If You Make Sound, Minecraft Gets More Scary…

Don’t make any sound because with each scream Minecraft will get scarier so will we survive without screaming or making any sound nobody scream or else it’s going to get bad no don’t oh my what I’m heading over to this Village why are you screaming what isan what is

That where the SP you deal with that oh I’m heading to the Village there’s no way but it’s so nice I think I don’t know it’s not attacking me oh was it sound why does it sound like it’s coing from down there what was that kipy uh I

Don’t know but if it came from the spider thing I’m leaving where did Qui go this is also a very weird Village wait what do you mean weird guys this Village is big and look down here there’s blood wait there’s blood wait yeah is that a portal down there what is

That I don’t know but it started with Jamie screaming so you know if anything goes wrong play it wasn’t it was quit if I heard him why did you scream something’s coming from down there that’s all I know we yeah check the village houses we can get some loot oh

Guys I’ve got bread I have bread we have food guyses no one notice there’s not a single villager here maybe they’re on spring break do you think they got murdered is red glass normal look at that I think so yeah I don’t think anything here is normal why is there a

Pit yeah I don’t want to go down there but kly you might be onto some with oh here we go I got a little bit closer what’s that noise I got a little bit closer to this area and it turned creepy yep that’s your fault Jamie get in the

Boat Jamie get in the boat there’s someone I don’t know what’s going I hear scream right in front of you right in front of you onto the did you see that thing running at us it’s okay my friend it’s okay no one’s screaming no one is screaming there’s

Slender oh run to the boat use the boat get him in the boat get him in the boat I’m screaming I’m guys we need help don’t let him in please I I think I I think I saw them fall off the cliff I don’t like this we’re in the cave should

We try to get out do you got a water bucket or anything or no I just I just had the boat in Oak planks wait did he just disappear where are they gone I swear I saw their names drop off into the pit I have enough to oh wait I have

Enough to make a pickaxe oh yeah I need more oh my I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scream kly this is turning bad everyone’s screaming here Bri just really came out of nowhere that was awful I’m very scared I hate this place did they get hit off I see them they’re

Down there hear me out I have a plan okay what’s up plan all right no you just got to you trust me right we make a boat yes well I was say oh it’s too late off in theat don’t scream oh my God that was easier guys

It’s a headless bu what it’s headless where did it head go I’m just going to go put him out of his misery wait have you guys realiz it kind of spell something oh yo he’s fter than I thought pepper careful pepper there we go where have you guys

BRS to yeah why did you guys come down here this is not a safe area I don’t know we were running away from something why why did you come down here then cuz we’re coming after you guys that’s that’s a fair point what does this spell

A d w e oh it might go deeper inside guys guys it’s getting dark out I brought a bed squish in together um sish w w w w w run run run run run run run I’m heading down I’m down it’s like stopped me sprinting help me oh my God

Why is it so fast oh we got him we’re dead we’re good we’re we’re good we’re good I I don’t want to be down here in this cave yeah I don’t know about this guys wait it almost looks like a face yeah like a head yeah yeah like a

Skeleton face oh or it looks like the face of that guy right there what what is wrong with him if we don’t look at him maybe he won’t come after us oh yo run run run run run run run run run Jamie I can’t do damage guys this is J

I’m coming J I’m coming put out is chasing me come here guys I’m going to kind of get out this cave build up build up build up I’m leaving good look down there oh he dropped water come on guys we’re grabbing the boat we’re getting out of

Here I’ve dropped water are they coming down oh I see them I’m swimming I’m swimming that was not okay thank you quiff for the water okay guys did you get any food no we have we have no bread we have nothing we just need to find a

Way to stay the night okay I’m sleeping guys everybody sleep what the guys I just I just broke a bed and it opened up area hello do we want to go down here no no no no we do not want to go down there we want to sleep it might be safe but

Down here guys I think you’re right I think you’re right oh do you see anything no it looks empty it looks just like a cave oh my gosh glowberries I needed food so bad I’m going to make torches I’ve got four torches right now

Uh is this what I think it is kipley why does this look like a player it honestly kind of looks like me there’s a lever oh it’s done nothing you don’t know what it does you could have just exploded all of us for all we are you guys okay I don’t

Feel very exploded what is this place this place is wild almost like something escaped guys we’ve been screaming a lot yeah yeah Qui don’t even blame me it was even my fault lot of screaming come from coming from you guys why is the string just Flo there’s something fling us I’m telling

