starting fall in stardew valley 1.6! (Streamed 3/25/24)

Welcome back um yeah I’m going to farm again I can’t stop I really can’t I’ve got a problem I can’t stop so we’re back and we’re farming I I don’t know I don’t think you’re mad though for the most part stardo stardo get this my sister

Was just Spam texting me she she went to check the weather in her game and it was like um there appears to be some kind of anomalous reading I don’t know what it means cuz shanon’s getting the green rain right now she goes what the heck my

House is foggy right as as we speak she’s getting the green rain so she we’ll be getting live text updates from my sister as she’s encountering this for the first time she has not seen anything about it yet so she doesn’t know she doesn’t know what’s

Happening it is green she says all right I’ll let you know what else she gives us cuz I’m looking forward to finding out what she thinks all right anyway hi everyone and welcome back to stardew Valley again lady Aon Leah tby Amy Nat and Haley and naive and Mason and Kayla and basil

Thank you for the subs clinically too thank you so much um you’re going to farm along with me nice nice I’m glad that’ll be fun um what’s green rain oh my God there’s like a special event that happens on a random day in summer um and it’s like literally it’s green

Rain uh we already had it happen on our stream um but we’re just joking cuz my sister is seeing it for the first time in her save right now um so she’s like live texting me as she’s like panicking about what this green rain means um Annie thank you for the 29

Months and kiwi and and call me Sarah and Abby we got Ella magically cie H2 and meow and Julia and Tay and Ryan and Amy and Alice and numbl door thank you so much for the subs everybody um but anyway this should be fun I’m looking

Forward to to getting to farm a little bit as far as goals for today go um it is the 26th of summer so we’re like this close to fall so we have a couple of days to get ready um I would like to finish working on like organizing some

More um and like figuring everything out for the for the next season cuz I am probably going to want to try to get us maybe a few more oh my tea saplings are going to be ready I forgot I haven’t been harvesting that um we’re going to want to try and

Get ourselves a few more more like sprinklers put in so we’ll try and do that too um it is the new Farm layout yeah I’m thinking we’re going to want to try and get some more sprinklers like down here if we could extend this out and maybe extend this part so we’ll

We’ll do that in the next couple minutes um that is our plan but anyway stardy time happy M Monday Tuesday what’s today Monday oh my god I’ve had a long day um it’s okay we’re getting through it we’re getting through it everything’s going to be fine it’s Monday I knew it

Was is Monday it just feels like you know what it literally feels like there’s been more than one day of this week already but we’re getting there no Planet zo no listen this is my greatest embarrassment you guys I had a bit of um

We’ll call it a spiral okay I had I had a bit of a spiral this morning um that resulted in me saying oh my God there’s literally not a single way I could do a sponsored stream today so I had to get my management to tell Planet zoo that I

Was too unwell to do a a sponsored Planet zoo Stream So I said you know what I’m gonna try and farm later a little bit but we’ll see how it goes anyway I’m fine we’re working through it it’s just like the um the ups and downs of me processing snaps cancer diagnosis has

Been like um yeah so woo you know we’re on a roller coaster with this emotionally so um we’re doing what we can we’re going to figure it out it’s going to be fine um yeah I just was like not doing well this morning um but it’s

Okay it’s okay we’ll we’ll be fine U let me get my stuff start we’ll start like Gathering all of the crops we want to harvest and stuff too um yeah it’s been a been a rough few days to put it lightly okay anyway um should you do mushroom

Mushrooms or fruit cave o good question I did mushrooms um I did mushrooms but uh everybody’s got kind of conflicting opinions about this so um anyway sorry about the change of plans chat I just you know we’ve been going through it um do you think that I could manage to get

Myself another set of like quality sprinklers down there probably or maybe not I think that you can’t ho the ground below that so I don’t think we can that’s fine that’s fine I did mushrooms me hearing this out of context oh my God I mean I picked the mushroom cave I picked

The mushroom cave chat oh no wait wait wait wait wait don’t listen listen don’t worry about it I picked the mushroom cave all right I’m going to sell like pretty much all of that stuff um streamer out of context yeah seriously um let me save this Tea Leaf

In there oh no you won’t be doing that will you oh wait maybe I’ll I need to reorganize my chest again today I’m going to put the Tea Leaf in here cuz I’ll turn it into something how about that that is the plan we’re going to organize

All of our crops again ug I used up all my audiobook hours on Spotify so I guess I’m here hi Brew I’m sorry that’s quite sad are you okay are you oh don’t sell that are you going to get through it have I tried getting the big chest no I

Have not um I’m mostly worried about like funds for that right now because isn’t it like 10,000 for the recipe I know I have like 25,000 and I’m getting more but I feel like um I don’t know I just feel like I should prioritize other stuff

First it’s 5K oh maybe it is worth it then that’s not as bad as I thought it was maybe we could go get it then I don’t know maybe um 5K is not bad I’m going to go down oh my god with the lighting I’m going to go down and check the traveling

Cart quick um put them all around the work table thing too oh that’s true we’ll reorganize our chest around a work table later on um so anyway let’s see anything good for me fairy Rose sandfish escar go clay truffle I was thinking about buying another rare seed wasn’t I cuz we were

Going to try and have two of them um so that’s probably good for us to buy I already have a sandfish we don’t really need need to buy a fairy Rose cuz we’re going to get one if I bought it I could finish the garden bundle now but there’s no really

Any need to do that so I think we wait hi dika how are you oh you know what I’m going to chop this stuff in the in here oh the mahogany mahogany seed caten you can plant that it’ll grow you some um the mahogany seed if planted

Will grow you eventually it takes a while hardwood trees so it’s pretty useful to have cuz you know hardwood is a little bit harder to get your hand on so I did do the REM the remix bundles yeah we’re making the juice Ava so I don’t think that we need to buy the

Juice cuz I’ll make some that we can put in the Brewer’s bundle I’m pretty sure I even have juice cooking right now in my kegs um oh lady Cabbage Patch you make me want to cry I think that’s really cool that you did that that is really really cool that you did

That um yeah our our childhood pets they uh they leave a mark on you for sure your case literally cuz you got a tattoo of it um but yeah I I I think that’s really nice that you did that I did pick up the free golden

Ticket behind the book seller yeah I did so we have that already oh my God leave me alone little slime so rude okay oh snappy wait I didn’t even see you come back snappy snappy snappy oh my God she came and looked at me and then walked away I was literally is it

Cuz I was talking about you and airing out your medical trauma in front of thousands of people cuz that’s not I’m sorry S I didn’t mean to she ditched us and the way I tried to snap at her as if she could hear it no she can’t me saying snappy

Snappy whoosh can’t hear a thing oh well she was in here it’s fine we got to see her sort of you didn’t but I did she’s blissfully unaware yeah Lauren Hannah thank you both for the reubs thank you so much you’re redoing your office face Hannah two Hannah in a row

Both subscribed by the way if you opened a can of food but she would hear it no she doesn’t hear you open cans of food you have to show it to her you have to literally sometimes if she doesn’t come over to get dinner cuz like often times

She’ll be like sitting on the couch me and Dan walk up and we like put it in front of her face like look at this and then she’s like oh and gets up and walks over to the food bowl you got to show her and then she’ll

Come anyway she’s kind of funny like that um oh yeah that would be concerning Rachel without context sorry I was talking about the cat Lauren thanks for the 21 months too thank you so much okay so let’s go around and we’ll keep working on oh see these are some of

Those mahogany seeds by the way that I just told you about um let’s go around and keep working on getting some more of the sprinklers I can make six of them quite easily I should just make myself some more of the refined quartz yes all

Right six more that might be too many I don’t know I’m trying to get as much space for crops as we can that’s kind of like what I’m thinking at least cuz that’ll like set us up the best for the future I’ll probably try and bring some of this down down too

Yes um oh really Grand Finale I’m so glad to hear that genuinely I’m so glad to hear that okay um one two you go there that doesn’t seem that bad right we’ll fix the rest of the things around it too but we’ll do that in a minute once we’ve

Gotten this a little bit further over when will I do a shell challenge um eventually I’m kind of listen I’m I’m having a bit of a um if some may say stard do era at the minute so um I uh yeah I don’t know we’ll

See I got to get through my era and then we can talk it’s it’s kind of like consuming my life right now with the update so magic thanks for the seven months and Cat and Emma and Lauren and Lydia thank you for the subs hello I can’t stop farming we

Were literally just talking about that Owen you and me both we are deep in this it’s really bad it’s just so fun it’s so fun um Sims I don’t know her right now yeah this is the thing right like we love the Sims we love the Sims it’s a beautiful lovely

Game but we also love stardew right now a great deal so you know okay oh I should make my seed maker before I forget um I kind of forgot about that well that’s way to spend all the wood that you’re going to use to make little paths

Kayla okay I know this is kind of weird this layout that I have gone for but you’re just going to have to accept it okay oh that was the exact right number we can put like maybe a a chest or two here I don’t know we can put something cute and it’ll be

Good it’ll be good I might put my little creepy rare crow in the middle of this that seems fine yeah you got a Peppa Pig ad oh no oh oh no you did not deserve that do you think that’s enough sprinklers then probably for now I don’t really

Know how much more we could really upgrade that you know I think what I will do is probably get um I might try and make like one more bee house I need some more wood an iron bar and my I have maple syrup but then if we have three I think

That’ll look better down here right and we’ll put some flowers in what era are you in mostly stard do Sims other farming Sim era reading era other game era oh there’s a there needs to be a reading and Sims era question here do you guys want to say something really

Funny um let me text my sister back quick um because she’s she’s getting uh she’s really enjoying seeing Demetrius in his houseat suit on the day of the green rain I have a picture I was telling you all the other day about how U my cat makes it impossible for me to

Read I’ve got another image for you um this is from last night of uh me trying to be on my Kindle and shrimp saying no ready so those are my creatures um two3 third of the creatures at least but he does that he gets right in

My face so I try and hold the Kindle and then he like moves to it and then he tries to like Chomp it he’ll bite it I know how did he get so big right he’s huge you were just watching my V oh really Shah I’m live we are here real

Time at this current moment he’s anti-k Kindle apparently yeah I get it though I don’t like Amazon either so he’s right for that and I’m the problem okay I’ll put my seed maker up there too for now we’re slowly but surely filling all that out is there anything else like work on

The farm wise that I’ll want to do today I guess we had talked about trying to reorganize some of the chests so we might benefit a little bit from doing that um we could probably try cuz what I was going to do I don’t know if you can tell

I might need to move this a little bit actually um I was going to turn these chests into like seasonal chests for my crops except well I don’t want the path to get interrupted so that’s a problem you can still see that one even if it’s kind of

Blocked by the peach tree right is it fine maybe I’ll move the Scarecrow is that also fine okay so this one will be fall this one will be summer this one will be spring not that you can tell cuz it’s so the weather is really unpleasant okay and then I will

Leave where’s my other rare seed did I put it in here I think so you moved your house further back yeah I saw my friend shella did that too I loved that um I’m you kind of forget that you can still do that you know like you kind of forget

That it’s an option because thunder um cuz it’s quite new the ability to move your house further back it just came out in the update so okay well anyway I was going to grab spring crops so cauliflower green bean hops kale parsnip potato carrot rice shoot spring seeds

Strawberries this will help us a lot we’ll be able to like keep everything straight so much easier if we keep them in separate chests um summer crops will be I’m going to leave the flowers there for a second oh I meant to put the unmilled rice in the other

Place I think of corn corn and wheat despite being both summer and and um despite being both summer and fall they have fall energy to me so I’m going to put them in the fall chest hope that makes sense Kristen thank you for the five gifted subs and

Meg and dandy and Tori and Jenny and romantic and witchy and succulent and Miss Tink and and we got honey and Jess with the 79 months oh my God and Panini and Loan doll Anda and birdie and Eli and Ally thank you so much um they definitely fall you agree yeah see you

Get it they really do just have fall energy um I always forget which season the flowers go in so I might need help with that pumpkin carrots or fall you got a giant pumpkin Brew oh fun that’s cool sunflower is summer spangle is summer are the poppies spring I don’t know

Separate flower chest oh we could make a separate flower chest H oh that’s a good idea okay hold on another chest that you cannot see because it’s behind this Hey Jake thank you for the raid welcome in everybody um I’m organizing my chest a little bit so I’m really

Sorry if this is like not interesting we’re organizing our chest a tiny bit in the uh in the stardo save um I’m trying to go through and fix some of my plants um but welcome welcome welcome in everybody hopefully you had a good stream were you perhaps also playing stardew anybody

Anybody um okay well the flowers are all put away so that makes me feel a bit better I guess this chest can have like that stuff in it for now I might eventually want to make a separate chest to organize all of these you know what

Maybe I’ll put like the daffodils no I don’t know I was thinking about putting those in the flower chest too $70 pizza oh not even close to farming but still fun that sounds like a great time what’s what does $70 Pizza entail was it like really fancy and really

Good I hope it was good if it was $70 whoa flame em thank you for the reubs it wasn’t good oh okay well that’s a shame actually that sucks um anyway well thanks for the update I’m I’m glad to know that it’s not worth buying $70 Pizza

Apparently um okay do we need to go do we need to do anything else in preparation for the next season or are we be like mostly good it was burnt and you paid $70 for it ouch ouch that that actually is rough um okay leave those there too I’m going to

Go on like a quest I think to go um get some more materials while we’re out um anyway well welcome in again everybody it’s good to see you here um we’re just farming a little bit today sorry I was too late to talk to my chickens s thanks

For the 13 months and Kimmy and Emily thank you for the subs too um okay let me put these little eggs in here as well I must have I think I’m too late I didn’t um I did not milk the cows or anything today when they were still

Awake so I can’t put that in cuz it’s full yikes you’ve convinced me you’re buying this game I’m glad I think you should stardew is so fun it’s like genuinely so good and so fun I think you will like it um I think I might put a Tapper on

That tree too cuz I’m planning on keeping that tree sorry I’m making you all just listen to my like ramblings um I swear to you that I had hay somewhere did I put that in the fall chest I don’t know um what’s my favorite Farm type O I

Most play on the standard Farm or um sometimes I play on the forest farm and I quite like the forest Farm I’m liking this Farm type I I will say that I don’t normally put this much of an effort into like playing with animals in this game

Like I’m not usually one to to like have a bunch of animals and and use that for money so it’s kind of an interesting switch to have like a coupe straight away it actually saves you a lot because the Coupe cost so much money and then buying chickens cost so much money to

Have those immediately when you first start is like really good um so that’s that’s a plus for sure um you’re so rich off Mayo yeah I’ve been making so much money off the Mayo it’s actually really nice so that’s kind of a fun change um you worried about it feeling cheaty

When you first found out about it no that makes sense to me like being worried about playing on this Farm type and it feeling like it’s too easy cuz you’ve got access to all the stuff straight away yeah I don’t think that it does actually feel that way though and it’s

It’s definitely different enough from how I normally play that it still feels like I don’t know it doesn’t feel like I’m being sneaky with all this extra stuff the farm space is so limited I got a mystery box so that’s a massive downside for me as a person who likes to

Like play with the farming feature so much um but anyway you forgot about Mayo you haven’t played in like 2 years oh I did not forget about Mayo not now that you can eat it yeah and they don’t give you seeds in the beginning that was kind of a jump

