MIKEY’S favorite BABY? JJ WAS FORCED TO CLEAN HOUSE in Minecraft – Maizen

Hi everybody my name is JJ we’re watching daddy’s favorite cartoon right now and that cartoon is SpongeBob except we lost the TV remote we’re watching the cartoon without sound we’ve been watching this cartoon for 10 hours I’m really enjoying this I want to keep watching this and how much more do we

Have to watch this it’s the same episode on TV all right it’s getting late it’s time for JJ to go to bed but I don’t want to sleep why do I have to go to bed so early because you have to go to school tomorrow JJ needs a good night’s

Sleep for the next day can I not sleep at all I can keep watching cartoons and you can go to bed no are you out of your mind all children should sleep at night it can only be done by adults like us okay I’m going to bed looks like there’s

No changing your mind okay what about a surprise for JJ what what are they talking about keep your voice down he can hear you oh there’s some secrets in here I was wondering if our surprise is ready for him yeah we’re all ready he’s going to love this super cool surprise

The most important thing is that he doesn’t know anything about it until tomorrow okay I have a surprise waiting for me tomorrow I like that you don’t have to worry about that everything will be fine let’s keep watching cartoons woohoo let’s go I love watching SpongeBob without JJ ha we still need to

Find the remote I don’t even know what they’re talking about on TV well it doesn’t matter I’m not interested in cartoons at all I’m more interested in what they did to surprise me guys do your parents surprise you write about it in the comments I’ll be very interested

To read it I can’t wait for tomorrow maybe the get me a new TV or computer that’s why I love my parents so much and here comes the next day I’m sitting in the last class of school look at that stupid teacher anyway these three squares form a triangle isn’t that

Great it’s called geography or chemistry I seem to have forgotten that duh she’s talking complete nonsense it’s just physics who’s so smart and loud I can’t hear that smart guy shut up and listen to me besides she’s completely deaf ha now I’m going to to draw you some new

Squares they’re going to be way cooler oh my God it’s finally over how quickly the lesson was over I hope you have learned this useful knowledge you can go now have a good day goodbye teacher I’ll forget about it as soon as I leave the classroom by the way I almost forgot

About the surprise from my parents they are supposed to pick me up from school today oh and this is our favorite sign like And subscribe guys like this video And subscribe to our Channel there’s my parents I’ve been waiting for them all day JJ’s coming and we’re going to tell

Him everything Mom Dad I finished my homework hi everybody I’m so happy to see you today he’ll be super impressed with it oh yeah that’s very cool hey I’m actually here can you see me who’s talking here oh JJ hi we’ve been waiting for you here we didn’t see you at all ha

You know we came here for a reason for a reason hm uh I thought you just wanted to take me out of school no we’re here on one thing JJ we have a super duper cool surprise for you what surprise I love surprises your surprise is waiting

For you at our house hurry up and get in the car and let’s go friends what do you think this surprise will be write about it in the comments and now I got to go home why don’t you give me some hint of the surprise you’ll soon see for

Yourself all right we’re home where’s my surprise there’s a surprise waiting for you inside the house all you have to do is go inside let’s go JJ you’re going to be crazy when you see this ha I already have a bad feeling about this surprise don’t worry JJ we’re all going to love

This surprise all you have to do is go inside okay well what is it where’s my promised surprise now the surprise will come to you on its own ha hi everybody my name is Mikey who’s that boy and where’s my surprise I don’t understand anything Mom Dad I’m so happy to see you

Mom and Dad what why does he call you that we adopted a little brother for you that’s your surprise what I didn’t want any brother at all it’s not necessary we’ve wanted a second son for a long time and I really wanted a family and a

Brother look at that cute little boy oh yeah I’m a very sweet and nice guy you’re neither sweet nor nice I don’t want no brother take him back to the orphanage back to the orphanage what Mikey will stay here and live with us and stop whining already it’s your

Brother you should love him I don’t have to do anything you’ll do whatever I want you to do because I’m the boss here now what boss what are you talking about I lived here before you that’s why I’m the boss and you’re not calm down baby oh my

God why is my whole room green there was a red carpet and a red bed I hate the color green don’t worry you’ll soon get used to my favorite color who gave you permission to change anything in my room I don’t think you heard me you’re nobody

Here now I don’t want you in this room at all are all orphans from the orphanage so rude by the way where am I going to sleep you took my bed and there’s no other one here um I think I know how to help you kid follow me I’ll

Show you a new place to sleep I don’t want a new place I want to sleep where I slept before that’s the stinking closet you’ll sleep in while I play in your room are you out of your mind I’m not sleeping here I’m going to tell my

Parents your parents love me more you little punk you’re not going to do anything to me that’s where you’re wrong I’m in charge of this house stay here super duper boss of this gym I’m going to go play with your toys loser hey where are you going oh my god I’ve never

Been so embarrassed in my life friends can you live with a freak like that write about it in the comments I won’t stand for it it’s time to punch him in the face this is my room and my family uh-oh I think I’m in trouble what

Happened oh my God what did you do you’re an ID idiot I just didn’t know how to turn it on you could have called me that was my favorite TV now my parents are going to kick you out of the house for sure I don’t think so you’re

The one who broke that TV not me what I was in the pantry at the time it’s all your fault and soon you’ll be kicked out of the house for such a mistake oh my God what happened here we heard some noise from upstairs what you broke the

TV oh haha let Mikey answer that question what Mikey what happened here JJ broke the TV now he’s blaming it on me what it’s not true true Mikey did it and he doesn’t love me don’t believe him I’ve never even been here JJ we’re disappointed in you you broke an

Expensive TV and upset Mikey you will be punished very badly for this don’t believe that stupid orphan he’s turning you against me on purpose his words are too hurtful to me stop acting this mess you’re going to apologize to Mikey and clean this place up oh yeah it’s time

For work JJ here’s a vacuum cleaner this will be your punishment am I going to clean that that’s not fair I’ll try to make friends with him next time Mikey’s the good one and JJ’s the really mean one oh yeah I’m good if you don’t clean

Up we’ll punish you even harder JJ oh yeah you should learn kindness and friendliness from Mikey what friendliness you’re the meanest most horrible guy ever oh that was frustrating you should clean this place up as soon as possible I hate you you green freak it’s all your fault your

Parents are just as stupid as you are it was easy to fool them don’t you dare say anything about my parents Less Talk More work JJ because you have a lot of work to do and I’m going to go play outside oh my God friends would you like to have

A brother like that write about it in the comments I’d like to continue to live alone goodbye my favorite TV 3 hours later I finally got it all cleaned up it’s as clean as it was before Mikey got here I vacuumed and cleaned up all the glass shards but that TV doesn’t work

Anymore and it’s all because of stupid Mikey I’ll have to think of a way to get rid of him I don’t want to live with him but it’s too late late I’ll have to think about it tomorrow JJ wake up I have something to do with you what do

