Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKYBLOCK Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

Mikey and JJ got trapped on these Sky Blocks we need to build them secure houses so they can survive the night when the zombies attack all right pip so as you can see we have a rich Sky Block and a poor Sky Block and we are going to

Be pressing this button to see who gets which I can’t wait to get the rich Sky Block yeah neither can I pip because I know you’re going to get the poor one no I’m not Lou the poor are for noobs oh really well if you’re calling that one a

Noob Sky Block then what does that make you but Lou I thought D was the pro one wait what guys this is so weird pip what makes you think that is the pro Sky Block well we it’s made out of my favorite Block in the whole

World oh my gosh you know what pip enough of this let’s press this lever right here and see who who gets the poor or Rich Sky Block how about you go first all right ol Ducks first all right ol let’s flip this lever and I get the POR

CH oh my gosh guys this is awesome that means I get this diamond covered chunk oh no Lou surely it was a misspelling I think they meant the pro chunk not the POR chunk no pip as you can see inside here you have the rich chunk and you

Have the poor chunk and um seems like you got the poor one but anyways come on let’s get over there right now because if you didn’t know pip When the Sun Goes Down zombies are going to attack and we need to protect Mikey and JJ I don’t

Want zombies getting to Mikey neither do I pip that’s why we have to hurry up okay I’m building as fast as I can leave I’m getting to the pro chunk right now what’s the pro chunk no p that’s the pool chunk there’s a very big difference

Let’s see what we have to do on these Sky Block Islands I’m pretty sure we have to survive and what did I get wo I got a bunch of diamond tools to survive with what did you get PIP oh you got a bunch of lame stuff L I got a

Bunch of super cool stuff super cool stuff like what my favorite food wheat seeds my favorite blocker and my favorite weapon the wooden sword oh my gosh pip you are really living like a poor person you have absolutely nothing no need to be jealous Lou you know I’m

Not jealous at all just chop down your tree louah I’m chopping down my tree with my shovel right now yep me too wait a second pip I just found a chest in my tree a chest in your tree how does that make sense I don’t know Well I have so much dirt over here I think I’m going to start building a farm as well all right well how about this pip let’s have a competition to see who can build the best looking farm in Minecraft oh that’s going to be so easy

To beat you oh really I don’t know about you pip but I am a pro at Minecraft which means I can build very good Farms I don’t think I’ve ever seen you build a good Farm before yes you have Lou I literally go to farming school every day

Farming School wait oh I forgot you go to farming school but wait a second if you learned how to farm in school then why does your farm look so bad it’s not what’s on the inside that counts it’s what’s on the inside that count what P

You just said it’s what’s on the inside that counts twice that makes no sense guys if you think pip makes absolutely no sense then comments down below I need to know that I’m not the only one thinking he’s weird Lou my farm came with food wait what what do you mean

Your farm came with food free worms worms ew that’s not food that’s disgusting yummy worms get in my belly um I think I’ve seen too much guys you know what I’m going to go ahead and make my farm now all right Lou you can try

But it’s not going to be as good as mine oh yeah well watch this I’m going to go ahead and first of all make an infinite water source this means I can get as much water as I want all you have to do to do that is put one water in this

Corner and one water in that corner now if I take any water from this square right here it will infinitely refill itself meaning I have infinite water you have infinite water Lou are you cheating no I’m not cheating I just know how to play Minecraft unlike you oh surely I

Can make an infinite water generator all right go ahead and give it a go watch this Lou my infinite water generator is going to be insane do you even know how to build one pip watch this L let me put a water in the corner and then another

Water in the corner um P you’re just getting rid of the water and putting another one back that won’t work isn’t that what you did Lou no an infinite water source needs two pieces of water to work how do I get another bucket of water well I guess you could come over

Here and get one for yourself I’m coming right now Lou all right pip make your way over I’m going to go ahead though and start building my farm after all I said I was going to do that ages ago I’m just going to use this hoe to absolutely

Make all of this ground farmable just like this ooh a worm wait pip don’t eat it oh no another worm wait no pip don’t eat it oh you know what I don’t care I’m just going to start planting these wheat seeds now oh well I’m going back to my

Chunk I’ve got another water bucket all right pip go ahead and make sure you place the water in the right spot or else your infinite water source won’t work or maybe I’ll place it in the left spot um I guess go ahead and uh it’s not

