Let’s Play Terraria | Let’s see what’s on our NEW Terraria world! (Episode 2)

Hey hey welcome back to the let’s play a huge thank you for all of your lovely support on the first episode folks reaching just about 1,000 likes in the first episode of course we got ourselves situated with a nice little starter base we’ve got the merchant here now Wilbur

We’ve got the guide Jacob they’re both living here in Perfect Harmony it feels nice feels nice to have a nicely populated starter base what I’ve done since the last episode pretty much is I’ve placed down a bunch of chests so we can have at least somewhat organized

Storage at least to a basic level anyway folks it’s certainly not going to be our main storage room but it will certainly do us for at least a little bit of time at the start of the game here you may notice I’ve actually got a leaf wand and

That is because since the last episode I’ve had to chop little bits of Bobs off of some trees so we could get ourselves some more trees grow as a result of that we actually got a leaf one can you believe that that’s kind of awesome and actually talking of getting stuff I have

Just noticed there’s a bunch of iron beneath me and oh dear that was a little bit of a bunny Massacre right there but it’s not my fault they decided it was a good idea to get in the way of my pickaxe swing so I mean I I don’t know

What you want me to tell you I mean bunnies are stupid so with the merchant taken up residence in our house I think it’ll be a nice idea for us to finally get ourselves a piggy bank and also a bug net in addition to that we could

Also get ourselves a bunch of arrows for our bow which might not be a bad idea do we want to get a sickle as well then we can get ourselves some hay blocks to use in building I mean building is something I do want to focus a little bit more on

In this series so why not all right so there we are 613 wooden arrows that should certainly do us for a decent amount of time I would say going to put the piggy bank down on the crafting bench here and we’re going to put our three copper

Coins that we have remaining in there wow three copper coins I’m so rich so then today’s episode what I’d like to do is maybe a little bit of exploring we do have a desert on our left hand side and on the right hand side I don’t really

Know just seems to be more Forest but before we do that I actually want to do the comment of the day and yes the comment of the day has returned in this series we’ve got cursed here who says I thought you were going to play Calamity next I might have misunderstood your

Last video in the ranger playthrough no he absolutely didn’t originally yes that was the plan to do a Calamity series next and that is still going to be something that’s coming but the reason I’m not doing it right now is because I looked on the Calamity Discord and there

Was a hell of a long change log list of additions changes balancing changes all that kind of stuff in an upcoming Calamity update so I figured it might be a better idea for me to wait for that update before we start the Calamity series and when the Calamity update

Comes if it comes before 1.4.5 then we will simply run that series alongside this one so basically there’ll be a little bit of a something something for you vanilla folks out there and a little bit of a something something for you modded folks out there eventually so

Yeah plenty of exciting times still to come in this channel folks oh I’ve just realized something we have quite a lot of torches we might be able to convert a whole bunch of these arrows into flaming arrows yeah more damage all right where should we start off should we start off

By going to the left hand side of the world I think that would be a lovely idea and while we’re doing this I just want to remind you folks if you’re new to the channel and you haven’t already you might want to consider subscribing because I’m going to be trying to

Maintain this series daily for as long as I can so if you don’t want to miss out on your daily fix of Terraria make sure you hit that subscribe button with those Bell notifications turned on now real quick I do want to promote something that I wouldn’t normally

Promote and I probably won’t promote it again after today’s episode and that is the fact that I have YouTube memberships enabled on this channel with two tiers the Baseline tier comes with private Discord access for YouTube members only and of course emotes to use in that

Discord as well as in your comments here on YouTube but there is also a second tier which comes with your name being shown on an end slate at the end of each episode it is a constantly updating list because it’s a list of current members

At the top tier level so so long as you are a member at that top tier then yeah your name will be shown on the end slate so yeah a big old thank you to all of you folks who are currently YouTube members I really really appre appreciate

The support it goes a heck of a long way get out of here vulture yeah my sword absolutely wrecking shop what can I say eh oh I love it very much and real quick my friends if you’re in the market for a new gaming PC head on over to python

Gb.com PC to check out my range of Apex gaming PCs if you’re more on the market for some Terraria merch though head on over to Terraria shop and use code python for whopping 15% of your order so then enough promoting things let’s get on with some fun stuff shall we we’re

