Let’s Play Terraria | My BEST & LUCKIEST start yet in Terraria! (Episode 1)

Hey hey how’s it going everybody my name is Python and welcome to the first episode of let’s play Terraria we’ve got ourselves a character already created we’re going to go on to a new world here large Master random evil random seed and we’re simply going to call this the

Let’s play world and here we are my friends so let’s start chopping down some trees while I’ll tell you a little bit about what this series is going to be this is simply going to be called let’s play Terraria and the goal is very very simple we’re going to have fun

Above All Else boss progression is not the sole focus of this series essentially anything and everything goes in this series we can use whatever class we like we can use whatever we want whenever we want we can focus a little bit more on building in this series as

Well basically we’re just going to have fun playing this game it’s as simple as that so if all that sounds like your cup of tea then do be sure to support this video here with a big old like beneath the video I’d very much appreciate it

Folks it helps get this series out there on YouTube and it massively helps out myself the channel and the video if you’re new to this channel via this video today a big warm welcome to you I’ve been playing Terraria for well over a decade at this point and I’ve done a

Hell of a lot of series on this game and to be honest there must be a reason I keep coming back to it I love this game next to Minecraft it is my favorite game of all time it truly is now just a couple of other things to mention before

We get into the meat and bones of this episode the world seed for this world will be listed in the description down below but I will ask that you don’t spoil anything that is on this world I do prefer to explore my world blind I like to be able to find things naturally

And not have you know prior knowledge beforehand so yeah I’d very much appreciate it as a bit of a request if you don’t spoil anything in this world in the comments area down below thank you also if you do want to support this series and my channel even further you

Can check out my range of gaming PCs over at python gb.com PC or if you’re more in the market for some Terraria merchandise you can head on over to Terraria shop and use code python for a whopping 15% off your Terraria merch order so then back to the game check it

Out my friends we’re starting off with some large trees and I got to say the spawn area here is quite nice it’s nice and flat we’ve got ourselves the beginnings of a desert on our left there which means a source of sand which is lovely and yeah we might be able to find

Some good stuff in these chests so here we are starting off with an umbrella we can use that of course not only as a weapon which I don’t think I’ve ever done before but we can also use it for slow falling we are going to get right

On with exploring what this tree has to offer all ready noticing a couple more chests at the very least got ourselves a living wood Loom which is absolutely lovely because we can use this to make ourselves a nice set of furniture early game inside of this chest oh no way

We’ve actually got a finch staff the only thing is it’s a broken one so it’s not going to be doing a great deal of damage for us but any damage is better than no damage let’s see what we have in these chests here actually turns out there’s two chests which is wonderful oh

No way a Wonder sparking oh man that’s a great start to this world here folks I can’t believe this what about this we got climbing claws yeah wow what a start to the world little bit concerned about this gnome that’s rolling around here oh jeez no I

Will not die to a gnome on my first episode that is a big fat no no all right actually turns out there is yet another test up on the top here which is just insane we’ve got a spear on my word this might just be one of the best First

Episodes I’ve had in a very very very long time we’ve got four weapons off the rip what other starting weapons are there that we can even get what a blowpipe that’s all I can think of right now all right anything else for anything else it doesn’t look like it

But you know I’m not giving up just yet we still got a little bit of area to explore here and down this left hand side appears to be the beginnings of a little bit of a cave I guess yeah all right I’m kind of down with this uh

Right I’m not down with the Slime however if he could do me the honors of buggering off then we might just be able to make a little bit of progress here give me this cobweb cobweb being very very useful for making ourselves a bed and therefore setting our spawn point so

The soon we can get ourselves I think it’s 35 bits of cobweb the sooner we can get a bed while we are down here I figure it might be a good idea to start getting ourselves a supply of iron the sooner we can get a supply of iron the

Sooner we can get ourselves an anvil and maybe some other bits of Bobs we need to get ourselves started well I’m thinking things like The Sawmill for example we use the Sawmill to make a loom use the loom to make some silk out of the cobweb

And then the silk is used to make beds oh no oh I hear you there buddy little giant worm little giant worm yeah that doesn’t make a great deal of sense that sentence right there but never mind looks like my finy boy is kind of going in right now this is amazing something

