Minecraft but there’s Only One Block

What the heck where’d all the land go oh gosh okay looks like we got a singular oh that’s a voice crack it seems like we got one block to work with here oh gosh i don’t want to break the only block i have to survive okay it’s it’s still there

Infinite dirt don’t worry i will rebuild i will paint the top of you to make grass i will neigh and bar what the heck i thought i thought i thought this was just dirt i got a tutorial block oh he’s so cute i will name you tutorial block hey don’t judge

Me i’m not feeling very creative today you know what i’ll call him king tut how about that turt like tutorial there you go little buddy you got a home what the heck you can right-click at me at any point to get some information what do

You just throw out there oh my okay hey we got cows and land and stuff thanks king tut we were just one block but my king has given me land he said we could right click him to get some information viking tell me everyone has to start

Somewhere maybe you can find a pickaxe to help mine the one block interesting i need to find a pickaxe uh well this just gives me dirt so let me make my way over to the island see if there’s something interesting over there whoa i just got

An oak plank from this okay it gives me a little more than just dirt that’s good to know heading over to a magical island that a magical man made me and yes sorry king tut i did not mean to put you there dude don’t worry dude i’ll come

Grab you i just use my king as a step stool okay so we got a sheep over here hi buddy wouldn’t you like to be friends okay oh careful buddy there’s only one of your kind nothing much else on this island here oh there is a chest a

Tutorial pickaxe oh sweet dude before i go i gotta rescue king tut over here my bad dude my bad please don’t fall in the void buddy boy okay we got him let’s test out this pickaxe shall we oh it might so fast oh heck yeah there’s a

Piece of wood that’s quite nice oh look at me go blocks for days oh this is so much nicer than punching it with my fist man my fingernails were all dirty we got a village block placed down to load the village area thanks mr king tut

You’ve given me a village uh where do i place the village i don’t know go village more magical particles oh i see launch is over here gosh dang it i need to block over there now go magical village wow that’s awesome dude i have friends now hi friends let me make sure

I have enough blocks oh i just got coal that’s nice wow cobblestone i just made a bunch of wooden tools all right well at least i can get cobblestone now that’s nice goodbye wooden tools you have not been useful i’ll miss you forever all right let’s block over this island shall we

We have arrived hello friends i’m a villager like you except i’m blue and i say more words than her oh i thought we would get some loot from this guy buddy buddy be careful there dude i need to build a fence around this place otherwise that guy might die there’s no

Loot or villagers i’m a lonely one block boy at least i got a bed now so that’s good it’s me and you mr iron man iron man can i be spider-man we could be a crime fighting duo you and me dude okay this was engaging conversation this phase isn’t

Over yet gather resources from the one block to help build your base and fight off the zombies uh-oh did you hear that buddy zombies zombies does not sound good dude all right let’s head to the one block and oh goodness it might be zombie battle top oh gosh oh no no no no

No no no i thought zombies were gonna spawn later or something man oh that is a lot of zombies iron man over here dude help me out here man yeah you’re big headed zombies why are their heads so large i mean i’m not judging i got a big

Head myself take this what the heck one of them has a book it looks like oh i want that book i don’t know what’s inside it but it seems important yeah that’s a lot of zombies dude oh my it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine oh can you help

Me out here man i’m fine for my life over here dude come on in yes get him yeah iron man to the rescue all right well better late than never i guess and we got ourselves a book here it’s a zombies journal dear diary still love brains

Okay wait a minute by greedy oh man that’s my evil cousin stupid cousin stop trying to unblock the world you’re ruining my prank i’ll send more monsters your way they already don’t burn in the sun i’ll upgrade them more oh what you should upgrade there greedy is your

Grammar and spelling my goodness okay so this makes sense now my cousin greedy put me on this one block to prank me i guess and he’s not happy with me unone blocking the world so i have an idea so if r1 block is spawning in structures it