You want get off my property stop taking offense at this trifle come with me right now I promise you it’ll be awesome oh my God is this another one of your brilliant ideas to embarrass me in front of my parents sh they’re busy with cartoons ha it’s a good thing JJ didn’t

Have time to break the second TV follow me outside you’re going to love this uh okay I still don’t like it SpongeBob is really cool while your parents are busy watching children cartoons we can have fun like real two grown men um that sounds cool follow me to the garage I

Have a plan hey stop what are we supposed to do in the garage it’s full of all kinds of unnecessary and boring stuff you don’t even know what I’m going to do so tell me about it I hope you don’t want to ride in my parents’ car

That’s what I want to do I quietly took the car key from them we can drive around the house what it’s dangerous we could crash into something parents are going to be really mad about this I don’t agree to do this with you if you’re so worried about it I’ll take all

The blame seriously I don’t believe you at all after you smashed my TV it was an accident I don’t care you’re going to screw me again none of this is going to happen I’ve been wanting to drive one of these cool cars for a long time uh all

Right I want to ride it too but we’ll drive it carefully don’t worry I’ve been stealing cars since before I came to the orphanage wow so you’re a criminal huh oh yeah I’ve stolen about 100 cars 100 cars it’s impossible to steal that many cars were toy cars he oh no you can’t

Drive at all you almost hit a soccer gate stop whining now I’m going to figure out the controls and everything’s going to be super cool please be careful ah you’re the worst driver ever I’m already regretting bringing you with me I’m a professional race car driver oh

And what’s that button no don’t press that button ah ouch oh my God my head hurts so bad oh no what did we do looks like the car broke down a little bit a little bit it’s smoking you broke my parents car how could you even crash into that bus

Stop I didn’t know what that button did then why did you press that button you’re so stupid parents will be really angry maybe we can get this car fixed before they notice the problem all you know how to do is break things oh my God

Our car what happened to it my car broke down ah she’s in so much pain Mikey did it again he crashed into a bus stop he’s lying again he made me ride in your car he also stole your keys no don’t believe him who are we supposed to trust I don’t

Even know it’s all JJ he hates me and wants to evict me from the house no JJ you stinking freak you’re also a liar you’re in for the worst punishment of your life it’s not my fault I beat you again JJ run back to your parents fool

Oh how I hate that awful Mikey we have prepared for you the most humiliating punishment in the world oh yeah what have they prepared for you Mommy Daddy come to think of it I would never do that he would do that from now on you will sleep in this garage this is where

You’ll think about how badly you’ve behaved oh no not again I don’t agree to that you’re not allowed to sleep at home this is your punishment JJ you are the worst son in the world sleep here and Mikey will sleep in your room good night bully JJ what have you done this isn’t

Funny anymore I think it’s very funny it’s the maximum level of trolling good night JJ I hope you don’t get cold in that garage oh my God I didn’t think Mikey was capable of fooling me a second time I don’t want to sleep here friends like this video subscribe to this

Channel do you even feel sorry for me then write Plus in the comments if you do bye-bye hi everyone this morning I went to school hm I hope there won’t be any tests or surprises today I don’t like solving difficult problems look how cool

And big the school is it has a lot of classes and also my favorite canteen where there is always something to eat I’ll have to go in there and get some goodies at recess looks like everyone’s already gone to class I hope I’m not too

Late hey JJ look I’m on the stairs I’ll be right down don’t go anywhere I’m on my way wow Mikey seems to be here and he was just at the cafeteria yeah I just got back from the diner I bought myself a lot of goodies and had a hearty meal

So I don’t think I’m going to be hungry anytime soon wow that sounds cool look at this what what are you talking about ah subscribe and like sounds like great advice I think everyone should do yeah I’ve been liking and subscribing for a while now come on let’s hurry up class

Starts soon I heard we might not have class today so we can relax I hope that’s true wow that sounds cool yeah yeah come on I don’t want to get scolded for being late again it’s not that scary anyway look everyone’s already in class come on let’s go I hope they don’t see

Us yeah they never pay attention to the back of the classroom we’re finally in class and the teacher doesn’t seem to be here yet he must be late somewhere everyone’s already here let her be late even longer anyway class is in session and the more she’s gone the better off

We’ll be sounds cool but hopefully she’ll be late or not show up at all look kids hello and I just wanted to let you know that the old teacher quit the old teacher quit wow she really didn’t like the conditions she had to teach us in but don’t worry kids anyway I’ve

Already found a new teacher for you who will pick up where the old one left off I hope you’re not too upset please try not to upset her she’s a great teacher come on in the class is already packed hello kids I’m your new teacher instead

Of the old one wow she’s our new substitute teacher and she looks really young look at her thank you for introducing me you shouldn’t so kids thank you to our wealthy principal for finding me and bringing me to your class I think we’re going to have a great

School season and learn a lot of new things I think I’m going to go now good luck kids and good luck with your new teacher many thanks try not to hurt her or it will end badly and you’ll be suspended from school wow the principal seemed to really like this teacher he

Didn’t say as much about the last one okay kids I’m going to write you a little assignment she looks so young and beautiful silence please I can see why the director chose her he’s falling in love with her it’s not surprising since she’s smart and Young and Beautiful all

At once and so kids I’ve written some little task on the board that I hope you’re already familiar with and that you learned with your previous teacher looks familiar I think we know how to solve this it’s good because it’s basic knowledge that you should have already

Passed with the previous teacher I think we should get to know her better so we can be friends yeah so kids I’ll give you one day to remember all your knowledge and tomorrow we’ll do a test on these topics what a test I hate tests I didn’t study for anything she said

Test I don’t like tests either me too she just came in and gave a test and now let’s look back at all the past topics 3 hours later I’m so frustrated JJ I don’t know how to solve these lessons don’t worry Mikey I don’t think they’ll be that so hard I

Don’t even know how to solve them and she wants to give a whole test and only one day to study all the knowledge don’t get upset Mikey if you fail one test I’ve already failed a bunch of tests it won’t be a big deal besides it’s not

That hard to learn all the knowledge for this test in one day I don’t want to learn anything it’s complicated and timec consuming I don’t want to do it I’ve already failed a bunch of tests this school year and look at me I really have a ton of them wow I didn’t realize

You’d already failed so many tests yeah I literally never got a single positive on any of my tests but look at you you got a perfect score yeah I studied for all the tests and got a perfect score on all of them and so if you need help I

Can teach you how to solve them and you’re going to pass just like I did and you’re going to pass just like I did I don’t want to learn but Mikey everything you need is already here just read a little bit and you’ll understand everything you need and pass the test

With an excellent grade well maybe you’re right yes all you need to do is study a little but I don’t want to learn anything now I’d rather go play on the computer and not think about it so you go ahead and teach and I’ll go play and

Have fun for the rest of the day but you understand that you will pass the test poorly why are you doing this you just need to devote a little time and you will be ready to pass the test with a good grade I’d rather study for a test

