We are lost at sea and surrounded by zombie sharks now me and my brother Milo have until Nightfall to build these safest security house and fight the zombie shock attack this is horrible we’ve been Shipwrecked yeah I can’t see land in any direction and once that sun goes down we will be completely

Surrounded by hungry zombie shars we need to get building and quick let’s do a chip what are we going a build out of first we need to make our our raft a lot bigger we need to use iron blocks surrounding the entire thing just like this what this is really going to be

Crazy I really hope this is secure enough it definitely will be Milo I have a plan these iron blocks will also be one block out of the water it is very important that we raise it just like this otherwise the zombie sharks will be able to swim up onto the raft I really

Hate zombie sharks I didn’t even know they existed until today neither did I Milo these waters are pretty crazy and they have so many dangerous things in them I guess zombie shocks is one of them that’s pretty wild but we need to be able to defend ourselves that’s why

We need to start putting all of these Spruce planks inside the iron block ring by making sure we add the same material to the raft it will blend in really well with the old one and we can use some of the scraps to make this hey that’s

Really smart and plus maybe it will make the shars less suspicious of us I don’t know Milo the shocks is suspicious of most things they see in the water if they see any object that is not just a piece of the ocean or a piece of kelp

They will totally attack it no matter what we do they will try and find us so our number one goal needs to be security and being really difficult to take over if one of those sharks bites me I pretty much turn into a zombie mil Lord yeah I

Don’t think either of us want that but Milo one thing we definitely need to get rid of is this really gross sail it’s totally destroyed we will not be able to use it to go anywhere in this state yeah that took me 40 minutes to build how

Dare you destroy it Milo that sail is what broke down and got us stranded here in the first place we can’t keep it if we want a chance of surviving oh I guess that’s pretty bad sorry it’s okay Milo don’t worry at all now that we’ve added

In the floor out of spruce planks we can actually get started on building our house yeah let’s go this rft is going to need to be pretty secure if we want to survive a crazy invasion of zombie shocks that’s why we need to build this house very very big it can have multiple

Stories I don’t think I’ve ever seen a raft with multiple levels before well this is going to be the first one ever actually yeah it totally will this house is already looking really cool and we can even give it an interesting shape this section over here to the side will

Be a lookout area it will also contain a ladder where we can go up to levels two and maybe even level three wow I can’t believe we’re can to have level two and level three a raft that is twice as tall will be twice as secure that’s why we

Need to make sure this raft is two stories rather than one and we can even add a gray concrete wall in right here this can be a really cool divider between the outdoor areas and the inside areas we won’t have the gray concrete going all the way around though we need

To have some other parts with different blocks like glass panes this raft is going to be real fancy if I was sailing PST and I saw this I’d be like wow love me in please yeah totally by adding glass windows on every single side we make sure we can see exactly where the

Sun is if we’re caught off guard by the sun going down we won’t have time to prepare for the Sharks that’s why it’s very important for us to use this glass here we also need the concrete to keep this base nice and strong wo it’s already looking really cool Milo but I

Know we can totally do more now on the inside of this house we need to use Spruce planks to make the roof it’ll be the same material as the floor that way it’s the same on every level and it won’t be too confusing I don’t want a

Messy house on a rock yeah that would totally be stink yeah it would stink real bad okay this is looking pretty good but I think there needs to be more before we build the inside areas of this house we need to build one very important outside area Milo can you

Guess what that outside area is going to be is going to be a jumping castle for me no Milo it’s not going to be a jumping castle that would rock the boat and it might even make us tip over no way instead we are adding a farm area

This way we can grow all our own food using all the water around us yeah and then I can have really a lot of bad seeds that’s my favorite snack on a b exactly we actually make a really good team for sharing food we always grow

Wheat and you love the seeds from it and I love the wheat pots to make into cookies yeah it’s really perfect maybe that’s why we’re best friends I’m sure there’s a little more to it than that but that’s got to be a really good thing about our friendship now we also need to