May eventually give me the end portal if i can get to the end and defeat the dragon then i can use that over world portal to get back to a normal non-one block overworld that’s the plan at least we may be here for a while so i figured

We could make this place a little more homey ah much better it isn’t exactly a beautiful home but i expanded out our little areas i made little cobblestone walking places i really wanted to make fences across the entire area but i use basically all of my wood and i don’t

Have much at all so iron man please don’t die on accident that would be awesome of you the only thing i don’t love is i kind of have to munch on rotten flesh for now to get my hunger up dip it in barbecue sauce and it’s not so bad something new yeah

No more barbecue sauce rotten flesh for me dude we got ourselves a farm where are you going where’s the farm all the way over there come on man you couldn’t put them glow closer together and villagers don’t worry iron man you will soon have villagers to protect goodness

Does this mean we it’s green now oh yes our one block upgraded we got ourselves some fences seems that when we upgrade our one block we can’t get the items from before or at least they’re much rarer so i need to make sure i get as

Much food as possible now just in case it upgrades and all it gives me is diamonds diamonds are awesome but uh pretty bad for your teeth we have made it are they gonna go all the way to the village oh what a lovely day there you

Go buddy don’t be shy there you go okay looks like we got a cow and a sheep now that are uh best friends or something so we can lead these animals back over to the farm and make a whole meat farm although i do get raw beef now from my

One block so i don’t necessarily need that anything fun in the chest ah no but a lovely dandelion dandelion well king tut what’s going on here buddy boy the ground needs water for the plants to grow i got you i got you i don’t have iron yet for a bucket there’s no water

In this either well you are a fisherman aren’t you he does trade a bucket of cod okay well that’ll do it i don’t know why he’s carrying around a fish in a bucket and then you’re a fletcher okay okay so i can get sticks from you one two three

Thank you my dude and from you my good sir i can get myself the bucket of cod thank you for chester chester’s fish by the way this is probably a little unsanitary but there you go chester roam free my boy oh you gained a villager shield and now the crops should be able

To grow whoa what the heck it’s just a villager holding a shield he doesn’t look so good either well that’ll be helpful i guess this is so funny all i see is the back of his head oh turns blocked attacks into emerald that’s a cool little power all right mr tutorial

Block what’s next we’ll need to find a way to grow yeah whoa whoa whoa greedy come on man you can’t surprise me like that at least we can use our villager shield let me farm some of these guys heart and a half where’s iron man when i need him i just

Want to kill one of these guys there we go and now i can farm this guy or some emerald oh this is so spooky dude we’re fine we’re fine oh that was great and i ended up with 18 emerald mr villager you’ve crushed it for me buddy thank you i’ve seen too

Much and using the bones from the skeleton i got myself some bone meal all right it’s not much but i got 14 seeds more skeletons well it is nice to get extra bone meal here don’t have a lot of food and i’m not gonna kill my cow so i

Guess back to rotten flesh it is yo what’s up yeah this shouldn’t be too bad they have only one path to get to me i got a couple arrows that’ll be good for the dragon fight at least the more bone meal i can get from these guys the better any

Skeletons over here you guys well we got some bones and some arrows so it looks like iron man has protected the village good job buddy i’m proud of you and since we got the emeralds might as well get a couple more buckets of water here

There you go and in case i fall off i don’t want to lose the fish if i put a water block there yeah infinite water and now they’re fish buddies so now just in case i fall off i have the water down there so i can jump in and swim should

We try it oh this is scary i’m mining i’m mining soul whips i fell back in the water all the way up we go time to get myself some more resources the food is what i’m after right now oh a cave okay by the way i made myself

A nice little tree farm over here now we got a little chest area too well here goes nothing i guess oh that’s so satisfying whoa there goes all our gravel there looks like a pretty decent looking cave iron doors no way to get past those i will craft a bottom

