Minecraft SOS – Ep.9: THE SANCTUARY!!!

Hello everybody and welcome back to Minecraft SOS and it’s a lovely day here at spawn we are ready for the next challenge to take place but before we do I must check my profits in my brand new rocket and TNT shop and I built this thing in the last episode and oh baby

Everyone loved it it’s the greatest shop of all time and let’s see if it translated yes into sales look at all that even more over here and two more right there any TNT sales oh no not yet that is pretty expensive and nobody wants to start a war yet so that’s uh

That’s for later also I found a Wandering Trader and guess what we got mini TNT blocks that’s right that looks so good right there put one in the corner I can even put one outside right here oh that looks so good oh wait how would it look like in there I don’t have

Any blocks on me right now so let me grab some uh some Bush it actually looks um the same but cooler because it actually says TNT now oh that’s cool oh and thank you for all the name suggestions and this had to be my favorite so good there it is

Laicha explosiva shop or the explosive sausage in English that’s really cool I love that one thank you so much and this was Laura Li Vlogs life laurelai you’re the best and that’s not the only thing we did between episodes right over here wait who are you that doesn’t look

Ominous at all but I did some interior work on the last live stream and The Hobbit Hole in here looks fantastic let me show you [Applause] we have our beautiful friend over here Dr Fate selling mending books for one Emerald oh you’re beautiful the best

Doctor I know mhm and he lives here in this little spot which is very protected uh trust me Jimmy actually started an accidental raid here in my base and none of the bad guys got in here and this is still a mine entrance uh the way you get

In here is right from from uh this little section so I had to cover it up somehow I made this a little wider maybe we’ll decorate this later on but for right now it does the trick we have this nice little part all covered up and

Since it is I might interest I had this section looking like a little bit of a mine with broken bits it looks like lots of history on this end what do you think of my hole my Hobbit hole I love it and speaking of updates I also updated the

Name of this beautiful kitty cat that lives right here guarding all of the candles of all the people we’ve seen die in this world and it’s ghost yep beautiful perfect name ghost is here to just take care of this area be a guardian of the candles and this is from

Rose Goblin thank you so much and before the challenge results take place I want to let you know what I’m planning on doing today you see we went exploring not too long ago and while exploring we did some archaeology and during that archaeological event of the Millennium we actually uncover something very

Special and I’ve been keeping it in this Barrel forever now and it’s this beautiful sniffer for egg so what I’m planning on doing is today we’re going to be building a sniffer Sanctuary that’s right a sanctuary for sniffers and I’m going to build it in this big

Old open space I’ve been saving this spot for something special oh man and this is going to be the spot where we’re going to have so many sniffers it’s going to be amazing well we’ll do that soon because we need to head to spawn right now there’s a couple things going

Down hello sir I require your finest food for the price oh I have the greatest of mutton chops this evening straight from the pasture of sausage Valley is mutton good I thought steak was the best one no mutton is equal equally as good trust deal I give you

All my diamonds oh Jesus money well spent no this is W this is w w l chop I had 44 I want 43 back oh I’m giv you wow you’re giv me everything back okay that’s fine you deserve it here you go can I have some of your meat

Oh you can have all my meat oh baby is it free is it free meat meat I give you some free meat give me a sec I’ll give you some free meat I just paid a diamond what do you mean it’s free meat Jo get free meates doesn’t taste as good when

You pay for it Lads yeah I know I can tell you that you can have free fish oh stinky yeah you get the fish but you know for the for the wagu the premium wagu is one Dam here’s my here’s my payment that’s all I need here you go

Take it take it take all my meat take all my meat oh baby I’m performing I’m a performing monkey AR I oh yes you are coin me coin me coin me coin me when there’s eight signatures in there oh I took your book oh it’s fine you can hold

On to it you have your book back oh thank you so much you can have you have the coin how much they are one Diamond that’s too expensive don’t buy it saus it’s auction time my best customers oh yes oh hello what sorry faor time of day it’s o00

Nice y welcome to the mystery Merchant auction I will be auctioning of one two four five five mystery items in the form of maps which you must then use to locate your mystery item the auction will work on a uh B bidding system as long as you offer something of more

Value than the last bid your bid will be accepted so you don’t have to just pay in diamonds you can offer whatever you have of value decides what theate do okay use your judgment um and then you must pay up by the end of today before I

Will give you your item okay so don’t bid what you don’t have M okay okay the first item we have uh available is this map to an item of protection oo can I start the bidding at one pot oh of flower pot do I have one we have one flower pot

Over here we have 32 potatoes over we have a stack of flow pot who said that a a DI a diamond helmet over here we have a diamond helmet Diamond Helmet an enchanted diamond helmet could it get any better than that what enchants what enchants whatever she wants 26 L 26

