Minecraft, But There’s MONOPOLY Hearts

Monopoly man has stolen my heart and turned the entire world into his board game and is this the starting space that’s the Monopoly man you know the dude on the box and he’s also the one who stole my heart oh you going down mate prepare to die what I just got

Bounced back please throw dice to start playing H do I have a dice I don’t no no no no no no no how are we supposed to play the game are we just trapped here forever how am I going to catch up to man how do I get my hearts back unless

Wait a minute left a dice behind maybe we can turn it into an item please yo that’s one of our hearts it’s literally right there but I can’t get to it I can’t get to it unless the fishing rod maybe we can drag it towards ourselves

Oh there we go a little bit closer oh I think it’s across the line and we’ve got ourselves the dice heart chump chump chump chump chump we actually got it let’s go dice pet yo this is going to be the only way we can win except this game

Is endless unless I use the power of my heart to defeat Monopoly man and Escape you can’t just steal my dice that’s cheating no it a you left it behind boo $500 no no no no no no no now we only have 2,000 bucks yo we need to be

Careful not to go bankrupt otherwise I’m going to lose okay please dice roll a it’s so cute it’s a little dice B and he follows me around but how do I actually use it how do I roll it sneak to rig your own dice no way hold up so

If I sneak down and then click on it dude I can pick any number I want but the larger the number the more expensive so we can’t quite afford six yet the next best thing is five but then we’ll be poor but if we want to catch Monopoly

Man as fast as possible we’re going to need the highest numbers in our dice here goes nothing roll it down we got the five but wanting low funds if we go bankrupt that means we lose the game hold up if we lose then surely we’ll Escape right wrong because if I lose

This game Monopoly man will get the power to control me and turn me into a metal piece four and five we landed on the train station wait where Monopoly man go he was right there that means he’s way ahead of me I need to catch up fast all right let’s buy this property

Boy what I’m literally inside a train station wait there’s the heart behind all the killer trains we just need to stay calm and walk carefully cuz if I get hit I am going to die instantly look left look right I followed the rules and oh why it every

Time I follow the rules I almost die okay okay we just got to keep up the pace keep up the pace no don’t keep up the pace stop stop come on the heart’s right there we are so close Okay that was way too close for my

Heartbeat I think I’m going to get a heart attack but we succeeded nonetheless and we just unlocked the choo choo explosion every time I survive a property I get a monopoly heart and eating it gives me powerful items and abilities yo all right dice pet let’s go

Again oh right I am literally way too poor why didn’t that give me any money guess we’re just going to have to roll the peasant way please be good that’s not good too how am I going to catch up to Monopoly man with two bro one or two

And I’m on chance Monopoly that’s either really good oh really bad I can’t look what what am I supposed to do am I supposed to go through all of them who are you welcome to the chance game show ey stream game show no no no in this

Show you must randomly choose the Cor W door to survive great I have a one in four chance and if I choose wrong I die okay you know what I’m just not going to participate you can’t force me oh we’re getting out of here baby we just wait

Pick one now or I’ll disqualify you okay I mean surely the first one you put down is the right one and then the other ones are just decoys right nobody uses the first one as the wrong door come on come on please please please wrong door wait what who decided the

First one will be the wrong door I’m not going in I just got shoved in no no oh my lordy Lord that is a whole lot of killer mobs I can’t fight these mobs look at how stacked they are and where did all my items go they’re gone I

Couldn’t even fight them if I wanted to I’m going to get sent back to go or worse I’m going to lose and become a metal piece unless wait a minute I do have one item the Choo Cho train all right let’s place this down and hope

This works yo it just blew that zombie into the sky come at me boys yeah I’ve got destroyed oh okay we need to lure them out somehow oh wait we can come around this corner and send the trade in this is too easy still one around that

Corner okay let’s get the angles right here we go down it goes and boom destroyed oh yeah I may have picked the wrong door but I didn’t pick the wrong items getting that train station was the best decision oh no no no no no no no

Another three doors do you reckon we can use the train to break through the doors and see what’s behind them a pit of drum Stones yet that goodness I didn’t and picked that one I would have literally died please be goody where through all right we might actually get

Something good out of this chance card y’all come on come on come are you serious are you serious another two doors come back a little launch it yo we got through we got through and if we picked a door we would have only got a chance or a community chance because I’m

Skipping the door I get both okay I’m totally not cheating whatsoever but you know what we are fighting against the literal Monopoly proman all right we cannot afford to lose we need to take every uh precaution that we can we just got a chance card and what does the

Community chest give us a key I wonder what this unlocks okay we need to keep an eye out on this board there has to be somewhere we can use this key but the chance card we should be able to use right now does it just give me free

