so minecraft added a potato dimension

So guess what it’s April Fool’s today and you might be thinking why am I looking different why do I have like clothes on that’s not normal I usually have underwear on and that’s it well it’s cuz I played a block wars event but that’s that’s not the point here today

It’s April Fools and Minecraft just released a brand new update the biggest update ever a poisonous potato update and I think I already found some evidence right here about it what is this um it looks like it’s a little Shrine of rotten potatoes oh I guess

This is potato blocks how do they add potato blocks before cookie blocks this is called Terra the pom T pumi I don’t know Spanish okay there’s potatoes right here I have no idea what this update really is there’s a bunch of cool things so I’m going to Showcase it for you guys

And just figure it out along with you guys so uh there’s a little potato Shrine it looks like a beacon kind to right click it what is this got to break it um okay I can’t break it with my fist there’s potato stairs and rotten potato blocks I can’t believe they added this

Before cookie blocks this is so sad we we need to start a petition I’m upset Minecraft what are you doing but can I turn these into regular potatoes what what is this just a sack of potatoes okay let’s raid this Village over here wait what why am I playing Survival I’m

Literally in creative mode let’s grab a netherite pickaxe and let’s mine this what what does this do I can’t even mine it wait what is this hold up it’s a pedestal of of potatoes it does nothing there’s just a giant rotten potato on top of it hold up look look at this oh

My God wait there’s a whole potatoes tab what what is all this and there’s green potato blocks as well wait there’s actually so many there’s a potato diamond ore I’m done when are they adding cookie blocks blocks a block of Amber I’m guessing this is like a potato

Gold block a potato bud this could be my friend um powerful potato there’s so much to go through okay let’s start let’s start with the first let’s start with this a potato portal it’s it’s gongas it’s literally the size of me you can’t even see me this probably cuz I’m

Super short but can I place it down oh my God I can okay can I go through it wait I don’t I don’t want to go through it yet but I’m guessing this takes you to a new potato Dimension which they actually did add to the game just for a

Fools which is crazy but let’s go through this entire list and see everything that oh my God there’s potato paintings too this is crazy this is insane all right first we got the poisonous potato we oh my God 99 wait what wait it’s only the poisonous

Potatoes that Stacks up to 99 okay I I wasn’t expecting that but yeah we all know the poisonous potato it’s literally useless and we all complain about how useless this is so Minecraft added a bunch of potato stuff for us um which I’m very upset about like I’m against

This and what is that but why do we have an armadillo here did Minecraft just add armadillos okay wait that that’s not the point of this video what is this a poisonous potato plant if you hover over there’s a clown why do they put my face

On a potato this is messed up Minecraft um you grab poisonous potato plant um and they keep putting my face over it which is offensive let’s grab some water let’s grab a hoe and I’m guessing you can plant this let’s put some water let’s make some farmland and let’s plant

The poisonous potato plant which doesn’t even plant what what this doesn’t even work I plant it on this I can’t hello all right I got Bamboozled April fools I guess what’s next oh my God they got McDonald’s french fries oh yeah you can eat it finally some fast food that’s a

New advancement oh look at the sound listen to the sound oh that that’s some that’s some crunchy McDonald’s fries I’ll tell you that okay let’s see how much it heals you so you stack it okay stack it 64 let’s use some diamond ore and uh let’s just build up here and just

Take some damage I guess I I got to lose some saturation I want to see how much it heals what’s your guesses I’m guessing since McDonald’s fries are filled with sodium and salt and oil and just the good stuff I’m going to guess like I’m going to guess like three three hunger

Bars he did this armadillo just turn into a ball wake up oh my God it’s a soccer ball a living soccer ball could you swim drown yo wait what is this armor doing why is he running his head into the potato Shrine wait does he know

Something that I don’t what is he doing does he smell the rotten potatoes do you want to eat it okay I guess not okay now he’s attracted to the diamonds he’s he’s like a female okay I finally lost four hunger bars or almost five this is

Taking a while but I’m just going to eat it let’s see what it does oh my God it heals it all wait what maybe it just heals it all like all nine we have nine hunger bars right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 yeah yeah I knew that that is the wrong saturation I was not supposed to give myself a 100 to go negative all right I can’t but I’m guessing it just heals your entire hunger bar all right what’s next we got the poisonous potato slices and the Potato Sticks oh my God

Potato chips oh my God hash browns yo we are loaded in Minecraft now we finally got some good food oh my God we got a whole hash brown it literally looks like a Vine it doesn’t even look appetizing at all but hash browns or hash browns we got some chips I wonder

What this is like lays or something we got some potato sticks I’ve never heard of that before why is there so many armadillos and potato slices okay what else we got here a pedestal we got a potato eye what does this even do like why is there a potato eye oh my God

