playing through winter in stardew valley 1.6! (Streamed 3/29/24)

Hi everyone I am in fact live early again without telling anyone or giving anyone any warning so hello it’s good to see you I’m going to farm again shockingly yeah that’s the plan I want to play as much stardo as I possibly can today so here we

Are I’m getting the game open right now I see there’s a couple of people here so hello everyone sorry if I jump scared you I know that sometimes when I oh that’s loud sometimes when I go live early people are like I was watching a

VOD and you It Came live and it scared me so sorry if that’s what happened um sorry uh shella is yelling at me to show my shirt or maybe she’s talking to hope I don’t know I’m wearing a Juno shirt though I just looked over in my mods chat and got scared hi

Everybody let me get the game capture up correctly wait for it there we go okay here we go you need this oh I bought this from a place called Nooks needles on Etsy um it’s they’re pretty cool I like that place a lot I have a

Couple of things that I’ve got from them before so we are on day four of winter we just finished the community center when we played the other day um and we’ve we’ve got a lot going on in this save so welcome back I think that today

My main goal is that I want to get a horse at some point I want to finish upgrading the barn and getting Pig EGS and then I want to go to the skull Caverns a fair bit so that’s what we’re up to we also

Got I don’t know if we have a quest for it or not yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there was a um oh I going to kill grubs we got the thingy with the big tree we got like this wind and then it was like the some

The big tree has fallen you have to repair it and then we went and put hardwood there and now there’s like a little tiny house in the tree next to Marne house um so we don’t really know what that’s going to entail for us either but we’ll see we’ll see I always

Go live when you’re in the middle of watching a YouTube video that doesn’t surprise me I guess that makes sense um and I did I did go live early intentionally chat I do know what time it is I did in fact go live early on purpose you’re in Spring Year too oh

Nice Shelby that’s pretty good um okay well let’s just get gaming then shall we you’re still trying to watch my other vods so you can catch up when you watch live oh yeah I know and I and then here I just keep streaming more and more St Ben Rosie uh procrastinating and

Local and Shelby thank you for the reubs oh we also um we got married last stream to Maru so our our Sim our character is officially married so we’ve got that going for us too I don’t know why I checked the weather it’s winter I don’t know why I even bothered

With that okay let’s just go look around you got got married yeah we had a a lot happening last stream we played for a while and um things were going extremely well so we’re kind of thriving let me through chicken oh there was an egg sorry sorry sorry okay let me collect

All these things stop I’m like stressing myself out with all this stuff um and it’s drag race night yeah it is drag race night I was saying to my friend hope I I think that we’re at the point where I’m genuinely feeling and this is embarrassing but I’m genuinely feeling

Anxious about drag race basically there’s five people left and they always have four people in the finale so this is the part where they decide who’s going to go to the finale like tonight and that kind of episode is not fun and makes me feel really sad

It’s just like you don’t want to watch anybody’s dreams get crushed you know because everybody wants to be in the finale and then to be that close and not make it just I just feel bad for them so I’m actually not looking forward to today’s

Episode I’m just going to feel sad cuz I like all of them and like you know they want to be in the finale so bad and then someone’s not going to make it and that just sucks oops I typed in their name category by accident um but anyway that’s not until

Later yeah I I kind of think that too Tiff I guess we’ll see um I don’t know I think I want safira to win the whole of the show but we’ll see what happens um you like it when dreams get crushed oh my God what a thing to say

Wow I like it when dreams get crushed oh and we haven’t seen the Cameo The Cameo yet um to see the cameo in in game we need the 14 heart cut scene with Maru um and we only have 11 Hearts you you unlock more um there it’s like 10

Max and once you’re married it goes up to 14 where did she go well she must have left um but we we have to have the 14 heart cut scene to to see maru’s new Cameo or whatever they claim they’ve added into the uh the update so we’re

Not quite there yet we haven’t seen it um but yeah she still goes to work as she should as she should ows little and T and S thanks for the St you know the other day in game she says to me what are your plans for like keeping us going through the

Winter and here’s my question Maru what are your plans for keeping us going throughout the winter you go to work on Thursdays where’s the money do you work for free like you go there you spend all day there you come back with nothing and then you say what’s my plan

For keeping us going start contributing anyway um let me see I’m going to save that so we give it to Maru later I need to kill a bunch of grubs um it’s only a boring Thursday should we just go try and kill some grubs now maybe yeah what do the spouses even

Do with their work money like what are you where are you keeping it I have to pay for everything and you just anyway I don’t think that she makes that much money working um in the clinic Harvey has said himself many times that um he’s not making any money so what did

I say I wanted to reset 20 yeah I have to kill grubs we have to kill like 40 more or something yeah you can get divorced in this game you can also turn your children into doves and get rid of them if you really want to so that’s

Something okay this is a good level that’s a lot of grubs and a secret note good we have a lot we need to do today oh God here we go does the sword upgrade with just skill uh no so you get sword upgrades you get like better swords um you can

Find them you can buy them from the adventurers Guild um you unlock them when you like get lower into the mines um stuff like that so your sword doesn’t increase with your skill level you said that so casually oh about the kids turning them into doves yeah you

Can get rid of them you can turn them into doves and just uh kick them out I actually have never done that before um but it is it is possible for you to do that if you really wanted to so anyway sorry everybody you’re gonna have to watch me like um kill a

Bunch of stop you have to watch me kill stuff in the mines for a little bit yeah we were going to do it in our JoJo save and then I didn’t snowy I don’t think I played long enough to get to the point where I could get rid of them I can’t

Remember I started doing something else and then we became distracted as as it happens it turns out I didn’t actually love playing as evil in stardew you know it wasn’t really for me unicorn Ruth Poma Tink and Lila sunshine and muggle and song bear and Faith thank

You for the subs um you used to be like a month ahead of me and now I’m a few days ahead of you oops oh Shan have you gotten that much farther already ooh sneaky we’ll have to do that Quest thing soon at some point um yeah

You’ve been playing more than I have though Shen cuz I didn’t play yesterday at all so you’re lucky okay well it’s fine we we’ll maybe maybe we’ll like speed through some of the winter today oh my God I hate trying to get this grub Quest I actually hate this just

Nonstop I’m like living for a moment where I get as many on that one level like I did before we’ve only got 19 yeah yesterday we played a lot of Sims instead um oh finally two more thank you back we go did someone move into the big house

Tree well we we uh made a house in the big tree but we haven’t had anybody move in yet I think we did that technically yesterday only in game so there’s not been a lot of time so nobody’s in there I guess I didn’t go there to check

Today but did the grub C by starting at 25 yeah I like I like resetting 20 because uh it’s quite small so you can see the whole level all at once but we can try and actually go down and see if we can uh get any better luck give it a

Day or so that’s what I figured that’s what I figured we can go to 25 your poles are still down oh my gosh why has it been happening so much to people the poles have been like completely bugged oh this is a good level too how many is that oops 31 that’s not

Bad all right let’s TR 25 for real polls are working for you that’s good it’s not everybody that polls don’t work for but it’s been happening a lot recently where people tell us that the poles aren’t working it’s like just blank or something I don’t really understand it

Um yeah this is trying to start on 25 and then go down I think is like I don’t know if it’s worth it what is the JoJo route oh it’s um so when you play play there’s like two methods to this game you can try and restore the

Community center or you can sell out to capitalism and pay JoJo Mart um and then everything becomes bad because you know you you drive all the local businesses out of business and then jojamart thrives it’s like the evil route um it’s fine it’s it’s interesting to play it and it’s different because

Instead of having to collect all that stuff you have to just get money so it’s a totally different um like method I guess but uh I don’t I don’t really like doing it it wasn’t as rewarding or as fun well I tried it once just to see but

It wasn’t fun for me to do it so that’s my my take on the JoJo route but it might be fun if you played the game a lot you might think it’s fun to try it just to see kind of like an experiment but

Eh 88% of the chat haven’t done it but I guess also a lot of people didn’t know what it was so that doesn’t help either if you’re not familiar with it of course you haven’t done it yeah I wouldn’t I wouldn’t recommend it it wasn’t fun obviously it’s like meant to

Be evil too um but it wasn’t it also wasn’t fun it’s and it’s just a money grind so it gets kind of boring at least when you do the community center task you have like I don’t know it’s it’s rewarding to work towards all that and

It’s nice to have like small tasks like trying to get all those things together and stuff so that’s my thought 45 out of 50 we’re almost done this won’t be that bad I’m complaining a lot but if you keep resetting then oh thank you literally 1 million pieces

Of coal I mean copper why did I call it coal when you played you didn’t even know you could buy things from JoJo Mar yeah I think a lot of people don’t even go in there it’s kind of out of the way too it’s it’s far away from your house

So it makes sense that you wouldn’t know um a state far mad just came on really that’s kind of funny the kittens and snap are doing well um they’re doing okay snap was sitting on the patio with Dan when I came upstairs to stream so she’s thriving sitting in the

Sun should you make the copper axe or the copper pickaxe first I would honestly I would go pickaxe before I went axe um because you need to progress in the mines to like make it further in the in the game um the axe is helpful but it’s not as necessary like the the

Pickaxe will help you a lot when you’re trying to get further down cuz it’ll take up less energy all right we finished that we can go back now I’m actually going to go into town because I want to get my ticket I get a ticket cuz I did

That you love my videos thanks gnarly I really appreciate that that’s very kind of you to say I you’re for the mines shella shella I know it’s your day off just go live just stream what’s the harm just stream you may as well or you could hang out here I’m getting a house

Plant oh I think that’s like a cow sticker that’s kind of fun shella has to deal with basement issues oh yeah that’s true no that’s fair enough okay maybe don’t go live you got stuff to worry about that’s fine I mean it’s actually not fine but you know shella here’s an

Idea get this what if you moved to Florida cuz then you’d never have a basement issue again that’s all I’m saying it’s just an idea I mean yes there’s a lot of other problems but you wouldn’t have oh I got another ancient seed I didn’t even

Notice well thank you very much I will gladly take that I didn’t even realize I had gotten that um let me get a speed grow well there you could you could live in Orlando though shella imagine how fun that would be you know oh my carrots have grown

Um do you think that I should put I guess I’ll just put this over here huh my new ancient seed I need to put some like Pretty Lights in there it’s too dark I’m also going to work on reorganizing the farm a little bit in the winter

So we’ve got a lot to worry about um I think I’m going to try eventually to put these lights on all of the sprinklers but that’ll do for now yeah I want to I want to like rearrange everything a little bit while we have time this

Winter but that’s going to be a whole bunch of work yeah we have the greenhouse we have quite a bit there’s five ancient fruit planted in there too which is pretty good well that’s a little bit better it’s a little bit brighter in here now

So that’s a good start too can put light on the sprinklers yes you can oh sorry everyone the donation command in chat our fundraiser is actually tomorrow our charity fundraiser but um the command is appearing in chat right now because I made it and turned it on today uh in

Preparation for tomorrow but if you’re wondering what that means it’s because we have a charity stream tomorrow um that’s all that’s for I’m just going to leave these out for a sec um okay I’m going to sell honestly just sell the carrots oh I got another dwarf squirrel save

That H I have some bombs we have a lot of stuff going on how do you get sprinklers you have to make them um it can be kind of a bit of a it can be quite the task I guess um to to get them made um you need to get

Level six farming to get these sprinklers the quality ones that I have and then it’s an iron bar a gold bar and some refined quartz um oh it says the number you’ve crafted now did it always say that I don’t think it did maybe it did and I’m making that up well that’s

Helpful it did oh never mind it always said that it’s helpful oh it’s a setting you can turn on and off ah okay may that’s why I didn’t know about it then you’re welcome I’m trying to make you love me Mom’s done a great job of improving

The place oh that’s so cool cuz your mom renovated it did you have a more exciting day than me I hope so yeah it might have been the last update and I just forgot that’s entirely possible um okay I’m going to go down and check the mushrooms and then we’re probably just

Going to go to bed it’s like Advanced crafting info oh okay that makes sense um f entity Jackie Casey thank you for the sub sorry buddy okay I will make those into I’ll dehydrate them I mean um boo you can just put the torch on the sprinkler I don’t like when you

Ask how I don’t really know how to answer it cuz you you basically just walk up to it and put it down there you didn’t used to be able to it’s kind of new um but that’s how it works you just put the torch on the sprinkler oh my God

My Farm’s a mess chat I’m so sorry I cannot wait for winter to be over and it just started I really just don’t care for winter at all oh you know what we were going to do is reorganize the chest a little bit H let me save that plant maybe I’ll do

That tomorrow cuz I was going to buy um the recipe for the like table the crafting table workbench I think it’s called a workbench in this game I was going to buy the workbench recipe and then rearrange the chest a little um but we’ll see ho still not working

Well we can’t do anything about it it sucks but there’s only so much that we can do it works for a lot of people just not everybody I guess weirdly um I hope Dad’s doing okay he can get depressed in the winter When there’s less opportunity for field

Research H A lot of people deal with that honestly not so much about field research but just in general geod Crusher thank you okay oh the cat gave me a fish thank you go away 55% says team mushroom cave 45% says team fruit bats I typically pick

The mushroom cave over the fruit bats fruit bats personally but it’s kind of interesting to know what people’s preferences are um okay so much on only your one how we’ve we’ve played a lot Sona I I’m very familiar with how to play stardew I have a lot of experience with

This game um am I I got a duck feather already huh okay that is fine by me oh no I might have forgotten to feed the it’s possible that I didn’t feed the cows yesterday I’m not really sure but I may have I may have failed to feed

Them yeah I guess the relationship goes up faster on metal lands Farms so that might be part of it oh I okay I fed them they’re not mad at me they’re not mad at me when do you get the auto feeder I have to upgrade the

Barn one more time I’m going to I think I’m going to upgrade today um I think we’re going to upgrade the barn first so that’s our that’s our first start and and Tay and a thank you for the subs um the mushrooms got nerfed SAR because he made them show up every other

Day instead of every day like they used to you’re having a problem with the Sims 4 where there’s no option to let them sleep hm I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of that issue before in The Sims that is really weird I don’t know if I’m able

To offer any advice to you with that one I wonder if that’s do you maybe have any mods that could be potentially broken that might be causing that or is like something blocking your bed perhaps um I don’t know also oh you know what might be happening to you uh do you

Happen to have like a radio in the room where they’re trying to sleep because if there’s a radio on in the room where they’re trying to sleep the music playing wakes them up so that that honestly is uh my my best guess for what could be happening to your Sims

Obviously I don’t really know um but that happens a lot too where like your Sims hear the radio they keep staying awake or like a baby crying if baby’s in the room they might wake up to try and feed in um seed worms down from the mushroom log oh really I’ll check

Again oh there are seed worms right here okay thank you very nice okay I think the goal today I’m going to go to the the desert soon and I’m going to start thinking about what we’re going to want to buy and preparation for our first skull Caverns run

Um because we’re going to want to get like some spicy eel and stuff ready so I might bring some rubies um we can also I’m looking at like the wiki at what they trade um I don’t really feel like I need any staircases or anything like I don’t

Know we’ll see how it goes um but we can look the bombs are more expensive now which is sad oh really how many bombs do we have I have eight regular and 23 cherry bombs that’s not like the best thing in the world but it’s something it’s something we have a lot

Of gold star cheese so we’ll be all set that way um and then we’ll buy some bombs let me see if we can bring honestly I’ll bring like some of this stuff we have a fair bit of stone that I can trade but let me see if I can trade any um quartz

Too I’m going to go look but mostly I just want spicy eel that’s kind of the main thing oh I can bring this I’ll I’ll give this to um Sandy when we’re over there let’s go see okay TIY Ally thank you sir with the res subs thank you so

Much um you can make bombs with quartz yeah I mean the problem is you need coal for the bomb yes and I don’t really want to this why I usually just buy bombs um it’s iron ore and coal so not quartz but I don’t really want to waste any of my coal

Um okay I want to get like three spicy eel and maybe like eight more bombs why would I trade her one Emerald for a single piece of cheese that is so silly look at that thing thing huh I’m going to get one more spicy eel yeah the rainbow hat is so fun I

Would love to have that I would love to have the rainbow hat all right let’s see if we can grab anything else from around here a small price to pay for cheese we have plenty why you’re live early again I just felt like streaming Brooke I just felt like streaming um

So I am here again okay oh sorry you’re welcome do you like me yet three hearts with Sandy that’s not that bad I’m not actually going to go into the um I’m not actually going to go into the skull Caverns today I am going to chop some trees and then I’m going to

Go back home um I’m going to go into the mines on a day where we’ve like really timed it um we’re going to be like ready to go exactly at the right time I’m going to have all my stuff or it’s going to be a good luck day um we just got to

Get ready which is what today is you could always cut these trees down Leila they’ll grow back too so you don’t have to feel bad about cutting them down um but you could always cut these trees down um desert warp totem I I don’t have the ability to get a desert warp totem

Yet we don’t have the ability to trade for for one from her um I can show you but to get the desert orp totem recipe it’s 10 aridium bars and I have none and I don’t have any Omni geot to trade in either so I can’t get

One we don’t have a fmatic Shard yet no Tyler it’s um it’s winter year 1 and we haven’t been to the skull Caverns yet I expect that we’ll get lucky in the skull caverns in the next couple of weeks in game but um is it better to get to level 100

Of the skull C before Ginger Island oh I got woody secret gain some forging experience um I if I were you it’s depending on if you finished the community center and like done most of what you want to do around home you can go to the ginger Island but

I might like hold off until you’ve done a lot of what you feel like you need to do at home first yeah you can get Prismatic shards in like the regular mines from the Quarry it’s just from from geod technically it’s just very unlikely um it’s very rare it’s a little

Bit more likely through the stuff inside of the skull Caverns to come across a prismatic Shard so okay I want to see so Robin she’ll be there on Friday right I want to go and get the upgraded Barn I want to get the big barn 550 wood and 300 Stone

Stone um let me go bring that to her and just go and see we’ll get our next big upgrade we’ve got enough money it’s time that we commit why so early I just wanted to farm M I just wanted to farm everybody always ask me this and

Like the answer is always I don’t know I just kind of felt like it um C and team fair and Harriet thank you for the reubs and brocken thank you for the raid oh I have this for you actually lus you’re welcome love you bye oh my God he’s still

Talking are we friends yet oh we’re very good friends with lus he’s my besti okay hello Robin um construct farm buildings Deluxe Barn okay let’s go and we’ll do the coupe next all right I’m going to go around now and go oh cut scene I’m going to go

Around and go to the traveling car as well just in case um I for one love that you’re live early I know I’m sorry I didn’t warn people it’s fun though we’re just hanging out you know have I moved the house yet no I haven’t I was actually looking around at

A stardew farm planner um trying to figure out where I would want to move my house if I did and I was feeling like I don’t know if I want the house to be somewhere else I was like experimenting on the farm planner trying to see and like I

Think that the house being where it is like up in the corner of two entrances it’s just easier to get to so I don’t know if I want to move it aside from like maybe just pushing it back a little bit um oh my God I’m not lonus is going

To be mad I’m pleased lonus is doing well please don’t come live with me he hates that thanks Kayla you had me worried there I thought you were going to ask me to move onto the farm with you you know I consider you my closest friend in the

Valley you’ve never tried to fix me you respect my way of life even if you don’t understand it I really appreciate that what is a farm planner it’s just a website where you can like plan out your farm a little bit um you can see the full thing and like move stuff

Around scooted yours over to fit a shed beside it yeah that makes sense um I’ve seen people put it up next to the waterfall and stuff too I I can kind of show you um let me see if I can pull it up I can kind of show you what I was

Talking about I was doing this on my um on my laptop so I don’t think I have the the thing but um I’m trying to find my link I want is it like the is it the version 3 one I don’t even know if I’m on the right link we’ll find

Out buildings no layouts hold on um oh this one I think no ranching that’s the right one okay I’ve seen people basically it’s like a you can see the full layout of the farm and I was thinking about trying to put it oh it’s lagging somewhere like maybe over here

But then I didn’t really want to because I wanted to like try and use this space for crops so then I thought about putting it over here but that’s like way out of the way um so I’m not really 100% sure I I’ve considered putting it in a