Grabbing this Cactus here because I think it’ll be a nice idea to upgrade our gear set we can get ourselves a cactus pickaxe maybe some Cactus armor for a permanent Thorns effect and of course let’s not forget about the fact that cacti can be used in potions we can

Use them I think in Thorns potions amongst other things as well so yeah it’s going to be very very handy dandy to have oh that’s not very handy dandy though get out of here you silly vulture I like how he just flies away like he feels accomplished with himself

Unbelievable at least I didn’t have a whole bunch of money on me I guess we should take solace in that right all right well I guess it gives us an opportunity to actually make ourselves that Cactus armor I was on about we’ve got ourselves the same amount of Defense

But there we are attackers take damage from the cactus spine so like I said a permanent Thorns effect which is very nice the reason you would make a cactus pickaxe over using the default copper pickaxe even though they have the same pickaxe power is because the copper pickaxe actually comes with minus one

Range the cactus pickaxe does not so there we are an easy choice but yeah check it out folks we actually have a furniture set that we can work with if we really wanted to later down the line I think that’d be quite a nice idea actually I can’t remember the last time

I built with the cactus furniture set you know what maybe we should bring recoil potions and also health potions maybe we should zoom on out so we can see more of what’s going on in our world maybe we can find some epic stuff eh oh

If you think I’m going to have a whole bunch of gravestones littering my world you got another thing coming there Terraria I want to have a nice clean world this time so I’m going to do my best to pick up every single Tombstone I can I’m totally not hiding the evidence

Or anything like that I don’t know what you folks are all about ah excellent more iron for you boy don’t mind if I do there Terraria you know ordinarily I would be pretty alarmed at the fact that it’s about to become nighttime but when you’ve got recoil potions everything

Becomes a little bit easier to get away from so uh yeah I think we’ll be totally fine folks oh more iron oh what’s that another desert good grief how many deserts though on this world we’ve only got a second one just on the left hand

Side of the world alone wow all right I guess we’re going to get a whole bunch more cacti though that’s kind of handy ah jeez here we go my friends oh my word okay do you know what do you know what no no no no no no we not risking

It just going to go home I think you know what while we’re here back at base I figure I might be able to do a little bit of a something something we have a leaf wand why do we use it I mean we are not using any wood in fact at all we

Seem to be replenishing it as we go along because we’re block swapping but maybe we could put leaves as the roof instead I think that could look pretty cool actually well I’m sure you guys would agree this looks far better than it did it kind of looks like my house has

Got like a little leaf hat on or something I’m got to down with this I think this looks marvelous all right sounds like we’ve got plenty of fallen stars to pick up which is wonderful because we might just be able to make ourselves a whole bunch of Mana crystals

Look at it we’re already up to 100 Mana to be honest there’s not actually that much we can do at night right now I can’t really explore because I don’t have the means to get around our world quickly so do you know what I figured we

Might do a couple of odd jobs while we’re here maybe we could oh I don’t know plant down a few trees or something oh my God so many stars wonderful you know what I was saying about not really exploring during the night time well uh we may or may not be

Doing that anyway right now I mean we’re not that far away from it being morning so we might be able to get away with it question mark I’d like to hope so wow that demon ey did 67 damage to me ooh I know what this is it’s another one

Of those big old iron veins isn’t it oh good grief wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no Mr zombo you’re not coming in here and killing me no way we only made this Cactus pickaxe only a few minutes ago it’s very possible that we

Might be able to upgrade our pickaxe again we’re getting a lot of iron here folks like a lot a lot of iron and There Goes My Life again and annoyingly a few seconds later it becomes day my goodness me look at how much iron we’ve got

That is a very nice amount all right let’s see if we can make ourselves some beautiful bits of gear I think we could maybe start off with a fishing pole to complete our little fishing kit heavy workbench and glass K both of those could be quite nice to have for

Additional building stuffs but more than anything for a little bit of additional pickaxe power I think an iron pickaxe in fact should we just say s it and go for the full set should we just get the axe and Hammer as as well I mean why not

Right and we’ still got enough of the heavy workbench very nice all right that could go in there for now I’m sure that will get some usage later down the line so then for now we can get back to exploring our world folks would you look

At that even more iron to go with all of the iron that I had previously with all of my iron tools and iron gear do you want any more iron with that iron and you thought we were done with the iron iron Mania today folks yeah we are got