Working pit oh wait you got it working I did it good job but we do need to build these Cobblestone generators now so Follow My Lead as you guys can see we can get some Oak planks just like this and all you need to do is just make a

Little thing like this I need to go ahead and make this flat in the Middle with a hole like this now I just need to build up the end just like that this will allow me to mine the cobblestone Zone when it gets generated in the

Middle and now what I have to do is put some water over here on this side let me just place it here now I need to bring it back one more block and place some lava here now it should generate Cobblestone perfect let me just move

This across here and that is where I’ll be mining my Cobblestone how’s your cobblestone generator coming along pip oh I’m making my lava generator right now all right pip let me see wait did you say lava generator don’t you mean cobblestone generator L aren’t we infinitely making lava no we are making

Cobblestone let me just place my lava down and then my water right here and I should get cobblestone let’s take a look did it work and wo it seems like you have Cobblestone now oh I’m such a pro Lou now I can get cobblestone forever wo pip you’re burning you’re on

Fire no wait I don’t have food just get in the water put yourself out oh my gosh well I’m going to get cobblestone forever Lou wait a second you’re making Stone now yep Lou I’m a pro and you’re a noob just watch me get all this Cobblestone P

You’re losing a lot of water it’s falling down into the void and disappearing why do I even need a cobblestone generator when I can just build my house out of dirt well I guess you could pip how about you get some dirt from the Sky Block you’re on you

Know what Lou I will let me just dig out this useless Corner over here and get some dirt wait Lou I just fell in wait you fell in let me come over there and take a look L there’s a bunch of scary paintings scary paintings let me come

Down here here and take a look wait what what is this here paints Lou this is really weird who made these I don’t know but maybe we should go ahead and do some painting maybe we’ll get a prize for doing it oh yeah I’m super good at

Painting wait a second I know you said you’re good at painting but are you ready to actually show your skills look I found some pallets behind you oh my gosh Lou are you ready to lose nope I’m ready to win because I’m a rich Pro and you’re just a poor Noob since we’re

Painting me first there’s no way you can paint me better than I can paint myself well that depends on how good you are at painting pip if you are good at painting I guess I’ll give you a diamond but if your painting is worse than mine everybody watching this video has to

Comment pip is a terrible painter no they’re going to commenting Lou is a terrible painter no they not you know what let’s get painting yellow blue white and orange those are the colors that make a pit now it’s time to paint you Lou I can’t see myself so I think

I’m just going to put down a mirror okay pip go ahead and wait where did you get that mirror from oh I always have a mirror on me Lou just in case I want to M Mah M oh no no p ew ew stop kissing yourself in the mirror you know that’s

Weird right what’s wrong with it Lou you don’t have to be jealous no it’s just very very creepy especially with your face going against that mirror oh oh there’s a Lou in the Mirror no oh that’s really weird you know what I’m going to just keep painting you P all right all right so what I need to do is do a big yellow head because Pip’s head is uh very big and then I need to do a body and that’s

Quite easy I’ll just go ahead and do a nice big body like this after all pip is very chunky and now all I have to do is just do some yellow arms so I’ll do one coming out over here and one coming out over here and now all I need to do is

Get this white patch in the middle of Pip’s belly so I’ll paint that on right now I’ll put that right here and now I need to draw Pip’s eyes so I’ll do that just like this and I cannot forget Pip’s big blue eyes so let’s paint those on

Like that I think I’m going to put a little pupil in the middle of them just to make them look cuter now all I have to do is just add Pips beac on and that’s quite easy his beak is very easy to draw I just have to do one light

Orange section on the top then I need to get some dark orange like this for a shadow underneath the beak and boom that looks really good all I have to do now is is just add a nice white outline to this thing and then my pip drawing will

Be complete since I know myself better than anyone else I’m going to draw some seeds in the corner and I think Lou is going to forget about seeds I might even draw some poop in the corner because I do that a lot so let’s go ahead and draw

Some poop in the corner and let’s put some flies around it we need to draw these flies super small those flies are beautiful and my painting is just about complete let’s just draw some eyebrows let’s just put them right above my eyes and now my drawing is complete

Oh oh no it looks like I just accidentally put red on myself oh well it’ll be fine all right Lou I’m done take a look oh my gosh what is that it’s me Lou um pip I don’t know about you but why does your head look like an apple

Not an apple Lou it’s my head see you can compare and contrast my real head with my painting all right I’m taking a look how about this pip just look at me and stand next to your painting I want to compare something take a look Lou all

