NOOB vs PRO: MODERN MOUNTAIN HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

We’re in trouble a mutant spider is going to attack soon let’s build a secure Mountain House to survive my mountain house is going to be way cooler than yours we’ll see about that woodo I just need to come over here and use SL slash

Paste and boom now we have an empty area inside of the mountain that we can work with no way this build is going to be epic it’s complet completely empty plus the mun spider can go inside of it right now then I just have to cover this area

Up woodo and I’m going to do that using oneway glass oneway glass that sounds useless the mutant spider is just going to break through it no woodo the mutant spider is going to think that this oneway glass is part of the mountain but whenever you go to the other side you

Can see through it and it looks like it’s completely invisible so that mutant spider is definitely not going to see a thing and also woodo won’t see anything so you can’t copy our build I wouldn’t want to copy it anyways what are you talking about woodo of course you would

Want to copy our build right now you’re building some kind of poop house that house isn’t even inside of the mountain it is inside of a mountain I’m building my own mountain called mount woodo and it’s built of dirt and mud I’m sure axi loves mine more than

Yours what in the world why would she like your one more than mine wudo I’m also going to have a secret entrance over here using ghost blocks do you know what that block is axie of course I know what a ghost block is it’s a block

That haunts you wait no axi it’s just a block that you can go through just like this but axi quick we need to work on the first thing right now that mutant creeper is not going to wait for us so what I’m going to do is get a bunch of

Item shell and some armor stands and I’m going to place them down just like this wo that’s so cool I’m going to make the wall look cooler behind them too why would you need item shelves and armor stands you don’t even have any stuff well wo that’s a great question I

Put these down so we can have the greatest armor in Minecraft to use against that mutant spider just in case we need to fight it check it out there’s so many different types of cool armor and what I’m going to do is pick the best like this Samurai armor over here

That’s probably fake mango wo I think that looks really cool even though it won’t fit me well ax you can just find some armor that’ll fit you like this one over here look how awesome this looks that armor won’t fit me at all it’s massive well look at you you’re inside

Of it axi so it clearly works okay okay what else do we need though this isn’t nearly enough to take out that mutant spider of course it isn’t this isn’t even enough to take out voodo and he’s super weak what we need now is some weapons so come over here axi let’s

Build on this side of the mountain house next all I need to do is just place down these item shell and we can decide some very cool weapons I’m going to start off by placing down some Bazookas and then some katanas wow these weapons look really

Sharp my weapons are going to be sharper though and I know for a fact that the mutant spider will be more scared of mine than yours there’s no way wudo I have different types of TNT as my weapons I bet you don’t have any TNT TNT you probably have poop TNT or something

I’m not really scared of that are you serious wudo this TNT is called TNT 500 and just so you know it’s the deadliest TNT there is but I’m not even done with this room what I need to do now is place down some Target dummies so

We can practice our skills on these all I need to do is grab this Katana and Haya look this target dummy is basically rudo right now and I’m hitting it snack snack take that roodo those look like weak punches okay you know what I’ve had enough of voodo talking trash his Mountain

House doesn’t look as cool as mine and he’s just constantly being mean so actually we need to prank him oh that sounds fun how about I go in there and take a fish and then I slap him in the face with the fish wait what that sounds

Like a good idea but actually we should be invisible while we’re doing that let me just splash this invisibility potion and come on let’s go through the ghost block over here to see wuro outside what’s he doing is he writing a sign it’s official this is now Mount dooo and

To make it even more official I’m going to go ahead and put my flag on top what in the world wo really build his own Mountain the whole point was that we’re going to be hiding from The Spider and Building inside of a giant Mountain but

This guy just built his own little dirt Huds I’m so glad I have my own Mountain so I don’t have to use stinky one and get my build messed up how dare he I’m going to smack him in the face with this rock catfish ow what’s that okay

Axie while you’re doing that what I’m going to do is get some water and I’m going to flood the whole inside of his Mountain oh what’s going on there’s a water leak I’m going to spawn in the fish go ahead spawn in different fishes and also sharks oh my gosh wo’s such a

Scaredy cat he’s going to be so scared ew what are all of these mobs and wait sharks oh gosh help me look at wudo he’s such a noob oh my gosh while he has to deal with this mess what we should do is go back to our amazing mountainous because we’re

Nowhere near done imagine what we can have in this room made of glass over here axie that’s right and I’m getting really sleepy so I want to make somewhere to take a nap okay axie we’ll work on this part of the mountain house later let’s go to the second floor with