Space like this a little bit um but I don’t really know I’m not planning on moving it just yet um PC players really have it all and it’s so cool to see yeah if you have access to a laptop even if you don’t play on PC you could try and use a farm

Planner on the website still um just to move things around but it’s kind of helpful cuz you can like try and like figure out what you think you’re going to want um cuz then you can practice throw out some ideas before you move anything around yourself you know

Um love a farm planning tool in game yeah it would be cool if they did that that’s like a third party tool um just online it’s not in game so it’d be nice if there was like an actual one in the game that would be helpful um you’re in year four of your

Save you have no idea how to lay out your farm yeah I don’t really know what I want it to be like just yet either I’ve been going back and forth a lot um with how I want mine to be cuz I was thinking about trying to make it I don’t

Know I kind of want it to be quite like rustic but I also want to try to maximize the amount of farming space that we have because it’s not that big like there isn’t that much space that you can Farm on so I’m just kind of unsure of how exactly I

Want to do it um you find this Farm easier to work with because of the lack of farming space really I was having a really hard time I wish that I had a little bit more free rain because there’s so much grass and not a lot of farming room but I know

Some people like kind of have opposite feelings this is that thing I was telling you all about oh my God raccoon hungry need fish muscle smoked bream oh my God what okay I can do that I can do that I can do that oh my God

Okay I’ll I’ll get to work I’ll get to work I’m going to quickly go chop down some hardwood while we’re in here and then we’ll go try and get our smoked bream why can’t you find the meow Farm on that planner website it’s not called Meadow Farm it says

Rancher so that’s what you’re looking for look for the word rancher oh my God I need to okay smoked bream and five muscles yeah I don’t think we have any muscles TI get I’m looking at the wiki um we want to put it in the Crab Pot I might have saved a

Few I don’t remember we can get that from any season on the beach in the Crab Pot and the bream you can get from any season too so we might I might have a couple extra already is that new yeah the little raccoon thing I’ve never seen that

Before uh that is absolutely new so we’ll see um I’ll be curious to to experiment with that one we got the raccoon yeah I just saw it I wasn’t I think that’s not what I was expecting would move into that house but I’m I’m willing to come help

Okay smoked bream muscles I know for a fact that I have a bream I’m pretty sure so we can just smoke it and then we’ll see how snap she’s doing okay um she doesn’t the thing is she doesn’t know that she has a cancerous tumor on her leg she’s pretty

Much acting the same as she always does um she’s not displaying a lot of symptoms obviously um so she’s fine it’s me who has to worry she won’t be as fine on Tuesday when she has to go in for surgery then she’ll understand but she doesn’t understand yet so she

Doesn’t she doesn’t know any better okay I have two muscles all right and I do have one bream um put some of this stuff away again while you’re here and I will get a little piece of coal okay I’ll start smoking that fish and then I will probably

Put some of those in there okay she will get through it it’s going to be probably a a a rough time for her with the recovery but she will get through it um okay I’ll keep maybe I’ll just leave my uh spicy eel in there too and I’ll sell some of this

Stuff okay hello I’m here to sell these things to you maybe I’ll keep that coal Cola not coal sorry all right let’s go take a look and see I know I have some bait right yeah let’s go take a look and see if we can put some more bait inside of the

Crab pots on the beach Julian got the trash hat yesterday oh really we have the trash hat my my cat is currently wearing my trash hat oh my God Marne we can’t if word got out it could undermine my position of authority in the town literally not a single soul cares

You understand don’t you no you care too much about your job Louis there are other things to life you know but yes I understand I guess we’ll have to keep us a secret Mary he’s horrible there is literally not a single reason why you can be the mayor and not date

Someone Kayla you overheard everything didn’t you yes and I’m going to tell everyone stop I can’t believe you would do that you are Terrible why were you hiding there anyway and then you just run into his backyard well I already did tell everyone I’m sitting here in front of 2,000 people like I don’t know what to tell you it’s too late it’s too late for you like everyone already

Knows I’m just being honest oh you look so cute in your coat Penny oh your teacher the kids about art history it can be a little dry for the kids so I’m having them learn by drawing a picture in the predominant style of each Century it’s really been a hit oh that’s so

Cute that is so cute I love the lights in the trees that’s so pretty okay let’s go we’re going to the beach I am going to take my bait have I seen Sam’s winter outfit I have Christine I think he looks cute all right I can recycle all that stuff

Too maybe I’ll get a piece of cloth from this sogging newspaper okay I already got that right yeah we’ll just go back to the house we really do need to start thinking about Farm layout I’m making myself nervous okay if tomorrow is a good luck day I’m going to the skull

Caverns I have decided Sam has a whole new appeal with his winter outfit he really does Sam it it really changes your perception of him I think Sam’s winter outfit so I agree with you there’s something about it it’s just different it’s just different okay let

Me save that smoked bream and I have these two muscles as well I need five but two is going to have to do all right is there anything else you want to chop or anything while we wait his hair is so much and it needs to

Be under hat that’s mean he does look cute though he does look cute normal Sam just some guy winter Sam just some guy but like different you know a beanie can really change a man all right I think that’s enough we’ll just go to sleep I’m trying to

Like kind of speed through the winter because I just don’t really care about winter time it bores me oh wait I have a crab do I even need that we need to start reorganizing this chest I may sell a couple like I don’t really need to have those Star Quality clams

Right go away bedtime yeah and like the desert Festival is coming in spring so we have that to look forward to all right fingers crossed that tomorrow will be a good luck day saprina it’s far it’s pcho sh Vanessa thank you for the subs I appreciate that shocked I haven’t made all my

Chests into big chests yeah we need to um I don’t really need them all to be big chests I don’t think for the most part um oh fried mushroom thank you Spirits are neutral very sad very very very sad um but yeah I don’t really care about them being that big I don’t

Think steal this most of them are are fine what I was thinking about doing is swapping it out so that I have like a crops chest instead of a um foraging chest and then I can put all my fora bles together in one chest or sorry all

My crops together in one chest and then my forgea bles will be organized by season in like these chests that is what I am thinking so I might start trying to grab that I and then I’ll make a fishing chest too I might start by moving some of the fishies

Out cuz I was going to put the fishies in here fishies take these okay I might need to make the fishy chest bigger too we’re probably going to need to upgrade that one but if I put all the crops together and like all the seeds together I think it’ll fit

Fine in the big chest and then I’ll have an easier time okay fishies I might put the seaweed in there too okay see this one’s going to need to be upgraded now yikes um you could save some more jelly why not got separate chest for fruit flowers vegetables and foraging yeah

That makes sense um I have all of these big chests and I don’t really need this many I could make like a I don’t know I’ve now that we have the big chest I’m kind of trying to rethink I guess how I’m organizing everything um it’s kind of making me revisit all of

This in my mind a little so you bought 45 strawberry seeds at the egg Festival that’s so good um I’m going to sell some of that extra stuff too okay let’s take out forgea bles while we’re in here um take out blueberry stay foraging grapes are crops and foraging

Which is kind of complicated foraging foraging foraging foraging okay put seeds back in there foraging that doesn’t even belong in there how do you get a big chest you can buy I have this one to have like all my collectibles and this has my food in it I need like one more space cuz I keep all my tools here but if I had my tools over there then I could then I would have enough and I would be happy I

Think I’m sorry you have to watch me try and figure this out chat okay come here so that’ll be good to keep all of our these could honestly go in a smaller chest it’s like the extra crafty stuff that I’m trying to keep you know what we could do

Potentially I could take all of that stuff and like put it over here all my Artisan goods and whatnot and that might be a good use of the space how do you unlock the big chest again so you can go up to to Robin and you can buy a recipe from her and

Then you can craft big chests so that’s my fish chest I think I might want to move the house back I I like the all the chests being right next to the house for now cuz it’s like easier for me to handle it but it might help us to scoot it back

Cuz then I can have like a sign or something you know and that would also be good I’m going to make one more okay maybe if I make one more big chest for this one cuz then it can have my food and my tools and that would be

Fine um what a odd collection of things bear with me I’m figuring it out okay we’re thinking about it we’re thinking about it everything’s fine should I put like all my bait in the fishing chest I don’t really know you can move the house at Robins

Yeah I think bait in the fishing chest is a good idea just cuz it’s easier to have all the fish stuff together in one place yeah I think so too uh Tay how I don’t really I don’t really have much of a desire to move the house to be farther

Away you want me to bring an amethyst to Emily I like the house being up close cuz it’s like easier for me to find all my stuff and know what I’m doing so I don’t really want to move the house okay that’s going to have all of my fora bles in

It like all of my forage Ables in it that’s crops and forage aables oh boy foraging let’s grab more of this crops and fora bles crops and forageable and then I have all my flowers but I wanted to keep the flowers in a separate chest too okay um foraging

Those the rest of this is all crops right yeah I believe so oh my God we might need to get another chest um we might want to get a chest that could have like vegetables and fruits split up yeah I count the fruit from the fruit trees as forgea bles

Typically but we can get rid of like some of the silver quality I don’t need to have three qualities of each of these you know so we can clear out some of that space just a bit which will help us um there are still forgea bles in that chest in which

One not that one not that one not that one not that one these are my flowers do you mean that I have forgea in the crop chest still cuz I haven’t moved everything around completely um we’re we’re looking around we’ve only halfway done this so I’m I’m trying to go

Through one step at a time and get all the rest of them a little bit More I feel like that’s all of them yes put my stuff away in there I think we should be okay with that much so that chest has my fishies in it I might make this chest blue for my fishies um I might make this chest pink

For my forgeable green can stay for my crops maybe purple for my tools and then like oh that’s icky another light blue maybe you should be purple and you can be the light blue I like that okay this one you be like a another pink color light pink you can

Be purple I don’t know that seems fine by me right you put the seeds in forging seeds with the foraging stuff yeah I do that sometimes too I I feel like in this case I think I’m going to end up looking for them in the crops

Chest um but we could we have more space in here doesn’t really matter to me that much I think I might put my flowers back in that chest as well just cuz we’ve got we do have enough space for them sort of and if I have to get rid of like a couple

I forgot I had that one empty still so we have our Artisan Goods in there this one’s all my fishies this is all my um forgeblacksmith things I need to unlock um things I want to deal with I wish that I had the tools and the food

Separated that MCH is kind of irritating me a quest chest if you will yeah exactly we haven’t done our maple syrup Quest yet no I need to do that still too I’m busy organizing um I need to get my tools back out that I was using come back come

Back tent kit those could probably go into the fish chest okay nice Ruby jny thank you for the subs I just got to rethink this I just need to figure out how exactly I want to go about it we could always move the quest chest

Over to be like that’s kind of behind my face cam a fridge too you buy like four fridges for fish crops Etc that makes sense it’s interesting to hear how everybody else does it you know that chest doesn’t really need to be upgraded I know it looks sad that

It’s not but doesn’t really need it okay yeah you can put food in the fridge you can also and probably more useful you can put ingredients in the fridge so if you wanted to like store eggs in there you can craft out of it if you

Were like trying to cook you could put like your eggs and flour in the fridge and then cook it I haven’t cooked a single thing yet in this save though so not really high priority I don’t think um okay am I missing an egg I might be doesn’t matter to me um

Okay let’s come in here I will take care of all my little friends I can’t wait until this gets upgraded I’m really excited about getting an auto Grabber as well which we probably can’t afford yet but we will get soon and that’s going to be really

Fun have we fed the raccoon no I don’t have enough stuff yet I don’t have enough muscles I want five muscles and I only had two I made the smoked fish for it that it wanted but that’s that’s all I’ve been able to get it so far look how much milk we

Have oh boy why are you so early I just felt like farming I just felt like farming so I went live I’m sorry to uh have gone live without warning I was just in the mood to farm we don’t really need those to have like eggplants

In them but I figured we may as well plant something there’s an auto Grabber yeah you can get the auto Grabber pretty easily too um you can buy it from Marne it’s like 25k so okay two days in a row yeah I went live early yesterday too um uh this

Might be a little bit of an insight into my mental state to be honest I am uh looking for a distraction if you will so that um that’s kind of where we’re at right now it’s okay everything’s fine um okay so all of that I guess honestly I might keep and this is

Kind of weird but I might keep my cheese and my spicy eel specifically in my tools chest cuz then it’s easy access for me when I’m trying to go to the skull Caverns okay I’m also going to make a little bit like a few extra bombs just because I want to make sure

We have enough when we go into the skull Caverns 36 isn’t actually that many but it’s a good start and now we have to go chop some more trees cuz um we used all of our wood to make big chests and I would like

To soon um I would like to soon be able to um purchase the upgraded Coupe as well oh my God Clint attempt we could probably do some of this maybe I should go we can try and do a few of these things we can catch a squid today in the

Ocean as well maybe I won’t do that today bring Emily and Amethyst enter the sewer and talk to kobis bring maple syrup to the secret Woods let me get that is this game free no it’s it’s uh $15 which is actually an extremely good price considering how much it comes

With but it is $15 I always feel so bad cuz people ask me literally non-stop the games I play on stream is this game free is this game free is this game free and the answer is always no there it’s never free it is never free but everybody always asks it is sad

Um can you get it on Origin no it’s it’s on Steam origin is only EA’s games um steam is like everything else um origin the EA app is only EA’s games um so that’s kind of how it works okay Pia is free do you play that I haven’t played much palea

No um that’s not really common though for games to be free Hello bear my cat dropped something when I pet it oh really I’ll have to go back and check for it that smell come closer it’s not every day I get to speak to a human looks like you’ve got a

Little Forest magic in you the Bear’s picture is always so funny to me now about my note did you bring the good stuff I did I sure did oh that smell this is really sweet s stuff it’s my favorite sauce it makes me very happy look at the bear you’re so

Weird there’s a stone chest too yeah there is a stone chest as well I tried to back up you’ve made a friend today Kayla I’ve got something special I want to show you the bear left you with his special knowledge salmon berries and blackberries are now worth three times the gold

Cool okay I’m going to chop the hardwood while we’re in here die slime should have put sperro on your RAR sees you get the star drop soon oh I know yeah um I actually haven’t done that yet we’ll have to come do that too I’m not playing expanded no we’re

Just playing the regular stardew I I don’t have any mods installed right now in the save that we’re playing so you started playing stting again because of me have you been having fun stting is such a fun game it really is fun oh secret note ancient farming Secrets line 37

There’s no better helper than a raisin fed junimo oh okay interesting thanks PB&J I’m excited about our community center being done things are going quite well for us okay I’m actually going to go see Emily and give her this thing now just so I

Can get it done with and then I’ll go to the beach and see if there’s any more muscles um Lucas thanks for the tier 2 30 months by the way and Gabriella thank you for the raid a couple minutes ago I appreciate that you know what I did play

Oetz I played oetz a fair bit way back it was like a few years ago when it was still in Early Access I haven’t played oblit since it came out for real like since the full release came out um so I’m kind of missing out I think cuz I

Haven’t picked it back up we need to play it again soon that would be fun um all right let me give this to Emily it’s from who oh you got it at Clint well I don’t care where you got it from it’s beautiful thank you I did not

Get it at Clint I got it I got it I got it and I brought it to you because he asked me to Clint didn’t give me that I didn’t get it from him I’m actually insulted by that I do know how to cook Bean hot pot

Or maybe I don’t I can’t remember I like that dish quite a lot okay well I’m going to see about buying some gifts for a couple people that are in here I might get some salad for Leah just while we’re here cuz I don’t know if I’ve given you

Anything I’m doing something really bad right now okay chat please don’t judge me this is bad why are you bothering me I want to be alone he said hey this is my favorite why are you bothering me okay whatever the frogs aren’t very happy in Winter poor little guys

Oh okay I’m going to go down and check the little thingies after Shane’s cut scenes you started giving hot peppers cuz you feel bad yeah I have a whole bunch of hot peppers saved for Shane I just didn’t bring one with me I know what I did just then was bad I know

Okay should I try and get we could try to catch the squid while we’re here it’s available until 2: a.m. we might as well right you give him Pizza yeah Pizza is also an easy one I already have the hot peppers though I just got to remember to

Bring them with me when I go out there I wasn’t only planning on giving gifts today well this isn’t going to be a squid is it no I don’t believe so albore okay sure I do have a cute bobber yeah I have a little cat bobber right now I was

Using a duck one for a while and now I have the cat one albore okay um yeah salad broth someone salad broth says is Sebastian gay or just emo I I sort of honestly like to think of Sebastian as both but um you can date anybody in this game

So it’s I mean it’s kind of up to you I suppose hering he is Sebastian he likes everybody um but yeah anybody anybody can date anyone so that’s that’s the beauty of it well this is taking a long time for me to get a little fishy isn’t it there we go there we

Go not going to be a good fish yeah that’s just a herring if I could date everyone why can’t I date George okay so you can’t date everyone but there are mods out there to let if you wanted to date some of the non-arable candidates there are

Mods for that if that’s something that you desire so it it is an option for you whoa I got it I may try and catch hold on I have to bring that to Willie is Willie going to be in there still or has he come down here yet

He might still be in there or like on his way so many of them are married it’s kind of sad well I mean just cuz they’re married doesn’t mean that you can’t date them really if you think about it the world is your oyster you know okay still not yet okay bye

You fell asleep in Julian’s winter stard stream last night it’s so cozy it is cozy it’s really nice Vibes in stard in the winter time oh well you know what I was having trouble with I didn’t put my bait back on my rod after I took it off to put in

The I took it off cuz I was trying to um put it inside of the crab pots and then I wasn’t fishing with bait just then well that explains a lot actually okay okay I might try and make a worm bin should we make a worm bin and

Then make a deluxe worm bin cuz I have enough for it what do I need I forgot fiber fiber and then if you could take some Moss cuz we have loads of that too I might as well make myself like a couple more mushroom logs as well oh not you go

Back that too yay worm bin Deluxe worm bin not just any worm bin Moss mention Moss mention um I think I will put these little guys kind of in there and see if we can get anything good from them why are there two I must have placed those by accident huh I don’t

Know I’m going to have to fix my fences as well but I meant to chop some wood today and then I didn’t so I don’t have any Herring and I don’t have any albore either maybe I will save that you know what I should do I’m going to smoke

This cuz I can get money out of that hey lettuce yes sorry I didn’t tell people in advance that I was going to stream early today um I just kind of went live um I kind of just felt like streaming so I just kind of did um without much advanced warning

So flu thank you for the 10 months um what if we make moss Immortal Tilly I think that I don’t know I I think that honestly to be human and to be immortal is like a little bit of a curse it’s Caroline’s birthday we need to give her a gift

She likes summer spangle I think I have a summer spangle that I can give her am I going to enter the fishing contest tomorrow oh my God yeah I forgot about that Plum Pudding how’s the luck please be good neutral okay oh hello there Kayla so your first year

In stardy Valley is almost over huh if you keep buying scenes for me you’ll be twice as productive next year and I have some exciting news I’ll be selling new seed varieties in my shop next year I should have one new variety per season okay thank you more

Seeds you know I wouldn’t even bother trying my competitor seeds Pierre seeds are the highest quality seeds you’ll find anywhere that’s a promise you have no competitor I killed him he’s gone you don’t need to worry about that okay tomorrow we’re all Gathering ing in front of marne’s house for the Festival

Of ice it’s a celebration of winter there’ll be snowman ice sculptures and an ice fishing competition I’ll be there I will be there you killed him yeah I sure did true story um do you want to go I guess we should just try and chop trees then today right actually

Pierre killed Morris yeah it was to be honest it wasn’t me it was Pierre that killed Morris he um I mean you saw it he like launched him into the sky Owen I mean that’s the way to do it isn’t it like with your so Owen has a

Mod to make stardy Valley more diverse um so Owen just says I want to hate Pierre but I made him Chinese in my game so I have to like him and that makes perfect sense that’s so valid I really genuinely understand where you’re coming from okay I will sell this smoked teing

As well try and get some money um but it makes it better you gave yourself a method to like these people more it’s smart doesn’t your mod also was it Sam that the mod makes trans Owen cuz I agree that also makes Sam better like by a