You the lever must do something yeah the lever must do something what is this area it was under the village but guys look there’s there’s one lever that’s not been placed cuz look there’s two lights on but yeah why isn’t the last one working wait have we found two

Levers okay wait so look around everyone there’s got to be a lever found it oh nice oh over by the other coffin uh guys it opened up a weird bookshelf area I’m bringing a torch yeah let’s just go very slowly what is this area it looks like a

Factory underneath a village wait why would they need a factory with blood everywhere oh no there’s some loot in here I bet they came down here to get away from whatever it was up up there bread bread this food excited I need it oh guys I got diamonds no way no way I

Got free diamonds what are you looking at guys there’s something back here I dare you to stick your hand through it no I don’t want to die that’s I’m just I don’t want to die more bread in there what was that what was what did you guys

Hear that I heard some crunching I thought that was GL I’m not alone nothing followed us down here right there’s nothing weird do these wheels do anything can’t believe I hear something what is that traveling yeah maybe we just keep going this way I don’t think we should go back

Out that way what the heck is this a secret door that’s what I’m saying it’s like this bookshelf is weird is there another lever there’s got to be something we can see there’s another room back there see no there’s lights up there what if we turn off all the lights

Turn them off yeah okay kiple I’m going to turn off the light tell me if anything happens okay okay quiff one one off is that another one yeah there’s only one more it’s it’ll it opened the door okay guys I’m coming down I’m coming down got open this look

Oh it’s like some storage room see if they got anything oh there’s bread everywhere oh there okay guys we got so much bread o diamonds diamonds oh helmet yeah get all the stuff we need to get looted up Diamond Sword baby no I just have guys something’s telling me to run

And I’m not going to wait here any longer yeah we should definitely run we we got all the loot yeah let’s go back to the surface I don’t know whose coffins these are either it was weird how it was under a villager house villager is up to something serial

Killer villager wow and there’s still not a single villager everything looks normal I have a hunch if this actually truly looks like a face you know what maybe I’ll come up with you I was right I think this looks like a face we already I mean it did look like a head

The grass patches are eyes oh wait I see it oh okay yeah this 100% looks like a scary face no wonder there were no Villages and it looks weirdly placed oh what’s inside that house what just came out of the house quiff quiff run we got

To go warn him you didn’t even notice that there was a monster in the house by you oh oh he’s right there what iser doing Fu guys no guys this is a scary phase I think we need to go back down to the cave let me

Get you made me scream that was cff’s fault I just want to say that come on Jamie are they are they going to follow oh here she is that was a scream sh can’t play did you scream just it wasn’t me oh no no I think that was

Quiff guys the H is a ped out of nowhere it’s made out different blocks than these ones though oh W run run run run run they have white eyes where did you come uh wait what happened to quiff where did I just get TP to why is it so

Quiet where’d they go I was near the village we’re in a jungle there was a jungle by where we spawned I can’t be that far if this is the same Village I should be no my friends um where are they all right I don’t know they just

Vanished no we we got teleport by the soulfish uhoh hey edge of the Jungle this looks familiar what is this trying to spell yes okay we’re back where’ these guys go huh what is that thing e l careful Qui behind you Qui behind you Qui behind you there’s an eyeball

Chasing me back there we go e l two L’s then a e right there guys I’m back kipley kipley guys it spells dwell oh it literally spells dweller no not like the dweller right yeah that’s what I think it’s spelling uh what what what is that I don’t know wait is this

The last one the r oh guys I found a spw oh sick uh weird how this spawner looks like this no quiff kiple found something you might want to come take a look at this you guys left the diamond horse armor in the chest uhoh go down go down

Go down go down go down uhoh block it up block it up what have you guys opened there was something under the spawner okay smart smart break the Spawner in a seed that’s getting scarier the more we I just thought I know I just thought you know zombie spawner we don’t want

Zombies spawning on us this feels really safe can we just stay in here forever oh we just clicked the B what did you just splash us with stop pressing the button there’s poison in the ceiling why are there mobs everywhere no one move yep yep no one move cuz if anything goes

Wrong we die why is there so many mobs being imprisoned down here yeah wait this is weird what doing food slime like two you’re you’re breaking them out there’s a reason they’re trapped is this like a Noah AR kind of situation like what’s going on where there’s something missing from here smart

Jamie Peppa Peppa what just happened why is there something me why you don’t let things out oh my thank you kly for almost getting me killed oh I’m sorry I’m sorry oh hey it’s it’s the it’s the villagers oh wait there are villagers here and human Z2 dweller