They’re actually ender eyes or Eyes of Ender wow they they changed almost everything in the potatoes they got a potato wish great staff of the peasant that sounds almost like bad a staff for peasants huh and they literally have a knockback 10 potato Hammer what what is

This the Thor of potatoes come here chicken let me let me slap you with this oh my God I launched him the Narnia hold up watch these armadillos they’re about to reach orbit he’s literally out of frame he’s out of my screen oh my God hold on let’s put a

Let’s put a let’s spawn a cow right up here tell me how Earth looks like from above that is so cool okay what else we got a big brain of potatoes this a helmet what is this I can’t tell what this is is it a helmet it’s not a helmet

It’s just brains a potato brain wait there’s there’s like eyes at the B it’s a mushroom wait what it looks like one of those uh those Mario mushroom things you eat and you grow like super big I cannot eat it oh you you can plant it

All right we got potato mushrooms now um and it’s got a little cute face on it he’s so cute I just want to eat them I just want to deep fry him turn him into some McDonald’s french fries and salt them and shove them my mouth okay

There’s a there’s a lot to go through here there’s a potato of knowledge and there’s a 10 a 50 and a 100 knowing how stupid I am and how little IQ chromos more chromosomes I have I probably need to eat the potato of knowledge so let’s

Eat that oh it just gives you XP I thought I’ll gain some IQ all right we got XP potatoes oh my God we got the regular potato and it Stacks to 16 for some reason wait what is this what I did I did not see this enchanted golden

Potato when did I get this okay thanks Minecraft it gave me poisonous eight and luck five and bad luck five how how does that make any sense that I shouldn’t have done that CU eat his normal potato and it turned into a a venomous potato thank you Minecraft okay I got

Bamboozled what else do we had a hot potato um oh it literally Burns me if I hold it let’s hold it again oh yep that is uh that is definitely hot I’m going to die I’m going to die oh my God okay let’s throw that away I don’t want that

Anymore um we got Enchanted we got the golden potato Enchanted we got potato armor for some reason I can stack the boots but not the chest plate the potato Toes that that was that was a good one Minecraft okay there we go we got some armor and I I stink now there’s green

Particles coming from me uh we got poisonous elytra I wonder what happens if you fly with it maybe like potatoes come out of my butt or something let’s try it it’s a normal it’s normal elytra all right we got potato battery potato Cutters frying table ooh frying table sounds interesting a potato Refinery

Which just looks like a uh a really rusted ugly furnace holy we got the battery looks like daylight sensors Maybe yeah it looks yeah we got a potato cutter yo imagine if I can actually cut a potato hold up hold up hold up oh you can Minecraft what are you doing okay we

Got the frying table wait why is it all green it looks rotten wait can I actually fry something oh wait I think it’s just a campfire remodeled I can’t even put a potato in it bro this is this is a scam how about a poison potato slice okay it doesn’t

Even work we got potato oil poisonous potato oil what happens if you drink this I saw a effect on the top right it it gave me something for a second but that’s it we got a toxic beam it looks like a a worm or a parasite uh oh it

Actually looks like parasites yeah I don’t want to hold that we got lashing potato hold up oh my God this actually like slingshots you yo that is so cool it’s like one of those grappling hooks can I Grappa hook a a chicken oh I can

But I could I could go to him how far does this go holy hold up oh my God okay it dragged me to a ravine drag me out come on potatoes get me out of here oh yeah this is so cool this is never never seen in Minecraft before yeah there is a

There is a limit though like I can reach that oh I L grabbed onto it for a second let’s go a little bit closer the the aiming is a little weird how about here okay hey the potato boot saved me oh I didn’t even realize I have 64 on right

Now hold up does it just protect my fall oh my wao wao I just I just gooed everywhere I actually just cream I I I I’ve been edged wait a second what is this potato mashed poisonous mashed potatoes oh my God it sounds like slime

Wait so I can fall from any height and not take any damage oh my God it shakes the entire world hold up let’s fly from all the way up here maybe it’ll make like a giant potato like crater oh yeah that’s that’s pretty cool they need to add this in

Actual Minecraft what else we got the potato peeler 100 damage to potato mobs hold up there’s potato mobs okay um there’s a dent I don’t know what this does just a little sword or something or like a little tooth we got a flato a flotator and Powerful potato strong

Roots what is all this stuff it must be for the potato biomes ooh okay there’s a bunch of custom blocks this looks like some end blocks but like retextured oh it like it it combines all weird yeah I guess I’ll see that when I go to the

Dimensions we got some resin um a bunch of potato blocks that are green for some reason I don’t know why they made it green but it looks like bamboo it looks like what bamboo should have been I’m not going to lie oh potato leaves no way wait wait wait why are these leaves

