with uh a cloth or a truffle so we should be able to do that without doing all the fruit unless we get Lucky G from the travel lady if I find any more of those fruit I’ll probably buy and it saves me getting the trees but

There’s the morel done this should be simple enough as well we’ve still got loads more we’re going to maybe drop off a lot later on but I think what I’m going to do now um I wanted to go to the mines we’re running out of time though

I’ve got to get back I am just resetting the iron floor so you know what I’m going to go and do it I’m not really Gathering lots of things just iron oh look there’s some new wormies over there it’s going to be carrot seeds but I ain’t going enough time right let’s go

Iron baby Iron that’s the emptiest floor I’ve ever seen in my life what the hell there’s nothing on it it’s kind of creepy oh this is more like it aquamarine over there as well oh look at all this right come on it’s like I’m playing Minecraft and

We’ve just hit a massive node of iron you just keep digging and digging and finding loads that was amazing oh we got a coffee bean let’s go we can get some coffee down good speed Source right there right we’re out of salmon berries we’ve not even touched

The fish yet so we’re okay but again a lot more iron we’re doing amazing already we’re on 30 pieces we just under we should be after this I do think we’re still okay with copper we had way more copper bars than we did Iron so we might be all right with those

Still oh wow even more come on I’ll take this I’m hoping we’ll level up on mining what level are we in mining right now four I want to get to five because we’ll be able to find more more or per vein you get one extra so that would be really

Nice especially when we start Gathering more of this for the cuz we’re going to need iron and gold for the better sprinklers the quality so we got 13 from that big lump there we would have had double that if we leveled up cuz you get plus one per

Vein oh was that the um yeah it was the wooden Mallet 15 to 24 it’s a lot better than the wooden Club it’s level freak because it’s actually got that speed as well now this is a great weapon I I enjoy using this one a lot and it’s just

What we needed to be honest and I like it because you still get that amazing um slam but it’s so much faster than the wooden bat that we had and more damage so we can’t complain I don’t if I’ll have enough time to do one more floor after this one if we can

Make it but that has put us on to 59 out have liked 60 so come on let’s sneaking one more oh topaz oh what can I get rid of here I kind of feel like we need all of this oh no I went down the floor by

Mistake damn it I was about to eat the carp well it is what it is this is probably our last one now we’ve got to head back I might be able to sneak in one more actually we’ll see yeah we’ll make this the last one is it worth it oh

Wow but it’s a chance to get coal which we also need right let’s go 63 pieces I’ll take it let’s get back fast now sadly I can’t craft the sprinklers today because I need to smelt the iron first and we’re not going to have enough time but with the rain

Tomorrow that’s perfect it is raining tomorrow right have we just done two days of rain I can’t even what day are we on I don’t even know we did already have three topas to be honest which is okay we do need one of those aqu Aqua Marines for the museum there’s the

Winter route that we also needed as well and the cave carrot that we also need and the trill I didn’t do the silo today we’ve got 10 pieces so I can finally eventually do that right I quickly just got to get this coffee bean down I’m

Going to place that oh let’s think of a spot quick green beans in the way that’ll work there eventually when I get a Sprinkle in that top right and bedtime there’s the level three origin and one of my favorite things now we finally get the cookout kit so much

Earlier this was like level 9 before was it something stupid but if I want to do some cooking now I can just go out place down a cookout kit and do some cooking with the recipes we’ve got and you also get a moss soup as well which is awesome

Level four mining nice so we can turn I believe copper bars into iron if we need to and we can also combine our is that magnet and the glowstone ring yeah so we just need solar and and five iron we can actually get the glowstone ring which is

A bit of both it’s light and magnet which is quite nice so we are going to play through this next day we’ got some carrots like I said these are rubbish to sell but they do give you amazing energy look at this for gold quality 135 absolutely insane but I do need to

Sell one or ship it for the for the collection so I’m going to do that but the rest like I said just eat so so good right I’m going to smelt some of these bars so I can get let’s see how much iron we can actually get iron bars from

The iron that we did yesterday is this going to be enough and whilst I’m waiting for those to smelt we’re going and sort the chickens out I for oh yes the food I forgot about that we’ve put it away as well damn it but there’s our

Two new chicks let’s go and get that food we’re soon run out of this pretty fast so I definitely need that Silo and we’re going to need four a day now so we’re going to fly through this there we go I’m sorry about yesterday I know I know didn’t even lay

Any eggs for me it was so mad right we need to finally plant these down as well the flowers so that one can go there this one can go over here two sprinklers for now until the rest have done so that’s going to slot right there and

We’ll do another one there right the Iron’s done nice let’s get some more on the go I think I’m just going to smelt this as much as I can today guys and keep making these Sprinklers and just kind of work my way through it try and get all of these slots done