Scare I’m not going to lie when I opened my little box thinking I was going to get seeds so I could plant my parsnips and then there was no seeds in there all of us on stream were like um no where’s my [Applause] parses so we had to go buy seeds we had

Way less scenes to start out with um now that I know that like it’s coming with um I like the the hay instead it makes sense to me I just wasn’t expecting that you know um so it was a surprise when we didn’t get any in the

Beginning would you say you need a mouse to play stardew or is a trackpad fine um I started playing stardew years ago with only a trackpad when back before I like had a gaming PC and I was just like before I streamed even um and I was fine

I at this point in my life can’t play any games without a mouse so saying that um I struggle a lot with that so I don’t really know um but probably would be okay just wouldn’t be great so I think track pad’s way too awkward yeah but if you’re like really

Accustomed to playing games with a trackpad I think you’d be fine if that’s like pretty much all you ever do and that’s what your comfort level is um shanana my sister this is actually really good information for my sister cuz my sister um she it plays only on

Her laptop and she has a mouse because she used it to play Minecraft she’ll like lay in bed with her Mouse on top of a textbook and and play her game oh my God I made so much money from that today um but uh they will hello get me out

How do I get out of this oh finally I clicked that multiple times um anyway she plays games with her Mouse but she uses a trackpad for stardew so that’s something to consider I guess um that you might feel that way too if you play a lot of games with your

Trackpad okay tomorrow is the last day of the season so we’re about to get some of our last harvests must get ready I’m really looking forward to redoing all the fall stuff it’s going to be so fun all right let me kill this oh I need to get

My watering can so I can water the cat I know you can’t see it the watering The Watering Bowl the water bowl is always right up there behind my face cam um can’t wait for me to see the desert Festival oh I’m really excited about the Des desert Festival I think that’s going

To be so cool I actually cannot wait um anything else down here that we need there’s a couple bits of corn this is a weird setup you have a mouse but it’s so bad you don’t use it I guess that makes sense um yeah you can move the bowl now

Too if I if I wanted to I could that’s true four how close are we to unlocking the desert um I have not paid any money towards the desert bundles yet um but we basically could I I want to wait until after we’ve bought all of our fall seeds but like we

Have loads of money so um and we don’t have to upgrade our other things do I use my PS5 much that is a really funny question actually because I literally just just brought the PS5 um me and Dan PS5 into my office cuz I was supposed to do a different

Stream today but I decided that I was too unwell I had to cancel a sponsored stream it’s okay um we’re getting through it but yeah I uh I don’t play on the PlayStation like ever cuz I don’t usually have it in here usually Dan has it in his office um

Because Dan um he streams off of it it sometimes and I don’t so I don’t really need 18 corn but it doesn’t hurt to save some um okay sell like all of that I meant to keep that milk and I didn’t put it away correctly um what happens when you have to cancel

Um I very kindly ask them to allow me out of the contract in hopes that they would and they said yes which was nice of them and they didn’t have to do that um and then like they just aren’t going to pay me cuz I’m not going to do

It which is okay I’m not trying to make a big deal out of it it’s just that some people knew I was going to do they’re like why aren’t you playing Planet 2 cuz you said you were going to well you know okay wood copper sorry

Iron six kegs is pretty good for this point in the game I think did I want to make oh I was going to try and make like a cheap wine wasn’t I maybe I’ll put like a blueberry cuz I’d like to put like a cheap blueberry wine inside of the

Um inside of the community center don’t want to waste all my money on it you know that would be bad all right last last day of the Season any final thoughts plans perhaps should we go to the mines like do you think going to the mines would be a

Good oh it’s the second to last day of the Season not the last day of the season is the 27th um if we got the sunflowers down um like do I have them yeah we got sunflowers we’re all good there fishing we’ve been fishing so much

Cuz we just did like a whole bunch of the um where’s my skills panel we just did a whole bunch of fishing for that tournament watering can Update I guess I could it’d be ready on the first day maybe I should do I have enough I don’t know put them near the bee houses for the what the what the sunflowers yeah we’re going to put our flowers down here I just harvested them because um we had other flowers there

And I didn’t want to forget about them before the season started but we did have others there okay maple syrup um maybe fish for fertilizer that’s true we don’t have any fish we’ve not been saving any how much do we have yeah I don’t even have enough iron

Bars to upgrade to my axe if I wanted to or upgrade my watering can if I wanted to Sorry oh I never donated My Fire Quartz to the museum oh well we can do that we have a couple of things oh I was going to put my tea leaves in there when it was done that’s right I knew I was forgetting something well I can go open

These geod too which might be fun um so may as well go do that yeah Lucian toxic Elias thank you for the subs you got a super cucumber from the trash today oh nice that’s pretty good okay process geod I’ll open the weenie ones first and then we’ll open our fancy mystery boxes

Opening the mystery boxes brings me a lot of Joy it’s really fun for me I already have all those that’s okay though it’s money Mystery Box oh AG corn seeds we’re going to need those in a couple of days and some mixed seeds boo okay you hope I get the trash catalog oh

I actually can’t wait yeah I can plant the corn right now if I want to which is also cool those seeds are kind of expensive the corn seeds so that’s a win you have two trash cataloges and you can’t get rid of the other one well first of all don’t brag

Brew second of all I think I mean that’s annoying but also when the book seller comes back you can trade to him can’t you so you should be able to trade with him for more stuff potentially um just delete that for a sec should I try and like

Replace all of these little bits with corn it’s going to make the corn be like not they aren’t going to grow at the same Pace I’ll need to get like a couple more corn to put there and there but we can just leave it all and have it not

Grow you know what should we should we go buy like 10 more corn right now just cuz we can and then that whole section will be full of corn I think so yeah but you should be able to trade oh the oh it’s not a book book it’s a Furniture catalog

Oh never mind the furniture cataloges you can’t trade I don’t think well you have two of them my Iron’s ready do I do you think that I want to upgrade my this is a serious question do you think that I want to upgrade my watering can right now probably right

Hi M how are you yes okay well if these aren’t all ready then so be it it’s fine you won’t need it for winter oh well fall is next not winter um but it’s still okay yeah it’s best to do it now at the end of the

Month I’m just going to have to make sure I add that to my list of things I need to do in the next season um into town upgrade tools I’d like to get a steel watering C I didn’t bring the extra from my chest I thought I had grabbed it already

I didn’t we’re going to be cutting it close now X sarcastic thank you for the subs oh no I thought I assumed that I had grabbed the extra piece that I needed but I didn’t sorry about that everyone sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry back to town we have time plenty of

Time uh upgrade tools watering can okay did I hear Dan yelling he fell and he is upset I did not but that’s unfortunate for him trashley thanks for the 47 months did he fall like out of his chair is that what you mean by that I don’t really know what to make of

That information did he fall like in game is he lying like he was trying to get slime okay and I’m supposed to care that he fell in game when he was trying to get slime too bad for you Dan okay I can’t water those but it’s fine it’s really

Okay I’ll get over it those are all set up and and then we can just wait until they all get to be like the same amount done or whatever how do you what does he mean by fall like in the mines like he died or something I just don’t get it I don’t

Understand but okay where did I put my other Tea Leaf did I leave it in here yeah okay I’m going to save those for next season let’s go around to the beach and do some foraging bought pancakes I switch 29 months where am I planning on putting my

Grapes um probably in like the bottom corner somewhere where it’s not annoying but we’ll see 50 months shella oh my god wow did I get sea urchin no I still have not found one that’s why I’m going down there cuz I still don’t have a sea

Urchin so I can’t make the bait maker I want very frustrating hello little Wiggly Worms more clay do I have any yeah I have some more bait I got so many crab pots I don’t really care about the crab pots I got to be honest I don’t really use

Them it’s just not something that I really consider I don’t care have I given Evelyn broken glasses I have yeah it’s kind of cute if you haven’t seen it yet um now with the update Evelyn when you give her broken glasses she’s like oh thank you dear

I’ve been looking for these they’re a little dirty though which is kind of cute um so I like that use the crab pots in the river Farm usually yeah when you’re like in a river Farm it’s a little bit easier to get use out of them you know

Crab pots are good for making quality fertilizer that’s true that’s true I guess we haven’t really we don’t really bother with making that much quality fertilizer but maybe I should try and make some now you have some crab pots in the river on the metaland farm that makes sense

Yeah it doesn’t matter what type of water you put them in uh it just gets you different things and like fresh versus salt water I do like I mean mostly what I like about the crab pots and I’m being honest when I say this is like getting

Trash I like to recycle the trash and get like refined quartz out of it and stuff so oh I did not mean to get wood I was going to get some more sap hello there it is I couldn’t see we should make some quality fertilizer though 14 quality fertilizer and that’s

On top of the none I have already okay oh boy you never recycle the trash oh really I always I recycle every piece of trash I get every single piece of trash I recycle I like it oh you know what I’m going to do I’m going to go down and chop trees down

There now yeah recycling paper hoping for cloth exactly what is that is that still like a Remnant from the green rain there’s a hole in my fence yeah I know it’s been there it’s been there yeah if you have two pratic shards give the second one to Gunther for sure

Um I would just the the reason we tell people not to give the first one to Gunther is because if you bring it to the desert you can get like a really nice sword a really really nice sword um so you might want to save your Prismatic

Shard to get your sword and then give like the second Prismatic Shard to Gunther the hole is a stylistic choice what is that oh my God that is the creepy posum everybody keeps talking about everybody’s been going on and on about this posum Dan is going to lose his mind when he sees

That it’s a creature there’s a creature in the garden get this one time so my my husband Dan is British okay okay they don’t have possums he never seen one before one night I come into the living room he’s staring out the front door window and he’s like Kayla Kayla there’s

A creature there’s a creature in the garden cuz there was a posum on like the front he was yelling there’s a creature but he’s British he’s like there’s a creature there’s a creature in the garden it was aosome he was like distraught over this anyway funny story You’ never seen one

Before I sounded like Peppa apologize why would you say that to me why would you say that I don’t want to sound like her Cho random and fr shark and and uh and shanto and Hydra and Elan and Sarah thank you for the subs sorry if I missed

Any subs you all I’m really sorry um I’m sorry to say this but it’s true oh my God this is actually extremely distressing news I like possums I think I’m getting a bunch of these mixed flower seeds that’s so cute I’ll be using those oh we should

Probably go back home soon let me just chop one more tree or something I might try and upgrade our house soon I guess they don’t have to like do that that fast but we’ll think about it and then I can recycle this and then we

Shall go to bed and then tomorrow is the last day of the season so we have to be ready Pig rubar thanks for the subs oh you know what else we need to do we need to make some more little torches I might try and steal them

Mostly cuz I don’t really want to make all of them but I want to get some torches like around there and like on some of the edges of the fence so we have to work through that too okay we still wiing Mario yeah that’s my plan that is my plan always

Take them away from the mines yeah see that’s that’s the spirit that’s what you should be doing stealing them how do you steal them they’re just in the mines you can just pick them up like whack them with your pickaxe and take them so you don’t need to make them yourself

Um flower seeds and flower chest oh I think I had done that yesterday I think you’re right queen of sauce bread okay does British simsy sound like Peppa Pig 70% of the chat says yes okay no let’s I’ll just keep I’ll remember this chat oh I shouldn’t have harvested that

I should have left it there for tomorrow it’s okay a lot of these are going to die tomorrow so we’ll have like this will all already be tilled so wow that kind of hurts though that does kind of hurt oh you know where I’ll put the

Grapes that we buy I’ll put them look melon wine oh my God I just imagined a cat out of the corner of my eye um I’ll put the grapes that we buy like down in the corner I’ll show you in a second um I’ll put them like here in this

Section cuz that won’t really be in the way of anything you know yeah I already have the plushy so I don’t have to go get it I do already have the plushy um so we don’t need to go get one unfortunately um I probably don’t need to save as much

Of this as I have I think that much will probably be enough okay I want to put my tea leaves into that thing too get that started one more thank you I got that tea sapling quite late so I I barely got any tea leaves oh I don’t

Have my watering can I’m sorry to the cat I can’t water it yeah there’s Moonlight jellies on the last day of summer so we have that to look forward to um so that’s the main thing today that we’ve got to do the Moonlight jellies H I think I’ll keep that

Peach now I have three that’s a reasonable number of peaches to keep I think um okay so for the community center let me show you I need for my Brewers bundle we have the Mead we have the wine my juice is cooking my tea is cooking I don’t really want to use the

Melon wine cuz it’s like more expensive but I’ll keep it in there just in case why am I keeping the Peaches I don’t know what if I want them someday that’s kind of the reason so I don’t know um okay that’s also how you farm yeah I I

Kind of tend to like hold on to a lot of stuff yeah Robin loves peaches so it’ll be a good gift for her stuff like that you know we just might need one it’s good to have a cup in my humble opinion did I already talk to you

Chickens yeah that chicken is called Peppa you all think I’m called Peppa okay yeah Robin’s birthday is in Fall um you know what maybe we should do I’m going to go on a journey today because I’m going to go to the traveling cart I think I might also go to Robin I

Think I’m going to buy the calendar um I feel like I want the calendar now I think I I I’ve you know waited long enough and we have enough money that we can justify buying it um so I think I will start there I’m going

To leave that bit of cheese we’ll save a couple of them um I also wanted to take I’m going to keep all my mushrooms in the chest down at the bottom I’ve decided yeah we’re going to play Among Us on April Fool’s Day April 1st which coincidentally is the day before my cat

Has her cancer surgery so that’ll be um yikes but it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine um but it’ll be hopefully a good distraction to be honest I think but no one’s allowed to kill me April 1st is your mom’s 69th birthday and not even joking oh my God Owen really that’s kind of

Iconic I love that good for her good for her okay let me let me think about oh my tea um we can make the tea pretty easily so put that there I’ll make one more um I want to think a little bit in well maybe I’ll do it in a minute I’m going

To go down to the traveling car first when we get back I need to think about how many seeds we need to buy so we can get some stuff ready April 1 is your best friend’s birthday and your dog is getting her teeth cleaned oh

Nice can we give Mario a gift I probably should when I go back up there to go see Robin and buy my calendar I should probably give Mario a gift I can bring her a strawberry she doesn’t get the concept of April fools because she is not from

Here she’s mad there’s a holiday on her day April Fool’s Day honestly is a really annoying day to share a birthday with as well because people are so annoying on April Fool’s Day so I I actually think that’s extremely valid I get it I get it that is

Unfortunate but it’s okay at least she doesn’t partake you know it’s her day so it’s fine um okay so I’m going to sell or keep this sorry in my chest I’m going to get Mario her little strawberries now I have three of those which is pretty good Maru needs a

Strawberry and I’ll go up to Robin now yeah I the energy of April Fool’s Day is way off like it could be fun and silly if people didn’t do like offensive pranks like when people start lying about like pregnancies and and death and stuff then you’ve taken too far like it’s no longer

Funny bad don’t like I got two mystery boxes in that that was really good well thank you okay come here Maru I have gift for you that is spectacular I know seven Hearts actually if we get lucky enough we should be able to buy her a bouquet

On a rain day and fall if we try hard enough with this which will be really good okay um I’m going to buy the big chest recipe um and I’m also going to buy the calendar maybe a house plant all right that’s enough for now let’s just go back home and I’ll put

That stuff down I mixed up pendant and Bouquet oh I’m combining the two words bouquet you can buy anytime pendant I’ll be able to do both by the end of fall though is what I meant to say I combined the two words the bouquet is what you buy to

