Minecraft Manhunt, But There Are Kits GRAND FINALE

I can craft a variety of kits that all serve different purposes like the creeper kit that lets me launch explosives onto my hunters or the YouTuber kit where I ask nine YouTubers to each give me one item the kits get even Wilder as the video goes on so

Stick around to see which one causes the most chaos and yes I have access to every kit from the series thus far I hope you enjoy the grand finale I just want to let you know that I’m not even recording on OBS now I’m recording on my phone recording your monitor okay buddy

That’s that’s the dumbest decision ever how was that dumb how how how are you going to move how do you have two hands to play with I have two hands bro so if I told you if I told you to look at the Village right now and turn and look at

The Village you could do it quickly hey dude it seems like you can I I no I’m running at you right now bro okay but you’re a little bit behind the pack from the looks of it get over here F why why don’t you just like rest the

Phone like you ass bro I can’t do that oh my God oh my God oh my God wait what that’s crazy what is that say I’m putting my phone down man wait what is there anything to do what the hell oh he has he has a hay B

So where did he get a hay B from broke it Bubba what the why did you do that I win okay I wish you never lost weight right okay what a blow blow he has a crossbow of course he has a crossbow of course he has the blood

Crossb oh my God but I’m cracked you got to be lower than me surely I’m on full health how I healed I don’t know bro now I’m not oh my God there’s a Pillager still I’m coming down to you guys in a sec I I would be there if didn’t kill me my

Fault G there’s diamonds I see diamonds down there we got to get iron I’m I’m I’m just dead oh we’re we’re I’m grab all this place this way I have wood I have wood I have I have wood too but let’s go my oh my god dude wait go to

The oh wait bab literally said something in the beginning about turning to the Village I was kidding I didn’t even see that there was a village there’s a village right behind us I was trying to fast so he would turn around no I’m going to the Village tro make the

Furnace we got to get this diamond bro I don’t even care if it’s one we need to get him and then kill him what are we going to do with it though we can’t exactly make a okay no we’ll we’ll we’ll make a shovel then like you have to hear

Me out not only can we get things fast the shovel we can also do damage yeah less damage than wood and sword just go after him bro we’ll get the diamond later yeah I don’t know where he is where even is he B blue okay that’s like insane how you’re

Right behind me release the IR Golems on him I would love to get those but I just can’t I’m out of hunger scra free Iron why don’t we think oh my wait found R portal go get that R portal SC Apple oh my god dude he’s hit

He’s hit he’s like he’s like he’s like one one crit from death oh I’m much I got a I got Golden Apple literally just eat it really okay I’m I’m eating it okay I’m dude I’m I have zero blocks bro yeah if you don’t have if you don’t

Have blocks I’m I’m just going to wait one sec one sec I’m I’m just going to get he has a chest wait what wait what wait he he just what is he doing he G regen he just gave himself regen didn’t he wait what how the Oh my God how did you

Survive that that was that was insane no he gave himself instant health and something else but how did he Sur there’s no what oh yeah was the I think that was Turtle master I I did I was totally unsure if that was going to let me live I thought I did I don’t

Know oh my god dude that was crazy I was I did not think that was going to let me live that was way too high off all I I I have 10 R iron we can just do it right now try you want to try yeah yeah let’s

Try see make it he’s right here by the way so wait oh wait he’s coming back he’s coming back he popped himself with some kind of Arrow he has strength I think I think he he just normal hit me and did six hearts what the f looks like we both

Have strength now what look like we both have strength F maybe that’s in over don’t worry guys Bubba’s going to get stacked no oh my God [ __ ] it sounds like it’s going well so Co I got a better action Scle yeah you’re throwing you’re throwing you’re throwing yeah g you guys so stupid what’s the twist guys what’s a Twist you guys always know immediately cuz I always use some one of the kids to do a little trickery off the bat so oh that’s really handy I guess

Okay I’m coming down let’s get the diamond I just I just opened a crafting table and made a crafting table in the crafting table that’s kind of op I’m not going to lie wait is that op loot wait I forget how do I can I craft