Stuff y 100 Buck ofo All right we can take that cuz I am a broky man it’s literally a Lucky Block I mean $100 isn’t that much but we can just reuse it again and get infinite money your dog ate all your important documents do go

To jail do not pass go do not collect 200 no great apparently we need to be a lot more careful and only use this thing in emergencies I could use Choo Cho explosion but then I’d probably blow myself up I don’t think that’s enough distance the key no guys I’m clicking

Right now look at this it’s not opening whatsoever I think we’re going to have no option but to use our chance card again all right bro I need you to clutch up at least feel a little bit bad for getting me in this mess you helped a Mina find diamonds receive Dynamite I’m

Not sure how I helped a minor while I was literally trapped in a Cell but we can use this to escape W bam we out baby there guard’s right there okay we need to be super careful we do not get spotted around the back where is the

Exit to this joint oh there’s a GU there there’s a GU there there’s a GU there holy Hallelujah there’s a guy right there okay I don’t know where the girl went we should be able to follow that guy behind oh oh my gosh I can’t believe

She didn’t see me hide to here oh no no no no don’t look holy mother oh there’s one down there jump down oh there’s another down there’s everywhere this place is crawling with them I’m sorry guys I can’t let you out but I have Mission I

Have a mission I need to get my hearts back oh wait she’s going to see us hide hide hide hide into the Gap come on okay pass pass P okay that way quick this is our last opportunity oh my gosh we just made it around and we’ve got ourselves

The jail heart dude yo I’m not cut out for jail guys I’m not cut out for this imprison your target for 10 seconds okay that’s what I’m talking about I’m out what I’m still in jail are you Ser oh wait I I was just looking the wrong way

All right dicey come on you gave me two last time give me a six give me a six come on please pleas this is literally like playing Monopoly in real life I am Fury yes no I’m never going to catch up to my man with such small rows all right

Where are we at we landed on a property yes okay can we afford it is that Top Hat speaking to me is that a monopoly piece or something you want free stuff why do I feel like this is definitely a trap all you got to do is Catch

It how you going to run anyway this is going to be a piece of cake bro you’re literally a metal block uh Top Hat where am I did you trap me inside a giant skyscraper is this how I buy the property get him boys who is he talking

About oh no I’m being chased I’m being chased how do we stop them imprison your target for 10 seconds that’s it the prison whistle come on yo we just got two of them we get the rest of them no no no he’s already sted the parkour

That’s cheating we got to catch up quick stop these guys oh no it only lasts for 10 seconds we got to move oh no they’re coming they’re coming up they’re coming up they’re coming up we got to retra them okay parkour here there next spot

Around the corner oh no how far ahead is Top Hat guys ow I just got crushed by that platform how do I get on that okay round here and what does this do yo where is he guys where is he how far ahead there he is quick prison whistle him

Go L take the lboy wait it only lasts for 10 seconds okay we shouldn’t be taunting him we need to move we need to move come on come on go go go no I’m on the wrong side of the Rope come on jump yes he’s coming up get the heart we got

Ourselves the heart the kinetic hat what does this dude throw anywhere bounce every yo that is dop actually it’s a hat I know I can throw it but you reckon I could wear it too oh I’m looking kind of spiffy fine chaps please something better than one

Please please please yo three and double roll ability activated you have rolled a six hey yo did the top hat just make me a rolling genius oh we’re definitely catching up to Monopoly man now four five and six yeah wait I went from 300 to 100 bucks I barely have enough money

Why did I lose unless oh no this is aack BAS the bank just took all of my money if I don’t steal it back I’ll go bankrupt and lose the game where are you hiding my money oh we’re inside the bank staff only yeah that’s definitely where

The vault is we’re going in there oh there are cameras guarding the entire Place wait a minute we get the geometry just right yo it just bounced off and took out both cameras okay we’re in business all right we just got to make sure any other cameras okay okay come on

Come on get it right on the corner no it’s so hard to get these bouncing thing right maybe if we bounce it off that wall I think we got it yo it’s out baby now for the next one here we just got to bounce it on this wall there did we get

It hey it’s down all right there’s another camera there I reckon the best way to do this is to go straight forward and snipe it yes nice this is so good oh there’s two more C wait dicey dicey what are you doing here you’re going to get

Us busted get into my hand okay let’s Bounce It Off the Wall here and get each camera come on okay we got one now to get the other one if we go across it’s going to see us I think the best option here might just be to snipe it out come

On come on come on bam we are through there’s the Vault that’s it this has to be be where they’re keeping all of my money wait no the prison guards are coming from me guys HH ah prison whistle bow yeah you want to take me to