Date you can buy that from the store as long as you have enough hearts for someone the pendant is how you propose and it needs to be raining to do that um but we’ll see what we can do we’ll see the big chest I think will

Be worth it how do I make the big chest 120 bar wood and two copper bars oh my God okay oh that’s the same plant I already had oh okay well it is what it is it’s done now I’m going to put I think I’ll put my little uh

Dresser down here I don’t like how it looks like that but that way I have space for my calendar oh no you don’t have space for your calendar like that oh it’s all ugly whatever um yeah you can replace the little chest with a big chest let me

See if I can show you you know what I should do is go try and get some more copper that might actually be a good use of our one of our last days of the season is to go try and get some more copper because um then we’ll be able to make more

Chests next season but I think I could probably make one big chest I don’t want to waste too much of my wood oh and it fills it automat oh my God that is so good this feels wrong I cannot believe how much space we have now I’m gonna upgrade that one

Too cuz that’s my like little um forageable chest oh my god well that just solves all of my problems I don’t need to have all these anymore oh well that is so good okay I think I will leave a little chest down here cuz it’s like you know good space for one

And maybe I will leave a chest I don’t really need it but I’ll put one there too just for good measure cuz I’ve got extra now they’re huge okay we only we actually have a decent amount of copper maybe I will start smelting some and then I’ll go to

The mines and try and grind some more cuz I I would like to upgrade at least all of these chests into copper or to the upgraded ones these ones don’t really need to be or at least not that one this one maybe would that’s my food chest

Um oh I’m so excited to have more space in there that’s so good that was well that was well worth paying for the upgrade are you kidding your phone doesn’t look good until like year three I know sickly listen I’m I play this game uh quite quick because I have some speed running

Experience so don’t compare like what your farm looks like to mine um so you look pretty far can you upgrade the house I could upgrade the house I’m waiting cuz I want to pay to get to um I would like to pay to get to the desert

Before I pay to upgrade my house and I’m saving a lot of money to buy seeds in the fall so oh I shouldn’t have done this cuz I was going to try and calculate my oh wait maybe I should go back to the farm and try and calculate my seed

Situation actually in hindsight I’m going back cuz I want to figure out how many seeds we’re going to need before we go and do any of that I think sorry everybody false alarm our opinion has changed okay so in this little section this like 3x one

We’re going to want let me open a sticky note actually on my PC so I can do this um let me in oh God sorry I’m trying to move my OBS so I can do it too um I want to get a sticky note so I can write all my stuff down um

Okay no it’s bad so we know that we want three of one thing maybe I’ll put like I don’t know I’m going to try and do a lot of cranberries probably but then after that we’ve got weirdly eight spaces because of this stupid corn that’s already there so

We’ll try and fill eight spaces there we have six I’m going to probably put all my cranberries in this so I may get Cranberries for that section um and then down this way we have all of this is corn so this will be four pieces all

Together and then we have grapes will be in one section I’m going to put those at the bottom because they’re kind of in a weird spot and then we have six more there okay sorry I just had to make my little notes down so I know what I need

We’re going to need a lot of seeds a lot of seeds do we want to put any more should I like take this opportunity to put more or is this fine this might be fine for now right obviously we’re going to need to get some flower seeds too so I might put

Down like how many do I have 1 2 3 four five six seven eight spaces for flowers okay we’ll get those too and now we just have to wait until our little event starts I guess I can’t believe how much stuff we have in there that is just wild to

Me it’s like really jarring opening this giant chest I’m not used to it oh my oh really cupcakes yeah I am I really like like taking notes in games it’s just kind of fun some people play this game with like an actual notebook you know

I like that I like that okay I’m going to I said I was going to try and um get copper but I forgot what level I usually reset is it I usually reset 10 I think cuz it’s a little circle no that’s my maybe that’s 40 when I’m trying to get

Iron what level do I want to reset for copper why can’t I remember 20 okay well I’ll get some iron too I’m here so I’ll do a little bit of this as well I’m just killing time until the Moonlight jellies that’s all we got to do something until

Then um yeah fatal we made this save file uh when the update came out last week yeah 20 is what I want uh um if this seems weird to you remember that uh I’ve played this game a lot and I have some speed running experience with it

Too so we got to the bottom of the mines in the like middle of spring um a lot of people don’t play that way and that’s okay um I uh yearn for the mines and we kind of spent a while grinding the mines in the beginning

So not everybody likes to do that though are you stealing torches yeah yes um I probably should just go down to the beach maybe I’ll do like one more little reset I get more torches for myself this way that’s the spirit chat there we go all right let’s go down for the Moonlight

Jellies into town the Moonlight jelly start at 10 p.m. so we’ll be kind of wait in there outside the front door but that’s okay oh you put torches in the back of every Bush that makes sense you can put torches now um you’re able to put them

On top of the sprinklers in this new update which is pretty good because um you can use that to like light up the center of your crops which I really like so I’m glad about that oh refined quartz that’s also good um all right well I’ll just be ready at exactly 10

P.m. one two three there we go I’m Ready the dance of Mo my jellies has begun we’ll come speak to everyone there’s a heavy load of people for an ancient wooden dock okay okay hello you two do I want any of this stuff no not really not right now not early game

I’ll just speak to everybody quick I really like the Moonlight jellies it’s really good vibes at the sty Valley concert they played this maybe is a spoiler so I’m sorry but at the sty Valley concert they played um the Moonlight jellies music as like an encore um which was kind of cute

Everybody was pretty excited about that it’s just nice music it’s good vibes Haley has a new dialogue oh I skipped her already sorry Haley I’ve just been like clicking through everybody um hey Kelsey thanks for the raid welcome in oh are we ready good evening Kayla the Moonlight

Jellies are close I already saw one glowing in the distance once we launch the candle boat they’ll come up to the docks and say hello let’s launch the boat now I’m ready I’m so excited if you have not seen this well you’re going to think it’s cute

So that’ll be good a fun experience for everyone look at them look at them look at them oh I should have taken my weird hat off if I wanted to get like some cute pictures with the Moonlight jellies Listen isn’t that cute oh Haley has her camera I’ve never noticed that I’m always looking at all the jellies there’s just something so cute about the whole town gathering for it too you know oh always said she forgot it before and so she brought it now in the update

Oh that’s so cute it is new oh I really like that he changed That that’s so sweet I love Haley I’ve married her um in one of my like longest running stream saves a few years ago I like her the first person I ever married was uh Harvey we’re going to marry Maru in this one we think the glow of Summer has faded and

Now the Moonlight jellies carry on toward the great unknown okay I’m going to put all my stuff away quick and then we need to get ready because the season is going to begin slowly I am stealing enough of these to cover all of the spots I haven’t stolen enough torches yet but

I’m getting there all right are we committing is it bedtime you know what I’m going to get a new little hat on for my you know what I’m actually going to change completely I think Straw Hat orange shirt fall energy yeah yeah okay let’s go it’s

Time we have a lot of work to do now as well uh and some and Rogue and Coco thank you for the subs Steph only ever marries Haley because she really likes Mean Girls that’s interesting Owen because you’re right you are you are neither of those things all right stream title fall

Year one I’m switching it um let’s check on things real quick the spirits are annoyed today not that it matters I’m going to be working all day so I don’t care what the spirits think today I will not be going to see them okay well this shouldn’t be too too

Bad we’re going to have to pick up our watering can as well which is kind of annoying you just befriend Shane for the chickens that is so valid though we all understand makes perfect sense oh I’ll show you the map too that’s right cuz we have a new

Map for the season oh cool so one of the things in the update that was changed is the map looks different depending on the season uh before it was like always spring basically so this is our first time seeing it really different because it’s fall

Now so that’s kind of cool how do I do that what I’m doing right now it’s cuz my hoe is upgraded um you have to upgrade your hoe to like expand the I’ve upgraded it twice so it’s like an iron one um you can do it with your watering

Can too you can upgrade your watering can like this as well um but you got to you have to like do the upgrade first obviously so yeah I’ll be curious to look around a little bit more Oh look The Blue Grass is like purple that’s nice I like that

Um you meant what keys you use to show the range what this I’m like this range I’m holding down uh clicking just holding down my mouse to do this this is a new Farm yeah we made this um last week when the update came out so okay

Um I’m going to need to buy some more seeds more than I thought I hate how all of my corn is not even I find that extremely annoying I don’t even want that one it’s going to ruin my vibes all right think Fall’s your favorite music really yeah I like the

Fall music it is nice okay I do have some sunflowers which is also kind of weird I guess I’ll need to buy like one more seed there or something I don’t really know we also need to go down to pick up our watering can still let me forget I

Might go take the mine carts into town and get my watering can and then like come back up to the shop while I’m at it so I will probably start there yes you got a prismatic Shard from the mystery boxes really Brew that’s so cool that is so cool oh look at how

These trees look with the moss on them interesting into town um uh Mia maybe I’m not really sure maybe thank you okay well we’ve got a lot of stuff now you got a prismatic Shard from level 73 of the mines yesterday that’s pretty good my sister got a prismatic Shard

Killing a slime or something in the mines the other day I was pretty jealous of her okay the patch note said some trees have a chance of losing leaves in the fall yeah I’m pretty sure um oh I forgot you were right there sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

Sorry Clinton need a cave carrot I can do that and tomorrow is Penny’s birthday we’ll have to be ready for that okay hello Pierre so for our seeds I’m going to buy oh we have to buy a lot of seeds so I know specifically first um

We’re going to want to get like 48 cranberry seeds which is a lot of money but that’s our first section so let me um like cross that off on my list I wanted to get like eight grape seeds so I’ll cross that off of my list

Too um we need fairy seeds I think I wanted maybe I’ll get like four of those I think so um maybe now maybe I will buy eight of them okay so those are our flower seeds then we want to get probably a bunch of pumpkins maybe like 32 pumpkins or

Something sorry to make you watch me do all this while I’m trying to figure it out actually maybe I will get 48 pumpkins no well you know what I’ll just buy some extra cuz I’m probably going to do some replacing and I do have some at home too

I might buy like one more sunflower too cuz I have like a little spot that’s messed up unless I want to leave that part blank I don’t know um I do want to buy maybe like some eggplant some bok choy I think I will probably

Get a little bit more of the yams if we buy extra seeds it’s not like that big of a deal because we’ll have them for like planting later on in the season so I don’t think that’s really a problem um I may actually even get more

Emarth than that just for now like 16 should be good maybe I’ll buy like seven sunflower seeds more so I have eight total is this what I want to do that’s what I want to do yeah we have to plant our rare seeds too I’m not really that worried about those

Um yeah we have remixed bundles yeah we do um in the community center let me just triple check cuz we have oops corn eggplant yam broccoli we can’t get until we find broccoli seeds so we have to like hope but did I need more corn I might

Have needed more corn I can’t remember I hate how much corn we have it’s kind of making me upset all I know is I’m going to plant these if we have to go back there it’s not really a problem cuz we have more time in the day so let

Me just think these all through quick yeah you missed a couple spots Kayla um pickled corn is worth decent money though yeah we have a lot of corn more corn than we really need um okay I was thinking about putting a lot of these pumpkins in like this area

Um that’ll be a good start what do sprinkle do in the game if they water it um so the reason I have to water right now is because uh this is the start of a new season so this ground wasn’t hoed yesterday so it’s it like the sprinklers didn’t do anything

Because they weren’t around I should not be still watering I need to do that afterward I’m sorry I need to keep planting stuff um I need to finish doing the planting and then water afterward but the sprinklers didn’t water it cuz it’s the first day of the season so

Um I might go try and buy some more did I not buy all of the seeds that I needed what did I mess up Kayla you don’t even have close to enough seeds oh we have to go back we really have to go back I even made a list okay those eight

Stay I need to buy stuff for here oh no do you have wild seeds or forgeable seeds I do but I want to go back I’m going to plant those down there I’m gu just going to go back and buy a bunch of extras I don’t know I made a list and I

Still did it wrong I’m stressed snake grumpy curly Emma thank you for the subs um I won’t forget my rare seeds don’t worry I haven’t planted my flowers yet either um yeah I think I might need two extra corn seeds too we made it it’s all

Good the first day of a season is always chaotic U okay I think I do need the two extra corn seeds I think that I might buy like to be honest I might get myself some more cranberries um and then buy some more pumpkin just to have

Extra look at how much money I spent this is why we had to be careful um you buy some wheat as well just for extra seeds just in case I did get eggplant yeah so we do have eggplant planted already I might buy some more yams oh I bought too many yams

That’s okay we’ll need them eventually even if we don’t use them right now cranberries are the best for money so that’s why I always like really commit to cranberries but oh wait I was going to buy one more sunflower seed I think the only problem is if I do that the

Sunflowers that we have right there are like this close to being done so I haven’t decided yet I did buy Bok Choy yeah strawberry we have that planted already too um I do have quality fertilizer and a chest so I’m not going to forget about that either don’t worry don’t worry

Um um I like kind of do a little bit of both doodle I mostly sell them I don’t only hoard them for wine and preserves for the most part because um to be honest like it’s just slow so it doesn’t like I don’t know I probably should

Hoard more of them but see I have that ready too okay well anyway what I was complaining about just then is that this is going to be done in a second but I think that’s okay because maybe I can put some like mixed flower seeds around there when the time

Comes I have one more piece of corn for each of oh that one doesn’t need corn that needs corn okay um I have all of that I have have all of that I’m going to plant these here saving those seeds for later and then I have this

Amaranth to put not amaranth I meant fairy seeds I have these fairy seeds to put in all of those little areas saving two extra for later and then I wanted to get another sprinkler I was thinking about making um I might even just make another good

One even if we can’t use it completely cuz I want to put my rare seeds with it so I might try and find a spot that’s good for this um maybe like to be honest like right there and we’ll can you actually not use that section then oh my God it’s

Ridiculous is there a reason I don’t like playing with the animals at this game no I just prefer to it’s not like a I don’t have like a dislike for the animals um I I just like my my preference of money making is not so much to like spend a whole bunch of

Effort on animals I just really like farming I don’t really care about the animal stuff crops are just more fun to me it’s not like I don’t like like the animals they’re still fun I I still do it I just wouldn’t like prioritize it I guess for me and how I like to

Play I don’t know if that makes any sense but you thought crops didn’t grow on the new island oh no there’s you can grow crops on the new Farm type um it’s just there’s not as much space for crops as the other Farm types have but there’s

Still a decent chunk of space for crops it’s not like there’s none um okay Farms without crops is kind of silly yeah that would be really boring if there was no crops nobody would want to play that oh my God I messed up I didn’t like plant

Enough okay well we have plenty of time to get all this planted so that’s good and we’ll have enough time to put fertilizer too might need another scarecrow yeah I we might want to put one more down there but I’m not 100% super worried about it right there

Okay yeah that would it would make Community bundles impossible too huh if you couldn’t grow any crops yet that would be hard that would be really hard I didn’t move the greenhouse no not on this um I haven’t moved anything on this not yet oh my goodness okay let’s get some of

Our fertilizer I have quality fertilizer I’m going to try and make some more little ferti I can’t ever find my sap there it is it’s right at the end I’m going to try and make some more basic fertilizer um and I will fertilize like all of this

Ground what do you propose I oh I missed a spot what do you propose I use my quality fertilizer on important questions I think my cranberries would probably be my choice rare seeds you think so pumpkins for the grain display yeah I mean we’ll get a gold pumpkin no matter