So it’s been a while is it just this and this oh yeah it is oh yes oh yes ooh yeah okay really so we’re we’re cheating okay that’s that’s totally fine what the yeah we’re frecking winning in life there’s an ancient city here wait seriously yeah I had four Obby when I

Died to bobl did you yeah I don’t have that it was on the tree you didn’t get my loot oh my God does this Temple go into the village that’s crazy dog I I saw that that’s crazy insane on G guys he has TNT I would like to let you know

Oh a very minimal amount but he has it I just can’t pick up that hay bale okay okay you don’t need Hy B this should make furnaces faster in the new update bro should make me happy real I heard that I don’t know where you are oh

Yes oh you’re the iron Juggernaut okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I am him who scorpion no not poison oh my God it seems like youis arrows there’s nothing I could do poison arrows I had something if it was poison arrows I’m dead I died this is perfect this gives me time to execute

The next situation of the Among Us I’m calling the Army the Army what the how did you get uh a warden just spawned on me chill chill chill we can move past this give me my stuff what is this why is there a subscribe button well if you are

Enjoying the video so far consider subscribing to the channel that way you can say you were here before 300K which we are super close to hitting anyways how did you place it I didn’t take your stuff whoa can you make wool into string you can make wool into string if you

Want yes okay so oh yes baby give me that I got a Notch Apple oh my god of course you did wait you guys found him he’s close NOS on oh my God yes so how did that happen he had armor stands fans do not do not fall in the hole

Um all right oh my God do not fall in the hole be careful there’s a big big hole ooh no running dude I’m digging up to you bro get all the stuff I don’t think so there’s a lot of loot down there you can go down and get it

Hey come on Boblo BR Boblo where are you okay oh oh my God I got all your stuff oh bubble’s fighting him too M you know Bub just back up back up back up I’m going I’m just going to not I’m okay bbo don’t he just notched too he

Just notched what you both have notches yeah yeah yeah we both got one I guess I don’t know fight he has Notch be careful it’s fine we Tagg Team tag team just like we did last night interesting oh oh come back here all right dude stupid strap I can’t believe that

Worked all right poison two really bubble bubble bubble bubble I’m dead no yes oh my God bro oh my God you got a not chle bro how did you fine he cuz he had an Notch Apple too oh yeah look behind you there’s still hope dude don’t

You guys remember back in the other video where we like kept duping the UHC kit maybe that still works maybe that doesn’t work you edited it bro you you should it was a it was a gold it was a golden apple with a chest so if we can

Get a golden apple and a chest we can I’ll get Gear Well I have a chest and I have I opened up game chat my mouse is disconnected ah what the hell I said the the herd after you bro that’s actually really really naughty naughty what the

Hell dude I saw you in F5 and I was I planted a fake AFK but then I opened game chat I couldn’t turn around I’m screwed I have half a heart poison there’s three pillagers shooting Me oh yes oh so good oh my God see if I can still do this oh yeah I’m him I wonder if you can still do what the I don’t think he did it guys scrable where are you bro I’m I’m just killing myself over and over again

Yeah you guys are slow pokes I’m in the nether I don’t even need this kit no more what am I getting gold for B oh my goodness there there a bed what the hell you guys didn’t involve me on the duping I left out B’s already at a

Fortress I didn’t say that b you hear oh B at Fortress guys oh that felt so nice I do this oh oh Oho why why did you guys tell me anything bro scrapple get with the times you Lally just up and leave and then I look around and you gone into another

Dimension what the time’s always like like tabed out doing whle or something like he’s always left behind in the dust what is he doing found it a I found it too oh oh wa he has a charge creeper what the hell so ow oh yeah Boblo oh where they falling

From it’s me guys chill out all let’s push him let’s push him pushing his base where did he go uhoh he’s jumping he’s jumping oh I’m running to him oh where is he my God I know that’s doing damage I know that’s got to be oh shoot stop