Than play computer games we’ll see later which of us will pass the test better and there will be another piece of paper to add to the collection of failures and so what do we have here the next day good afternoon children it’s a pleasure to welcome you all to a super

Duper important School exam if anyone fails this exam they will no longer be in our school all your worksheets are on your desk you can start working right now I’ve been studying for this exam for a whole year this test will be the easiest one for me ha because I’m smart

You’re too much of a brager JJ anyone in this class can take this test I doubt that Mikey I don’t think even our viewers are capable of solving such complex math examples 1pl 5 what’s the number it takes time to solve it I usually just write random numbers that’s

How I solve all the examples for normal grades um that’s too dumb an idea you could get a bad grade all the honors students are too boring and uninteresting and I’m the cool bully at this school oh boy the teacher is sure to give Mikey’s worst grade ever you

Better think of yourself I’ll probably write my test a lot better than you by the way I’m done teacher can I go to the restroom what Mikey did you finish the test yet you can’t leave class until the test is over and I’ve already finished

Writing the test and now I want to pee Oh my God Mikey’s going to pee himself let him go to the toilet now um well okay Mikey you can go to the toilet in peace well done for finishing the test I’m proud of you thank you teacher I’ll

Go now but how did you finish the test faster than me you didn’t prepare for it at all because I’m smarter and more cunning than you JJ bye everyone losers I went to poop keep writing the test um Mikey actually has all the wrong answers

He will get the worst grade his test is full of nonsense who’s talking here shut up everyone right now you shut up excellent students can shout and do anything and I’m an excellent student ha it’s so good to get the job done faster than anyone in the class I can actually

Go home now and play on the computer I’ll do that while JJ is writing this stupid test oh what are those noises I hear someone snoring you can’t sleep at school it’s all about learning and suffering that’s our director why is he sleeping on the job if it were me I’d

Have been punished a long time ago he sleeps so soundly here I’m sure he won’t wake up soon yeah that sounds awful I hope I don’t snore like that by the way I remembered that I wrote my test terribly I need to come up with something about that and what could

Possibly help me oh I think I’ve come up with a really cool and smart thing the director’s microphone is going all over the school at once I think I might be able to get a little naughty I guess a little prank won’t get me kicked out of this school and it’s actually the

Sleeping director’s fault if he hadn’t fallen asleep bullies like me wouldn’t have gotten into his office so easily attention this is the school director speaking I’m ordering JJ into my office immediately by the way JJ stinks so bad today I hope no girl ever talks to him

Because he’s such a loser but Mikey’s the cool kid that’s what the director of the school said I think I’m done writing this super ult test I’ll say it again JJ is waiting in the school Dar reader’s office that stinker should be here uh that’s kind of weird JJ get to the

Director’s office right now all right I’m just finishing up a test there’s a very strange sound in our director’s voice maybe he has a cold but it doesn’t matter hurry up and get over there I’ll let you go oh okay since it’s so urgent I should go over there I’m kind of

Scared to go in this office it’s usually for bullies or stupid students I don’t fall into any of those categories okay whatever oh hello JJ where are you going I’ve been urgently called by the director of the school I have no idea why he needs me uh that’s kind of weird

Maybe he wants to compliment you on being so smart uh well okay by the way did you write your test yeah it’s on my desk oh cool then I’ll wait for you outside the classroom cuz I still have a little bit of my test to write um this

Is getting even weirder because Mikey’s already written his test okay whatever I hope the director Praises me for sure I’m still afraid of him oh my God none of my answers match JJ’s I’m in big trouble and they won’t give me a new test sheet I need another brilliant idea

Oh I got it I’ll just change the names on the test JJ’s test will be mine and my test will be his what an evil genius I am I’m the smartest one in school not JJ 3 hours later what’s that all about an e-grade I’ve never gotten one of

Those in my life friends what subject did you get bad grades in write about it in the comments this is my first bad grade ever mom and dad are definitely not going to be happy about this this is my first good grade ever why are you so

Sad JJ I’m sad because I somehow failed the test oh I’m so sorry JJ for what happened not one correct answer this can’t be happening I certainly didn’t write that on my worksheet I’m doing great because I took my studies easy now this is where it gets weird stop whining

JJ let’s go home and play some games I still don’t understand how I could have failed the test this can’t be happening quit screwing around JJ everybody makes mistakes but not me how did you pass the test if you didn’t study for it at all hey kids Mikey I wanted to commend you

For having the best test scores ever I’m very proud of you kid keep it up thank you teacher I won’t let you down again I’ll be the smartest student in school JJ on the other hand really disappointed me a lot you were so good at school uh

Excuse me please I’ll study better for the next tests I really hope you take an example from your brother try harder and you will succeed I’ll take care of him teacher great by then I still have a lot of work to do bye-bye students bye for

Now I’ll call you later baby what what are you talking about it doesn’t matter let’s go home already this studying has really worn me out we should get some rest oh my God I’m sure there’s a catch in here somewhere it’s so good to be rested after a hard test my parents

Praise me so much that I’m finally getting my mind right and they scolded JJ and even punished him he was a little upset but it was nothing he’ll get over it somehow at least I have my first perfect test paper in my collection I think this could be put in a frame to

Admire it every day but JJ got so upset about that test so what if he got a bad grade for the first time in his life I’ve gotten hundreds of bad grades by the way where is he now oh my God why is he sitting outside in this horrible

Weather I’m sorry to see him like this he’s also crying yeah I did a bad thing I’ll have to do something to cheer him up so he doesn’t sit there sour all day otherwise he’ll get sick sitting in the rain it’s about time I admitted to him

That I switch the test he’ll definitely resent me but I don’t want to see him like this and my parents can scold me for my next grade and the teacher will be disappointed in me again but I care about my brother more than that he has

To find out about it my prank got out hi everybody I’m JJ and it’s a nice day so I decided to go get food at the store because I ran out of food at home it’s a nice day with good weather to go shopping just around the corner of this

House is one of my favorite grocery stores look at that huge sign and the great selection of different prodcts products the best choice in the whole city good day JJ is always happy to see a favorite customer have a nice day you’re just in time today we have a

Special offer for just a small amount of emeralds you can get a whole bunch of different foods within reason wow A Feast of unprecedented Bounty I just picked up a small amount of these emeralds I need some different meats and vegetables for my meals for tonight well

Of course we’ll have some fish meat and vegetables for you and a special gift for the best vendor in this town a big sweet and delicious cake that I made the other day because I wanted to make you happy and you didn’t get bored with that

Tedious job wow I’ve never gotten such a great gift at this boring job and it’s delicious this is the best day of my life wait a second I’ll get your order I can’t believe I got a cake wow just like that you can make someone’s day so much

Better I think making others happy is a good thing and someday they can do something good for me and here I’ve got the best produce we’ve ever had fish chicken apples and a bunch of other stuff wow how much I was able to get thanks to this wonderful promotion where