Right let’s see so your eyes are very big and dark blue but you did them light blue you don’t even have any eyebrows why did you put some red eyebrows on yourself well Lou that’s just makeup so sometimes I like to look beautiful uhhuh but that still doesn’t

Explain why you have a big red mark on your nose well I’m painting myself that one day that you punched me in the face well that does make sense your face looks very flat and it looks like you have a bleeding nose yeah enough of that

Lou you like the seeds and a poop I drew in the corner oh I was wondering what that was these seeds do look pretty good but I don’t know about the poop and is that a fly on top of it yeah you can’t have poop without

Fly e you know what pip I think we should look at my painting it’s way better and it makes you look very cute oh yeah you’re right Lou I love the white border it makes me look like a superhero yeah that’s too I do think your painting is pretty good but how

About we go ahead and try you man all right and since you said my painting was better everybody comment down below that Pip’s painting was trash no don’t do that how about this Lou if my painting is better this time then last time everyone has to like the video all right

Pip sounds good but I really don’t think you’re going to win this time you know what let’s do it so let’s get the colors I need I know that that I have nice big white eyes I have a very light skin color I have nice bright green eyes and

I need some black to be able to draw some outlines and let’s not forget the brown hair let’s go ahead and paint myself first of all though I do have to tell you guys I am very very handsome so I’m going to be drawing myself as handsome as possible just watch this

Here we go I’m going to start out with my really really crazy big chin because I have a giga Chad chin and then I’m going to do my face like this and I think that face shape looks pretty good now let’s just do some lines coming down

And I’ll get some little black areas here this is where my lips are going to go look at this guys this is really cool I look just like handsome Squidward now I’m going to go ahead and draw my nose and I have some pretty big nostrils like

This and boom that looks pretty good now let’s just make my nose go up my face like this and all I need now are some big beautiful eyes so I’m going to do those just like this I cannot forget to do the big green eyes that I have as

Well let me put those in the middle of my eyes like this now let’s give myself some pupils just like that and fill in my eyes with white cuz that is the color of the white in my eye now let me just add some details in like this and some

Ears on the side this looks pretty good and I definitely cannot forget my hair so let me just do that really quickly boom that looks pretty good what do you guys think I don’t know about this yet I’m also going to give myself some eyebrows because I need some of those wo

And then I’ll add some outlines to them so pip knows what they are now I just need to fill in the color of my skin so let me just do that this looks pretty cool so far I hope you guys like it and it it’s not very scary and then I’ll do

A nice big neck because that’s what I have because I am a gigachad and then I’ll just draw my big shoulders wo now I’m going to go ahead and add some Shadows so I’ll put some under my eyes like this some under my nose and one under my mouth and then all

I need is a red bit for my hoodie so I’ll put that on me like this this looks really cool now let’s add an outline and it looks pretty good I’ll just add my hood strings and we are done all right pip let’s see our paintings and see

Which one you like better so now pip just turn around and take a look at my painting I think you’re going to love it all right Lou surely this drawing can’t be good what is this Lou what it’s me pip look because I’m such a gigachad I have

All of these cheekbones and a really nice lips and uh really really handsome eyes Ian it is really detailed but in all the wrong areas what do you mean my face is beautiful well you said you didn’t like poop but then you put poop all on your

Head no that’s my head oh my gosh oh my painting looks way better than yours little well I do have to admit it does look pretty good but why did you make me so blindingly white well because aren’t you white Lou I’m just painting your skin um you painted my skin very very

Very bright you know what I do kind of think this is better than mine mine kind of haunts my nightmares whereas yours is pretty cartoony and I like it plus don’t I get bonus points for spelling out your name I guess you do pip you know what

Since your painting is better than mine everybody has to like this video all right pip we’ve had a fun painting but there’s a door over there how about we go inside oh let’s go in Lou wait a second Pip this door looks kind of like a keypad door and there’s a sign above

It that says you need the code for this door clue Rich why isn’t it opening pip it has a keypad on it you don’t know the passcode surely I do Lou it’s probably 1 2 three 4 nope tip it’s not 1 2 3 4 You

Know what the clue on this sign does say Rich so maybe we should go to my Sky Block and see if we can find any clues oh well your Sky Block isn’t very rich Lou surely it’s somewhere on mine no pip I really doubt that you know what follow

