Having a CATNAP Family In Minecraft!

Today I’m going to be starting a catnap family in Minecraft but uh the thing is I’m all alone so I don’t know how I’m going to start a family by myself what what the heck Who’s Laughing hey show yourself all right fine I’m coming over there then who’s back here no no run

What the heck guys you’re babies Gooby daddy Daisy what are you guys doing nothing be quiet you can’t see me I see you gooby you’re literally you’re literally right in front of me I’m a dog oh my goodness what is going on who is this Daisy hey that hurted me guys

Everyone come to the middle right now Daddy get out of the trees guys I’m not taking care of you I’m a cat I can climb trees why are you guys kids I want to be a kid I don’t want to be the adult here nope you all dad you wanted this

Started cat that family so we’re your kids now no I I don’t want you guys as kids I want different kids oh my goodness what are you doing Daddy Daddy get down from there Daddy get down from there daddy this is not this is not a

Safe thing you should do oh God here he goes oh gosh okay guys it looks like we’re stuck on some sort of one chunk and we need to get all the way down to the bottom well how do we do that well the first thing

Is you guys need to listen to me so open your ears ears how do I open my ears okay never mind just do nothing okay just do nothing I’ll do everything do nothing I’m going to stand right here I’m Jing wait also why is Gooby dog day but then

You guys are catnaps like me he’s weird he’s weird well don’t bully him okay I say wo w w w w oh my goodness Daddy stop it stop fighting it guys stop fighting stop fighting stop fighting stop it stop it off you’re going to time out you’re going to time

Out me Gooby shut up Gooby you’re so annoying okay look this is what I want you guys to do look look look look see this wood over here break this wood and collect the wood just like that see that break it oh gosh Daisy what the heck do you

Want for my life I found a chest oh W you did find a chest good job Daisy apples wao there’s swords and and and stone pickaxes and apples Gooby come over here grab your stuff I’m supposed to break these blocks okay now I’m commanding you to go into the chest and

Get a sword okay here we go oh my goodness okay thank you gooby guys this is really hard to take care of all of you can you just go back to normal please noral this is normal this is not normal you guys are not supposed to be babies like this I don’t

Want to take care of this family the only way to th us back to normal is if you beat the end or Dragon o I think you’re right Gooby we need to beat the end wait oh my goodness guys look there’s a bunch of islands over here

Okay everyone give me your blocks I have a question what is it Daddy I kind need to go pee pee pee PE yeah like really bad daddy good news is you’re a cat so you can kind of just go anywhere can pee off the cliff sure daddy go for it no

Unlock can’t do it hey gooy I T him we’re not playing tag Gooby what if I did it to you what if I did it to you you like that what if I did it to you what if I did it to you Daisy I didn’t hit anyone okay everyone like I

Said earlier give me your blocks Gooby give me your blocks here you go thank you gooby okay Daisy give me your blocks wait I can make more me too you can make more yes you can have like double just give me all your blocks please okay

Slabs I okay I guess slabs will do thank you you’re welcome okay I’m going to start building in this direction and let’s start going to all these islands oh my goodness guys um we have a bit of an issue underneath us they’re Scary Skeletons can you hold my hand no I’m

Not going to hold your hand I’m really scared of heights I feel like I’m going to fall off guys it’s fine just don’t fall because if you fall you’re going to die forever me not just me me sh wa guys I found stuff in this chest I’m taking it

All I want I wanted it look what I got I got a diamond sword I want it got diamond sword Let’s Go fail fail stop crying Daddy stop crying I’ll hate you Daddy guys shut up jeez you’re annoying me you’re not getting the sword so I just want the wood yeah Daisy keep

Collecting wood we need more and more blocks and the flowers oh gosh yeah we don’t need any flowers I like them we’re going really far guys I almost made it to the next Island all right does someone want to build you guys are since you guys are babies you need to learn

How to build DD he died well I guess my daddy’s not going to learn how to build Daisy you’re up go try to build hey you got to crouch over yep Crouch over and then place the blocks underneath your feet I’m doing it nice nice oh man daisy

Look it’s an eagle out of nowhere oh take that let’s go now I got this chest all to myself oh yeah hey no no no it’s mine daddy why’ you steal some of my loot I got gold apples okay I have some extra armor for you guys who wants armor

I want some armor Gooby want some Armor All right here take that armor also I got a bunch of golden apples everyone follow me I’m going to show you what to do with the golden apples I got golden apples Oh Daddy you stole them I have a 16 not fail I didn’t

Apples guys you need to learn how to share okay Gooby give my daddy one piece of armor and daddy you give him five golden apples for the armor even get anything myal there you go Daisy than fa I want to keep my elal trade you have to trade

If you want golden apples Gooby why ddy please I don’t want to I’ll bully you my Daddy’s going to bully you gooby you going to catch me for I’ll catch you and I’ll beat you up fell all right guys are you done arguing you’re making me fall

Off and stuff no I think I think Big Macs are better than McGriddles are better he said that PO but I think hey hey it doesn’t doesn’t matter what is better doesn’t matter what is better okay it doesn’t actually matter oh see look look what Daisy’s doing

She’s building over to the next Island that’s what you two goofball should be doing whoa I want that okay no no no no no no no Gooby gooby don’t do that oh my gosh hey guys knock it off I just King me find the build I’m going to knock

Both of you off I’m going to knock both of you off no called destroying this is building Gooby you stupid butthead oh look at that Daddy good job you’re building good job guys guys guys daisy Daisy what is it what did you find an

Elyra you got oh you got a what I got an Light Truck you know that’s that’s for no shut up Gooby shut up it’s mine I want a car wa wa Daisy’s going flying she’s going flying I’m fly C I’m going to fly okay um uh Daisy you might want to

Land because I don’t think that’s really safe for you to be flying in the air like that Daisy come over here I need that elytra from you why it’s not safe for you to be flying give it to me fine you can have it yeah I’m you’re not

Going to have any more golden apples then I need the fireworks too Daisy come on pass it over fine daddy we need help what happened off stop don’t use them I need them oh my goodness guys what are you doing over there thank you Daisy you’re welcome look you got to have some

Golden apples and look you got have some armor oh wait I want armor what the heck well Daisy actually listened to me and gave me all of her loot I gave her loot back all right I’ll go get it right now daddy there we go let me fly over oh

Thank you Daddy whoa bow and arrow I want okay Daddy since you have a bow and arrow you need to kind of be a little careful with it cuz you could hurt someone with it oh really yes so don’t point it at anyone only at monsters what

About you not no not me I I’m not a monster I don’t know you kind of look like one I could turn into a monster and destroy you if you shoot me I shoot you you can go fly up the edge oh yeah I’m ready to fly at any moment oh yeah you

Can fly uh how we get out of here like this that’s not fair yes it is I’ll help you he’ll have some magic logs magic logs thank you gooby you’re welcome Gooby look up oh Gooby oh man now you looks like you’re stuck in the

Island JY i f why are we crying stop crying he’s going to die on the island by himself no it’s not fail stop your whining jeez that’s all from you gooby stupid booby okay I’m coming over to save you I’m saving you I’m going to save you come here say the bad

You want don’t say hey don’t say a bad word I’ll kill you with this diamond sword no M it not me you said a bad word Daddy I didn’t say no bad word what was the word can someone tell me what the word was I told him a Scooby B booby

Said a bad word that’s a terrible word said boob that’s a bad word I did not say that say Scooby bab booby said a bad word that’s not that’s not a bad word guys it’s not a bad word um it’s it’s kind it’s like a half bad word it’s not

Fully a bad word but it’s kind of a bad wordy can you just do you have enough blocks to build out of here um nope I got one block all right here this is the fastest way to get back to spawn that there you go all right died everyone

Come back to spawn we need everyone here no I didn’t I had to do it Gooby because it was the fastest way you didn’t have any blocks I bul you mly just hit me mly hit me guys guys squash the beef squash the beef okay beef what what I’m not

Eating beef it’s a saying Daddy it’s just squash the beef okay whatever underneath us is scary skeleton so you can get your anger out on their faces go down look like face Gooby I would be a little careful I I think we should go down there together okay

Together teamor it’s a not a race I can just go down this waterfall right here okay hold on hold on let’s be careful guys I don’t want you dying the SK okay I I told you there was skeletons down there oh my goodness oh my goodness oh

My goodness there’s a lot of skeletons get me out of here get me out of here uh I’m going to die oh my goodness Golden Apple Golden Apple no die guys we’re going to need another idea this is going to be impossible ooh I’m going down from

The side wait a minute I have a good idea guys waterful we could just go down yeah yeah this is smart Daddy this is smart I’m the smartest one here okay so we need to use our pickaxes and what we need to do is we need to break the

Spawners I’m I’m hitting them nice nice good damage guys good damage I’m going in for the spawner I died I just died got to breathe oh no they’re coming I’m going to knock them off the edge if they come for me they cannot get me in the water going in for

I’m going in for the spawner guys I got a spawner I got a spawner I got another one two spawners did you guys get any spawners or no no oh my goodness you guys are useless ow ow ow ow ow make some so they keep spawning in

Oh we got to get rid of the spawners guys I’m tell you it’s the only way okay I’m going in I’m going to do it for you Daddy do it for me for I BR this SP if you want to be the best child then you need to kill the spawner then you’re

Going to get a reward for me reward yep that means something very special I get do I finally get a hug no you’re not getting a hug for me oh dang it come on I got to get the spawner come on come on come on yes I got it guys there’s one

More spawner no why are they broke it distraction oh you know what that means Daisy’s the special child that means Gooby and my daddy get nothing what guys quick kill all these Withers I’m going use my bow and arrows on them oh yeah take that no they’re going to

Kill me oh my gosh they’re doing a lot of damage guys did you kill them all yet not yet I’m killing so many of them daddy nice nice nice use teamwork use teamwork okay hey Gooby get out of there Gooby get out get out I found I found a

Diamond nope Gooby give it back guess what everything in this chest is Daisy’s Daddy I need armor Daddy no die Daddy no now you make me kill you guys cuz it’s all Daisy I in there yeah it’s because your brother’s Gooby and my daddy are being very rude to you why are they

Being meanie weenie dais me guys guys guys since Daisy broke the spawner daddy you got to give her the armor and Gooby you got to give the diamond axe to Daisy no I don’t want to no no no give it to me nope it’s not fail I don’t give a flying saucer what

You guys think give it over to Daisy he said bad word no I didn’t I didn’t say a bad word saucer oh you said it now daddy oh no dang it come on give it over no no please Daddy I want you’re going to go and timeout come here you’re going to go

And timeout get down here please please please I don’t you could say please all you want Gooby but you’re not keeping it no Daddy I no fail we’re going to go in timeout you’re Notting me come here you can’t escape me no no no it’s not fail

Daddy give it to me come here got you now Gooby man Drop it out of your inventory right now or I’m going to drop you off this Cliff no please Daddy don’t do that all right both you off the cliff don’t it this is just an arrow yeah

That’s just an arrow Gooby give over the a that’s all the gosh I swear I saww the axe in your hand Gooby give it over no no oh my goodness this is the worst catnap family in Minecraft wait wait wait wait daddy drop Gooby why H just

Drop him all right fine what Daddy what is wrong with you fight him get off Daddy no guys I am done and sick and tired of listening to you guys all day so you know what I’m I’m just going to go by myself I I don’t want any of you

In my family anymore you can’t leave us I’m going down to the next level without you guys oh God there’s more skeletons yeah the B whates that even mean I don’t know but I hold it on TV once you guys want to be in my family you need to

Prove to me that you’re good that you’re really good children I am a good child that means you need to protect me right now you need to protect me right now and you got to be good children come down here and be B zomes so he you bad no

That’s not very nice next to him he really smelly my w no it’s definitely his butt cheeks he needs to clean up Daddy I’m super good all right that’s good you got to kill all the zom thoughest hey ender eyes that chest is not for you is not

For you Daddy SP my daddy will be so happy for me ow man that loot was great daddy you cannot steal everyone’s loot that’s for everyone not just you oh more zombies over here guys I need some backup there’s still a spawner where on

Me on me on me oh my God on me shoot them off one’s got a shovel in his hand yes yes yes yes yes no I didn’t break it I didn’t break it guys I need backup where’s my backup I’ve already bring two spawners oh no and now I broke a third

One guys this family freaking sucks you guys are actually no help yes more golden apples I think everything’s dead there are no help at all to this family I’m basically doing everything I broke three spawners well guess what I broke more than that you broke one no I didn’t I

Broke like 10 take this WOW d that’s actually really nice yep I’m the best at least I got pants now oh yeah KY I BR on the next level down what you already went down to the third level oh my gosh let me see Daddy he has the gold he has

The diamond pickaxe let me see what you actually did you actually did no you didn’t they’re still here they’re still here you li I broke all the spawners now you did break all the spawners that’s actually pretty good see I really needed the Simon a please that’s why Daddy look at the chest

Wo took it I’m a l no you’re not yeah Daisy has had like No Loot daddy be nice to her no no no no no you have no idea what she just got she has all that netherite stuff oh my gosh okay uh Daisy I don’t think you should have that and

You should just give it a minut I will give you the netherite chest plate yes let’s go wait but I have elytras on okay let’s let’s let’s swap for the sword the sword okay uh Daisy let me swap for those Diamond pants look you could have

This back and let me get those Diamond pants okay yes I want that all right daddy uh you guys want chain look you can fight over that I don’t want that well you know what sometimes you can’t get what you want Daddy well what is

This thing Daddy what it is is it brings you to the Ender Portal if you jump into it if I jump in right now brings me to the end well I wouldn’t jump in now because there’s lava there but I can make it to we can jump into the end hold

On hold on Gooby no no Gooby oh Gooby oh my goodness Gooby is probably the dumbest child that I have he definitely dumb as brick look at this oh wo end portal check it out so now we go in it yes we can go in it now

But we should probably wait for Gooby gooby where’d you go daddy fell in fell in Daddy I’m coming I’m scared inside oh my goodness we’re in a box hit me we didn’t Gooby wasn’t even down there daddy I don’t know where was my whole familyy we’re in the ender portal can I

Go in here yes go in the ender portal no go go go go go go all right guys is everyone following me all right this is going to be insane we need to defeat the Ender Dragon do you guys know what that is uh is it a