Lot so I understand can you move so I can pick that up thank you um okay let’s go in here hello everyone my barn is finished fin it looks so much better now and then it’s going to auto feed them so that’s also good I need to go

Buy H we’re running quite low on funds at the moment um I’m going to need to think about this a little cuz I it doesn’t seem like I’m running low on funds except I’m about to go and try and buy some pigs so when I go to get my Coupe upgrade it’s

20,000 so then I can only afford one Pig but I think that’s fine I don’t have enough wood though so we have to work on that today too oh and I don’t have anything wait look I don’t have anything in my preserves jars right now start preserving I need

Money can I sell any of this hot pepper jelly get a bunch of mayo too when’s the next book seller day oh good question I should check that too thought pigs go in the barn yeah that’s what I mean the barn just finished upgrading so I want to buy pigs

For it but also I want to upgrade the coupe those are two separate thought processes sorry I kind of combined them into one sentence but I want to do both um yeah they won’t go outside in the winter no okay Caroline’s birthday what did I say I was going to give her a

Summer spangle I have in here only one but that’ll do that’s fine and I have only 235 wood okay I’ll bring that with me when I go on my little journey get Pig first then save for Coupe well I can afford a pig I kind of

Want to get multiple pigs the issue with the coupe is that I want it to be upgraded so I don’t have to feed them myself anymore you see what’s on the menu tonight in real life I think that um well the past few weeks me and Dan have ordered pizza for

Drag race except we made pizza on Monday and also we ordered dinner last night so realistically I probably should not order pizza tonight however it’s become like a thing you know thanks sweetie yeah you’re welcome ah the newly wed so how was the honeymoon I didn’t have a

Honeymoon I guess the farm would wither if we took time away yeah yeah we have nine hearts with Caroline that’s pretty good oh hello George sorry to get in your way aren’t you cold they don’t make sweaters like they used to Sor I give you permission to order pizza oh well in that

Case in that case we might as well just go for it you’ve been so brave you deserve the pizza oh you know what I told M yesterday M was like it’s been a hard day on the farm you know all this hard work and I was like you’re so right M

You’ve been working so hard out you know tilling the land chopping trees it’s been a long day you need to order some pizza you need to order dinner you’ve had a long hard day’s work okay I’m going to name the pig peppa you’re thinking about changing

Your name color oh I already named a cow Peppa oh my oh my God what should we call it help help Peppa to I’m not calling it bacon how about poppy well we can call it Poppy and then we can change the cow’s name to be

Better cuz I’m out of money I can’t get my stuff today should I get a second Pig no you’ll have enough money to get it tomorrow Kayla stop stop or not tomorrow I guess you’ll have to do it on Monday but that’s fine everyone hates poppies

And stardew yeah but Poppy’s like a cute name you know garlic mega bomb goat cheese stepping stone junimo catalog a colle ction of furniture infused with junimo energy oh my God I’m so sad that we’re so early game and we have no money I want that so bad I don’t want to

Look up what it comes with I want to be surprised when I do eventually buy it but that is really speaking to me it’s 70,000 we don’t have anywhere near enough to buy that sell the farm let’s just sell the house you know oh oh and I like the name color

It looks good it looks good is this 1.6 update yeah the the Juno thing is from the new update so I haven’t seen it yet oh hello okay we can do some of those secret notes I like to sometimes I’ll just go through and do like a whole

Bunch of secret notes all at the same time um um okay would you please stop hitting me little slimes I really don’t want to have to kill you but you give me no choice so rude I got another one 12:00 noon sharp last day of the Season check the bush above the

Playground I already did that we did that on Spring we were ready tofy thank you for the resub ferina and Plum thank you both for the reubs too thank you so much all right you kill them every day for oil makers fair enough fair enough all right we’re just going to go

Through and chop any trees that I can but it seems I have done this very recently and there are not any trees that I can chop so that’s a shame I might really quickly check and see if you’ve got anything new I don’t think so trucker hat someone’s got to tell

Emeris about that just feels right okay and then we’ll go and get I think there should be a couple more trees down there I can pan for gold that’s my second time ever doing that in this save we’ve only ever seen one spot before that okay there’s a couple of trees down

Here that we can chop nice your dog sitting soon you’re going to be away from your PC for a whole week oh my God I don’t know how you’re going to manage that’s horrible and I mean that honestly yeah we can upgrade the pan too

Um lots of stuff to spend money on at this point isn’t there yeah I like the idea of the panning but it’s not actually that worthwhile like you don’t really get that much stuff from doing the panning um it’s like good in theory and not that

Good in practice because I like I said I’ve been carrying that thing around I’ve only seen two spots and we unlocked it kind of a while ago so I don’t know it’s just not the greatest thing to worry about but you dog sit a lot and hands down the

Worst part of it is being away from the sves that’s so funny I I think a lot of people here would relate to you though with that everybody’s kind of on the same page yeah my parents were dog sitting um like a couple weeks ago but the dog came

To them and stayed at our house so my S my sister did most of it cuz she was home during the day um but she was still playing her little games she still could play her little games um is this going to be on Kayla’s YouTube channel uh I post all of my

Streams onto my second Channel called more simsy um so yes but this one cuz I’m a couple streams behind cuz I’m I’m like splitting up yesterday’s stream into two parts because it was like a build and then baby challenge I’m going to post this on Wednesday on YouTube

Um so it’s a little bit of a delay more so than normal because I’ve been streaming a lot the past couple weeks but I will post it yes always do my Channel that I posted on like I said is called more simsy dance live early too oh he went live

Too I was gonna play the DVD event but I decided I would rather play stardew is his stream title I heard him say yesterday on his stream I think today’s like the last day of an event in dead by daylight um and I heard him say

Yesterday on his stream he was like we should probably play the DVD event a little bit cuz it’s the last day like we should probably do that a little bit tomorrow no no you’re a farmer you can’t escape it who’s the most beneficial to befriend first that’s a good question Phoenix I

Don’t know if really much about befriending people is like beneficial to you like a specific person is better than another type of way um but friending Caroline is cool cuz you can get like a a little sapling you can make tea leaf saplings have I actually even seen Caroline’s cut

Scene for that yet I don’t think I have um but you can refriend Caroline to get the tea saplings um sometimes Pam will send you batteries which is kind of helpful but for the most part like mostly I would befriend people just based on who you want to see around and

Who you want to talk to the friending Linus gets you a fancier bait recipe so that sort of thing um oh I got to put my bait back on the fishing pole so I don’t forget good call um but anyway I would also base it off

Of like who you think you want to marry but you might not be sure of that until after you’ve talked to them more so I don’t know lots of options basically um oh yeah that’s true Kent sends you bombs doesn’t he kind of scary but yeah George will get you the spicy

Eel recipe oh I need to work on befriending people more huh we really should maybe the next few days we’ll go to the bar at night and like give people gifts it is a Sunday so there’s a lot of people in there but I just don’t want to right

Now you can get special blue chickens from Shane too I haven’t done that yet either Mossy seed okay I’m just going to chop as much as I can of this we’re going to be like way out of money cuz after this I’m going to get like 20K I’ll probably have like an

Extra couple thousand today and then I’m going to spend all of it in the next couple of days oh coal I’m exhausted I’m going to end up spending all of it and then I’m going to have no money cuz I want to spend 20K to upgrade the um the

Coupe we’ve got all of the wood that we need to do that don’t mind me just planting some seeds here eventually I’ll try and make them organized better but today is not eventually if we really wanted to we could go try and do gifts I just don’t want to so I

Won’t did I get any powder melon seeds that I have to oh yeah I have four okay I can do that um okay one two three four All Things Considered we actually have quite a few crops planted in the winter that’s not that bad right

Sell you I keep the mossy seed for a bit I’ve got some trash I can recycle also I just saw my own PO box command and I like seriously I felt like my heart almost jumped out of my chest when I saw an address in chat it’s my

Public PO box but I saw the address pop up and I was like it’s a public PO box it’s fine it’s really fine but you understand why I would have that sort of reaction right like it’s in a dress it did scare me okay I have all my seeds are in here

Including those Mossy seeds that grows those fancy rare trees you’ve had the reaction before too I mean it makes sense that you would Christine like that you would react that way cuz it’s scary it’s in a dress all right right what crops is that kale no it’s it’s wintermelon we haven’t seen it

Yet any idea why you can’t place torches on your sprinklers you’re 1.6 and you’re stand next to and it’s still red is it doing that on every sprinkler cuz I’ve had that problem before on a couple of sprinklers oh now the spirits are in good humor and I don’t I can’t figure

Out why but powder melon not wintermelon powder melon um yeah I’ve had that problem with like one or two sprink where it won’t work right cloth we got cloth finally I’ve been waiting for that for so long oh my gosh that is so ridiculous um all right would you care to make

Those old works on some of yours but not all yeah same I don’t really understand it but it might just be that like that one in particular is not working right cuz I’ve kind of had that experience too it only wouldn’t place on the sprinkler you got from the community center

Oh oh I wonder if that’s part of it then if it’s like the sprinkler that you get then it doesn’t work chicken finally I’ve been looking for that okay we actually have some some artichokes and some broccoli that we can Harvest now so that’s cool steal those

Too okay a lot of this space is going to get filled with ancient seeds soon ideally we’ll see how that goes you might be too close I don’t know I don’t think that it’s a closeness issue closeness issue because I was having that problem too like no matter

Where I was standing it was giving me that problem so I don’t really know okay everyone I have a desire right now and listen to my listen to my concept I kind of want to change the names of a lot of my animals in here to be like cuter kind of like

Blueberry and Poppy Daisy’s good goose is good good maybe we could try and name them after like flowers and fruits I don’t know that one’s blueberry so you’re fine Bruce anybody have any better ideas that aren’t Bruce food and flowers about all the Dan Ducks those are changing

Too stop saying your own names Blossom no moat the goat can stay that’s funny to me Daisy’s good Goose I think is good Peppa is Icky horrible name peaches wait I had one in my mind that I forgot about already somebody had said something um Clover oh that’s a capital

L someone said petunia that’s cute too oh petunia is way better than pongas I know I kept it as pongas cuz my family’s dead cat his nickname was pogus but pongas is a weird word I don’t like it okay we got to think about new names for all these

Ducks cuz I the ducks have the worst names out of all of them the festival has begun see Dan again stupid we have one called Daisy already oh banana I like that that’s what it was that I wanted to use not Dan maybe could be mirold that’s nice Dan could be pumpkin also

Dan also Dan could be oh my throat hold on oh honey is cute I like that flounder is one of our first no it wasn’t I think Beluga is one of of our first maybe you could be called Apple fish I think is funny too you can

Stay Misty is one of our first okay I think they’re all renamed now squid Beluga fish Apple Misty Blossom peaches blueberry petunia marold pumpkin banana honey Goose Daisy Clover moat poppy oh wait dandelion is funny wait which goat should I rename then or which duck should I rename H maybe

Banana cuz dandelion is like Duck Dan but dandelion haha okay that’ll do that will do oh you know what I might try and sell my aridium quality eggs and I’ll make these bad eggs into to Mayo for now oh okay early again you’re on a roll yeah I

Can’t stop myself all I want to do is Farm it’s really dangerous actually I have a serious problem we have to go do our fishing tournament today as well before we forget that is also very important oh I kept my milk Thing by accident whoopsies soell soell there’s a part of this diverse

Story about pum soup yet doesn’t somebody like pumpkin soup no but Sebastian loves pumpkin soup and you get it from Robin at seven Hearts it’s not hard to make we don’t have to buy that hey Kayla are you going to enter the ice fishing competition yeah not you though cold N I

Never get cold okay I saw a big fish down there the snow is so cold I can’t feel my fingers anymore okay well try wearing gloves when you make a snowman next time not very smart what do you think of my snow goon what I guess winter isn’t all bad

Playing in the snow can be fun snowmen are okay I guess but mostly I’m looking forward to the spring I plan on winning the ice fishing competition okay we is going to be pretty hard to beat though he does this kind of stuff day and night okay good

Luck Emily started helping me does that mean something wow this snowman needs a makeover who made this oh my God I want to give him a carrot nose oh there’s finally carrots in the game now what kind of snowman should you make um a classic one carrot knows that’s what

She wants so I’m not very creative when it comes to snowmen all right wife dragged me out into the cold for this did I ever tell you how George and I first met he actually p through the snowball in this very Festival oh he was a gentleman back then came over to see

If I was okay if it was up to me I’d probably have a pizza festival at the saloon instead all right that’s strike two for maybe ordering pizza for dinner tonight in real life the forest looks beautiful in the winter doesn’t it yeah it does how’s winter coming along for you Kayla she

Didn’t even like let me answer or say anything carving ice parets require my undivided attention oh ice a beautiful material to sculpt in but so impermanent okay I’m entering the ice fishing competition today why not sure Abigail just threatened that she was going to beat you with the egg hunt this year

Really all right chat let’s focus it’s time all right everyone let’s begin this year’s ice fishing competition contestants your goal is to catch as many fish as you possibly can in 2 minutes using the provided fishing rods you must catch your fish here from these holes in the ice is everyone ready

Begin okay here we go oh my God finally it’s taking a little long to give me any fish that’s all I’m going to say set a cat for bait no it’s it’s a bobber I’m not using it as bait don’t worry yeah and they start next to their fishing spots it’s not

Fair they have an unfair Advantage it’s rigged what if I don’t win I’ve only got two but it’s not my fault they’re not my they’re not biting just give me an easy quick fish ridiculous okay that one’s not that bad oh I say is I Let It Drop you need five to win okay that’s not that

Bad I thought I needed six if I need six it’s going to be a close one it just depends if I get bait or if I get bites fast enough I think we’ll be good we’ve caught every single one of the fish it’s just that it’s not biting you

Need six to beat Willie okay that’s what I thought oh my God that was a close one that was a really close one the cat bobber is for 1.6 yeah you can customize the bobber now you you can go into willly shop and customize it wow that’s a lot of fish the

Smell now for the winner of this year’s ice fishing competition me me me me me me me me me Kayla with six big slimy fish I know here’s your prize enjoy I’m going to put my sailor’s cap on right now that’s it for this year’s Festival of ice thanks for coming

Everyone all right they released the fish what if I want to sell them have you considered that if I was Willie I would have been distraught over this seriously could you imagine you’ve been fishing forever and then some girl shows up and she beats you in her first

Try Furious I’d be furious oh I don’t have anything in there anymore um let’s do some pumpkins in those I’m missing one there okay I have all my new Bobbers I did get a little bit more iron okay I’m going to change out of this outfit I’m not really feeling

It I don’t like the shirt I wore it for my wedding but I don’t really want to stay in it I prefer the pink one oh sorry yeah that feels better for now okay anything going on tomorrow no and the Book seller doesn’t come until squid

Fest hopefully we have a good luck day tomorrow and we can go to the skull caverns and if not that’s fine CU if not we’ll go upgrade our Coupe today all is well we haven’t seen maru’s 14 heart thing yet no I’m still still

Working on it I I have like 11 Hearts I think yeah I need to give her a gift again I have to leave for work soon okay see you tonight bye fortune teller the spirits are very displeased today okay hi Kayla good morning we’re going to get the thingy so I can craft

Stuff I finally got my first piece of cloth you seem to be doing well the farm looks great no it doesn’t it looks terrible so you’ve been here a while and I’m sure you’ve acquired some cloth by now right well did you know that you can use

Cloth to tailor all kinds of clothes all you need is access to a sewing machine and I happen to have one at home feel free to swing by and use it anytime finally we can access Emily’s sewing machine to start tailoring you’ll need a piece of cloth and a secondary

Item experiment and see what unique styles are out there okay you need to get a piece of cloth in order for her to give you that popup um I got mine you can like recycle soggy newspaper and that’s how I got my first piece of cloth was by recycling it oh my

God I can’t even go to Robin today cuz it’s Tuesday stupid Robin it’s actually messed up honestly I’m selling all of those I’ve decided you got it from blowing up a mummy at the skull Cavern that’s also good oh I think that I just failed to feed my

Chickens so I have to go back in there in a second that’s okay I can catch her at 9:00 a.m. oh that’s true I can oh hold on let me go up I forgot it was still so early do I have enough Stone yeah we’re going to use all of our wood it’s

500 your fence is a little broken yeah yeah I can’t really um I don’t have enough wood to fix it is sort of the situation right now so we’re not doing great I need to put all the fences back I’m thinking that I’m going to move the

Stuff around I just haven’t done it yet oh my God I’m here too early um anyway it’ll be fine did I ever play an FPS come on let’s be honest no yeah the fences though I did just let them all deteriorate kind of cuz I was

Waiting until Mario got here to help me fix them and now um they’re all so broken that she won’t help me fix them and um the the other problem is that I think I’m going to move them somewhere else I just haven’t really decided where exactly yet so okay we need to be

Ready 9:00 a.m. there we go oh you said I could catch her liar I couldn’t go in there until 9: it wouldn’t let me so sad Tuesday is Yoga day yeah she should have walked past the counter I think she’s in bed you’ve done it before what

Do you think that I like she hasn’t come out yet it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter we don’t need to get it today we don’t actually need to get it today um I’m sorry I accuse you of being Liars I only meant it a little okay we’ll get it tomorrow it’s fine

You’re too early oh well I figured it was a lost cause and I was wrong you’re telling me I was wrong and it wasn’t a lost cause the whole time it’s okay that gives us more of a chance to get more wood yeah this is a

Mess am I going to play Sims for today we’re not going to stream The Sims today no um I will I did fix that stuff then we’ll stream Sims tomorrow though we’re actually doing a huge charity stream tomorrow so we’ll be playing Sims like all day um tomorrow during the charity

Event so that is the plan um I’ll be live starting at 2 eastern time oh I never put my make some more cheese please okay yeah we can go check up by the train station for some more wood and just generally speaking we should be

Able to chop a little bit more on our own Farm like a lot of these little pieces we could probably get rid of some of these so that’ll be fine will the build take all day tomorrow or we going to add some 100 baby into the

Mix um I’m thinking that we’re going to mostly be playing in build mode because we’re going to be doing tow houses and so I think it’s going to be quite big so I feel like we might need to build all day if we’re going to be able to finish it in time

Um or finish it at all I guess is a better way of putting it um what’s that that oh look little Mossy seed cool um uh I’ll probably be live for around like fiveish hours tomorrow Chris I think kind of like today um Rachel thank you for the 15

Months I really appreciate it and Tina thank you for the resub too okay I guess I’ll just chop like all of these big trees that have fully grown yeah oh you know what I should have done we have enough time I’m going to go down to open some geod actually we have

Enough space in our inventory and we have enough time to make it there by 4 so I’m going to grab the stuff cuz then we can put some stuff in the or in the um what’s it called the museum too we have some stuff for the museum also that

I’ve been sitting on waiting like look at all this that we have to open open and a couple things to donate so 2 hours early again yeah I know I went live early without telling anybody again I just really wanted to farm and so here I am

Farming I haven’t checked the crab pots for muscles today but I will check them once we get down there don’t worry uh into town okay hello I’m here to open some of my geod I’m going to do the sad ones first the most boring kind that actually I needed

So we didn’t need that one a little bit of stone I think I already have that too let’s open the artifact troves next we needed that I needed that the artifact troves are really helpful I think I even needed that I don’t need that all right some soup fish stew and some

Quality fertilizer that’s not bad thanks Clint it was offended I called it sad so it proved me wrong yeah apparently um let’s donate this to the museum all of these things not bad not bad at all rarecrow chicken statue dwarfes translation guide yes so I have that as one of my

New special items and Powers not bad so we can talk to the dwarf now we don’t have a prismatic Shard yet no unfortunately we don’t have a prismatic Shard yet you got magic rock candy from Mystery Box that’s so good that is so good I I really enjoy the mystery boxes

I’ve been having so much fun with them there’s just something about a little mystery prize that really speaks to me okay if we can just get all of these chopped that would be fantastic oh I was going to go to the beach and I forgot I can do that too

We will also do that wait till I see the better ones yeah I’m looking forward to that let me look at our skills real quick we’re nine mining nine forging eight fishing and eight combat so we’re getting there we need to fish some more still and do some more combat okay only 289