Me Lou I’m following you all right let’s keep moving we’re going to go over to my rich Sky Block and see if we can find anything useful to help us get through that door I don’t see anything so far do you guys comment if you see anything well maybe there’s something in your

Chest in your tree um I really doubt it pip there’s just some seeds water and lava in there it’s got to be here somewhere check under the water um pip I built there there isn’t anything there but wait a second what is this I can see

Some kind of hole in the emerald blocks here a hole where right over here and something seems suspicious and wait what it’s a trap door oh let’s go down there Lou oh I don’t know if that’s going to be safe thereally one way to find out

Lou go jump in wait what oh oh no pip I need your help right now I’m here Lou and there’s so many skeletons I know we need to fight them off right now there’s too many we need to destroy these spawners how are we going to do that Lou

I only have a wooden sword we just need to keep fighting them pip attack until there’s no skeletons left H my skeletons die oh my gosh wait pip because there’s a spawner loads of them spawn in all the time we need to destroy these spawners right now you kill the skeletons and

I’ll destroy the spawners there we go I’ll distract the skeletons there’s only a few left and we destroyed all the spawners now we just have to kill the rest of the skeletons and good job pit I think we did it all right let’s in this chest let’s take a look at

W look I got a ton of building blocks and wait a second a book and quill what’s in there let me read this thing and wait there’s four numbers in here 1 N9 5 and four does that mean anything pin oh that’s probably my lunch number well that’s probably like my house

Number because I’m rich wait Lou couldn’t that be the code for the door on my CH wait good point pip how about let’s go and find out so let’s just mine ourselves out and get over to your poor chunk I feel so bad that you have to be

Poor pit can I borrow some of the diamonds on your Sky Block um no pip you cannot borrow any diamonds just keep following me let’s go see what that code does over here oh I hope it gives me diamonds all right pip come on get down

Here where where are you I’m right here Lou all right put in the code PIP IT is 1 1954 all right I’m going to put in the code uh what was it uh 1514 no pip 1 954 can you remember four digits 5 94 no that’s not it oh my gosh guys pip

Is so dumb no wonder he got the poor island fine Lou how about you you do it if you’re So Pro all right watch this 1 1954 and then 1 1954 we are in PIP come on get in here what’s down here wait pip don’t jump down there it might be dangerous it’s

Not dangerous Lou it’s just a bunch of lava um that is dangerous pip but what’s at the end of this parkour maybe it’s something really cool like seeds all right pip well how about you do that parkour and find what’s in your base oh oh no surely ladies first

Um ladies first then uh you would go first go ahead pip wait no I pushed you in the lava I’m sorry get in there oh no I got to get out I got to get out let’s just wait until we stop burning if I die

You’re done with me no I’m okay pip you know what I’m going to do the parkour now here I go I’m following you Lou don’t worry all right and wait pip look over there that’s a chest oh I wonder what’s in the chest me too I’m going to

Get it first and ow ow ow ow ow I’m burning I’m burning oh you’re so bad at parkour oh how about you do it pip instead of just watching me fine just move out of the way all right I’m moving get over here come on and jump waa that

Was close pip but can you do the next jump that one’s really hard of course I can Lou I’m a pro watch this go go go go what how did you what I’ve been practicing lately Lou it looks like you haven’t though what I can’t even do that

Oh never mind I can but what’s in this chest pip ow stop punching me all right let’s look inside oh my gosh it gave us the best armor in the game ew golden armor that stuff is as weak as butter it literally melts oh no it doesn’t Lou just watch this I have

The golden helmet and watch it won’t melt pip why did you throw it in there it just melted well I thought all armor didn’t burn like that netherite armor netherite armor doesn’t burn so why doesn’t gold armor netherite armor doesn’t burn because it comes from the

Nether which means it’s immune to Lava I mean isn’t there gold in the nether so surely it should be immune too no that doesn’t make any sense pip but if you guys want to know more Minecraft tips and all the crazy tricks you can do in the game then consider subscribing to me

And pip and press that big subscribe button because we are trying to get 20,000 subscribers by the end of this month I have all the best tips and tricks guys so make sure to subscribe um no you don’t pip guys don’t listen to pip but do listen to him about

Subscribing but anyways pip it seems like there’s also a buck and quill inside of your chest well let’s go ahead and read that one and wait it says 1 2 three 4 maybe that’s your lunch number my lunch number or maybe it’s the code