Lizard no it’s it’s a dragon that’s really scary Guana no oh my goodness guys this is bad guys guys guys this is really bad a dinosaur it’s a dinosaur everyone run in the eyeballs don’t look at them in the eyeballs do not look at them in the eyeballs is who in the

Eyeballs the Enderman an eye the Enderman do oh you guys are so dead oh they attacking me ouch ouch we need to shoot all these nether Stars guys we got to shoot all the nether Stars I don’t have anything to shoot them with well then you’re going to die you guys are

Dead I blew up another thing ow the dragon’s biting me oh my God I got to get this one I got to get this one oh God and I died oh I did damage to the dragon daddy that’s not going to do anything unless you broke all the stars

Oh that’s stupid stupid you’re stupid why you call me stupid daddy you’re stup wait I have elyas guys I could just fly around and Destroy them all this is going to be so easy why haven’t you been doing that the whole entire time cuz I just thought of it Daddy calm down

Stupid one no no I’m not stupid you’re stupid still no I think you the dumbest one here okay here we go flying around wi your own butt Daddy stop making in front of me all right I you do something and kill the Ender Dragon uh did you get

All the star thingies no you’re slacking you’re the one that stinks on the team here we go here we go ow I just died the Ender Dragon has killed me midair ah I haven’t died yet cuz you guys are not doing anything I built a base in planted

A tree sure sure you have oh no daddy I’m scared well you should be scared the Ender Dragon’s going to come eat you there’s a bunch of weird people chasing me yep they want to eat you alive oh this is too hard Daddy I want to go home

Oh my gosh I can’t do this is really hard I’m having troubles guys you have to be oh I just blew myself up I’m getting the last one Daddy no Daddy I got it no I got oh I nailed it guys there’s no more there’s no more everyone attack the

Ender dragon attack the Ender Dragon I don’t have any weapons I can weak him he’s going to come down he’s going to come down on his and then we’re going to kill him all right I’ll tell you when I’m going to eat a golden apple oh yeah

I’m all golden appled up come here Ender Dragon we just want to play ha going to snipe him ow he’s doing damage he’s coming down guys he’s coming down he’s coming down get ready now now now go in the middle go in the middle he hit me butthole okay maybe not that can’t

Wait him I’m too short you need to jump you need to jump and hit him build some blocks do something okay I’m going to have to kill him guys the dragon bit me bit him with my arrows we have done no damage to this Ender Dragon can we

Please get better what do you mean I’m doing a lot doing nothing me where is he come here a oh he thinks he could do damage to me I don’t think so you’re an easy target he’s coming down guys I think he’s coming back down oh I’m

Hitting him I’m doing a lot of damage come here Ender Dragon oh snip nice your aim is actually really bad daddy hey why would you say something like that I think you’re were bullied in high school oh massive damage he’s coming down he’s coming down he’s coming down get ready

Guys oh gosh all the Enderman want to me I’m hitting him go go go go go go half Health half Health that was huge he coming after me oh God you’re going to die I daddy lik me I don’t think a lot of people like you I just CU are smelly

Don’t smell your mom smells my mommy doesn’t smell it smells like garbage dumps you smell like garbage dump G garbage okay Daddy that’s really hurtful or maybe like Gooby butt that’s work your feel that’s not nice not my fault your your butt smells like a whole load

Of dump truck dump truck yeah DD where are you even coming up with this stuff why are you saying it I think Daisy’s butt smells like rotten egg hey that’s disgusting yep rotten egg filled with dumplings of dcks Daddy I think you need to get in timeout after we beat this

Ender Dragon n you’re going to be time out Daddy he came b w I know I hear it be your bad word you’re a big butthole ow you just called me a big butthole D okay I didn’t hear that one wasn’t nice guys everyone Focus up we need to kill

This Ender Dragon he’s very very low why Sho him with my arrows yeah I’m doing crazy EAS damage right now I have stone sword well when he comes down get ready to kill him all right okay man I can go for some nice juice right now he’s

Coming down he’s coming down you’ll get your juice after this daddy kill him want my now it give me the strength to beat him kill him kill him come on guys more damage no where’s he going got him right I want him get in

Yes he’s about to die one more hit I got it oh my gosh I’m going to kill him with the sword I got this guys why you be hit him with your brain size turnip head we did it guys we’re killing the ender dragon it looks like looks like Daisy’s poops right

Now Daisy if your poop looks like that you need to go to the hospital what is a mean me yeah Daddy stop coming up with all these dumb comebacks they’re not even real well they are real cuz I made them up where are you Daddy come here

You look like a gu’s bot right now you’re daddy you’re going in time out a bunch of asparagus and trumpet cake come here Daddy get in here Daddy no you can’t do this to me well yep let’s go home all right Daddy this is your time

Out put me down I’m not putting you down anywhere Daddy I’ll use this ender pearl and shove it up your butt come on Daddy is this a lot of fun no I’m going to throw up I’m going to throw up all right Daddy I’ll see you later all these

Potatoes are going to be thrown up on you this is your punishment I hope you’re enjoying it I’m not I’m I’m going to throw up if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye I’m going to call you m Cleber all right guys I’m

About to do the coolest skateboard trick in our living room are you ready wo this is going to be so sick oo are you going to do a super cool backflip yes I am Gooby I call this one the 360 super slip and slide MC twister ooh yes what I’ve

Never heard of that one before well you’re about to hear of it right now whoo whoo whoo what’s going on in my living room uh-oh uh nothing why do you guys have skateboards because you bought them for us I didn’t buy these for you your credit card did why are you guys

Always use my credit card s what do you think you’re doing up there Oh Daddy I was just about to do the coolest skateboard move in our living room were you about to jump off the balcony maybe you’re psychotic you guys are all crazy you need you guys need helmets here’s a

Helmet try to get down from there all right daddy the balcony oh that was sick Daddy see that Daddy that was dangerous can’t believe you did that without a helmet take that stupid helmet oh okay Daddy why are you guys doing this in the house because Daddy I didn’t want to do it

Outside and I want to jump off the balcony in our living room well go skateboard outside there’s no reason to do it in my house you’re going to break stuff what check out these tricks daddy waa that’s so cool skateboarding in the house guys get out come on guys

Let’s roll out guys come on want to Y I’m going so fast Oh Daddy I’m in the kitchen now what are you going to do get off the table oh yeah I’m skateboarding on the table Daddy I stop it is bad this horrible oh oh yeah on the food if you

Guys don’t get out of the house right now I’m going to take your gaming PCs away oh God oh God everyone outside everyone outside everyone get outside everyone go out of here you can’t take away fortnite I’ll delete your fortnite accounts guys it’s fine we can just

Skateboard out here look at all this space we have oh yeah we have so much space out here I’m about to do some cool trick who oh yeah I bet I could do a better trick than you gooby check that out wao okay so you do so good switch

That I think we should make a skateboard video ooh Gooby look I have my camera I’ll record you doing a cool trick oh yes okay watch this one I called this one a 720 amazing super what did you just say 720 M super okay Gooby just do the dang trip here I

Go I got build up some speed I got to do a super jump on who oh yeah nice and then yeah going where are you going come back gooy Gooby oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no oh oh I H my knee I think

Gooby are you okay I got that all on videotape yes at least it came out really good well thank goodness you had that helmet on or you could literally be dead right now yep I guess helmet’s all a good idea well guys look it’s a kitty

What the heck hey what are you doing over here kitty cat what what the heck guys he just made a sound it’s just a kitty he’s meowing he’s meowing yeah cat’s go meow meow meow but um Daisy I have a question why is the cat purple

I’ve never seen a purple cat in my life maybe it’s rare a rare Kandy cat so we to keep it oh yeah we’ll have a new pet Gooby you want the cat yes wait guys I have a really good idea let me get a video of the kitty cat riding the

Skateboard it’s going to get like 10 billion views oh yes this sounds like a will oh we’ll be famous all right Gooby watch out give him me your skateboard all right Mr Kitty Cat come on get on the skateboard come on yep there you go

Yep oh oh it’s on it it’s on it all right back up back up Gooby let him go whoa he’s doing it oh oh God oh God Kitty come back come back oh my gosh gosh we got to go get the kitty cat come here Mr Kitty are you okay Mr Kitty Cat

Yes he responded I think he’s okay we to take it inside oh no I think he broke my skateboard Gooby it’s fine I just got the best video ever we’re going to be able to get millions of dollars for this video and then we’ll buy any skateboard

In the world o yes okay guys we should go show my daddy this cool purple cat I think he’s going to love it I hope so I want to keep it forever all right come on Daisy follow me we got to walk up this hill daddy daddy where are you we

Need to show you something I was in my office what do you guys want Daddy looking Daisy’s hands I got a kitty why is it purple because it’s rare it’s rare it looks like it’s got a disease he doesn’t have a disease I mean I’ve never

Seen a purple cat in my life and it looks like he’s got some stuff all over him it looks disgusting cuz he was living outside in the woods yeah Daddy Gooby crashed his skateboard like an idiot and then we found this cat come out of the tree uh well hold on a second

Oh my my nose is starting to go two what the heck what is wrong with you Daddy I think I’m allergic to it get away from me oh he likes you get him out of the house DD he wants he wants just a he

Wants a pet I I will pet him daddy pet him I will cut your tail off stop leave me alone come on Daddy he’s a good kitty cat guys I don’t want him in my house I’m allergic well Daddy we were just wondering if we could like keep the

Kitty cat because we really love him no you can’t keep the kitty cat you got to let him let him go go go back in the woods Sho Sho no daddy we’re keeping the kitty cat no we are not keeping it or I will kill it special cat he can do twixs

On skateboards I don’t care what he can do I don’t want the cat but I’ve already named it you did what now you named the cat you named it Daisy yeah I gave him a name what’s his name what is it his name is Mau meow meow hey hey hey Daisy we

Did not agree on this and me and Gooby did not say that was going to be the name Gooby is that okay yes I think that’s a pretty cool name he want to name meow meow I hate that name you know what fine let’s just name him meow meow

I’ll have a little secret name for him later well guys I don’t care if you name it looks like you got to let him back in the woods he’s not allowed to live in this house well how about this daddy if everyone right now watching this likes

This video then we’re keeping the purple cat and there’s nothing my daddy could do what you you can’t do this this is not fair like the video in three 2 1 yeah Daddy we got like 20,000 likes let’s go oh great now we have to keep

The cat but you know what if we’re keeping the cat he’s going outside come here cat what no Daddy we didn’t agree to this oh my gosh daddy put Daddy he doesn’t like that put him down Daddy he doesn’t like it he’s getting out of my

House oh gosh ow ow he just bit me what he bit you he just bit me in the he bit me in the finger where’d he go haha daddy it bit you he’s in the house somewhere come here meow meow where are you you stupid cat you have to be gentle

With cats man I think me Yow ran outside and I just got bit by this stupid cat out my finger hurts man I think he had rabies or something it’s starting to blow up my finger wait rabies what is that Daddy it’s like a disease I don’t

Want a disease but I’m I’m starting to feel bad our cat is not diseased what are you talking about I don’t know he was purple I’ve never seen a purple cat before that means he’s got diseases guys I stay away no it’s cuz he’s rare yeah Daddy he’s really rare doing this rare

Stupid stuff but now now I’m starting to feel sick great now I definitely got something from that damn cat well Daddy we’re going to go outside and look for meow meow and you could just be a loser in here no I got to go to my room I’m

Starting to feel really sick what the heck guys I don’t why my daddy’s acting so weird it’s like he doesn’t like cat or something yeah I don’t know he’s just weird all right let’s go outside guys I think meow meow jumped over that railing

I hope so we got to find him so quick meow meow meow meow where are you meow do you see meow meow anywhere meow meow’s up there what meow meow get down you right now meow Johnny stop yelling at him he’s just a cat he’s scared yeah

My daddy was pretty scary meow meow just come down here we want to be friends with you don’t worry meow meow I’m wearing a helmet so you can just jump on my head no don’t jump on his head guys cats have like nine lives I think he’ll

Survive this fall what if he only has one life left Daisy I don’t think so he’s a special cat he might have like 900 lives that’d be so cool okay meow meow jump down jump meow meow jump W waa good job meow meow you’re a good little

Kitty cat meow all right meow meow since my daddy’s kicking you out of the house you need to live outside but don’t worry because me Daisy and Gooby are going to make you a house oh that’s a good idea yeah it’s going to be awesome and we can

Make it right here we should make it purple because M mow is purple ooh good idea Daisy all right let me just destroy this there we go oh God meow meow’s back on a skateboard guys wao wa meow meow what the heck okay meow meow uh we don’t

Want another accident to happen so I got to take it away from you all right we can play later don’t worry okay guys I just picked out a whole bunch of blocks that we should make my’s house out of wo these blocks are sick it’s going to look

So cool o I really like this one right here yeah that’s my favorite one so how do we make a little cat house for ma meow it doesn’t need to be little it needs to be big for mow okay you’re right since she’s going to be living

Here for the rest of his life all right I’m just going to work on this little back wall right here this is going to be awesome this giant house so all friends can come over ooh meow meow probably has a bunch of different friends yeah because he’s really has to be popular

Okay Daisy why are we making half of it a different block because it’s going to look so cool all right I’ll just let you figure this out and then I’ll just help you when you need it well just fill up the walls are you sure you know that how

To make a cat house yes I love kitties all right whatever you say um KY looking pretty bad right now Gooby just trust me it’s going to look really good yeah it’s kind of starting to come together let’s see what meow meow has to say about meow

Meow meow are you liking the house so far what where’s he going he’s going in the house cuz he likes it he’s destroying it he’s destroying the house meow meow chill bad meow meow o I think he’s hungry I think we need to give him some food ooh Gooby you might be right

He want to eat the glass oops hold on meow meow look I got some pet food for you all right check it out come outside meow meow all right here you go look at all that food ew that looks like poop you can’t feed our cat that

Hey well I don’t know what else to feed a kitty cat I’ve never had a kitty cat before Daisy you to feed him fish fish ew look it like this so much more wo he ate the whole thing I told you kitty like f fish all right well