Now i can get past those sorry button i didn’t need you after all i’m gonna use it anyways hold on before i go into the dungeon i am not prepared at all time is running out for our 3 million subscriber merchandise celebrate with us and go to crafty.store

Before it’s too late yes it seems every upgrade or block upgrades here looks like a lot of cobblestone some iron okay that’s good iron seems relatively rare at least i can get myself you know an iron sword at the very least maybe a pair of pants it’s always good to wear a

Pair of pants let’s smelt up those i’ll make a pickaxe and a pair of pantaloons i want to take you with me mr king anything else you got for me though you need to stop dumb jim in the cave dumb jim uh did you misspeak there did you

Mean dungeon or is this gonna be a really bad pun i have a feeling it’s gonna be a bad pun we’ll make ourselves a pickaxe pair of pants now we’re dungeon ready folks i probably should have made a sword but i’m not going to our button doesn’t even work that’s a

Doorbell now use me dungeon anybody home i’m scared i’m not as stacked as i probably should be to be honest quite dark and spooky in here hello hello what the heck did you hear that hello i hear a villager whoa hey buddy are you a little lost there dude hey i’m jim and

I’m dumb i knew it was a pun i could really use some books to learn from i have a little drool in your mouth there dude i do have that book from greedy although i don’t think that’s gonna be very useful for him because you know the

Spelling of it wow this place is gorgeous i’ve missed the oh we’ve got a stronghold oh gosh that’s void that’s wow all right my heart sank into my chest uh it’s already in my chest my heart sank into my belly this means if i can find the end portal that’s our

One-way ticket yeah oh okay well thanks for the help there minecraft i got zero eye of ender on here that’s nice this is what we have to have to get out of this place and get back to the overworld so we gotta keep this in mind for later a

Library nice okay our dumb jim needs himself some books so hope these are full of good stuff and not any monster propaganda oh man that is quite a drop oh gosh i messed up guys i don’t think this door leads anywhere man i am so lost okay is this

The way i got are you serious i did one giant circle i am so lost yeah oh thank goodness dumb jim okay okay there it goes i thought he wandered off somewhere i got some books for you dude thanks so much i’ll follow you back to the village

Now uh hey jim that block is not the village dude okay that’s a different block please don’t go under blocks like that come with me buddy ooh zombie careful dumb jim what the glitch mob hey i can’t even damage them dude take them out oh all right i’m out i’m out i’m up

This is bad clearly my sword is not working no thank you jimmy teleport do you teleport jim i saw you teleport earlier he does oh my gosh he’s so derpy i love you so much i know it was scary in there man thanks for bringing me back

To the village take this staff it will confuse mob dumb jim staff dude you had this the whole time right click to send out a huge wave that’ll confuse mob not really sure how this is used just yet yeah apples are blue wow all right well

It works on me too i’m gonna keep this handy for now man that was spooky town city dude hey my tree was once sapling is thou a beautiful green boy next stop upgrades i spent a while mining the one block for resources and i expanded the island a bit and made myself an

Automated smelter because it’s cool i don’t know don’t judge me the one block dropped some chicken spawn eggs so i figured we’d flush out the farm i led the cows and the sheep from our first island over to the farm and instead of making bread with the wheat i bred some

Mobs that my friend is called a wordplay i checked on my villagers And from my automatic smelter that is totally not useless don’t stop i made new tools and a full set of iron armor oh yeah oh i made a second pair of leggings well hey we got an upgrade dude looks like a spiky block no i think those are little trees yeah it’s a

Tundra block all righty let’s spawn ourselves oh here it goes snap it’s gorgeous look at this place man this is really filling out let’s see what the tundra has to offer wait wait first mr tutorial block anything i should know about greedy has glitched the mobs making it impossible for you to

Hurt them well i figured that out need to find an item that’ll slow their code down i don’t know if our confusion wand is going to help us out to slow down code but i don’t know worth a try i guess we’ve made it puppies please don’t tell