Wait how do you have full diamond I just noticed that chea I’m going to actually kill you this time you gotten better since the last 20 minutes yes what that’s what you doing oh he’s here oh my God he also has like a swiftness

Potion yeah he’s for ages no oh my God I almost got knocked off Bo you just gave me I’m cracked I’m actually cracked probably didn’t give you absorption that’s from the golden apples oh my God yeah I know I realized I’m actually cracked with the arrows

Today really where did he go I don’t know over here I’m I’m getting my tracker I’m getting my tractor he’s still forward how did he get so far watch out watch out watch out watch out he’s trash he’s trash he’s ass he’s ass he’s washed nice BB proceed with

B where even are you I’m so lost now where is I’m so far down I dropped like 50 hell did everybody just go where the hell is everyone I don’t know I dropped like 50 blocks bro are we supposed to I don’t know what did you just oh my God oh my

God he’s on oh God I might have a heart I might have a heart I’m dead I’m dead SC bro I landed in no I got to heal oh my God I almost just died in lava he blocked up I can’t really chase him there’s too much lava in the wall

There my pickaxe too fast I think this is break for Hot Chip moment Hot Chip moment ghost pepper type be Hot Chip moment m is it hot it’s good I like the flavor it gets hot a little bit later it’s like a slow burner [Applause]

Type stop guys he’s on me Bubble can you help yeah where you at just dig into the wall dig into the wall I did I’m digging you’ll see my name oh he’s I hear him dying where is he dying my pickaxe is about to break your

Pickaxe is way faster than mine I forgot to make that kit bro you guys have oh my God and you have webs and stuff I don’t have that I heard I just heard him he’s up like I’m so confused no he’s out he out he’s out he’s out finally no he’s taking his

Stuff ah oh my God bro little name tag far away I know you’re scared guys I found out the creeper kit it’s literally just gunpowder oh B 64 creeper forax I’m so tired of running in the nether I don’t feel like it I’m going to not do

That anymore V that’s all you Chief okay so we’re being dumb because why I could shoot you off right now if I wanted to one wrong step bble and you’re getting shot off same to be said for you close call Buddy close call Buddy close call oh my

God oh my God oh my God no please never again dude please oh my God Jesus Christ oh my God I’m feeling like Boblo also I’m popping a chalky milk to make the pen go away oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God keep him

There bro now I’m you know what I’m going to go to the Bastion real quick dude like What no you cannot out heal that there’s no way you can out heal that there’s just no way there is a way B there there’s no way you that doesn’t matter even who hit me I made it let’s go oh my God bro guys just give what I

Need okay uh I’m a little nervous for this one but what is going on here okay why is most of this stuff useless bro yo are you um kidding me dance can I have a moment to myself or are we going to keep trolling F you know

What oh let’s do this I guess that’s actually helpful okay I need to take this up and just go how does this thing even work dude I don’t even know how this works this is like a new item bro I’ve never used this before Oh look who’s up here with you

Huh look who’s up here with you B you are bro come here yes please die from oh you’re not going to die cuz you have a million gapples I forgot no I I clutched she nice okay that was thank you Sky um what

Sky is in this I will just um not die I guess you’re ly lop and pool and your shoes are looking cool goes that that is exactly how it goes no it’s not I made the song I’m F I made spongebot no I didn’t okay okay okay that’s enough that’s

Enough and I clutched after you hit me into that oh my God prod four how are you Pro 4 you actually were Pro 4 like mench I know you’re trying to help but like I don’t know how this thing works dude it’s new barely know how to use it

Man men’s not here I’ll just tell you there was a YouTuber kit I asked a bunch of YouTubers to give me an item for a kit and some of them are weird okay I’m not going to lie some of them are really weird wait what this is not my portal is it I

Don’t even remember anymore this is blending together okay roll Tide oh know if this is going to work Ro and FL up thank you for the suggestions going through wait the the portal might be trapped but oh I I’m I’m literally right here oh yo yo yo Warden