What I’m not super worried about getting at least one um I think it probably is best I’m going to say it’s best to use it on the Cranberries cuz we get multiple Harvest out of The Cranberries so I’m going to commit to The Cranberries okay I want to make sure all of these

Cranberries are fertiliz too sometimes when I do this I like genuinely cannot see where I have done it cuz I always fertilize at night and like sometimes I you know like what I just did I kind of lost my own place and I don’t know where I fertilize and where I

Have’t okay it’s just not very visible is it that’s okay um two more there oh my God I cannot see Anything I’m going to use all of my sap up okay I think that’s good enough I don’t really care I think that is fine no you don’t you don’t lose any double fertilizing I’m you can’t double fertilize by accident or anything like that you don’t need to worry about that

Um that is more melon wine which I don’t need oh that doesn’t go in there I was going to put my little fall seeds in there I might take some of this corn I’m just going to stick that in there cuz I’ve got some ready for me so we’ll start with all

That I would really prefer if possible to not have to put my melon wine inside of the Community Center but if it has to be done it has to be done oh that’s where I’ve been putting the stupid hay just go away all right bedtime we did

It took us a while sorry about the stress and distractions there chat we steer glow kiwi thank you for the subs um we made it and we made Zero from that cool the first day of a new season is always like a lot but once you get there life is good

Spirits are annoyed today okay today is Penny’s birthday so we might want to go give Penny a gift um let me see if I’ve got anything she’s going to want I do actually think I have a poppy but I think I only have one poppy so I don’t know if I want to

Give it to her or not the cat is not wearing a beret the cat is in fact wearing a trash can hat oh I have four puppies she can have a puppy I will do that for her cats in hats yeah you can put you

Can put hats on the cats now that is new very exciting stuff got some new ideas to sleep on okay save all of that I’ll probably B bring um Maru a strawberry today too I think just the cats are cows too oh I I don’t think you can put hats on

Cows but I might be wrong about that I’m pretty sure the answer is no though let me check really quickly in the crafts room no sorry in the bulletin board I have not put the milk in there yet I’ll show you the map in Fall looks like this it’s kind of cool isn’t

It kind of cool it’s windy today we should also go and see um I’m missing a cow there you go we should go and see also oh large milk if um there’s anything inside of the mushroom cave sorry I’m distracted I’m trying to count trying to count and distracting

Myself I also have mushrooms like over here there is a little thing five oh those are good that is really good oh my god oh look this tree lost its leaves in the fall oh that’s cool you got a five purple mushrooms from your mushroom log earlier oh my god well I’ll

Put you dry that too let’s see what we can do yeah we need to really make an effort with the drying of the mushrooms I think um I don’t think you get different wood from it no I think it just looks cool probably I’m going to try and sell these

Dried ones see what we get out of it also that milk is for the community center do I have enough one two three I think I can finish the Brewers bundle oh yeah we’re close to finishing that I’m like being picky over trying to get a

Cheaper bit of um wine out of it but I probably don’t need to worry okay so we’ll go bring that to Penny I’ll bring this to Maru and we should probably also go look around see if we can find any fall forgea bles yeah we are doing remix bundles

Yeah okay are you really Tilly I’m excited about that too on Saturday it’ll be fun it will be fun you have 33k in the traveling merch mer is fing selling a portrait of your wife Penny for 30k should I buy it yes I think you should I think it’s

Worth spending all your money on a portrait of Penny duh of course special orders board Robin and I built it from scratch okay oh stop that’s kind of creepy scary um okay Professor fall Subs I don’t want to hear you explain it I know how it

Works sorry do I still have okay I can bring you know what I’m going to go back and get a cave carrot so I can bring it to Clint you get a ticket for each special order we should go pick one that’ll be really good I do have a cave carrot for

Clint you know what if I’m going to go see Clint I open my mystery boxes too uh Molly I’ll be live for like 3 hours probably total today I think so at least um the surprise tickets and mystery boxes absolutely make it for you no I am

The same way the surprise tickets and the mystery boxes are so fun you want bok choy I won’t be able to get that for you in time Louis try as I might it’s not possible for me to get you a bok choy in the next two days

Oh let me look up where Penny’s going to be it’s fall on a Tuesday she will be in the museum right now that’s fine I want to go to this first um the local population of midnight carp has grown to an unsustainable level you need a 100 pieces of bone for your

Studies we could probably do that if we like went and grinded with the skeletons I’ll pick that one I think we could do that those are kind of rough as first options but I think we can manage okay Penny I do have this for you I’m just not used to such kindness I

Love it though it’s perfect thank you so much oh my God she’s so cute she is so cute 100 bones yeah oh I’m sorry I don’t want to watch this either I’m really sorry no time for cut scenes we got bones to grind creepy thing to

Say oh wait let me give this cave carrot to you I did see your uh task thank you Clint I won’t be able to do that Louis but I can do this that’s fine um oh wait almost forgot about my mystery box is process here we go escar go

Okay whoa 225 energy plus two fishing that’s actually pretty good we can make do with that okay I will go give this to Maru she’s working today then I’ll go up to the mines I guess and kill stuff may as well that is you’re right Quin fire it

Is those are very similar those sentences and both alarming so my bad oops sorry here oh wow Kayla this is spectacular oh she said I love him much the trees look right now and I know you love them too I do love the trees right now fall is so

Pretty you think I need a snail for the community center um we already finished the stuff that we need I need to get a tiger trout and I need to get a walleye still but we got like all of the snail stuff done um okay let me see if I can find

The skeletons are level 71 through 79 in the mines and it wants me to get a 100 bones so we’ll see how that goes but I don’t know might be worth experimenting with a little bit I didn’t bring any food so that is also something to be

Concerned with oh I can eat one of these though there you go hi to me trius okay 71 yeah any little skeleton guys I might have an easier time doing it on 75 I I don’t need I just need to see what they look like so I know what’s best to

Do I’m going to grab stuff while I’m in here you have your snails you have escargo oh we have these we can eat that too no the thing is I don’t really want to eat that though because that has a fishing bonus so I would prefer to not

Eat that on a day like today where I’m you know I may or may not need health okay if I’m going to need a 100 pieces of bone oh boy um I think I’ll grind level 71 over level 70 but or 75 or whatever but we

Haven’t really tried so 78 has the most skellies okay so I should that’s 85 so you’re saying I should go to 75 and try and get down from there hi skellies some drop extra that one dropped me too that one dropped just one what are we doing right now um killing a

Bunch of skeletons actually so no we need a 100 pieces of bone fragment I might end up working on this a little bit at night do I have the monster musk recipe um no I don’t think so maybe I’m being silly but no classic huh you’re halfway to your slime ring oh

Nice you know what this depending on how you look at it this could be really good cuz we’ll kill all the skellies that we need to for the community center not the community center for the um reward monster must is a special order that’s right um so no I definitely do not have

Monster musk we have not done a special quest to get it there’s one more over there I did get a bone sword yeah we’ll get the thing for the adventurer skild for killing skellies so that will also be good oh my God I have 10 um you think bone sword’s better for

This we could use the bone sword for killing the skeletons it’s faster yeah might as well any skellies no skellies yeah we’ll get a little bit of copper and iron too oh I went to 70 instead well I don’t really want to kill you go away hey stupid

Ghost personally I think that the game should spawn more skeletons for me this is kind of ridiculous I’m not doing a good job of Killing Them am I oh well these are dropping me three at a time I’m liking these skeletons better you found a prismatic Shard from a mystery box did you

Really we also don’t have to do that one didn’t drop any we don’t have to do all of this today so that’s something to keep in mind too we have like six days to work on it so if we can get a little bit each day

Or something I think I’d like to get to like 33 today before we stop oh my God no bones do you understand how much I dislike you for that skeleton that one got me too I do actually have I have a book small chance to drop double loot so that’s

Good you’re trying some vegan stir fry today oh that’ll be fun that’ll be good me and Dan are making pizza for dinner tonight we’ve kind of gotten the habit of making pizza on Mondays recently it’s been it’s been like a thing for the past couple of weeks

Okay there’s no skellies on this level but there is a lot of iron so we might do with what we have should I try and go down to the next one people tell me that 78 has a lot of skeletons one person said that but I

Trust them it’s not letting me down I should just keep resetting oh my God there we go oh here we go that is more like it two bone fragments I’m feeling a little bit better am I playing Sims tomorrow yeah I am uh we’ll be live playing Sims

Tomorrow okay sorry everyone for like almost dying I’m not paying attention 77 78 and 79 usually have a lot of them yeah um okay 78 I guess it’s probably in our best interest another glow rank to just keep going down from here huh okay not so much a lot on 78 it’s

Two that’s okay I’ve got 24 of the bones that’s one quarter of the number of bones that I need 25 that’s actually one quarter of the bones that I need this Quest better be worth it I’m starting to think it won’t be we’ll see no it’s not that bad the bug meat

One is definitely worse oh there’s a bunch down here thank you skellies please stay away from me though I’m doing a bad job killing you 28 yeah we’ll get like a bone Miller recipe from this which will be cool you failed the bug meat one this week really oh it

Stinks there’s not even anything on this level it’s 9:20 we’ll see what we can do I would like to make it so I just need to spend like 3 days in here and I really mean that when I say it and I keep saying it cuz I’m trying to manif ested

Okay well here’s a fun question what day are you all in if you’ve been playing are a lot of people in fall right now kind of like I am or what winter 3 and of fall okay yeah I didn’t play at all yesterday so I’m I’m falling behind oh I’m going to

Die we’ll be fine 37 oh that was really good that level Day One Summer lots of summer and spring folks too yeah that’s nice this game is just so fun I like hearing about what people have been doing and experiencing in the game cuz it’s kind of interesting to see

Like what it’s been like for people with the new update you know there 39 okay I would really really like it game if you would let me get down to 78 quick there we go that worked there we go that is more like it look at how many skeletons there are

Yes okay monster Slayer goal complete I know we were going to get that in this process 49 51 oh see things have really turned around for us this is going to be an easy Quest then I was worried it was going to take us like days and days and

Days but we’re at 53 so that’s totally fine um I should probably go home huh I think so it’s getting a little bit late halfway done though totally Ember and rat thank you for the subs I appreciate that okay um I want to put in here I need to

Save probably save that for me to open later on save all of the hazelnut okay whoa um I should not have put my bone fragments in there didn’t I have like I think I had like 53 we should keep that many bone fragments with us hot pepper wine

Okay let me put in there maybe I’ll put like some more melon to get us some more money out of that I will save the hot pepper wine for me to use for this and then I will sell those two okay couple more of those I do also have that to

Recycle food goes away all right yeah the quest will say how many we needed yeah we had 53 I just want to keep them on me so I don’t forget oh level 10 farming okay befriend Coupe animals quicker incubation time cut in half befriend barn animals quicker sheep produce wool faster this

Is why I never use this I never do the animal profession um what do you think coup Master is kind of what I’m leaning towards okay we all agree C master that was really Brave of me Shepherd for pigs oh that’s true well it’s too

Late oh well we’re we’re in our Mayo era I guess it is what it is Spirits are in Good Humor today okay I will grab what we can of the Corn here I’m probably going to sell all of that I can bring you some amaran Marney you’re in luck I actually already

Started making that for you I have a different one than you Aly cuz I picked a different uh level five farming task than you did or Quest or whatever um so that’s why mine looks a little different I have extra sunflower seeds now I want to keep those sunflower seeds

Cuz I’m and the sunflowers cuz I’m wondering about giving them as gifts to people please help all I want to do is Farm M I think you should just do it I think that you should just allow yourself this and I I really mean that when I say it just just commit just

Farm it’s really okay um I have mixed flower seeds I’m going to plant a bunch of these that’s fine is the mushroom or fruit cave better um there’s this is kind of up in the air depending on what you want and what um bundles you have gotten and stuff I am typically team

Mushrooms over fruit cave but that’s kind of a personal preference thing Some people prefer a fruit cave it’s hard to say it’s hard to say I I picked mushrooms in this save you can get a second cat or dog and stard oh my God are you going to do it right

Now you I think you should you prefer Fruit yeah I that’s the thing I I always go mushrooms so it kind of just depends but all right one two there you go I should probably sell a lot of those eggs but we’ll see what we can do you’re

Currently at the the fair gambling to get your stard drop and Fedora nice Brew good stuff okay yeah and that’s the thing the fruit might help you with the community center but with mine I didn’t get fruit but like I don’t have to do fruit bundles for my community center so it

Really just comes down to what you end up with doesn’t it um it’s it’s different for everybody okay I’m going to go down I have a bunch of extra you know what I might actually go take those extra oh I guess not really that many

Extras I might leave it for now I was going to say I’ll sell them but it’s not worth it are the bundles always different only if you put it’s only different if you turn on mixed uh or remixed bundles on purpose and then they’ll be different and randomized so

When mushrooms appeared daily it was more worth it to do mushrooms yeah I I think so too now that they’re not you don’t get two or of them every day I mean you just get mushrooms every other day it takes two days it’s not as good anymore but and we have mushroom logs

Now so in that way it might be more worthwhile to choose the fruit too all right I’m going out I’m going to the mines again unfortunately um I’m just going to go try and kill some more skellies see what we can do Mythic thank you for the 29

Months uh we got think and Paige and Maria thank you so much too oh I didn’t bring any food at all oh my God Kayla well we barely had to eat yesterday I only had like the one little house plant that skeleton had a house plant and that’s my first uh Furniture drop

From a like a thing in the mines or anything I’ve gotten shirts but I haven’t gotten any furniture so that’s our first house plan that’s fun I love how things can drop Furniture now honestly that’s so cool to me I really really like that I’m going to use that he was on his

Way home from Ikea and then I killed him you fished two wall plants today did you really that’s cool okay don’t mind me I’m just going to get the iron while we’re in here this level kind of sucks it’s okay poor guy had a house plant but no house oh his house plant

Was never going to survive down here in the ice that’s actually quite sad you got a trash catalog day everybody’s getting trash cataloges but me Bruce said they got two trash catalogs and Brew is like oh I have two trash cataloges what am I going to do

With my second trash catalog I want a trash catalog Furious Furious does not begin to cut it I’m so jealous of you all I got another bone sword die die die oh mystery box thank you now we have 60 got some new ideas to sleep on see I’m leveling up with combat

Too so this is worth it we needed to do this we had to come down and work on this 79 I’m pretty sure we had quite a few skellies on 79 last time okay remind me I have that open I’m just going to run down and check

Hello oh my God how many of these am I going to get 66 I think we can finish this today in game based on how yesterday went high-waisted shirt it is fun killing skellies we’re getting good prizes from this I like that okay back nobody’s on 75 I might actually even reset

How can a shirt be high-waisted it’s because um that shirt if you put like a a pair of pants that match it then the shirt would look like it’s high-waisted so if you got like a pink skirt or whatever that is the same color then it would look higher wasted cuz

It’s like up higher I’m currently in my Fall outfit I don’t know if you can tell but I put on like an orange shirt for this this shirt that I’m wearing right now was the first shirt I ever found you mean crops like a crop top well that’s literally called high-waisted

Shirt that’s why I it’s like a crop top yes sort of but not really because it has like a base to it but yeah not really crop top though it’s more like um it looks like it’s tucked into pants is kind of what it’s intending to