Well we’re actually going to run out of iron we’re going to have to do another run sadly yeah we aren’t going to be able to do all of these but as many as we can get is so much better for us and while I’m doing that I’m going to get the axe

We’ve got a lot of stamina I could go up and do mining but I don’t want to today I’m actually going to take advantage of the rain and the full stamina and get a lot of wood because I want to start like building things and crafting things you know jars

Kegs so we’re going to need resources we going to need wood and we do live in a forest we’ got a forest all the way through the farm so Walter is just going to relax chop some wood you know get the firewood get all these resources he’s

Got to he’s got to do the horrible jobs I know it’s raining but he don’t mind he’s an hardworking man he’s got his hat on he’s keeping his head dry he’s got his long sleeve dungar on and it’s the end of spring it’s starting to get warm this is a very warm humid

Weather the Rainy it’s not freezing cold can we make any tree tappers just yet no I think the iron was just done so I need to go and put some more on and that’s another two sprinklers right we’re down to our last copper bar I’ve also got to get copper

On okay I kind of don’t like that one right in the middle but we get a little path that we can cut through I mean it’s annoying this green beam cuz it’s right it’s like obviously trellis so soon I will never do that again trellises

Aren’t going to go there and I can kind of come through it’s okay it’s all good can’t wait for these straws to be done God the money is going to come flying in I want to start preparing for some jars though we’ve not even got yet but

Strawberry jelly is going to be yeah it’s going to be quite profitable we’re going to have the straws but I need the jars and I believe we need coal and wood so that’s why I’m going to crack on and get a lot of wood as much as I can cuz I

Know it’s going to be handy later oh guys we’ve just got a book Woody secret Fel trees have a 5% chance to yield double the wood what a find Walter let’s go your second ever book is learning is is so good at this guys is I

Love that not only are we getting our skills up and we kind of like getting better at all of these different things like foraging mining fishing Etc but also you know we reading books and learning even more knowledge like with that good now at chopping down wood we

Have a 5% chance of finding more he’s just becoming such a handyman he’s so he’s just so good out here he’s just so good out here that’s amazing our second ever book that’s one of my favorite features in 1.6 I do love the books it’s

So good right we are run out stamina but guess what we’ve got a gold quality carrot that is going to give me 135 energy and this was this just grew in 3 days absolutely insane those things are amazing for food right second carrot this one doesn’t give us as much

Because it’s not gold but still 75 is absolutely wild right let’s get uh more copper on this time this is going to be done pretty fast I think chopping down trees in stardy Valley is like the most nostalgic thing for me because when I first ever discovered stard Valley the

Way I discovered it I was actually on Twitch at the time I used to watch a lot of twitch back in the day now it’s all about YouTube though yeah I was just browsing twitch one time and stardy Valley had been released for about 3

Months at this time and I had no idea it existed but I don’t know who it was but a twitch streamer I think it was a guy it was no one I normally watched it was just recommended to me was playing this game and it was titled something like

Cozy Farm RPG or like something to do with Harvest Moon Back in the Day of of which obviously stardo Valley was inspired by I grew up playing Harvest Moon and uh yeah straight away I thought it this looks like Harvest Moon It’s a farm game I’ve not I’ve not seen any

Games like this since Harvest Moon um and I I just clicked on the stream I watched it and this is exactly what the person was doing at the time it was chopping down trees I remember seeing this Sprite like this chopping down trees the weird animation of him

Swinging like that and I was like what is this game and I watched it for about about 10 15 minutes just chopping down trees cuz that’s what he was doing I think when he finished he went up to like his little Farmhouse and I saw his crops and he was doing some like

Watering or something and I was like oh my God I need to get this game and that’s it I went on to steam I purchased the game I was a little bit late to the party it would have been like 3 or 4 months when the game had released maybe

Even a bit more maybe it would have been about 5 months actually something like that and I never knew it existed until I watched this stream and I can’t for the life of me I don’t know who the streamer was I’d love to find out who it was because yeah that

Stream that person playing stard Valley at that time is the reason I found the game and fell in love with it I’m I’m I’m sure I would eventually found it just with how amazing this game is but I always think how long would it have took

Me to find this game if it weren’t for just randomly finding it on Twitch like that someone playing it I was already quite late to the party anyway so well I wasn’t super late cuz I I don’t think many people knew about stard Valley when it first released it was kind of like

Such a underrated game not many people knew about it sty Valley is actually a unique game in itself because it actually gets more popular as the years go on like today eight years later I can easily say that stard Val is so much more popular than it ever was you know

Every year it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger you know with a 1.5 update Ginger Island I thought there’s no way this is going to get any more popular than this and look here we are today 1.6 six and the game is absolutely thriving um yeah ever thankful to that