This should keep them busy let’s start working on the house again someone pick out a door um okay I’m on it I’m on it all right let’s get a purple door there we go boom that matches perfectly and now we need to fill out the roof all

Right I’ll help you Daisy this house is starting to look amazing I think I’m going to live in here it’s so much nicer than your daddy’s house yeah this house is poop compared to this Gooby what are you adding I’m putting some pillows h i don’t hate them okay that’s good what if

We did this yes oh yes that looks pretty cool daisy do you like that or no they look okay I think we can keep them if ma ma likes them all right I’m going to start working on the interior Gooby I need help in here yes okay what should

We make the floor I don’t know yet but we need to break all of this green I think these blocks look pretty good all right let’s use that one then Daisy I’m just going to work on the outside and make it really pretty all right Gooby we

Got this okay yes yeah yeah let’s do that let’s do that ooh this pattern looks really good wo Gooby this flooring is looking crazy crazy wao it’s look sick yeah it is looking so so good um but I don’t really know what else to do in here Daisy we need help what’s going

On what do we do in the interior we have to add a cat tree and a Kitty bed what and a whole bunch of stuff okay guys I’m starting to think this kitty cat is a lot of work maybe we just let him go

Back in the wild no no we need him he’s so cute I’m kidding I’m kidding I think he likes it wo these look good he really likes it oh my God she’s sitting in the Kitty bed what the heck what does that sound he’s purring oh meow meow I’m going to take a

Little nap with you all right just going to go over here just sit down hey hey he doesn’t want you in his bed why because it’s not made for you put me down he just moved me maybe he likes that one more I don’t know if I like this cat I

Can’t even sleep in his own bed because it’s his okay fine fine what the heck oh what is he doing now he just spit up a hairball at me ew that’s disgusting Daisy you take it ew I don’t want it just throw it away I don’t want

It either Gooby you take it E I don’t want this it’s gross I’m going to SW it off a cliff all right Daisy what else should we add in this house maybe we add some Kitty plushies Kitty plushies what the heck he might like them um wo there

Are a bunch of different Kitty plushies all right well let’s make an air you to put them all down we can just put them on some trap doors right here all right I got them all in my inventory we should make a little parkour for him ooh that’s

Actually a really good idea cat to jump around sounds parkour we need to make a cat tree too for him to lay on ooh he’s having fun on the parkour Gooby it’s working yes how do we make a cat tree I already made it w now we can like jump

Up and down this thing yeah and he can lay on it too wao he’s so sick ooh ooh Daisy what if we add some beds in here for us to sleep too because I don’t think meow meow is going to want to sleep alone out here that’s a good idea

Where do you think we should put them um let’s see let me get my yellow bed ooh I’m just going to take up this corner well I’m sticking on purple and I’ll just put mine right here Gooby where are you going to put your blue bed what about right here look watch

Out boom I already did it for you gooby waa thank you so much this looks pretty good yeah Gooby I’ll be like right here sleeping and then you’ll be over here it’ll be perfect it’s like a big slumber party o I’m going to take some of these

Too guys I’m moving the kitty cat plushies why because I’m going to put a sofa down and then I’m going to put the plushies above it ooh okay okay and then guys I think after this we should work on the outside we got to make this look

A lot better outside ooh guys meow meow needs a big litter box so let’s make a giant sand pit over here oh I’m happy you remembered that he would have pooped everywhere yeah we canot have that happening there we go that’s looking really really good what are you guys

What are you guys doing out here what the heck daddy um daddyy you don’t look too good yeah I know cuz the cat the cat gave me something um daddy uh you’re kind of turning purple no I’m not I’m not turning purple stop making fun stop

Making fun of me oh no M you look really bad gooy stop making fun of me I said no one make fun of me you look worse than normal you sound normal daddy you usually look like really bad all the time but now you look even worse really

Marty I think you need to go back to bed well I I heard a lot of ruckus out here a lot of ruckus oh well Daddy check it out we made a big cat house doesn’t it look really good why is it so purple because Daddy it’s for meow meow

Obviously that’s stupid cat I don’t like this cat anymore I think the cat needs to leave what you daddy look he loves you yeah because he knows he infect me with whatever he’s got get away from me I think he just wants to give you a kiss

Come here D get away from me I don’t need any more kisses he kissed me on the thumb before oh he just wants to give you a kiss no I’m going back to bed I’m going back to bed I can’t be out here with that stupid cats Mak me even more

Sick all right daddy we’ll feel better soon I’ll check in on you in like 10 minutes all right Daddy all right the heck guys my Daddy really does not look good he doesn’t look good at all why is he turning purple I don’t know it’s kind of weird has something to

Do M well guys what else do we need to add to the cat house I think it’s looking pretty good I think we need to add a fence ooh good idea Daisy let’s add a fence so m mom doesn’t run away all right I’m also going to replace this

Grass with this it’s going to make it look way more purple ooh that looks really good yeah it’s looking awesome there we go we’ll give it some different blocks and now it’s going to look so good Gooby you helping me yes all right good I need all the help I can get here

You go mow wow this is looking so good well you made a sand castle too who made this I think it was Mau actually wait really wow what can’t this cat do this cat has so many different skills Maybe maybe he’s a magic cat a magic cat yes

Maybe Can Do Magic twist wait guys I have an idea what if we brought meow meow to the kitchen and see if he can cook food for us I don’t think M knows how to cook why not because he’s a kitty he doesn’t have thumbs yeah I guess so

Well guys what if we go in the pool with meow meow we got to give him a bath oh yes I think he would like that all right meow meow follow me over here come on oh yeah come here we’re just going to go over here and we’re going to jump in the

Pool she’s doing it she’s following you I know meow yow was such a smart cat all right meow meow check this out this is called a diving board hey hey hey whoa whoa whoa where do you think you’re going uh uhoh coming up here come here

Meow meow nope I go first I’m going to show you how to do it all right you need to use your eyes and you need to watch and learn meow all right here I go I’m going for it guys I’m going to do the coolest backflip you’ve ever seen this

Is going to be awesome all right here I go oh W wao that was crazy yeah that was pretty awesome wait where’ meow meow go oh he’s up there he’s on a diving board oh God meow meow oh gosh be careful up there you don’t know what you’re

Doing oh oh oh he’s going so high up oh my gosh what the heck meow meow wait normally cats hate water why does m mow like it a magical cats yeah Daisy it’s a special purple cat he could do whatever he wants my mon just keeps getting

Cooler and cooler yep he’s the best tble yeah meow meow is the best pet in the entire world all right guys you guys can play in the pool but I’m going to go check up on my daddy also I’m getting kind of hungry so he needs to make us

Some food yes I want tacos o me too Gooby that would be awesome well go get him I’m starving all right Daisy I’m going Oh Daddy Daddy where are you oh gosh I think my daddy’s in his room what the heck why is everything purple what the what happened in here Daddy

Oh my gosh it’s a catnap oh my gosh oh my gosh get me out of here Johnny what what the heck Jo us join us no no no Daddy get away from me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh we just want to have

Fun guys guys help me look shiny I’m wiing meow meow what the heck get get off of meow meow get off of them why guys guys guys we have a serious issue my daddy oh remember when he was purple yeah now we turn the catnap what wait

He’s right there where oh my gosh in the garage in the garage go go go go go quick quick quick hide maow come in here oh my goodness oh my goodness it’s going to sound weird but everyone get in the shower come on Ma guys this isn’t good what are we

Going to do I don’t even know my daddy turned into catnap wait a second is it because mow bit him Daisy I think you’re right what are we going to do oh my gosh I hear where is he daddy behind you run run goby run get

Back in the house get back in the house we need to trap our in room guys oh no he’s coming come on guys come on guys hurry up we just want to be friends oh my gosh he’s chasing you gooby hurry up we can’t let your daddy bite us it’s

Going to spread quick get in my room get in my room come on come on meow meow all right I think this should block them off for a little bit wait guys if mow bit your dad daddy and he turned into catnap and if mow bites us are we going

To turn into catnap what M what is that she a sweetest nicest cat ever yeah Daisy he’s never going to bite any one of us what what the heck what happened oh guys um I think M just bit my hands what oh my gosh no no no Gooby that means

You’re going to turn to catnap no no I don’t want do that well Gooby uh sorry but we need to leave you no no don’t leave me here bye Gooby no quick Daisy we need to go into another room oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh where are we

Going to go I don’t know the infection is spreading of catnap and it’s taking over your daddy’s room I know look how scary this place looks meow oh God speaking of my daddy he’s coming down the hallway right now come here Johnny and Daisy hurry ported up oh

My God Daisy run Daisy run we got to go on the Roof oh where do we go this way oh my goodness how get up there I don’t know I’m really scared all right let me just make a quick staircase there we go I don’t think catnap can climb right I

Hope not oh my goodness I think we’re safe up here Daisy hey you meow meow stay far away from us all right meow meow go over there me and Daisy are going to go on this side of the roof all right no hey hey hey don’t follow us

Okay you know what meow meow we still love you but we don’t love you because you’re turning us into catnap see this I’m making a line in the roof you’re going to be on that side and we’re going to be on on this side all right so do

Not cross this line or meow meow maybe we just need to put them fenced in fenced in oh yeah good idea Daisy we’ll let cage them all right let’s get some cage here M just don’t move oh yeah you’re really going to get locked up hey stop doing those sounds

Just be a good kitty you’re dangerous all right all right meow meow just stay in there and uh don’t Move maybe we just let him free no we’re not going to let meow meow free he’s not going to be able to do anything he’s just a little baby cat what what the heck oh my gosh oh my gosh he turned into a giant catnap oh my

Gosh oh my gosh he has three heads Daisy get out of there run Daisy you need to make get back inside Daisy where are we going to go the roof ends right here need to jump down oh gosh wait what there’s another catnap down there hey

You guys it’s me I mean no I’m a catnap e what Gooby we know that’s you gooby are you sure it’s me I might be an evil villain oh gosh oh my God D behind us we need to jump down over here over here we need to go to the basement all right

Quick uh break through this oh gosh oh gosh go go go go go run run run you need to go fast oh my God my dad a look at him he looks terrifying over there what the heck he saw us quick to the basement to the basement we got to think of a

Plan come on Daisy come on Daisy let me just block this up there we go I’m blocking this up too he hi in this back room you guys let me in there no no you’re an evil catnap get away from us Gooby please I just want to play with

You guys uh meow meow what Gooby get away what are we going to do I don’t know I feel like I need to go save Gooby what Daisy I don’t want to save any one of them they all are evil and they turn into scary catch but Gooby is my brother

Daisy my daddy’s up there and I don’t care he’s evil yeah you’re right we need to make traps to protect ourselves ooh good idea Daisy I have an insane idea what if we put TNT all in the bottom of our house and then blow it up so then

It’ll kill all the catnaps and the infection will stop spreading but we’re inside the house all right I’ll show you Daisy we need to blow it up from the underneath all right just going to line all this up with TNT there we go we need to do this in every direction in every

Direction yes we need to blow it up quick Daisy we don’t have enough time I’m going as fast as I can go faster go go go go go go go go okay TNT there um where else are we missing TNT we just need to put more this way oh my gosh oh

My gosh oh my gosh the cat apps are looking at me where they’re in the movie theater they’re in the movie theater room oh my gosh oh my gosh let me in jail let me in jail meow shut up you’re not coming in here please no PR please Daisy you’re

Right we need an escape maybe we make a secret path exactly we should definitely do that and then we’ll just put Redstone going all the way up meow what Daisy did you hear that um oh my gosh Daisy meow meow’s back help me help me help me help

Meow meow meow you have to be really really nice okay and you can’t bite anyone meow okay meow da what are you doing get away from meow meow don’t trust them meow meow’s not going to bite me I promise keep bit Gooby what are you doing oh my

Goodness why are you getting so close to me uhoh oh my God oh my God Johnny help me oh gosh oh gosh I got to go help Daisy go go go go go Daisy I’m coming hold on Jo Us Daisy oh gosh oh gosh nope nope I’m not

Going out there da going to be a catnap like us oh no this isn’t good now I’m all alone everyone turned into a catnap besides me I can’t give up I can’t give up quick I need red stone all right I need to connect all this with red stone

All right there we go just Redstone all this up Johnny what are you doing in there daddy nothing just leave me alone hey Daddy what are you doing hey Daddy stop it I wanted to say hi no I don’t care what you want to do just get away

From me Johnny I’m going to get you quick it’s almost done it’s almost ready all right the lever’s here redst connected to all the TNT this should work just join the Dark Side Johnny become a cat now like all your friends no I’m not going to do that I’m good hi

John oh gosh oh gosh they’re in here oh quick blow it up bye see you guys later join us oh my gosh yeah look at that wao I just exploded my whole house look at all this damage let me see if any of the catnaps

Are alive nope they all look on to me let’s go my plan worked aw but that means none of my friends are alive anymore well I guess if I just rebuild this house I could just live here in this big mansion by myself this is going to be so

Awesome wait what no no where’s that oh my God it’s meow meow he put me down well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone guys I’m so bored we’ve been watching these fish swim around for hours

Yeah they’re pretty cool but I mean they just swim all in the same place there has to be something better we could do maybe we just build a walking ship and go so high in the sky okay Gooby we are not doing that that’s so stupid okay we could go pick

Flowers no I don’t want to pick flowers gosh these ideas are terrible I’m getting so bored that I’m starving every time I’m bored I eat for fun o I have an idea you just come over here and just break that real quick and just go get

Some fish from in here no Gooby we’re not eating the fish Gooby get out of there come here F get out of the fish tank I just want to eat you a little bit Gooby gooby get out Gooby get out oops oops you’re letting the fish out oh my

Goodness oh my gosh we are not eating the fish out of the fish tank there’s so much better stuff we could eat okay wish I thought we were just going to eat the fish no we’re not eating any fish what if we just go ask your daddy to make us something to eat

Ooh you’re right my daddy will get us food all right everyone follow me I think he’s downstairs daddy daddy where are you I’m downstairs working what the heck oh my goodness D what are you doing down here I am doing a research paper right now okay cuz I’m in college and I

Need to get a degree what a research paper on what on uh on how to not lose hair on your bald head hey that was really heartful no it’s actually on how to uh how to eat better yeah wait how to eat better yeah look go in the kitchen

