These villagers are homeless and mutant creepers are coming to kill them we need to build a hotel so they have somewhere to stay don’t worry guys I’ll build the best hotel for these villagers using dirt no way mono I’m going to use sl/ paste which will spawn in a way cooler

Skyscraper hotel for these villagers ew what is that it looks like a poop Scot skyscraper quick woodo we need to clean the skyscraper up so it looks better than you got it axie let me get rid of all the dirty blocks with smooth quartz wow that already looks way better

Woodo but there’s still a bunch of yucky spider webs yeah it still looks super dirty woodo oh gosh you’re right let me just take these cobwebs and if I do this command axi they’ll disappear too now our skyscraper is looking a lot cleaner and fancier it’s so beautiful especially

Compared to Mongo’s little dirt box well woodo right now your hotel doesn’t have anything inside where are the villagers going to stay huh oh gosh you’re right I need stuff inside of this hotel so that the villagers can survive let’s go inside the entrance axi it should be

Right over here this skyscraper is massive woodo there’s going to be so much space for mud piles and pools and a lot of axotal hangout spots exactly axie just look at the elevator it’s humongous but when I want our villagers to come here I want them to get the luxury VIP

Experience so how about I grab some red carpet and we start by building them a nice beautiful entrance where they can come check in that’s perfect woodo it’s just like a real hotel axie and what we can do to make the villagers even happier is place down a nice table and

Offer them some welcome drinks and cookies wow I might just eat all of those cookies though I don’t think you’re allowed to do that axie you work at the hotel here we go let’s put some coconut cocktails over here and then some fresh baked delicious cookies now they’ll have nothing to complain about

It looks so tasty guys the villagers are going to have cookies but can I have some too sorry unless you’re a hotel guest you cannot have any cookies you know what woodo I’ve had enough my hotel is going to be way better than yours no it’s not M go because my check

Counter is going to be the fanciest one ever to exist check this out axie if I go ahead and put down a nice cash register over here this is where the villagers can pay for their rooms nice I get to stay here for free though right

Of course you do but what are you building over here axie I’m building a super cool Lounge area so that when the guests arrive they have somewhere to eat the cookies oh that’s perfect and if they want to relax before they go up into their room they can anyways now

That our check encounter is here I can also add a gate to make sure that we don’t have any unwanted guests coming inside AKA woodo are you really saying my name right now yep I don’t want you to come inside my hotel and bother my guest

so I have to lock away this section to make sure you don’t oh yeah well when all the villagers come storming to my hotel cuz it smells better it’s cleaner and it’s just better for them you’re going to be crying in your little fancy entrance area that’s what you think anyway

Axi look at this now when the villagers come in they can get all the stuff they need and go into their rooms let me make another red carpet here and I’m going to make it go straight to the elevator because our skyscraper has so many floors way more floors than will

Have only has one floor can we even call that a skyscraper no way hey I’m going to have way more floors oh my gosh axie no he won’t just look at the outside I think what I also want to do is grab my w tool is take this gray wool

And instead replace it with lime concrete so now it’ll really be the woodo hotel wait a second woodo you made all of it where’s my part oh yeah axie I forgot you’re one of the owners of our hotel too so I should definitely have a pink

Part as well well don’t worry about that axie let me just go ahead and replace the glass to some Lim stain glass down there and now what I can do is I can fly to the tippy top of this skyscraper and select these two blocks so that all the

Blocks in this area get turned into pink blocks yay yay I have my own section guess what guys I’m using red glass for my skyscraper it doesn’t matter how much glass you use our skyscraper is already looking 10 times better and I think I know where I want the VIP Suite

To be axie check out this big room in the middle it has like two floors which should be perfect to put down some really VIP stuff wa this is perfect Woodle but what are our VIP guests going to expect do they want a bunch of mud no

Silly a bunch of mud would not be what VIP customers want VIP customers want something fancy which is why I’m building them a very fancy bedroom right over here are you sure this isn’t just a bedroom for you woodo of course not I want to give them the ultimate luxury