Lanters has it over there Lantern how is that 64 lanterns 64 Lantern 64 Cherry leaves eight lanterns and the enchanted di eight stacks of lanterns oh my gosh okay we have eight half a stack of diamonds oh half a stack of diamonds has it can anybody beat half a stack of

Diamond half a stack plus one diamonds what is this right half a stack plus one Diamond has it half a stack plus two diamonds good math well done that’s too much I don’t want to go high than that do we have any more than half a stack plus plus one Diamond plus

Two fade coin oh that’s worth it that’s veryable one actually the diamond is worth more to me boo I’ll take your fake coin Jimmy one stack of diamonds plus two diamonds 66 diamonds it was no I said Half Stack half the stack 34 I think 34

Total the woman she’s us half a stack plus plus two yeah 34 32 34 quick M wait somebody offered a full stack no no no one offered a full stack I did not why didn’t you say numbers okay what is it 34 34 diamonds did anyone going once going twice sold

The man who’s terrible with his money great is it you it was me yeah okay do you have them now yes I do okay would you like to trade right now take it wait oh might have to just get out my window thank you oh money well spent

Thank you wow congratulations I feel so proud of this this is great A few moments later uh I thought it’d be cool to announce one uh that officially closes this Challenge and is going to be starting the next one where welcome first and foremost to the mid game

Officially things are getting a little bit more difficult anyways the cost revive is now four tokens so wo oh no and follow me everybody I only have three call people aimlessly welcome to the week three challenge we got a little bit of a different one in this one here

Where there’s actually two challenges so you have the ability to earn two fake coins first up you will be assigned a buddy at random you will get somebody else on the server if your buddy dies at any point during this 2E period you lose you fail you don’t get that jimy you

Still have the chance you still have the chance for this a special task you will also be given one task if you can complete the task before the end of the week you get a coin the week two weeks two weeks two weeks sorry yes the

End of the session these both both run for two weeks so oh yikes the tasks you can trade them with other people you can barter them move them around each task can only be completed by one person person and in order to turn in your task

You have to show the book at the end so you have to have the TK you have to have the book and the task completed in order to get your coin out of it and then one by one everybody went to get both of their tasks until it was my turn let’s

See what I get I think it’s Joey it’s probably Joey Joey who Joey got Joey it is good guess oh you got Joey yeah all right what is this oh I like this obtain a piglin head that’s it is that easy is that doable yeah it says note this is

Not a zombie penglin yeah it’s not a zombie piglin it’s the skull oh wait with cute little flappy ears yeah okay I like that you have to get a charge creeper into The Nether and get it to blow up a yeah this is easy this is super easy super simple

Yep there somebody want to trade easy all right the next challenge is not that crazy protecting Joey you know Joey’s always scared of everything so he’s never going to get into sticky situations I don’t think we got to talk to him when he comes online and this

Task oh man see getting a piglin head is uh is not that easy we do have the head mod here on the server but for this specific mob you can’t get it just by killing a piglin we need a charge creeper and to get a charge creeper we

Need a channeling Trident oh that’s going to be uh it’s going to be a little difficult I think PX might have an extra Trident too but you know what we’ll take care of that later because for right now we have something we need to go check

Out my auction prize let’s go find that item of protection off on our Quest We Go oh there I see the little dot I see a little Dot and then I follow this River Trail this direction and I think that’s the little Bridge that’s in here and I should be

I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here I am here I am very close this should be right down here oh is this the marker this should be the spot oh baby what am I going to get for 34 diamonds this is going to be great let’s

Go oh oh please be good please be good please be good please be good death warding candle light for protection oh 34 diamonds for this I want my money back I will speak with this Mystic this instant 34 diamonds are you serious right now what’s wrong it’s a simple little candle uh do do you read the instructions on the candle yeah I have to light it for protection I guess yeah

Don’t you think that’s going to be helpful during budy week now if you don’t mind please move along I’ve got another customer to deal with thank you goodbye oh don’t give her nothing I was scammed hi I can’t believe it okay you know what maybe maybe it’ll work maybe it works

Let’s see when Joey logs on I’m give him the candle hopefully that protects him you know let’s just you know let’s just take Liz’s worth for it you know she could be a Mystic a real Mystic you know whatever you know this could be real you

Know this could be real it’s could be real it’s not real I lost I lost 34 D it’s okay it’s okay I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich it’s okay I’m rich I’m filthy rich I’m filthy I’m dirty I’m nasty Rich what should I do with this

Candle save it for myself light it up here in the house or um or give it to Joey maybe Joey might need it more than me who knows but while I wait to the side I’ll leave it up here with my fake coins and now for the project of the day

It is time to begin construction of our lovely Sanctuary for our sniffer let’s go get some materials and one specific material we’re going to be needing is glass a lot of glass and not just any kind of glass yep we’re going to be needing a white glass oh this is going