There’s so much healthy food in there to eat ew guys look at all this healthy food I don’t want to eat healthy we don’t want healthy foods well Daddy we were actually coming downstairs because we got hungry and we wanted you to make us food oh yeah I can make you some uh

Carrots with apples I got watermelon some potatoes ow uh I got a barrel of beetroots daddy we want like hamburgers and hot dogs ooh see I’m learning about that right now and it’s actually not healthy for you to eat well what if we just eat organic hot dogs uh I don’t

Think that’s a thing yes it is well now you see Daisy I don’t think that’s possible because organic stuff comes from the ground and hot dogs don’t come from the ground daddy you think you’re some expert on food now look at your stomach it’s like five times as size

Your face yeah and it’s full of organic food because I’m trying to lose that fat oh but daddy we’re hungry for good food I can cook you up good food look we got some chopped carrots oh yeah really good for your eyeball walls uh we got some

Nice jams daddy we’re not eating that poop all right fine you know what you guys can starve to death you guys can go outside and eat dirt for what I care oh no now all we’re going to have is the pizza I order from Domino’s wait what

Gooby you order pizza from Domino’s yeah but that’s all we’re going to eat oh no but Pizza is so good let’s go good job Gooby now we don’t need to eat your food daddy wait a second is it organic Pizza uh no ew I don’t I want it then ew go

Get away from me I can’t believe you guys are eating organic pizza that’s disgusting let’s go good job Gooby uh Gooby do you have any clue what time it’s going to be here uh I think it’s going to be here probably right now I hear it I hear the doorbell someone’s

Upstairs go go go go go let’s go get the pizza you guys will not eat that organic Pizza yes Teddy we’re going to eat it and there’s nothing you could do there better be vegetables in it nope no vegetables Daddy no you’re not going to eat that what the heck is this this

Doesn’t look like a pizza box Gooby are you sure you ordered Domino’s Pizza cuz it’s not their box yes goby do you even have a phone to call Domino’s Pizza uh no I just walked outside and I just screamed out hey somebody give me some pizza from Domino what you didn’t even

Call them Gooby this is not from dominoes all right well at least let’s see what’s inside maybe there’s still Pizza what the heck a smiling Critters potion what does that do I don’t know and I don’t want to find out o I want to see wait you guys this is a pizza what

Gooby that’s not a pizza that’s clearly not a pizza this is liquid Pizza it’s a new product no Gooby don’t you dare throw it don’t drink it I’m pretty sure it is boy it’s not May taste it a little bit no don’t taste it Gooby okay let me

Just see if I can get it open hold on gosh what are you doing Gooby it’s a little stuck hold on no stop oh I got oh God wait what where the heck are we we oh my goodness we’re so far up and why do you guys look like

That why are you purple why are you orange uh I don’t know guys I don’t know what’s happening Gooby what was that potion that you threw on us o I think it was a dream potion maybe we’re just all in a dream we are not dreaming look

How high up we are right now I’m literally shaking I’ve had this dream before look I can probably fly wait what ah some dream you had oops I Don’t Think We’re Dreaming you guys guys this is so weird it looks like some sort of Lucky Block race wait look behind me it

Says press me with a button should I press it uh yeah all right daddy I’m going to press it well hello there and welcome to the smiling Critter Lucky Block race what the smiling Critter Lucky Block race oh that’s what these things are on the lucky blocks Daddy

It’s me it looks like a catnap from smiling Critters is that dog day on the second one that looks just like me I want to go get it oops no but guys how do we turn back into ourselves I don’t know let me press the button again behind you you have a bunch

Of Lucky Blocks that could either give you something really good or really bad and at the end you must fight to the death to turn back into your normal selves and remember keep smiling what we need to fight to the death you guys have to let me win sorry Daisy I’m winning

This I’m a better catnap than you no you’re not I need to keep learning about my organic food I have to win I know I can at least be a better dog Molly yeah Daddy you’re the worst dog ever you probably sniff your own butt hey okay I

Wasn’t going to say anything about it but I do have the urge to smell my own butt I don’t know why well guys I’m about to get the best loot in the world and I’m going to open up the first Lucky Block here we go here we go what I got

An end portal frame are you serious it’s poop all right fine daddy you want to laugh at me why don’t you go next yeah look at this hi wow I got a catnap claw you’re not allowed to use that are you kidding me what why not Daddy give that

To me right now it’s mine wait what does it do oh hey Daddy I’m stuck I’m stuck wait hold on why am I stuck let me help you daddy take that I’ll hit you back bye-bye good thing cats have nine lives o I want something Co let me try

Let’s see what you get a chest o a chest I always wanted a chest Gooby what’s inside yeah Gooby open it up oh okay wo okay you got a bunch of nothing I got an enchanted book ew I don’t want it and I got some golden horses Armor All Right

Daisy you open up your catnap lucky block next I want something really cool what’ you get I got a hero’s crossbow what what okay Daisy’s cheating no I’m not that’s crazy daisy all right well it’s my turn guys check it out it’s a dog’s day Lucky Block this is crazy ooh

I wonder what’s going to be my turn my turn a netherite Ingot a single netherite Ingot I literally can’t do anything with this it’s embarrassing that’s actually really bad oh my gosh Dad if you get something good I swear well this is me and goobie’s lucky block so we should

Get good stuff yes here we go here we go what’ you get a lucky staff a lucky sta what it do ow bye that was lucky daddy why are you getting insane loot you already have two of the best weapons in the game well looks like I’m going to be turning back

To normal no I don’t want to stay catnapp forever all right Gooby you’re next up what do I get what is that ooh I got pants netherite pants that’s really good overpowered all right Daisy I let’s see if you get something better than I did sword sword sword oh my goodness a diamond

Helmet guys I have nothing well maybe you’ll get lucky this time around so open up your next Lucky Block everyone has really good stuff and I have really bad stuff all right let’s see what I get oh no help me guys my luck is terrible I

Just got TNT raining from the skies well sometimes you can’t be lucky oh my goodness I’m sure you guys are going to get like crazy weapons now well let’s see what that there’s no way I got a catnap cannon a catnap cannon I don’t know what it does Dad I think you need

Arrows I think it takes arrows and it’s crazy oh I think you’re right you’re right oh my gosh Daddy got the best bow arrow in the game maybe I can just get arrows and then I could be on your team oh yes flowers no ew you got flowers all

These flowers JY you want some yes I want some here you go flowers Gooby throw them farther you just threw them all on the floor Gooby great you just wasted a bunch of awesome flowers Daddy I didn’t do that I saw that Daddy why are you doing that that was that wasn’t

Me that wasn’t me daddy we’re not fighting yet wait until the end of Fight oh okay sorry sorry you know what I actually want Gooby as my teammate what why cuz we’re both dog day obviously I guess I’m taking Daisy on my team because we’re both cat Napp and catnap

Is way better than dog day true debatable daddy cats are better than dogs everyone knows this who said that nope dogs are way better no cats are way better check out this look oh God oh God some look you guys you’re kind of trash this isn’t Lu I’ll help you out oh my

Goodness Daisy’s dying ow you’re welcome bye Daisy I’ll put a flower on Your Grave all right it’s my turn everyone shush no no it’s not no it’s not you skipped us wait did I skip you yeah I guess you opened the lucky block without us no Daddy it was probably the TNT no

We’ll make this a little speed round here we go I got wood you got wood finally not a weapon what I guess o I got boots what boots I got boots I got boots all right finally is it my turn daddy yep it’s your turn come on come on

Weapon weapon I got a hero’s Trident daddy it does a nine attack damage is that good that is pretty good good yeah I got a weapon I got a weapon that’s so cool now I’m going to get that weapon uh-oh no no you’re going to die

No no why am I in lava bye daddy was it invisible all right Gooby you’re up what did you just get I got a level I got a z all right I guess Daisy you’re next up I hope you get something really good wa what’s the what just happened to

Us you got a mega Lucky Block it’s going to be TNT everyone run Daddy it’s not going to be TN no wait what’ you get from it Daisy I got a whole bunch of ores but they all fell to the ground no I’ll go get

Them I’m coming or I’m coming I see them they’re right there wait I know how to get them Daisy did you get any ores down there yeah I got 19 diamonds I’ll help you oops Gooby what the heck are you doing you got to land in the water Gooby

Oh I forgot oops nice Daisy good job all right we’re going to continue you while Daisy’s swimming up all right you go all right my turn dog’s day Dogs Day dog day oh I got Cobblestone that’s terrible I need armor really really bad so here we

Go me too give me armor flint and steel flint and steel I’ll take it all right Gooby you’re up what I get what do I get o I got fishing W hey hey hey don’t try to catch me I’m not a fish you’re kind of fishy you should try to catch my

Daddy since he’s a whale don’t you dare I’ll hit you in the face you just see hippo get him JY you want to see what I got Gooby why’d you do that Daisy was just trying to open up her Lucky Block you’re so mean oops you’re a

Meanie but beanie all right Daisy you got the last Lucky Block before we do this parkour goopy oop go gooy stop it stop it take that goo’s a menace put the fishing rod down Gooby oops I just want to go fishing I’m opening my lucky block

Now oo what’ you get poop just one blocks well look you could use those blocks to build and now we don’t have to do the cactus parkour oh I fell uh how am I supposed to get a Quil oh you have to do jumps o I know I’m going to use

This piston block there you go okay good job Gooby jump ouch oh God you’re taking damage Gooby OU ouch ouch nice Gooby good job wao guys look at these Lucky Blocks they look a little different it looks like netherite netherite yeah looks like an oldfashioned cartoon or something all

Right well let me open up and see what I get and oh I got a shield wait that’s actually pretty good that’s overpowered daddy now I can block all the haters oh yeah wait can you block this hey it didn’t work oops daddy why did

You doing I wanted to see if it worked oo so these are like netherite Lucky Blocks so maybe I can get like a whole netherite set yeah Daddy try it oo you got a helmet a lucky helmet w wow daddy it matches your skin as well

Oh my God that look so cool that was so lucky I’m feeling lucky Gooby I’m feeling it you see you on my team what you just got I think I got a blaze cannon that’s over put that down Gooby put it down put it down oops oops just shoots out giant Flames

Wow okay let’s uh save that for the fight Gooby do not use it please don’t use it like this no oh oh I just blocked it onto you what what just happened to me that’s what you get that’s what you get Gooby that was kind of cool that

That was kind of cool that was okay I won’t shoot you I won’t shoot you anymore I don’t trust you gooby don’t look at me all right well it’s Daisy’s turn so Daisy you go I got a stack of iron wo that’s a lot of iron that’s

Crazy but no I want a sword I want better Armor All right well guess what I’m about to get some armor right no ooh I got lucky materials I can make armor with it so technically I did get armor yeah that’s really good I’s see a crafting bench does anyone have wood I

Do uh daddy you want to give me it no actually here you want some yeah Daddy what are you Daddy really you know what let you get oh now we’re both falling great all right Daddy just open up your lucky block I am what is that uncrafted

Tipped arrows what wao hey hey hey hey hey put that down I want to see how it works no Daddy put it down all right fine ow thatted that was cool I start like 20 at once ooh I want to see if I get a super

Cool weapon ooh I got more Lucky Blocks Gooby those are poop you probably just want to give them to me what this is so good actually you should give him to me what I guess a shield oh my goodness yay now I have a shield all right open up

Another one Gooby at my shield hand oo look at this free Lucky Block thanks Gooby hey hey let oh I got a diamond chest plate that’s awesome this Che this gu Che I saw no cheating check that out I saw cheating you don’t even know what happened you don’t even know what

Happened cheating that is cheating I’m not cheating I’m not cheating I just got a diamond chest plate from the sky no you’re Che big cheat big big cheater you love cheating every day just place that another Lucky Block come on oh I broke my fishing rod on the cheet that’s

You get Gooby I’m going to go over here now oh cool Lucky Block hey hey stop it it’s cheating it’s hey oh I don’t need that it’s my lucky block get out of my way this guy Cheo he’s no I got two more lucky blocks from that lucky block place

Them down daddy why are you guys cheating all day every day I’m not cheating you’re cheating by getting extra lucky blocks that sounds like you’re cheating I’m over here I’m going to open my lucky block we’re coming Daddy too bad I got it I got lucky apple

And another lucky helmet oh we were too slow man you guys stick like actually you guys are wreaking right now Daddy no I don’t I just got free armor from Gooby Lucky Blocks guys Gooby is opening more o I got diamond sword I got diamond

Sword woo well it would be nice if you had a diamond chest plate to match it yeah if only I didn’t have a Cheeto over here he hey good job Gooby go Ste your lucky block hey no no no no no no no no yeah I

Don’t think so okay now I think so oh looks like I’m stealing your lucky block oh I got a totem of undying well I’m just going to open mine but I got a chain mael helmet wait a minute I just wasted the totem of UND Dying by Falling

Here JY as a swoo I’ll give you these pants wait really thanks Scooby Scooby I need free pants don’t try to steal my things all right everyone let’s have a reset No Stealing each other Lucky Blocks all right let’s make that new rule all right good all right Daisy your

Next up you got gold I don’t need any more gold I have 51 gold and I have 64 + 23 iron well now you can be like a pirate and have a lot of gold daddy you still have a Lucky Block I know I’m

Going to break it out what okay I got 10 dad can I have one I’m going to give each of you two really all right here we go one two taddy you fell at least I got my two Lucky Blocks I was PR Daddy give me the

Two Lucky Blocks I want to open mine up one two ooh Lucky Blocks let’s go everyone be grateful thanks Daddy thank you I got boots I got boots I got another Diamond chest plate all right here you go Gooby since I stole yours before you could have that one wow thank

You that was very nice wait guys look I’m floating oh no this is super weird it’s the shoes man I got nothing well Daddy I got really good loot to thanks Hey ow Daddy no no take the boots off yo M since you since you helped everybody I’ll give you an

Extra chest plate really yes wait Gooby I I have something for you oh yeah oops take that take that it’s a good helmet that’s really really good okay guys stop giving each other loot let’s just do some Parkour he was just helping me out all right I’m just going to open up this

Catnap Lucky Block right in the middle I got a sponge oh dad you got a diamond block I just got hit my god wow all right let’s see what Gooby and Daisy get o I hope it’s something is uh bouncy castle eyeballs wa you got a bouncy