Me that you’re evil are you a kind puppy i’ve only got two bones buddy is that gonna work come on am i not good enough for you that actually looks pretty much it for the island let me head over here to this other one

Oh i just heard a bad guy oh no more glitch mobs don’t hit me off the edge here i don’t want to lose all my stuff i wasn’t exactly ready for a battle dude yeah they’re still invincible here uh jim’s wand attack they’re fighting each other perfect okay i can’t fight them

But at least they can fight each other that works head up the mountain confusion sandcastle apples okay you fight each other a chest ice code sword mobs will temporarily be frozen after me all right i’m gone okay ice code sword king tut is that what you were talking about but before i do

Anything else i want pepper friends please i’m getting lonely dude and it would make me less lonely if you subscribed and left a comment hi buddy yeah we got a little puffer we got two puppers we got three puffers come on back buddies oh gosh please don’t fall

Off the edge you guys i will be so sad i will cry and when i cry i cry diamonds and it is very painful i guess there’s use for my rotten flesh i don’t like it but you guys certainly do oh we even got a little tiny puffer best day ever did

We already upgrade our oh yeah the iron seems a lot more common so i mined the one block a whole bunch made my doggies a nice little chili dog house Well glad i made that elevator and made a few snow golems at each island i also named my automatic smelter frank because he seemed like a frank hey we got an upgrade we got ourselves an ocean block that’s awesome looks like there’s a little shipwreck on there and everything

That’s awesome looking got my own little beachfront man frank’s out here working overdrive we got a ton of iron from that i don’t know if we’ll need that much earlier but uh don’t tell frank okay i’m gonna keep you guys here for now i don’t know what kind of dangers lie ahead for

This guy so far we’ve had to deal with a lot of scary mobs we got some crazy new blocks out of this we can give our puppers a nice little nightlight there you go oh and what a nice looking block across the island as well oh now we’re talking man who would have

Known you’d see crafty build in a video but this isn’t the closest we’re gonna get to 100 days maybe before we get too distracted let me go check out this island over here looks like there’s wood over there there might actually be a shipwreck yeah that is definitely a

Shipwreck land oh we’ve made it oh what a great looking little island this is awesome any secrets live ah very fresh water i mean literally it just spawned in a second ago any nice loot in here a hot one block flintlock say that ten times fast we also got a

Little bit of whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that glitched cracking ooh bad that was not cool no thank you wow that does a lot of damage attack magma q hit him in the eyeball i don’t have a that’s a one heart no no no i think i’ve figured out his movements i

Gotta shoot him in the eyeball it looks like nobody else damages him we got this he’s almost taken out at least now we got a weapon almost come on yeah we’ve got him and our little magma creams are just hanging out oh my god wow that was

Spooky man well at least we got our one block flintlock one block flint block one block synthetic i love you okay sorry i shot you out of a cannon well after that cracking battle i did feel powerful but i needed a little break i have so much iron from frank good job

Frank that i was able to build two iron golems to protect the village and harvested my first bits of wool to make more beds in hopes the villagers would breed i cleaned up some of the bridges too looks nice then went back to mining the one block when this happened

Yes dude finally my goodness deep cave block my friend we got ourselves an upgrade our one block upgrade too yeah okay we’re getting cold woods some experience bottles maybe some diamond uh looks like no hey there’s a diamond all right it’s pretty rare but we officially have diamonds now it’s time whoa where’d

It go oh it’s going underneath the previous cave check that out i’m also a little scared well at least now we have our flint lock in case we run to any other uh you know glitched mobs or whatever king tut anything to say you need to collect 10 obsidian from deep in

The caves and drop them on the main one block oh that’s new okay i need to find 10 obsidian well if i’m gonna do that i probably should mine and get a couple more diamonds here hey there it is all right we got our three diamond we shall make a pack and

This guy shall go to cthulhu goodbye come with me pal i can use the moral support oh there’s the glitch mobs all right i gotta keep this flintlock nice and handy this might get ugly this is probably a terrible idea can i make this jump okay i couldn’t make that jump ooh this

