Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds That May Actually be FAKE

I’ve been testing the scariest myths in Minecraft and today I found even more terrifying Secrets the upside down according to someone on our Discord in This Server apparently everything is upside down and weird things happen if anyone tries to fix it okay so we are

Here on this seed and I would like to point something out so far I’m not seeing anything upside down I mean this looks like a pretty peaceful regular Village there’s not a ton of villagers but there’s a few top of the day to you all right yeah the houses are normal the

Hut or whatever you want to call it nothing upside down so far interesting oh is there anything in this building is this like a stable oh that’s kind of cute so let’s just keep exploring the village and see wait hold on did I see an upside down villager it

Was like it was like right here am I crazy rewind please tell me I guess I’ll continue my journey this way that was very strange still a pretty normal looking Village and if if that villager wasn’t upside down everything else I’ve seen has been right side up no

Way guys this is an upside down tree that is so funky I have never seen something like look there’s more of them too should I follow them I’m going to follow the upside down trees now remember part of the lore is if if you try to fix anything strange things

Happen so right now I’m not going to go knocking down trees all right I followed the trees and it has led me to this precious little upside down Cow a okay I again we’re going to test the lore right that’s why we’re here so I’m going to

Grab an anvil and a name tag and I’m going to rename this baby to see if I can make him go back to normal since it’s a cow I’m going to name it Betsy come here good girl we’re going to make sure you’re not walking on your head

Anymore it worked okay it worked for 2 seconds why am I disconnected what just happened all right remember strange things apparently happen when you try to fix the upside down problem so that might be our first example I’m not giving up yet but I did just log onto

The server again and Betsy is nowhere to be found a guys put rip Betsy in the comments for her she will live on forever okay let’s keep exploring guys we are not giving up I’m not just based on a few trees being upside down and one

Cow going to say this is fully true I mean I need more evidence I have never seen an upside down rabbit and it’s hopping on its head did you see that oh no that’s not good for you hi cutie here okay I’m going to go back I’m at this

Rate I’m going to get a couple anals just so we’re we’re prepared Hopper I named all 64 name tags Hopper wow we will make sure he does not go missing where’d it go rabbit you’re upside down oh here you are oh oh my gosh I swapped his name to

Hopper and now he’s an evil rabbit and he’s trying to kill me hey seriously that’s upsetting that’s a rough way to go okay not giving up hope stop who’s telling me to stop hello scary seed man where are you I’m not stop and I am making sure I help these

Poor baby animals just like this one oh he looks like a saus roll this poor little baby I’m just going to name him Hopper we’ll we’ll have multiple come here buddy I’ll fix you there we go here we’re going to walk this way and we’re just going to be with

All your buddies it’s so cute and fun he’s already upside down but he’s okay and that’s that’s what matters I’m not emotionally okay and now the chat says I warned you you didn’t warn me into why am I floating into the air what is happening I’m not touching

My keyboard don’t give me a challenge complete alert right now because something very terrible is happening guys uh this is not good this may be the end honestly like is my character upside down okay apparently this myth is true like wow this one caught me by surprise

I didn’t believe it at first but why am I falling no no no no no please please it doesn’t have to end like this you messed around too many times guys don’t mess around with the upside down the skinless Enderman Legend has it that this seed had a forest on it once full

Of Endermen until one day they mysteriously all disappeared except for one of them which had something wrong with it drum roll please we are now in the forest on the scary seed now weirdly enough I actually kind of like Enderman I think they’re one of the cuter mobs so

I’m a little disappointed that now they are mysteriously all gone oh right duh I need a ritual to summon the Enderman so let me grab just a few things obviously candles I’m going to make them red like a circle or I guess this is a square everything’s a square in Minecraft oh

All right well that one’s a little extra special all right guys I’m going to finish off this ritual light the candles and then I’ll be right back the last in final piece the campfire now I’m not seeing anything now we’re going to just explore the forest here to see if we see anything

Suspicious I mean did you hear an Enderman I heard something 100% uh H maybe I just forgot something maybe I need to add like one final thing to the ritual in order to make the Enderman up here I could do redstone torches let’s do that that seems like

Something that would work work just maybe put them ah yeah that works lovely making things look as scary as possible oh my goodness gracious that was the scariest noise I’ve ever heard that was like an Enderman and a clown mixed together hold on I feel like the landscape looks a little different yes

Guys right here I believe there used to be a block can you please rewind for me and let me know if I’m going crazy but I swear a block just disappeared from this area honestly I’m feeling pretty positive I set up the ritual exactly as

I was supposed to and I know that block definitely disappeared so we should uh we should be yeah I definitely think it worked and I heard the noise from over here I’m both very excited and terrified at the same time cuz I do want to investigate this

But guys this house was not here earlier also the door is bigger than normal it’s like three blocks tall so definitely perfect for an Enderman all right now so we have a chest and I believe this is what’s called a trap chest I don’t know I definitely am a little nervous to open