Person streaming thank God I found it just thought I’d give you a little story time there but when I purchased it on Steam guys it was like £10 for me which is what $15 something crazy it was so cheap it looked cozy it brought back memories and Nostalgia from when I was a

Kid and I when I downloaded it installed it it must have been about 6:00 7:00 p.m. my time and I played the the hell out of it till early hours in the morning I was addicted I just could not stop and I even remember like it

Starting to get light outside and I was like oh my God I need to sleep and I slept and boom woke up in the morning went straight onto it and I haven’t found a game like that in quite some time that kept me playing so I was I was

So excited guys and that’s how I started my channel because I was new to stard valy myself and I was wanting to like you know every time someone plays a new game you always go on to YouTube right to find how to do certain things I was

New to started about it I had no idea what to do and there was certain things that I wanted to learn and find out you know how to find this how to do that and I I I remember like searching on YouTube but I couldn’t find any videos no one

Was doing anything maybe the odd one and I was just like you know what like there needs to be more they need to I need to get this game out there I need to show it off it’s incredible and also help people because there might be people out

There playing and they might want to watch videos just like I was wanting to do and that’s where I made my first ever stardew Valley video it it was some kind of beginner guide cuz at this point when I made the video I was quite months into

The game I knew what I was doing and I made a video beginner guide helping people out it was rubbish video the quality was shocking I had no idea how to edit I learned everything myself the thumbnail was atrocious yeah it was just all one massive learning curve for me

And the video Yeah is probably the worst video I’ve ever done creativity wise like I just wasn’t very good at that stuff back then but I did it I got it out there and it blew up people watched it people enjoyed it thanking me for

Making a beginner guide left me a lot of feedback obviously and that’s how I started it was with guides tips tricks hidden secrets you know kind of helping people out who were new to stardy Valley and I was getting thousands of views thousands of Subs you know people was

You’re the reason I played this game you know I still get that to this day to be honest which is crazy but yeah that’s it a little story time this was just a cozy day guys Gathering wood and look we got a lot of wood 595 piece right now I’m

Just waiting for the last iron two more bars I’m hoping I can craft these before I pass out which I’m going to say not I I really want to craft two more sprinklers it’s going to help with the watering tomorrow please please they’re not going to be done are they well

That’ll have to come tomorrow that was a productive day just wanted to get that done not much money as always when we have busy days like this but we’ve got even more sprinklers in the ground I would say we are close to half let’s

Have a look oh my God yeah half of our layout here near enough half of what we’ve got in the ground by the way cuz obviously this layout over here has got no crops in but look at these straws the sprinklers are going off our strawberries are ready for the next

Episode because this is where we ended it yeah we can craft two more and then we’ve got to start getting even more iron and copper and just finishing this off but we’re going to have our first harvest of strawberries in the next episode guys thank you so much for

Watching smash the like button if you’ve enjoyed another episode of the 1.6 playthrough please comment give me some suggestions feedback on what you want to see in this series what should we do next subscribe if you want to see more but until then guys I’ll see you on the

Next one stay safe and stay cozy oh did you hear that little woof a Winston said bye as well what a good boy chief

🐔 Welcome to new beginnings. A brand new Stardew Valley playthrough for the new 1.6 update. Join me on this new adventure as we go back in time to re-live the cozy farmers life, all while exploring the new content!

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  1. I know you won’t be able to do this with Walter but did you know on the 17 of Spring by the Hat Mouse at the waterfall there’s a pot of gold with 200g & a leprechaun hat?

  2. This series has become my new favorite. You post them right after I get home from the gym, so I get to sit and relax with your video. It's just amazing. Thank you for this series.

  3. That's amazing how you found it. I was quite late when I found it, just before 1.4 released on PC, I accidentally stumbled on it in the Google Play store. It was free with my play pass subscription, I tried it out and fell in love

  4. You could put that random chair you got by the pond area further down the farm. Give Walter a nice little sitting area where he and Chief can unwind after a long day on the farm.

  5. I got STV on release, forgot all about it (life stuff) then I saw your videos, watched them over a few times then started playing. Have STV on GoG, Steam and Switch x2 now have over 2000hrs of play and when you new vids go up i have to watch them. Thank you 🙂

  6. Me and my then boyfriend, used to game, and i didn't, when he got a gaming laptop, i started gaming on his xbox, he suggested to me Stardew valley, so yerh 8 yrs later and over 2000 hours later, its still my most loved, most played game

  7. Love the series so far.. i know these are already recorded.. but might i recmend bringing the furances to the mines put next to the entrance.. that way while you are in the mines you can grind away with the bars in between resets

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