Wood is that a coal mode yeah they have coal nodes now in the Quarry I think I’ll probably chop everything in the Quarry today we may as well we’re just killing time a little bit so all right hi everybody I am here to chop you yeah the squid Fest and the night

Market will be good for us when we’re trying to do some more fishing there’s they really have added a lot to make the the season more useful which is good lots more fun stuff kind of going on around the year okay secret note it’s Sam’s holiday shopping list everyone’s favorites Sebastian Frozen

Tear Sashimi Penny Emerald poppy this is really helpful stuff about all of his friends and his family that’s the thing we don’t really need that cuz a we have it memorized and B um it’s on the wiki but it is nice if you don’t use the wiki

Cuz it teaches you stuff about what people like the most so all right just a few more things to chop sorry everybody what’s my Discord it’s just little simsy um we talk a lot about Sims stuff in there I post the stream schedule in there um another secret

Note okay another thing to go look for in the desert we’ll at that eventually okay took a nap made popcorn now watching the stream nice that is a fantastic friday night if I’ve ever heard of one that sounds like fun oh maybe I’ll make popcorn tonight yeah and

It saves it in the relationship panel let me show you that um in the relationship panel cuz I just got information um for example about Sam’s friends and family it now tells me what penny will love in there um based on what we saw there and it like shows me what um

Vincent loves I haven’t given him any gifts yet but it shows me what he loves cuz we had that secret note so it’s kind of helpful okay don’t mind me everybody I’m just like randomly planting a ton of these seeds so we can try and get some more Uh Wood to chop

Eventually I should probably organize them a bit nicer but I’m not that worried about it oh wait into town we are married I got married to um to Maru last stream so we are we are finally married or not really finally it’s only winter of your one but yes we got married

Tomorrow oh what do you got for me by the way local population of ocean fish has grown to an unsustainable level you need 80 hardwood for Robin do I have to give her the hardwood which one do you think I should do oh there’s a panning spot oh

Really I think I might do the fish one what do you want me to do catch 20 ocean fish oh so easy panning spot to the right here we go no gather the hardwood we’ll get the hardwood one again hardwood one again eventually um even if we don’t have it right

Now so that’ll be fine we we’re just talking about how we want to work on more of our um more of our fishing skill so okay that’s two muscles I needed in total five and I have two at home so I’m still not done yet do those count

No just an idea just thought I’d ask um yeah we still need to get one more muscle but we’re getting there one more is not that bad well that’s barely catching a fish it doesn’t even want to move the ocean oh the ocean fish one will overlap with Squid Fest that’s true

That’s a good point so that’ll actually make things really easy should I bother fishing a lot right now or should we just leave it then our energy is almost out maybe I’ll fish a couple more up and then we’ll go back home if I met the raccoon I have met the raccoon

Yeah I have indeed met the raccoon oh a prize hurry up I’m back hi shanana you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on oh good so that makes us officially level 9 fishing so that was worth it that was worth it did I do the raccoon bundle no so that’s what I need

The muscles for I’m still missing I need one more muscle after this I haven’t gotten the rest of the muscles that I need yet a red shirt shirt with bow oh cute let’s wear that cuz it’s winter time it’s like cute and red okay okay oh what is this one

Want you want a purple mushroom Marne I only have like one purple mushroom tomorrow is Sebastian’s birthday so I’m kind of actually hoping that we don’t have good luck tomorrow but I’ve still been waiting for a good luck day so that we can go into the skull Caverns I’ve

Yet to get a a good luck day that is a day that we can actually go cuz the only good luck day we’ve had so far in the winter um was in the day of the festival and I wanted to go to the Festival so it was a

Shame okay fishies back in my fishy chest save none of that really four total okay actually maybe I’ll keep some of those I could keep some of the minerals cuz I have enough space in my chest in here that we could start trying to store some of

It and I think I want to get some more pumpkins turned into wine here um maybe no more pumpkins after this time let me see about getting some more oh can you dry coconut I haven’t tried that yet that’s fun oh I don’t have any no I don’t have

Any of the um like tackle things on my fishing rod I probably should be putting some on I haven’t done any of that has simy gotten a certain unmentionable catalog no I still don’t have the trash catalog my heart is broken I want it so bad I

Want the trash catalog so bad I still have no trash catalog we did see today um earlier we saw there was like a junimo catalog for sale in um The Traveling cart obviously I couldn’t buy it cuz I don’t have enough money but I was genuinely devastated by that like my

Heart truly hurt that I could not buy it I was so sad um okay what are we going to do in here I oh I was going to put the chicken up this way I think a little chicken statue right there will be kind of

Cute and then I’m going to go down and check to see if there’s any mushrooms in the cave the crop that we’re growing is powder melon it’s a new crop that’s available in the winter so it is new to us I haven’t actually harvested any of them yet

So when we get our first powder melon Harvest it’ll be our actual first time harvesting it okay oh I haven’t saved any snow yams oh my we need to try and save some more of them then okay and last I will recycle these little bits of trash

Okay oh you know what else I want to do steal that this is just in case we end up going to the skull Caverns tomorrow I’m going to want it cuz I’m going to bring it to be sat out in front of the place we’ll see have we played Sims this

Week yeah we played Sims for like four and a half almost five hours yesterday on stream safic I was playing Sims for a long time we did a longer stream yesterday um okay okay day 10 of winter obviously it is Sebastian’s birthday and the spirits are in Good Humor today I say we

Go oh hello good morning Miss Kayla I hope it’s not too early it is 6:00 a.m. I just wanted to stop by and thank you in person for all the wonderful artifacts and minerals you discovered you’ve done so much for one person and in fact I’ve just received a letter from

The office of the regional Secretary of artifacts we’re being honored with the coveted golden shovel award for our significant contributions to the field and it’s all thanks to you I should let you get back to your work thank you okay we have we have um a good luck day today

So I’m going to go to the skull Cavern almost forgot I have a gift for you it’s an old key that’s been sealed in museum Vault for at least 100 years it’s a little rusty but it’s still beautiful so we can go into the to the Sewer now so we can see

Kobis okay these are our first ever powder melons 113 they’re actually pretty good I’ll save some um I will also get myself like five of these and do the Wizard’s task yeah we have to do the dark Talisman thing too but I’m not going to do that yet

Like I said it’s skull Cavern time so we’ll be going into the skull Caverns today I could really be using the good bait instead I don’t know why I have all this bad bait on me just get rid of that um you can honestly just leave this

Here for now so it’s like set down and ready I will put that away way we have a while to go until it becomes time for us to go into the skull Caverns I’m going to save some of my stuff oh wait I should water the cat um leave that in

There that’ll be okay I have a bunch of bombs and a bunch of cheese and spicy eel okay we’re doing all right we are doing all right I’m getting kind of nervous staircases yeah I don’t know if I’m going to bother bringing I mean I might bring like one

But rubies and Jade for trading no we’re not going to be doing any any Trading um I’m going straight into the skull Caverns there’s no time to be wasted um no trading not today not today hi Pig you’re just a baby all right what does Jade even trade for they

Trade Jade for staircases um which is good cuz typically the is kind of like worthless I guess um but you know what if I had timed this better do you think that we’d have time to go up and try and give Sebastian a gift at 9: and be back in time for

10 probably not at this point right it’s already 8:30 yeah they only trade the Jade on Sundays so we can’t do it anyway um it’s not not worth it probably with the cart yeah I don’t think it’s worth it I’m not that concerned about befriending Sebastian

Today if we can get him on our way home if we won’t though it’s fine I’d rather go into the skull Caverns I’m just excited about the skull Caverns so um I would like to see it oops wrong thing okay we still have a bunch of time Triple Espresso I don’t usually bother

With that and I’m not going to use the tent either not today not today um I don’t usually end up bothering with drinking coffee when I’m in there I get too stressed and I don’t think about it so upgrade Coupe quickly if we’re going to be all the way up

There that like that would be we would go and um see see Sebastian and give him a gift if I restarted the day we could probably do that do you think that’s worth it I don’t think it’s worth it she’ll take too long it’s fine we can just do it

Tomorrow it’s not worth it we’ll just wait we’ll be ready it’s not that important it’s really not that important like it’s really fine um she needs to hurry up bam here she comes here she comes here she comes get ready I didn’t bring a farm totem

Either but it’s okay um oh Ms I’m so sorry that you can’t play yet cuz the update’s not out yet um a for four months too here we go I’m not a speedrunner mick no um I’ve done a little bit of speedr running for a stard tournament once in the past so I

Know some things um but I’m not a speedrunner um we just have uh Speedy Tendencies some may say warp totem mountains interesting all right here we go you insert the skull key into the keyhole it’s a perfect fit it’s time all right bombs let’s eat this too

Down if I could offer you any piece of advice it’s you got to go as fast as you can in this place I didn’t leave the chest I meant to leave the chest and I got too excited and I just went for it whoops okay

Hello this level is sad this is the kind of level that you might want to try and mine oh or not lucky lucky lucky four levels okay see sometimes on these spiral levels this is the kind of time that I’d be like just staircase it but

That might not be the best idea cuz we only have the two staircases right now but on a normal day that is what I would do would you please SHO oh God do we do the raccoon no we still have not got the last muscle that we

Need I still can’t do the raccoon I need another muscle still oh my God it’s open bad see this I already used a staircase on one of these kinds of levels we should just commit to it it’s such a waste of time but then we might get a monster level

And not have a staircase I don’t care let’s just do anyway it’s okay the skull Caverns go on so if you’re new to this game um we’re in the skull Caverns right now and we’re trying to speedrun this a little bit yeah see huge mistake huge

Mistake um usually you would want to use the staircase on a monster level um it’s okay we have to kill them anyway we’ll want to kill more of them for like various um oh my D little little slimes but so in the skull Caverns you want to get down

Basically as quickly as you can cuz the further down you are the better stuff you get and we’re looking for this we’re looking for aridium ore um so we want to get down fast so that we can get more aridium that’s what makes a good skull

Caverns run is having as much idium as possible oh God bad bad bad bad bad never got to the bottom of this oh well you can’t get to the bottom of the skull Caverns it just keeps going um but people like often times try

To get to like level 100 and 200 no now there’s a new prize on 200 right but there you get like a reward for 100 once you get to the bottom of that this is such a waste of my time I can’t believe that I used my stupid staircase it’s fine it’s

Fine you saw a mod that adds an elevator to the skull Cavern yeah that’s a good idea to use if you hate the skull Cavern look the game is supposed to be fun so if the game is not fun for you because the skull Cavern is too difficult for

You to use like why are you putting yourself through that you know there’s nothing wrong with trying to um make it a little bit more fun for you by doing that in my opinion um so it just regenerates basically yeah it just keeps going more and more and more

Levels this level sucks we’re only on 15 and it’s 2: P.m. steal those yeah games are meant to be fun right so no one’s going to judge you for for using mods in the skull Cavern takes some practice and a lot of bombs to do this yeah if you play on switch you can’t do that unfortunately right um

Well we have enough Stone now if we wanted to make another staircase if it comes down to it I hate these swirly levels such a waste hi do you think we should bother or should I use my staircase cuz I can make one what do you think what do you think I don’t

Know I always use stairs on these levels I think we should just do itoo okay hello Mommy I’m going to try and kill you I’m actually going to use a bomb and kill you for real in fact secret note oh my God die whoa you all need to

Relax you’re all kind of like approaching me a little bit too fast I’m not going to lie I’m not really very pleased with you right now sometimes these levels have open ones down at the bottom or right there that too coal yikes oh yikes yikes yikes huge

Yikes okay we’re kind of in trouble now chat okay I’m actually having fun with the skull Caverns today even if we don’t get that far it was still fun to to do it cuz oh cuz we haven’t gotten to yet I was going to say thank

You you get nervous yeah it is it is kind of nerve-wracking I know a lot of people hate the Skool Caverns so you’re not alone in that we almost have enough to make another staircase yeah we’ve really gotten sort of unlucky we haven’t gotten like any holes

Um which is bad we only had the one you can find in the skull Caverns you can find holes which like take you down further um than a ladder will cuz it might drop you like multiple levels at once um anywhere from like three to eight or something some oh it was open

Right there okay well I’ll still grab all this can you back off very annoying you found a prismatic Shard cool in the sewers as well that’s nice well that’s not that bad that’s unlucky I used that bomb Oh my first aridium node oh I didn’t mean to place two I was

Trying to get my thing out that is a hole there you go finally four levels well this is not going great but it’s not going terribly that’s what I get for placing two yeah it was worth it see it was worthwhile oh I’m going to break this

Quick cuz that might give me something good a diamond see I don’t really want to use a bomb on this level it feels like a waste maybe do it anyway not a waste we got it that’s going to be a rock crab not aridium you can kind of tell cuz it’s

Like slightly Off the Grid it’s not exactly right on the grid you found four Prismatic shards in the skull Cavern today that’s huge that’s awesome yeah we have not gotten that lucky today in the skull Cavern um but I just wasted a bomb got to 100 in one day really oh my

Luck boost ran out we have um I forget I don’t know what my record in one day is in the skull Caverns but honestly it might be somewhere close to 200 levels that I’ve done on like a really good day I’d have to go back and look cuz I I

Would have streamed it oh my God so unlucky um I would have done it on stream but I don’t know I don’t know what it was there’s a hole right there um yeah sometimes you have a really good run though like sometimes things are just really going in your favor

So yeah Moxy you’re going to if you want to get to 100 you’re going to need to use a lot of boms it’s like almost the only way to do it I’m going to see about crafting some more bombs I got a secret note um I have that

One someone is waiting for you on level 100 in the skull Cavern you don’t say all right well I’m going to use these cuz I don’t have any other we haven’t really gotten any of already yet so we might as well get those that’s 14 um yeah that worked out I don’t think

We’ll get to 100 on this day I don’t think we’re going to be quite close enough but it was a good run nonetheless right no matter what it was still fun oh no I probably should have tried to eat some of that cheese it’s open it’s open it’s open already oh

No get my already and go all right yeah basically the goal again is to get down as far as you can cuz the farther you get the more ridium nodes you get and the better off you’re going to be um so that’s kind of what we’re up to I

Might mine this one myself don’t want to waste a bomb I think I’m going to skip it we have enough to make a staircase I think I just will there’s no reason to do the swirly levels they’re a waste of your time oh my God this is another one I want to

Skip I’ll kill them both at least first no bothering with monster levels waste of your time this one is going to be a little rough for us I fear would you please stay away oh my God yeah Swirls and the infested ones are kind of the only two that I would

Really recommend that you use a staircase on oh my God would you please leave me alone I got slime Ed I’m going to kill you just for that Mr slime I don’t even need to but I will okay little bit of aridium we have 37 that’s not bad at all genuinely oh

Okay how long am I streaming tonight uh I’ll be here for another like two and a half hours probably today what do you want to get rid of Kayla clear up some space for yourself I don’t think that’s going to be anything useful yeah waste you can use the idium it’s um

We’ll upgrade our tools we’re going to make some quality sprinklers um so we’ll we’ll use the aridium for a lot of stuff once we get back home mostly I want it for sprinklers to be honest um at this current moment but oh there we go that is more like

It and we got a hole perfect 57 down to 60 I probably should have got that extra R of node that was there but I didn’t 56 oh hello we can kill some dinos maybe I should not kill any dinos um you know maybe for the sake of time

Today we should say no to that and just get ourselves out of here oh god well I’m paying for my crimes I just skipped a level and now I’ve got a swirly but it’s open oh good let me go grab thisum quick Dino egg though yeah I

Don’t I think I’m more interested today in getting further down we’ll we’ll get more dino ones we’ll be back we’ll be back 59 it’s already 11:40 should we let ourselves pass out how much chat you told me that he increased the amount of money that it

Takes from you when you die but not when you pass out right it’ll still only be a thousand cuz people like warn me they’re like you better watch watch out he increased it but that’s only for when you die yes oh you are a little crab very dramatic little crab is what

You are crab cakes oh no I don’t want to deal with you they’re so aggressive won’t you lose items though no you only lose items when you when you die when you pass out it takes a percentage of your money up to $11,000 you don’t lose anything for just

Passing out I don’t have time to kill you okay please open my ladder yes three levels we have a little bit more time we can try and get a little bit more stuff out of this and if that just is US killing things that’s fine too cuz we do have to

Kill stuff eventually for quests oh it’s open oh my God yikes well that’s more like it we’ll have a little bit of time to get a little bit more ridium on this level I’ll just run around and grab what I can before we pass out all right and a secret note that’s good

Too star drop Saloon orders yeah it’s probably about time we give up 64 is not a great run but it is what it is when I pass out in a second don’t worry I didn’t die just became 2 a.m. level 10 mining um oh this is why I always pick the

Other one um I think chance to find coal doubled is extremely helpful and we got a lot of aridium we got a lot of aridium that day so that was well worth it I think um yeah I don’t know why who wants to sell their bars like that’s so bad

I’m sorry to and I missed his birthday Spirits are annoyed today okay have a good day at work love you bye yeah everybody always needs more coal meanwhile who sells their metal bars no one no one all right that was a decent aridium run we also got some more coal we got

Some more iron I mean like it actually wasn’t that bad so all is well you see you’ve entered the skull Cavern make it at least 25 levels deep okay that’s not hard either catch 20 ocean fish dark Talisman um you found me last night thank you

Dehydrator well you know what we can do today which will be kind of fun is we can go into the um into the sewer for the first time we have not done that yet I’m going to have to make all new bombs next time go away oh don’t sell that mushroom

Actually keep that you didn’t see I was live oh yeah I did I went live a little early too today um kind of without telling anybody so I’m sorry about that um okay we might want to try and upgrade some tools so today I said the next goal

Is that we’re going to go to Robin and upgrade the coupe yeah do you think that I should upgrade maybe I’ll upgrade my axe as well today that seems like a good idea wood Stone and we can check if there’s any muscles for us um as well we can give it to the

Raccoon hello everyone so good to see you one two three okay one of our last days having to feed you all myself thankfully um the fruit trees don’t die in the winter like they don’t go away forever but the fruit trees do uh not produce fruit obviously in the winter

Time but they’re not like dead they will come back all right oops just the cows need milk today then good one one two did I miss one of them I must have not milk one of them right the upgraded Coupe has an auto feeder yeah so does this one as long as

You have hay in there it fills it for you we have the barn upgraded already yeah I don’t normally plant fruit trees outside of the greenhouse Cristine but I did cuz I had I needed to for this bundle one of the bundles that I

Had um so I did it in this save because I also got given the extra saplings so I planted a couple of the saplings that I got given outside of the greenhouse um just cuz I like had them already but that was new to me as well oh I needed my gold bars

Sorry okay you plant it outside for the community center and then moved it to the greenhouse oh does it have to regrow completely in the greenhouse when you do that I haven’t done that yet like where I chop it down and move it you get a sapling now so it’s not as

Devastating you don’t lose like everything now cuz you get at least a sapling yes but it takes less time ah okay well that’s good to know hello I would like to construct a Farm building I am interested in purchasing a deluxe Coupe you get the sapling and it grows

Faster oh like a week oh well I can totally move them into the greenhouse then I didn’t realize that it was like not that bad that’s fine okay so we’re going to go down into town cuz I want to go to the sewer and stuff interesting Hello Alex bye talking about turning

Pro the saplings grow faster depending on the quality of the fruit tree I I see I see I see that makes sense though very interesting depends on the quality of the fruit tree produced oh right okay so mine probably isn’t the best cuz it’s not that old it’s only a couple months

Old so it won’t be great but it’ll be better than nothing oh a rusty spoon oh I had that already never mind all right well we can’t cut ours down cuz I’m about to upgrade my axe so uh that’s fine though okay we’re going to the beach next and

Then I guess we’ll see from there yeah in the greenhouse it produces all year round so it’s it’s a good idea to do that oh I can I probably can’t get to that to pan for it right oh hello it’s a good thing you turned up Miss

I’ve got a bit of a problem I could use a hand with it’d be best if I just showed you okay take a deep breath now oh my oh boy as you can see and smell the old girls ran wild last night my experiment needs a little