They gave me a whole bunch of products for my meals thank you so much for this delicious cake that I can’t wait to try good luck and bye so I got what I came for and now I’m going home I’m just a little while away from my big and beautiful house that I

Recently moved into and of course I’ve decided to do some gardening to spruce up my home but so far everything is just growing I’m finally home it’s so nice to be in such a cozy place I have to put the food in the fridge or it will spoil

And I won’t have anything to cook with here here and here now this food will be safe and won’t rot after such a long walk outside I have to wash my hands because there are a lot of bacteria that can get on my hands and make me sick

That’s how after a hard day like this it’s worth taking a break and watching the news breaking news there’s a hurricane of small fire tornadoes coming in the middle of the day be careful oh no if a tornado like that came through my house it would not only rip out my

Garden it would set the roof on fire I’d better see what’s going on outside my window oh my God the whole valley is flooded with lava and how am I supposed to survive wait the whole village is flooded and even my favorite store with food where am I going to buy food there

Is nothing left of the village it’s almost completely under the lava if I don’t figure out how to get out of here I’ll be under the Lava soon I just need to figure something out before this lava rises even higher I must hurry back and

See what I have to build at least a boat so I can get away from here this is the worst thing that could have happened that day I usually have a small stock of building materials in my house to improve my house but now I need them for

More important things it’s a good thing I’ve got some planks of cloth and tools that’s all I need to make a boat and try to go where the lava hasn’t gotten to or I’ll be stuck without food for a long time I’ve got to get higher before the

Lava gets me oh no I forgot about my collection of cool clothes but now I can only take these materials to build a boat and if I don’t figure out a quicker way to make a whole ship these materials are all I have now for survival and I

Hope they are enough of course I didn’t learn how to build a boat but I don’t think it’s a hard thing to do in these conditions it’s unbelievable there’s lava all over the place and there’s no end in sight and the news just said there was a tornado so I think I should

Start before the lava gets to me I have to lay out well I need to start building a boat as soon as possible 1 hour later I have finally built the best boat I can think of it has sails so that I don’t have to row the already viscous lava and

Float on it somehow he swallowed up everything in the area including my beautiful house but I have to leave now or I will go down with the house it’s the first time I’ve ever sailed a boat and it’s hard to row lava it’s incredibly hot but I’ve got to get out

Of here while I it’s so hot and hard a few moments later I can’t believe that my beautiful and cool boat deteriorated so quickly and now all that’s left of it is a couple boards and sails hey JJ hurry up and get over here before your

Boat burns down we got the whole ship I’m finally going to get out of this lava Madness and be safe my leftover boat is on fire but how am I going to get to safety wait for JJ we’ll build a bridge to you yeah I’m on my way to save

You don’t go anywhere we’ll be right there wow I can’t believe I was so lucky to meet them in the middle of a whole ocean of lava and water more importantly they didn’t abandon me and are trying to save me what good people I have to try

To get out come back and wait a little longer JJ I’m almost there and we’ll go out together yes of course I’m already looking forward to escaping from this hot lava to a safe place it’s hard to jump over such big chasms after I’ve swam through a whole ocean of lava it’s

Finally so nice to be safe and Alive thank you so much for saving me look at what my boat’s become I’d go down with it yeah as soon as we found out your town was flooded with lava we went looking for you and we were lucky to

Find you so quickly the news of the fire tornado surprised us but we decided to check it out and came to see you I’m so happy yeah look at us we’re not too far away on this island wow you have an entire Island so what are we waiting for

I’m so tired after a grueling voyage across a vast ocean of lava goodbye my favorite boat hopefully in the future I will build an even bigger and stronger boat yeah I’m so glad we saved you Oman Daddy’s waiting for us come on let’s go home I can’t wait to get some rest and

Have a proper dinner I could eat a dozen steaks and get a good night’s sleep after this big adventure wow it’s a whole tropical island with an incredibly beautiful beach and with marvelous mountains and a big rain Forest clear skies you can sunbathe here every day

Yeah it’s a great place JJ your mom spent a lot of time picking out places for us to live wow there’s even a waterfall on this island I’ve always wanted to see one JJ there’s a lot more we can show you like the rescue Tower your father built in case someone needed

Help you can climb it and see the view from there okay now I want to get to the top and see everything on this beach wow it’s so high up here you’re so small down here and it’s an incredible view of the whole Coast I tried to build the rescue Tower as

High as possible so you could see the beauty of the Island from it yeah we’re glad you liked it dad knew you’d be interested in something like this so you live here that’s funny it’s a real fireman’s house it would be cool to live there since my house is gone we’re sure

You’ll enjoy living with us JJ like you were ready to take me in beforehand that’s just your imagination we’re really cool all right come on let’s go show me your super duper house you know you could live with us as our Second Son Second Son do you already have a child

Of some kind mind yeah his name is Mikey you’ll definitely make friends with him oh there he is waiting for me what a freak there’s no need to insult him you should be friends with him hi my name is Mikey are you my new brother no I’m your

New daddy haah oh my God your jokes are too stupid friends would you like to live in a family of firefighters write about it in the comments and we’re off to settle into our new home and you can get back to work let me give you a tour

Of our house we’ll start in the hallway this is where we take off our shoes and welcome our guests and it’s pretty cozy in here by the way do you live apart from your parents yes it’s much more convenient by the way there’s an extra

Bed in here for you this is where you poop you it stinks in here it’s awful I’m going to put all my stuff in here and thank you for Sheltering me Mikey we’re brothers now JJ we’re supposed to help each other okay come on I’ll show

You the main house you’re going to love it okay I hope you have a whole ton of delicious steaks at home I also want to drink Coca-Cola JJ it’s all very unhealthy and unpalatable food you should eat a lot of greens ew it’s not cool to eat greens at all let me show

You our super cool car a super cool car I bet it’s something small and cheesy no it’s a giant fire truck that’s what we Ed to go to work wow now this is already cool I’d love to ride something like that it must be so cool to be a fireman

And drive such a cool car hey let me drive I won’t crash anywhere maybe no JJ you’re too young to drive maybe in the future you will become a firefighter too and you will ride in this car okay let’s go to our house Mikey promised to give

Me a tour of your house we have to ring the doorbell for them to open it for us um don’t you have keys to the house this is kind of strange JJ is so stupid this is our home how fun it is to prank JJ oh my God it was completely offensive stop

Being offended like a little girl wow and your house is much bigger than Mikey’s little house I would live here much Cozier better and more enjoyable you still have a lot of food here by the way you have fire detectors hanging on your shelf it’s so safe and here we cook

The healthiest and most delicious food we need this to help people extinguish their Fires at home that’s all I need I already want to be a firefighter let’s go put out the fires you’re too small JJ I’ll say it again you need to wait and

Grow up now let me show you my garage again yes JJ be patient being a firefighter is not that easy okay okay come show me your garage a second time wow this is the same car that I see for the second time she’s no longer interesting to me at all what other