Z2 me dweller do you guys need help whoa whoa wo cow it eyes just turned white no no no stop killing them why did he set lava oh steak why does it look like the Dwellers broke out not only the Dwellers the humans yeah why are they collecting

Humans there’s two villagers this is probably the last of the villagers uh guys guys what that sound uh what that sound let me in everyone back up very slowly be very careful get the cage help help help no he’s not he’s not going to attack us he’s just staring at us right

Now guys what is that nope nope he’s moving closer he’s moving closer what is that why is he doing that can’t believe help me I can’t okay I’m just going to block it up okay what is it oh guys oh block it up block it up he’s after Peppa

I got him in the lava he wants me too much is he burning oh he’s burning he’s going to die oh yeah get him pepper get him great easy slow cooking I’ve trapped him I’ve trapped why would you open it wait why would you open it is it that he

Disappeared let’s get out of here I don’t want to stay here any longer villagers you want to come back with us or you want to stay down here like they’re safer down here but if two dwellers escape from the cage right that’s pretty bad you guys it’s two of

Everything I don’t understand what’s going on yeah I say we leave wherever this is how do we get out we of Darkness has appeared in your world what does that mean that’s that’s a good sign you know it means we’re we’re going to die very soon let’s get out of the cave oh

What the is that a zombie wait that’s not a normal zombie wao wait he’s making some weird noises what is his face what the you just skin guys guys guys he’s back he’s back he’s back over there he ran away he ran away let’s go let’s also run away wait I

See an arm he’s trying to lure Us by screaming help me guys you’re running so much faster than me I’m going to die we’re like on level 20 of scream guys we’re on level 20 this is bad I don’t see him he’s not I don’t think he’s

Chasing us oh God it’s night time everyone back up I saw a man oh God a man that’s me there’s literally a ghost staring straight at me I got him whoa whoa whoa whoo who is that who is oh uh I don’t know but he’s he’s bubbly

Is that this is that the scream guy oh oh I can’t see anything inside time I’m good I’m good guys I don’t know about you but I want to leave this Village as fast as we can oh wait is it is it daytime soon uh yeah the sun’s rising

From that area awfully red though I don’t think we should stay in dweller Village okay I don’t know about you guys or I might be tripping but if you look in the distance those trees kind of spell die wait no way guys I want to leave this Village I

Want to leave it as fast as we can yeah can can we please yeah I’m down I’m down uh okay yeah let’s get out of here why does this look like some budget farlands it is very foggy right now I cannot lie this is like the prime time you’d see

Just an entity let’s not speaking into existence okay okay like I said what happened it’s eyes look at its eyes oh duplicating sheep what here right sheep right here guys this is a sheep hord guys no we leave we leave we leave get out of here we’re going to get you run they’re

Chasing us they’re chasing us get out of here for some reason we escape one jungle to another are you really taming a bird right now yeah you never know oh guys I’m going to leave this jungle area that’s all over the guys want to stay

But I see I see land at least around the Jungle the trees look normal there’s a there’s a face I think I see it wait oh yeah he’s got a beard guys I kid you not this looks like the temple of notch what is that what’s the temple of notch wait

Is that why he looked familiar it’s like it’s like the the Temple of the founder and it’s supposed to be cursed is that why he’s crying but this shouldn’t be the seed he does kind of look like he’s also screaming he’s crying too looks inside yeah it’s just a normal creeper I

See though I don’t see anything else do we want to get closer I’m curious feel like we have to do you think there’s something inside like more stuff that we could use wait yeah I see blocks there’s weird blocks oh this looks a lot creepier open person n I’m okay you know

If you guys want to I just want to stop and crying okay swim and notches tears uh yeah this was a safe option to never go inside o it is very dark in here guys I found the reason why you never go inside oh yeah yeah what is that oh there’s some

Eyeballs what the all right guys I made more torches uh did that just light wait is it the closer we get yeah oh wait yeah it’s flickering it knows that we’re here there’s another one down there look there’s no flame no flame and then boom

I don’t like how dark it is down here either Ulta cool no more screaming guys we not have anything spawn down us spawn on us down here right now that looks like it could be a or something wait is this supposed to be a puzzle wait they’re all pointing

Different directions maybe Point them all towards the enchantment table I’m spinning them oh what uh step on the I’m not even damaging it that is not what you wanted run guys run it’s we got to run it’s not taking damage there’s no screaming oh wait yeah we’re doing nothing yo yo yo

Yo yo who did we summ oh my gosh keep running keep running keep running are you okay K yes I’m trying to scream please don’t die oh it’s so it’s slow he’s confused he’s just protecting the area maybe we found something we weren’t supposed to doesn’t that mean there could be