The glass view to work on the bedrooms bedrooms uh how do I get to the second floor well luckily there’s these leaves you can climb up and one once you’re at the bedroom we need to decide what we’re going to use for the floor and walls of this room this room is

Going to look so cool cuz look at this giant panoramic view we’re going to be able to tell where that mutant spider is at any time I think we should use quartz mongle iron is a bit too mechanical okay sure we can definitely use quartz and

What I can also do is just grab this Axe and I can set the entire floor to quartz pretty easily just like this there you go axie look at this cool hole in the ceiling do you think there’s something we could do with that well maybe we can

Make it look like decorations since it’s part of the mountain but right now we need to work on the actual bedroom so what I’m going to do is search up Golden because I want a golden bed and hm there seems to be nothing here let me just

Keep looking around and ooh this might be good over here axi look I want this to be part of my room my whole room is going to be golden themed that’s exactly why I’m going to be grabbing all of these different blocks over here check it out axi doesn’t this look so cool

That’s really cool but I’m going to make a section for just me wait are you serious I thought we were going to live in the same room together axie I don’t want to live in the same room as you you’re kind of stinky wait what no

I’m not oh my gosh axi you know what here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to grab these things over here just like this check it out I’m even placing down a sofa with some tables over here and then I’m also going to place a table

Over here with some chairs and wo this room is really starting to come together axie of course it is and my part is going to be even cooler no it’s not it’s going to be lameer hey who asked you I did woodo are you serious is your bedroom even golden

Themed I have so many different things that are super cool like golden Axel on the floor Golden Gates all sort of things all that gold is fake so I don’t really care I’m making mine dirt thinge because that’s what I can afford ew voodo I bet your dirt Hut smells like

Poop I mean look at it it looks disgusting nope it actually smells like Turtles yay that’s even worse oh gosh that’s so bad and that’s exactly why I’m going to have my own shower inside of my room that way I don’t stink like woodo at least I smell really good and clean

Right well you smell all right I wouldn’t say you smell good axie what but check it out I now added my golden sink over here along with my shower and what I can do is have a gold door for this room wo my room looks so expensive

Woodo you can’t compare of course I can my room is still way better than yours but my room is the coolest what do you mean yours is the coolest taxi what do you even mean yours is the coolest yours isn’t even part of the equation

Goofy hey I wouldn’t take that if I were you axie that was such a big this yeah woodo I bet your bedroom is filled with doooo how did you know my secret blend to getting the highest score a SE it actually is what in the world wudo does

Your Mountain housee have a nice view with beach chairs just like my one oh my gosh we can just sit here and admire the outside world hey that was my idea I have a beach chair right here wait what would it seems to me like you’re just

Copying me but I think my bedroom is pretty much done actually what in the world are you building over here I’m building my own bedroom mongle I’m going to make a big pool over here wo you have this pink wool as your walls I want to

Make my walls out of the red wool then axie red is the best color in the world hey you’re such a copy cat but at least you admit that I’m the best builder ever manga what are you talking about Green and is actually the best color what

Woodo we all know Green is the worst color how about we let the viewers decide everyone comment what your favorite color is in the comment section everyone better be commenting red everyone better comment pink now com in green no one’s going to comment those colors guys but actually now that we’re

Done with our rooms what do we do with the rest of the empty space inside of the mountain over here oh yeah yeah that’s a really good question well I am getting kind of hungry and it’s pretty hot out today so I think we should make

An ice cream store an ice cream store what in the world that sounds like a really cool idea I bet wo isn’t going to have anything like that yes I will no you won’t mudo come on axie what we can do is change the walls of this ice

Cream store to be a super duper fun block like these rainbow neon ones over here wo do they change color like me yeah they do change color look they’re going from pink to purple to other colors as well it’s amazing I wish I were one of these neon blocks wait what

Why would you wish to be a block because it’s a really cool block I wouldn’t expect you to understand all right axie whatever you say but now that we have these walls over here here what we need to do is change the floor to be something super duper fun too and

Luckily there’s a bunch of cool blocks inside of the menu so and boom axie we now have the floor and the walls of our ice cream store the floor kind of looks like chocolate bars I want to eat it exactly our ice cream store is going

To have all sorts of food not just ice cream let me start off by getting some counters over here wow is this counter going to be full of ice cream this counter is where we’re going to be charging all the customers for all the ice cream they eat and the only customer