Interesting things do you have in your home home um we have a second floor where there are many other rooms yes you will definitely like it there and what might I like there there is nothing cool or exciting here at all wow as I thought nothing interesting the most Ordinary

Second floor we have a super cool TV here and what’s cool about it there aren’t even cartoons here there are no colorful or bright clothes in the closet because all the clothes are here we also keep all sorts of cool shoes here why do you need this pipe going down uh that’s

A fire Escape right down to the garage ah I don’t know how to use it at all your pipe is not working at all this means you will be the worst firen in the world wow and it’s quite nice here ha I would spend my evenings here with a cup

Of coffee it’s so quiet and safe here haven’t heard of a lava sea at all because we live on a high Island we don’t care about such dangers and why don’t you care about this because of such dangers I lost my home okay let’s go to your house already what’s in that

Room very interesting but I think I’ll go there a little later I need to spend enough time coming to terms with my new home JJ come here quickly I’m already tired of waiting here for you I’m already running Mikey now it seems like it’s daytime and it’s too early for us

To sleep I don’t care you need to sleep it’s impossible to do anything else on the island okay good night then Mikey good night to you too JJ I hope the lava doesn’t reach us at night oh how hard it is for me to sleep in a new place place it’s already deep

Night outside but I can’t sleep ha just look at him Mikey sleeps so funny just like his parents apparently I shouldn’t talk so loudly here so as not to wake anyone up I’ll take a walk outside to sleep better this helped me when I lived

In my house how scary it is to be here alone friends aren’t you afraid to walk down the street at night write about it in the comments and that strange and forbidden door in that house haunts me I’m sure there’s something cool and interesting hidden there that I’m not

Allowed to see I think that no one will notice me if I go there for a short time and then quickly go back to my bed the firefighter family showed me every corner of this house except this door perhaps there is a monster locked in a

Cage there um is this just an ordinary Warehouse a bunch of uninteresting boxes there is nothing to do here at all oh what else is this fire tornado turn it on and off oh my God this is the switch for the tornado that destroyed my house this means that these firefighters

Deliberately burn down an entire Village along with its inhabitants but why would they do this I should turn off this scary and destructive tornado so no one else gets hurt although you know friends I don’t feel bad for the firefighters after all now I have a cool home and a loving

Family oh my God I only have $351 that’s not enough to pay for the house where am I going to get the money I’m in big trouble I also need to buy food so my kids don’t go hungry we’re so poor Mom I found a piece of bread behind

The closet it was delicious that’s awesome Mikey but it looks like we’re about to be kicked out of our house my job doesn’t want to give me any money at all oh God maybe we should start stealing money from the rich no Mikey stealing anything from anyone is wrong

And then what do we do just sit around and wait oh who’s that ringing the doorbell I don’t know we certainly weren’t expecting any visitors to our house and who’s this here to see us uh hello did you want something we didn’t seem to be breaking the law hello ma’am

You just broke the law I’m the sheriff of your Town’s Police Department my name is Lieutenant dick you have received complaints about you from your home maintenance company you are not paying your bills you will have to leave this house you’re so poor and you also stink

Get out of the house oh my God this is bad where are we supposed to live now I’ve got a little baby I’m so poor I don’t want to live in a dump it’s not cool at all it’s too dirty and cold out there oh my God how did I get here so

Fast seems like people just get teleported here when they can’t pay for their house oh my God now we’re homeless we’ll have to find food in garbage cans to survive but Mom I’m used to eating nothing except Burgers Now look for your burgers in the dumpster you’ll be lucky

If you do it faster than the rats but Mom it stinks so bad in here I know but we have no other choice oh I slept so well on my soft bed Hello friends my name is JJ it’s so cool to be a rich dude look at the way I live

My life not like some stinky bums I should go and say hello to my dad he must be doing some rich business oh yeah even this sun seems kind of luxurious to me though even the poorest people can see it I’m going to make the coolest breakfast ever good morning Dad what are

We having for breakfast today good morning JJ I made some super cool berry muffins but I can’t have breakfast with you I have to go to work right away why are you late already of course I work in a factory I start my shift at 8:00 in

The morning okay it’s a good thing the kids don’t work anywhere don’t forget to eat anyway I don’t want the food on the table to spoil okay I’ll be sure to eat thank you so much for taking such good care of me by the way I almost forgot

About your pocket money here’s some diamonds for you I think you’ll have enough for a day oh that’s just what I need thanks for that too Daddy you’re welcome because I love you son I’ll do anything to make sure you don’t feel poor thanks Dad I’m definitely not in

Any danger of that that’s great bye-bye then I’m off to my super cool and expensive job oh yeah how cool is it to have someone rich in the family who gives a lot of money friends how how much money do your parents earn write about it in the comments and I’ve got

Some things to do today while my Dad’s away I’d still like to spend the money he gave me how cool is he driving off Over the Horizon in his red Ferrari I want to do that too I’m so glad I have my own personal car I’m so rich that car

Is in our garage of course it’s not a red Ferrari but it’s very fast tdd dumb how do you like my super cool car write in the comments if you like it that’s what I’ll be riding around town today my plan today is to drive around town and

Look at all the Beggars and smelly people it’s so nice to know that I’m richer and cooler than them even though my dad taught me not to brag about money it still feels so good I need to realize how I am better than other people and

Yet I still have to spend my diamonds that my dad gave me 2 hours later hey hello everybody I’m on my way to town it already reeks of poverty in here everyone turns around and gets jealous looking at me in my cool car you can

Envy me too in the comments oh what kind of super poor is that somebody give me money for food we’re very hungry oh my God they must need a lot of help please give me food uh I don’t have any food but I have a bunch of diamonds I think

You can use that money to buy food instead of looking for it in a dumpster like that green dude does hey woman what’s your problem why are you so poor we were evicted from our little house because we couldn’t pay our bills now we live in a dump oh that’s bad life isn’t

Fair now we have to find food in the dumpster that’s what my son is doing now oh my God God this food is going to be dirty and unhealthy look I think these diamonds will be much more useful to you you’ll be able to buy food and not

Starve for a while are you serious you want to give us a bunch of diamonds that’s so generous it’s the little things to me my dad will give me the same amount tomorrow take this I hope you spend it wisely wo Mikey come here quick we’re rich now I’ve never seen

Money like this how much money did they give us 16 diamonds say thank you to this generous Mister wow thank you so much glad to help a poor person like you you thank you so much now we won’t starve to death and I won’t have to search through garbage dumps for rotten

Food anymore yeah well it’s not cool to go digging around in there at all now we’re going to go to the store and buy 2 months worth of food mom can I get one sugar bun just one Mikey because we need to spend this money wisely h i felt so

Sorry for them hey stop don’t walk away sounds like he wants his money back how about living with me in our cool and expensive house you’ll never look for food in a dumpster again you’ve got to be kidding me it’s very funny to him no I’m serious come with me I don’t want

