I Fooled My Friend with INSIDE OUT Emotions…

This is every emotion from the new inside out and I’m using them to fool my friendly until his mind goes oh look Luke’s on a date with his server Crush how cute but I’m feeling the Little D I’m going to sabotage Luke’s emotions using all of the new

Emotions From the Inside Out trailer let’s see if this man can keep his emotions in check hey girl do you want to hear a joke uh just just just just one second um does Luke have a book with pickup lines in it do you have a diamond pickaxe because I’m digging your five

Okay this man is an absolute fraud I’m going to make him show his true emotions guys let’s start off by bringing out some of his uh anxiety anxiety is going to turn this man into a nervous wreck all right first up let’s start off by using my exlusion

So how’s the weather outside today it’s looking quite quite nice nice and sunny yeah all right guys we just got to get nice nice and close and bubble yeah this is a great place what wo wo wo why why are you exploding no no that only happens to creepers this is too good

Using this fake Creeper explosion we can simulate a creeper literally blowing up but actually nothing is happening right now I meant you were like the bomb CU you blew me away look how I fell all the way over here now Luke just looks like an absolute psychopath bro are you

Serious she’s even like oh what guys ever had one of those dreams where you feel like you’re just falling forever into a giant pit of Duke is and then you wake up and you’re pretty anxious right well I’m anxiety right now so we’re going to make that exact thing happen to

Luke using the illusion item here we go we’re going to get nice and close to him and click on him I’m going to pay for this don’t worry put it on the card I’m rich I can afford v-bucks don’t you worry girl everything is good as long as

You H with me as you can see on my scen guys yeah well nothing’s happening so it just sounds like a complete psychopath call the name just call the this is thec wait what what just happened to me I I was just falling and he’s back and yes she think she’s an

Absolute psychopath because nobody else can see this happening I was I tripping this whole time she doesn’t even know what I was saying but the chair it’s it fell and let’s see what he’s saying to her it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I can still recover from this guys wait he can

Recover there is no recovery from this bro you just screamed about falling into the void or something are you blocker dead because I I’m falling for you faster than gravel that’s what I meant I was falling you know ha like Minecraft physics you know how blocks fall what

This man is the most awkward mess I’ve ever seen in my life there’s no way this book can recover this much damage how is she actually buying the what oh yeah girl you know what I’m saying that Riz hit hit you well it’s all part of my

Plan there is no Riz here whatsoever nah this is that’s it I got to pull out the big guns bro get rid of this anxiety Luke is already an anxious mess let’s bring out anui now anui in the inside out new trailer represents boredom and what’s more of a date killer than

Boredom Now using this fake chat item I can literally type as Luke’s date so uh let’s just go ahead and activate that real quick and let’s see what his date has to say of course it’s just going to be me typing guys it’s not actually his date so what’s something that’s really

Boring math Luke hates math um what your fave math equation like what date is asking this right now and as you can see guys I’m literally coming up as her she’s probably typing a whole bunch of things right now but we just cannot see that at all what’s my

Favorite math equation bro there’s no honestly I don’t know I kind of hate school to be honest Luke is so weirded out right now this is great all right let’s go ahead and type another one um I like math you do math every day I can’t there’s calculators I don’t know why

You’d want to do math every day but bro he not happy you do you girl you do you that’s fine as long as she doesn’t bring up math again all right I like addition but division is my favorite because division is just so boring right now okay now you’re playing games not math

Games okay cool math games okay that okay okay let’s just disable this now and see what the day thinks of all of his responses am I boring yes emotion boring coming in clutch yeah okay I said okay cuz you’re talking about math why do you have so many questions it’s okay it’s

Okay you you w’t being boring okay I was just lost in the beauty your eyes don’t worry about it okay how about we move on with the date you know there’s still plenty of time that we each other let’s bring out uh something a little bit crazy embarrassment because

Embarrassment is just not what you want to be feeling on a DAT you’ve already got enough to worry about the pretty girl in front of you she’s already distracting enough you don’t want to be embarrassed and using embarrassment we get access to the Mind Pearl we can use

This Pearl to literally go inside of Luke’s brain all right let’s go on in there and have a dig around see what we can find and oh my gosh guys what the this looks all familiar though from inside out all right let’s see what have

We got here we got all this stuff wait poor memories there’s no way these are all of Luke’s deepest darkest secrets and best memories wait a minute what if I like show some of these to the date I want to have a look at these hold up

Hold up okay I’m pink and purple which means all these ones have to be the embarrassment memories all right let’s grab this real quick and wait what is this wait what the it’s actually a memory of Luke wait what is he doing a Human Launcher a no way this actually

Happened right he made a TNT launcher to impress a guy okay bro he just blew up are you serious bro this man is actually stupid that’s how he tried to impress a girl okay but these are kind of golden actually what if we grab a bunch of

These and just show them to his date and we’re back let’s start giving these off to the date all right you take some core memories you have some and you have some there you go Luke what’s this what’s falling from the sky embarrassing cor

Cor memory no no no no no no no how is this even possible that was supposed to be a secret bro secret has been let out the cat is out of the bag and the embarrassment is Flowing that’s weird for real yes it’s working Luke is done

For his date’s going to leave him you know what this place isn’t giving good energy why don’t we step outside for a moment you agree okay that’s good okay pack up your stuff he’s actually recovering from this they’re heading outside she dropped the memories off there’s no way he’s somehow keeping up

There’s no way this date hasn’t just straight up left him okay guys I didn’t want to have to do this but we’re going to have to pull out the big GS there’s no holding back anymore what is the biggest red flag in a date it’s Envy