Do I didn’t call it a high-waisted shirt the game called it a high-waisted shirt in case that wasn’t clear um I was just saying what I was reading out loud the title of it I’m not weird yeah and I think the bottom part is dyable so you can Dy it to like match

The pants that you’re wearing I’m pretty sure so then it looks kind of high-waisted when I get home I’ll show you cuz I have another one that matches these pants so when we get home tonight I’ll show you it so that you can see it we have

77 that’s not bad and we’re on level 77 we’re killing the skeletons cuz I got this fragments of the Past Quest so I have to kill 100 skeletons for it or sorry I have to get 100 skeleton fragments I don’t have to kill 100 skeletons I’ll probably get away with less than 100

Okay oops how do you dye clothes um once you get your first piece of cloth Emily will uh let you use her sewing machine so you can go in there and you can basically bring like a piece of cloth and dye and and like make you items and make it it’s it’s actually

Kind of complicated in a very cool way you might want to look into like how you make clothing and stard to because there’s a lot of stuff where it’s like if you use this certain item you get this special item which it might help if you’re looking for certain things to

Like have a guide open so you know um but you can get like if you use a certain item you can get a wedding dress and stuff like that um there’s a lot of clothes in game that are kind of hard to get your hands

On so it’s a nice way to use the artifacts and stuff though which is cool a wedding dress yeah you can get like a veil as well it’s kind of fun it’s probably good for us to kill more ghosts like this actually in hindsight cuz we need to kill ghosties for

Our thing as well the adventurers Guild we’re working on it you can dye the color of your boots oh my god I’ve literally never even considered trying to change my boots in this game I feel so silly that I never even thought about that but I’m serious I never ever even considered

That that makes sense but that’s so useful that’s actually Game Changer cuz I have these weird like purple boots they’re fun but like they don’t match my vibes you know I’ve never really thought about it I kind of just accept the boots that I have embarrassing embarrassing

Um you can’t dye them oh now I’m getting a lot of mixed signals what do you mean you can’t die them sorry I’m it looks like I’m going to die but I’m going to be fine actually okay it’s more like switching boots that makes sense like reskinning them um

88 pieces make one pair look like another okay but that’s fine cuz you can like swap the space boots out so that it looks like you have brown boots on or something okay well this level sucks do you think I’m going to get all 100 today oh cave carrots thank you all

Right you believe in me thank you that’s very nice of you we only need 12 more which isn’t really that bad especially if we get a good level like this or maybe there’s a bunch okay I need 11 more and luckily for us there are no more skellies on this level oh

Man it’s okay we’re getting a lot of iron and copper while we’re doing it which is worth it why don’t you collect the crystals oh you can’t these they just break they don’t do anything they’re kind of like the fibers and stuff I guess oh my inventory is full go away hello

Skelly okay we need 10 more double drop come on give me like two okay we need eight more none that one didn’t drop any oh my God I’m furious at least I can steal all these torches I intend to bring these home with me too all right thenone you got the trash catalog

Too I’m devastated I want the trash catalog I want it so bad okay one more run through of these and we should be okay seven 75 there’s one Skelly oops no bones it’s finally the green rain day in your game oh okay I’m so excited for you

That’s so fun my sister had that um like right before I went live she was spam texting me like what is this what does it mean which was kind of funny all right seven more pieces it is 11:30 I think that um maybe our chance of doing it today the ship has possibly

Sailed five more three more oh my God it’s possible for this guy to give me what I need oh my God I need two more it’s 1210 oh no come on come on 100% I’m getting it from this neither of those dropped any are you serious what those I just killed four

And I got one piece I got it now okay I’m just going to have to go home and we’ll finish it tomorrow like we’ll go turn it in tomorrow but we got all 100 pieces I will not pass out in the mines I got what I needed I’m going now we run back

Now we run back home Taylor K and from and AR thank you for the subs there’s a new catalog you can buy from C kobis oh really that’s cool I’ll look forward to seeing that then um put like pretty much everything in there for the most part okay

Bedtime wow that was a rough couple days level seven combat it was worth it yeah we got so many bone swords those chests are bigger yeah because I upgraded two of my chests um you can buy like a big chest recipe to upgrade a couple of your chests now so that’s why

I have two chests that are like slightly bigger okay I wanted to show you um this shirt kind of looks like it’s high-waisted do you see how it looks like my the same color as the pants I don’t think it’s meant to be a high-waisted shirt but that’s kind of

What this is trying to achieve so imagine if I had red pants it looks like the shirt is up higher and like tucked in um so that’s what the shirt we just got from the skeleton is but it’s kind of cute okay save that I probably want to

Bring I guess I don’t really want to sell any any of those extra swords do I I’ll probably sell three of those though yeah okay we’re finally getting more of these so I can finish putting some of the lights on my sprinklers I’ve been trying to do this for ages

Um where will I put my new skele plant I don’t know it’s a good question we’ll have to think about it yeah shn I can show you um when you come up this way to try and get Grandpa’s Shrine by default there is a tree right here so you you can’t walk

Across this it’s kind of sneaky cuz the tree blocks the little bridge but Grandpa shrine’s up there so you have to chop the tree it completely covers the bridge cuz you you can’t see it to get across until after you chop it it’s really weird I I learned that too from chat um

Cuz I they were like have you seen Grandpa’s Shrine and I was like I don’t know how to get back there and they were like it’s the tree you have to chop it I couldn’t see I didn’t realize it is very sneaky um yeah I was like kind of sat

There wondering how on Earth you get up there turns out he’s hidden it from us intentionally Oh sha look at this my um the cow randomized when I first bought the cow it randomized the name pongas which made me smile cuz it was like pogus which is the name of our cat

Who died away a few months ago who died away who passed away died combined our family had a cat um named pogy who died a few months ago and they U everybody called them pogus for some reason I don’t know why but when I saw pongas I was like a that’s cute

Make you rest in peace okay sell those you know what I should probably um start getting rid of some of these eggs I don’t know I’ll work on trying to make some more of the um Mayo machines you’ve been watching since I first started streaming today yeah well

You should stick around CH we’re having a good time okay out this little gate please it is only Thursday is today an important day by any chance let me check the calendar tomorrow’s Elliott’s birthday the book seller is on Sunday I can’t really do anything for you

Elliott um you’ve got a new item in stock called the autog Grabber I won’t be getting that yet probably Marne but I appreciate you telling me about it okay okay so we have a lot of community center stuff to do I’m thinking that we should probably try to find some more of

The Fall foraging the Blackberry we have to wait a bit but um I’m thinking we should probably try and get some of the foraging stuff and like run around and look and see what we can find like on the ground while we’re here today um have so many

Plants um I have been using the dehydrators yes sorry can’t speak we have um been dehydrating some mushrooms down here maybe I’ll run in and check on that and then we should bring all of our bones up to um the place to get our prize but look I’ve been

Dehydrating we have a lot of these that we can start dehydrating it becomes worth a lot it’s $13 energy um how to upgrade chest you have to buy the recipe from Robin it’s 5,000 um and then after you’ve bought that you can upgrade them it it costs

Like you can just place it on top of the existing chest but you need like 120 Wood um and also like I don’t remember exactly two copper bars or something I’m pretty sure um okay so let’s go up up up probably and I’ll go no I’ll

Go straight to the mines so I can put these bone fragments in there have I gotten married in the save yet no we’re only in Fall um we have not gotten quite there yet we’re going to marry Maru but we haven’t quite gotten to it yet oh you know what else we need

Um in the bulletin board we’ll probably want to get 50 blackberries right over the 15 wild plums so we’ll just wait on that I Guess no not into town wrong mes okay K thank you for the gifted Subs again and and Addy it do say thank you for the subs too um yeah it’s the eth to the 11th oh my God it doesn’t open till 2: p.m. silly Kayla silly silly silly silly

Silly well we can start trying to find Plums yeah no I didn’t say Mario Maru Maru Maru Maru not Mario Maru um everybody always thinks I’m saying Mario is it cuz I’m saying it wrong or or or is it just their mishearing that is the question um

Okay thought the bones were the for the museum oh it is for the museum isn’t it you know what it is I have to go up there because I wanted it’s for Gunther I have to go up there to the adventurers Guild to get my prize for killing all

Those skeletons so I had in my head that I had to go to the adventurers Guild and forgot that the quest was for Gunther technically so oops hi hope are you having a good day today I hope the reward is just an ugly skull hat yeah but you know sometimes you

Still want ugly skull hats from from there when me and Dan got married in game um when me and Dan got married in game he didn’t take the skeleton hat off his face so he was wearing it in the wedding oh if you think the game is a

Little too zoomed out I can zoom us in a little bit I have a big screen so um I can increase the UI skill for you a little if it would make it easier sometimes I forget that not everybody likes it um spite monitor thank you

3500 that was worth it that was worth it with the skeleton mask on Halloween oh that’s cute I like that actually um okay let’s go I guess I’ll just go to the mines I might go down to like I’ll I have to wait like 20 or you know an hour

Or whatever in game for the place to open so I’ll just kill some things down here while I wait I suppose might as well you’re thinking about your farm again oh no okay I’ll do one more level is there anything I want to get rid of from in here not

Really you know what I will get rid of though my 50 bone swords I kept one at home and that’s all I need I do not need the extra five or whatever that I have all right we’ll just head out I’m going to go into the adventurers Guild

Now um have I looked at the new expansion stuff on an older safe I haven’t looked at any of the new house expansions um I was kind of waiting I wanted to wait and see watch this oh my God U but I wanted to wait and see um

The new stuff when I get to it in this save I think is where I’m at so all right let’s go back around I guess I’ll just go on a little mission to forage yeah I think that would be good I might want to try and keep as

Many of these wild plums as I can find too you keep one spare sword and that’s it yeah I usually get rid of all of the extra swords cuz most times I don’t like them but I think in this save I might want to get a little collection of weapons

Going it just feels like it might be kind of fun for me so yeah you want eight gold ores oh do I have to gather them first I guess I can do that tomorrow that will be easy kind of annoying cuz I do have eight gold ores

But what did I get from getting all the bones fragments oh I got um 3500 gold and I think that we should be getting uh um I was told I was going to get a ticket but I didn’t get my ticket yet oh Beach warp totem so I don’t know how

That works or where I get my ticket from but I have to go back to the board oh I guess that makes sense okay it shows up in a little mailbox by the board okay well I’m going to go get that then don’t mind me I want to get my forgea bles first

Though not every single Quest gives you a ticket oh those big ones don’t always give you a ticket I was under the impression that they did so that’s disappointing if so they always do okay the big ones do all right it’s the little ones that don’t but the

Big ones so the board we’re talking about is the the board you unlock and fall um and so it sounds like that one does always give you a ticket okay I did not see the new thing you get for mastering all the skills and

I kind of want to wait and and see it for myself if it’s okay if we could like try not to spoil the ticket will be there the day after oh so the ticket won’t be there today cuz I finished it today I guess that makes sense

Um yeah the little ones I know you can get sorry let’s rethink let’s reframe this the little quests like the one I just got this one every three quests you will get a ticket I know that this we just did our first big Quest it’s there

Right away oh my God I’m getting so many mix signals from chat right now is the ticket there or not I’m going to go with it is there and I’m going to go get it um but uh the the big Quest sound like they give you a ticket for every single

One of them that you finish broccoli seeds by the sewer stairs oh was there oh and there is a ticket right there well proof of ticket nice I’m taking a screenshot of that just in case I want to use it for my VOD thumbnail um prize ticket let’s go in

Here every three you complete not every three offers um so you have to complete like once I complete three things like this I’ll get a ticket I’m getting a new bed heart book oh that’s fun that’s that is really fun okay I was told that there’s broccoli seeds down by

The Stewart door so I’m going to go there you got a double bed oh really you got a different one what is it it’s like a heart book I don’t really want to I I’m I’m guessing that it probably is about relationships in game like maybe it’s

Got to do with friendship or something but I’m not 100% sure um might want to wait and see oh your bed became big when you up upgraded your house oh that’s cool your price ticket bed scaled up oh yeah look seeds seeds my first broccoli seeds Okay that

Continues to produce after its first harvest as well it sounds like well let’s go and see if we can plant those immediately what’s the light around you oh I’ve got a glow ring you can find those in the mines um it’s very helpful cuz it lights up where you’re

Walking um it’s really hard to play without it once you’re used to it but we we got lucky and found one pretty early on so that was good okay I need to put where do you suggest I put my first broccoli seed I’m like kind of you know what I could do there’s

Space for a couple more of these I may put my first broccoli seed right there just for now and we’ll hopefully get some more um we’ll put that there with the rare seeds for now I’m going to put my new bed inside too oh hello pickled corn yikes

I’m going to make some more of that okay so for the fall foraging bundle I need a plum Hazelnut and blackberry I already have all that so we’ll be able to finish that tomorrow Plum hazelnuts in there I guess I’ll start saving all the plums and all the blackberries that I

Find just in case we need them in the future um probably for the best to do that I’m guessing don’t like the idea of pickled corn yeah the thought of pickled corn is kind of icky I’ll agree with you there oh that’s right oh wait don’t sell

That actually keep that just in case CU we need to get like 50 of those potentially for our keep the bread in here pickles okay I want to go over and see real fast because I have somewhere over there like way over there I have that little

Mushroom log and I want to see if it’s grown anything for me yet if there’s a way to tab to the next tool not tab to the next toolbar line um you can just press the number on your keyboard so when you press one it goes

To the first slot um if that’s what you’re asking but I’m not really 100% sure what you mean and then pressing tab obviously goes to the next line so you can tab through the rows but you can use your mouse scroll wheel too if you have a scroll wheel on your mouse

I typically use my mouse scroll wheel to get through it um but everybody kind of has different preferences all right can I even get rid of this bed if the cat’s in it oh my God I don’t think I can well I’m using my new bed whether the cat likes it or not

Andy Jesse thanks for the subs okay the bed is cute mushrooms are every 4 days okay that is good to know actually oh don’t sleep for the night sorry oh I like how that looks very cute um my first box Choy I don’t believe I needed any of

That for my no I will save a couple of it though I’ll save like three I think I have more seeds I have more yams I guess I should probably plant some more bok choy but we’ll start here for now bone Mill thanks for all the bones

I’ve got a lot to sort through here to think each fragment belonged to a living breathing body from the past fascinating please accept this unique crafting recipe is a thank you gift we learned how to make a bone Mill so with this you can turn bones into

Fertilizers which we might as well make now cuz we have some bone bone fragment clay and stone that’s kind of creepy um bone fragment clay and stone but I actually don’t have that many bone fragments that’s okay it’s worth it still I had a lot of bone fragments but

I had to use them all didn’t I we’ll see what we can get out of that oops all right hello cat water the cat Pam gave you a glow ring for Winterfest oh nice did you have one or no cuz if you had one it’s insulting but if you didn’t have one it’s

Nice okay how many days are in a season um there’s like 28 days in a season in this game oh no go away go away go away save all that get rid of those all right I’m going to go on an Epic Journey of community community center doing I

Think um we’ll see if we can finish some of those bundles I’m also going to go down and check the traveling cart I should you know what else I should do is look at the fish that I need so the tiger trout um oh and today’s probably Elliott’s

Birthday the tiger trout we can catch anytime in the fall in the river um Elliot today is his birthday I think I might even have a lobster for him oh he loves Squid Ink too I might give him squid ink and then the other thing I

Need is the walleye but I think that has to be in the rain yeah so we have to wait until it’s raining to get that one that’s fine um not anytime till 7:00 p.m. in the river I didn’t mean literally anytime um um all day until 700 p.m.