Else I want to mention my friends is yes 1.4.5 the next Terraria update is in active development and basically what’s going to be happening with this series is this series will end once 1.4.5 releases at which point we will sort of start uh in air quotes season 2 of this

Let’s play but just on a new world and characters so we can experience all of the new updates features and additions and all that kind of stuff straight from the rip however at the time of me recording this video I get the impression and I don’t know this for

Sure of course I’m just as in the dark as all of you folks are I imagine there’s probably still maybe a few months to go until 1.4.5 releases so I don’t think we’re in any danger of this series sort of ending very very abruptly

At the very least I figure it might be a nice idea to at least have defeated Moon Lord by the time the 1.4.5 release date comes because technically at that point I would have you know completed the game in air quades but if 1.4.5 isn’t out by

The time I’ve defeated Moon Lord then of course we can move on to maybe some other goals I’m thinking about going for perhaps the universal pylon I’ve never ever gone for that goal before not successfully anyway I think we tried to do it in a previous series but we wound

Up giving up because it wound up being too long- winded but here’s the thing what a large world this time it’s been a very very long time since I have played on a large world in Terraria so we have plenty of space to work with we can make

Ourselves all of the various biomes that we need in order to have every single creature in the entire game be able to spawn in this one world so that’s going to be super handy isn’t it but failing that if we don’t manage to go for the 100% beastiary completion goal then we

Can of course just go for it in the season 2 let’s play all right so already it is night time folks so we’re going to have to be relatively careful here at the very least oh good grief there’s two gnomes here go on go on go on Get

Wrecked yeah all right let’s go ahead and get ourselves some basic gear shall We Living Wood work bench we are going to use a whole bunch of our wood supply to make ourselves wood armor the only thing is it’s going to sort of rid my little look that I’ve got going on here

I spent a little bit of time actually creating my character here and we’ve immediately lost all of that effort The Annoying Thing is we can’t buy The Familiar set of clothing from the clothy air until we’ve defeated Skeletron so we’re stuck with just having the armor

Look but well it is what it is I would always rather have defense going for me than looking good so how’s about we move on to the furnace goal we grab ourselves a whole bunch of stone here we should be able to make a furnace use that furnace

To smelt the iron ore into iron bars and then maybe we can make ourselves an anvil and see what kind of gear we can make only we did come across a fairly large iron vein didn’t we we at 80 bits of iron ore and in fact there’s another

Little rain right here all right very good there is the furnace and here we are with iron bars we’re up to 33 right we’re going to start off by making some chains and as a result of making the chains we should be able to make ourselves a sawmill yep there it is

Two iron bars one chain at the sill of course as I was mentioning we can make ourselves a loom unfortunately we don’t have the 35 cobwebs we need to make ourselves a bed but we can at least make a start on the silk here look at this

We’ve still got 25 iron bars remaining we can make loads of stuff with that you know what I know this might seem a really weird idea but I feel like making a cooking pot might actually be a pretty good idea because if we were to do a

Bunch of fishing which by the way we will be in the series because anything and everything goes then we’re going to want to cook those fish into bits of food that we can eat and that’ll allow us to get ourselves some nice stat boosts which is lovely right an iron

Broadsword or an iron bow can we make both we actually can wow okay oh it’s a good one oh I am liking where RNG is going in this series so far and a decent bow as well what an episode got ourselves a good brle got ourselves

A decent bow a decent spear a decent W of sparking a semide decent umbrella I mean it’s not got minor damage so that’s not nothing I guess the fidge stuff being broken is kind of a bit of a yikes but oh well it’s still better than nothing it’s still our first summon

Weapon so yeah I’m going to call this episode a big old win so far look at my little spiny boy going at it with the zombies oh you ain’t taking no one down today zombo now I know what some of you folks may be thinking those of you who

Have been on my channel for a little bit now oh Python’s just going to use a large trees of starter base again how original no no no we’re not going to do that this time I want to make an actual little starter house so we’re going to

Pick up all of our bits of furniture here and I think what I’d like to do is make my starter base exactly on world spawn and the way we calculate where exactly World spawn is is by using a recoil potion and then we just put

Down like a few torches like that so the three torches I just placed down in other words where Jacob is that is World spawn so how’s about we make a little bit of a start here the good news is when you’ve got NPC surrounding you even