Actually kind of nice they’re like big chunky leaves wait wait why is this kind of nice yo Minecraft you guys got to keep this in the game potato leaves is kind of it’s kind of a hit I’m not going to lie they got potato fruit which lights up we got a potato pediculectomy

Would grow somewhere special but it looks pretty fancy um and a bunch of potato blocks that looks like they go to a potato biome that we’re going to check out a vicious potato this looks like a parasitic potato why did I just hear an arrow wait what is that wait what is

That why is there why is there a dude in it it looks like the Wither face okay oh my all right I got I got killed by a bad tempered potato they’re they’re sentient why is there a chest right here oh there just potato stuff yep it’s official

Minecraft potatoes are alive um there’s oh my God there’s actual potato mobs hold up hold up there’s a bunch first we got the the the potato the potato oh my God a it’s a flying potato with wings hey yo don’t eat it guys we we might

Start wait a second yo you’re this is friendly fired you’re shooting at your own kind but yeah don’t eat this or you start potato 19 um we got a poisonous potato zombie spawn egg he’s a literal potato he’s been a zombie has been infected by a potato this is double

Zombified people I don’t even know what is this a plague whale slab it’s it’s literally a slabbed mob it’s not even a potato it’s just hideous what the heck this is a toxy finin slab that looks more like a potato and those tentacles honestly just look like weird hair

Growing out of them and we got a mega Spud oh my God a mega Spud potato lord of the fried Legion it’s a giant potato look at him oh wait oh my God what does he drop corrupted potato pie every time you hit him does he okay now he’s

Invincible what kind of damage does he do oh my God he shoots Fireballs at me or potato balls oh my okay a cookie God withered away while fighting a cookie God I died to myself hold up hold up hold up I think I have the weapon for

This guy let’s grab a potato peeler let’s put on some potato armor and let’s peel him death attack potato magic do player that potato is almost impossible to kill this might be the strongest potato ever did I use like a netherite sword I can’t even hit him this guy’s

Actually Invincible he might be the strongest boss in the game let me hit you why does a potato sound so vicious too oh my God and lastly there’s a bunch of corrupted potato peels that are all different colors and literally blocks of potato peels too pretty cool I would not

Expect Minecraft to add this um the very last thing are these potato paintings there are a bunch so let’s check them all out before we head into potato portal painting here oh my God what is that it looks like the face of the the potato boss okay this it what is this

This is too small let’s bu this bigger oh my God it’s a potato man is that I’m a squid kid the potato God okay what is the next one o wo that is a very detailed rotten potato okay and that is a bunch of potatoes in different colors

Uh a a remix of the wait maybe that is just a regular um this one I can’t even Place how big is it holy cow wait let’s expand this there’s no way it’s just gongas right this one oh my God this is not a potato I I actually really like

These new paintings this one oh my God gongas it is huge that oh my God and these are the same okay well that is almost all the potato stuff and the only thing we need to check out is the potato Dimensions so we just walk into it all

Right I had a potato portal Let’s uh oh my god let’s fly over here and get the potato it’s j mongus let’s put it on top of this tree and uh let’s head into the potato Dimension let’s see what it’s got oh oh my God oh my God we are literally

In a potato world what the heck how high are we wait what is that down there oh my God look at this place the the there’s a literally a potato Sky the potato sun is there oh my God we got some potato looking clouds um it’s it’s

Look it looks like an amplified bom or almost like the nether in the Overworld there’s like what what are these floators floators okay you craftting anything you cannot not all right it just looks like floating clouds even though there are floating clouds there’s a bunch of Farmland right here poisonous

Potato path but potato growing everywhere um we got levels of a poone a pone this is Stone but not Stone it’s actually pone okay um there’s so much going on oh wait there’s a flying potato bats right here and it looks like this is the void

What is this a sunken ship is it potato themed it is not they’re just a sunken ship with no water anywhere there’s so much going on how did Minecraft add all of this stuff oh my there’s literally potato biomes and trees look how jimong us this is potato stem potato fruit holy

There’s aely it’s not even night time it’s not even burning there’s a giant potato buds these guys could be my friends cuz they’re they’re buds you know they’re my buds and there’s a a potato bee I’ve seen enough the wings of the bee are literally potatoes I have

Seen enough how is he even flying honestly I belong here oh my God oh yeah I I belong here cuz I’m just a sack of potatoes I liter just sit on the couch and do nothing so this is actually my Biome what else is there oh my God

There’s a potato Village right here there’s like floating paths oh oh wait this is a m shaft but it’s floating that’s really cool there’s even the spawner is it a potato spawner it is not just regular Spider but there’s a potato Village are the villagers potato themed