You to be poor wow he’s really not kidding that would be really cool so we won’t have to go through the garbage anymore then we have to agree of course you do you’ll feel great in my house my dad definitely won’t mind having guests then let’s go to your house right now

Let’s go there’s only one seat in my car for me I don’t care at all the important thing is that we have a home now okay then I’ll drive my car and you guys can chase me it’ll be fun yeah it’s going to be fun come on let’s go come on catch up

With me ha ERS chase me but I’m always faster than that now we’re going to live off this rich guy all that’s left is to catch up with him to live in his rich house Catch Me Up Haha JJ well we still have a long way to

Go no Mikey we’re almost there this is my house me and my dad live here now you can also live with us for a while until you solve your problems wow what a nice house I really like it here well settle in and make yourself at home excellent

Thank you very much JJ well maybe you can show us the house come on in and follow me now this is your new home for a while you like it oh yes it’s very cool and very big you probably have a lot of money Mikey you decided to swim

In the pool yes I really love pools great now you can swim here all day long listen to JJ how did you build such a huge house yes your house is really very cool and huge how were you able to build it oh listen Mikey it wasn’t us who

Built it all but my dad hired workers and they were able to build it wow this is very cool yes I really like this house too so follow me now I’ll give you a tour of our cool house and don’t forget to feel at home and now you can

Live here as long as you want wow JJ your house is really huge and very cool thank you very much for allowing us to live here yes you are always welcome my dear friends I don’t feel sorry for anything for you you can do whatever you want to relax sleep eat deliciously and

Much more let me show you the place where you will sleep this will be your bedroom so follow me yes okay JJ we’re going look now this is your new bedroom this is where you’ll sleep wow how cool are the Mikey you like yes I really like

This bedroom it’s very big and very huge there are even balconies panoramic windows by the way look in this room there is a safe this is my dad’s safe all our money is there wow really yes this is very cool good only please don’t touch anything with him and guard him

Yes okay we will guard him very carefully you don’t even have to worry by the way we want to sleep so we’ll probably go to bed right now okay I won’t disturb you you can go to sleep well and peacefully well thank you very much JJ once again for allowing us to

Stay at your house good night good night my friends are so great well what should I do now I guess I’ll also go relax and have fun okay I guess I need to mind my own business I’ll go to the first floor by the way I’m very interested in when

My dad will return from work oh hi JJ how are you doing I just got back from work hello Dad I’m fine I’m having fun here eating delicious food and working out with his own Affairs this is a very wonderful son well how did you spend

This day oh listen dad he was very busy let’s better I’ll tell you tomorrow okay son I’ll go to rest and you can continue to do your own job let’s see you soon bye-bye okay Dad I’ll get busy with your job and good night to you too okay just

Don’t stay too late and go to bed on time okay Dad I’ll do that damn I should have told him Mikey who it is is who did you bring here to our house who are these two why are they doing this in our house Dad I completely forgot to tell

You I sheltered two homeless people come to our house they really need help yes we had nowhere to go and we didn’t know what to do thank you very much to the JJ for being able to help us yes Dad you see I’m not lying they really really

Need help well I didn’t mind helping these two people but why didn’t you tell me anything I also need to be aware of all the events that are happening in our house listen JJ well you can leave them but only they will sleep in your room on

The floor you understand me okay Dad I understand you they will sleep on my floor just please don’t swear that we were allowed to stay yes it’s true now we can spend the night just as we wanted listen you’re very lucky because most likely my dad could kick you out because

He very strict person let’s go now you will sleep with me in the same room only the truth is already on my floor but then so then on the street this is much better wow JJ you have a cool room you have a computer cool bed thank you Mikey

I also like my room you can settle down though you will have to sleep on the floor but I think for a couple of nights this is the best option well good night everyone Mikey you too go to bed you probably haven’t slept for a long time

Yes okay JJ good night to you too I hope I’ll sleep well yes if you can’t sleep you can watch cartoons no thanks JJ I think I’ll happily fall asleep oh how lucky I am that my dad allowed me to leave them in his room and and I’m very

Glad that I helped them today was a hard day so I’ll go to bed too good night all my friends children this is your bus stop get out of here uh Are We There Yet where all did we end up I don’t know my way around this town at all you

Shouldn’t have been messing around with a lighter in our old house so what if I started a small fire a small fire you burned down our parents’ house that’s why they kicked us out of the home I did it by accident they should have forgiven me there’s no forgiveness for this kind

Of thing Mikey I’m so hungry right now we need to find a place to sleep and also eat all because of you Mikey I’m sorry it’s my fault but it’s all in the past we need to look for someone who can take us to a new home who cares about us

We’re just poor little kids H that might help us we can push the pity button to make us feel sorry for ourselves that way we can get food so you want to live as a parasite I think that’s a good idea only we have to look really poor and

Miserable homeless usually the homeless are sitting somewhere on the street with a sign that says to give food that’s what I want to do JJ now they’re going to give us a whole bunch of food and we won’t starve to death that’s cool but where are you going to find a sign what

It’s been in your pocket the whole time yeah you have no idea what goes in my pocket sometimes anything can come in handy at a moment’s notice you need to seem even more pathetic sit on the floor just like a real homeless person that’s it now you look as awful as possible I

Have to hold the sign like this now you can ring the doorbell hey open up please that’s it we’re hungry little kids our plan is genius hey who was that knocking on the door someone asked for help oh there’s little kids in here they also

Have some kind of sign what do they need hello we are two orphans our parents kicked us out of the house and we are also very hungry could you give us some food no matter how much you feel sorry for it oh my God how bad is that we must

Help them yes give us food we are very hungry did we make this sign in vain if we don’t eat today we will die and it will be entirely your fault oh no these children should not die because of us then feed and shelter us right now um

Okay if you ask for it come to our house we will feed you you can feel at home finally someone helped us we’re so glad oh yeah finally at least some kind people came across to us so well the house is quite good of course our

Previous one was better but we can live here we’re glad you liked it here did you really want to eat oh yeah very much we haven’t eaten anything for several days and my brother already wanted to steal food here’s your bread stealing food from someone is very bad thank you

Very much let me eat too I’m hungry too here you go Mikey I don’t feel sorry for anything for my brother thank you it was delicious but not enough they ate all the bread in our house but in the previous house all the bread burned we

Could eat it how did it burn what’s happened yes tell me what happened we accidentally burned down our previous house because Mikey decided to play with his lighter this is why our parents kicked us out they are completely stupid here are the fire extinguishers if you

See a fire put it out immediately um okay these dudes are too weird their costumes are also unusual because we are a family of firefighters our job is to put out fires let me show you your room finally we can have a good rest from this hard day tomorrow we will train you

To be real firefighters um but we’re still little children we should be watching cartoons not putting out fires although it’s better than being homeless on the street this is where you will sleep wow such a soft bed thank you very much we are happy to help you poor