When it’s not raining is basically anytime it’s very easy to to get the the fish that we’re talking about so that’s what I meant by that sorry I don’t mean literally anytime but um okay well we’ll go down and check then Annie Jesse LLY thank you for the

Subs your name is Elliot and that scared you I’m sorry I didn’t mean to um oh really lizard oh no that is kind of alarming isn’t it that’s no good I was checking just then to see if the week had changed yet so I give Mario a gift but of course it

Hasn’t and I should have known um oh lots of fish today in there if you don’t like fishing the sturgeon being in there is actually pretty good I’m going to chop some hardwood too um hey I’m good heart association what’s up uh hopefully you’re doing well more

Farming Elliot was my last husband I miss him and then someone replies out of context that sounds wild that is like kind of an alarming message without context isn’t it you’re right you went to level 100 for trash and got lava eel first try oh really brw that’s pretty good that’s nice good

Luck okay don’t know how you feel the graphics do you get used to it um I I understand that this is not everyone’s cup of tea for me I didn’t have to get used to it because I like this I I think it’s kind of stylized in a cute way um I

Know that not everyone loves this kind of thing especially because a lot of games these days are like oh my God I’m stuck again a lot of games I’m not doing that way I got stuck the other day and I stress myself out um but a lot of games

These days are like trying for like hyperrealism this one is a little bit more like old school I guess and and it is more stylized um I think it’s cool that it’s like this but I understand that you might not um so this these kind of like uh like pixels game type stuff

Is cool for me um didn’t like initially but now you love it yeah I can see that um if you like the concept but not the style you might like a game called coral island it’s very similar to stardew it’s new just came out it’s pretty fun um and that has

Like um it’s it’s very similar style-wise to a lot of the games that have been coming out this year a lot of them like like coral island dream light Valley a lot of them style-wise all look kind of the same to me um but yeah it’s that one is a uh

Maybe preferable for you if you don’t like this um it’s giving lowquality Animal Crossing oh my God you have no idea how offensive that comment is first of all animal crossing is nothing like this gameplay-wise and it’s not low quality it’s just a different style um it’s just

A different style you might want to like reframe that in your mind um also just so you know one person made this game all by himself uh Animal Crossing is a totally different kind of game also made by Nintendo so different sort of situation you know

Um but anyway I know you probably didn’t mean any harm but you’re going to hurt people’s feelings with that one it’s just a different style um okay we’re going to go up and put all this in the community center now um I yeah the I know I you I’m not

Talking about that person anymore just in general every time a person makes Animal Crossing comparison to stardew they have literally nothing in common like gameplay-wise not even remotely similar and people always always try and like brush off Animal Crossing and starting because they’re just you know girl games oh there’s you

Know um but they’re like there’s no they’re not even close to being similar so funny um okay I can finish that if I bought the wheat flour maybe I should go back and buy the wheat flow I might I might um we’ll see okay fall crops bundle I never

Brought my corn for this I still need that one obviously I’m going to finish my Brewers bundle now yes give me a keg give me a keg give me a keg give me a keg yes okay I didn’t think it was going too so I’m pretty relieved by

That that is good thank you Game um fall foraging bundle I already have you um one two three brew has been bundled Brew you’re finished fall seeds Okay we’re this close just a little bit of time in Winter and then we’ll have that one that whole room finished again okay

Um so should I go buy the 100 wheat flour then for that bundle oh I have to give Elliot his gift too before I forget let me really quick look up where he’ll be right now um it’s a fall Friday he’ll be on the dock he will go

To the saloon tonight oh that’s fine I’ll get him tonight and the fish yeah we can try and get the fish too is the wheat flow expensive um it can be six red slimes oh we should try and do this get the gold ore and the

Sludge oh I’ll do that you know what I’ll do I’ll buy my 100 wheat flour um and it is a little expensive I I mean I think it’s worth just committing to it um cuz I’m not going to be buying a Mill and making all that I’m just not

So oh you wanted to give Elliot his gift in the saloon but he it was raining so we didn’t go oh no you can buy the wheat flour yeah makes it easier gold hoe first or iron watering can um it’s a good question Jack B nimble Jack be thick gain one defense

Whoa oh I just got that from a book in the in the beach Jack be thick okay interesting name that you speak of my sea urgin I’ve been trying to get a stupid sea urgin so long I want to make my um I want to make the bait maker the new

One okay we need to be quick though cuz I have to go up to the mines now um well the so the hole or the watering can honestly at that point by the time you have iron and gold it isn’t doesn’t really make much of a difference um I would probably get the

Hoe If you have enough sprinklers if it depends if you have sprinklers or not Elliot likes me now but it kind of comes down to that okay I’m going up to the mines we need to get eight pieces of gold and then we need to get some red slimes but

I don’t think the eight pieces of gold will be that difficult so I’ll go this way it’s a little quicker um no that wouldn’t have helped chly that would not help our situation would it to the mines no you’re fine death don’t worry I’m not offended um I was

Just you know warning you probably has to talk like that in front of people who love this game you know I’m not offended it’s okay um die oh my god of course there’s like no gold on this level I think it was eight of these little red slimes oh six oh that’s

Easy we can do that eight pieces of gold and six red slimes is like nothing three yeah I like how it gives you a popup um saying that you’ve done one more of them that’s four can you all leave me alone please oh my God I’m going to get this gold which

Maybe I’ll regret who knows know would you please stop hitting me okay so for this two more red slimes two more gold ore that’s barely even a quest okay saying that there’s like no red slimes on this level um I’ve had this save for about a

Week I started this save uh when the update came out so like last Tuesday oh my God my inventory is so full um eat that common mushroom come on just let me down maybe I should reset it’ll be easier to 90 oh my God I’m failing to get all

Those that’s five out of six red slimes would you please leave me alone grumpy grumpy little thing okay I got all the slimes I needed to um would you care to toss the slime hopefully this will be enough gold for us to be done yay well that solves that problem

Um just trade that it’s okay well now we can go cuz I think I need to talk to Clint about that and Lewis about that and they should both be in the place U Mel thank you for the prime sub in the place they’ll both be in the Saloon I like

It yeah the trees regrow Lisa so if you chop trees down around here they will come back don’t worry don’t worry yeah I know Ally listen I don’t know what I’m talking about I’m stumbling I don’t know what I’m trying to say don’t judge me when I’m trying to

Speak Haley is mean in a good way Abigail is meaning to stay away from me way no Tilly I agree I think that Haley is mean in like a it’s it’s kind of hard to explain but Abigail is like sometimes she’s like actually really mean to you you know but

Haley she’s just kind of is Clint not here yet or did I miss him if I missed him I’m going to be really upset oh he heads to The Saloon at 750 so he’ll be here soon yeah Abigail’s just weird isn’t she okay Clint I wanted to show you this my

Ticket just get rid of that let’s go use the ticket I’m ready we’re getting four more quality sprinklers that’s actually really good 20 cherry bombs soon that’s not bad I also don’t like Abby because um she beat me in the egg hunt one time you’re married to Abby and she was

Never mean well she’s just kind of weird sometimes she complains about your produce being bad she’s like oh I ate some produce of yours and it was bad okay that’s mean like did I ask no okay um I’m overwhelmed by how much stuff I have would you care to put the fall

Seeds in there I need that wheat flour for the community center still oh there was a plum at the bus stop let me go get it oh there’s two plums at the bus stop I need those are there any more more up here no yeah Alex is also mean to you at

First so a lot of them are mean I like that they’re mean I think it’s fun that they’re mean don’t get me wrong but but um I I do think that oh no hold on uh I do think that they’re mean in different ways which is kind of

Interesting go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away all right I guess I’ll start making another row of my kegs that’s my first ever juice I’ve got blueberry wine corn juice ew blueberry wine and corn juice okay I’ll make some more melon wine I

Think all right go away to both of you then I have some tree seeds so I can put that on top of these things that I will place that’s worse than Mayo I think so too actually okay that’ll make those little uh hardwood trees grow faster for

Us and then tomorrow I will clear up the farm a little bit so I can put my more my extra sprinklers down yay little bit of money 2,000 more we’re getting close to me wanting to pay to get the desert we’ve got like 8,000 oh there we go 9,000 that’s

Good so I say hardwood trees yeah those trees will grow into hardwood trees which is pretty useful cuz you can chop them for extra hardwood let me steal this okay I got my first eggplant I do need that for the community center I also need a piece of corn for the community

Center so I will save myself both of those all right Um I think the amaranth will be ready soon as well okay maybe I should put do you think I should clear out some space down here to have like four more I guess slowly but surely we’re going to be clearing all this up to like really build out the

Farm so maybe I’ll put like one two initially I was thinking I would put them like this way I don’t know if that’s a bad idea or not but we kind of have to just accept that it’s kind of weird over here you know and I think this is like kind of

Weird in a cool way with the four like horizontal maybe I could put a tree or two right there eventually as well once we start decorating I don’t know we’re going to have to really really redo all of this to lay it out better all right what kind of seeds should we put

There maybe I should get some more melons or something not sure anything for perfection in this save I titanium I think we will do that I hav an 100% decided but I think we’ll aim for Perfection yeah hello little mushrooms thank you give me five of those thank you mushrooms

Good how do you get those hardwood trees um when you chop down hardwood sometimes it will drop a hardwood seed um so you’re going to want to go into like the secret forest and try to chop some hardwood out there and hope that they drop you some

Extra seeds basically they take a really long time to grow as well so something to be prepared for let’s chop this one what does the hardwood seed look like um it’s called the mahogany SE seed and uh it looks I don’t know kind of orange I guess five Silver Star oh that’s

Good yeah they’re technically called mahogany seeds I guess so that’s good I know Leaf I’m really sorry today the episode that I posted of my legacy challenge in The Sims today it was a rough one it was a rough one my um I won’t I won’t say any

More than that it’s just like some people died and it was yeah okay I will go buy some sets of seeds then for this no everyone didn’t die but we are we are reaching a point in the save where that is inevitable um you know how it goes oh

There we go those are mahogany seeds so that’s what it looks like um if you’re ever trying to find some yeah you know when you get to that point in a legacy challenge where your Sims are no longer with you okay I’m just going to go buy the seeds

Then I guess pumpkins will be good vanilla thanks for the 14 months we’ll get pumpkins yeah and if you put a taper on mahogany tree you’ll get sap which again sap is always useful to have so that’s a good thing to consider too um okay I’m going to

Buy how much did I say I put down four so maybe like 32 more pumpkins money lots and lots of money yeah I always kind of forget about tapping the mahogany tree so that’s a good thing to remember to point out oh hi okay I’m going to try and catch that

Fish that I need today never in my life if I thought I need more sap yeah but if you make a lot of fertilizer you kind of do need more sap um which I know sounds kind of silly sometimes but you will get good use out

Of it oh really I’m so sorry I hope you feel better I’m so sorry that is horrible broken glasses oh boy I’m looking for some kind of fish I can’t remember what it’s called I’ll know it when I see it we’ll figure it out I am looking for not

You I need the tiger trout that’s what I want oh Christine I’m so sorry horrible absolutely horrible small mouth bass and I’m out of bait am I going to give the broken glasses to Evelyn yeah I might as well we can head up there and give it to her please please be tiger

Trout no salmon okay keep running out of coal I know coal is one of the worst ones it’s really rough I usually when I’m running low on coal I’ll go to like the ice levels of the mines and keep resetting until I get like a bunch of those little

Dust Sprites and I I kill a bunch of dust Sprites for coal so that’s kind of My Method um no the game doesn’t really walk you through any of this when you’re playing um it we all know a lot of this stuff because we’ve played like hundreds of

Hours in the game um and we’re like kind of experienced in it um there’s also a lot of helpful information on the wiki so you get a lot of information on the wiki um which a lot of us are like non-stop checking the wiki when we’re playing like I have the wiki open

Sometimes when I’m trying to give a gift to someone I’m like let me just see on the wiki where they are right now you know in case you forget um but I’ve kind of reached a point where I I have like a lot of people’s schedules memorized

And I know what gifts they like and I know how to you know it’s just we’ve played a lot so and even if you’ve if you’ve got like hundreds of hours a lot of people still use the wiki like very frequently for things they might forget but if that’s not interesting to

You you don’t have to worry about that um you can just uh play and let it be um you have 1,200 hours and still use the wiki yeah I have like $800 hours and still use the wiki so all right come on tiger trout please please please please please

Please please please I don’t think that’ll be it no let me look her up tiger trout River 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. we just hope for the best then you played stardo on a flight once and struggle without being a yeah yeah without having the W the wiki when

You’re on the plane with no Wi-Fi I can see that being a pain that new ideas to sleep on that it just gave me that’s it telling me that I’ve leveled up my fishing skill so I’ll I’ll learn that I leveled up tomorrow morning tiger trout okay we can be done

With that now just one more fish for the community center bundle one more and we need it to rain for us to get that thank you dear I’ve been looking for my glasses my my they’ve become filthy are you friends with Alex no not even close not even

Close okay you have the stardy valley guide app on your phone oh that probably is helpful and if you don’t need the Internet for it then that might be a good call um buttery I think I will probably play for like one more day in game after this

Day or maybe two we’ll see I probably like one more day in game after this day though it’s always one more day we’re going to marry Maru we are pretty sure yeah I don’t like how these look I I should have like moved it down a little bit or something I’ll I’ll mess

Around with the layout of the farm in the winter so we can get it like organized a bit more I think I might go up to the community center today and pay for a couple of the bundles as well oh maybe just one bundle I can’t tell we could

Pay for like the 5,000 gold one which might be good one more day means five in stardew yeah yeah just a little bit I’ve never heard of the stardy valley guide app that um chat is mentioning but I imagine that might be helpful it probably is just has like the wiki but

In an app so yeah unofficial unofficial but maybe still useful yeah the book seller is tomorrow that’s part of why I want to play until tomorrow in game cuz I want to see the book B seller okay hello chickens I’m just here to say hi

To you all apparently I did not come in here yesterday which is bad I might want to work on upgrading my Coupe soon too it’s just too much to spend money on it’s overwhelming bye Owen have a good night thank you for hanging out all right sell both of those good money from

That and then I will come all the way down so I can put these in the dehydrator unless it’s not ready yet in which case I shall store them in a chest yeah you rushed upgrading the barn so you can get truffles before winter yeah

Yeah the barn is hard I I don’t really need to worry about that cuz I don’t need truffles for my community center with my remixed bundles so I’ve not been doing that like at all all right I will bring just those then up to the community

Center I can move the dehydrator I guess that’s true we could move it out of there I don’t know why I didn’t do that I mean I kind of like it in there can take it out of the cave use it for fruit that’s true we could take it out of the cave

And use it for fruit the chef bundle is the only thing keeping you from a finished Community Center yeah the chef bundle is um the rush for pigs and stuff it’s it’s hard it’s definitely hard I have the home Cooks bundle and I finished it no Chef bundle no truffles here a little

Bit easier for me I got complete breakfast and then I have one more fishy River fish oh I’ve used the remix bundles a few times I like playing remix bundles Delux B that’s good um I like playing with remixed bundles because I think it’s kind of fun um I wouldn’t recommend