To look fancy besides all that glass uh we’re going to need a lot of spruce and not just any kind of spruce uh they all need to be stripped and you know what I did some pre-stripping before we started I’m going to need a ridiculous amount of

Trap doors when do I not also all these slabs are coming with me and these stairs I’m going to need like eight stacks of the cut sandstone a bunch of smooth Sandstone stairs some of the slabs some regular Sandstone too some lovely Mangrove planks some doors and

Trap doors some Moss Mossy Cobble and the pile is ready to go I have everything that I need right here to make this sniffer Sanctuary look incredible and trust me it’s going to look really cool so all we got to do now is build It Would you look at that doesn’t that look amazing that is my sniffer sanctuary and I love it oh it looks so cool it’s a big boy build but it’s uh it’s a pretty one too this has to be my biggest greenhous house like structure I’ve ever built in

My life this is so fun look at that oh so tall but you know what it’s going to be perfect for our sniffer look at the ceiling that looks so nice I still need to add some glowberries but I’ll add that later on just so we can light up

The top and I want to add a couple more little flowers here just a couple of these little lovely pink ones here some peonies and some lilacs I think it’s going to look pretty nice I’m going to call on OE to come down here maybe add a

Little bit of the cherry blossom petals too which would I think look really nice here in this little area but it does have the sniffer colors doesn’t it it has the red it has the green everywhere It is Well lit little custom trees all the way around bamboo and all and right

In the center this is going to be the spot this is our nest for our sniffers to grow up big and strong and there it goes oh that’s so good I know sniffers grow faster on Moss so that’s why all that little Center piece it’s just full

Of moss and once my lovely little sniffer grows up we’re going to have all the pcture pods and all the torch flowers and I laid out this whole area out here in some coar dirt and we’re going to be putting pcture pods and torch flowers all the way around this

Thing all we have to do now is wait and I do have wings maybe I can sit on like a baby bird H yep I’ll just wait here oh my God my beautiful child oh I was putting up these glowberries while you while I was waiting for you to come out

Oh you’re so cute you little precious little cute oh you’re sniffing me you’re sniffing me oh thank you so much oh I love you thank you for being here oh this is so good this is the greatest day of my life oh you can walk right you can

Walk anywhere you want yeah I have this little area over here you can go in this little section we have areas all the way around here oh you can sniff anything you want yeah anything just don’t just don’t leave here because it’s very dangerous outside yep don’t leave oh

You’re so pretty oh don’t get stuck there either U looks like you’re stuck there already no you’re not you’re the smartest sniffer there is go over the slab yes over the slab go down down and around oh um oh maybe I need to make everything into uh into grass and stuff

Because uh this is not grass this is aesthetically uh looking pretty just go over here to sniff go over there to sniff yes go go this way go to the center to sniff oh man you know what I need your help everybody please name my beautiful sniffer I’m going to pick the

Best one in the next episode give me something cool give me something nice give me something sausage Valley like don’t give me anything with lore give me something very nice and quaint and playful something that will just just bring out the essence and spirits of my beautiful sniffer friend back here so

Cute so cute okay go over go over there sniff me some sniff me some stuff sniff me some things I think I’m going to have to change this into uh into grass I like it a lot better now we got rid of all this little area over here that had the

Mangrove and the strip Spruce and all that and we have more just grass Bush course dirt Moss so there’s more spaces for our cute little stiffer baby oh so cute to find us all the flowers that they find oh please find me one find me one down here I haven’t seen you find

One yet you just pretty much just smelling all the whole ENT Place give me some flowers so we can put it all over okay maybe you’re too young maybe you’re too young to get flowers have to wait till you grow up that’s fine I have all

The time in the world right now oh my cute little chubby boy has grown up look how cute oh man you look beautiful and guess what Eloise is online right now I’m going to get another sniffer to come down yes I’m going to get another

Sniffer oh he’s so cute oh look you go grab me some flowers oh thank you for that picture pod you’re so sweet you know what I’m going to make you the happy happiest person ever I’m going to bring another stiffer down here and you can have tons and tons of babies and the

Sanctuary will be fantastic a whole happy family okay are you ready hello hello I was flying you see that no actually from my POV you just very quickly appeared behind me well that’s also a thing that I do I am a amateur uh magician yeah I’m you’re an

Amateur magician magician an amateur I do magic tricks uhhuh yeah you see this why say ready ready I could just disappear on command are you ready mhm yeah you going to log out shut up forget it I’m not going to do it anymore then sausage show me a magic it was

Magic it was going to be you just you can’t reveal magician Secrets like that I’m sorry I’m sorry I should have played into your magician skills I’m never going to get any work in this town as a magician now um did you need something

Yes I did guess what what I have one of these now very nice yes as a as oh yeah he lik he smells my other friend oh he’s a cutie he’s a cute he just smells me he cute little cute my little guy yeah I so