Experience and what’s more luxury than a big green bed that they can sleep sleep on with a bunch of turtle decorations of course oh I know what’s more luxurious oh gosh mango what is more luxurious instead of a green big bedroom it should be a big red bedroom ew nobody wants a

Red bedroom what do you mean wudo red is the best color in the world no red is the color of stinky people exactly I’m sorry but nobody wants that well then let’s let the viewers decide wudo everyone comment what your favorite color is my favorite color is green so everyone comments green my

Favorite color is pink because I’m an Exel so comment pink I know everyone’s going to comment red nobody’s going to comment red anyway ZXI check this out I know something that that stinky guy doesn’t have it’s a walk-in closet where we we can put down an armor

Stand so that our VIP guest can put down the clothes that they love oh cool you think I should give them some clothes to start out with of course axi what type of clothes should we put down I think I know what I want to have in there it’s

This super cool green Samurai armor I think they should wear a bikini a bikini are you serious axie I don’t know if everyone wants to wear a bikini when they go outside that’s a little bit weird yes they will Woodle because we’re going to have a massive pool that is

Right axie but I’m talking about clothes how about instead I give them something way cooler like this blue chain maill armor it’s kind of fashionable don’t you think wow that is fashionable but woodo I guess need clothing not armor I think they should wear this instead this is the peak of fashion

Axie what in the world is that is that armor that’s made out of cardboard it’s not armor woodo it’s a fashionable cardboard box oh my goodness I don’t know if any guests will wear that but then again this is just free for them so if they want to take it they can anyways

Let me go ahead and put some lights so that it’s nice and bright and there and now axie these villagers need another important thing inside their room and that that is a nice kitchen where they can cook some meals our villagers are going to have to cook for themselves

Here exactly axie they’re not going to eat out all the time because that would be unhealthy oh that’s true and that would also be really expensive that’s funny coming from you woodo you’re so fat what I am not fat but I know that you’re probably going to feed all

Your villagers a bunch of McDonald’s and you’re going to make make them super fat no voo I’m actually feeding them only Sushi and fish ooh Sushi and fish that sounds good I guess we could give them a little bit of a welcome meal axie check this out can you put down some sushi

Over here that they can prepare okay I’ll put down some sushi woodo leave it to me I’ll put down some fresh fishes well that they can chop up and turn into even more Sushi check this out yummy Sushi wait what axie what are these things these look like scary fish and is

This one poison are you trying to kill the villagers no what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger rudo guys I just realized if you’re feeding them Sushi does that mean you’re feeding them yourself wait what I’m not a fish what are you talking about oh wood something’s happening oh no ax

You got sick I told you not to eat that poyson his fish why don’t you come sit over here and I’ll give you a golden apple so that you can recover there you go the world is spinning oh gosh axie please just eat the golden apple to feel

Better after I eat this lion fish wait no you’re just going to get more sick oh no I can’t move don’t worry axie I’ll whip up something in the kitchen to make you even healthier let me go ahead and grab a fridge so that I can put them right

Over here and right next to that I can put a bunch of vegetables like cabbage and broccoli so that I can make a healthy drink that will turn axi back to normal wo hurry I think I’m going to die in 1 minute no I don’t want you to die

Axie quick if I only have 1 minute then I need to work fast let me go ahead and grab these blenders to make sure that there is plenty of Supply so that I can heal axie here we go just like this and now I should be able to make you a green

Drink that you can drink axie let me just search up drink real quick and you know what take this creamy corn it’ll help you this seems really gross Woodle just drink it okay okay I’m hey I’m back to normal yay I’m so happy you’re back axie a man I wish axi

Would have stayed sick so you guys would have easily lost are you kidding me axie monco wanted you to die we can’t let that happen yeah that’s really messed up let’s go get revenge we need to prank him really hard axie come over here I need to give you this invisibility

Potion so that you can go invisible okay woodo let’s go I think his Hotel should be right around the corner let’s take a look and wait what this is a hotel this looks more like a castle a poopy Castle oh my gosh this is the best skyscraper hotel in the world I