To the door on my side come on let’s go over there now I forgot there was a door on your side so pip if we just got a code to my side what do you think is going to be over there it looks like there’s going to be so many diamonds

Well if my poor chunk had Pro things in it maybe your pro chunk has poor things in it um I really hope it doesn’t I really need some Pro things come on let’s go to this door 1 2 3 four and jump in wait it’s empty and what is this

Sorry sorry Lou it must be done no oh wait where am I what’s going on and wait pipman finally you’re a wig um what’s going on why am I in here don’t worry about it Lou don’t ask any questions and wait a second pip is that you no it is I

Pipman oh if you guys didn’t know pipman is like Pip’s Ulta ego and every time pip turns into pip man he does mean things like lock me in a cage you said I had an ego I don’t have any ego um yes you do that’s why I took all your stuff

Lou wait you took all my things no wonder I don’t have anything in my inventory and there’s a secret third chunk where I’m going to put all of your loot in a chest good luck trying to escape no come back oh my gosh guys I’m

Trapped in a cage what do I do all I have is this toilet with no water in it and this empty chest with a ton of ladders in it wait is there anything I can do to climb out and no there’s nothing I can do I think I’m stuck here

Forever guys oh oh and one last thing I forgot to mention uh whatever you do don’t look under that chest what do you mean don’t look under that chest just don’t look oh okay I guess I won’t if you look you’ll die wait I don’t want to

Die you know what just just leave leave me alone I want to cry in peace all right oh I think my girl scout cookies are here oh my God you know what just get out of here Pitman and guys while Pitman is gone I’m going to check what’s

In the chest all right let me just move this over here and wait a second I think I found something there’s a barrel under with a wooden pickaxe inside you know what I can use that to escape I hear you open something Lou oh oh no um guys this

Is bad let me just get this chest and put it back um no pipman there’s nothing uh different in this room it’s always been like this I totally don’t have anything on me why were you near that chest oh I was just looking inside look

I got these ladders do you want some uh yeah yeah give me those ladders so you can’t escape ha all right here you go this is totally all of the ladders I have I don’t have anymore all right 32 ladders should be enough bye-bye now okay bye

Pitman wait what are you doing you’re stuck on the Roof oh I’m having to use a wood pickaxe just give me a second okay oh guys this is so annoying U Pitman is going to take ages getting out you know what while he’s doing that how about I

Just Escape behind him he won’t see it coming here there I go let’s just go over here quick quick quick quick quick go go go go go and wait a second I think Pitman is breaking to the surface you know what I’m going to put 1 2 3 4 into

This door and go go go I need to escape before Pitman gets out okay I broke the block now it’s time to go back to my side oh no no no no no no Pitman is right there I need to hide let me just go behind this block and hopefully he

Doesn’t look why does this wood block smell like poop also known as Lou wait what trail it leads over here oh no guys he’s getting closer maybe I just farted oh my gosh please leave please go away please go away I swear it smelt like him e guys

That was really close pipman almost Found Me That Could Have Ended badly if he knew I escaped now I’m going to put all of Lou stuff under this chunk right here so we can never find it watch guys this is good at least I know what all of

My looes and I’ll be able to fight pipman to the death hopefully Lou doesn’t find this I’m weak to Diamonds guys did you hear that he’s weak to diamonds that is his super weakness so I am going to get that diamond sword he took from me and attack it with it let’s

Just put some ladders up here so I can conveniently escape and uh let’s just put a block of above it so no one goes down here all right guys that looks pretty good pipman is going back to Pip’s side now all I have to do is get

Over there and get all of my loot hopefully pipman doesn’t see me when I run across go go go go go go go all right perfect let’s just go down here and get all of my loot back this should be fine there we go and wao there it is

All of my stuff let’s just get all of my loot back and then get all of my blocks too that we go perfect now let’s just put my diamond sword and all of my diamond loot back where it was in my inventory now I can fight pipman all

Right guys let’s go over to pipman and let’s go ahead and get him with this sword after all he’s weak to Diamonds Pitman what was that oh you locked me in that cage and I had to find a way to escape no I didn’t and what are you

Doing with that diamond sword how did you get that I don’t know about you but I heard that it’s a a weakness of yours no no no I I love diamonds just make sure not to hit me with that diamond sword you know what I think I

Will no no oh bye pipman no Li what did you do um wait pip I thought you were pipman I just killed him oh that was my Uncle Lou oh no that’s not good at all my mom and my dad are dead and he was the only surviving family member I had