This one so cross your fingers for Me 3 2 1 I’m alive it only has an ender pearl all right little lackluster but I’ll take that just did you hear something when I took the ender pearl the floor literally opened up ooh this is creepy

But we’re going down here I feel like I heard an Enderman down here oh my goodness gracious yeah they look like they’re being tortured this is horrible we have saws we have Redstone torches pointy things everywhere a buddy don’t worry I’m going to help you somehow that looks really painful and I

I hate that this is happening to you this room is slowly filling up with water we are going to drown who’s doing this what is happening oh no I hope I can make it to the stairs I don’t want to die oh phew hopefully the Endermen are

Okay wait guys that was definitely a bucket that means the water should be clearing here shortly and hopefully our Enderman friends are doing just fine no this is so sad remember there were three Endermen right here and now it’s just there heads even this guy over here’s gone what you’ve got to be

Kidding me how did this happen what was that noise that just literally made me gag that was like a crunch and all the skulls are gone did y’all did somebody just eat the Enderman heads you’re kidding me this is probably the scaredest I’ve ever been in any

Scary mith I have to get out of here like there’s no away I’m staying I just have to get to this ladder did you hear that hello the skin look Enderman it’s real the gollum King one of our Discord members claims that there is a terrifying mob on this island that keeps

Eating the villagers even the Golems can’t keep them safe and they mentioned they have to put the render distance down to four for this one so we need to go in that direction over there so I’m going to be totally honest with you y’all I don’t remember how to build a

Boat so I’m going in Creative I grabbed it so we’re going to place the boat down and begin our long journey this feels more terrifying when your render distance is down cuz like you can’t see as much in front of you right that’s how it works wa hold your horses wait hold on

Let me park this boat right here I am telling you right here I saw something that looked terrifying please rewind for me and let me know if I’m incorrect but I saw something huge right here but now it’s gone okay let’s explore right just oh whoa whoa whoa whoa was that a

Footstep where was that footprint from by the way it’s I I feel like I should hear or I I feel like I should see whatever’s following me something’s definitely following me did you hear that no it feels like it’s coming closer wait no no I think it’s coming from this

Direction over here right I’m just going to trust my gut did I just hear the death of a chicken because if so I can’t play this anymore no that was genuinely sad and the only way to fix this is to get Chuckles from Brew merch.com okay I’m putting that

Pressure on you right now but this chicken has died in a huge footprint so that must mean we are on the trail of whatever crazy mob exists on This Server where are these Footprints potentially leading us to I I don’t feel safe right now wa hold on I never seen a village

Before that looks like this it’s on the side of a mountain but yeah that’s definitely where the footprints are taking us so I guess we got to go up here I feel positive about this go we’re almost at the top and huh I mean so here’s the deal this

Looks totally normal and not at the same time because I’ve never been on a like Mountain Side village but normal looking house I’m pretty sure I mean nothing nothing to write home about is what they say um look there’s like some sort of ritual going on I don’t want them to find me

But why is the baby going backwards are you kidding me um guys did you see that the villagers all were like huddled around the baby and wait is he okay he’s alive I will make sure I protect you with everything I can that was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen there must

Be something hidden in this Village that I missed let’s keep looking around guys I’m just going to check this one last house just see yeah this is normal I mean very very nice why is the bell ringing no no I don’t like that the villagers just died in front of my eyes

Is everyone else okay was it just that guy definitely something is off about the village we have to check on the baby villager cuz remember I said I would protect him with my whole heart guys there’s a new footprint and I think that’s blood no baby villager your

Spirit will live on forever his last Emeralds a well I guess that means we are on the right track we need to follow more Footprints to find wherever the heck this mob is wait oh I do see more Footprints right here they’re all in this Village and they have blood in them

Oh my gosh this mob is terrifying everyone stay away from the seed unless you want to get stomped on I mean man the footprints end here does he swim is it a swimming mob I feel like I can’t fully confirm this myth because I never 100% Saw the scary monster but

Definitely something is off about this seed let me know in the comments if you want me to check the seed out again and see if there’s something I missed the ghost of n so someone from our Discord claims that when you load up into the temple of

Notch world on a very specific version of Minecraft that something exceedingly creepy and weird happens okay so apparently what you must do is throw whatever you want into the wishing well and that will get you into the world the temple so I’m going to throw in a golden

Apple and see oh it did work I thought it didn’t for a second but the temple is open and we’re going in whoa whoa this is crazy I’ve actually never seen anything like this I’ve only watched videos about it so that looks like you know his face let me fly on

Over there what’s going on huh looks pretty normal to me except for guys you can tell this is very very old this is a very old map because they had to do everything with redstone there’s no command blocks in sight which oh my gosh this must have taken four forever but

Pretty normal I’m I’m not seeing anything super strange in this version of Minecraft so far it just looks like the normal temple of notch okay let’s follow this down it’s almost like a hallway and there’s redstone dust that goes off that direction now that might just be you know to trigger something

But it stops and then there’s levers in this hallway I don’t remember there being any sort of lever situation in this Temple but I’m going to play with them why not why not let’s just test them out see if they do anything they’re doing nothing so I’m