Work oh back at it again huh Willie they look fresh all right these are the finest meest crabs you’ll ever set your eyes on they’ be a little too feisty though well that’s what you get for trying to eat them you’re going to buy them all Oh poor crabs don’t help him oh no little krabbies I’m so sorry looks like we got them All don’t tell Willie but I’ll be doing a special on crab cakes at the saloon for the next few days okay was I actually going to go in here for anything I don’t think so I don’t think I needed anything from you Willie so never mind what I did want to do specifically

Was just come down here because look I got the last muscle I needed I needed just one more muscle um for me to give the little raccoon what it wants and I finally got it it took me like 2 and 1 half hours in real life but I finally got it so it’s

Done I’ll take all of these too while we’re here okay have I been to the new area behind Clint we did do that yeah I did do that how long I how long have I been live um I went live at like 2:00 my time and it’s currently

4:41 so I’ve been live for like 2 and a half little over little over 2 and 1/ half hours so okay the next thing I wanted to do quickly I’ll go take care of the raccoon in a minute but the next thing I wanted to do was buy another

Pig before we lose our opportunity oh I was going to do the sewer as well wasn’t I that’s fine we have time for that though hello adopt pet no purchase animals okay we have Poppy the pig and maybe like another kind of flower or something for the next Pig petunia oops

Petunia oh we already used that never mind can’t do that I forgot um tulip Okay bye so the next thing that we need to do I have to go up and get it but I have stuff for this guy so we’ll be back we already have one called Daisy I know I

Did that already um okay you don’t give me five cuz you don’t have as many but that’s not that big of a deal oh snow am in a mystery box okay okay can you save that snow yam then cuz I’m trying to like really keep hold

Of all kinds of extra stuff um I will also plant those two powder melons okay let me grab the stuff that I need for the quest smoked salmon and those I can sell a few things I might sell that nautilus shell I’ll sell the rusty

Spoon that should be fine for now okay I will bring those with me for the raccoon I’ll keep that trash on me in case I want to deal with it later and then do you think there’s any we’re going to see kobis so cuz I’m going going to see kobis maybe I could

Bring him a pumpkin maybe I’ll bring him a good pumpkin that seems fine oh let me make some more aridium bars just while we’re sitting here we have a big day ahead of us okay to the raccoon for whatever this Quest is I don’t really know what to

Expect out of this so we’ll see maybe thank you for the subs and we only have 1,500 gold left so that’s fine let me quickly take a screenshot with this little thing cuz I might want to put this as the thumbnail of the YouTube video when I

Post it on more simsy um and then I will hungry need fish okay I have your smoked thingy and I have your muscles thanks Bobo take this oh 25 powder melon seeds now maybe I find a wife what what that’s so cute you went to skull Cavern till 7:30

And farm totem home to give Sebastian a birthday present did you really share that’s so funny yeah I miss Sebastian’s birthday I’m not mad about it though Shana have you decided who you’re going to marry I unlock the sewer hatch with the rusty key Crus I come bearing gifts a human visitor this is most unusual what’s that you’re looking for a dark Talisman oh what’s that you’re looking for a dark Talisman sorry I misread the the message now that you mention it I did have one in my possession not too long ago

Unfortunately I dropped it while exploring that tunnel in the far Corner things started heating up in there so I left in a hurry and sealed the entrance you seem pretty sturdy though so I’ll open it back up for you just be careful okay I’m ready kobis I brought you a pumpkin too I’m

Kobis Merchant of rare and exotic Goods please don’t tell anyone about me humans tend to destroy things they can’t understand we can’t even afford a void egg so ridiculous it’s okay butterfly powder sprinkle on a pet to remove them from your farm wizard catalog private furniture collection of the wizard

Cool that’s pretty fun all right let’s go um I don’t we should be fine in there right I think so I got an ancient seed oh that worked out really well actually lesson learn kill the little bug things this is pretty easy to do though we just got to get up [Applause]

Here well thank you very much we’ll get some mix seeds too what happens if I plant a mixed seed in my Greenhouse in Winter what will it give me I got the dark Talisman it’s covered in bug slime ew okay it’s completely random oh that’s

Kind of fun then I think I’ll plant some extra mix seeds in our greenhouse and some of the open space that we have more algae soup doesn’t hurt to get some of that oh please calm down I don’t want to deal with you um empath thank you for

The prime sub oh my God someone just donated a $100 to our charity fundraiser we haven’t actually started yet I have it ready for tomorrow did that little emote move itself down hold on I have the fundraiser ready for tomorrow but we haven’t technically started yet um but

That is very generous of you to have donated already so thank you so much 510 it was 75 before I went live last I checked um that is really cool but the fundraiser is tomorrow um so but thank you for that massive $100 donation that’s really cool of you um to have

Done that okay it’s a page from a book about the wizard or from the wizard The Creatures known by some as Forest Spirits or junos are said to appear in abandoned buildings after they’ve gone to seed as a general rule when humans leave and nature begins to Proclaim her territory

The junimos will undoubtedly appear folk wisdom holds that some the junimos will display some kind of resonant Affinity with the gemstones that are placed inside their little Huts also it said that raisins are their favorite food but they are too shy to take them directly from the hand of course all these claims

Come from dubious unverified sources as far as I know even the mere existence of these creatures has never been proven okay that’s very cute that is very very cute all right I’m going to transform this ancient seed into one that we can actually plant and I’ll probably head back out then oh

That’s not how you get out of here I’ll head back out and we’ll plant that um and then we’ll go from there I guess you can leave raisins for the junimos yeah apparently that’s the second time I’ve seen a a secret note about raisins and junimos

So it seems like they’re trying to tell us something you must be that you can make raisins with a new dehydrator so he can’t prove junimos exist but he can build them a new Hut yeah I don’t know I don’t know about this wizard guy he doesn’t really make much sense to me

All that often but whatever you say well this is good lots of powder melon seeds I kind of planted those in a rather annoying format but that’s all right I shall water them the wizard doesn’t seem like a super reliable guy yeah I’m not sure about him either I’m not so sure about

Him yeah so when you have the junimo Hut um you can like basically their inventory sort of of their chest kind of acts like a inventory or a chest I don’t know they have like a house and they will harvest your crop so you could probably just put something in there for

Them and leave it there would be my assumption um but I not not actually sure what is a powder melon it’s new it’s one of the new crops that comes in 1.6 you can find the seeds in the winter okay I will plant some of those oh I

Should have got my speed grow for that too A lot of my stuff is ready in here we are getting completely random seeds from that which I’m actually totally okay okay with and I got myself some more hops too yay well maybe we can try and put some grapes in the dehydrator next

Then you got 40 powder melon seeds the other day just from worms yeah I feel like I’ve been getting so many powder melon seeds way more powder melon seeds than I have of any other crop um that I’ve gotten in like the other Seasons but I guess that makes sense that they

Would have like a higher drop rate of the powder melon seeds because you know you can’t do anything else in Winter um so it’s kind of nice that they do that can’t decide if you’re craving chocolate cake or ripe strawberries oh you should have both be honest am I

Gaining weight that’s horrible no why would you even ask that yeah the summer squash is what I had the most of simina actually I had a really hard time getting broccoli the broccoli was my my worst um I I only ever got like a couple of broccoli seeds I managed to put them

Into seed makers so I have some broccoli in my Greenhouse right now yeah I barely got any broccoli do you have to water pow melon even though it’s snowy yeah you do have to water it still um I’ve been watering it a little bit um I’m going to end up making

New I’m going to pick up these paths I’m I’m going to make probably some aridium sprinklers to put down somewhere over here I don’t really know exactly how I’m going to do it yet but I’m going to move some of this over um and like rearrange all these little

Bits you got like three whole broccoli seeds in Fall yeah me too well it makes me feel better that it’s not just me like at least we all kind of struggled with the broccoli seeds and fall um is a powder melon a real thing honestly I don’t

Know I’ve never I’ve never heard of a powder powder melon before um but it might be it might not be who’s to say I am not sure just leave these do whatever with them you got like 10 or so of the broccoli okay interesting how different it is for everybody huh

You Google and only got stard so you’re guessing it’s a stardo thing that makes sense I could see that okay so tomorrow is the new squid thing so we have that to look forward to in game tomorrow you got carrot seeds in winter but only a few yeah that’s because um

Once it becomes too late in the season for like the powder melon to grow it’ll start giving you carrot seeds so that you can save them for spring so that way so that way you won’t waste any of your powder melon seeds by planting them and

Then having it be too late for them to actually grow into anything um so it’s it’s kind of like cool that uh he thought of that concerned da did when he was doing this so I don’t know how long it takes the powder melon to grow maybe

Like 11 10 days or something but you’ll start getting um the the next season seeds when it’s too late in the season you got another Prismatic Shard from an omni Geo CH I’m so jealous okay tomorrow book seller too bad for us we have no money and Squid Fest I don’t know what

To expect of squid Fest so we shall see make squid bait maybe oh I think I have a squid I could probably do that the book seller is in town today I’ll check my luck Spirits are very displeased what did you do you fed all the farm animals you also filled Squid’s water

Bowl okay thank you 10,000 gold for getting to level 25 the wizard wants me to bring him void Essence I can do that easily too okay let me see if I can find you like two crops to put in there maybe you could make like do you want to try powder melon in

There just to see um oh those can be harvested so I have in my fishy chest oh I don’t have a squid okay but you you think I could bring it with me and then make bait as I’m fishing is that what you said let’s make

Raisins cuz that’s a good idea as we catch more of it that would be pretty good okay um so during the squid Festival does it like will it have squid available to be caught all day like it was at the other one yes okay good to

Know squid will indeed be there all day cool well I’ll just quickly feed this and then I guess we can go I might go to the traveling car on the way I might see if we can just like do a little lap um and see if we got anything over There just do that in advance okay hello we can even get the goats I need to make more cheese makers we don’t really have enough that’s okay I do have extra books to trade in yeah so we’ll do that too we have a lot that we can do today um

Okay what should I keep to eat honestly maybe I’ll keep that duck Mayo as a snack for later that’s kind of weird but it might be fun I may leave a couple things behind today too keep my inventory nice and open Del delicious duck Mayo you

Know let me through cat let me through let me through okay we were going to possibly try and trade those books today cuz those are our duplicate books and the Book seller is in town so we’ll go around do I have a food that boosts fishing yeah I do but do you

Think I need to worry about it like boosting my fishing skill I probably could have got a bobber that would be helpful let me just check the traveling cart I don’t think that I need to but we’ll see okay hello winter seeds magnet bomb a bomb for only 200 seems like a good

Price okay I guess I’ll bring that with me void Essence no we’re not going to do the stuff for the wizard today now I find a wife we won’t worry about the wizard stuff today um we’ll do it for him like tomorrow when there isn’t a special event on we’re going to

Fish mostly today is the plan okay I guess I’m going to go up I’m going to take the traveling cart into town I think oh I probably should swap those out too huh what can I put in The Preserves jar corn grape Jelly okay let’s go I like the idea of the raccoon trying to find a wife to me that is really cute I really like it oh I need that prehistoric tool as well well that’s good oh not you sorry I was going to come in here your raccoon already has the wife

Really so there actually will be a wife for my raccoon cuz that’s kind of cute okay um I guess I will grab this trash can and then we go up up up to the Book seller they are really cute couple oh my gosh we haven’t actually been

Like we haven’t tried to look at any of the dojo Mar stuff since we ran them out of business if this is your first time seeing stardo that might be exciting to you to know that we ran them out of business okay I wanted to trade in your

Book so I can get 20 hardwood for trading in that one I can get seven mystery boxes for the mystery book and he doesn’t want my monster compendium so I would get foraging experience and experience in all areas it’s probably probably small enough to just trade them in

Right I say we trade them in I want mystery boxes and I want my extra hardwood oh and you could sell it to him for 2,000 I might keep that I guess I need two of them to get a slime egg press I never used the Slime eggs should I just sell

It it’s only like 100 XP oh boo should I just sell it cuz I don’t want to I I’m not going to I don’t want a slime mag press 2,000 is a lot of money so sell it slimes are icky all right we’re on the same page good work

Chat I’m not planning on getting slimes I just don’t care about them oh yeah I’ll need to craft one when we try and get Perfection anyway eventually so the trade in will change really because the last time I checked for the tradein it was a slime egg press

For the monster compendium oh shut up okay oh my god look squid Fest I want to get a picture in front of it squid Fest okay I’m sending down a bunch of screenshots of me and stardo today how does squid Fest work it’s a squid fishing challenge if

You can hit our daily catch targets you’ll win prizes check the sign to the left we also put special bait in the water so the squid are active all day okay I can’t get any rewards yet well I’ll make sure I have my swiid machine ready and I’ll fish here we

Go oh really SP that’s kind of cool you miss squid Fest you forgot oh really that sucks this is pretty good cuz I have to catch 20 fish for demetrius’s task um so this is going to work out really well for us cuz we can K catch

Ocean fish while we do squid Fest at the same time Oh wrong way this guy’s kind of stealing my spot you forgot too oh and it doesn’t tell you either it doesn’t give you like a reminder okay once we catch one squid I’ll put it in there and I’ll get squid

Bait how much squid bait do you get when you put it in the machine do I need anything else for the machine or just a squid these are all important questions five oh okay 6 to 10 you got eight oh that’s actually a lot huh you’re on winter 12 too oh really

Emily my sister I think is like right in line with us I don’t know if she’s still here Shana what day are you on now and then you might be like a couple days behind my sister my sister might be a couple days behind me is what I was trying to say squid

Okay six oh that’s actually pretty good that was instantaneous as well well that’s fine we can get loads of squid oh did she say something about getting another did she get another Prismatic Shard cuz if so that’s making me really upset you got another one from

An omni geode how have you gotten like three from Omni geot did he change it so it’s easier to get them from Omni geot now what is going on that’s not fair oh I got eight bait that time everyone here is jealous of you well okay tomorrow I’ll go oh I have

A bunch of omni geodes too I haven’t really opened any Omni GEOS yet for the most part so tomorrow I’ll go try and open them and see what we can do we might get lucky okay so how do the prizes work do I have to get like eight of them and

Then get my prize is that what happens I asked that and then I started fishing so I couldn’t look I can go up for each marker okay and there’s markers for 1 three and five okay get rewards dish of the seed winter seeds Deluxe bait cool

Okay well this fancy bait maker makes it so easy 0.4% chance from an omni geode and you’ve gotten it multiple times I’m fine tomorrow it’ll go up to 10 squid okay so should I just basically only catch eight today and then leave tomorrow and then catch more

Tomorrow or is it like a brand new set completely yes okay I’ll catch my eight today then and then give up oh am I out of my bait I got like a herring after eight you can’t get any more prizes okay so I’ll just catch eight and then I’ll

Leave no point wasting extra time here oh oh my God I’m not going to be able to get my prize stop Mr Squid you are so rude I got a prize and the squid stop oh my God The Dramatics of this fish look so annoying we’re almost there there we

Go yeah and the squid makes you a lot of money with the smoker so it might even be worth it it might be worth it to try and make a bunch and like just catch as many squid as we can I don’t know what do you think oops calm down

What do you put in the bait maker in this bait maker I put a squid in there I caught one squid and then put it in the bait maker because then um it gives you squid specific bait so I can right now every fish I’m catching is a squid cuz I

Have squid bait in there that I’m on my rod so I can kind of be sneaky about it and get extra instead of waiting for squid to just appear um I believe that were level eight F or level yeah level nine fishing sorry I ate combat still what’s my

Prize the art o crabbing crab pots have a 25% chance to yield double squid kid picture coffee and a pearl what what doesn’t that seem like way way too good okay how many I have six more squid bait maybe I’ll catch the six extra that I

Have just because again we can make a lot of money from the squid and I I want to fish some more so that we can try and get um our Quest finished for Demetrius how many more fish do I have to catch for him oh I only need to catch four more

For him maybe I’ll catch four more then the day two rewards are so much better too really oh my gosh okay well I’ll be back I’ll be back that’s for sure I’m excited about this I guess oh that’s not even a squid um I was going to say with with

This I guess it’s nice that there’s some pretty good rewards to incentivize fishing because a lot of people don’t like to fish oh you got one and they find fishing really hard so it’s nice to like make more of an event out of fishing to like

Encourage people to try more with it and like make it worthwhile for them you know um it seems like a lot of the stuff that he did in 1.6 was like what are things that people don’t use and how can we make them more interesting and like

Incentivize using it um cuz kind of think about how like the little Quest boards like the daily Quest outside of Pierre’s shop at a certain point like most people kind of just stop taking them but now that you can get tickets from them if you do three there’s like

Way more of a reason to do them so it kind of like encourages you to use that feature of the game a little bit more I personally am very heavily motivated by the idea of prize tickets all right one more fish very heavily motivated by pricing

It um so it’s kind of fun Tilly didn’t you start a new Farm earlier today I say this with love but how many new Farms are you going to start you were you were talking in mods earlier like oh I’m level nine oh no I’m not sorry I

Thought when I saw that you learned a few things about fishing I thought it was giving me the like you learned some things overnight but no that’s not I just learned a few things I got a little bit of fishing XP I probably didn’t even need to do that

But it is still fun okay today is Friday a lot of people are going to be in here tonight um I might see about let me look around hi Pierre oh I keep talking to him the same thing over and over again Demetrius is busy don’t you have

Work to do it’s 8:00 p.m. on a Friday night shut up okay I have this for you Leah you’re welcome um I think I will give my pizzas to a couple of my friends oh Demetrius is dancing by himself did some what happened to your wife where’ she

Go I don’t really care about what you think about this oh she’s on my farm you know why Robin’s not dancing with him cuz she’s hard at work in my Coupe I forgot oh that’s why she’s not there is because she’s busy working at my house I’m like Robin why aren’t you

Hanging out tonight you’re not taking the night off oh I’m forcing you to work anyway nothing to see here okay we’ve got actually quite a bit of mystery boxes that we can try and open tomorrow I’m going to keep my fancy Pearl in there in my little fishy chest I think I shall

Save maybe like three squid I don’t have any sardines I do have a herring already I’m pretty sure yeah um I’ll save the muscle I’ll save this we got some extra hardwood that day and it looks like there are seven that we can replace um my sister is texting me right now

About starty Valley she’s literally got the stream open she’s in chat and she’s texting me about sty Valley instead of like typing it she says new dudes in Quarry mine that was a jump scare I almost died and then I got a lucky ring from a skull man but

I left before I got gold and Scythe because I got scared did she type that in chat or just to me cuz some people in chat were like Shan’s so lucky oh she typed it here too oh I just didn’t read it so she went to Great

Links to tell me oh never mind sorry I was fishing you can’t read and fish at the same time it’s not my fault okay I’m gonna put my squid picture on the whoa it’s a big squid picture oh that thing’s a bit scary I kind of like it

Though okay sorry shanana I’m look when I’m fishing I didn’t type in chat very well or I didn’t read chat very well and that’s my bad I’m sorry okay should we just go to bed probably we fish again tomorrow for what chat tells me are even better

Prizes I’m excited about it poor sh I just wanted to chat and then I ignored her I think maybe after our squid Fest we can go into the new quarry spot that shanon’s talking about that’ll be good my gold axe is ready I’ll have to pick that up Spirits

Are very displeased today you found a bomb Oh my God she she hands me a bomb and says oh I found this okay that’s interesting nothing to see here okay well my Coupe is upgraded now so that’s pretty good if we wanted to we could go buy a

Bunny that might be good for us to upgrade too we could buy a bunny today and then okay so plan we’ll buy a bunny we’ll go into town and we’ll open our geod um and then we’ll fish all day again yeah Auto Grabber maybe oh I don’t think

That I need to buy the auto Grabber yet not with like how I’m currently doing MoneyWise we only really have 25k so we’ll probably want to wait for the auto Grabber you miss a few streams and you’re married and it’s winter yeah life comes at you fast in stardy Valley

Okay one more little cow I won’t forget the squid event I meant like before the squid event Tor we’re going to do those couple of things and then go to the squid event so don’t worry I won’t forget yeah the autographer cost 25k so it’s not really worth us spending a lot