A person who like first time it is playing stardo to play with remix bundles but I like to do it now I can be friends with Alex yeah now we can give these to Alex and he’ll like me that is my plan when is Alex’s birthday I probably missed it unless

It’s in Winter it might be in Winter no it’s summer 13 okay fail I’ll have one for you next year Alex I’ll save it for you okay I’m just going to go back home book seller tomorrow oh wait I was thinking about paying money in the oh

Whatever I don’t need to buy the bundles yet gave him an egg for his birthday I’m not sure I gave Alex anything on his birthday I think I might have missed it sorry Alex that is my bad you didn’t deserve that okay what do you got for me Grape

Wine why did I make a grape wine stupid ridiculous well I’ll sell that too okay let’s just go to bed I want to see the book seller I’m excited about it level eight fishing I got a deluxe worm bit all right I don’t have any mods no Val I

Don’t have any mods installed right now what’s wrong with Grape Wine um I I guess it’s just like kind of boring not going to make you a lot of money doesn’t really matter though okay steal all that corn maple syrup oh there is a couple of seeds

Behind the house that I do not want there please don’t grow made Grape Wine for Community Center yeah I filled that part of my community center thankfully few more bits of corn I hate how all my corn is like out of they aren’t all the same bugging me me a lot

Actually you got a mystery shirt from the mystery box that is so funny we have encountered our first green rain yeah we did um we’re in we’re in Fall now so the the green rain has passed we got the green rain on like probably like day three of spring or of

Spring of uh summer I think it was kind of early into the summer for us you got a mystery wallpaper oh that’s fun it sounds like a couple people in chat got that streaming until um at least the end of this day in game not 100%

Sure I don’t want to leave is my problem so but I’ll play at least until the end of this day okay I think saving that is probably good um I did not mean to keep that milk on me I did not mean to do that we said one more day so probably around

Winter oh my God it’s true though is the problem we’re like one more day um so we end upay playing about 20 more days by accident no we’ll do prob how about this two more days two more days I’m going to go down to the Book seller um I don’t think I’m

Going to be able to buy any of the books cuz we don’t have that much money right now but I’ll still go down and see um Apple sapling puffer fish pomegranate sapling retro catalog oh this is my first time seeing a catalog in there obviously we don’t have

Enough money a collection of unique furniture from a bygone era oh we obviously cannot buy that but that’s cool that one is expensive it’s common don’t worry okay good yeah we need to probably next stream not this stream but probably next stream we’ll upgrade our house I think

In the winter we’ll do a lot of like upgrading the barn upgrading the house upgrading our tools like we’ll we’ll really um work on a lot of that stuff over the winter time and also we’ll we’ll get a lot of money with our first harvest we

We’ve kind of invested all of our money into our seeds so we don’t have a lot of money right now but it’s growing the money is growing literally okay I don’t need a truffle for the community center no I don’t have that bundle I I’m playing with remixed

Bundles I don’t actually need that much more for the community center we’re getting close to being done I’ll show you um we need uh for the pantry I’m waiting for my fairy Rose to grow like last thing uh fall crops yams growing broccoli growing just waiting rare crops

I got my sweet gem berries growing I also have an ancient fruit seed uh ancient fruit growing so we we’re waiting on that um winter foraging can’t get cuz it’s winter not winter yet I mean night fishing I have to wait for this one fish it has to rain for us to

Get that um The Vault I have not paid anything towards yet but we will soon um apples growing foragers bundle waiting for the blackberries uh Blackberry season Spirits Eve bundle hasn’t happened yet I can put the bat wings in there um and we’ll get the Jacko Lantern

Soon just can’t do it yet still waiting so this remix bundle of mod no the remix bundles are just a setting that you can tick when you first make your save so anybody can do it what was I going to do today oh the book seller duh

Duh you have the master Fisher bundle I know that one is rough I’m sorry I’m sorry you can do remix mine rewards too if you want to I never do remixed mine rewards I just uh will play with the remixed bundles for the most part I think the remix bundles are fun

When you have played the community center a lot and it seems like a lot of people don’t know about them because um people have been asking us a lot today and all the past week in game um Jo ja Cola another little Quest what do you got for me

Today purple mushroom I still have not gotten a single purple mushroom of my own yet Abby I will not be giving you one you got zero rainy days in Fall oh my God the whole time you were playing last night that hurts bye Books Okay stardy Valley this one gains you farming

Experience you know that wood cutters weekly gains you forging experience way of the wind uh we bought that one already way of the win part two increases it even more um reading this book again will grant a small amount of experience in all areas oh cool horse the book Old

Slither legs wood cutters weekly price catalog none that good this time I’m curious about the trade-ins so you can get a slime egg press you can get stuffing hardwood Mystery Box fairy dust pepper poppers Deluxe bait monster musk we were just talking about that absolutely zero rainy days in Fall oh my

God I hope that doesn’t happen to us how if I were to try and get a rain totem foraging level 9 for the recipe Source oh but you need truffle oil okay that’s no good we are not going to have any truffle oil we’re not going to have any truffle

Oil for that we don’t we are not ready for that oh boy okay well too bad for us I guess on that note um we maybe we get lucky and get rain totems from like a mystery box yeah maybe maybe usually can’t afford pigs till spring too yeah it’s pretty common that

That happens um I don’t know there’s no pressure to finish the community center in year 1 it’s just that a lot of people who play this game Sorry Louis A lot of people who play this game a lot like want to they want to finish it in year one

So yeah I should be able to gift Maru today I’ll probably go up and give her something I’m doing a a little wraparound um lap to see if we can get any more of the forgea bles but I think the answer is going to be no yeah

Be like bruise mom and finish it in year eight I mean that’s fine though you play at your own pace right like you do whatever you need to do a train is passing through stardy Valley and I’m all the way down here oh man okay she couldn’t get the fish

Oh yeah fishing on a tablet probably is really hard that makes sense to me you’re a winter of year five and your last thing is a pomegranate oh God having to wait for a pomegranate is so annoying I’m so sorry if it makes you feel any better A lot of folks here have

Been stuck by stuff like that too she got them all from the cart SL made you do it oh that’s so cute she’ as you to come over to fish and stardew for her well and it worked you managed to get through it all right that is so

Sweet okay I am definitely I think going to play one more day after this day in game I’m not ready to be done yet we keep playing a little bit longer you missed a queen of sauce recipe and oh no so you had to wait like

A whole year in game to get through all the rest of them for Perfection I’m so sorry yeah the queen of sauce recipes when I did my perfection save I forget which recipe it was but there was one that I missed as well and I was so mad at myself that I

Had to wait for it again and like keep checking reruns and stuff I forget which one it was you just like you know you think you’ve been getting them all and then you go to make them all and you realize uh-oh yeah the Wednesday reruns try and prioritize the recipes that you

Miss but it’s still annoying to have to go wait I had like spreadsheets when I was getting close to Perfection that was quite a time I’m going to chop this too you got the trash hat really oh that’s so fun I’m glad that’s so good um I’m just chopping all these little guys

Cuz we can leave them be okay yeah I love being able to use a spreadsheet in a game I know it sounds silly but like genuinely I love having a spreadsheet in a game oh I was going to give Maru a gift today wasn’t I it’s

Okay I can do it tomorrow there’s no rush let me scoot this back just as smidge okay um I may chop this too you know what we could start working on we could try and start planting a bunch of seeds for our future tappers that might be a good use of our

Time hold on let me go get some of that cuz we can get planting and that might help us um my perfection run I did I didn’t stream all of it I played a lot of it like for fun um and streamed parts of it so it’s like the you’ll you

There’s videos of me reaching Perfection on my second channel on more simsy but I played a lot of it like me and Dan when we were long distance we would like sit there and play stardo at the same time uh on Discord not in like a co-op save

But just at the same time separately um and so um I think that most of it was not streamed but some of it was especially once I got close to finishing okay I can hear Dan screaming in the background he’s singing on stream I don’t know if you can hear it

But now that the game is quiet and there’s no music I can hear a scream singing okay that’s a good start for now we could go maybe try and give some gifts what’s he singing I don’t know I can’t tell I just hear like the screaming but we can maybe go try and

Give maybe I’ll give like aridium eggs to people I’ll just go see who all’s in the bar how about that I will bring some daffodils he’s singing chasing cars oh my God L thank you for the 19 months by the way he’s having a concert yeah he he

Always is if you’ve ever been to his streams he is always doing that on stream um it’s uh it’s kind of his thing he’s always singing on stream every stream of dance is just like a Non-Stop multiple hour long concert basically I don’t think you cared for that much as you should

Have this is great thanks not you you’re going to be grumpy about it how about you oh a present thank you okay this just ain’t my thing I hate you okay a few extra liked gifts for a few people just to get us started yeah I know when you watch the

Vods um cuz when he sings on stream when he plays the music he has it set up so the VOD doesn’t uh keep this the backing soundtrack The Spotify um so that’s because then it won’t get caught by copyright but then when you watch his streams back it’s him scream singing a

Lot of the time with no music in the back ground just him on his own and he is actually a relatively good singer at times but not all the time not all the time he’s actually pretty good but sometimes it’s like you know so level eight foraging I got a farm

Warp totem I got the tent kit oh cool we actually have a tent kit cuz we got it from the fishing day so relatively good yeah relatively good spirits are in Good Humor today okay I think this might be my last day in game today yes money and it’s Blackberry season

Okay uh-oh now that it’s Blackberry season I may end up playing two days we’re in trouble we are in trouble I am so excited about my my cranberry money everybody you have no idea I cannot wait for all my cranberry money I have been looking forward to this

Day last day she says for 4 days straight yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s fine it’s fine look at how much we got I think I’ll keep like 50 of them for now okay you save those in there anything good down here aha the emran is there I might actually need to

Buy some more seeds then cuz I have I have some pumpkin and I have some wheat I guess I can just plant those for now this one will be for Marney few more pumpkins some of that too okay um yeah you can use the sword to collect blackberries and salmon berries

Now yeah it’s kind of cool um I guess I’ll just keep four I might make some more of that later on I’ll save one of them for Marne one of the things that you have to do for Perfection and like for the achievements is to sell 15 of every crop

So I’m kind of keeping that in my mind as I’m buying crops and thinking like okay I definitely haven’t sold enough of those amaran yet so we’ll have to get some more eventually okay put that in there let’s go you do yeah it’s um you’ve got time though but

You do have to keep that in mind grass looks purple yeah the the fancy grass the Blue Grass looks purple it’s kind of nice I kind of like it that’s all the milk I wanted we’ll get perfection in this save I I think I would like to try

For perfection in this save eventually um I don’t know if we’ll prioritize it straight away cuz I might get bored of this save and go back to the expanded mod save but who knows maybe I won’t and I’ll obsessively play this one for a while I’m obsessively playing it right now

So we’ll see no you don’t have to get it by like a certain year for Perfection or anything um you just got to you just got to get it eventually um which maybe isn’t helpful okay what was I going to do today cheese selling gift for Maru blueberry season oh I was going

To forage okay I’ll get my strawberry for Maru too is an expanded overwhelming yeah I expanded the expanded mod is overwhelming in what I would consider oh no hello my stream died for a second that was scary can you all see me hold on I think my chat is struggling said reconnection

Successful we’re back okay yeah that was like a a a brief second of my stream died our Internet’s been kind of weird today yeah just a second did that happen to Dan too yeah our internet has been struggling today it happened a little bit earlier too well that was very brief though it

Wasn’t bad there’s no audio oh is maybe that’s on your end I’m not sure the internet said today is the last day it said maybe you should stop I got to get Linus’s Blackberry basket too audio is okay all right I think we’re all right then yay that’s 21 that’s pretty good

Okay just a little bit more hardwood I’m glad that we’ve been going through and like making an effort to get a lot of the hardwood because we’re going to be really happy that we did this now when we eventually need a lot of hardwood um so it’s good to be getting

Ahead of it as soon as you unlock this area it stopped to load on your ey but then backed out and came back and it was fine yeah I I looked over at my stream pre and it was like uh the blue blinking like twitch problem scene and I was like

Oh no but then OBS was like attempting to reconnect reconnection successful so it like fixed itself I don’t know just the internet dropped for a sec all is well I just set up um you’re going to be pleased to know this I just set up a an a splitter like an Ethernet splitter

Because um while I was planning on doing the Planet zoo stream on Console today so I had to get the PS5 in here and I had to install the game and it was a whole thing but then you know I had a little meltdown about my cat having

Cancer and then I didn’t end up streaming Planet zo I backed out of the sponsored stream long story short I put an Ethernet splitter in my room and so I’ll be able to use it on my switch finally so all of the issues that I’ve been having with uh my switch not

Working on the Wi-Fi right I’ve I’ve going to be able to have it hooked up to the ethernet so um we’ll be able to have no more issues on the Animal Crossing when we’re doing that I’ve been having so many problems in Animal Crossing

Um but uh We’ve I think got it fixed so yay okay we have 39 out of the 50 that we need which is not that bad and I’m sorry that I dropped that news in case you didn’t know because that is an unpleasant way to find out um but I

Found out when I was streaming on Friday so that was also unpleasant um it’s it that was a that was a recent one um it’s yeah not thriving with that at all actually but it’s okay she’s going to have surgery on Tuesday not tomorrow but next week and um yeah that’s

That so okay up up up up up let me see what we’ve got for this Wild Plum I can give you a Wild Plum Caroline cuz I’m going to have the 50 blackberries I need so I can give you a Wild Plum very easily that will be no

Problem I was thinking I was going to have to save them so I would have 15 but I do not have to save them so we’re okay 45 just a couple more 48 oh my goodness when’s Among Us um we’re going to play it on on April 1st so next week

Next Monday we’re going to play among us we’re sort of banking on uh them doing like a Among Us April Fool’s Day thing again like they did last year cuz last year they had that silly little horse mode going on um so we’re kind of crossing our fingers hoping that they’re

Going to do a silly little horse mode thing again like they did last year um so that’s what we’re committing to and hoping that it’ll happen it was pretty fun the horse mode was really silly so we’re hoping that they’ll do that again so we can play with

It okay I’m going to go get line his blueberry basket too and then bring it to him cuz he’s right up there yeah that was a year ago already I don’t like to think about that it makes me feel weird when I think about how long ago that was it makes me

Feel a little bit weird I don’t know I don’t know oh that’s not the blueberry basket what am I doing I need I was like basket I’ll just take that the blueberry basket is up by the bus stop I just saw like a circle and I was like there’s my blueberry

Basket I know where I’m trying to go I don’t know what I was doing just then the blueberry basket’s over here a lot of people don’t even know that you can come this way in my defense look at that it looks the same so Blackberry not blueberry blackberry

Sorry okay well we’ll go bring that and then I’ll put well you know what if if I’m going no no stop I was going to say if I’m going to the community center maybe I will bring stuff now but there’s no point I do want to give Mario a gift so

I should probably try and do that first yeah Danny it makes sense that you wouldn’t know that it it makes sense that you wouldn’t know you could go that far cuz how would you realize that you could go that way there’s a lot of little like sneaky things that you can

Like go sneaky places you can go extra that you might not realize are there okay lonus are you still standing up here yes got your basket thank you what’s the basket for oh it’s just a it’s for lonus it belongs to him that’s all Maru h no okay let me see where she

Is on the thingy fall Monday oh she’s in front of the saloon okay I’ll go yeah you can go even further in there you can get under the bridge even more if you keep walking to the left up by the bus stop you put the basket in the grain