We have is woodo so we’re going to be overpricing all the ice cream so we take all his money okay as long as I can get it for free of course axi this is our ice cream store so everything is going to be free but right here is what I call

The wall of ice cream where we’re going to be putting all sorts of different flavored ice cream axie check it out oh I want to eat them already can we put some on the counter sure axie in order to make them look good on the counter

What I’m going to do is use this ice cream stand over here and look how awesome that looks it looks almost as cool as my cake shelf wait what you have a cake shelf and that does look really good actually but you know what else we

Should have what we should have a table full of chocolate so what I’m I’m going to do is place down this table and I’m going to grab all of these chocolate bars and we’re going to put them on the table just like this cool can I eat them

Actually I don’t care what you say um wait what ax don’t eat all the chocolate you’re acting like water right now no I’m not take it back oh yeah you are axie but you don’t need to be ashamed of that yes I do you’re really stinky and

says that your IQ is too what is he talking about my IQ is not to yeah wo you’re super dumb that’s exactly why you don’t have a room like this in your Mountain House look axie I even added in sodas over here oh sodas I’m going to drink

Them wait what you can’t just drink and eat everything we have in the store silly look what else I’m doing I’m placing down all the cool different paintings and now our ice cream store looks even cooler than before get it cooler because it has ice cream

Wa that was a really creative joke axie that was not a creative joke it was terrible oh my gosh are you serious woodo is really still talking trash after what we did to his house I think that just means we have to come up with a even better prank okay you know what

Axi we can totally do that let’s just go invisible and go pay him another visit where in the world is this guy and wait what look at his mountain house it looks even worse than before Oh my gosh I can’t wait to have more cake this is going to be

Awesome look how much cake he has he doesn’t have any good food and he just has the single bed with the Single TV this is such a bad build I need to eat this cake yeah quickly eat all his cake just like this there you go now that his cake is

Eaten axi what we should do is prank him even harder by putting down a sign do you know what the sign is going to say oh my gosh where did my cake go wait what look at wudo he’s freaking out okay maybe it was a glitch hopefully there isn’t a cake

Monster what the cake is still disappearing okay you know what I think I need to secure my cakes instead this is bad what that’s no fun come on put down that sign don’t worry actually this sign is going to be deadly it’s going to say mine below for treasure

That way wudo is going to start mining down for no reason and there’s actually going to be no treasure since woodo is so dumb and has a IQ of two he’ll fall for it look I’m even going to put an X over here like there’s some treasure

Down here axi W that’s so mean but what if he really does find treasure well it won’t matter because our Mountain House is going to have way more treasure anyways look I’m going to place down these fireworks so we get his attention what wait where these fireworks coming

From and there’s a sign that says mine below for Treasure I love treasure let me start mining below myself right now and oh a red X I just got to dig down and wait what there’s no treasure here but you know what if I keep mining I bet

I’ll find some it’s probably just really deep oh my gosh axi this guy really went mining all the way down there come on while he’s mining what we should do is mess up his build by placing down a bunch of toilets and leaving yeah I love toilets let me just

Place all these down and boom I think we cause enough destruction let’s go back so he has to clean all that up come on all right now that we’re inside of our base again actually I think I have a pretty good idea of what we can build

Next oh what is that are we going to build a spa no not really ax do you see the side of the mountain over here yeah well what I’m going to do is get some black concrete and I’m going to make a little platform on the side why are we

Making a platform on the side you’ll see in just one second axi let’s just say we’re going to have the greatest form of transportation of all time check it out now that we have the black platform all we need to do is use some yellow blocks

And now we can make the H do you know what this stands for axie does the h stand for oh I can’t think of a food that starts with H mango no it’s not a food actually it stands for helicopter check it out we now have a helicopter on

The side of our mountain housee and that is super cool because we can go fly this thing whenever we want to let’s say we need to go grab some groceries or even run from that mutant spider we can easily do that by flying over here axi

You know what else AG could stand for horse so I’m going to get myself a new horse friend wait what you’re placing down horses oh my gosh you know what I allow it since you’ve been helping me to build this whole time you can’t tell me

What to do there you go now that we have that place down what I’m going to do is obviously place down another ghost door over here that way the mutant spider and woodo don’t know the entrance of our base this horse doesn’t like me wait what what do you mean axie