Add down some Farmland here just like this it’s got to be all the way around here that way all of this space can be used for farming and look there’s already water underneath it that’s good exactly although Milo it is not going to be enough to turn this Farmland into the

Damp Farmland we need to use a really cool building trick first I’m going to need to break a couple blocks here but don’t worry Milo I’ll put them back soon I’ll put a stair block down here and then if we fill this staircase with some water and put a regular staircase back

It totally will become exactly what we need it to be oh no I accidentally stepped on this Farmland let’s turn it back into the regular Farmland so we can put seeds on it wow look Little Seeds growing they’re really cute yeah although they’re not growing very fast

We need to add down some chests here one chest can be full of bone meal this way we can actually have a place to store all of our plant growing material and in the other chest it’ll be where we keep all of of our freshly grown seeds and

Wheat wow yeah I’m loving this I want to stay on the rock forever yeah me too and if we are going to do that Milo we need to make some more things one thing that we will definitely need to build here is a big kitchen Milo by having an amazing

Kitchen we can cook all our cookies and bird seeds in we’ll never want to leave this place well I don’t want this kitchen what why don’t you like it mil you made it all orange and my favorite color is blue oh um I think I know a way

To make blue actually really how by using quartz on the very bottom floor here and adding in some awesome light blue concrete we can add both of our favorite colors to this kitchen Milo and not just mine yeah I’m really liking this design thanks Milo I’m so glad you

Like it I really like it too I really also think that we need to add in some roasting chickens on top of this furnace by adding this in it actually looks like there is real sizzling oil and a cooking chicken on top of the Furnace yeah me

I’m hungry now yeah me too we can even add one on this side that’s so awesome I really love this design yeah this design is beautiful too I think we do need to make more though we need to make a sitting room I think we need to add some

Orange couches right over here and we can even add some blue tables here in the middle I’m going to sit here every morning and drink my birdie smoothies birdie smoothies what’s in a birdie smoothie milet well lots of scrumptious things like fish and bird seeds and ice

Cream ew that sounds gross I definitely can see how you’d be able to find some fish here we’re surrounded by so many of them in the huge ocean and we have plenty of bird seeds but where are you going to get ice cream well probably from the clouds because they look like

Ice cream Milo clouds aren’t made out of ice cream they made out of water in the sky what there is no way that the floating clouds are made out of water Milo if they were made out of ice cream it would probably rain sprinkles that is

My dream oh no I think I might have gotten you a little excited that’s okay though maybe it will rain sprinkles one day but for now Milo we have to focus on the present and that includes making sure our house is well decorated before the zombie sharks arrive yeah because

They’re going to be jealous of this house they’re going to wish they had legs so they could join us here yeah they’ll be jealous but they’ll also try to eat us Milo that’s a really big one I wonder if they could grow legs that would be pretty terrifying if they did

We would definitely need another room to retreat to yeah which is why we should probably build one great idea Milo that is why we need to build an armor and weapons room this way if any of these evil zombie sharks try to attack us we

Have a safe space to run away to and grab a bunch of gear to get ourselves way stronger I’m going to do some epic ninja training and I’m going to become the craziest birdie ninja ever a birdie ninja what Milo I didn’t know that was a

Thing yeah it is a thing and I’m going to use my powers on the real we sharks yeah the zombie sharks are pretty weird I wonder how they even got infected with the zombie virus in the first place well probably because they’re silly and they were munching on a zombie or they were

Munching on a drown drown are zombies that live underwater Milo so they would be a lot closer to the Sharks than a regular zombie would besides if a regular zombie falls into the ocean it actually turns into a drown I think this could be why the sharks in this area

Have become zombified and if that feeling is true it means these shocks are really strong because they’re infected with the real Zombie Plague we have to take this very seriously Milo these shocks a no joke well I’m a really serious guy so I’ll take it really seriously I don’t know Milo you’re the

Silliest guy I know you went to the bank the other day and you started doing silly dances yeah I thought they might really like them and I thought they might give me some money they didn’t give you any money though did they nuh-uh it was really sad and I said hey