Me cash back let’s go ahead and uh you know put some ground above there and now we’re going to go for a bit of a dip apparently possibly a little bit of a cave entrance going on here oh are you kidding me there’s yet another desert what the heck is this game trying

To tell me something like is it trying to get me to like build in a desert or something for once I mean I probably will at some point but for now I’m perfectly content with my little episode one house and you know what else I’m content with as well well the contents

Of this chest well I say content but actually we’ve got ourselves a duplicate accessor it’s not even better in the way that it’s got like a better modifier on it it’s still a default one but you know what I will take a bunch more iron some

Of you folks may be thinking I’m going overboard with getting all of this iron ore but actually there’s more usages for iron of course than just you know making tools and gear we can make ourselves iron skin potions and that will of course give us a whole bunch more

Defense for a little bit of time hey guys guess what I don’t even need to say it do I oh my gosh it’s iron Heaven here wait did I just see the background change to a snow biome I think I did and in fact there it is excellent so then question are there

Going to be any proper cave entrances in this biome only we haven’t really found any proper cave entrances just yet yeah we’ve got these like big trees here but they don’t go down to proper giant cave systems do they I got to say I’m a big

Big fan of this snow biom so far it’s nice and flat it’s just screaming to be built upon in my opinion oh no way there is a cave entrance here a that is very very nice okay so let’s pop on down here we’re going to see if we can’t find

Ourselves some lovely epic stuffs got ourselves a little something something going on here folks it’s a Minecart Track for any of you guys who don’t know of course Minecart tracks I mean in my experience anyway they usually lead to Treasure of some description be it an underground

House with a chest in maybe one of those beautiful heart crystals to get yourself more health so I guess the question is this is it going to leaders anywhere cool get it cool I’m sorry got to be careful when riding Minecart tracks for the first time only I have had some nasty

Experiences with Minecart tracks previously where some of them have traps on the tracks so that’s why I’m taking things real slow like I’m also going ahead and uh you know lighting things up as I go along I just figure that’s a good thing to do I’m not seeing anything

All that interesting so far come on Terraria let’s have ourselves a little bit of a something something going on here eh that’ be really nice okay so we’re actually going outside of the snow biome here ah cobwebs okay no that’s actually really really good I needed

Cobwebs so we can make ourselves a bed that’s a water chest oh no way we got ourselves a trident that’s a direct upgrade to the spear near double the amount of damage ah that is really really cool actually so continuing to explore here not all too much going on

We’ve got a little bit of a Army of slimes following me which I guess is okay just hope they don’t suddenly become turbocharged or anything silly like that what no way bro no no way dude that is what I think it is isn’t it that’s a pyramid oh my

Gosh when was the last time we had a pyramid in a world well maybe the old calamity to be fair wow okay I was not expected to find this today I mean it goes back to what I was saying hey folks I mean mcart tracks they almost always lead to some form of

Treasure a piramid though that is definitely not something I was expecting to find but here we are oh the Epic look continues my friends I just hope that the Aria overlords that it isn’t just like a Pharaoh’s outfit that we get in herey get out of here you little wormy you’re

Not killing me today sunshine no way go on get out of here get out of here where are you there you go he’s dead excellent all right looks like we’ve got to go up through this pyramid to see what is going down going up to get down yeah

Okay how far up does this go I mean probably near the surface logic would dictate but we seem to be keeping on going and going and going and here we are actually yeah look at all the beautiful vases we got a bunch of coins going on and in

This chest 3 2 1 boom it’s actually a sandstorm in a bottle are you kidding me wow we’ve got double jump a wow okay so we’re not going to have a repeat of my very very old let’s play series where it took upwards of 20 world

To get ourselves a sandstorm on a bottle we’ve got one straight away I cannot believe that what kind of incredible Lu have we had on this world so far come on like seriously come on that’s got to deserve a like surely so we’ve got even more building opportunities now folks if we

Really wanted to we could cannibalize this pyramid whether or not we’re actually going to do that though remain to be seen only I realized in my last Calamity let’s play We cannibalized a pyramid as our permanent base there didn’t we so I don’t want to be really

Doing the same things over and over maybe we could come up with a different build style or build idea entirely for the pyramid let me know if you have any suggestions of course so then are there any other bits of treasure that we missed along the way here so far not