Mean check it out I even have this villager working for me wait did you hear that axie manga wants to make all of these villagers work for him and I’m not going to let that happen what if I just go ahead and spawn in a couple of guests to Spook him

Axie wait a second zombies where did they come from oh your guests have turned into zombies I’m going to spawn a bunch more downstairs so that they eat your villager too ooh oh no these zombies are going to scare away the villagers and they’re going to go to muro’s poopy Hotel yes

Yes yes that’s exactly what I’m doing you you’re so smart but can you figure out a way to get rid of them all I don’t think so you know what I need to use my secret power that vooodo and axi don’t know about wait what what could

That be he doesn’t have a secret power right all I need to do is just cast a spell on these zombies shabala do shabala and all of them are now dead what in the world was that Magic axi you know what I’m just going to spawn in a

Bunch more and we need to quickly go back to our hotel because we can’t let that stinky guy distract us you know what I just need to take this zombie and just put it inside of voodoo’s Hotel wait what hey get off of my hotel property I saw you trying to put a

Zombie in my hotel never come back wa wo how did you see me I have eyes and ears everywhere and anyway axi look at this floor up here W what’s this place for Ludo this is where all the guests from inside my hotel room can come upstairs

And enjoy the amazing view so I think we need some things to go along with it like a pool so let me grab some quartz blocks and water so that we can clear out an area where our VIP guest can enjoy the ocean yay I love pools woodo

Check this out I already have a nice big area made I just need to set the exterior of it to more quarts and now it’ll look amazing do you want to put some decorations down too I’ll put them in a minute after I’m done playing in

The pool well you can’t play in the pool all day axie this is for our guests remember those poor villagers have gone through a lot because they’re homeless so I want to make sure they have a fun place to stay check this out I’m even putting down sand so it really feels

Like they’re at the beach okay woodo but I’m going to put a diving board so that all the guests can have fun jumping oh yeah a diving board would be sick axie I should also clear out this area over here so that I can put some really nice

Relaxing chairs where they can sit down and enjoy the view I bet Monga doesn’t have a super nice view like this now does he voo that’s where you’re wrong at my rooftop there’s a view of your ugly Hotel ew I don’t want your guest looking at my hotel they probably all stink they

Probably have like 20 diseases ew oh gosh I need to build some showers then a look at this now the villagers can come here and enjoy everything outside isn’t that awesome wo it’s such a nice view I we might just take a little nap by axie wake up you can’t

Take a nap a why not woodo because axi those Mutant Creepers will come for the villagers soon we really need to make sure that they don’t attack those poor villagers so how about what I do over here that’ll be really fun is make a water slide a water slide do we have

Enough room of course we do axie check this out hey before you guys go any further it’s time for me to cast my spell wait what manga what are you talking about nobody wants to hear you in your spells what do you mean woodo are you ready 3 2

1 wait what M you turn into a wizard and hey our pool turned into lava turn it back right now nope if I turn this into lava then the villagers won’t come to your hotel cuz it’s dangerous and they’re going to come to my one cuz it

Has a small 4×4 pool how dare you that pool looks like a poo poo pool come on axie we need to replace this lava quickly don’t worry Woodle I’ve been studying in his spells and I think I can turn it back really okay what spell are you going to use axie I’m

Going to use the spell do wait what what is that doing and hey our pool just turned into mud I think your spell was worse than mongos yay it worked oh my goodness axy I don’t know if that’s a good idea let me go ahead and set both of these blocks

Back to water like they should be and then what I can do is grab a water bucket and finish my water slide so now you can go up here and straight into the water yay a I like the mud but this is good too but ax I’m not going to lie I’m

Feeling pretty hungry and after swimming so will all those villagers and if they can’t cook they’re going to need someone else to cook for them so what if I come to this top floor and we turn it into a McDonald’s a McDonald’s is that really fancy enough for a hotel like this of

Course sexy I’m actually just going to go search for the McDonald’s right now there’s so many different foods that we can place down for example the MC rib double cheeseburger and my favorite McNuggets so let’s build a place to do exactly that I’m going to grab some