Bank bser you guys have so much money you can’t spare anything for a little Milo a poor Milo if I was them I totally would have given you the money but one thing I can give you right now is a bunch of awesome armor and weapons to take down these evil zombie sharks

That’s way better than money right I wonder what kind of weapons we’re going to have ch well I have some really cool ones planned I also have some really cool pieces of Arma plans so I’ll need to put them in the corners right over here I think these weapons are

Absolutely perfect I’ll probably need to test them out first wo this Ripa is crazy you can use it back and forth and it actually grinds your enemies to dust wow I’m totally going to use that yeah I think we’ll need to put it in this chest

Right over here and we also need to use the thunderous shell it’s not a proper weapon but it can summon rainclouds this will really electrocute the Sharks if the lightning strikes the water a chip you’re amazing you can pretty much control the weather yeah it’s pretty

Awesome and it will come in very handy in the event of the zombie shock attacks yeah if I see those shars I’m going to punch them you won’t need to punch them Milo you’ll be able to use the prismarine spear it’s a very very powerful weapon and it goes so well with

The Trident chip look what else I have what else do you have a grenade wao Milo be careful that’s a grenade not a oh wow Milo that could have been really bad you need to be very careful launching grenades off the sides of our rth but

This is what I’m going to be doing at shars oh that’s actually not a bad idea by using grenades we can take down these shocks a lot better than if we just used regular weapons I’m going to put them in one of the chests good idea Milo wao

That is a lot of grenades we’ll never run out we also can use this amazing Scythe they are really big and they do lots of damage against evil ocean creatures like the shark we also do need to have a chest full of different ammunition we’ll only have one of each

Since they’re very dangerous but they are so cool and they will really help us against these shars yep I’m feeling very prepared I hope these shars come now now Milo these are the rarest Aras in the entire Seven Seas we have to be really careful with them let me see them okay

First this is called the emperor of the ocean it’s a really cool aret it comes all the way from the oceans around ancient Egypt wow this one is beautiful will you let me wear it please sure but you might like some of the other ones a little more this next one came from

Sunken treasure it is the most expensive piece of armor ever found at the bottom of the sea W this one’s my new favorite it’s so beautiful Milo that’s so funny you look so silly in the armor these next ones might make you even more excited though

This is the lion fish look at the stripes it actually Blends in really well with the ocean wow it really does and it’s very fancy it is so fancy but this one might be even cooler this is the turtle shell armor set it is actually made out of the turtle shells

And that lets you breathe underwater for a really long time wow that’s really helpful I always wanted to be a turttle actually but this next piece of armor is made out of Guardians it’s taken from the hot of the Ocean Temple I love this one it’s beautiful all of the amets will

Be really really awesome for us to use and they will really help us against the evil zombie shars yeah these zombies aren’t going to have anything on us although we don’t know what these zombie sharks will look like I know I’ve never seen a zombie shark before will they

Have weapons or something like lasers on their heads yeah what if they shoot us with their lasers and what if they have really big hands yeah that could be terrible we need to build an underwater observation Dome so we can see what they look like before they attack us let’s

Definitely do that I want to get a good look at those guys this observation area will be right over here we’ll be able to go down into it using some lattice but first we need to build the actual gloss wall otherwise the ocean will go in and

The ladder will lead right down into the bottom of the sea that would be terrible I’m feel little a bit nervous now the way down here because what if something scary gets us yeah that could be anything at the bottom of the ocean like wait a minute what is that oh my gosh

That’s like a weird little snail or something wait a minute Milo the snail is getting attacked these guys are bers stop part a snail friend oh my goodness this is bad these look like zombie shrimp or something yeah I think the zombie infection might have gotten to

More than just the sharks look there’s even a lobster these animals are crazy Milo I do not like it down here we better build this glass observation area so we can see what these zombie shocks look like quick otherwise we could be trapped down here with all of their

Creepy creepy abilities I’m going to test out the observation now it’s looking pretty good so far Milo I can see so many things from in here oh yeah I can see all our shrimpy friends I don’t think those shrimpies are my friends they look pretty freaky to me