Prison oh how do you like a taste of your own medicine police boys oh okay we better get out of here before they escape it’s not going to be very long oh here they come here they come get them out get them out get them out Bankers

Summons Bankers that will steal for you I like the sound of that give me a little bit of mola um can we get out of there thank you oh thank goodness I was not looking forward to going back to the prison space again give us a good roll

Four oh that’s okay not great hopefully there will be a good space here all right four Community chest this is where we can use our key this is the spot come on come on come on give me something good the money maker I love the sound of

That okay D I’m literally holding the chest in my two hands what does this do oh bro just ate up the blocks and gave me 1,000 Buck of R I’m literally breaking the map and earning ching ching we just got to keep doing this over again chump a yo $2,000 baby $3,000

$4,000 I like it I like it I like it please stop breaking the map or you will be fine again uh I’m sorry Monopoly guards for breaking them I promise I won’t do it again we just got to find something else to break you guys but we

Got 5 grand now that’s plenty of money we might actually be able to afford to buy ourselves a property at least if we land on one come on dicey six yo that’s epic okay come on what are we getting finally yes all right give it to me baby

Now we can make Monopoly man land on them and he’s going to have to pay us rent so we can make him go backr check it out we got ourselves what’s this property called ventor Avenue sure I went down to 4,100 but I reckon it’s

Worth it look at my face I own this baby what you’re telling me every other property is owned by Monopoly how did he Zoom around this place so quick but wait I think that’s the free parking spot right there we need to roll a perfect three all right let’s roll ourselves a

Three come on here we go perfect nice all right one 2 three and we are safe and free parking and there seems to be some sort of puzzle that we need to solve what is this okay that’s the bottom one yo it just built an entire bottom floor but what’s that going to

Help me get that’s what it’s going to help me get there’s two Hots up there we just got to build the rest of this hotel hotel complete nice all right we should be able to reach those hearts what do you think’s in there a freak parking

Heart but what’s the other one for all right we got ourselves free parking heart and a property heart dude what do you think these things do a red car travel with style and then the property heart lucky villager but how do I use it wait Monopoly man is right there hold up

We’re going to catch him he’s only three spots away are you serious right now this is our opportunity to use the bankers come on come on come on give me his money oh he ain’t going to see this coming he’s just looking in his community chest give it to me yo hide

Hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide come on bring it back you just sto from me oh totally not me totally not me yes bring me back his money this ain’t his money this is his money mustache wait 150% luck is that how he’s been

Cheating this entire time I need to try this on now that I have all the hearts Monopoly man is going down all right let’s try out this lucky villager give me something even better combine with my mustache this has to be good come on what do you trade what I have never seen

A villager do this before um um come on it’s spinning give me something good no no no not that not that not that we almost landed on bankrupt that was way too terrifying that would have been awful we can spin again I mean we’ve got 150% luck right I’ve never seen an

Enchant that’s high in my entire life okay here we go come on give me something good come on come on come on land on the best one yo it’s so close come on come on yes jackpot baby uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh wait what is the

Jackpot what does that do oh no way no way I own all of the properties but the Monopoly man’s not moving he’s making sure he never moves and then we can never beat him oh I know what to do can we place down the red car and we get a

Remote control yo look at me there’s me and now I’m the car we can pick up Monopoly man and take him to our most expensive properties get in the car boy what are you going to do about it nothing wait what oh sorry uh could you please put your seat belt on it’s

Important for safety here yeah we own the green one and now to the most expensive ones as we all know the dark blue come on come on oh 4,500 that is crazy all right and now the most expensive property on the board let’s take him down yeah not enough

Money he’s bankrupt he can’t even pay the last one Monopoly man is gone bankrupt we just won the game let’s go Victory take that take the W oh no sorry take the L that’s the wrong one wait he he just gave me something I thought we were competing I thought you hated me

Wait you were trying to help me this whole time you’re telling me this is our last heart this will return my world to normal the server will go back to normal and you guys can start playing with me again which by the way if you didn’t

Know the IP is play. server.com and you can join on Bedrock Edition or on Java Edition guys any device you like just Chuck in that IP the port is 1 19132 but this is it guys we’re about to play together again let’s eat the final heart and here we go wait new form

Unlocked why am I so fat no I thought that was going to you didn’t tell me it was going to make me like you I don’t want to play M for the rest of my life get me out of Here

You won’t BELIEVE these MONEY MONOPOLY GAME HEARTS in Minecraft! Will I Get RICH?!

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. EY I just come to a seed it is so scary a flower just brock and I sow a flying block not on they hell and I sow red eyes in they mines pls check that seed

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