Um you know what pip I know a way to make it easier on you how could you possibly make it easier on me well let me show you I’m sorry pip I’m going to make it easier for you oh bye pip Lou you know what what

How Lou did you forget pip never died oh that was creepy uh but how did you even get back here what happened I thought you were dead well they just shipped me from the pit Factory pit Factory you know what I don’t think I’m going to ask

Are you a robot or something not yet okay but Lou the last pip told me that you only have until the sun goes down to build some amazing houses before the zombies arrive wait I completely forgot about that oh pip you know what you use all of the loot that you have gotten

Over this entire Sky Block and I’ll use the loot I got we need to build the best and most secure houses in Minecraft oh Lou and feel free to come over to my house since I know your house isn’t going to be secure oh no my house is

Going to be perfect I just need to go ahead and quickly clear out all of these blocks right here while you’re hurrying I’ve already built the outside of my house wait what no way oh this is terrible I canot let you have a better house than me or else JJ won’t think I’m

A rich Pro anymore and he won’t want to come over to my house for dinner but maybe he’ll want to come over to my house for dinner and what if I serve up fried Lou fried Lou you wouldn’t dare well Lou you’ll never see if I do that because you’ll be fried

Lou you know what pip I’m going to make my house secure not to only destroy those zombies but to destroy you this is where I will build the wall to the inside of my base let me just build it up like this I want to make it five

Blocks high so that I have a very big roof there we go since I’ve got so many cool blocks in my inventory I think the next thing I’m going to put in my house is lava as a trap so do he dies if he comes in

But this is going to be the fake main entrance since there’s a big door right there and oh no this lava is going everywhere I need to make a fake real entrance out the back so that Lou doesn’t know this is the right entrance oh no there’s a bunch of paintings down

Here let me just fill it up like this and now this is going to be the real entrance but L does know that all right guys I went ahead and built all of these frames to this base now I just need to go ahead and make a secure hallway this

Will make sure to keep my base safe from those pesky zombies I’ll go ahead and put a big window here but for now I just need to go ahead and put a trap in this hallway and I think I have a good idea I am going to build a pitfall trap all I

Have to do is just Dig Down underneath this base and just to make them think this area is walkable that means they’ll walk straight in I will put some trap doors down if you guys didn’t know when there are trap doors and you close them like this the mobs still think they are

Open so they walk all the way to here while they’re closed which means they fall down and I think when they fall into this hole I’m going to go ahead and put some lava at the bottom in order to burn those zombies now I’ll just put

Some lava at the bottom and boom we have a working lava trap now my face is looking so good I added some beds and a bunch of chests and I even added some really cool paintings and I figured out a way to turn my glass into oneway glass

So on the other side you cannot see in and let’s just cover this up and so if Lou comes across my base he will not be able to tell that this is the real entrance I’ll just have to make like a secret door so we can’t see inside right

Here but I can see see the outside all right guys but now I’ve made this pitfall trap I’ve also built a ladder going up to the top because I have a really good idea what to build next take a look at this if I place down

Some Stone just up here I can turn this into a balcony area which means I can shoot the zombies from up here and keep Mikey and JJ safe this is a perfect idea look if I just make a room up here I’ll be able to have an upstairs to this

House too but I guess it doesn’t matter right now because I’m going to put JJ and Mikey’s safe rooms at the back over here this is what will keep them safe from the zombies let me just build up the walls so that they are as safe as

Possible and I will also put some glass in these holes that I am building so that they can see the outside I’m also going to fill in the roof with this smooth Stone to make this room look really nice perfect this base is coming along nicely I really like it and I’m

Sure pip will too and now I have this upstairs in my house I just added a really cool upstairs and if you go up here I’m making a super cool ptio and Lookout area as you can see I added some glass up here and I’m going to put some

Fences down and if I get a bow and arrow which have to craft one I can shoot Lou while he’s over there making his trash poopy be oh guys look at pip over there looking at me with his big beady eyes you know what I need to stop thinking

About pip and stop thinking about Mikey and JJ I need to keep them safe so what I did was make this large balcony area and I put some bows and some arrows inside meaning I can shoot the zombies from up here oh but now guys what I’m

Going to do is add some fences so that the zombies cannot get in in the first place oh but I’ve got some beds for me but I forgot I need a bed for Mikey and JJ since Lou’s base is probably going to crumble and JJ’s going to have to