Children you are such kind and good people we are very grateful to you for everything you have done okay it’s already late at this time it’s already time for all the children to go to bed agree although I would also watch cartoons no cartoons for today it is

Unpleasant good night to you all gain strength because you’ll need it tomorrow good night to you too Mikey I didn’t think our plan would work at all oh yeah even though these are some strange eccentrics now we have our own home good night JJ good night to you too Mikey I

Have no idea what will happen tomorrow good morning I’m JJ I slept really well I had a really cool dream but now it’s time to wake up Mikey yeah we should definitely wake him up hey Mikey wake up quickly stop sleeping you’ve been asleep a long time get up quickly hey good

Morning JJ stop yelling so loud is something wrong yes you’ve been asleep too long it’s time to wake up and face the new day it’s 6:00 a.m. wow that’s great I didn’t sleep that much I’m fine good morning kids how did you sleep I hope you didn’t forget we have practice

Today let’s get ready and go oh cool what are we going to do you’ll be going through special firefighter training we’ll prepare you in case of a fire wow cool but why now it’s only morning we just woke up stop asking unnecessary questions wouldn’t you like to practice

With your parents that’s right stop talking we need to practice okay you’re right let’s practice great go downstairs and go outside yay I’m excited Mikey do you like it we’re finally going to be real strong firemen all right kids are you ready you’re about to go through a

Very difficult obstacle course I think you can handle it yeah we’re totally ready I can’t wait to do the test I’m sure I can do it but Mikey probably can’t haha are you out of your mind I can pass all these tests too wow I thought it would be a little easier but

That’s okay I’ll give it my best shot you will have to crawl from the bottom which is not easy either you have to be able to crawl on the ground then you will have to run through the water then you will have to climb the wall and pass

The fire test if you can do it all you are very good do you think you can do it I’ve never crawled this low or run through fire before I don’t know if we’re going to make it through this Jay speak for yourself wuss I can definitely

Get through this whole ordeal Mikey are you the smartest guy here look how big the fire is can you pass this test you’re afraid of fire you’re forgetting we have fire extinguishers of course we can pass these tests yeah guys don’t be scared I see you’re already freaking out

Haha you’ll be fine you’ll get through this ordeal don’t worry okay I’m still a little scared but I think it’s going to be okay so Mikey which one of us is going to be the first to take the test well if you’re afraid to take that test

First baby JJ then I’ll go first show you how real professionals work haha hey Mikey stop messing with me I’m not scared I’m just a little scared keep walking or I’ll easily outrun you don’t talk crap JJ there’s no way you’re going to beat me you’re scared to go through

This ordeal no way I’m not afraid by the way look at how supportive our parents are come on on get in quick look all we have to do is get through the fire and put it out look Mikey I think we need to hurry up whoo look all right you and me

We’re doing great we made it all the way through yay Mikey and JJ you are great you were able to pass this tough test the first time yes we tried really hard and managed to pass the first time Mikey did a great job I thought he would

Chicken out and not be able to pass the test but on the contrary he passed it first and was not even scared I was a little scared yes JJ you’re doing great but now we have to eat breakfast because we haven’t eaten since this morning I’ll make you something delicious oh yeah I’m

Really hungry I’d love some pizza right now stop what’s that do you hear that someone’s calling our phone we have to answer it in case something bad happens good afternoon urgently need your help we have a house on fire and the fire is spreading very fast soon there will be

Nothing left of the house quickly come and put it out wow did you hear that someone’s house is on fire we have to go and put out the fire we may have to rescue people from the fire hurry up and get in the car we don’t have much time

What a nightmare Mikey did you hear that this will be our first time as firemen we can help people put out fires we’ve been practicing for a reason yes JJ you are right now you and Mikey will help us save people from the fire just remember

The most important rule you have to be very careful it’s a very dangerous job it’s very easy to get hurt if you’re not careful Mom Dad don’t worry we’ll be very careful you saw us do the obstacle course today we’re prepared and we can do it yes we can definitely handle it

Okay I understood you but still be careful mom and I are worried about you anyway this is your first challenge be careful start getting ready we have a long way to go the path is not close great I can’t wait to get started yes me too three hours [Applause]

Later okay we’re almost there be careful the fire can spread very far mom and I will put out the fire on the first floor and you go to the second your task is to check if there are people on the second floor and if someone is there

Immediately take them out of the house it’s very dangerous there do you understand me yes we understand everything we will be very careful wow just look at how big the fire is here it is already engulfed the whole house I’ve never seen anything like this before

Somehow it’s even a little scary in our training the fire was much smaller so children now we do everything as carefully as possible don’t touch anything your task is to go up to the second floor and check everything there okay Mom Dad do you need help the fire

Is incredibly big are you sure you can handle it oh children I don’t know the fire is really very big but it’s better for us to split up Suddenly there are people on the second floor they also need to be helped you have to save them

So Mikey are you ready now we are on a real Mission this is not a training session we have to check the second floor yes JJ I’m certainly ready what are you afraid of haha don’t be afraid everything will be fine fine now we’ll quickly check the second floor and go

Downstairs to our parents okay Mikey you’re right wait what did you hear that look back the tree has fallen from the ceiling we can’t get out of here now we’re trapped what should we do Mikey I don’t know what to do we weren’t taught this in training it seems smoke has

Begun to fill this room I can’t breathe JJ think of something Mikey what’s wrong with you did you feel bad Mikey answer me oh no I think I’m losing Consciousness too oh stupid kids I told you to be careful we are lucky that we heard you and came

To save you you still have to study and study okay it’s okay we saved them after all let’s go take them to a safe place away from the fire they need to wake up yes you’re right everything is fine hi everybody my name is JJ how are

You guys doing I’m playing ball with my parents mom say hello to the viewers hi every everyone hahahha we’re playing ball great now let Daddy say hello hey everybody catch the ball darling that’s a good kick sweetheart JJ you ready to catch the ball yes of course kick that

Ball already ow that wasn’t so easy mom catch the ball JJ you’d make the worst soccer player ever what Dad you think so too yeah you’re really bad at catching and kicking the ball um that was offensive but it’s okay I’ll practice more and soon I’ll be a good soccer

Player that’s it stop playing games what but I want to play more JJ you need to obey me yes we’ve been playing ball for 3 hours now we’re really tired oh yeah the sun’s already setting Over the Horizon it’s really time to go to bed he finally agreed with us without arguing

These things happen Mom let’s go home already we want to sleep too my leg is so tired after your soccer game I don’t have any pain I’d play soccer all night if you’d let me no JJ children should sleep at night otherwise you’ll be tired and sleepy in the morning um that sounds

Logical then go to bed and stop messing with us you stupid kid but in insulting me is unnecessary we need to have time early in the morning to prepare a surprise for him while he is at school surprise do you think JJ would like that

Of course I mean he loves any kind of surprise he’s going to enjoy it for sure only he can’t know about it it has to be unexpected then don’t yell about it so loud he might hear you you’re talking loud too and stop yelling at me I’m