Well I think they look cute and like they could be in a circus yeah they totally could be in a circus as the clowns but if we can’t get out of here then we are the real clowns Milo so having a letter is very important well I’m liking this observation it’s going

To make me feel a lot better when the shies come me too although I just have one problem with it Milo what is it right now if we are stuck down here and one of the zombie shocks attacks we have no defenses we need something that we

Can activate down here that will hurt the zombie sharks yeah like some kind of weapon exactly Milo we need to put a dispenser right over here this is going to be very dangerous considering the block I’m planning on putting in this thing we need to fill this dispenser

With a bunch of TNT now if we add a lever to the other side and flick it it should totally work if we spot any evil sharks through the gaps in this ladder we can use this dispenser to attack them I think maybe we should test it out okay

Just be really careful Milo I’ll be on this side to make sure nothing bad happens are you ready yeah I think I’m ready all right let’s test it end W wo look the TNT falls down to the bottom of the ocean that is good I was worried it

Would float up and hurt our raft can you imagine if all our hard work went to nothing no I can’t Milo so if this rough does not make it through this evil zombie Shar attack we will have nothing left that means it is time to start building out even more defenses because

Right now this house is not protected and that one little dispenser with TNT is all we have yeah and the weapons room of course yeah that is true but we still have to put everything we can to fight these shars let’s do it the first set of defenses we need to start building

Around our super secure raft of these Arrow turrets well they already looks so awesome and now if any sharks get close they’ll start shooting them down with arrows I hope it don’t shoot me they won’t Milo why don’t you fill these up with all the ammunition they need while

I keep adding more and more defenses all right I’ll put some arrows in there while you’re doing those arrows I think I need to place down some more magma blocks at the front of our base these zombie sharks could somehow get onto this raft and if they do they might

Flip-flop their way inside where they can totally attack us I don’t want that so we need to make sure we add all these defenses all the way around these magma blocks will be very very helpful they’ll totally fry these zombie fishes yeah we’re going to fry them like fried fish

Now that we’ve added in all of these magma blocks we need to start adding some even crazier traps like these bear traps carefully you don’t step on them Milo they do a lot of damage don’t worry I won’t step on them these need to only

Be stepped on by these evil shocks if we place them in all the spaces that the magma blocks are not placed in we help make sure that no spot is safe for a shark to hide not on this awesome raft only humans are allowed on here by also

Removing a bunch of these bear traps and adding more magma on this side we secure every single possible spot now I’m also going to bridge off from this raft in every different direction don’t be alarmed Milo I’m not building random Bridges out into the ocean no way I’m

Actually doing a whole another strategy these are going to be secret Mine Fields these will actually contain platforms that the shars can Riggle up onto but then when they do they will actually be totally blasted with TNT now if any shock manages to get onto any of these pressure plates it will instantly

Activate the TNT I just need to make sure we add more slabs to the bottom just like this now it is totally ready and we can make more all the way around wow chip this is amazing we totally have enough defenses now uh yeah Milo um why

Don’t you go inside and build an aquarium or something now that we’re all set yeah I’m going to put all my fish friends in the aquarium am good idea Milo all right you stay busy with that now okay I did not want to tell Milo but we definitely don’t have enough these

Zombie sharks will be able to tear through our defenses I didn’t want to tell him cuz I didn’t want him to worry but I need to make one final Resort Milo can really panic in these situation so it’s important not to scare him too much I’m going to make a big structure that

He will think is really just a sale but actually it will be a giant TNT launching machine this is designed to destroy all the shars in case they overrun our raft we will need to add a secret emergency escape area but I don’t know if we’ll be able to do that all

Right this is looking pretty much like a sail there is still more that we have to add to make it really convincing though step one is to dig down on this area of the big climbing ladder I’ll need to place a bunch of observers going directly down like this on this side we

Will replace the ladders so it looks a lot more natural now for every single white quartz area we’ll need to place an observer just like this they look very very easy to spot right now but I have a very good way of hiding them all we have