Evacuate over to my side so let’s just put their beds right next to each other and let’s move this chest place it right in front of the bed and Mikey and JJ want in their chest probably some bones some sticks and some dirt Mikey and JJ

Are going to love their ped now I just added a secret trap door over here at my secret entrance so if we open it up put some ladders inside and now my face is super secure so to do the inside of this house I’m going to go ahead and add some

Cool things first of all I need a place where Mikey and JJ can enjoy a nice sit down and relax so I’m going to put a sofa here with a TV in front of it so I’m going going to place down some tables like this in front so they can

Put all their popcorn and drinks on the front here now all I have to do is make a kitchen after all Mikey and JJ would love to have food to eat so I’ll make the kitchen right here next to this window I am going to break all of these

Blocks on the ground just like this and I’m going to go ahead and fill it in with kitchen tiles this way you know it’s a kitchen now I’ll just put a fridge in I’m going to put some ice on the top so you know that it’s a cold

Fridge and then I’m going to put some tables down too with an oven that looks like a really good kitchen now I just need to go ahead and put the beds down Mikey and JJ are going to need a very very comfortable bed so I think I’ll put

It up here out of Harm’s Way let me just put it right here and I’ll make it on the back of the sofa so they can climb up here and into that bed it’ll be very much safe from the zombies because I’m sure zombies don’t know how to climb

Let’s just go outside and admire it and see how cool it looks I’ll go over here and wo this thing is awesome competa Pips poopy base this bedroom is looking kind of boring I know exactly what will make it so cooler let’s go ahead and get

A TV and some couches out of my chest and I think I’m going to make the the coolest entertainment system ever let’s just go ahead and put the TV right here get a couch for Mikey and a couch for JJ now we just need to put a

Button under the TV to turn it on and turn it off next we’re going to put the Nintendo switches right next to the TV so Mikey JJ me and Lou can all play Super Duck Bros all of this cool stuff has got me hungry so I think it’s time to work on a

Kitchen now let’s go ahead and make our kitchen upstairs with our kitchen stuff right here and let’s go ahead and put some counters right here with a sink right there oh we need to put the fridge right there oh we’re going to have so many good meals in this kitchen but we

Can’t have good meals without a stove so let’s just put our stove right there so we can open it and close it all we want oh but I really want some other things so let’s go ahead and put a microwave and a toaster and now my kitchen is

Complete but I need to work on a roof let’s just close all of this in real quick so no rain gets in on my kitchen and malfunctions my whole kitchen I’ll just finish in these final blocks and now my house is complete oh my bab this is looking so

Good I can’t wait to play Super Duck BR wait a second um Lou it looks like it’s night time I know pip I came outside of my base and it seems the Sun is going down and the Moon is coming up those zombies are going to be here any second we need

To move Mikey and JJ into our bases let’s do it Lou all right I’m going to move JJ into my base right now come on Mikey you need to get in my base right now all right perfect JJ is now inside of my base and he is very secure on my

Sky Block but what about yours pip oh Mikey is secure in my base right next to the lava all right cool but where are those zombies well surely they’re here right let me take a look and oh my gosh wait a second pip the morning there’s so

Many Lou oh no this is terrible we need to protect our bases right now I’m going to get a bow and a ton of arrows and try to shoot them away take this zombies get away from Mikey and JJ I’m getting my armor yeah you’ve got to

Hurry pip we probably don’t have very long there is a massive hord of zombies out runs inside of my base and look at my base Lou there’s a swarm of zombies wait what there’s tons I guess it’s a good thing some of them are falling off off because there’s too many zombies to

Stay on the base oh we have to do something they’re trying to climb into your base oh don’t worry about my base pip after all I have a pitball trap which makes my base very secure look as the zombies come in they just fall straight into the lava oh L it looks

Like there’s so many zombies they’re actually starting to fall off the edge don’t worry pip I will be okay on my side I’m a little worried about you though oh I should be fine ly the only way into my base is a secret entrance but I also have a fake lava entrance

That way all the zombies will burn wait what you have a lava entrance that sounds super cool you know what I want to check out your base after I get rid of all of these zombies oh just come over here it’s a super secure facee all right I am going

To destroy destroy some of these zombies and then I’ll get to you I’m on my way now oh my gosh there’s so many zombies this is scary but wo I made it and they’re all following me pip I’m coming to your base right now this is really dangerous this bridge is really small