Ward yo guys you want to fight the warden guys you want to fight the how were you here the whole time what no I just got here was I just blind guys take take care of that Warden guys put that Warden put that Warden there’s no Warden

You guys there’s no Warden there’s no Warden B I thought you guys would fall for that actually I know if you place down a warden or a scull treer that they won’t actually spawn I I really thought you would fall for that you guys did for

A second you guys lowy I don’t know it’s on a know mechanic okay well there was there was no massive dude chasing us so it kind of uh I get blind what am I going to do with this bro I fake AFK I thought you would run into me I knew you saw me bro no you didn’t I missed you twice I’m dead yeah he like fire aspect sharpness A Milli how you get fire out of your chest at your portal oh F you let Rob Us blind

Like I could have taken more there was like power four and Infinity but I don’t even know fany the gapp monster so my now I’m also a gapp monster no no no no yes dude you’re so stupid Oh and I had all my stuff on me awesome all

Your stuff as if you guys can’t make more damn it would be lovely if me in F had a banana stop is blood recording after an hour and a half yeah yeah yeah oh yeah what’s up where you guys at okay oh up where you guys at

What am I going to do with this booster like an an like going to need this check yes oh my God is me double check triple check oh I can’t wait I don’t want to wear these cuz I have this bro no you have to wear them I do

Actually and it kind of debuffed me for the end fight but guys I found it yeah okay what the hell so that’s crazy fin I didn’t die he’s bad he didn’t triple check oh I triple checked all right damn he’s already in though guys this is it I just got a I

Just got a lock in and uh that’s that’s it oh yeah holy moly all right Dron need some bre the Ender are making me build some type of monstrosity bro two and one two and one y what’s up guys you got this okay that’s insane embarrassing embarrassing

How is that why you P clut you’re such a how’s it embarrassing on my part no Shield give me this oh the fire the fire is crazy oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God he shot me over the Sher B the

Void the void I know I know SC up was curious to ask wanted to see what was in that Sher box bro it turns into an entity when you open it fell through it you put a little monolith around it as well I need it needed to look not obvious it need to

Look like I was I had a struggle and then I left my Sher stupid Enderman bro why are you leaving dragon oh yo the bro bro bringing creeper PVP to me what the hell oh my God no oh ballue come on I almost knocked him into the void you did

Actually yeah here’s armor put it on scrapple what are you Bo at for bro what is you guys could out SLE okay that’s that’s nice you I’m ready to roll you all have gear again why I’m oh my God oh my God he just got all three of us he just

Don’t have enough to make another kit we don’t scra why don’t you leave a gapple or anything in here oh my bad my bad yeah it is your bad I I it it is your bad Square apple okay we actually like cannot make another kill yeah it’s lost it’s lost

You know that means anything oh great I’m stuck in the never ending Cobb cycle I even break it my fist go go go sick that was sick I’m going I’m going I’m going he just flew okay that’s HP that’s H that’s H thanks minute for that I guess didn’t do

Much smallet why did you give me a cake what do I do with this like you’re so stupid bro a I’m dead I’m dead where the hell did boabo go feed the dragon this cake that’s the goal now [ __ ] D why you trying to box me that’s not nice you tricky

Trick I can’t you pick this stuff up uh-uh killing you now I’m killing you now no no no no no fck you s let’s go the dragon’s perching right at the end guys I the grand finale # ihate BBL in the comments yeah I hate

B I hate B I hate BBL I hate BBL I hate B

Minecraft Manhunt, But There Are Kits GRAND FINALE, This was so funny!

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In this video my friends @Fantst @Bubbo and @SquareApple try to hunt me down and stop me from beating Minecraft, But I could secretly craft OP kits that helped me beat the hunters, this is the grand finale where I added more op kits and it was crazy. This was super intense and really funny.

Thumbnail still inspired by Boosfer
Edited by https://twitter.com/SquareAppleMC

#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt #Baablu


  1. I feel like… no i absolutely have watched this exact video before??
    down to the 2 notch apples and the tag team joke, the nether fight

    I've seen this

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