Of money on I don’t think sometimes you meet and get married in 3 months yeah it’s to fine I should have gone I don’t know what I’m doing I should have gone like to put stuff away before I did this but whatever I’ll wait it’ll be a nice

Break you got an autog Grabber in the skull Cavern today nice shanana things are going pretty you’re getting really lucky in your safe things are going really well for you that’s rough that is rough um my stream schedule I always Post in the Discord Eliza pancakes um I post it in the

Discord do you need to get the rare seed I I would I think it’ll be worth it for you to get the rare seed um Okay purchase animals oh I can get a sheep too maybe I should buy the Sheep also what do you want to call a sheep I don’t

Know how about pancake that person in chat a second ago was named Eliza pancake purchase animals I shall get myself a rabbit um I’m not calling it shanana shanana what should I name the bunny what’s the point in getting a sheep of rabbits give well am I missing

Something I just like the idea of having one Megan oh we could call it waffles we have pancake and waffle my bunny and my sheep okay let’s go back I’m not naming it shanana my sister is spamming the chat okay let’s go up um and then I will put the rest of this

Away and then we’ll go into town that is the plan um oh no keep my squid I wanted to keep like three of them you put that gold duck feather in there too we got really lucky we got a rabbit’s foot like in advance because get this my cat gave me a rabbit’s

Foot which honestly is kind of an upsetting thought I don’t really like the implications of that but um we fed the cat it did it again that’s so weird I I pet the cat and it G I was just talking about how I had that rabbit’s foot

Because and then I got another one okay well that’s how I got my first two rabbits feed cuz the cat dropped them yikes okay I was going to open GEOS today that was our next plan I’m actually going to open like all of these I think and then we’ll fish all day

Um okay oh look I’m off duty kid you’ll have to drive yourself that’s our first time seeing that so on a day like today we can drive ourselves to the skull Cavern just because she’s not working today she’s off for whatever reason okay don’t drink the joa cola

Stop I guess I’ll just reorganize some of this okay process GEOS we’ll see what we can get some of these maybe will’ll be new I just magically get a bus license yeah makes perfect sense my sister got a prismatic Shard from this like a few minutes ago which is actually so messed

Up so if she gets that and I don’t no I won’t get one it’s very unlikely aridium that’s not that bad more aridium you got two from the mystery boxes really that’s pretty good I spending like all my money on this all right I’m going to go donate

Those things really quick and then I’ll um sell the rest of them to him I got a prismatic Shard from a geode once I think once ever only one thing I could donate Crystal chair okay now for my mystery boxes and I have a lot of them so okay we’ve got two

More that’s not bad we got some Deluxe speed grow hardwood flower seeds o a red plate lobster bisque time to fertilize the fish e that’s a horrible thought all right let’s go back down I’ll just walk all the way into town I guess must be marbles thank you

For the 20 months Fearless thanks for the eight months and Zoe thank you for the 18mon resub thank you so much you’re going to see six tonight oh my God you have the absolute best time I love that musical it’s so good I think you’re going to have a

Great time I’m very excited for you okay here we go I’ll deal with those later but six is really amazing I really really really like that musical so for this we need two five seven and 10 that is doable all right maybe I’ll make one more set of squid bait we have

Plenty I guess I’ll just fish until I use up all of my squid bait cuz we’re going to try to um like we talked about trying to put them in the smoker to make a lot of money so I think I’ll do that we will get our prizes we’ll get

Our squid we’ll get our money back and everything will be good we also need to in the next couple of days oh sardine in the next couple of days we’re going to want to um maybe upgrade like our hoe or something start getting all of our gold tools finished

Squid you finished watching all of the not so Berry vods it took you like four months oh my gosh I hope that you liked it um I hope that it was fun it’s I think it’s kind of cool how there’s like a such a backlog of all of those Sim

Streams and that people actually watch them like it’s really interesting to me that people actually are interested in in going back and watching them I know that it’s like a long running series and it’s fun and people like it but it’s just cool that people like

That it makes me happy so I always watch streams when you play games yeah I like to do that too if I’m going to be playing a game I’ll sometimes like open up a stream in the background and listen to it while I’m playing it’s just kind

Of like your Co playing you know so it’s it’s kind of nice it’s good vibes to have like someone talking while you’re playing Whoa stop sorry chat I can’t really talk much to you when I’m trying to catch the squid just ridiculous this is all because I wanted

To get the little prize it better be good what was in that chest you found the trash catalog oh my god oh that actually wasn’t bad I’ll take a mystery box parallel play yeah yeah exactly it’s just more fun this way okay I think so far the squid Fest is significantly more

Fun than the trout Fest yes I am benefiting from the fact that I finally have the bait maker I did not have the bait maker during the trout Fest Trout Derby or whatever it’s called um so I was more frustrated if I had my bait maker then I would have been

Happier I just couldn’t get a sea urch in in time I literally couldn’t find a single one um so I was very frustrated but anyway oh my God I’m not too pleased with this squid let me see what’s in my prizes you get one at two and five right I’ll check my first

Prize oh trap bobber causes fish to escape slower when you aren’t ring them in so year two Trout Derby we are going to thrive you’re so right oh there’s bubbles down there maybe I should go try and fish in the bubbles you got your bit maker from the

Prize machine oh that’s good I just got a fish smoker from the prize machine I haven’t made a fish smoker but I I did get one I get another prize I want to see him straight away I’m just excited dish of the sea 15 winter seeds Okay I know I’m I’m actually quite

Jealous that I haven’t really gotten that many catalogs yet I wish that I could see more of the cataloges I only have the Mar catalog which is not that good that’s true I can get some snow yams if I plant my winter seeds really exciting okay we just need 10 of these

Right can you only do eight squids a day no um so well the prize Shana the first day goes up to eight and the second day the prize goes up to 10 so you don’t really need to catch more than eight in a day cuz you won’t get more prizes past

Eight but if you wanted to catch more because you want to sell them for money you can but the first day you can get prizes up to eight and the second day you get prizes up to 10 so you should probably do both days because you get prizes on both and they’re

Different I got a pearl and a book on the first day so I’m curious what day two will bring stop careful do I get a prize for eight let’s find out oh it’s for seven okay triple shot espresso Treasure Chest cool okay just a couple more fish have to be caught two more

Squid and that is fine by me we’ve got 13 squid as well so we’ll be able to we’ll be able to smoke all of them and that should bring us a pretty penny no we haven’t caught any legendary fish yet sunshine I haven’t tried to catch any of legendary fish yet um I’m

Going to worry about that next year I think I’m not really bothered we’re close to maxing the fishing skill so it’s getting easier for us that is my 10th squid all right ready final prize seafoam pudding Mystery Box squid hat oh my God you weren’t kidding me you said it’s

Better Chia is like the day two prizes are better Kayla yeah okay okay I’m going to make one more set of bait and then use it up oh my God my cat’s name is squid we can make squid wear the we can make squid wear the squid hat squid hat

For squid cat oh my God that is so fun oh we have to do that that’s going to be so good okay forgive me for fishing a little bit longer today I just want to use up some of this extra bait that we have have um cuz then we can get some

More money off of these fish we’ll we’ll start smoking them once we get home I forgot about the game cat and I was like no it’s not it’s shrimp yeah I’ve got a real life cat named shrimp and an in-game cat called squid very confusing Jenna thank you for the reub

Giraffe thank you for the resub I shouldn’t read those while I’m trying to fish I still caught it though we got it it’s fine about to have your first repeat FES wonder how it differs well people were telling me that um in year two you need

To find more eggs and the eggs are in different spots apparently in the egg Festival so if you want to win oh oh my God you have to work a little bit harder at it in the year 2 egg Festival so that’s kind of bad yeah

Terrible news I know we’ve all been here winning the egg Festival every time you found 12 eggs last year you’ll be fine yeah people Haven it like mathed out and like down to a science um but he’s trying to mess with us now and like change up our

Methods okay I’m going to be rich off squid after today just you wait hi this is will oh hi Will where’s m is it a new prize here two I think you get prize tickets in here too but I’m not 100% sure if you lost the first time will it

Still change oh I don’t know um I don’t know I guess we’ll see how long did the fish take to smoke I feel like when I did it earlier I feel like it was pretty quick I have three bait left I took my phone back oh hi miv real miv sea

Jelly 50 minutes in game okay that’s not that bad it’s going to take us a few days to get through all this fish then when I try and smoke all of it that’s fine I only have one smoker so all right last bait here we go yeah

We should save it and then sell it all at once that’ll be kind of fun we’ll see how much money we get off of this it should be a lot oh my God calm down if I miss the last fish I’m going to be furious that would be so embarrassing

We’ve not missed a single one the whole time I missed the last one no we’re good we are good and we have used our last piece of bait okay well thank you to the squid Fest this has been absolutely iconic I am so happy it went way better than I could

Have ever anticipated actually um and I’m in a fantastic mood I still can’t get that muscle and then we will go all the way back home I got soggy newspaper again okay thank you I’ll grab all these while we’re out here oh more powder melon

Seeds I got my rewards yeah my you can see my squid hat this is one of those rewards Jenna thanks for the three months um how did you get 16 squids I got a lot of squids because I um I was using the squid bait we actually got

Like I have 21 in my inventory so we did pretty well on squid day if I do say so myself all right let’s put the fishies away that I wanted to keep which includes do I want that sardine probably not save all that oh wait I meant to keep that hold

On squid hat on squid cat yeah we have to find the cat again I also need to put I have seven things I need to put in there maybe I’ll do like three of those and four of those all right that’s some good money save

You I should put my bait maker back cuz I brought it with me to the event bait maker all right let me get some coal so I can start smoking my squid I might actually even move this closer so it’s easier for me to use it

Just while we’re doing all this okay the people tell me it takes 50 minutes in game 5 Z so we’ll be ready okay you go away seafoam pudding is so good no come back I’m going to smoke all of those okay ready squid hat on my squid

Cat sit up oh my God it’s asleep so we can’t really see it that well my heart is broken I want to see I’ll wear my trash hat for now I like it and I’m going to keep it we’ll see it better in the morning we’ll see it better in the

Morning okay I think I was saving stop I did it again oh my God I was trying to save my seeds in there I know I also have some trash that’s my first smoked squid kind of a weird thought that’s okay um you Sav that on there I need to

Grab some more of my tools too cuz I had kind of I had kind of rearranged everything in the process here so my might not hurt for us to try and rethink this through okay smoked squid I’ll just keep those all on me and I also have this little Daisy that I can

Save yeah the fact that it’s like literally smoking like visibly smoking in your inventory is kind of unsettling I completely agree with you there’s something kind of weird about that I’ll wait until the second one is done I’m not going to sell them yet today I think

I want to wait and sell them all at once but I’d like to get like one more started so yay um how long do I plan on streaming today I’ll probably be live for another like hour and a half longer is um okay squid Fest is over tomorrow is

Harvey’s birthday so I got to give him coffee so we will do that you think Willie might buy them for more the difference between Willie and selling from your um shipping bin it’s the same as Pierre um and your shipping bin where he doesn’t actually buy it for

More you just get the money immediately instead of waiting overnight so there’s pros and cons I learned how to cook chocolate cake Spirits are very displeased today okay that’s Fine um would you like to try and dry I’m actually like kind of running out of fruit can you dry cactus fruit you can interesting okay hello little goats and goats I mean Ducks I called them goats by accident sorry I have my first bunny

Too oh we can also look at our squid hat reveal hold on let me put all these eggs in quick okay squid hat reveal squid hat reveal where are you squid oh that wasn’t the squid I was talking about but no squid is like way up here I can’t even see

Him it’s behind the thingy can I like force it out when the squid when squid comes out we’ll see it better thank you starting tomorrow a traveling Merchant Fleet will dock at pelicant town for the yearly Night Market the market starts at 5:00 p.m. and will be

Important for the next 3 days oh my God there’s always something going on in this isn’t there it’s like made the winter 10 times more interesting cuz we’ve got all this happening oh my god look wait where’s my face cam I can’t find it wait no it went

Back I was trying to turn my face cam off so I can show you but Squid’s like right here I’ll wait squid will come out again it’ll be fine when am I going to fix the fencing um not anytime soon to be completely honest with you okay grab all

These just got the squid hat and you love it good I’m glad maybe the cat’s a little embarrassed in the squid hat I don’t know okay snow yam hi everyone oh my star fruit’s ready oh gosh well this has completely changed the game for us now with what we will be um

Trying to put in all of our kegs from now on so we’ll have to keep that in mind I’m thinking that should we go to the desert today then to buy more starf fruit probably right I think the answer is yes okay so we have eight sprinklers so we need to get 64

That’s fine we can do that did I miss something we’ve been live for 3 hours I went live a little early Sims witch on uh just for fun because I I was kind of in the mood to farm so I thought I’ll just go live and

Farm um and then and then here we were farming um so yeah I’ve been live longer than I normally would have been I’m getting to use my new gold axe for the first time what does the starf fruit do um nothing really special it’s just more expensive

Um so it’s pretty nice to have um because it’s it’s a good quality piece of fruit okay um let me see about replacing you all right what all did we just put in there uh I did not want to put starf fruit in there I wanted to keep that put that

Away I think I will sell the gold quality and then all of these extra little crops I will keep the silver and regular quality for me to use in my kegs I think will be my plan rusty spur just now I finally got the rusty

Spur oh that seems wild to me okay well I have it now I guess that seems like the kind of thing you usually find a lot faster think I need aishk more to get the starf fruit seeds oh can I not buy them all today we might have to wait until tomorrow

Um well I should have sold that stuff to Pierre then we can just wait or we could go and buy some and not all oh was squid out I didn’t even see hold on squid squid squid everyone Squid’s lost squid look at you with your weird squid

Hat people are going to ask me what that thing is non-stop we’re going to get people in chat like ah Kayla what is that what are you doing it’s cute yeah we should at least buy enough star fruit cuz we have some land already fertilized so I’ll buy as

Much star fruit as we can afford right now um and then we’ll we we’ll see how it goes after that I used up all my cactus fruit so it probably wouldn’t hurt to try and get some more of this too and we can also chop some things cuz we always need more

Wood I would like to do another skull Caverns run we’ve not had good luck and like tomorrow is the night market so I don’t really want to miss the Night Market that’s okay though all right I will say I often times get kind of bored in the winter in

This game um but I have not felt that way like at all strange doll so that’s fun remember I want 1K for the submarine ride yeah we’ll be fine we’re going to get a bunch of money overnight when our crop soell so it’s Sunday Jade for staircases rip oh yeah imagine I come

Back 41 I needed 64 so that’s not that bad we come back so I can use my jade it might be worth it why am I wearing trash hat cuz I look good Maggie thanks for the 79 months hello I’m not procrastinating my thesis I I believe you totally sure

Maggie you don’t have money to come back oh I can get money to come back be calm everyone it’s fine um let me go sell some of the little things that I have just real quick I can sell like this stuff to Pierre and then we’ll have enough

Money my record number of years in a save I don’t really have a desire to play for like a record length of time um that’s not really interesting to me I do need to give Harvey his gift as well that’s not really interesting to me it’s

More uh fun for me to think about like um what is like I don’t know what have we achieved in the save so like did we get Perfection stuff like that and it only took me like maybe it took me three years to get Perfection so I’ve played

Four I think in a different save but um okay I will replace my squid and then I will go back again okay do we have have anything else that we want for the traveling cart probably not really mostly just Jade yeah cuz I don’t think yeah none of that yeah the fish

Smoker does work pretty fast we’re playing Among Us on Monday Danny um Among Us on Monday for April Fool’s Day is the plan last year they had like a special event for April Fool’s Day with the horse mode so we’re kind of crossing our fingers hoping that we’ll have one again

So okay nine Jade that is manageable I should have brought um you know I should have brought some like quartz to trade for bombs but it’s okay we can go to the skull Cavern for a second we could go to the skull Cavern for a second I don’t know the spirits

Are very displeased and I I don’t have any food so it it won’t be uh a worthy Endeavor but I guess we’re here oh eight levels oh well I can’t defend myself so I have to be ready to run away cuz I don’t have any food that’s

Enough I’ve had enough look I got two iron ore and four gold bars if I had food I would have done more in there but it’s not worth it on a day that we don’t have anything that was indeed a second you have squid I’m not eating my squid I

Need money I need money from my squid question about Harvey um it’s his birthday if I missed my chance to see him it’s a Sunday I think he’ll be in the saloon maybe I hope so cuz I can get him some coffee all right Harvey I come bearing a

Gift do I have enough Hearts to get in his room no I don’t think I have any hearts with Harvey I have two I have to hope that he’s at the saloon I think he’ll be at the saloon at 6 though you bought the horse book and you don’t have a horse

Yet I relate to that though that’s kind of fun do whatever you want will he be at the saloon now or will he be going to the saloon these are all important questions I already did that today okay hello Sam goes at 5:30 you think okay well he might be in here

Then bought the walking faster book you have no regrets I bought the walking faster book too all right CR your fingers for 6 p.m. maybe he’ll come in and I’ll see him here he is happy birthday tried making your own pickles one time let me put it this way the

Frogs when I sected in high school smelled like roses in comparison ew now we have five Hearts you’ve gotten two walking faster books so far yeah I need to buy another one um I think I would get good use out of another one okay so we’re going to go back I’m going

To put my starf fruit in the chest or sorry in my um in my place Greenhouse is the word I’m looking for I will plant the the starf fruit and then I might start crafting some of my fancy like aridium sprinklers I specifically want to put

Star fruit on all of the spaces where I already have quality fertilizer and then we can wait for the rest of it if we have to go back it’s fine yeah that’s okay it’s not ideal but it’s better than nothing okay let’s think sprinklers so for the aridium ones it’s gold bar

Aridium bar and a battery pack I would like to make at least four I know that we have oh not enough gold bars okay that’s fine I know I have some battery packs though I have eight battery packs that’s not that bad quality sprinklers save that in

There I think I need to bring yeah I have to bring a void Essence to the wizard I might save a couple of those in there too um okay okay well I was picturing that we’d have the quality sprinklers kind of down here will they even fit in this

Area it’s like you have to hold two spots on either side one two one two so it would be there that’ll go right up to the edge that’s not that bad so we can use them down here then that should be fine okay let me start

Grabbing some of my stuff I think I had put in this chest my extra Sprinklers and my little paths okay I had previously put it like this so you are in the exact right place then um um and that’s the best that we can do

There so then it would be two hold spots two H spots there would be another picture if there was an aridium quality sprinkler right there okay and then it would go out like that far that doesn’t seem that bad to me okay again they’d be AIA

Do I need that star fruit speed with fertilizer I put it in kegs well I’m not going to put all of it in kegs I put um I usually sell the gold quality star fruit uh and then put the rest of it in kegs is sort of how I’ve been doing it

Um cuz I I don’t have enough kegs to process all of it so we cannot be quick enough okay I do have enough for four more sprinklers I might put like a couple of them kind of like this one two so these are like slightly smaller sprinklers that’s not that bad

Though it’s better than what we normally can achieve at least um so I think that we can make do with this I’ll use that little guy over there maybe I’ll get you over there okay I’m probably going to rearrange this part of the farm a little bit

Too um I might even be able to get myself I might as well put like another sprinkler there the night market starts tomorrow so we’ll be able to do the night market tomorrow I got pickles pickled corn e um let’s do some of this summer squash in there

Okay dried star fruit is like 7,000 gold oh my god I didn’t even think about starting to do that yeah we need to dry it that’s really smart we can dry some of the regular ones okay to bed night market begins tomorrow so Joo Prana thank you for the

Reubs both of you thank you so much look how much money we just got it’s cuz I stole I sold a lot of the gold star fruit but um we’re doing pretty well for ourselves yeah you kind of forget how how good the dehydrator is cuz we’re so unused to it

Still so it’s kind of fun to have yeah the wine is still worth more because the dehydrator takes five but you can get the dehydrator stuff faster so that’s definitely a plus okay let’s make my extra two of these quality sprinklers aridium sprinklers not quality sprinklers you know what I mean