Quartz and we’re going to build a cash register where our customers can go and take their order cool may I please have 10 million McNuggets 10 million McNuggets that’s a lot of McNuggets axi I don’t know if that’s healthy for you it is woodo trust me well I guess I’ll

Put it on the menu let me go ahead and put them right over here and then right underneath them I can put a cash register and then also add a pressure plate where our guests can put down their money for us to take wait what are we stealing from our

Guests of course not axie we’re just going to be charging our dumb gu yes like a lot of money for McDonald’s something like 10,000 diamonds if they want to have just a little cheeseburger isn’t that funny oh yeah that makes sense what mudo you know I can hear

Everything you’re saying right um no you can’t anyway axi let me go ahead and grab some item frames over here and I’m going to go ahead and put down the raw ingredients for example some raw bread tomatoes cheese everything that we we need to make these Burgers so that we

Can prepare them to be way tastier than whatever food serves in his hotel that’s right Woodle and I’m adding some chairs over here so that our guests can enjoy a nice dinner oh yeah that’s great now that I have this cooking area set up I need a preparing area so let me go

Ahead and grab these blocks right over here and set this area simply to prepare all of the McDonald’s food I wonder Maxi what food is your favorite at McDonald’s my favorite food is the McDonald’s milkshake ooh milkshake that’s not a food though axie that’s a drink if you

Eat enough of it it is a food I think my favorite is the french fries and I’m even going to build a dedicated french fry area right over here so that we have plenty of fresh hot french fries for our customers there won’t be any left for

The customers by the time I’m done wait what axie you can’t eat all the food silly oh my gosh you know what while you’re there I might as well also go ahead and put down some delicious drinks for our customers too for example let’s go ahead and pick out some more of those

Coconut cocktails but I also think that they should enjoy some home brew drinks as well like some soda so let me go ahead and put them right right over here and then I’ll also grab some item frames so that they can pick them out how about some delicious cocacola

Axie I would love some delicious coca colola Woodle and that’s why I’m going to drink it all now and eat the table what you can’t eat that stuff axie it’s not healthy for you that would only be at Mongo’s Hotel because those poor villagers would have nothing else to eat

But tables I can eat what whatever I want well guess what wudo at my hotel we’re going to have fireworks fireworks that’s so lame I can have fireworks too you know but I bet you won’t have this come on axie how about we build a fun party area over

Here which will be way more fun than whatever manga’s trying to do right now yeah that’s such a good idea Woodle what should I I’m going to place down a giant disco dance floor axie so that all of our guests have a place where they can dance

Do you want to go ahead and build a different type of game like some arcade machines sure I’ll put a bunch of arcade machines over here and I’ll even build a prize Corner that’s a great idea axie so that the Villager kids can get some prizes I’m also going to go ahead and

Grab some speakers over here that I can hang up so the music is nice nice and loud and so that we don’t have to hear oh yeah who wants to hear that guy you guys won’t hear me anyways cuz my fireworks are way too loud nobody cares about your fireworks they’re so

Boring no they’re not woodo and I bet your party room won’t have any fireworks oh it definitely will I’m actually going to go ahead and grab some right now so now we can have a firework party wo that’s sick woodo what are you working on over here how’s the arcade

Coming along axie it’s coming along great Woodle I’m even making a rainbow sign a rainbow sign that’s awesome I guess while you do that axie I’m going to go ahead in this party area and I’m going to place down some dispensers so that we can have those fireworks that

has that’s going to be so fun oh yeah it’ll just be like 10 million times better for real axie let me just put them here and then activate this lever and now we have fireworks going out yay yay and I’m done with my sign woodoodle how does it look that looks so

Fun I think what I’m also going to do is grab some blocks of ice so that we can play bumper cars on this floor I love bumper cars it’s such a fun game I know right I’m going to win though no you’re not axie let me just make sure I put

Some protective fencing over here to make sure we don’t get hurt I bet everyone inside of Mongo’s hotel is going to get hurt though that place is probably so dangerous woodo I’m going to have police outside of my hotel to arrest you when you get here police officers why are you going to