Oh my God you are you’re a potato can I eat you yo come here let me gobble you up h let me taste you real quick let me see let me see if you taste like a french fry or like a potato stick a hash brown

Or or a pizza I don’t know what else is in here is there anything new oh my God there’s potato pigs why do you guys have eyebrows you guys look hideous oh my God you look you look ugly I’m not going to you got some oh my God his eyebrows move

All right I’m sorry I sorry I made fun of you do all the mobs look like potatoes there’s no way right okay okay they don’t and I just spawned in the evoker whoops go Iron Golem kill them all why isn’t the iron goldem potato theme that that seems wrong is there

Anything else to look at um the terrain looks really cool like there’s grass growing on this um peel grass block there’s a bunch of Farmland everywhere what else is added um okay here are the notes we got um five new biomes the field the hash the abort the corruption

And the Wasteland I don’t think I visited all of those yet I don’t know local weather a mashing effect I don’t know what that means but it looks like there’s potato weather added a seeum of potatoes oh my God I have not seen that yet some new blocks that I probably

Checked out new items that I checked out and new Mobs that I already saw so I want to find this Coliseum that sounds really cool oh here’s a new biome it looks like the nether oh my God there’s ancient debris just chilling everywhere ohly wait what is this green goo water

Who threw up in the world what is this do I die from it oh my okay wait with the slime blocks there green water and there’s just anent debris everywhere oh my God wait I’m more interested in this black potato potato peels okay that is so weird um they got the the weird

Thingies oh my God what is going on this is so odd this is so weird okay what biome is this this is the um where where’s the biome at the Minecraft Wasteland over here is the Minecraft fields that we already checked out we got Minecraft aborti biome which looks

Very jungly where’s this Coliseum we got to find it guys the Coliseum sounds pretty cool I can’t believe this is Minecraft this is crazy they just ancient debris everywhere in these giant pods oh my look at this jungle here this is the Minecraft corruption which has a ton of trees everywhere in different

Layers looks like Avatar oh my God wait what are those what are those things oh my God there’s potato sheep wait can we Shear them for potato stuff I can’t Shear the potatoes wait what if I used a potato peeler give oh oh my God it’s a

Raw potato I just got his I just got his light Great Potato Skin oh my is it am I allowed to see this he’s naked oh my God wait can I deep fry him hold up what if I burn him would he turn into just a a deep fried

Potato all right never mind what is down there is that a amethyst potato themed oh my God amethy geod in the potato world this is the first time Minecraft added a brand new dimension to the game too so this this is a big deal what what

Place is this the hash this is literally the hash brown of Worlds it’s just a giant hash brown okay let’s try to locate this Coliseum locate structure Coliseum okay TP a cookie God let’s go to this let’s see what it looks like oh my God okay where am I oh my God okay

This is where the giant potato dude lives holy oh my God there’s like all of these slab fish guys and the potato boss and it looks like just a giant uh what is it called um those those thingies in the nether I forgot what they’re called

There’s a just a boss right here I might have to play this in a real world and try to beat the potato God that that is so cool okay check out a video on my main channel to see me defeat the Mega Spud potato sack ball sack looking guy I

Think this would be really fun but yeah that is the potato update um I might have missed a few things I feel like I didn’t I think I gone over everything but oh my God there’s a potato maze right here hold up I did not see this I

Guess this leads you to the potato boss or something hold up maybe down here why is there just a maze right here I’m so confused I guess it’s just a part of the village and it’s a horse okay but I’m actually going to explore all of this

Legitly in a survival world on my main Channel coming out Friday um I think it’ll just be a fun video to Explorer and like experience it at all so also if you made it to the end go check out my uh cookie posters it’s to celebrate 5

Million subs and I signed every single one of these so uh yeah go check it out with the link below um it’s it’s pretty cool it’s limited edition there’s only 2,000 of them and I think half of them are already sold out so if you guys want

Something signed for me go go go click it and go buy it and my hands literally touched it and I breathed on it like it you could probably make a clone of me my hair might be still on it so try to buy it and sell my hair I don’t know I’ll

See you guys later

so for april fools minecraft added a poisonous potato dimension… it’s a pretty fat update with tons of new stuff so lets take a look
cookie posters!

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  1. “Terre de pomme” is a French joke because in french potato is “pomme de terre” and “terre” in English is “dirt” so the “terre de pomme” is “potato dirt”

  2. this is probably the best Cookie Video………. i love it when you just wing videos because they are just natural………….. also………… my Cookie Poster is ❤‍🔥 i love it so much!

  3. At this point, why am I even playing bedrock on mobile on mobile it looks like shit and and in bedrock I only get a few things you get a goddamn pedestal and the whole goddamn potato I like her

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