Loot he heals he heals he heals just run run run away did he just take your life force I think he does he’s really tall yeah that isn’t really going to work guys you are making no chance yeah run everyone out ow ow ow ow ow ow it was a

Trap it was a trap all along I understand why he was crying I’ll see you guys at the service I have to go the other way yeah I’m running for my life right now oh he’s still chasing me he’s still chasing me why is there a villager

Out here don’t trust it Kip why is that one single villager why are you out here can’t oh my God he’s after you qu oh I miss guys escaped who are you oh no guys oh no no no no no no oh no can’t believe now build up build up

Build up build up build up build up why are they all spawning what is going on oh was that you guys are you okay no okay can you guys place a bed we can sleep we can sleep I don’t have a bed I don’t have one either I also don’t have

One a I’ve lost my only bed I looked away and it’s gone I’m going to make a run for it and I wish you the best you’re leaving us what why are you leaving cuz there too to many things chasing you guys it’s okay once I kill

This guy we can leave wait who is that who’s who e what are you doing over here Qui yeah oh pepper did you find that armor yeah no remember there was an enchanting table I went back and took it of course oh oh what’s happening well what else did you

Find is it who oh it broke the enchantment table wait did we lose our enchantment T no it’s right there okay you got it Qui I I need food I got 12 bread here you go we need to find safety we need to find a house where we could

Shelter it’s that guy again it’s okay back away slowly I’m I had run I had run I had one I’m running I’m running I’m running I see a house I see a house wait really there’s a house wa this house is we how did it do so much damage this

Zombie is a barrel uh guys this house looks awfully weird and very flammable so wly wao get inside get inside get inside what is that oh my guys I don’t like the sounds the I don’t like the sounds all the signs are here wa out sleep sleep the

Dark away uh yeah I don’t like this I don’t like being told what to do it does look cozy but I don’t trust it they slept in the bed nothing happened it should be fine right oh you should join us it’s so comfy if you want to sleep in

A house that literally says sleep good night’s rest in the middle of a forest where we’ve been screaming too much that’s all up to you we can’t sleep without you sleeping okay I will sleep then if we die it’s your fault yeah look Pepper’s getting some much needed shuty

Over here look at him all right see just sleep the night away see it’s fine uh was that what was that someone just got struck by lightning wasn’t me uh up is it up there wait yeah we slept night wait oh it’s what um guys look outside can’t believe look is there

Something outside okay okay I’m abandoning I’m getting out of here there’s UFO what it’s still night time this is bad this is bad oh my I told you do not sleep uh why did the ground just turn green yeah I kind of just saw that

Everyone just grab a bed hey I I I’m back at our sleeping area uh should we just sleep yeah cuz there’s way too many things out in the night okay let’s just sleep right here I’m sleeping it’s turning morning so oh wait do we need to sleep then if it’s turning morning no

Herobrine’s right there what’s up here oh my good get out of here bro yeah let’s kind of leave this area I agree I see a forest some actual real Minecraft nature the grass is back to normal life is good that sun also looks too bright and fake it’s very pretty Peppa what are

You building I just I I need a fortress I feel unsafe your house is going to take off tiny Fortress Yeah Pepper’s got a tiny Fortress no no no no no no no no Chucho Cho Charles what yo here there’s no way all right yeah pepper you know what you

Can test out your tiny for with Charles uh we’re going to leave yeah have fun with that we need any more supplies we I’m I’m running low on food badly you need pickaxes I still have four oh I I I think I found a village there’s a path

Right here guys that’s Village path I need bread that’s uh oh wait this might not be a village uh what the do not cross we should probably listen to that yeah I’m down to go the other way Peppa do not cross it dud there Redstone PE Peppa you get back side the back

Inside you are an idiot uh you guys might want to come in here the the path no longer exists there you go oh yeah that’s that’s true wait how much how much I do wonder why it says that hey wait the path keeps going just follow it and hopefully we find graveyard

Okay o there could be good loot here what did you just say I’m sorry listen trying to survive I just heard a voice come from a grave they could they could probably have something in here guys are we not going to question how many graves there are I can’t even see

The end of it what almost like every Minecraft mob that’s a lot more than every Minecraft mob or every player that’s ever died I guess this explains why the village is empty none of the graves are marked either they don’t have any signs or anything I’m heading

Towards the big Graves cuz I think we might be on something I don’t know if we should be here I think it’s fine I don’t know about this one look one escaped there’s an empty grave oh no it’s a giant yo who’s body is this big no this