Castle wao that looks like so much fun all right my turn here we go here we go I got another Shield who wants it you have two yeah it’s kind of cool going to hold two of them I want one I’ll take it no it’s mine what do you mean I just

Gave you two Lucky Blocks look daddy I can Shield both of them yeah can you Shield this yep I can daddy ow NOP left your butt wide open all right I’m going to go back in the order that we went here we go I got looking pants no way

Cheater I’m feeling super lucky today how are you so lucky cuz I think cat Napp and the gods really respect me as a man all right well let’s see what Gooby gets ooh I want something really good got a sponge ooh I got boots and a sponge sponge somehow yeah you got

SpongeBob uh does anybody need boots maybe you have something you can s me or uh what do I have to trade you I have an Apple apples yeah I can give you a fres friend here’s a friend for you o okay I love friends Hello friends wow Gooby it’s your first actual friend

How’s it going do you like fortnite okay it’s a trading villager Gooby wait he’s he’s thinking he said hm no he that’s all they say they don’t actually talk okay D open up your lucky block I still don’t have a sword well you need to get

A weapon right now I got another right boots what oh that’s actually really good it’s like really really good you guys I think my friend is trying to tell me something I push you off friends what are you trying to tell me what oh god friends come back no he fell Gooby

Oh man that’s rough oh no my friend least I got boots out of it guys I’m about to get the luckiest stuff ever in this Lucky Block are you ready oh oh see I told you luckiest thing ever that’s horrible no it’s not Daddy now I’m going

To show you lucky I got a romantic Rose would you go on a date with me no dad that’s weird here take it take it it’s for you no Daddy give it to Daisy or something I like flowers I don’t want a flower from your daddy that’s weird here

Pass it over Gooby J he was a w to show you how much I love you as a s a thanks Scooby see that was good okay now that J A I should get something really good like I see squash bow whoo whoa whoa whoa wo be careful with that thing those

Are good nice Hey gooy Hey ow gooy stop it three of Once that was crazy stop it I got two shields uh well I don’t have any more arrows all right Daisy you’re up next give me something good please not good wait that could be really good if you

Get some enchants I don’t have any bookcases though oh like this book right here well you need an anvil to use that idiot oh oops all right I’m about to get an anvil right now oh I got boots all right I’m going to put those on I just

Want to say this to all the catnap people I am willing to trade the catnap claw and the catnap cannon if you get something good really Daddy I want the catnap claw if you have something good to trade and I agree to it I will give

It to you all right um I got lucky boots daddy nope not good enough next I don’t have anything right now all I have is Diamond okay we can wait we can wait right before the last fight if you guys have anything good I am willing to trade

All right Daddy I’ll get something really good for you that dog day will love oo I got another lucky Apple ooh that’s pretty lucky let’s see what you get Gooby oh I got diamonds ooh nice well my turn I got a bow that’s pretty cool I don’t even have a bow do

You have any arrows no oops guys we have so many more lucky blocks in front of us look at all of them uh-oh I see some more parkours guys I think for this next Lucky Block we should all open it up at the same exact time let’s do it o yes

Maybe the lucky block Gods a gooby oh oops I thought what we were doing right now I was about to talk about the lucky block gods and how much they’re going to give us the best Loot and you just ruined it well uh here some pants uh

Marty he opened his too Daddy gosh we didn’t do it together oh my gosh ooh I’m about to get something really good y I got Diamonds oh never mind those potatoes look disgusting what you get I just got flesh and so I threw it off the

Side so you know how I was going to trade you something before yeah well I got another catnap Cannon what so I got two Daddy can I have one uh I’ll take those those lucky boots no I’m good I’ll trade you a hero’s crossbow uh-uh what’s on the crossbow uh quick charge and

Piercing no okay Daddy how about the claw can I have the claw now this is better than the cannon I know that’s why I want it well you’re going to have to give me a lot all right well how about this on this next Lucky Block let’s all

Open at the same time for once okay fine fine fine count us Downy do not even think about opening it I wasn’t I wasn’t okay open it in three two 1 go go go go go oh 32 emeralds I got a lucky staff wa hey stop that you you kidding me are you

Kidding me good job Daisy kill all the dogs I’m going to kill all the cats in 5 seconds hey oh yeah well I got a bunch more lucky blocks and I’m going to open them right over here no that’s no fair I got chest plate I got a helmet how are

You getting all these extra Lucky Blocks I got some pants I got a tree a tree o I got lucky legs and I got lucky hats I’m feeling pretty lucky right now you have two more oh my gosh I got some apples oo I’ll take some apples and I got another

Chest plate that’s not that good you got so much good loot though I don’t even have a chest plate o JY you want this one please okay give it to you hold on let me just come over there okay here you can have a diamond chest plate here

You go wow you’re welcome do you any pants over there no I don’t have any pants okay uh here is some pants really yes give to me give me that make sure that will best friends here you go yeah thanks Gooby we’re all very good friends

Even though we have to fight in this lucky block battle Yeah I’m going to have to destroy you gooby but at least we’re kind of friends now okay I don’t like any of you hey hey Daddy really I’m going to win this thing you know what

You’re right I’m going to win this thing this is a competition I’m not friends with anyone all right next up it looks like we have some chain Lucky Block so let’s open it up ooh I got Iron Pants well don’t need those anymore I got rainbow material what you can make

Rainbow armor what does that mean it’s really good armor daddy wo Oh Daddy I think I’m going to use this to make stuff thanks okay go ahead I don’t care all right there we go I look so cool right now maybe I’ll get something good

Too let’s see what you get a sword I got wa why did it do that what kind of crazy sword is this it’s a cow sword wait what does it do uh it says it has 15 attack damage that’s crazy no way better than my diamond sword wow does it do any

Special abilities uh it says I have jump boost and I have speed boost no way yep pretty much the best sword ever I want that sword well you’re going to have to open more Lucky Blocks a all right Daisy let’s see if you can get a crazy sword please I got chain Mill

Leggings yeah that’s trash bad I’m so unlucky today ooh guys look at this next block it’s the netherite lucky block this is some of the best loot in the game come on give it to me give it to me red stone oh my goodness that’s like the

Worst thing you possibly could have got what are you going to do with that I don’t know Daddy I want more rainbow material no you got extra Lucky Blocks I going to open them over here away from you guys all right daddy well tell us what you get got shears blaze

Rods coal diamond boots it’s looking pretty trash villager egg oo I got a lucky chest plate all right daddy you’re getting trash Gooby open up your next netherite Lucky Block let’s see what I get woo you got a helmet a lucky hat you already have one though yeah I’m the

Only one without one you want one JY please okay I give it to you wow Gooby giving us all the armor thanks Gooby yeah I’m just really friendly well I still don’t have a sword and I would really really like one oh I got flint and steel that is not a sword that’s

Good you can burn all your items me and Daisy are the only people without a really good weapon yeah looks like me and Gooby are going to win no you’re not I’m about to get it right now oh I got a cake let’s go I got a cake got wa

Pyramid wao you got a pyramid daddy of Lucky Blocks oo I got a lot of Lucky Blocks okay we got that I’m coming inside daddy ow what the spiders spiders spiders uh uhoh uhoh those are not lucky kill them fun oh my gosh oh my gosh oh

No Bob’s in here oh Bob is really overpowered I’m going to kill him daddy maybe I can kill him with my sword kill him kill him kill him God there’s so many bats this so annoying kill the bats get everywhere else kill him daddy kill him what do you think I’m doing Daddy

Bob’s looking at me funny you he daddy you just made me fly sorry I killed him party there’s a witch oh no this’s an evil witch she’s showing potions kill it kill it kill it nice we killed it well guys I guess we have to continue this

Lucky Block race in the dark oh no I’m scared of the dark uh Gooby you’re kind of poisoned yeah I don’t feel so good what the heck I think I eatting an apple well can you open up your lucky block while you’re poisoned okay I got

Another hero squash B I don’t feel good of course you did uh oh uh oh Gooby I have something for you I have your friend he came back yay my friend is here friends cuz I don’t feel very good friends no no Gooby oh no okay that was goo’s fault

We all saw and push him off right okay guys this is a catnap lucky block and I’m catnap so I have to be lucky oh looks like you’re not lucky Daisy I will never be lucky cats are just really bad you know no one likes cats all right

Well next up we have a dog’s day lucky block so I guess let the dogs open them first all right here we go and Gooby go at the same time ooh I got a lucky Apple lucky apples and wood great I love wood all right Daisy our turns ooh I got

Diamond boots that’s trash I got diamond leggings all right well now that it’s catnap lucky blocks me and Daisy go first wa I got an evil potion oh my gosh this potion’s crazy does it make you evil no dad it makes anyone that I throw it on super weak like instant damage

Blindness poison wither every bad effect so you just make it so they can’t play the game exactly so I’m going to save to use it on you later uh maybe not Me Maybe everybody else but okay nope it’s going to be you Daddy well me and Gooby

It’s our turn right now here we go 3 2 1 ah ooh Diamond pickax what what did I even guess I don’t even know what that is she’s got a bunch of prismarine it’s just a block it’s just poop you find underneath the water all right guys do some ice parkour nice

Everyone’s making it o yes we have more netherite Lucky Blocks oh Gooby somebody shooting me who shot him Wasn’t Me Oh Daisy I saw that in your hand saw what in my hand you shot at Gooby you shot something at him I don’t even have anything to

Shoot daddy that was you oh good one daddy you really hit me the good one daddy you really hit me you’re doing a good job Daddy good job daddy ow ah yeah take that Daddy good job guys Karma all right now let’s open up lucky blocks without my daddy here all right I’m

Going to open up this one oo I got diamonds and then I’m going to open up this one I got a lucky chest plate I got a gem case ooh that’s lucky does anyone know what a gem case is you can put a gem in it you guys didn’t see nothing I

Got a green gem what the heck do I do with this thing nothing what that’s a waste daddy how’ you get so many Lucky Blocks you cheater hey they just gave me five well too bad you’re getting pooped from it I got netherrite helmet lava

Bucket I got a lot of good stuff what are you talking about ooh I got another NE white Lucky Block oh my gosh wo wo wo how is Gooby so lucky I got 10 Emerald Lucky Blocks all right Gooby can you give a couple to us don’t do it don’t do

It don’t do it I’ll give you guys each one okay okay thank you gooby okay here so you can have one here thank you and you can have one right here wait a minute this green gem gives me resistance and jump boost three this is overpowered oh my goodness well you can

Jump so high herey go Gooby ooh a friend thank you oh I got iron my friend my friend hey that’s my friend get away from me he was on my side so I had to hit him off oh no it’s a threat I gu what is that Gooby she is lucky

Materials wa I think if you break it you can get a bunch of Lucky material and then make more armor with it that sounds really good all right Daddy and Daisy you guys are next up all right let’s go at the same time okay on three 1 2 three

Oh I got a IR helmet I got iron boots a that’s terrible wait guys what is this I think it’s a different type a parkour look I don’t even need to do it I have jump boost oh never mind I died this seems really hard I did it hey wait for

Me oh my goodness yes I did it wo about to do it right now come on one more jump yeah I did it too let’s go o guys look what we have we have a bunch of catnap and dog day Lucky Blocks o I’m going to go first really daddy yep that’s what

You get you got poop lucky oh I got the catnap claw wao let’s go catnap claw catnap claw that’s so good it’s overpowers now I’m actually catnapped with the catnap claw this is so sick maybe I’ll get the dog day Claw is that thing uh maybe you got to open them up

Well I guess I got another star yeah that’s terrible fly inside boom I don’t think it works like that Gooby I’m going to send it back to its brothers h it doesn’t it doesn’t work like that goo you can’t just put a star back into the

Sky it’s time for a shooting stord and take flights boom Gooby this D hard time and it’s not going to work what’s this nether St even do anyways it doesn’t do anything what yeah it’s trash nether St fly there you go you got the fly that was just really embarrassing Daisy let’s

See if you get another star I don’t want another star I want a sword still oh doesn’t look like a sword you have a lot of gold JY I really do all right next up we have dog day Lucky Blocks let’s see what I get o I got an ender pearl oh

That’s pretty good what’s that you that’s really good if I throw it it makes me teleport to wherever the ender pearl lands wao you got like super powers yep yep exactly it’s going to be really awesome I want to get one of those gems that Johnny has it’s insane

Daddy got more Lucky Blocks oh of course you did oh I got more lucky blocks of course you did all right the blaz cannon oh gosh I think your daddy’s cheating yeah Daddy you definitely are giving yourself better Lucky Blocks no guys stop stop being jelly you guys are being

Jealous all right did you open up all your lucky blocks daddy yep I’m done all right Gooby your next up ooh let’s see what it gets what did you get I got neite chest plat ooh pretty good I guess it’s better than the one I have all

Right Daisy you’re last up here we go I’m not even going to ask for a sword what’ you get a crossbow ew again oop Daisy don’t worry since this next Block’s a catnap Lucky Block you’re going to get something crazy I hope so oh I got another ender pearl let’s go

What I want Ender Pearls all right Daisy you can go next please another bow it’s a here bow but I don’t have any arrows I do yeah that’s a waste you can go first you go ahead of me come on weap too all right now it’s finally

My turn I think I want another catnap can to rub it in all your faces No oh I got pumpkins thank goodness I would have been so mad guys it looks like we’re getting close to something weird here there’s a lot of Lucky Blocks I want all

Those Lucky Blocks I’m going to win them all right well we have two more lucky blocks to go oh I finally got a bow but I have no arrows so I don’t need it let see who that get pants ew I’m going oh another

Look St no Daddy I need it I got two lucky steps and I got two cannons ooh oh Mar you’re getting all the good weapons oh I know I’m going to win well I’m not even going to ask for anything good I got another leggings oh it worked Daisy

Maybe you need to ask for stuff that’s bad and then you’ll get good stuff maybe o yeah let me try that Daisy try it right now ask for something really bad uh give me rotten flesh oh you got leather armor it’s basically the same thing yeah it’s like basically the same

Thing all right maybe your luck is just really bad I think my luck is the best though oh never mind I don’t know about that Johnny I think my luck is the best oh God it’s a scary zombie that is not the best well he’s dead now he’s so big