Okay that’s pretty good and then I can steal some of this we can make some more kegs too I just feel like I don’t have enough wood and I was kind of thinking that maybe I should put some more like if I can get some more sprinklers in this

Area I feel like moving some of our barn stuff around and putting some more sprinklers there might be worth it you know yeah and we’ll age the wine once we get the seller we obviously don’t have a seller yet um so we can’t really count

On that at this current moment but um we will be able to do that eventually okay I think that I might put how about this is an idea I might intentionally start moving my bee houses I don’t really like this stuff here so I might intentionally move my bee houses to be

Like down here and maybe I’ll put some flowers I probably should put them behind it so it’s easier to access I just don’t want to look at the sprinklers but we can get maybe the bee houses like lined up in that way and then I can put some flowers over

Here the fact that you can still get hay in winter is absolutely wild to me I’m so not used to that still um well we’ll be able to move I guess I could like rearrange these be houses to be more practical for how the flowers will grow I don’t

Know we’ll plant some in the middle yeah it doesn’t disappear anymore which is pretty nice maybe I can move my chickens into this area I don’t know what do you think cuz I could put them like the coupe here and kind of fence it

In I’m going to need to move some of our hay we don’t have any down there this is the problem I need to move somewhere that has blue grass I guess I could put them over here we could put the chickens and the cows over

Here that might be a good use of the space right cuz there’s plenty of blue grass in this area do you want to go try and move them I think I might I think I might try to move them I’m going to go up and do it and then

The ducks can have water to swim in yeah exactly it’ll be for the best over there is perfect width for barn cop and Silo before the bridge oh really oh that’s good oops I’ll move like all of it then am I building sheds I will build a

Shed eventually I don’t really want to waste the wood on it right now but I will build a shed I would like to have a shed I’m not really obsessed with how it’s all looking at the moment so where did I get the black squid oh

It’s smoked squid I I’ve been working on smoking the squid um we’re going to sell it all okay I would like to move my buildings if I wanted to we could scoot the house back a tiny bit but I kind of like how it is right now so I might just

Leave it for now we are talking about putting Barn Silo and Coupe I kind of like the idea of like sorry this is like ridiculous I kind of like the idea of them being a little bit off set from each other and I’ll put like a fence in between and

Then I can build the fence out like down that way okay okay I don’t think that I really want to buy anything else right now we could get a shed pretty easily if I wanted to come back I think I have enough wood and a shed would make our lives so much better

Cuzz then we could start putting all the kegs in there um and that would also be helpful oh no the fence would the fence would be just a post there needed two apart oh I can put like something decorative it’ll be fine upset don’t worry Move the cat Bowl I don’t know I

Kind of like where the cat bowl is we could put the chicken there hold on look at this oh wait I can put my little chicken in between them they don’t need a fence they will have a chicken see it’s perfect chat okay some of that fell into the

Water which is kind of sad um what I will do and I do this sometimes where I have this problem I kind of like put it like that so it’s still visible um okay I can move my gate to be in there now or you know what it might

Be better to have the gate be like right there so it’s along the walkway all my fences they are ruined completely destroyed my heart is broken okay I’m going to bite the bullet this is my peach tree I think no that’s the apple tree okay we have an apple

Sapling back I’m just going to commit to it um and I’m going to plant planted inside of here it’s fine I want to move them I don’t really want it to be out here anymore so I’m just committing hardwood fences maybe oh I don’t think it’s a good idea to waste

Hardwood on the fences not right now at least maybe later on but not yet yeah all the fences will Decay over time all of them will so you just got to prepare yourself it will happen to everybody okay I will put another entrance cuz I have another gate okay

Well people are going to be really excited about this because they have been upset about my fence for a very long time they have been begging me to fix my fence for like ages ages in game all right am I put in the shed where the C

Was I might that’s not a bad idea we could think about it okay let me go and get I think I have one more gate up there that I can steal the thing about putting the shed up here is that it kind of um it is in the way of like some open

Crop space I kind of like I wanted this space to be open because I was oh don’t chop that I wanted to put a couple more sprinklers up here um so I might I think I might also move the greenhouse down I might put it like down here lined up with some of

This instead I think that would look better the night market is starting I will go don’t worry okay yay I actually hate that right there I’ve changed my mind I’m going to put it in the middle of this all right well that’s all set up now so that’s a little bit

Better moved your Greenhouse by Grandpa’s Shrine that’s pretty nice I like that idea can I just really quick put my peach sapling before I forget okay can you put Gates next to each other yeah you should be able to I don’t know if you’re asking me or if you’re

Asking chat I can’t remember I didn’t see um okay save all the gold bars keep the copper out put the gold away put that away that away save my fish okay powder melon I’m really wasting a lot of time right now but it’s only the first day of the

Night market so it’s okay if we’re like late to it right thank you sell those all right I’m just going to leave all of this in here for now and I’ll I’ll deal with it in the morning let’s go to the night market all right Kayla thanks for the 20

Months I really appreciate that that is very kind of you I’m scared where is the Shrine of the metal lands Farm it’s okay so up like kind of up into the left from the greenhouse um there’s a bunch of trees back there you oh I didn’t know you were

There Alex sorry um you have to chop the trees and then when you do that that um there there’s one that’s hiding a little tiny bridge but it’s like up across behind the tiny Bridge back there so it can be kind of hard to find straight away hello

Hello yes I want a cup of coffee thank you very much what’s on my head oh it’s a it’s a trash lid it is in fact a trash lid this boat’s your favorite it’s so unique let me look around and see if we want to buy

Anything cuz we have a lot of money I’m not really feeling like I want any of these candy canes but I might get myself some extra seasonal plants that’s my favorite one um hello 250 gold to send you home batwing P cookies Bree milk oil of garlic weaker monsters will avoid you

Fried eel rice chot Bean Hot Pot Bullhead groovy chair joa Furniture catalog interestingly I bought the joa furniture catalog but I bought that from joja Mar and I only paid 25k also this painting listen to me when I say this doesn’t it kind of look like Dan I always think that when I see it I can’t explain it but I always think it kind of looks like Dan I’m going to buy it what do you have cone hat parsnip Bean cauliflower potato oh nice I love this piano that’s cool gravestone Stone frog I’m going to get that

Too I’m not going to do the mermaid thing right now I’m actually going to go down and fish in the basement Under the Sea not the basement hello time to watch the mermaid show oh sorry I’m going to fish we can go to the mermaid show tomorrow we’ll come back the night

Market is not new the night market came out in the last dat so like in 2020 referring to the deep sea is the basement is so fascinating I didn’t mean it it was I misspoke I didn’t know what I was talking about okay leave me

Alone let me fish okay how long does it let you stay down here in the basement I got my coffee I did Marissa don’t worry until you pass out so you will let me wait until 2: a.m. okay I’ll wait until 2: a.m. then I didn’t know if it was going to

Force the thing to go up or not you have a stone owl that just appeared in your yard yeah that happens to people I haven’t gotten one yet and I want it now I like having the stone owl I think it’s cute um oh it was 1.4 not 1.5 maybe I

Think it was 1.4 that we got the night market I think you’re right it was 1.3 oh my God it was 1.3 never mind Marissa is on the wiki so it’s not even close to being new it’s been out for a lot longer than that I remember when it came out so I

I’ve been playing stardo for a long time but this fish is very dramatic for cucumber I don’t like this fish it it makes me feel really uncomfortable I don’t like it one bit C Bear thank you for the subs did I say that already hopefully I um didn’t mess

Up took you three garbage hats till you finally got the trash catalog oh my God I want the trash catalog so bad I would do anything for the trash catalog um you got subtitles is that really expensive no that’s a good question Ash um so to pay someone like a stenographer

To do live captioning that’s really expensive and ridiculous the captions that I have on my stream is just through an OBS plug-in um so they’re autoc captions still kind of like YouTube’s autoc captions they’re not perfect but they’re pretty good um it’s pretty us it’s usually pretty decent at capturing

What I’m saying um but it’s just an OBS plugin so it’s it doesn’t cost any money to have um anybody can add the OBS plugin if they’re looking for it um and I I would encourage anybody who streams to do it um doesn’t hurt doesn’t take

It’s barely a second to install it um and then there’s captions but yeah yes you’re right stenographers to do live captioning a real human to do that is very expensive um but mine’s just automated sometimes it messes up things like it might mess up names and stuff um and

Sometimes I like talk fast and stumble my words in it times confuses that too but for the most part it’s pretty good at captioning what I say blobfish so yeah rainbow a lot of streamers don’t have captions and I’m I’m really sorry about that it’s a it’s

A shame I think a lot of them just don’t know that it’s that you can do it there’s not a lot of like resources out there to help people figure it out um so I think for a lot of people it’s just it comes from a place place of like

Genuine like they just don’t realize that it’s an option um but it is just a close caption uh plugin for OBS that I use so there’s also a few um like browser extension type captioning softwares that people use um I don’t I’ve I’ve tried those and I

Didn’t love them I like the plug-in a lot better plus it um it uses like twitch’s built-in captions so it’s a little bit more like I think it’s more user friendly for people so okay 1220 I don’t think I want to pass out I think I may try and go home how

Long should we stay in here I’ve caught all the fish that I wanted I’d like to get one more blob fish if possible it takes an hour to get up though so at this point we’ve kind of like missed our chance can get the warp totem yeah I

Think that we should just not worry about it we’ll just stay down here I think it’s fine we can we can like eat the cost of passing out it’ll be worth it we’ll catch a few more fishies this way creepy fishies all nighter yeah we’re at like

The bottom of the ocean so it would take a long time oh my God I saved it I saved it I saved it hold on whoa relax hold on no oh my God relax this fish is stressing me out stop I am really displeased with you Mr Fish

I’ll catch it don’t worry we’re going to be fine oh maybe not please hold stop just sit still for like 1 second we’re going to be here all day no oh that’s one of the fish I haven’t uh missed a fish in a long time I don’t even have any tackle on

Right now cozy I’m using the like like good quality bait or whatever but I didn’t bring any tackle with me I’m sorry everyone though I failed you that was a rough one I think it was the octopus yeah stupid fish when we try to catch that one I’ll I’ll make sure I have

Tackle we’ll come more prepared I am starting to feel exhausted oh I didn’t even realize I can probably eat this and then catch like one more maybe no fish that way you always put a tackle on yeah I just haven’t thought about it don’t you

Have to go home yeah we’re going to pass out in the Deep see yeah all right not the best day but we did it and it did steal some money from us um you turned off the Min gamees to make fishing more accessible to you and you

Caught the octopus and feel so guilty no don’t worry about it if you struggle with fishing there is no reason to put yourself through like it you don’t need to try and play with fishing if it’s hard like it you know you can use mods and stuff for it um you do whatever

Works for you wow that’s creepy okay you charged me 1,000 gold Harvey after I just gave you a birthday gift too that’s kind of messed up to be honest but whatever whatever Harvey okay what all was I keeping on me okay yeah people get mods to get rid of

The the fishing mini game um it’s pretty common that people do that you’re dating him and he still charges you that is messed up that is messed up how dare he okay I will give myself something cute like that I think I want to move should I try and move

This down a little bit I feel like it would be cute if I bought if I brought my Greenhouse just down a little further I think I may oh I was going to put my um extra octopus in there wasn’t I okay it is Tuesday so we can’t do it today but

Eventually maybe tomorrow I’ll try to build a shed as well that might be fun okay let me clear up all this this we’ll see what we can do with the crop situation I might try and build the shed first before I try and put crops up here can how many

Tiles it’s like one 2 three four five 6 7 8 nine 10 10 tiles okay let me see if I can do 10 tiles here that’s five that is plenty okay so we can put we could definitely put two aridium quality sprinklers right here underneath

A shed and I think that would be cute I think that would be really good um all right last octopus in the smoker or squid sorry and the smoker took us long enough to get there um do you want to put this cute thing somewhere maybe okay I can put those

Away oh I guess I can make my two extra things now two more quality sprinklers okay um I don’t know where exactly I’m going to want them to go I might put them a little bit like higher up than that I’m not exactly sure yet but it’s a good

Start okay I might smoke one of those let me save one blob fish one midnight squid um save a lower quality one and save that too okay and then I’ll sell the rest I am also going to sell all of my smoked squid so we we should hopefully get a

Bunch of money from that which will be really good I’m just going to save all that stuff for when I try and like organize the farm a bit later all right we caught 12 seaweed doesn’t that seem like a lot okay the new Farm type is on the like

Map crater the like stardew um what is it called they call it like stardew Farm planner or something the new map type is on there it’s called the Rancher Farm on there so you’ll have to like go in and like load into the Rancher farm and then you’ll be able to see

It that is how it works Mossy seed okay I’m going to chop some things feels like chat slow cuz everyone is also playing I think everybody here is farming I agree I I think you’re completely correct about that as a group collectively we are all farming right

Now okay Clover thank you for the 13 months you got green rain oh really that’s fun yeah the green rain is a is a really fun new special event isn’t it I will chop some hardwood today too there you go Marissa’s got the farm planner and then it’s called the Rancher

The new Farm type on there if you’re looking for it I’m GNA go to the wizard tomorrow not today I don’t think that we need to bother with the wizard today oh my God would you please leave me alone oh you know what we could do today

To kill time before the festival starts we could go to the the like mine Room by The Quarry to get our golden scythe I think that might be a good use of our time okay I’ll probably do that then I’ll chop these and then go up to the Quarry sounds like a plan all right grab this too stop I’m trying to get my foraging skill up a little bit cuz if you’ll look we’re really close I need to work on combat some more too but when we go into the skull Caverns again we’ll be able to do that probably next

Stream will like really prioritize some skull Caverns runs I think that seems like a good time okay there’s a cool sword in there it’s a bit better than the obsidian one oh really okay good so I’ll go back and I’ll get some good quality food just in case

And then we’ll go in there cuz my sister told me that he made it worse it’s like more difficult do you have a wife yet no still no when would the next sty Valley Stream most likely be um either on Tuesday or Wednesday uh because I I’m unsure about Tuesday

Here’s the situation with Tuesday my cat is having surgery on Tuesday to remove a cancerous tumor in her leg um and I’m I’m kind of feeling as though I might want to stream that morning like after I drop her off um but I also maybe I won’t

Be feeling it I don’t really know what to expect um so I may or may not stream on Tuesday if not we’ll play on Wednesday is kind of The Vibes um so I don’t know next week is going to be kind of weird for me I think um just because

Of that I don’t really know what what I’m gonna be doing next week we’ll see um I don’t know what’s going to be going on for me but I think that’s Justified I feel like everybody’s going to be like yeah we get it Kayla so um we’ll be okay yeah yeah I think

That I might like to stream that day just like while I wait but I don’t know I might be too stressed I was going to go to the quy so we’ll just play it by ear I I guess kind of see how it’s going okay

I’m going to move this stuff out of my way so I can save oh I keep messing it up and then we will go in here all right wish us luck what if we die I don’t really know I don’t think that’ll happen but it might you’re having surgery next week oh

You and SNF are going to be like besties surgery twins there’s a good sword oh okay i’ that’s you’re the second person I’ve seen now say that um oh baby hey welcome to the stream it’s good to see you I’m glad that you can make it okay up here up

Here there’s two skull Caverns um I wouldn’t really call this one a skull Cavern this is like a little secret spot um here we go it’s like a little secret spot in the Quarry um I can see why you would call it a skull Cavern oh the secret note um I can

See why you would think it is that oh there’s a creepy buddy over there okay we can get more coal I’m going to get these coal nodes while I’m in here all right it’s full of skulls yeah it is so you’re right okay I don’t know who you

Are I don’t really know about you new skeleton oh that was like basically nothing okay oh my God die yikes okay we’re in a little bit more trouble now everybody we are in a little bit more trouble now I’m it’s a good thing I brought cheese let’s just say that oh cursed

Mannequin you can dress it up however you like and pray that it doesn’t come to life when you sleep uh okay well I got my golden Scythe where do you get the sword that chat speaks of if there’s a sword in here I haven’t seen it

Yet oh my God I have to eat again we’re fine we’re fine it’s so scary it can wait it can start moving moving and blinking and change your clothes and rearrange Furniture mermaid show 15423 okay remember that we’re going to be going in there in a minute

Um maybe I should just try and kill more of them then how am I going to get out of here I took longer in this place than I thought I was going to 5 4 2 3 he made the new update a horror game we’ll put it in our house we’ll put it

In the house don’t worry as soon as we get home we’ll put it down touch the scyth and you get out oh my God I went all the way back this way didn’t I I’m stupid I was started killing stuff and then I started walking

Back now at this point I’m closer to the end you’re right you can just touch it to get back out but then I started killing more stuff that’s okay I made it all the way around was it worth it no but that’s fine we can get more coal in there that’s good

To know that you can get the coal nodes in there too makes it a little bit easier to get coal again not the bus stop town sorry all right to the night market we’re a little bit late tonight I took longer than I thought I was going to in there yesterday 15423 15423

I got it that’s funny timing for it to us for it to have given us that note yesterday or today sorry what am I even saying just as we’re coming to the night market though hello I’m here to get my coffee thank you much appreciated okay anybody got anything I want no nothing New interesting picture I don’t really want it though ghostfish cart Pike yeah I don’t really need any of that either so where was The Sword I don’t know I think that maybe based on what chat was saying maybe you get it from like the killing the monsters

Um 5 4 2 3 1 5 4 4 2 3 1 5 4 2 3 okay hello do you have to watch the whole show first I don’t remember it yes you do that’s what I thought it’s pretty though so it’s fine it’s kind of cute I kind of like it

CeCe thanks for the 29 months and I’m glad that you’ve been convinced to BU St I hope that you like it it’s just Fun H it’s kind of fun though it’s just Good Vibes you know you’re also watching the mermaid show right now really very Fun wow okay 1 5 4 2 3 I got a pearl now I have two pearls cuz I got one from the um I got one from the squid Fest as well so that worked out I don’t think that I need to spend all day here I

Might go home cuz I’m not going to go down and fish at this point it’s a little late um Sunshine I’ll probably play I’m guessing I’ll play like one or two maybe like two more days I don’t know I usually get off stream around 700

And I I have been live for like four and a half hours already so I probably should um you want me to kill you one squid kid okay and I have to see the wizard tomorrow oh that might work out actually really nicely cuz I could go kill the

Squid kid and then talk to the wizard so I can kill the squid kid first in the morning and then go see him because I was going to do the other quest for him and give him a birthday gift yeah I can’t stream to too late tonight because drag race is on tonight

I’m actually I was telling Chad about this earlier don’t laugh at me when I say this I’m genuinely stressed about drag race tonight because it’s the the episode pre like the top four and the top four go to the finale so whoever leaves tonight is going to have like the

Worst day of their life so I feel bad I always just feel really bad for the people who leave in these episodes um oh I was going to do starf fruit wasn’t I I have starfruit ready for this all right here we go making our first starf fruit wine in the

Kegs nice they get so close and then just ruined just ruined and then I feel so bad okay do I oh that’s the fish that’s why it’s not going in there I was like sat there wondering why it wasn’t working um that’s cuz it’s a fish chest you’re in the wrong one

Plenty of money I don’t think it did anything to me that time I already know how to cook radish salad Spirits are not so pleased you gave me a bomb okay interesting choice um you need an iron bar for Clint okay my cat gave me another fish we’re just

Going to sell both of those how do you get the curse mannequin I just got it I found it um in the thingy okay I’m going to bring down with me sorry calling it the thingy is like so unhelpful I found the cursed mannequin um in that spot that you go in

The Quarry the like the mines where you can get the golden Scythe I found it in there it dropped when I killed one of the monsters in there oh you know what I still need to do I haven’t bought the rest of my star fruit seeds so we should

Probably do that at some point as well I’ll worry about that later I want to take care of my animals I don’t think I took care of my animals yesterday I think I might have not yeah look how much is in here okay sorry everybody it may have been oh

It’s been a while that’s my bad maybe more than just yesterday oops whoops whoops that’s okay um you get me four milk that I can turn into cheese quick and then take this all right oh my pig is grown so that’s good oh my Silo is empty almost that’s okay we have