Nothing maybe we need to go a little bit further down into this cave maybe we can find ourselves some decent stues come on if we can get a life Crystal I’m going to be one happy bunny come on Terraria don’t tell me we’ve exhausted all of our

Luck already there’s got to be an underground cabin somewhere maybe a heart Crystal if we could find one or the other I would be pretty happy in calling this little spelunking session since that’s what this is sort of have become I’d be pretty happy in calling that complete and successful ah lovely

Our first silver that we found on this world wait have we got the original set of ores on this world we’ve got copper we’ve got iron we’ve got silver so the only other thing that would complete the original set would of course be gold ore

Got plenty of gems we can pick up around here that’s quite nice gem hook anyone that’ll be quite nice right oh no way look at it there’s another Minecart Track what kind of treasure is this going to lead to though eh let’s find out oh good grief Undead Viking no hang

On the game’s trolling me now wait what we actually just traded how the heck is that possible I can only assume it’s the Thorns effect for my armor we died simultaneously no one want there if you think I’m leaving upwards of 10 gold coins down there you are very much

Mistaken let’s go back down there let’s reclaim our monies shall we uh if we can get down there baddies I’m just continuously swinging my sword and hoping for the best looks like we got an eyeball or two on us here ah jeez now it is a full Army of eyeballs there’s five

Of them oh sorry make that six what oh I’m so dead there’s no way I’m taking these guys out there’s only one thing to do at a time like this we’re just going to have to spew a bunch of arrows from our bow and hope for the

Best and hope that we can kill these guys before I wind up drowning come on ah you know what screw this we’re going to wait for daytime folks I’m not dying again yeah I see you out there eyeball trying to eye me up menacingly nah no no no all I got to do

Is stay in here and I’ve outsmarted you hey our first first traveling Merchant of the series H checking out his inventory ah I would love to have that but unfortunately the coins I need are down underground we’re going to hope that we can get our coins back before this guy winds up

Despawning and here we are 13 oh gee we NOP we’re not risking it let’s get ourselves that life form analyzer shall we absolutely wonderful so we’ve now got a rare creature detector that’s actually going to be very very useful for us demon horns should we get that just because

Why not summons a pet butterfly a I wish I could afford that that would have been pretty boss actually you know what just for the sake of why not and yeah I know it’s not really the best thing I could be spending my money on right now but

You know what anything and everything goes in this series so screw it we’ve got demon horns now my friends and I think on that note we are going to end the episode here yeah we didn’t get ourselves a heart Crystal or an underground cabin down in the Ice

Caves there but I’m sure that in the next episode if we decide to go back down there I’m sure we could find either or even both of those things so yeah my friends look forward to the next episode for now though it’s time to wrap up this

One thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today’s episode I’d of course very much appreciate it if you’d head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my

Future content but for now thanks for watching have a fantastic rest of your day thanks for all of your support and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Let’s Play Terraria – We made a lovely Terraria starter house and now the time has come to explore our new Terraria world! Let’s see what goodies this Terraria world has in store for us! Enjoy!
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▶ Let’s Play Terraria World Seed
(Large World / Crimson World)
This works for Terraria 1.4.4 on PC/Steam. Unfortunately I can’t say for sure if the above seed will work on console/handheld versions. Please don’t spoil anything that’s in this world in the comments!

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This is Episode 2 of my Let’s Play Terraria series on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay


  1. For the Calamity playthrough, would your final goal be related to boss rush? It’s a pretty cool concept to conclude calamity!
    P.S sorry about the calamity question, I know I should enjoy this LP for now😂

  2. Hey Python, loving the new let's play! Question, what is a playthrough you would recommend to others to go through? Calamity, specific class, mode, etc.

  3. A cool addition from the 1.4.4 update is that the two pieces from the pharaoh's outfit can be shimmered into BOTH the magic carpet and the sandstorm in a bottle:)

  4. make a tunnel/skybridge for travelling. Paired with pylon network, it's quite convenient. later you can repurpose it into a teleporter network. It might take a lot of work, especially with no QoL mods, but this is a let's play series.

  5. Hello there. I just found your channel and this series. Really enjoying it so far, keep up the great work!

    And I totally agree, the leaf roof looks amazing!

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