To do to make Milo think this is really a sale is just add a bunch of banners now it looks like the sail is really blowing in the wind hopefully it does not look too suspicious by the time we add them all I’m sure it’ll look totally

Fine and perfect and I can build the crazy Contraption I’m planning on really building here now we need to add Spruce trap doors to this part of the sail to block off The Observers otherwise they’re way too visible this actually looks kind of like a sale it’s really

Believable especially from far away we also need to add a big lever up here this way The Observers can actually detect something now it’s a little hot to see but we just need to place these TNT filled dispenses on these sides they’ve all got so much TNT in them oh

No some of it fell down I’ll quickly grab that before Milo seeso that was a close one let’s put the final TNT dispenser right here now the final ultimate nuking option will totally work I really hope we’ve done this ride otherwise we could be in a lot of

Trouble CH help me Milo what what’s wrong I accidentally spawned down something called a sea pancake Milo a sea pancake that sounds like something they’d serve at the Crusty Crab this is terrifying look at this freak get him out of here no Milo don’t push him into the kitchen we’re cooking chicken not

Pancakes uh this thing is gross we need to get this fish outside right now I don’t like him at all no neither do I and wait a minute Milo I think I see the sun going down this is bad we need to quickly get inside before the the zombie

Sharks arrive be gone see pancake we’ve got to get everything ready right now Milo otherwise we won’t survive the zombie shark attack yeah quickly everyone in possession the first step is to go and equip our amazing weapons and armor I wonder what suit of armor I’m

Going to wear what one do you want Milo well I really want this blue one because it’s so fancy oh wow that is a really good one I’m going to grab this turtle shell armor look it even gives me water breathing hey yeah that looks awesome

Champ I also need to grab some of these weapons from this chest there’s got to be a bunch of really good ones I especially will need these shells in case we need to stop any rain or enact some lightning all right Milo it is time to check outside and I don’t see

Anything anywhere this could be a bad sign a chip what’s that wao Milo these are crazy they keep jumping out of the water at us we need to go down into our observation room to see them from below what these guys are really really creepy they totally look

Zombified wo these zombie sharks are so far gone that they’re just skeletons now that is crazy I can’t believe this chip what are we going to do to defeat them they’re totally going to kill us we need to use our weapons and we need to use

Them fast these guys are crazy I just hope these weapons will work yeah I’m going to use my grenades hey bers careful Milo I’m running out of Health right now this is bad I think I might need to go use our farm to craft up some

Bread chocolate chip that’s not a lot of time I also am going to grab our roast chicken off of the stove oh I definitely need to eat right now oh this chicken totally hits the spot you know what I don’t even need to harvest the weed anymore I can now use our Blossom

Shooter to take down these evil zombie sharks from far away wow champ are you really getting them wao Milo they keep jumping up and attacking me this is bad we need another way of attacking these guys we’re too close CH I just fell into the water wait where are you Milo I’m on

The KN oh no this is it for me oh no Milo get away from the TNT it’ll hopefully kill the zombie Shar and wo it totally did but we lost the TNT mine in the process well I’m going to put this here and do this oh careful Milo you’re

Just blowing it up more yeah but I wanted to get the shocky oh no these shocks are too far away we’ll need to use something else to try and take them down this is a really good position to try to be getting them from Milo I also

Have a bunch of grenades but I don’t even know where to find them I don’t see any of these crazy zombie sharks anywhere to even attack a chip I think I have some bad news for you what is it Milo they all underneath underneath no way we need to check this out the

Observation area will come in really handy and okay I see some right here but wa oh no they’re all hiding this is bad I need to blow the thunderous shell but wait a minute Milo it just broke what it really broke this is terrible it is now

Raining I thought the rain would help but why aren’t our turrets doing anything they’re full of arrows maybe they’re not working oh I hope I didn’t do anything to break them I don’t think you did Milo but we do need to do something to fix this wait a minute the