Arrest me for being a better Builder what woodo I’m going to arrest you you for taking all of the customers and serving them that poopy little party room and that poopy food I don’t think it’s poopy because we have real bumper cars come on axie why don’t you

Try to bump around with me okay wood I’m going to bump you ouch Bo you’re bumping me too much axie stop it Bo I’m spinning boing boing boing wait you guys have bumper cars yeah that’s right but I bet you can’t have them because you’re super

Duper lame and trash oh gosh I need to add something else I’m going to have a trampoline park a trampoline park H we can add trampolines too check this out axie I’m going to put them everywhere where there isn’t something fun to do so now you can bounce bounce bounce

Wherever you are this Flor is the most fun ever I know right I wish I could have put this inside my house but this is why the villagers will love our hotel but axie I actually have a surprise for you you’ve been the greatest Axel friend

Ever so now that we’re in this pink section how about you come up here and we build the Axel room on the very top floor wait really L you’re going to help me build my own room exactly axie so how about I go over here and remove all of

These gray blocks and we can set them instead to pink wool just for you axie cuz you’re the best ever yay wait a second wudo can I please get a room too nope because you’re stinky and lame you don’t even like axi as much as

I do why would you say that ah that’s what you get anyway axi check this out now you have the greatest view on top of our entire skyscraper but what do you want to add up here I want to add a lot of stuff first I need a huge bed a

Huge bed you got it let me just grab some pink real quick and how about I put the bed right over here along with some really cool pink glass so now you have a comfortable place to sleep W that’s perfect woodo but I know that sometimes

Axie you like to live like a true Axel lot so how about I also go ahead and build you something even better a muddy bed too a muddy bed that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard of let me go ahead and put the mud over here so now you can

Sit back and relax whenever you’d like axie woodo I need more mud don’t worry we’re going to have a giant mud pile over here too this is where you’re going to play in the mud and look at the amazing view underneath you because it’s so beautiful in my skyscraper and not

Mongos hey woodo can you see me wait what axie where did you disappear to I’m right here hey you scared me I didn’t know ax lles could hide in the mud like that anyway axie look I made your mud playing area yay this is all I need in

My foodo aside from Cake exactly and we’re going to put plenty of cake too let me just decorate this area by adding some beautiful pink lights and now I’m going to grab you your very own cake table with a bunch of exotic cake axie just for you cake it’s going to be so

Tasty here we go now that I have all of those I can put down a nice pink table just like this and cover it all with the different cakes look there’s even a pink cake that’s your favorite color yep and I ate it all oh gosh axie let me

Refill that for you there you go this is perfect WOD now I just have to take over the whole hotel and make it like this wait what are you kidding me axi I don’t want you to do that remember this place is still for our villagers I just want

It to be nice and give you a place to stay too and guess what whenever you want to come in and out of our hotel I’m actually going to give you a pink helicop opter so you can do exactly that seriously you’re going to let me fly a

Helicopter of course axi come on I’ll go inside with you oh let’s go explore woodo you got it axie let me just take off and wo we’re so high up that we even touched the clouds and now axie look at our amazing hotel from the sky it looks

So awesome but wait a second is it just me or is the helicopter losing throttle I think we’re going to crash it mongos oh no Crash Landing Avo Mission oh go ouch I think we landed on his massive trampoline what is this wait a second how could you guys crash

Your plane here this is my fun area where I get to jump super high and see your ugly Hotel this is the most massive trampoline ever I have to say that is pretty cool but what about your actual Hotel did you see all those villagers they need a place to stay

That’s good well as you can see wudo I have my police officers making sure there’s no criminals like you wait I’m not a criminal I think that pink Axel’s a criminal though arrest her no don’t arrest me put me down arrest her for being a fish I’m not a fish and I won’t

Be arrested did well then monco why don’t you show us inside your hotel what is this this is the food that my hotel serves a fish a fish and another fish you don’t even have a checkin area boo that’s so lame no woodo this villager