One’s fine uh don’t take it up what is ITA what did you I don’t know I don’t know if why did you think this was a good idea are we burying ourselves alive right now there’s nothing even below us yeah I don’t really know wait Bedrock

What why is there Bedrock that’s wa guys guys guys it was a trap it was a trap it was a trap oh my God TR trap us something TR trap us it’s trying to bury Us Alive get out guys get out get out get out get out died almost

Dead is everyone alive what is this stuff I don’t know it looks like mood why do we almost just get buried alive there I don’t feel good in this graveyard at all yeah we should leave we should not have dug up this grave uh uh

Yo yo yo Steve there is a Steve right there what the what is that y he’s so tall he doesn’t have a face oh my I’m running I am getting out of here don’t look at me Steve Jamie run Jamie run no he’s going to chase us look oh run run

Where’s the ex it though how do we even leave this place St hiding I’m hiding from it we never ran past the graves get out run away keep running guys it just turned midnight uh oh no oh no oh no to the side Trail tra Bob we through the graves

He’s coming guys I think I see the ending what do you mean I oh don’t go that way NOP noly kly what is that that’s siren head um okay guys run I am running the best bet we we make a we make a base we make a base with what we

Have nothing oh my God I’m going to run out food does anyone have food I have some brown concrete okay we need to kill these guys there’s no way kill them kill them kill them kill them I only have pickaxes yeah quickly quickly make some walls I’m making the walls in this

Graveyard we need a base where we can survive you are building the weirdest walls what is wrong with you tyly we just need a base how did you guys get wood I’m jealous I have a dirt maze we’re on like level 900 okay this is not

Bad we don’t really have any more trees guys we kind of have a solid house uh Pepper’s got Death Wish um not friendly Peppa that is the most stupid thing I’ve okay I really wish these Graves had loot in them that’s so disrespectful kly but there’s like nothing buried here like

What the heck hey they’re not going to use it we can use this actually break in the graves like no we can use this to fory our Fortress we need oxal protection these guys won’t care that’s true I kind of I kind of like how these act as like little Windows right here

Would be happy if I they’re helping us guys o I think it’s star guys what huh did you see something what is that where is it what is that I don’t know but I feel like we need a roof I don’t have a lot of blocks part of the roof’s

Almost done okay looking good looking good this is the worst makeship house but it should work you know it’s kind of cozy there we go we actually have a full protected house some bits and pieces of graves building it but that’s all right yeah are we just going to live here

Forever cuz I’m down living in a graveyard is uh rough I don’t know guys it’s turning night wait what are you kidding already oh God wait oh I thought I saw something oh this is creepy this is very creepy it’s almost wor oh wait there’s a

Guy uh-oh it’s getting B I’m seeing I’m seeing a lot of mobs there’s a what a BL Queen what is that blue Queen oh jeez OHA are you okay how do I get in I’m in I’m in get inside block it I’m blocking I’m blocking I’m blocking okay guys this is bad this

Entire place is surrounded maybe staying in a graveyard wasn’t the best option it’s getting bad I’m seeing I’m seeing a lot of mobs oh no what was that what is the blue Queen wao wo get inside how do I get in I’m in I’m in I’m in get inside

I’m blocking I’m blocking I’m blocking guys this is bad this entire place is surrounded maybe staying in the graveyard wasn’t the best option guys siren Ed is back okay this is creepy wo there’s something running super fast outside by the way yeah I don’t know it

Might be to do with a blood Queen oh it’s so loud guys there’s no way how are we going to survive who thought it was a good idea to stay in a graveyard this is horrible they’re so fast I can’t hear anything they’re so fast outside can’t

Believe I’m scared where do we hide what are we do I don’t know do we make a room for it we’re surrounded I don’t know if we have a choice okay group up I have bread for all of us at least one piece we making a run for it it might be the

Only option which way do we go we’re being surrounded in a okay I have an idea guys oh a tunnel yeah all right yeah let’s get far away from the base just keep going this way they don’t know we’re underground right there’s no way all right everyone ready oh guys

They you guys made the distraction I’m making a run for it oh run run run run no no no help me no no what am I going to do I need to escape I’m getting it every angle no no

►If You Scream, You Lose…
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If You Scream, You Lose… If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…We Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… Why I Snuck Into The Scariest Minecraft Server… Testing scary minecraft myths, So I Stole Her Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. i love your videos pls make more and your the best youtuber and i am 8 and i love you not like love i mean your the best pls make for content like this i want a part two <:

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