He died let me try I think my luck is the bestest best B than every best ever okay what’ you get uh nothing you got to break it again there you go Berry treasure map Berry treasure map yeah but it probably has terrible treasure in it

Ooh I got to go find this Tre real quick no Gooby no oops guys look at these chests in front of you it says there’s a Sumo stick ooh wa what is that for I don’t know maybe we have to go over here we have to fight what oh these creepers

D we got to fight the creepers get away Sumo stick Sumo stick that’s pretty good wait do we just open up these Lucky Blocks no I think we need a fight for it and whoever wins gets to open these up ooh so we got to do a zoom over here yep

We have to do a few rounds oh my goodness D this is going to be so difficult though no it’s not all right uh me and Johnny first what yep I’m challenging you all right Daddy then after this Gooby and Daisy will fight me vers you someone count us down in three 2

One no hi I tried cheating and it didn’t work you got hit like a truck daddy you actually cheated no I didn’t I did not do nothing daddy you’re cheating look nope there’s no cheating in this game guys my dad’s cheating when I hit him he

Doesn’t move what how do you do that Marty what are you doing I have this crazy rainbow armor on and it does plus 30 knockback resistance on two pieces so I have like plus 60 resistance daddy you’re a cheater no it’s not cheating it’s not cheating yes it is you’re

Disqualified I not disqualified yeah yep Daddy I won that round it’s Daisy vers Gooby next no no no wait does everyone agree on that does everyone think that I should get disqualified yes we agree I mean kind of Pol almost so saying yes yes Gooby I agree no no it’s two against

One he’s disqualified okay let’s redo it let’s redo it I’ll take my armor off all right take your armor off Daddy and don’t cheat you cheated that round I’m not cheating Daddy all right everybody someone cut us down in three two one yep Daddy good luck trying to get me oh am I

Cheating no I’m not cheating daddy yes oh we fell off at the same time Dy the same time we fell at the same time it’s a tie it’s a tie there’s no way it’s a tie this is a hard fought battle all right Daddy are you ready no

Shield come on if I can’t use my armor he can’t use his shield all right fine no Shields that’s another Shield Daddy I got two Shields though no so that means you just can’t use shields in general all right let’s go no no no I I’ll hit

You with this oh oh I won I won he fell off no no DD we going to fight we were going to fight and he fell that didn’t count because I didn’t count okay fine fine he cheated all right daddy here we go in three two

One too easy nice Johnny daddy that was fair no one cheated that round and I hit you I want a rematch I want a rematch nope you lost okay it’s Daisy vers Gooby all right fine I lost okay the winner of this round will have to verse me hi

Gooby okay JY just remember that we brother and sister yeah but I really want to win okay well winning isn’t everything too yeah but I don’t have Winning is Everything you guys are going to fight to the death you guys ready count it down start fighting in three 2 1 go

Oh D is the winner dang that was brutal all right Daisy are you ready for the finals no this is the final round whoever wins it wins all of those free Lucky Blocks okay Marty count us down all right here we go in three two one

Go no I’m sorry Daisy it looks like you died you didn’t even try Daisy you never even hit me once wait wait wait I think maybe for the final match it’s out of three yeah let’s do make more fair make more fair my goodness all I’m just going

To hit you off this round too then you win but if Daisy gets you that means another round all right do it all right here we go 3 2 1 fight okay that was that wasn’t even like a competition that was that was nothing I tried yay the lucky blocks are

Mine wow I got another right chest plate I got that can I at least open one no get away from me Daisy please hey get away please it’s mine wao it’s a Sho villager he’s your friend oh my gosh I’m getting so much loot my friend became a

Sho and a bunny get away Daisy I just want to watch nope you’re not watching get away someone stop Daisy from cheating please a daisy stole my lot thank you well I didn’t need it anyways wa I just want to see I’m I’m watching I

Don’t care I’m going to win I know I’m going to win already oo I got a bow there we go all right I got a bunch of awesome armor waa look at all these cats and bunnies yeah it’s a bunch of cats and bunnies they’re so don’t touch them

we got to focus on you know getting to the final uh the final battle over here so please get to your side oh yeah oops all right guys this is the final stretch four more lucky blocks for every single person and then we’re going to

Fight and see who turns back to normal all right I think we open them at the same time yep every single one we’re going to open at the same time everyone open them on three two one oh I got Cobblestone got emeralds I got another lucky chest plate I got some

Spectal arrows ooh those are good you guys ready for the next set of four y yep open them in three two oh I accidentally opened mine I got dragon egg I got more wabbit Su yeah I got a diamond axe pretty poop rabbit suo is

Poo that’s what they they do say that we have a dog days one next here we go open it in three two one what did I get I got another right sword ooh I got my lucky boots wait I got a dog stay bow what

What is that I don’t know wait it’s a bow it’s a bowl bowl I think it’s like a sword J bow I think you got a sword oh a sword do it’s the dog’s day sword I don’t know J let me see what I see oops

Oh why would you want to hit me I just want to test it out well test it out on someone else let me just I just want to try it all right Gooby well that’s pretty cool that you got a dog’s day sword that’s awesome yeah it’s

Pretty cool all right it’s time to open the last Lucky Block are you guys ready I’m ready yes open it in three two 1 ow what the heck oh TNT TNT oh my goodness Gooby oh no it got me I got a bunch of milk from a cow that’s stupid

All right guys it looks like that was all the lucky blocks that means the only thing we have left to do is to fight to the death well before that I got to craft some stuff just in case Oh Daddy me too and there’s an enchantment table

Right there if you have enchant all right guys I just Enchanted everything are you ready to fight I’m ready I’m in my corner I’m ready almost everyone get in a corner remember the last person alive is going to be the person that switches back to normal going to be me

Nope Dad it’s going to be me don’t even think about it no it’s definitely going to be me please sure it’s going to be me guys all right here we go everyone start fighting in three two one go take that Gooby ow that da like that you see him until

The ends oh gosh I’m going to die yeah yeah we’re on the team we’re on team okay good over here JY stay away from me I got to get my revenge got her come here Johnny they’re teaming up why are you coming after me wait they’re

Teaming up yeah didn’t you hear them oh gosh we need to kill them how are you so fast what the heck the sword he’s insanely fast we got to kill him we got to kill him wohoo you can’t get me he just keeps running hey Daddy get away

From me oh gosh I got to use my evil potion come here Daddy watch out Daisy I’m going to die I killed my daddy with one hit on the evil Potion No No all right now we’s got to get Gooby KY this take that uh-oh uh-oh he’s getting

Low nothing nope nope nope you can’t hit me sorry Dy I’m sorry got away no Johnny won wait no Gooby is still alive no he died oh no I threw an end thepole and I tried to teleport but I died in the wall wait does that mean I’m the winner since

Every everyone else died yep but it looks like you’re turning back into Johnny and we’re going to stay in the dog dang catnaps yay let’s go the winner you guys suck here Daddy take some lava this does nothing to me well Daddy that

Potion did a lot to you when I hit it on your face I didn’t think you going to hit it let’s go Y Mar I got you your presents what is it it’s some TNT here you go yay TNT all right guys now that you’re cats and dogs you’re not allowed

To come inside the house unless I say so wait what there’s no way I live in this house not anymore daddy you’re a dog so you’re going to live in the dog house outside no no I’m not what yep you are where am I supposed to go to the

Bathroom uh on the grass daddy you’re standing on your bathroom uh I don’t do that I’m going to go inside nope Daddy no you’re not no you’re not get out get over here hey Daddy get over here Daddy yeah that says dog house and I’m a cat

So I guess I just live inside daddy check it out I got a bone for you come on Daddy come here why is it working I want the bone give me the bone come here Daddy please you want the bone too fishies I like fishies no Gooby get out of the

Fish tank look Gooby I got a bone for you o a bone I love bones yep come here come here I don’t want a bone I’m a cat well daisy look I have some raw fish for you so come here oo I really like fish all right guys everyone go in your dog

House the food there all right you guys have fun bye well if you guys enjoyed watching this awesome video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone oh oh oh check it out MDI I just found the best house ever you want

Me to buy this house yes look it has four beds and has uh that’s it there’s nothing in here this house is terrible Gooby where’ didd you even find this house uh I found it on the Internet it’s so small the internet who and Gooby on the internet yeah you’re right d

That’s kind of dangerous Gooby give me your phone gosh you can’t go on the internet no more actually just use your phone you you use my phone Daddy you found this house no I didn’t find this house Gooby wanted to actually help me look for the house so I allowed him to

Go on my phone for like 5 minutes and then he said this house was pretty good so that’s why we’re here well this is probably the worst house I’ve ever seen in my life it’s not that bad Gooby please tell me you didn’t buy this house

Um well you see uh there was a thing right at the beginning that said if you want to look at this house and you have to buy so give me your credit cards so I just put all these credit card in oh my goodness he bought the house daddy you

You bought this house with my money on my credit card yes I think it’s really good why wouldn’t you tell me that Gooby it’s a surprise surprise this is a horrible surprise now I own a house and I don’t have any money well Dad let’s look at the outside again there’s got to

Be something good about this house okay fine there’s a there’s a window great yeah we got a window we got a roof oo look at all these flowers flowers though okay we don’t care about the flowers Daisy great she’s flower picking uh guys what is that what the heck is that thing

It’s looking at us daddy uh Gooby was this on was this on the internet no this is not part of the house uh well now we’re we’re living next to a weird cat with red eyes oh my goodness that thing looks terrifying okay we are not living

In this house guys pack your stuff up and we’re moving friend Gooby what no they’re not friendly Gooby back here so I think you look pretty funly you look like a big purple cat oh my goodness this thing is terrifying I actually hate it yeah I

Hate cats I’m kind of more of like a dog person so I think we need to sell that house and just keep on looking wait guys I think this is a big catnap from Puppy Playtime Puppy Playtime wait you’re right the more I look at it the more I’m

Seeing catnap ooh I love playing that game can I just go check it out what no no no no Gooby don’t do that uh uhoh guys uh there something scary in there what is it oh my God it’s a giant catnap and there skeletons oh God oh God want see

Oh he’s com life he’s moving he’s moving he’s kind of he’s kind of cute dy’s not cute he’s trying to attack me scary’s TR run run get out of here go I like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I like my

Dog is dead like my dog is dead shut the door shut the door quick Gooby okay I don’t think it’s chasing us I don’t see guys we need to pack everything up and leave no this is the best house ever you have to believe me

No Gooby it’s my house I own the house not you yeah well you just want to leave it here no I’m not I’m not going to just leave it here I think maybe we have to secure the house a little bit Yeah secure the house we like put like a big

Fence around it and put like a god dog that says woof woof woof stay away yeah maybe the cat won’t come over here we could actually live in the house guys this is a scary idea I don’t want to go against that cat we might have to do it

John we got nowhere else to go get some armor and weapons and just make the house super secure all right fine if the house is super secure then I think I’ll feel more safe about fighting this cat well we need to get to work before that thing comes over here yeah Daisy’s right

What should be the first thing we do okay well I have a question what do cats hate um doggies um watermelon Daddy okay you’re close water they don’t like water oh water yes so what if we make a mod of water Daddy I got a better idea uh-oh

What’s your idea we’re going to put fake water down so it’s like poisonous water okay okay so maybe if he he wants to go for a swim he won’t guys exactly Daddy it’s basically water but poisonous I have a better idea what if we make a

Fake water wall a wall wait how do we do that a wall of water what okay do you have the fake water yep you’re an is okay so we’re just going to break two blocks here okay you sure you know what you’re doing yes nope she doesn’t know

What she doing yeah that does not look right Daisy I tried to know what I was doing but you get what what I’m trying to do okay you guys need help you need an adult here all right get rid of this Daddy I’ll do it Daddy I’ll do it Mo no

I’m the adult I’m the adult this the way it’s going to go okay fine how is it going to go all right it’s going to go like this we do a little we’re making the mode daddy is three you got to make a three big okay fine you want a three

Big fine we make a three big do in the middle we do this so we’re going to have one little thing of wall right there and a wall on this side Oh Daddy uh I think it should be too big though you mean it should be too big it should be too big

It can’t three big then what are you doing you’re rooting the build Go Daddy I’m fixing it look I’m fixing it and now I place the water now you put the water in the middle and it shouldn’t go all over the place wow that looks really

Good yeah I know it looks good I did I wouldn’t swim in that if I were you are you sure very dangerous water this water looks actually pretty cool I think I want to swim in here wa Gooby get out of there Gooby you just died well at least

We know the water actually is poisonous guys it worked what’s going on with this water watch it’s weird it’s not real water it’s poison water how many times do we need to tell you it’s poisonous water yes oh my gosh you can’t drink it you didn’t even know that was a thing

Well now you know it’s a thing ouch ouch oh no I’m falling in the water movie all right guys we’re almost done placing down all the water I need some help I’m placing it as fast as I can this is so much water oh my goodness go go go go go

This is crazy it’s like a giant water wall exactly Gooby ta how cool wow awesome we kind need in out H yeah we do need an entrance to get into our house what if we just build a bridge on the side over here ooh that could be good

All right I’m going to do the same thing on the opposite side then what that a door not a bad idea o I’m going to make a whole cage of doggies that will keep a god of us a good idea cats really do not like dogs so that would work perfectly

Gooby yes I’m going to make it why you in the flun all right good idea Gooby guys I have an idea too no one cares about your boring ideas Daddy no this is a good idea I swear I swear probably hey it’s not leame Daisy it’s better than

Your ideas okay I think I put a layer of anvils on top of this Stone just in case the catnap things they can break through oo okay Dad that might not actually be a bad idea for once no it’s not a bad idea it’s really good idea uh my um what’s

The Anvil the stuff I’m placing right now you can use it to you know uh help make weapons enchant stuff it’s pretty good but it hurts if it falls on you okay that would be really good guys this secure house is coming out so good Daisy

Am I doing a good job copying you it looks exactly the same all right there we go this is looking awesome wait guys I think that we have an issue what so what if the catnaps have like a lot of Health what are we going to do about

That if they just walk right through our wall H I didn’t think about that Daddy don’t worry cuz I came up with a plan what’s the plan Daddy I think we do a little wall of cobwebs inside of the wall ooh so they get stuck make it too