I’m pushing through all these zombies right now pip take this and who is this guy get out of here all right pip how do I get into your base hurry I’m getting attacked quick come around here Lou there’s a super secret entrance at the back of my base come on Lou I’m trying

To fend off my secret entrance for you oh I’m trying to pit but these zombies are just so dangerous take this get off the edge Haya oh my gosh this zombie hord is insane I’m getting into the base right now though pip just fighting them

Off get me in get me in come on let me in this zombie in the way oh you I made it let me just close this trapo welcome to my base Lou isn’t it super cool this is a pretty cool base pip I have to admit I like the oneway glass you have

To make sure there’s no zombies at your entrance all right pip but show me around your base I need to see what we can do in here oh well over here is the secret bake entrance so if any zombies come in here they instantly die in the

Lava perfect that is a very good trap and look a zombie just died to it this is awesome they really dumb but come up here Lou this is my Lookout balcony in my kitchen wait wo this is actually really cool you’ve got a scenic view from the kitchen yep Lou over here we

Kill the Zombies and then we put them in the oven wait put them in the oven you to make cooked rotten flesh wo there’s actually a lot of them here now how are we going to kill all of them I don’t know we’re being swarmed oh you

Know what Lou I don’t think my base is going to be strong enough for this it’s only made out of wood yeah maybe we should go downstairs and get Mikey out of here how are we going to get Mikey out of here with all these zombies I don’t know but let’s go get

Mikey come on pip let’s get down there and wait what zombies how did they get inside I don’t know pip but we got to get out of here Mikey’s down there come on kill them Lou oh take this zombies get away from Mikey oh Pip this is

Really bad Mikey is down there with all the zombies and wait where’s Mikey no did he die I think Mikey’s Dead Oh pip there’s nothing we can do now we should just get to my base hurry well I guess you’re right Lou I’m right behind you hopefully JJ’s at least all right oh

JJ will be fine my base is strong enough we need to make a jump for it go go go go run pip run we just have to get through these zombies W kill a clown oh my gosh the Zombie Army brought to kill a clown as well I hate clowns come

On throw the clown off the edge I’m trying but this zombie army is so strong I don’t know about this I think we just need to run to your base all right pip run run run come on through the front of my base where are you I’m right here Lou

I’m in your farm all right come on pip you have to jump over the trapo over here oh I’m coming Lou come on just get out of the way zombies all right I think we killed a few of them but we need to take out the

Rest and oh my gosh this is a huge zombie hoorde oh this might be a big problem L actually pip I don’t think it will be watch this if I break a massive hle and then jump across oh hopefully they all fall into the pit trap come on

Zombies and W it’s working this was a really good idea pip we can kill all of the zombies now from the comfort of our own home and wait a second how did get back here I think he made it all by himself that was really dangerous he

Should have stayed with us maybe m is secretly a pro who knows I really hope JJ isn’t the noob though well now that we know Mikey is save let’s go ahead and destroy those zombies and save the world yeah good idea pip come on let’s beat those zombies up and hopefully it will

Turn to daytime soon we have a lot of zombies to kill though wo come on Lou and pip never die yep you are right pip come on let’s try and get them in the zombie burning machine all right I’m coming over all right here they come

Wait why don’t they come in come on maybe the zombie see their other zombie friends dying oh maybe but maybe this is an opportunity to kill the Zombies I can wait here and watch the zombies run in and then punch them off the edge die die

Die this is really good pip I can hit all of the zombies off like this perfect I don’t think there’s any more on my side now but who is that that guy looks really scary and wait wao he’s coming pip I need some help quick get back here

Lou oh take this and this and this wait I you think I killed him there’s a zombie trying to chase you Lou take it out and wait did we do it pip there’s only a few zombies left we can kill those really easily wait what is that I

Know that guy tried to kill me but what about this bat is that a vampire oh I didn’t know bats tried to kill us I killed it are there any more zombies pip or are we okay well L I don’t think there’s anything else here I think we’re

Okay wait no way and look pip the sun just came back out we survived and more importantly Mikey and JJ survived W but thank you guys so much for watching and if you enjoyed this video then make sure to like subscribe subscribe and click the next video on your screen let’s go let’s


Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKYBLOCK Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)
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Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft.

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  1. Pips drawing is very nooby and Loiues painting is kinda look like ronaldo! Pip Mikey milo sory but I think you are a noob😅 and JJ Chip and Louie is a pro🎉

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