Guys now let’s become eny itself I am going to make Luke so envious so jealous by making Luke’s date fall in love with another man first we got to get rid of his date though how do I do that let’s teleport us somewhere else uh let’s just

See can we go to like 10,000 should be far enough uh and 10,000 let’s see what have we got here oh nice we got a nice deserted ocean love to see it all right let’s have a look around oh perfect the deserted island all right this will do

The spot now first what we got to do is become Luke’s date now what we got to do is just do a quick little reskin to his date just like that and of course we have to fake name ourselves cuz otherwise well they’re going to know

That it’s not us cuz I’m going to type in the chat to the cute hot boy I’m about to flirt with I thought I’d say that but okay all right now let’s teleport here so TP here and come over here miss cutie nice enjoy your stay on

This island huh where where’ she go right here a second ago hell this isn’t good hey she’s back I I I’m I missed you hey guys that was a close one he almost to forward with her no this is I got to he’s getting so anxious already but now

We’re going to fill him with Envy all right let’s see what can we do um oh yes another dude all right let me run over this dude hey uh hey hey hey what’s up um hi cutie this is going make you jealous she said Hi C CT is she sweet talking some

Other dude during our date I thought I was going crazy maybe I’m not my date sucks for real no no there’s no way and this I agre hey break it up break it up big man big man let’s have a chat yeah what are you doing talking to my girl

You know buddy let’s have a chat over here you know I’m just going to bring you to the mines we can mine some diamonds together okay all right this is perfect guys Luke taking out his rage now let’s make sure that she sees this look at the nice scenery okay and I’m

Just going to check out some stuff over here and she what he’s trying to steal you I’m sorry girl and now she’s hitting me with question marks okay she’s going to be so confused this poor player bro she’s going to just be the most confused

Person ever we’re on a date and this guy and why were you trying to go on a date with him you were stuck on an island okay and the sky is green apparently wait he’s taking out his anger on her you can’t take out Jealousy on your date

Bro this is working great Luke is losing his date slowly but what if I combine emotions to make Luke sound like an actual psycho I mean he already kind of does what can we combine here we’ve got a few emotions wait joy and sadness are literal exact opposite what if we just

Combine those two but how do we do that um is there anything like a wait an anvil you use that to like combine enchants right what if we use that to combine the emotions oh my gosh it worked 50% chance of happy or sad so it’s just straight up confusion okay I

Mean I’m down all right here we go guys let’s make this man completely confusion let’s just get a head straight girl you know it’s just you and I no one else is here to distract us from this beautiful day outside I mean who hold on a second

Hey spedy mi spit face what are you doing here my favorite pet oh no way she’s going to see it oh we need to hide spin mix face right now otherwise she’s going to see it your boy’s on a date I don’t know why you’re here are you being

My wingman I mean uh RIS me up you know what I’m saying D me up bro bro he think is insane okay now let’s bring in the confusion confuse Luke no no no you’re not that boring no no sorry I it’s my pet spit spit face I’m sorry I I should

Have introduced you to him he’s a great pet he’s been through tough times and he’s my me but b b what just happened oh wait but I got a diamond okay that’s cool wait he sounds like a psychopath okay let’s SP him back in Sp face your

Back what happened to you you’re crushed by an anvil no he died again oh a diamond I got another Diamond what are you doing here again you keep dying don’t spin with spit face oh diamonds okay look sounds like an actual you’re still hear is going to be

Hearing all this but not seeing all this it’s SP face wait another Diamond no diamond what what do you mean I’m acting withd okay I don’t know what you’re saying honestly bro look the day di is an absolute psychopath she cannot see any of this

Guys only you and I can see all this crazy stuff happening chill at my place yeah there’s no haunted stuff around there I can promise you that much you know some weird Mojo coming around here and I don’t like the Vibes anymore okay do do you agree with that wait there’s

No way she just agreed to go to his house how is he salvaging this n there’s no way if making Luke’s emotions go insane wasn’t enough it’s fine you know what we got to do let’s just turn off all of Luke’s emotions if he doesn’t have any emotions then there’s no

Problems no more just going to think it’s an insane em Los all right what are we doing what are we doing here uh how do we break things wait are these all the emotions right now oh my gosh I have the power so many emotions to choose

From all right stop it let’s just start turning all of these fools off look ain’t going to know what hit him and I’m sure he can probably hear me inside his head too I heard that wait what what what is he can hear what I’m

Saying in his head I feel wait maybe if I just blast music okay guys there’s the whole signs behind How Sound affects your feelings right and usually music can make you happy or sad except I’m going to play this song right now and it’s meant to make you completely

Emotionless combined with uh all of this he he yeah he probably feels nothing what is going on he does not sound like he’s very impressed he does not sound very impressed don’t even know how to feel what am I even feeling what is going on you know it’s just like crazy

What’s wrong I don’t know you’re just ugly he called her ugly H she’s leaving okay fine that’s one less problem to deal with her are you serious wait it actually work though yes Luke’s emotions disappearing and he called her ugly this is perfect now it’s the Roper Columbus

Chance to slid in what’s going on cutie I hear you single I hear you she was a man the whole time I thought I was falling luk with his emotions but I was having my emotions play with no buddy you can forget it I’m out of here

Trolling My Friends By CONTROLLING them with INSIDE OUT 2 CHARACTERS In Minecraft Prank! 🤣

✅ Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/eystreem?sub_confirmation=1
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📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsfirelight846/
🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Firelight #Minecraft


  1. Firelight videos are fire and Luke stop falling for all these trolls but even though you keep falling for all these trolls it’s still funny

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