Is gonna be spooky oh if i keep going down yep i see deep sleep oh there’s one yeah oh it feels nice people take them out wait wait wait i can freeze them yeah and then can i take you out now yeah oh that feels nice okay i found some

Lava i do not have a water bucket maybe i can find some water greedy why are you doing this to us man oh cousin i see you’re enjoying my newest prank stop this greedy this prank is terrible ah it’s kind of fun too if all this continues then my plan will be complete

But you and that tutor block or whatever it’s called keep getting in my way um his name is king tut thank you very much and we’ll do whatever we have to already battling dude come on get out of here slime greedy you don’t have to do

This why are we fighting you know that we both respawn yeah i hate slime yeah you can’t touch me can you greedy the best prank is your terrible combat all right freeze freeze doesn’t work on greedy come on come on yeah No matter my plan will still come true even if that tutorial block has betrayed me wait a minute betrayed me king tut you worked with him yes it’s true i was created by greedy but i rebelled against him all right nice job dude well at least we took down greedy chest new idol

Skye builder one heck yeah man what does this guy do looks like a white lightsaber right click to use blocks from your inventory to build a platform under your feet oh that is awesome okay go whoa look at that man and go go go go oh my goodness

This is so much nicer than manually blocking over can i jump and everything oh yeah and look it really does use my blocks for my inventory it looks like i’m out of dirt oh that is so good i don’t really want to use those welp i’ve

Made a statue wow it’s a giraffe we’ve got ourselves some obsidian we can mine so king tut said i dropped 10 obsidian on the one block right okay goodness gracious guacamole batman what am i supposed to do just don’t die oh they’re all glitch mobs if i take out

All these guys i might be able to survive come on yeah oh my goodness king tut what the heck why are you doing that to me wait they dropped something the nether block oh okay that makes a lot of sense buddy a warning could have been

Nice and all right so never go is it gonna spawn a portal oh is it gonna make a whole nether island does this mean we can go to the nether dude i mean of course it does i gotta get blaze rod and ender pearls to be able to get to the

End and i think that’s basically the only way to do it but first i’ll need some supplies oh sorry guys take good care of frank okay guys i’ll be back in a little bit bye all right my friends honestly i’m a little nervous but we kind of have to never here i come

What oh no is it a one block two dude i don’t even have any obsidian man gosh dang it how am i supposed to get home king tut you could have given me a warning on this all right hold on let me expand this island a little bit okay so if i

Mine this i get netherrack gold it looks like i might eventually get obsidian king tut what happened man time to head to the nether and get battle ready i’m already in the nether give me something okay so it does upgrade like the overworld we got a fortress block here

And go oh my no thank you everything’s totally fine you need to get potion ready head to the fortress and get materials for another wart farm and some blaze rod okay well whatever you say buddy boy let’s do it looks like the only way out is through oh that’s a

Fireball i’m running out of blocks here guys we got the netherwart we need at least so that’s nice king tut says i need to get potion ready for some reason i need some blaze rods here they’re glitched mobs too at the very least i have my eye sword here which might work

Okay okay i can freeze them use my flip-flop all right that’s gonna work yeah okay okay this won’t be too bad until that happens yeah my flintlock does not work they’re not glitched don’t know if i can take out these gas so i gotta be quick and efficient don’t break the spawner dude

Hey that’s eight and that’s nine all right i’m out of here that’s good enough come on dude why are you taking over my island sorry i’m shooting your children out of a cannon okay light this bad boy i’m just gonna grab some more supplies here a chest a new item potion turret

Placed out a turret that’ll target and shoot potions at mars oh dude that’s nice let’s test it shall we go turret well it’s certainly shooting potion they look kind of like health potions watch them shoot like strength to keep this blaze spawner gosh dang it man yeah