High oh yeah we could do that okay I’ll go the first layer and then you do the second layer okay almost I’m making a cage for all of our doggies wo that’s coming out really good Gooby good job thank you thank you got to make the top

Look good guys I feel like we need to be able to stand on top of our wall stand on top of our wall wait what do you mean I think that we need to put slabs over the water so we can get up here well if

You work on that I’m going to make some custom towers for us custom Towers yep that’s right custom Towers daddy check these out now if we have bow and arrows we could shoot the catnaps with the bow and arrows on our custom Towers the idea let’s go this is so good okay our

Doggies are here I want to see the doggies you got to be good doggies okay you got to protect us wao and you gave them all dog houses and everything Gooby Yep they’re going to love living here yeah the cats are going to absolutely hate them which is perfect even some

Little baby ones they’re so cute Hello I should give them some bones yes Dogs Love Bones give them all the bones in the world is this so good yep exactly I think I’m going to add a layer of mud in the front mud mud yeah cats hate mud I

Don’t know about that Daddy I think they like mud no oh it slows them down too ew guys we’re adding so much good stuff to our base right now we have to cats have nine lives oh true I forgot about that my goodness you’re right we have to kill

Them nine times oh goodness gracious they’re never going to die o I just said a really good idea what is it okay so you know we have the mud right here we should make some like mud decoys mud decoys yeah like this it’s us but it’s

Actually just decoys okay I mean I guess that’s not a terrible idea wa see it looks just like a Pon I don’t know about that one Gooby it’s like a mud decoy they we’re going to attack that and they think it’s us it’s like a scarecrow yeah

But made of mud I I think it kind of look a little stupid guys no trust me it’s going to tck them okay but you know what’s something that everybody hates you homework okay okay you guys are just saying the most outlandish things ever

Fire I was going to say fire oh yeah Dad it’s a good idea all right so I’m going to put fire they’re going to hate this make sure you guys don’t get burnt by it okay just stay away did you hear that okay stay away from the fire cuz they

Horse yep good job guys the towers are officially completed and they look so sick they look awesome yeah they came out amazing cuz I did it there actually really cool tows thank you gooby I worked really hard on them waa this firewall looks crazy it’s like a

Firewall and then a water wall exactly but it’s a poisonous water wall remember that you can’t even get in this is actually turning out to be insane if I was catnap I would not want to come to our base yeah this is like the most secure house ever look guys we’re

Missing something really important swords and armor well how are we supposed to get it all right I got an idea quick everyone watching this video like this video right now to give us the best armor in the game quick hurry up 3 2 1 wa guys check it out this armor

Looks crazy what kind of armor is this this daddy look it’s obsidian armor oh my go can’t anything do I look Co yes goob you look awesome and we also have netherite swords bow and arrows and golden apples wao this is crazy that’s because everyone liked the video so now

We have cool stuff thankfully they like it guys we’re not done building our secure house yet what else are we going to do daddy we need to build a secret bunker secret bunker yes a secret one that catnap would never find just in case they make it inside kind of boring

I said we make a treehouse wait a tree house we make it right on top of this wow I feel like that Treehouse isn’t a good idea cats climb trees good we’ll bait them up and then we’ll beat them up bait them and beat them bait them and

Beat them up oh yes yeah guys I think you’ll be such a good idea we’ll bait the catnaps up there and then we’ll rip their tails off all right Daddy I like the idea let’s build a tree housee all right besides once cats climb Twee they

Get stuck in there yeah true and then we’re not going to save them we’re not going to save the kitties nope no we’re not going to save the kitties Bad Kitties okay maybe not that much okay this is a good height this is a good height you guys start making uh what it

Called yeah the branches I’m going to start making the tree look good so I can sell this house eventually what Daddy you’re not selling this house yeah I am we already put too much work into it nope doesn’t matter I bought it um is this Branch coming out good I don’t

Really know how to do this yeah branches just go all CRA different places so you go all right this is looking pretty good it looks good but I need some leaves ooh yeah it needs a lot of leaves what type of leaves do we want to use pretty on

Ooh there’s yellow leaves there are blue ones but we’re definitely not using those let’s use yellow what if each branch is a different color oh my goodness no oh yes I’ll use blue leaves I’m using pink okay fine if that’s what we’re doing then I’m using these golden

Oak leaves I need a red one sorry Daddy you’re going to have to come up here and do it yourself F I will do it myself it’ll make it look really good oh yeah this is coming out amazing good job guys all right my my branch is done mine’s

Not all right what color should the branch in between me and Gooby be maybe we should go back to green oh yeah we like mix the colors yep yep exactly well then Marty what do we make this one purple and then this one’s red and yellow so that makes orange wait does

Red and yellow actually make orange though yes I learn that in my drawing class all right sorry Gooby I didn’t know that I didn’t know you were cool like that we got to make all the leaves combine in the middle combine in the middle make a super Leaf okay this tree

Is getting insanee guys big wo it’s actually looking really good though I don’t know about these leaves though Gooby I think you need some help with these blue ones what what’s wrong those you didn’t do anything underneath it oops you can add more all right I’m

Going to use your color and I’m going to add a bunch more leaves I’m making the Middle look so cool all right whatever you say it better be amazing all right there we go this is looking a lot better just going to mix a couple more of these

Leaves over here wao it’s coming out so cool wow this is coming out Cool Daddy I got to make like a little base now you can see all the individual br branches coming together guys this tree actually looks insane we killed it it’s so colorful it’s the best tree ever it has

So many colors it’s a rainbow uh you’re building a house in it this is so cool yeah once we have a secret base inside of this house our house is going to be super secure exactly well guys I finished my section of the branch wait what dadd you didn’t make a house for

All of us no I thought we were all making our own bases no we’re all living in this house together then Daddy uh no yep that’s what we’re doing I didn’t sign up for that yes you did daddy no I never said that I’m making a floor for

Everybody ooh yes daddy we need to cover this house up so no one can see it up here that’s a good idea I know I came up with it no daddy I’m the one coming up with these ideas you’re just stealing them you’re a big stealer I am not a

Stealer yes you are I think you’re the stealer don’t worry guys I’m fixing Marty’s house right now what do you mean you’re fixing my house it needs a lot of fixing up what are you do what are you doing in my house oh I’m just adding all

Over our bed why there we go that’s a lot better good job Daisy now we can all sleep in here sleep with any of you hey someone’s going to be farting someone’s going to be snoring I’ll do the farting yeah I know you will booby snores oh

Great we got two yes I’ll do the best snowing evil oh gosh okay there no need that’s some crazy snor right there at night I will cry I will start screaming um yes how do we could be this ladder it goes all the way up into the

Twet yeah I put it there I want to see it where’s the ladder it’s in the house oh in the house that’s actually so smart that’s a really good idea ooh this is so awesome okay well I think our Treehouse is officially done wow this is cool the

Ceiling is literally made out of leaves and look at all the pollen in here this is cool I think I’m going to sneeze hold it in hold it in Daisy hold it in okay come on well guys let’s go back downstairs and get ready to fight catnap

I think he’s about to escape out of his big catnap head let’s go look uhoh I got sh in the face go go come on guys we got to go outside oh my goodness wow look at the catnap oh my god there lightning it’s eyes are Bing the eyes are

Literally bleeding oh my goodness this is not good that’s scary everyone eat golden apples I think the catnaps are about to spawn where are you catnaps show yourself I’m coming oh my goodness what do we do there he is there he is get him get him get oh my goodness Guys these things

Look terrifying no just more of them coming they’re like aliens or something they’re so tall I do not like very creepy their arms or legs are really really long oh I guess we’re the best there’s more of them there’s more of them ah oh no get multiply don’t hit me

Oh God sorry Daisy oh Daisy I’m sorry Daisy you better run help me Daisy watch out Daisy oh gosh this is not this is not someone help me here I’ll just aim for you and try to shoot you don’t shoot me oh I got you sorry I was just trying

To hit the cat nap Daisy I’m coming to I’m coming to save you come here take that get in all right come here Daisy I still see one I’ll save you Daisy yay we did it we killed all the catnaps I got one more oh kill it kill

It kill it yeah I got it oh I killed it ow you shot me in the back go guys we did it we did it we did it oh yeah oh yeah it’s not that easy what the heck oh God there’s flying ones they’re flying

Fly stop kill it kill it kill it shoot him out of the air oh God oh God more of them are spawning they’re flying cnaps oh my gosh oh my gosh hit ouch ouch ouch oh gosh guys kill him kill him I’m trying he’s coming towards the base

I got to let these WS out of here wait guys don’t let the Fireballs hit the tree they’re going to go on fire doggy Escape escape and protect your master yeah let the dogs out let the dogs out I did I did I don’t think the dogs are

Going to be able to get him cuz are flying oh yeah whoops we’re going to have to use our bow and arrows hit him two times for them to die they’re too high oh my goodness oh I just sniped one let’s go guys on the ground oh God more CNS on the

Floor going to Tree House treeh house treehouse Treehouse everyone go to The Treehouse climbing in here oh thank goodness we’re in the treehouse daddy nothing bad can get us in here yeah maybe we should go outside how are we going to go outside Daddy just break

Through some of the leaves so we can shoot them from up here Oh Daddy good idea good idea go go go go everyone follow me all right there we go take that catnap just killed one let’s go let’s go Gooby where are you ouch ouch ouch I’m my heal all right

Everyone make sure to stay together all right staying together this one’s so annoy oh sniped them nice good shot uhoh another one over here oh the big ones on the ground again you’re making such crazy sounds just a few more just a few more I’m going to throw this sapling at

Him take that oh no I went have oh gosh Gooby you’re just going to have to sit there and be ugly so they don’t shoot you okay I’ll just swack them um guys what’s that sound I don’t know I’m smelling something else I think it’s saw firewall it sounds like fire um guys

Guys our BAS is on fire our B is on fire look down the trees is on fire put oh no more can sping oh no everyone over here quick we need to land into the poisonous water for like 2 seconds I’m going on the tower oh no oh the only way

To survive go go go ow ow ow it’s doing a lot of damage I’m stuck in the webs no this was that was a mistake oh ouch that wasn’t a good idea oh my goodness no The Giving Tree is on fire oh no I fell out

Guys I need help I need help I’m being surrounded by catnaps oh no we got to stop them no our tree is literally burning to the ground spent a lot of money on that tree oh no B the house too kill them stupid catnaps this what you

Get dare you burn our stupid house at least we still have our cool armor yeah I guess so A this is really sad though I got good home insurance yeah Dad this is what I think about your home insurance ow yeah you like that Dad this is all

Your fault why is it my fault it’s actually goobie’s fault you told us to build a tree and then went on fire hey it’s Go’s fault that I even bought the place across from catnap we should have made it’s your fault that you’re ugly it’s your fault that you smell like butt

Cheeks wait wait we can’t fight guys we all on the same team not Gooby you all get an arrow to the face that’s it I’m going to get you yep that’s what I thought Gooby yeah hey Daisy stop it hey yay I’m the winner how alive not for long Daddy come here we’re

Going to go head to head take that Daddy yeah you like that damage keep walk keep walk be a meat Shield be a me Shield hey Daddy you can’t eat too many of those get off no hey my daddy get him get him leave me alone get back here

Backy well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye everyone done guys look at this amazing house daddy this house looks terrible what do you mean it looks terrible it looks great I hate it what do you mean you hate it why

Does it have no windows yeah Daddy it doesn’t have Windows because I didn’t have money and I had to use some extra wood yeah I used extra wood laying around it’s not even the door in the door oh oops well Daddy it’s really ugly I hate this house so much and wait what

Does the inside look like inside’s nice and uh very modern modern not modern yes it is at least the bed are super bouncy it’s good Oh Daddy I broke it oh great great now got spend more money and get a new bed no you broke my bed F I’ll break

Everyone else’s so it’s fair I was just making it fair gosh now got to go back to the store and get new beds great good job Johnny you go back to the store and get a new house um no considering I bought all the parts myself I’m not

Doing that Gooby but this house is stinky yeah Daddy it sucks with the capital L what you guys want me to go back to the store and get new stuff and try to make a new one I don’t want to live in this daddy bet if we all work

Together on it it would become the bestest house ever daddy let us help no Gooby is not allowed to touch the house come on I make a cool like game room or like a slide or roller coaster um let’s not do any of that and just make a

Normal house and live there happily how about that that that’s really boring but let’s go to the store come on all right everybody follow me to the stupid store gosh uh guys what is this wa Daddy what is this is this the store no this is not

The store and this was not here before when I went to the store what the heck it says weird strict dad is coming for you oh my gosh look at these things they’re so scary there a bunch of weird men outside my house oh my goodness

Daddy it’s weird strict dad I don’t like like weird strick dad oh guys I don’t even know who weird strict dad is we need to get these guys out of here I don’t see so I think they might be friendly let me just say h Gooby hold on

Gooby hold on don’t go in there Gooby gooby they are not friendly they just killed Gooby was a good hey guys I’m right here Gooby how dare you go into that cage I was I was just trying to be friendly with them are not friendly do

You see how ugly their faces are yes but my mommy always says don’t judge a book by a shovel I’m just in a book by its cover cuz they are ugly and scary all right we don’t want them to come into our house everyone we need a back up

Everyone run back to our house oh no what are we going to do I don’t know but I have a feeling that we don’t have too much time before they break out of that cage and come attack us that’s kind of a big issue because I just built this

Beautiful house and I don’t want them destroying it well Daddy I don’t care about the house I don’t want to die this house is not going to stop any strick dads these kill me so fast okay then Gooby how about this you you pretend to be a weird strick dad try breaking

Through okay let’s see what happens what guys this is stupid I’m so sck oh this is your here I don’t care about yours you can’t get through oh I don’t care Bunch the walls what you’re breaking the walls what the heck are you doing Gooby I’m a weird St dad I don’t

Even care about that oh this is not holding up guys I could break an he and just kill Mary right now this is not good Yep this house is not good guys if it’s not Gooby proof then it’s definitely not weird strict dad proof yeah I guess you’re right that means I

Got to redo this whole house cuz it’s made out of wood we need to make this the most secure house ever guess you guys are right so let’s just start tearing it down no Daddy we don’t have to tear it down we could just build on