More um I don’t even have any shears either so I can’t Shear the Sheep when it’s ready okay store all of that I’ll need to get um I can probably like clear up cuz now I know what we want to keep and what we don’t I could probably get rid of some

More of the grass that’s down here to fill up the barn I have some as well in my chest so I can go use that too but we may as well clear some of this only one pig is grown Oh no I got them on different days Christine not at

The same time they were on different days I got the second Pig a couple days later cuz I didn’t have enough money to buy it so I had to wait grass and winter yeah there’s grass and winter in the update now um that’s just out in the update

Okay we’ve gotten ourselves through most of the winter this way okay if I have to kill a squid kid chat what level do you think is best to reset in the mines for it let me know 95 just a 95 okay I’ll go reset 95

Um and then the goal we’ll go to the mines we’ll go to Clint we’ll go to the wizard we’ll go to the Festival yeah okay sounds good to me let me put in that chest I think I will do a couple more pumpkins did I talk to you yeah

Okay this is a long stream yeah I’ve been live for a while um I can’t stop farming I can’t help it I can’t help it oh wait I was going to get an iron bar for Clint that’s right um I think I just imagined a cat walking in

Here who do I want to win drag race I think I would like for safira to win I just think safira is so cool I I really like her I know that most of you maybe have not seen this season of drag race so I’m sorry for talking about it but

Basically she is extremely talented she’s beautiful she’s so funny and she’s nice like she is so kind to everyone when she talks to them I just think that she’s the best I really like safira I think that I think that she is my winner so that is my pick I think I was

Resetting 91 when I did this before it’s technically quicker to do 95 cuz you don’t have to go down but is 91 smaller no yeah I think Safir is great she should win I’m looking for one of those creepy little squid face things what about 105 well let me look

Up squid kid on the wiki they’re from 91 to 119 I think that we’re too high let’s try 105 would you all please leave me alone oh I can’t even kill you you no we could always do like 95 105 115 and just keep doing it over and over again until we get

It I don’t see any squids boo okay 95 no squids 105 no squids 115 oh my God stay away from me 95 it’s just ridiculous you can’t really see down in the corner on this one no squids what’s the dinging it’s the elevator um I keep clicking the elevator that’s what’s dinging no

Squids 115 no squids but there is one of those little Geo thingies H the last time I did a quest like this for the wizard I got a squid like straight away how about this level there is a purple mushroom so that’s good thought the dinging was your game

No don’t worry it was mine it was mine maybe try 101 we can do 101 a few times hello Shana welcome back we’re trying to get a squid 101 is small this might be a good one to reset cuz it’s so little why it’s like when you need them there is no

Squid when you need it most you get none still no squid I don’t have time for this I was going to go to the I was going to go to the thingy today what does the squid give you well in this case I need to defeat one for the

Wizard they might give you a um a squid ink let me go hold on before I do this I might go into town I’ll just deal with this quick for Town and then I’ll go back because this will close so we want to get these open first more quality fertilizer more Hardwood

Oh increases attack by 10% coffee the squid kid is like basically just a little floating head that breathes fire so that’s what we’re looking for right now okay that is donated Cleo thank you for the 42 months and Shen thank you for the 11 months too I appreciate that oh

My iron bar for Clint too I forgot I missed one well I missed one thing to donate what do you mean okay let’s go back again at a certain point we do have to give up because we need to get the wizard oh I missed the magma geod there

We go I got it I need to give the wizard a birthday gift so we have to go around there it’s okay we don’t need to do the magma geode I mean we could but it’s not 100% necessary to me don’t I need two no it was just one it was

Just one I did one that was for two a while back um but this one was just one I think I don’t need that yeah I might sell you it okay let’s go all the way around to the wizard actually I’m going to go to my bus

Stop can’t you craft the geod breaker thing yeah but I just never use that I don’t really think that it’s that worth it I’m going to bring this void Essence to the wizard for his birthday ISR that’s my plan the wizard um void Essence is one of his uh favorite gifts

So it’s an easy one it does not need coal anymore oh the geod crusher doesn’t oh well that actually kind of changes things then maybe I will craft one then anything that lets you avoid Clint is worth it yeah that’s true hopefully we can make it to him in

Time I have to give him two of these so 1.6 no coal needed well that changes everything okay good to know good to know a raccoon yeah it’s kind of cute right I think he closes at 11 so we don’t have to worry about it I got 350

From that I got 1,000 gold from that and it’s also your birthday so there you go Mr Wizard three quests at once I now have six hearts with the wizard we’re doing really well relationship wise there’s a few people that I have haven’t talked to like at all

But in the grand scheme of things we’ve been doing pretty well okay let’s go to the night market talk to the raccoon again I think I talked to him this morning but I can talk to him again um I’ll talk just to see now maybe I find a wife you know same message

Still should we go down to fish again or should we just not worry about it what do you think I’m kind of leaning towards I don’t know if I really care that much oh another ancient doll I haven’t donated that to the museum yet you’d go okay we’ll

Go we can try and get some more blob fish it’s good good for fishing XP you’re right and we’re trying to get our skill up so it’s worth it did I throw an ancient doll into the floor 100 lava no should i h interesting suggestion um we

Could maybe I’ll see what it does tomorrow okay I don’t really need any of those from you it’s so useful that it sells so many of those fish cuz if you miss them it’s like a huge help isn’t it um okay it’s a Terraria reference oh really okay

I can do that we’re going to regret it when we have a hard time getting another ancient doll but it’ll be fine hello I’m ready to fish uh Sophia thank you for the 48 Monon resub thank you so much much well we’ll just fish for the rest of the night I

Guess upright piano yeah and it’s like a million dollar the cats if you love cats you need to sacrifice the doll oh my God okay so we’ll play at least one more day then so that we can sacrifice the doll so you say you got a second ancient doll and

Gave it to Penny no oh no I’m sorry Brew that’s a shame and happy birthday saing lovely happy birthday hopefully you have a good day today oh my God you get so much seaweed on this don’t you ridiculous okay so it takes an hour to get up I should probably leave at like

11: yeah are you friends with wizard he is also a part of this process yeah I have like six hearts with the wizard I just got them today though the hearts with the wizard is there a quest to put it in the water or do you just do

It access comes with four hearts and we have six now okay so it’s fine I think you just do it all Right you throw it in the water and take your reward to the Wizard’s basement what okay interesting well I’ll think about it then um Phantom we were just thinking about that I think I’m going to play one more day after this today and then I’ll probably get off stream but like

Actually one more day cuz I need to go make dinner and stuff um and I’ve been live for a while water or lava oh you throw it into the it it’s like water but it’s lava in the level 100 yes um but what if you ordered pizza I I

Mean I guess that’s true but I don’t think we should do that I think I might make some dinner um oh my God I am going to catch this fish just you wait stupid thing if this is just a blob fish I’m going to be upset I think it is

No it’s only a super cucumber I’d rather it be a blob fish you ordered pizza because everyone kept talking about it I respect that as you should oh my God I was able to get the chest on this that’s like a miracle the fish was in the exact right

Place blob fish well now I have my second blob fish I did want that one more day is the biggest lie I know you keep telling yourself that and then doesn’t end up being true yeah I only got the one blob fish the other night we’ve gotten way more lucky with blobfish

Today um while fishing you control of the green block or the little blue thing um when I fish I’m moving the green block around to follow the fish I’ll show you when I catch one again um basically the fish moves up and down and you’re trying to have the green

Bar uh stay where the fish is but sometimes it like slides around and swings that was kind of an easy One I love on vods when you say one more day but the time left on the stream says otherwise you’re like watching the VOD and I’m like okay one more day and there’s an hour left in the video and you’re like um I don’t know if what you say is true

Kayla I think you’re a bit of a liar no but this time I mean it I think I play this one more day I went live early so oops I didn’t mean to fish that up I’m going to catch just one more and then I’ll go

Home I think that is my plan oh jeez not that bad maybe one more oh it’s already 11: I said I was going to leave at 11:00 let’s go you can indeed take us back up one more day looks at the run time of VOD sure yeah we haven’t seen Mario’s 14 heart

Event yet no I have not seen it yet I’m standing too close to that man kind of makes me uncomfortable lady vato thanes for the 35 months I actually have barely given her any gifts today which is my bad I probably should have given her more gifts today I’ll give her one

Tomorrow I’ll do it hi you look cute Jody I like your outfit you’ve been live for almost 5 hours yeah yep sure have I’ve been streaming so much this week the sty update has taken over I’ve really been a un able to stop myself recently emal I don’t think we’re going

To I don’t think I’m going to order dinner tonight I don’t think so um I’ll I’ll watch from afar as you all get pizza and I’ll be happy for you how about that okay all of that goes away all of that goes away save those extra fishies I probably could sell that one

And I do have four more of those okay so tomorrow I also need to go to the desert I need to go to the desert because I have to get more starfruit seeds so we’ll have to triple check exactly how much of it we need but I want to make sure we do

That um you save that thing in there too love the bigger chest yeah aren’t they nice it is a huge Improvement to have the bigger chest for sure okay off we go have I dehydrated star fruit yet no I haven’t I haven’t ancient doll first then desert

Okay what if it’s a good luck day if it’s a good luck day should we forget about starfruit and go to the skull Caverns no it’s neutral oh Thank you you found a star drop your mind is filled with thoughts of Pulp okay I’ve got 12 hearts with Maru now so that’s pretty good hello I got cloth from Emily thank you oh oh okay dear Kayla I would like to give you some information about an upcoming event the

Feast of the winter star it’s a time for the community to come together and think back on all the good fortune we’ve had this year a favorite tradition is the secret gift exchange where everyone in town is randomly assigned to someone else on the day of the festival everyone

Brings a gift for their secret friend and surprises them with something special this year your secret friend is Pam oh my God I’m already like really close to Pam aren’t I well that’s fine it could be worse I’ll get over it I’ll get over it she’s really easy to

Give a gift to I can make her some pale ale I can like make it from scratch and she’ll like that um I think I’m going to move I was going to rearrange these a little bit more cuz I wanted to do it slightly differently in the spring

Um so I might do a little bit of that while we sit here I shouldn’t do too much of of it just a little bit of it but that kind of gets our our plans in motion you know so I remember what I was going to

Do cuz I want to do two two and two sell all that okay and a little bit of cloth okay so I’ll have to get my little creepy doll I guess and I should probably take care of my stuff we still throwing the doll on the river

Yeah the People Want it so I’ll do it for them I can do that it is fine hi all of my animals so good to see you okay and then one more little egg good what should you name your duck um how about Delila it’s a little bit

Unexpected in kind of a fun way Perhaps I can’t play stardo tomorrow how devastating mff cancel your plans let’s think logically about this what’s more important really what what matters more to you the answer is obviously farming there’s there’s nothing more important that you could be doing with your time okay um put the milk back I’ll have to

Turn all of that into cheese I’m going to need to get some more um I’m going to need to get some more cheese presses started soon but that’s a plan for another day scye that too well we got a bunch of crops that’s going to earn us some money I got a

Radish slowly I got my ancient seeds growing oh wait let me get my Hops and my stuff from up there of course this is like way at the top of the whole place M you could always um I mean I know it’s like a wedding but you don’t need to go to

It really does it matter no don’t be silly I’m going to go check on my um just real quick I’m going to check the mushroom cave and then we’ll go from there oh thank you everyone I can put some things in my dehydrator from that too winter crops um yeah we have there’s

There’s new powder melon um that you can grow in the winter time in this game um it just came out in the most recent update um so it’s really quite new okay you put that away I think I probably want to take back some of that stuff oh maybe not I

Can all stay in there all right let’s just sell all of this how did my chest get so big um I have been uh I bought the like chest size upgrade for from Robin and then oh my God what are you doing uh and then I upgraded them so you

Can buy like a new chest thing from Robin and then do it it’s pretty good okay you insist I take this ancient doll and I put it in the mines yes you’ve been live for 5 hours yeah I went live early 5 hours exactly this is our

Last day though I promise what are all the Hops for um I don’t really need 44 of them to be honest but I have um I was making pale ale with them I don’t really need as many as I have okay so you tell me that I can dump this

Inside of this lava and something will happen that’s what you’re trying to say yeah what that was not what I was expecting okay I got a far away Stone a stone of unknown Origins looks like it could be placed into something okay that was like legitimately terrifying to

Me I thought chat was honestly I thought some of you were lying to me about that where it is a hat oh I can’t sad it’s a plumbob it’s a plum Bob okay I’m told that I can go into the Wizard’s basement with this so I’ll go take it to the wizard

Tower and we’ll see what we can do in there you thought it was a plum Bob hat imagine if it was that would be kind of fun it looks like one when I’m holding it I’m a Sim I’m a Sim oh my raccoon has a wife hungry need fruit dried Cactus

Fruits Crystal fruit jelly okay oh you sell the seeds oh my God okay well we can do that too I think I don’t have any dried Cactus fruits yet but I can get both of those things soon interesting okay to the wizard I should have brought him a

Gift well the fact that you can get those seeds now that kind of changes everything that makes things way easier okay let me just talk to him quick there are many Mysteries around us okay whatever so I put this far away Stone in the vines you say what’s happening what’s

Happening I got a cat it’s a Terraria reference yes oh sorry I’m in your basement wizard don’t touch that oh it’s too late I already did 20 damage plus four speed plus two weight that’s not even that good I like it I think it’s cute okay well it does

Kind of suck but that’s fine it’s still fun to have I think it should be better than that that’s a real sneaky little trick I think it should be better than that that but that’s my personal opinion it is a cat sword and I look cute with

It oh you can change sword skins now oh so I could switch my good sword to look like that eventually problem solved problem solved I feel great about that actually okay I don’t even know how to do that to be honest but I’ll figure it out and we’ll do it and it’ll be

Really good okay I I guess um one of the last things I have to do I need to go do I have to go into like the little witch’s place still or no I don’t remember if I did that or not um how do you change the sword skins I

That’s a good question chat how do you change the sword skin we haven’t been to the island yet gret I know we were kind of holding off on it um before we went up there I have to go to the desert oh my God the desert star

Fruit star fruit star fruit star fruit we have to get star fruit it’s at the volcano oh yeah okay so we have to wait till we get to the desert or to the I can’t speak to the island and then we can do it at the volcano but that won’t be too

Bad we’ll be able to do that volcano Forge we do want to go to the desert though that’s important okay you fished up a pearl in the submarine at the night market you fished up a pearl cool be careful with what sword you put in which slot oh gosh yeah we’ll have to

When we do that we’ll be like extra careful about what we do we’ll make sure we don’t mess it up when we eventually do that um I’m not quite ready to bother with the desert yet or with sorry with the island yet um I want to wait until

We’ve made it a little bit farther at home and then think about it but we’ll make sure we don’t mess it up is she even going to be selling them anymore or am I too late no we’re here on time okay I’m going to buy

Like wait I bought like 41 and I have space for 64 but I don’t think it would hurt if I bought hold on I think I had bought 41 so that means we need maybe I should you know what maybe I’ll just buy 64 now um cuz that way when the others grow

I’ll be able to replace them immediately um instead of just trying to buy only some or something we can just get all of them you always buy like 300 yeah I normally would too but I don’t want to spend all of our money cuz I still want to upgrade like some of our

Tools and stuff stuff so I don’t really want to be too quick like now I only have 177,000 so okay well we’ll go plant those then oh and I can take we have some new wine as well put my hat back on two star fruits that’s my powder melon wine

Okay I forgot I had done that oh I had thought about moving my Greenhouse today I guess that’s fine cuz we can we can hold off until we know more about where I want to rearrange everything before we start doing all that we did some slight rearranging today and that’s

Fine okay save those for later we were going to get a shed too yeah we did we did talk about that oh well thought I said Power melon yeah that would be different that would be different for sure okay I think I’m just going to chop some of this stuff quick and

Then I don’t know if we need to do much else today I’m probably going to get off stream here in a bit like I said this will be our last day you just died in the skull Caverns oh I’m so sorry that is horrible we only went to the skull

Caverns once today I guess we had a lot going on there’s just a lot more going on today like in the winter win than there has been recently um cuz I mean in the previous like back in the day we didn’t have this much stuff in the

Winter we didn’t have this much stuff to do but we had all these like new fishing festivals and stuff going on um okay I’ll keep my little cat sword in there for now save it for later um is the reason to have the mushroom log spread out like that um not

Really there there is a reason to have the mushroom logs close to Wild trees cuz they they’ll give you better stuff if they’re closer to wild trees but you don’t necessarily need to have them spread out they just need to be close to a bunch of trees um which is kind of weird

But I just want to thank you for streaming for 5 hours I’m glad that it was fun for you I’ve been having a good time I’m glad that you thought so I’m going to go up here I’m going to just look around for a couple more forgea bles and then oh see mystery

Box and then I might um I don’t know oh maybe I’ll go to the Quarry I hadn’t really considered that maybe I’ll do some Quarry mining I think there’ll be some more stuff for us in there we haven’t seen Mario’s 14 heart event yet no we still

Have not seen it we’ll have to do that soon we got 12 Hearts today are mystery boxes a forageable oh I don’t really know what they would class as I guess they’re more I would class them as a geode um that’s an interesting thought though okay just chop these last little

Bits what do they say in the description um it just says a blacksmith can open it for you so I don’t really know okay we’ll just mine a bunch of this stuff in the Quarry then while we are here that dropped four oh my God the co or the the um what’s it

Called coal nodes are so useful you get so much coal from that I’m really glad that he made it a bit easier to get coal this makes it like so much more worthwhile to like think about the quy what did Discord mods do like like the people who moderate Discord servers um

They help keep it safe cuz there’s a lot of scary people on Discord a lot of scary trolls on the internet and they like Discord so the Cory is like kind of op now yeah I agree 19 coal from that I didn’t even do anything that covers all the coal that I

Used on my fish they also answer a lot of questions and stuff um just generally kind of help the community don’t we get the golden Scythe now I have it I got the golden Scythe earlier so I do have the golden Scythe already okay let’s put our little powder melon right there all

Right so is that our stopping point for the day chat are we are we going to call it here 10:30 p.m. I think maybe I think we have had a very successful day we’ve done a lot I’ve been live for over 5 hours I should

Probably go to bed in game and go make dinner in real life um I would stay up and and play longer cuz I would sit here and play stard you all day but realistically I should probably um go make dinner so thank you all for hanging

Out with me today it has been a lot of fun um Chen thank you for the sub gift and F baby and T and kalissa thank you for the reubs um next time we play will probably be on Tuesday or Wednesday unfortunately um and that’ll be just

Based on how of how snap surgery goes I guess um but the stream schedule for the next couple of days tomorrow we’re going to be playing Sims um a lot we’re going to be playing Sims like pretty much all day well sort of similar length to

Today’s stream I’ll go live at like 2 like I did today and we’re going to be doing a charity fundraiser um so we’ll raising money for the national Center for transgender equality and doing some Sims build building and then I’m not live on Sunday but on Monday we’re going

To play among us so we have a couple of fun streams planned for the next couple of days um so I will see you there I posted some information about our fundraiser in the Discord if you wanted to see it um I think that um you’ll be

Able to uh get some like resources and stuff in there if you’re looking for it and all that sort of information um and I’m going to go over and find someone to raid actually my friend my friend Sasha is playing right now and she’s doing the

Trout Derby I love the Trout Derby maybe I’ll go ra vixella um if you have not seen her streams she plays a lot of Sims like us um Animal Crossing star do lots of things that we like um and she’s doing the Trout Derby which seems like a

Good time and I have a 52 Monon resub to share um so that that seems like the place we should go over to um I will see you tomorrow for the fundraiser I’m looking forward to it and I will catch you all later okay have a good night

Everybody thanks for playing with me and I’ll see you later bye

Winter isn’t even boring with this new update?!?!

I’m live every night at 4pm EST! Don’t miss my next stream!

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  1. i'm around the same time in my game, and i'm so much further behind, but this is my first time playing so 😅 but i just unlocked the quarry and i found TWO prismatic shards there in one day?? excuse me??

  2. Your raccoon only wanted mussels? Mine wanted 5 cockles! It took me almost a full year in game to collect them and I ended up buying one from the travelling cart for 900. lol

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