Guy I I wanted to know would you like to have multiple families of these guys oh uh yeah yeah you want to have tons and tons of them where you can have them and take them with you and walk them with you yes you can walk a whole Army of

Them together yeah would you like some friends the citt smelling me yeah so you know I I have this little Sanctuary I just built this this tiny little home tiny tiny little little Bungalow for them to breed if you want to come down you can have some you know you can you

Can have all the sniffers you want I’m going to let them go loose I just need one of your children yeah that’s fine with me come on going to make you have a family family time yes I do feel I am somewhat pimping you out but that’s okay it’s is

Not a bad thing you know we’re just starting a huge family is sniffers that’s fine and then whenever you want any extras you can just take it from the sanctuary that’s it so this is my little tiny Sanctuary here come on in oh it’s very nice yes it’s a little baby place

Let me let me do it’s not stiff already yet yeah yeah yeah we can’t get them through the door mate this is the thing I want them I want them to never get out and this is the best way they’re too thick to get out from here okay go ahead

I think they need a three W oh Jesus they need a three W he’s a big boy so thick so thick archology archeology oh so perfect sniffing he’s sniffing look he’s going oh he’s going to do something he’s going to do something he’s going to he might oh it’s

Time you’re going to get okay grab it grab whatever it is it’s probably a picture no his his first seeds this is his first sniff it’s a torch flower seed oh so cute well done yeah you really good well done oh I’m so proud I’m so

Proud oh so many babies are going to happen now oh this is it this is it come this way you you give you give Archie a seed and I give my Su to be name one a seed ready B y oh oh my god oh they’re kissing they’re in love they’re in love

He’s inside him there’s a baby wait there’s a baby in there an egg an egg they do an egg they do egg this is the only one that does egg oh wow oh my God and then you can put it there’s lots of moss in here so

You can oh yeah this is this is my nesting ground right here look this is the middle Nest right right there well done Archie this is the greatest thing yeah it’s is your child a you seem uninterested in your child um Arie you’re being an absent father Archie Arie you’re being an absent

Father turn around well the other one as well so they don’t really care they’re done their business and maybe they don’t care till it hatches oh and you want to see what I do now this is how I increase the uh the egg hatching abilities I just

Stand on top of it cuz I have wings and I’m like a baby bird oh yes you must warm it keep it nice and warm is in my bum your bottom yes my lovely my bum my bum my bum is keeping this warm I’m Like a Bird thank

You so much for Lending me your your children so then I can make a factory of them well don’t call it that it’s a sanctuary I’m in sanctuary yeah I’m in sanctuary sorry not a factory a oh I told you it what a sanctuary all right I’ll catch you in a bit bye

Too off with You that was very British of me and I shall wait now as my Army of sniffers Rises H this is great what a great day this was what a lovely day oh look at it oh we’re going to have so many of you guys oh so pretty

In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS we’re starting a NEW CHALLENGE, potentially getting SCAMMED by Lizzie, and building up an amazing new Sanctuary for our Sniffer!!!

My Friends:

Fwhip – https://www.youtube.com/@fwhip
Joey – https://www.youtube.com/@JoeyGraceffaGames
Katherine – https://www.youtube.com/@KatherineElizabeth_
Lizzie – https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady
Mog – https://www.youtube.com/@mogswamp
Owen – https://www.youtube.com/@OwengeJuiceTV
Pix – https://www.youtube.com/@Pixlriffs
Sausage – https://www.youtube.com/@TheMythicalsausage
Scott – https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname
Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/@Shubble
Joel – https://www.youtube.com/@Smallishbeans
Jimmy – https://www.youtube.com/@SolidarityGaming
Eloise – https://www.youtube.com/@soupforeloise
Oli – https://www.youtube.com/@TheOrionSound


ā–ŗTwitch āžœ https://www.twitch.tv/mythicalsausage
ā–ŗYoutube Member āžœ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join
ā–ŗPatreon. āžœ https://www.patreon.com/mythicalsausage
ā–ŗTwitter āžœ http://www.twitter.com/MythicalSausage
ā–ŗInstagram āžœ http://www.instagram.com/mythicals_minecraft


#minecraft #hardcore #sos


  1. My 20s were so wild that I can only come up with inappropriate names for sniffers šŸ™

    Real comment: few are the players who both have technical knowledge AND building talent in such a well balanced and high level combination… not to add the silly humor that also raises the quality of viewers' experience.

    Before SOS I only knew Pix for his fantastic survival guide that made me an all around better player on the technical side,
    and I'm glad I had the reflex to blindly sub to the 13 others right from the start. Needless to say Sausage is my favorite amongst them even though I like them all.

  2. With the turtle eggs you bought can you make like water life aquarium with fish and all that good stuff it would be amazing to have šŸ˜Š

    Loving this series a lot
    Also happy Easter Angel Sausage


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