It oh okay yeah let’s do that woohoo all right I have an idea since Stone is a lot stronger than this wood I’m just going to break all this wood and replace it with stone is that a good idea okay I like that idea I’ll help you you guys

Almost done on that side no I just started oh Dad I got a lot of would I still need to break do the whole back what about these pillows um yeah we need to replace those too hold on what about this thing it’s obsidian Hest walk ever

Ooh okay Gooby let’s use that wait we can’t make it look ugly daddy it doesn’t matter if it’s ugly I don’t want to die well I need to be able to sell the house you can’t be uglier than what you made a w that’s true it wasn’t that ugly it was

Anyways daddy people would buy this house so much more if it was the way we’re building it right now I don’t think so kind look just very Bland super secure though yeah a bland secure house great who wants that I do that’s a lie you’re lying to yourself all right

Everyone help me replace the floor too we need this to be obsidian what really yes the can’t digs to the floor that’s also ugly there we go check this out W this is definitely way better I don’t know about this guys I still feel like it’s pretty it’s not that safe I don’t

Think so either we need to add more well what are you guys thinking then uh I’m thinking we probably need a wall of some sort right wall yeah maybe we do like a spike wall or something inside the wall there’ll be like a whel of lava oh oh

That’s a good idea so when they walk in there they be like it’s to hot ouch yeah that’s a good idea Gooby so what I’m going to do is I’m going to start digging the M around and then we put the wall on the outside of it oh yes someone

Help me dig what if we make I’ll be the laa what ooh that’s a crazy idea um no they’re going to rob the diamonds obviously diamonds are super strong it’s going to be really hard for them to break them anyways fine then do it so I’m not putting it up though all right

I’m going to be on lava placing Duty oh my goodness this is so hot whatever you do do not jump inside the lava all right okay I’ll just make sure they go oh lava what are you doing uh I just dodge the lava oh my goodness be careful it’s

Going to be super good just can’t even get in there yeah I’ll help you make this wall DIY okay we’re almost finished guys we have an issue oh no what how are we supposed to get inside magic oops going to use magic D that’s stupid I’m a wizard we’ll make

Like a bridge of some sort don’t worry check this out all right just going to do something like this something like this and boom trict that could just walk over this daddy I’m not done yet hold on jeez all right daddy check this out a door okay yeah he can just walk past

This this is so stupid hold on Daddy I’m not done yet yep now check it out daddy is he walking past that I don’t think so I guess not I mean just walk on be too fat I’m not done yet in the front we’ll have a a button instead that

Opens the door ooh okay I think we can work with a button o yes and sck Dad G and press buttons mhm cuz they’re fat their fingers are so fat that’s a good idea dud Daisy you’re making this look really nice I’m trying to but I don’t

Know what to do so guys I have something I think I need to add to this base it has to happen what is it we got to do wooden spikes oh wooden spikes oh yeah like this boom Oh I want to place them down down watch out Bo wait why are you

Not placing them next to each other for some reason they don’t want to connect all right that’s fine they still look really good please show many spikes around here that if a weird swick guy comes here they just get stabbed by a spikes oh they’re definitely going to

Come here Gooby oh they’re going to get stabs oh guys what if we put barbed wire on top of the wall barbed wire oo I like that idea wo that looks super good uh what’s your bobb’s wire uh it’s really sharp wire that will hurt you oh

That sounds really scary yeah I don’t like the sound of that I think I want to touch that all right just going to place down this Barb Wire every where there we go nice looking super secure looks like a jail yeah it’s looking amazing I’m going to rep place the floor here so

That they can’t dig on the grounds I’m going to help you that’s actually a really good idea yes got make this floor super secure yeah the most secure floor in the whole entire universe are we supposed to plant flowers now ooh yeah that’s not happening yeah we’re not planting any

Flowers unless they’re like super secret flowers with like cameras in them and they can help us kill this real strict dads other than that we’re not placing any flowers oh yeah what we made a trap for the weird strick dads and we put like flowers right there and they’re

Like oh I want to smell those flowers and then they fall in the Trap weird stck dad does not like flowers they only like us they want to eat us we’re not doing that guys I found flow okay oh my goodness a bottle actually pretty cute that’s pretty stupid Daisy it’s not

Stupid it’s cute I like it o I know what we should do we should put some like evil animals on the side he so if they get SW they get eaten by The Animals okay maybe not evil animals but I have something similar to an animal check

This out I’m going to build an iron golem yep he’s going to help protect us if any bad people come inside our base you sure they won’t break our base daddy they’re not going to break our base all right they’re literally made out of iron to protect us what happens when I hit

Them um don’t hit them please he look at me weird these guys are pretty cool yeah they’re pretty awesome they kind of look like Squidward no they do not look like Squidward do not make fun of them Gooby he will literally lift you into the air

And throw you hello Mr Squidward okay I don’t think he cares he doesn’t care all right what else do we need to add to our base guys it’s looking pretty good I have an idea oh what is it so if the we stct dad God forbid he gets over the

Wall and wants to strangle us I think we go and make a little secret bunker ooh that’s a good idea daddy yep I think we need one mhm I have to agree yes we all make different WS maybe like right here Daddy yeah boom perfect entrance into the secret bunker

Watch your head all right I have a good idea Daddy I’m just going to make it a ladder going down into like a whole secret area ooh I like that we could put like a little trap thing on the top yep exactly some trap door how full times

You want the go um very far down super far yes all the way down to bedrock okay I’m going to dig super fast oh God okay that’s far enough that’s far enough that’s far enough oh my goodness Gooby I went super fast we’re going to have to climb this ladder

For like 5 hours now yeah but it would be super far away from the Swit ass yeah I guess so pretty far down I’m kind of scared of heights guys Daddy stop being a little baby I’m not being a baby you’re being a baby you look more like a

Baby than me uh I actually don’t you’re wear a diaper right now hey Daddy come on just help us build this okay okay I’m placing so much your yeah me too I’m placing so much obsidian wow this is looking super good wo you’re making this insanely big guys how big does our

Bunker need to be um it doesn’t have to be that big since it is a bunker I think there’s big enough it’s going to be so much room for us to make secret base yeah exactly wait what color wall should we make it Pink no pink daisy ooh how

About blue no blue Gooby red no red daddy yellow no yellow okay really guys I just said the best color in the world and you guys said no nope nope nope I got an idea what if we do this wao interesting I kind of like it I like it

All right just going to replace all of these this come out so good wo this wall came out so cool yes this is looking super good what do we make the floor oh maybe we just keep it dirt yeah it looks really good no okay what should we make

It then iron blocks like this wow I like this okay fine we’ll not do my idea ooh it’s like a big CLE balls ooh guys this came out really good this is the best bunker ever yeah it definitely is I should just missing some stuff guys now

We need to figure out what we’re doing for the roof he can just dig down here now M daddy that’s kind of smart um we should just make it yeah all obsidian see it’s strong super strong Daddy okay fine I’ll just break I’ll break you guys

PL I want to break too though okay I’ll play some of here break break break break break break I’m breaking so much I’m a good breaker now I’m placing okay I guess the Bon go finished wo it looks so good we kind of need some stuff down

Here like we need a kitchen we need a bathroom we need like you know bedrooms for all of us we still have a lot of things to do well I’ll make the bedroom how about that okay you can make the bedroom I think Daisy’s more of a

Kitchen type girl yes I want to build a kitchen Gooby you can do the bathroom and then I’ll sit here and do nothing yeah good job let’s go bedroom’s done hey need to look nicer than that all right well where should I put it Daddy

Can you help me with the bedroom I don’t know what I’m doing maybe this is more of like the hangout area what if we do the bedrooms back here ooh okay I can put it over here I got to make the best bathroom uh right over here okay yeah

Daddy you just watch and make sure we’re doing it right I’m going to tell if you’re doing it wrong all right daddy boy what are you doing in here I’m making the best bathroom ever okay okay you’re doing good you’re doing good Daisy what are you doing look for stuff

I’m just looking for kitchen stuff right now okay good and Johnny what are you doing um you know just making a bunk bed oh I like it it looks good yeah Dad it looks really good right Fair let’s go wait you makeing some bunk beds I want

To see yeah I made those bunk beds wao actually I don’t want to steal some of that hey don’t steal it yes cuz I’m going to make a bunk toilet a bunk toilet yes so that if you need to go to the bathroom you just go up there and

Just go in the bathroom oh my goodness that sounds crazy yep it should be so cool wa Daisy this kitchen is coming out so good I’m Happ you like it man I could make so many cakes down here I can eat so many chips this great I’m going to

Get so fat Mar you can’t get any fatter than you already are okay Daisy that was me you said it not me okay it’s very true I did give you that Gooby has the bathroom coming along it’s coming along pretty good where are you thinking about putting these toilet probably just right

You in the middle okay and you wanted double decker toilets yeah it’s going to be so cool how’s that supposed to work you’ll see Molly I’m just facing the walls for okay I’ll leave you alone I’ll be back in a bit wao Johnny this room’s coming out so good yeah Daddy you like

It out yeah what what is this um it’s a soccer net why why do we have this here do we can play indoor soccer obviously daddy well I don’t think this is a good thing to put in your room why I don’t know someone’s going to get hurt there’s

Not enough room to play I think you should throw it out here and then Daddy I’m going to put a sock monkey in it oh I’m moving this get get this out of here hey we’re doing it right here one right here my room’s completed then Daddy all

Right that’s good as long as I got somewhere to sleep at night all right there we go just make this look extra good wow the kitchen is coming out amazing Daisy you’re doing a good job I know we can make so many cakes where’s Gooby at though Gooby what is this Gooby

Yes Mak is the bestest bathroom ever is this the double decker yes it’s going to be wow that’s why it’s so tall all right Gooby well I’ll allow you to do whatever you’re doing in here yes Daddy what should we make over here W you added a

Couch yep nice little couch ooh and you added our soccer nets here so we can play a 1 V one oh yeah I even add a little basketball hoop over here let’s go daddy I’m trying to fit in the basketball hoop but it’s not working no

It’s not meant for you in your butt for a basketball can’t get in it yeah I know you can’t get in it you’re going to squish our bread well Daddy I really tried maybe I could try to fit in this next no you’re too big hold on Daddy I got to get down

Get me in there yeah I did it I’m inside okay there’s no need to be dancing like that oh yeah I did it I did it almost done yes wait what are you making in here what is this it’s a double de bathroom wao so you can take a poopy

Down here and then a poopy up there yes I see put some toilet papers kind of Genius nice sh all four of us can take a poop at the same time wow well guys I think we have everything we’d possibly need in a bunker so now it’s time to get

Some armor and weapons ooh that think I’m good there’s so much armor to choose from uh I think I’m going to go for the Phoenix armor it looks really cool nice I went with the valkyrie yeah I went with the valkyrie armor I’m getting the pink one ew pink

Oh God Daisy take it off it looks terrible no pink is my favorite color well I’m also going to get a bow and arrow so I could shoot weird strike that in the face same don’t forget a sword too yep I got a short and I’m going to

Get golden apples Gooby why do you have nothing what are you looking at I’m trying to find the best of oh my gosh you’re probably going to end up picking like a blue sword or something nope I got purple all right guys I think our armor looks really

Really sick and our swords are super strong so it’s time to go upstairs and wait for weird St Dad to come attack us let’s go and fight his butt all right guys come on follow me oh we’re missing a ladder that is not safe Daddy that’s your fault fixed it

All right guys let’s go outside and see if they’re still in their cage hello Mr Iron Golem oh God guys there’s a weird St down of the door what kill it okay calm down calm down this might just be one that got out of the cage randomly it’s probably not all

Of them all right all right let me just take care of this one oh God there’s another one oh God oh God there’s a lot of them there’s a lot of them there’s hundreds of them help me help me you come johy I’ll help you oh my gosh oh my

Gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh we help me do something I’m going to shoot my weakness oh my gosh eat golden apples if you’re about to die oh I forgot to get those what you forgot to get them oh God Daisy I shot you sorry okay I’m shooting

Them so good job good job oh my gosh there’s so many more they’re hiding in the treesy take some apples oyy ow they do so much damage what the heck ow sorry Daddy sorry Daddy I’m shooting them with my bow I think you’re a weird strict Dad

I’m daddy I got to kill you I’m weird and I’m not strict you too strict yes daddy you’re very ever yell at you like yesterday kill him yell you right now Daisy don’t yell at me if you want to prove that you’re not switch then you

Have to let us eat pizza every day oh I’m not allowing you to do that hey guys I think we killed them all I don’t see anymore there’s one more over here uh kill it kill it kill it ah oh God ow he hurt me let’s go we killed them oh guys

That was way too easy oh yeah good thing there was no giant boss one or something oh no there’s stuff above our house everybody quick oh my God they’re flying oh no flying one she how they fly I think it’s boss versions oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s so

High in the sky shoot them shoot them with a bow and arrow there’s one in our house oh no everyone inside inside where are they they’re in our house oh my goodness ow they’re doing damage uhoh uhoh we got to get in there come here what the heck wait they just

Made another portal oh no they inside the house we can’t get in you they’re using the obsidian take that I Golems you got to help us wait I think the Iron Golems did help us look how broken they are I think let’s go guys I think we

Officially did it and there’s no more I think so too I’m just going to go back in our house right now where you going Gooby where you going uhoh uh-oh wait come back Gooby don’t go in there Gooby okay Gooby R to the nether where am I

Guys back in the nether I’m in the ne what’s that yes oh my goodness place looks pretty cool actually guys Gooby is Daddy’s never coming back he’s a goner well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now you guys you

Guys me back from

Today, Johnny and his friends have turned into a CATNAP Family and are stuck on a one chunk in the sky! How will they survive? Watch until the end to find out!

#johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft


  1. The most recent study by a new 🆕 research group shows the effect on the brain and the body on brain 🧠 function in a single year of life 😅was it just the way the brains work in a year and how 🎉🪦🤤😤😍😍😍🪦🪦🌵🌵🌵🐿️🐿️💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

  2. 😅🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂❤❤❤😂🎉🎉😢😢😮😅😊😊😊😅😮😢😊😊😅😅😮😮😮😢😢😢🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤😮😅😊😊

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