Just play with the the mayor Schwarz when you played evil stard oh my God just like non-stop making fun of these people you’re like showing how you’ve stolen all their things okay seven Hearts we’re getting there I’m going to go down to the beach and then I’ll go back to bed probably oh

Let me check this too the local population of Salmon has grown to an unsustainable level 100 Arch chokes by the end of the season okay well we can’t do that do you think that I should pick the salmon one how much salmon do you need 10 oh

That’s fine I caught like two Yesterday by fishing for like two seconds that’s easy I am not worried about that let me look what time they’re available salmon is available 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the river easy that one’s not bad at all 100 artichokes fall your one is evil that’s

Like we can’t do that we can’t do that okay so the reason I want to go home and play one more day is because I think tomorrow we’ll have so much money that we can work on maybe paying for the bus so I’m kind of thinking that I want

To do like one one more perhaps um okay so back this way sorry I was looking at my Discord for a sec um I don’t need all of those anymore I do need one Wild Plum to give to someone one more day one more day I know

It’s dangerous but keep going um save those for me why don’t you you know what you could probably save me some oysters even if you wanted to okay no there’s not a year limit fiery you can play as many years as you want in game you can just keep

Going I should play a desert day because there’s a new thing oh my God we’re in trouble we are in trouble I think Dan got off stream already but that means Dan can start making dinner so I can see oh we don’t have enough money for the desert we don’t

Have quite enough yet so it’s okay we don’t have to play an extra day after this one week from today we have the stardy Valley Fair um well I think I will play one more and then I’ll stop rationalize it yeah yeah we just keep trying to justify it no no one more

One more just one more okay just one more um I shall do cranberries oh there it is okay Chef Dan can make pizza without you exactly exactly Oh My My Little Flowers I’m going to grab all of these and then probably plant some Dan turned my light off and that one

Too he just messaged me if I turned your lights off I’m sorry my stuff is all labeled wrong mine is too mine got all mislabeled somehow I don’t know what happened my lights are like all messed up out of order it’s okay yeah mine’s all messed up I should

Tell him that mine as well okay I will plant one more sunflower seed while I’m here is it the internet issues no it’s it’s the stupid Elgato lights never buy an Elgato key light I’m telling you these things are the biggest pain I would not encourage any of you to buy an

Elgato key light I do not like them they have caused me a lot of problems it’s a key light is what it is um okay I will sell the rest of this too is there a good alternative to them um yeah Logitech has a a light that’s

Sort of similar I’ll tell you I’ve had these lights for a long time I don’t like them though um but Logitech has a light that’s sort of similar and I use that light when I do all my baking streams um so okay what was I going to do today oh

Should we try and fish up some salmon I can bring a Wild Plum to Caroline too that’ll be good we can work on fishing up the salmon then I assume that you can expand the stone chest too Shere but I’m not sure I would I would guess that yes you

Can expand the the stone chest too um okay you got two mystery boxes inside a mystery box that gave you four mystery boxes oh my God just non-stop mystery boxes okay we take care of all these animals quick said I was going to do the bus

Yeah we don’t have enough money to do all of the bus though Rome we can do some parts of the bus but not all of the bus so I’m just warning you we cannot finish it but we can do some parts gifts for Mario I’m not going to

Do it today we have all week so I won’t do it today just a constant Loop of mystery boxes so we go until we get the bus no that’s going to take us a while we need a bunch more money um the bus there’s bundles it’s like 2500 5,000 10,000 and

25,000 to pay for all those bundles so we need a lot more money than we actually have this is my actual last day okay and I mean that this time yeah the pumpkins will pay for the rest of the bundles but we can go start it if you

Want this is for Caroline yes mhm sure we’ve heard that before look I have a problem and that’s okay it’s okay how many days have we had I don’t actually know also this is for Caroline right oops yeah let me go into her house yeah we don’t need the bus for the

New new stuff until spring so we have some time um but it would be nice to get started cuz then what I would like to do is work in the winter time um to get more uh aridium cuz I want to make idium quality sprinklers that’s that’s my goal walk faster

Okay you got a giant tree Quest oh my God I’m actually so excited I think um my friend Brew told me that they got it in the winter so I don’t know exactly what triggers it but I’ll be ready when the time comes I’ll be ready spending the last day fishing is a

Dangerous game because that is like slow slow going but it’s okay so I have my foragers bundle now lius is going to like me oh three more tappers oh that is really good I’m going to love having those okay and then I will purchase this one three chocolate

Cakes I always give those to Evelyn I’ll purchase this one 30 quality fertilizer 10,000 a lightning rod we’ll have to place that down Miss some black r at the top right of the farm oh did I that’s okay we’ll we don’t need to worry about it too much

I’m going to go down and fish now a little bit I feel pretty good about all that stuff though you got yours and fall oh your your quest for it okay that’s actually really good to know then it’s related to the greenhouse bundle you think oh okay that makes sense what

What triggers it I think if you just told me it’s fine I don’t care about the spoiler for this what what causes the giant tree thing to pop up oh it’s just after you fix the greenhouse okay well that’s easy enough then once you get the greenhouse it’s a 10% chance

Oh it’s a random overnight event after the greenhouse is repaired you thought finding crob started well that makes sense though Brew if you got it at the same time as you find in kobis it makes sense that you would assume that that was what it was one salmon I need 10

Salmon the patch note says you get new neighbors oh okay interesting you have a duck on your fishing line yeah if you go into Wily’s place you can change what your bobber looks like it’s kind of cool yeah one out of 10 it’s good for us to work on fishing

Cuz then we’ll get the skill maxed think there was a gasp of wind at night oh really like a gas of wind and that showed you that it was coming Sam I don’t have any mods installed I’m not playing with any mods um I do have some speed running experience so that might

Be partially why it seems like I have a lot of stuff for right now I’m not speedr running it’s It’s just sometimes it’s hard to unlearn that you know what I mean um I’m so no mods I’ve just played a lot um I just have a lot of experience I

Know about the game I know how stuff works and everything um but yeah I understand it looks like we’ve got a lot going on presents maybe it’ll be a mystery box the little chest presents are basically mystery boxes on their own aren’t they oh a diamond that’s not

Bad any tips for fishing I know it’s really difficult there is um you can buy from Willie a training rod and that might really help you out to buy the training Rod because then you can practice you can only catch like some of the easier fish with a training Rod um

But it it gives you some like practice with fishing and then you also level up your fishing skill so the bar gets bigger so that’ll help you um there’s a couple of Bobbers that you can get too that will also help you with it um and

The new quality bait that you can get will also make the bar bigger um which uh will help you if you don’t fish in Spring one and gives it to you for free the training Rod oh that’s good but yeah I think the um I think the training Rod

Is probably your best bet cuz you can practice a lot with it and then like your character will get a higher skill which then makes the bar bigger um so hopefully that helps you hate fishing it’s too difficult yeah a lot of people feel that

Way a lot of people feel that way I kind of like fishing in stardew I feel like I’ve gotten pretty good at it um but only because I’ve played it a lot and like practiced a lot if you have not fished much it’s no fun and then it’s

Like a a NeverEnding curse because you don’t like fishing cuz you’re you’re bad at it so you don’t fish so you never get good at it um some people even get mods to make fishing easier and if that’s what you want to do you can totally do that too

Um but it’s kind of a skill you have to learn and some of the fish are genuinely very difficult so you don’t need to feel bad about struggling with those so you like yeah the stupid octopus the octopus is a really is a really rough one as

Well I think I’ve caught three salmon I’m going to keep going until 700 p.m. cuz that’s when the salmon goes away we’ll catch as much as we can before then this one’s not going to be a salmon it’s a smallmouth bass scorpion carp my Nemesis yeah that’s a rough

One that is a rough one you’ll get there though if you’re struggling with like the early fishing you’ll get there take some time but give yourself Grace with it we just got one of those creepy little uh new thingies creepy little Mossy thingies we only have two more hours to fish up

Salmon the river jelly I call it a creepy Mossy thingy River jelly increases your max energy I still haven’t eaten any of the jellies that I’ve caught up I’ve been like saving them I have a real um I keep everything in this game I keep hold of

Everything cuz I I’m like what if I need that later so I just keep hold of everything all the time so I haven’t used any of that new Jelly yet increasing your max energy means uh it’ll make this energy bar in the bottom right corner go up so so you’ll have

Like an additional 30 or whatever it says energy um which is helpful if you’re like lowlevel in mining cuz you don’t have as much energy so it puts this this bar up so you it makes it a little bit bigger so you have more food that you can

Hold okay we only have a couple more chances to catch fish this time before seven you ate one before squid Fest and it was very helpful oh I bet that’ll be helpful that’s see that’s the kind of thing that’s like good to know it’s good to think about did I get

It yeah y one more okay we’ve got a chance to get at least a couple more probably before seven oh you can’t combine the perks of the ocean jelly and River jelly that’s actually good to know cuz a lot of us probably would have wasted it by

Accident so thanks for telling that you cannot combine the jelly perks if you eat them both at the same time it just gives you one of their Perks at a time yay is that four now oh it’s five oh good we’re halfway there yeah and the JoJo Cola gives you a

Tiny speed boost Now isn’t that fun just a little teeny tiny speed boost but you do get a little bit of a speed boost now with joa Cola there is also cave jelly I don’t know what the cave jelly does I don’t remember does anyone in chat know what

The perk is okay it’s seven so this is not a salmon and we cannot catch more salmon anymore oh it’s plus luck oh that is good that is really good am I going to have to give these no just catch not give them to him okay well I’ll keep hold of them all

Just in case cuz it won’t hurt to keep them I think I’ll go back to the house now and put like my tappers down and stuff I don’t really know what oh look my first hardwood tree grow grew sorry we could put a Tapper on that hardwood tree that might be a good

Idea and then maybe I’ll tap are those maple trees I don’t think I want to tap those I want to tap Oak cuz I need Oak resin I don’t even know what those two are and they can’t be tapped weird yeah the hardwood trees just give

You sap I I would like to get extra sap though I’m eventually I’m planting all of these to turn it into a spot to grow um I want to grow more yeah those are maple trees that’s okay I’m trying to um grow a bunch of trees so I can put

Tappers on all of those yeah sap is sap is good I want some sap cuz then I’ll be able to get um more like fertilizer and stuff oh the Moss keeps you from tapping oh that makes sense wait I didn’t leave those down there oh and also I should

Put maybe I put my lightning rod like right here so I don’t forget about it the machine in the mushroom cave is a dehydrator that comes uh in the mushroom cave now if you get a mushroom cave it comes with a dehydrator which is kind of

Nice all right let’s go back up and just put everything away I am actually going to end the stream now this is actually our last day okay for real this time last day save the salmon that you caught that’s a little bit of food all of that stuff um I guess

Honestly I’m going to keep some of those fish that I have in there I like I feel as though I might as well right because we’ve got a huge giant storage space are you sure about that yeah I think so I’m pretty sure I’m just going to go

Chop some wood I think annoyingly there’s ads playing but I’m not going to get off quite yet I want to chop some trees first I’m actually going to chop this one you’re sad I can’t help it I I know I I probably should go and eat dinner though if we’re being honest with

Ourselves where’re I really like stardew and I would play all day is the only issue the chest is bigger yeah i’ I’ve paid for a chest upgrade you can buy the like recipe for the chest upgrade from Robin and then you can craft it and upgrade your existing

Chests just eat dinner and stardo oh okay that’ll do it I got another mystery box you played all day yesterday and got no work done it’s so d dangerous this game it’s so dangerous me and Dan are making pizza for dinner by the way in case you did

Not know so I have much to look forward to much to look forward to that was your weekend no dishes or laundry got done yeah yeah M that’s the spirit that’s a good idea you should do it my favorite pizza you’re all not going to like this when I tell you when

Me and Dan make pizza we always put um peppers like bell pepper and olives green olives on pizza and I know that olives are not a a popular pizza topping Choice it’s very controversial but um I’m an olive fan so we put olives on Pizza purple relle that

You were the Subs um green and not black olives no I prefer green olives over black olives any day I would do green for sure over black olives I would do them both but um yeah I prefer green olives over black olives you’re right I did not like that

Yeah see some people they don’t they really don’t like olives why don’t you want a place there is there a reason for that oh well you like black olives and warm dishes and green and cold I guess that makes sense I can see that brw I just like

Olives we have 200 hardwood that’s pretty good olives are just so squishy yeah it’s funny because you all know I am such a picky person I have so many issues about food but I will eat olives oh my God not the fairy oh hate you I have my beautiful

Crops all lined up and you’re going to come mess with it she’s back what is she going to ruin now no right in the middle of oh my God oh my God oh my God that was like worst case scenario place you could have done that the fairy I’ll show you I’m getting

Off stream but I’ll show you first the fairy she automatically grows your crops you’re supposed to like this she thinks she’s helping me look at this though she grew some of but not all of the crops in this section so those not grown see look at this those are left

There she put them here in this box some of but not all of my crops I do have the fairy Rose I need I’m not going to I’m not going to play this day though um I going to go find someone to raid we did get the fairy

Rose that we needed so that’s good we’ll be able to put that and finish another bundle in the community center um but I think now what I would like to do is perhaps go over and find someone to raid who is maybe also playing a little bit of

Stardo um and actually uh there’s a streamer that we know called Allison who is playing stard it’s the Trout Derby oh my god let’s go watch Allison play the Trout Derby yeah um we can go over and say hi I will see you tomorrow we’re going to play Sims tomorrow um tomorrow

What did I say I was going to do not so Berry we’re going to play Not So Berry tomorrow um and then we’ll play stardew on Wednesday so we’ll those are our plans for the next couple of days I always post the stream schedule in the

Discord if you’re looking for it so you can find it it says what I’m going to do each day and at what time um but we will be playing uh not so very Tom tomorrow and then started on Wednesday um so have a great rest of your night say hi to

Alison for me and I am going to see you all in the tomorrow I was going to say in the morning that’s not right I’ll see you all tomorrow afternoon okay Bella thank you for the 31 months by the way in Ash and purple thank you so much all

Right I’ll see you all later okay bye

i am obsessed with getting these tickets in the new stardew update lol

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  1. I had a moment of weakness and started watching this vod on twitch 😅
    Thank you for uploading it on youtube. Twitch vods are very laggy for some reason and my phone usually heats up because of it too, youtube is just so much more comfortable to watch videos on

  2. The amount of mossy trees you’ve run by on your farm and in town in this video hurts my soul 😂 you can swing a sword to get it off the trees without ruining the tree

  3. I have to say this game update came out at the perfect time for you and I'm grateful it did! Having your comfort game in times of stuggle is relieving in many ways.. wishing peace and comfort to you, Dan, your families and kitties ❤ Sending heartfelt well wishes to Snap!!

  4. guys could anyone be really honest with me lol, i bought the game a couple weeks ago and im not thriving w the community center? Is it common to not being able to complete it within the first year?
    Im asking because im in the fall and it is sort of attacking my anxiety a bit…
    Id be very gratefull if anyone could be sincere.

  5. ah currently i'm not available to play stardew myself and i love to binge your stream vods i hope you continue to play stardew regularly in future too, i enjoy it sooo so so so much!!

  6. olives are the standard pizza topping here in argentina, its actually not considered a topping at all, just part of the pizza. and also a really popular one is ham and red bell peppers so youre not alone

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