If it’s just one it will vastly decrease the spawn rate of enemies now I know that that there are still enemies here we still have to deal with them but it’s far less than how many folks there would have been if there were no NPCs around lovely stuff daytime has come my

Friendos and that means we can get on with making our starter house with a little bit more peace which is lovely I think what I’d like to do for my starter base is opt for the Living Wood set of furn simply because I think it looks absolutely marvelous so let’s start off

Here with a few bits of lighting I just realized I haven’t made a hammer which actually would be quite useful to us right now so let’s put down the workbench real quick we’ll get ourselves a hammer and that is of course going to allow us to start ridding background

Walls and More to the point smoothing out our builds and yeah I know I know some of you folks may be thinking well you’re just building in the same style you’re usually do there python but you know what I don’t think there’s anything particularly wrong with that I mean yeah

I try my best to sort of evolve my building skills over time but sometimes you just got to accept there are true tried and tested methods that just sort of work I think one of the things I would like to start doing with my building though is actually spacing

Things out a little bit more for any of you guys who have been on my channel for any amount of time you’ll know that I like to cram as many things into a build as humanly possible but no we’re going to go for a slightly different approach

This time in that I want my builds to feel a bit more sort of Airy if you will feel like they’ve got a little bit more head space and at the end of the day that’s what this series is for when we have the sort of normal Let’s Plays

Where we don’t have any restrictions this is where I feel like I’ve got a little bit more freedom to actually work on my building skills a little bit more whereas in my playthroughs for example my class playthroughs I typically focus on Boss progression and just trying to

Complete the series so yeah we got some fun stuff going on here folks maybe we could put a little chandelier up there right now I feel like we need to top this off with a little bit of a roof so let’s do exactly that and as you can see

We’re going for a nice pointy tipped roof we’re going to make it go up maybe three blocks here and then top it off with another three blocks yeah a very very tall roof going on here to the point where we might actually be able to squeeze in three MPC

Houses we’ve got this bottom area which is basically just for us and actually as a result of the NPCs being sort of in this attic layer they should be more safe so you know when a blood moon comes and the zombies start bashing down the doors the NPCs will be up here the

Zombies won’t be able to get to them and yeah they should be able to live to Die Another Day by some other stupid means all right let’s quickly smooth off the inside ceiling here and then we shall see about trying to get a bunch of NPC

Spaces sorted out I know I was saying that I’d like to space things out a little bit more but when it comes to early game I think it’s a good idea in fact to try to get yourself as many NPCs as early as humanly possible because it

Means you’ve got more people to buy stuff from really uh right this isn’t tall enough I think we need to make this go up a block and actually I’m noticing something one 2 3 4 5 6 okay 1 2 3 4 5 how did that happen this building is one block Too

Short uh right quite how that has R up being the case I’ll never know but it is the case and we are going to try to work around it the only issue now is I don’t think I can squeeze three NPC spaces in into this attic so we’re just going to

Opt for two oh dear looks like the gu’s having a bit of a time down here let’s see if we can’t give him a little bit of assistance and actually what might be a good idea right now is for us to put down some of these things here that

Might just make things a little bit safer you know so long as the guide doesn’t keep letting them in by opening the door constantly that is this should be able to be classed as an NPC space so let’s get ourselves a bit of furniture in those rooms and then we should be

Good to go so in this bottom room we’ll have ourselves a table and chair in this top space I’m thinking we put down our crafting table Yeah there should be a nice little setup we got going on here you know what how about we have a little

Bit of exterior lighting as well maybe we can have a couple of little mini lanterns rather like this yeah maybe we can put the loom up here we got ourselves an anvil a cooking pot amongst other things astonishingly I have haven’t placed down a single chest for

Storage yet so we should probably do a little bit of a something something about that and a couple of floor lamps for good measure as well there we have it right all that’s left to be done is for us to get the background walls in time for the million pound question do

We okay no I already know that we don’t have enough resources to get this base completed ah that is a sad State of Affairs but no worries I’m sure we can do a little something something about that maybe we can go chop ourselves down another tree or two or maybe we could