Just going to move on I I think I just got distracted I need to keep going what was that what was that explosion oh wait it happened right there I almost died if I hadn’t moved away I feel like we need to explore right I mean that’s why we’re

Here someone exploded it for us like we’re apparently supposed to go in here that is odd have you ever seen a bookshelf in a Minecraft cave because this is a first for me I definitely have not I feel like I’m in a haunted Library oh wow this is so interesting

It’s like a full-on library down here hold on I think I’m going crazy cuz I kind of feel like I saw notch or something by this rock a second ago but now whatever that was is gone can you tell me am I wrong there was nothing there I’m just going crazy it’s fine

We’re good we’re in a library only positive things happen when you read books right there’s a Lecter here I don’t know why I feel like I need to read whatever is written on this page Log 168 if I leave Minecraft now while he’s still out there people will get

Hurt but I think I’ve come up with a plan I’m creating a new character herob Brien and I can only hope that he lives up to that name I only hope he can save us from him that was horrifying I need to know who wrote This Book Notch so

Notch created herob Brien I actually didn’t know that is that common knowledge I hear a page it almost sounds like somebody’s finishing up another book or reading over here I have to find this where is it hello well I found another lecture and let’s read whatever this was log

2319 I can’t stop him and even herob Brian has become corrupted just for trying to fight back he’s lost it too the voice is in my head keep telling me to sell I have to sell I have to get out render distance to I’ll take this that was very weird

Um guys he literally floated I saw his ghost float over here and now he’s gone did you see it too I really did I saw him go from this direction to this direction I think he’s telling us we have to read this book but before I do

Maybe we can talk to his ghost hello Notch you shouldn’t be here wait um well I am why hello guys he just ghosted me literally he’s a ghost and I hold on let’s see no one is on the server with me okay I guess we’re going to read this

Book finally final log I sold it I sold it all what are we selling and with it a part of my soul but not all hope is lost I’ve locked him in a very special seed not even Herobrine can stop him but this will be my final log I will leave a

Piece of me here in hopes that someone can find vill Brien and stop him once and for all if you can find this this is where he is and godp speed uh did you hear something I heard a noise behind me I just paranoid okay that was not

Nice Notch well I mean obviously the only correct thing we could do is test out this V Brian seed and see if not just being honest Villa Brien so obviously the last myth has me thinking about this Villa Brien character and they’re just so happened that there was

A seed number in the book can you please rewind copy the seed and put it in the comments whoever does it first we’ll get pinned so let’s go down to two chunks o oh it’s creepy cuz you can’t really see anything in front of you I guess I’ll

Keep moving forward but I feel like a monster is going to pop out at us out of nowhere that looks a awful lot like herob brien’s house like we’ve seen in the other scary myths it’s a friendly welcome right I mean he has a torch he’s left the door open we definitely have

Some cookies in here right like something friendly let’s check out the chest I mean normal things kind of odd things we have arrows of harming but like let’s be real that’s not that shocking is it I mean that is definitely something Herobrine would have in his

House so going to I guess explore some more guys there was not a sign at the front of his house when I first walked in right I mean you tell me you can rewind and let me know but I am almost 100% sure this just appeared and it says

I’m watching you I don’t I don’t want nothing watching me well I can barely watch anything with this render distance but we’re going to keep going is that a head on a fence post I already see other heads what is no wonder herban wasn’t in his house

That is his head on a fence post why can somebody tell me why there’s so many heads and they all look like herob Brien are there multiple of him there is blood and swords everywhere maybe there was like a bad battle like this looks like a

War zone well I just found a mansion and the only thing I know to do is go in it do you think this could potentially be Villa Bryan’s house that’s the vibe I’m potenti getting but let’s explore I mean a typical old just Mansion I mean I

Don’t feel like there was anything hold on out of the corner of my eye I’m pretty sure there was somebody in this room okay guys am I going crazy please rewind in 0.25 speed to tell me if you saw something in the corner of your eye

Too there was a man I swear all right well let’s keep exploring we still have a lot of Rooms To Go this looks warm and inviting but I don’t feel like campfires are typically in these Mansions right I mean have you ever seen that before I definitely haven’t ooh a chest but

There’s only one of them which is odd cuz am I correct like normally every single slot on here would have a chest in between we’re just going to open this no we just got tons of Herobrine’s heads and then error 66 okay I’m going to take

One what does this do o I didn’t like that sound and now I have like a weird effect feeling no no we have to get rid of this get rid of it uh we’re going to throw it in the campfire or I will soon vomit oh I this makes me feel bad all

Right we’re we’re going to get rid of this not yet Phil Brian guys all the brightness is gone and the campfire just went out we’re turning up the brightness it’s Max now oh okay so the error is gone but how how did it leave my inventory like I was stolen from but

Nobody else is on the server oh wait hold on let’s see if it’s somewhere else in my inventory fre T in our wife’s head I I am headless why what has happened what E I can put on my own head on my head Villa Brian is real

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