Going to get mad I’m the one who’s about to go mad don’t raise your voice at me either wow my parents are preparing some kind of surprise for me that’s so cool I wonder what they’re getting me could it be a case of Coke what would you like to

Get write about it in the comments why don’t I play on the computer a little longer the next day hi friends I’m in a math class right now there’s a lot of dumb people around here and the dumbest one here is that teacher anyway triangles are such a cool

Thing ha oh there’s no triangle there’s some squares what are they doing ha oh my God she doesn’t even know what she’s telling us by the way we recently wrote super super hard math tests all of you wrote the test terribly except for JJ he’s the smartest one in the class oh

Yeah haah I know that and your test is easy here are your results JJ you can be proud of yourself kid A++ haha the most common grade for me oh what’s that is it ringing e for yourself no hints for you you’re going to love this surprise JJ I think

All the kids might like it all the kids might like it it’s definitely a case of Coca-Cola or maybe maybe a new superpowered computer ha these are two expensive gifts don’t even think we’ll ever buy you one seriously then it’s something cheap and unnecessary I’m starting to get disappointed in your

Surprise stop whining JJ come on in and see for yourself oh my God it’s probably just some trinket for a couple bucks that you decided to give to me instead of throwing in the trash so where’s your surprise ha hey Mikey come out and say hi to your brother what hey everybody

I’m Mikey your new little brother what the hell is that you ser seriously gave me a foster brother thank you so much for having me here oh my God I didn’t expect this I’d like to be friends with you and I’d like to hug you too oh no

Get away from me I don’t want no brother I was fine on my own I don’t care you’ll live together but I don’t want to live with him this is not a good surprise at all I thought you loved me I love all of you and JJ too wow they’re both so cute

I hope they become friends ha are you out of your mind I’m not going to be friends with him where are you going let’s be friends and we’ll rest in the bedroom with Daddy maybe we’ll play together um I’ll never play with you and we’re not going to be friends either oh

My God Foster brother what a stupid idea I bet my parents wanted him so they wouldn’t have to play with me anymore maybe we can try to be friends after all I’m going to be so lonely living alone no get out of here I don’t love you

You’re not my friend and you never will be wow you have toys with TV you’re so cool you also have your own computer let’s play computer games together hey get your stinking hands off my computer it’s not your thing it’s mine come on you don’t think it’s too bad I’m going

To use it for a little while no I’m not giving you anything I’m greedy get out of here you’re so annoying and disgusting you can live in the pantry this is a place I can share with you oh that’s kind of uncool that’s the most you’re allowed in my room by the way

There’s also a mountain of garbage where you can sleep it’s so cool this is where you’ll live don’t go in my room at all you want me to live like Harry Potter he had a small pantry and this is big and comfortable half room half pantry and don’t even whine about the living

Conditions but I don’t want to live here it’s not cool at all nobody wants you because you’re adopted and you stink 5 minutes later finally I can calmly play on my favorite computer and no one will bother me I’ve been waiting for this for so long look how cool my computer is

Wait what you hear that stupid Mikey again I’m so tired of him I can’t do anything it’s annoying JJ what happened who’s crying where’s Mikey what did you do with it um I didn’t do anything to him he’s fine then quickly tell me where

He is I don’t see him in this room haha fine it sits in our closet look for him there um what what is he doing there okay let’s go quickly we need to let him out of there Mikey hi oh no Mikey why are you crying what happened it’s all

Because of JJ he told me to sit in the closet and locked me there what it is not true he climbed in there himself and sat there all this time don’t listen to him he is bad okay kids stop arguing look we have tickets for the cruise it’s

Very cool there will be stops on different islands and excursions pack your things and let’s go quickly wow how cool we will be sailing on a huge ship to different cool Islands wow I really like this idea great then quickly get into the car and we will go on our new

Unforgettable Journey this is very cool I have never sailed on large ships and have never been to the islands it is very interesting to me so children listen to me carefully this is quite a dangerous Journey you must always be close to us and not leave us even a step

Because you might get lost somewhere or you might be kidnapped by evil Pirates did you understand everything we understand everything we will be very careful and will not go anywhere well how much longer do we have to go we’ve been driving for a long time don’t you

Think JJ calm down we’re almost there you need to have more patience we are not late for anything and this is the main thing we finally arrived very cool so for some reason I don’t see our ship where is it uh kids are you completely blind look carefully there wow is this

Our ship it’s not even a ship it’s more like a yacht wow are we going to sail on a yacht are we rich now haha apparently yes this is very cool we didn’t expect this either I thought we’d be sailing on an ordinary ship but here’s a whole

Yacht incredibly cool are you happy children yes we are incredibly happy this is very cool this yacht even has a swimming pool we can sunbathe and swim in the pool wow this is the Navigator’s cabin cool never seen this before Mom Dad can I steer our yacht a little when

We swim in the sea uh okay so what do we have here wow this is a games room I can play pool JJ look this is our new bedroom this is where we will spend the night wow really cool bedroom Mikey please go to your parents and check if

Everything is okay with them okay I’ll go now I’ll be quick excellent now I’ll have to come up with a plan on how to get rid of Mikey it will be quite ult to do this on a yacht I think we’ll have to get rid of it at the next stop I hope

Everything works out I need to wait 2 hours later so we finally stopped at the first island and here I want to get rid of Mikey while no one saw I dug a large hole and I plan to throw Mikey out there he definitely won’t be able to get out

Of here and when the parents notice that he is not on the yacht we will already sail very far away and we’ll never find him haha great plan hey JJ where are you oh Mikey Hi listen you love surprises and gifts right yes of course I love

Gifts and surprises what happened do you want to give me a gift yes Mikey I have prepared a very cool gift for you as an apology for my jokes on you it’s on an island come on I’ll show it to you okay where is this gift I don’t see it

Anywhere he’s right behind you just don’t look there close your eyes and walk back and you’ll bump into him the most important thing is don’t open your eyes because it’s a surprise there’s still a little time left Mikey step back quickly there you are stupid Mikey what’s happening why did you throw me

Into a hole I can’t get out of here get me out quickly this is not funny JJ no Mikey I won’t get you out of here now you’ll stay in this hole forever bye-bye Mikey I hope I never see you again you will be able to get out of this hole but

Our yacht will no longer be here best wishes haha how great it is I was finally able to get rid of Mikey now my parents will only love me Mikey good goodbye forever haha pH finally I was able to get out of here wait where’s the yacht where are my

Parents what should I share now I’m all alone on this island help me

Today, JJ and MIKEY were getting ready for their holiday! JJ and MIKEY are celebrating their birthday! JJ SPEAKER MAN started to argue with MIKEY and said he would get the most presents! MIKEY got mad at JJ and made a wish that JJ would get no presents! Mikey and JJ Family Sad Story

MIKEY’S favorite BABY? JJ WAS FORCED TO CLEAN HOUSE in Minecraft – Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

Original Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial

#minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman


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