Turret is holding something it’s like some sort of crate what yeah I totally have no idea how it got here but waa Milo it gave me a backpack and what did it give you um it gave me really just a piece of iron that’s useless no Milo ion

Is not useless I need to swim down and get it hopefully these crazy zombie shocks don’t come for me oh I think they’re going to chip I can see them under here oh no where did that iron ingot go Milo where did you throw this thing I don’t know but this shark is

Hitting me oh no I need to hide in the kelp so the Sharks don’t see me but I also need air that’s it I’m going back up to the surface right now look Milo I even see the iron ingot if I swim up to this thing I think I can do some

Tinkering P chip cuz this guy’s stopping me with his long tooth long tooth Milo that’s the shock’s nose oh no Milo he’s attacking me now as well I have to get back up under the raft and quick I don’t have much time left oh goodness I am on

Such low Health that could have been really really bad Milo really need a snack right now yeah me too I’m going to go up to the top level I need to do something that’s pretty difficult but I think it could work we need to make sure

That this gravel turns into a flint then I can craft flint and steel to use the Ultimate Defense I don’t think I can go back down there Milo it is too dangerous and if I take any more damage I’m toast oh wow it totally gave me a flint wo

Milo that is a lot more zombie sharks than before I think they’re getting summoned by the storm or something this is bad okay I need to craft a flint and steel okay I totally got one now I can use this to do uh something I did a

Little earlier Milo but I did not tell you about what is it CH well I said up a giant TNT Contraption I didn’t want you to be worried at the time because I thought you would just panic but now I know it is very important that we need

To use it to survive this what oh no what’s it going to do this TNT Contraption needs a little bit of setup but once I place all these TNTs it will totally destroy every single zombie shock in the entire ocean CH this seems like it’s also going to destroy our raft

It might Milo but if we sink at least we’ll sink into an ocean that is safer because no zombie shocks will ever trespass on it again yeah that’s actually true I guess we have to sacrifice that beautiful R yeah we totally do it’ll be really sad to see it

Go but it’ll be really nice to be way more safe CH M coming okay now is the perfect opportunity we have to use the flint and steel to light all of these TNTs go go you can get them all right they’re launching into the water but I

Don’t think it’s enough Milo they’re not hurting these evil zombie shocks a chip what else can we do this is our last result well once we activate all these TNTs we’ll be forced to use the ultimate TNT dispensing machine the ultimate TNT dispensing machine how come you didn’t

Tell me about this chair don’t hit me Milo I’m at really low Health but I didn’t tell you cuz I didn’t want you to worry but now I’m worried as well there are so many zombie shocks and our current defenses Aren’t Enough pretty soon this raft will sink and we will be

At the mercy of all of them yeah quickly let’s do it all right stand back Milo I need to use the lever okay all right I’m about to use this right now boom So Much TNT is coming this will totally destroy all of the zombie sharks

Get this really has to work Milo this is our last hope we don’t have a lot of time chip this has to work wo Milo I think it totally did let’s go down and check but I’m pretty sure that got every single zombie shark okay let’s check

Okay I’m going to have to jump into the water but oh wow that was scary I thought we’ totally be done for then but wait a minute look Milo there are no zombie sharks anywhere oh no my aquarium oh poor aquarium that’s so sad but Milo we may have defeated the zombie

Sharks but now we’re stuck in the middle of a stormy ocean with a bunch of Trapped blocks and TNT oh no this is not God oh no

Milo and Chip are under attack by ZOMBIE SHARKS! Now they must build Safest Security House to protect them! But what happens when the sun goes down?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. I like milo standing at the armorstand 😊😊good farm 🎉🎉🎉🎉👍👍👍👍arrow turrets can easy strong and powerful and TNT was destroyed zombie sharks in save and sound and sadly poor aquarium was destroyed 😢😢

  2. Lasts night we let the linkr top i can't remember everything we said but we said it all you told that you wish you was some you never met o baby baby something is telling me it's not over yet like if you're a Morgan wallen fan i love you Morgan wallen

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