Checks you in and then you go up to the first room wait what ai’s already dozing away wake up axie I just want to take a nap there’s probably some bugs crawling inside those beds axi I wouldn’t go there if I were you you think so what do

You mean muda bed bugs just add flavor no they don’t and there’s a ton of villagers outside two beds isn’t going to cut it exactly that’s why I have bunk beds in this next room ew this looks like it’s all poopy once the last time you cleaned these beds and why is

There water dripping it was like three months ago ew but guys check it out over here we have my pool that’s what you call a pool four blocks of water wait but check it out the best thing is that you can go on the pool and then afterwards hop in the

Shower and then do a flip to the trampoline and go super high wait did you just backflip that was sick let me jump off of here to and we I have to say the only cool thing about your hotel was this trampoline because you can admire how amazingly gigantic and beautiful my

Modern Hotel is so why don’t I take you in my helicopter over there and show you what a true VIP experience is like sure woodo but I doubt your hotel is going to be any better come on axie why don’t you explain to him what our

Hotel will be let me just go ahead and position myself and take you right to the entrance come on axie be a good Butler okay let’s see what on the world does this hotel have to offer Hey sir welcome to the amazing wodo and axi hotel can I please offer you a welcome

Drink and a cookie oh of course yes I’ll be taking all of it well thank you very much axie over here will help you check in hello sir how long are you planning on staying on this trip yes I want to stay from now until the 3D so that’s about 30 days oh

Okay that’ll be 3 billion million gazillion diamonds come on pay up what that price is way too expensive I want to talk to your manager okay he’s right here I am the manager pay up now um wuro you’re not really scary you’re kind of cute if anything what

Okay you know what’s I’m just going to take you on a tour instead just come up here in our elevator where I will take you up to the VIP woodo suite are you going to fly me up the elevator anytime I want to go to the room exactly

Check this out you get a big luxury bed along with your own mini Kitchen where you can prepare fresh food and vegetables but don’t forget about our amazing wardrobe where there’s plenty of clothes ooh I think I like these clothes over here uh mango you

Like the bik need to go ahead and wear it I knew the guest would like it let me just put it on and wow I look pretty good wow axi I have to say you are definitely right look come on Mango let me take you back up the elevator that

Suite actually has an outdoor area too this giant pool where you can go down this big water slide and diving board or you can go over here and do a backflip wow that was sick and look look if you just want to relax you can also sit

Down and look at the giant view just make sure you don’t slip off oh wo what’s going to happen if I drop you what’s going to happen if I drop you both oh gosh that was really bad axie come on you can’t do that axi that’s so scary anyways why don’t you follow

Me right upstairs where we have food for you to eat food oh my gosh I want some A5 wagu beef please well this isn’t McDonald’s we have MC fries and McNuggets ow gosh that’s so unhealthy can I please have a salad a salad we don’t serve salad sir well can I please

At least have some fish okay we’re serving fish right here what I’m not a fish axie how dare you try to serve me to that stinky red guy oh cooked Turtle no I’m not cooked come on follow me up to this next floor it’s a party

Area where you can have way more fun than in your hotel and we can sing wait what are you serious look we even have bumper cars too no way I’m going to beat you woodo hi I’m going to beat you both bump oh gosh I’m spitting all over the place I’m losing my

Mind don’t worry M you can even play on the arcade machines over there if you want to as well but that’s for later and if you pay up come over here the most important room of this giant hotel is the one on the very top floor come on

Axie you explain why well this is my personal sweet wo your sweet looks amazing of course it does I built every single part of it completely alone wait what I helped you too axie you’re you’re the best builder and wo sucks at building thank you no I think I’m

The best builder and I think it’s pretty safe to say that my hotel skyscraper was better Well w quickly we need to move the villagers in before the MU and MOB comes oh gosh the creepers they’re already here and they’re invading Mongo’s hotel but luckily I think the

Villagers are already checking into our hotel axie it’s so busy in here our hotel is the greatest ever let’s go thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

We’re in big trouble! We need to build a HOTEL SKYSCRAPER in Minecraft to save our village from a MUTANT CREEPER invasion! Will we be able to survive?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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