Embrace our green thumb and see about planting some trees that’ll be a nice idea eh but yeah we’re actually very very almost done with our stup base and I got to say I’m actually a big big fan of how it’s turned out what in the name

Of all that is good in the world is this guy doing in here did he actually just spawn in my base like what why is there a purple slime in here oh no it’s night time again oh no I hope that we don’t get killed in our Pursuit for many more

Bits of wood get out of it I hate these ones that have got a little sword on them they do such a crazy amount of damage to you it’s not even funny all right excellent a few trees taken out of the game just got to get back to base oh

Dear that may be easier said than done you know what we have I think throwing knives oh dear right uh right throwing knives might be the way to go actually come on come on come on oh yeah this is so the way to go yeah well these guys

Really aren’t going to let me get through here huh okay okay I see how it is terrari the good news is we managed to inadvertently Farm quite a lot of torches out of all of those torch zombie dudes so that’s pretty handy dandy actually and I’m very grateful that

We’ve got all of these throwing knives here we are bucket base finally let’s get the rest of these background walls in shall we folks oh dear wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait bit of an invasion going on here uh I figur we should probably take

Them out of the game if we walk away from the house and then come back the NPC should spawn in the top in his actual room and then we should be okay yeah there he is I like how he’s taken the attic room even though I assigned

Him the house below what the heck he’s just trying to take the penthouse that’s what’s going on there just unbelievable Behavior coming from the guide right there folks all right very very good right all the backrounds are now in this is valid this is occupied although for

Some reason the guide is taking the freaking room up there I’ll never know why but there we have it I think what’s missing from this base is some windows are we really about to risk our life to get some sand to make some windows I think we all know this answer to this

Should be able to do this relatively quickly via the usage of bombs here come on now give me give me give me all the beautiful sand so we’re at the smelter we’re going to make for ourselves some beautiful glass walls and then yeah it’s window time my friends maybe we can even

Squeeze in a window up the top here maybe a couple of little windows at the back in this tiny room and there we are ladies and gentlemen my starter base fit to house to NPCs we’ve got plenty of space down the bottom to maybe put some storage maybe some other bits of

Furniture later down the line I am loving these throwing knives they are so so effective early game you get yourself a supply throwing knives and you can take down hordes of zombies with absolute ease like I’m actually kind of staggered how effective these things are

I always just pass them up I just Chuck them away in a chest and just never see them again but no they’re pretty useful the spear is equally as effective as the throwing knives actually I think the throwing knives are better simply because they do more damage but the

Spear still does a good amount of damage it’s enough to keep all of these armed guys at Bay so you know what when it actually comes to all of these little starter weapons we got going on here they’ve all got some sort of usage we’ve

Got Finch staff just to give us a little bit of damage in general we’ve got ourselves the umbrella so we could fall a little bit slower we can die which is absolutely wonderful wow we had a gold coin on us I didn’t realize we’d been going so hard against the mobs of the

Night if that guy thinks he’s going to keep my gold coin though he’s got another thing coming it’s this guy right here yeah you got little gold shimy particles coming out of here there we are thank you for the coin even though it’s mine and there we are the end of

Another night my friends and I think that’s also going to double up as as wrapping up the episode we’ve got ourselves a lovely starter base going on here I’m feeling pretty good about it let me know if you got any hints tips or suggestions or feedback regarding this

Build i’ try my best to read and respond to as many comments as humanly possible but yeah for now my friends it’s time to wrap it up thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode and you’re excited for more episodes of this series to come I’d

Really appreciate it if you’d head down beneath the video and support this series with a big old like rating hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now thanks so much for watching have a great

Rest of your day and I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Let’s Play Terraria – Welcome to Let’s Play Terraria Episode 1! We embark on our brand new Terraria journey on a LARGE world on Master Mode! We get started with some essentials and a starter house!
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▶ Let’s Play Terraria World Seed
(Large World / Crimson World)
This works for Terraria 1.4.4 on PC/Steam. Unfortunately I can’t say for sure if the above seed will work on console/handheld versions. Please don’t spoil anything that’s in this world in the comments!

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This is Episode 1 of my Let’s Play Terraria series on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay


  1. This reminds me of my childhood when I used to watch a lot of your videos. Came by to drop a like to show that I still support you and am happy that you're still doing this. Great content dude!

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