We’ve got an army of potion shooters whoa hey some good news here looks like our one block beats them up three for the good and for the bad man it’s kind of rare but it does toss out some diamonds every now and then oh like that hey speaking of

Progress check this out never expansion block oh we summoned two islands over here that means we got ender pearls i might need to get myself at least a gold helmet or something cause those piggies look dangerous all right is that enough oh my gosh all that work for four ingots well got a

Nice new pair of shoes now and it’s time to make ourselves an upgraded sword i kind of have an idea what’s next collect ender pearls and some ancient debris oh i see i gotta get ancient debris from that bastion this’ll be interesting at least yeah right that’s a scary jump hello ender

Boys i need some pearls my dude all right one pearl down 600 to go ooh a chest oh yeah okay oh my god that’s not a normal enderman oh we got all the inner pearls i needed sorry about that enderman that i killed who the heck is

Oh he’s angry that is not a normal enderman uh tutorial block what am i supposed to do here okay that’s unhelpful stay right there buddy the enderman king is looking for a block to carry row me and he will leave you alone throw you oh gosh oh i can’t do that man

Oh if i have to be safe out there king tut yeah okay he’s gone oh he took our king and he dip king tut made the ultimate sacrifice well we at least know what to do next we gotta get that ancient debris and get the heck out of here all right

Bash king midas prepare for battle i’ve fought you before when everything i touched turns to gold but now i’m oh thank goodness you’re not that monster greedy what his pranking has gone too far he’s turning everything into one block thank goodness you’ve been undoing

It all but you must stop him now am i teaming up with king midas oh this is awesome don’t worry buddy i will stop greedy there’s a chest over here i’m afraid to open it king midas is it okay if i open this ooh ancient debris

As i expected just gonna do one of those numbers okay see you guys later king tut said i needed ancient debris and i needed ender pearls uh last time i upgraded it i had to throw the item on to the one block is that what i got to

Do here yes it is oh that was a shot in the dark well i’m out of ender pearls all right that’ll do it let’s get out of here oh it feels so good to be home hi buddies hi buddies hi frank back to the good old one block uh probably should

Get some diamond gear and stuff for the dragon what the heck whoa that was fast an armory block cool what do you have for us whoa the armory was awesome it not only had armor it had an area to make potions a library for enchantments and even a mob

Spawner for nice old xp in no time we were absolutely stacked and ready to take on anything all right where is there you are portal it’s already complete dude oh man all right well guess i won’t be needing these anymore it’s time for a battle oh gosh dang it

Of course the end is a one block i love the dragon heads on this though all right what’s going on here hello crafty greedy just came through here on this one block rampage i know you’re trying to get home but you’d help out a ton of

Mobs if you helped us out if you enter the portal on the right you’ll get sent to another dimension that is normal if you enter the portal on the left you’ll go ahead and face greedy head-on where you may be able to defeat him and free

Us and this item can help you should you choose to fight greedy oh my goodness okay so we got an item now called dragon punch one shot’s all mobs if i go to the portal on the left i’ve got a face greedy head on if i go to the portal to

The right i go to the overwork i think i know what i must do for king touch what hello come on man what teleport me go uh nothing’s happening what’s going on here hello what wait hold on what greedy what is this a greedy dimension well well well you chose safety over

Helping out innocent mobs what no the other portal didn’t even go anywhere selfish and a liar now the whole world will know that you chose yourself over others my ultimate prank hey you tricked me who’s the real superior cousin now well you know what greedy i’ve got a

Couple tricks up my sleeve too and after this you won’t be dragging anybody else down yeah we’ve got a greedy is done oh yes and i’m back in a normal world yeah i wish i could have said goodbye to my puppers there’s a chest here king tuts

Oh how i’ve missed you buddy and thank you for watching subscribe for more like if you enjoyed the video and we’ll see you next time

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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but there’s Only One Block! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but there’s Only One Block

#Minecraft #But #Block


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


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