You need to come back over here and stop playing with the horse our rooms are still empty okay I’ll bring Mr horse up to our rooms but actually there’s a giant room over here and I have no idea what to put inside of it well this mountain house is still really boring

we need a fun room a fun room what in the world is a fun room a room where you can have fun duh wait what that does make a lot of sense axi quickly we need to find a really fun block for the fun room and I think diamond blocks are the

Perfect blocks what do you think yay I think diamond blocks are going to be great I can just place them everywhere real quick okay I just need to put the walls as Diamond just like this and oh woodo guess what what is it we’re going to have a fun room with all sorts

Of things like arcades dance battles a TV system do you have a fun room a fun room I don’t need a single room for fun my entire Mountain House is fun what what are you talking about your M house is garbage no it’s not you’re just afraid to admit that mine is

The coolest okay well I bet you don’t have these cool arcades inside of your base wait I actually have those exact ones did you steal those from me what no I didn’t woodo okay well I bet you don’t have a dance floor inside of your one

Look at this super cool dance FL added over here aie we can have a dance battle over here here I’m going to win hey I have one of those too is your bill just a giant copy of mine M go tell me the truth right now how do you know what our

Dance floor and our arcade machines look like woodo yeah plus when I looked inside of your Mountain House you didn’t have any of that yeah cuz it was hidden wait a second did you just say you went inside my mountain house uh no what are you talking about wudo I would never go

Inside of your mountain house without your permission oh my gosh axi that was close do you think you believed me probably that guy has like one brain cell very interesting maybe I need to add some security to my base yeah well you can add security it won’t

Change the fact that your Mountain Base sucks check it out actually I added some instruments over here so we can play the drum then use the guitar then sing afterwards but you’re missing the most important thing which is a huge TV wait actually don’t add the huge TV

Here I’m going to add the huge TV in a different room this is strictly going to be the room where we can have different activities so what I think we should have over here is a basketball hoop a basketball hoop I’m really good at basketball well no you’re not actually

You’re definitely not better than me I definitely am okay check it out this is going to be the basketball over here let me just get an item frame just like this and I’m going to put it down on the floor so we can pick it up and I’m also

Going to get some black wool to Showcase where the basket is over here and check it out axi I’m going to shoot inside the hoop just like this wao I’m going to shoot first that was awesome but come on I’m going to finish off the fun room by

Adding in a bunch of different paintings and also getting some speakers to place down at the dance battle area over here just like this now we’re done with the fun room yay I’m going to win the dance battle though when woodo gets here I’ll dance the best you’ve ever seen

We’ll see about that axie oh I bet your Mountain House doesn’t have a theater room like mine does wait what buo just because of doesn’t have it doesn’t mean I can’t add it come over here axi we’re going to use this whole giant space to make the biggest theater

In Minecraft are you ready yeah can we make the walls really dark so that all you can see is the Super Ultra Mega HD screen sure axi we can totally do that but I’m going to start off by placing down all of the different speakers over

Here then what I’m going to do is get some black concrete and this is going to be the GI gigantic screen of the entire movie theater wao can I have first row tickets of course you can actually what add the different rows in just one second let me

Just set the walls just like you were saying earlier just like this and this is going to look awesome of course it is cuz I built all of it wait what no I helped build it too axie oh I can’t remember that sorry well check it out we now have have

The floor and the walls and what we can do is place down some curtains for the front of this movie theater just like this wo actually this is giving you a secret Vibe what’s behind the curtains you won’t know until you pull them probably an axel wait what no there’s no

Axel here oh wait I just remembered you’re here yeah so there is an axel well check it out axi I’m placing down rainbow chairs rainbow chairs wo they’re changing so fast exactly this movie theater is special because it has the rarest chair you can have so what

I’m going to do is make some more space up here inside of this theater room so we can place down another layer of chairs over here axie cool I’m going to spend my whole life in this room wait what you can’t spend your whole life here axie yes I can you just

Try to stop me oh my God gosh what in the world maybe I’m making this mountain house a little too good this was just built just so we can survive against that mutant spider oh gosh the mutant spider I just remembered are we really going to be safe actually I don’t

Think we’re going to be safe just yet but don’t worry we can figure that out in a second what I need to do is place down a giant table full of popcorn popcorn there you go this table should be big big enough and now I’m going to

Place down popcorn over here so everyone in this movie theater can watch our videos and eat popcorn while they’re doing it if you like our videos hit that subscribe button right now subscribe and comment that axi is your favorite wait what no comment Mongo’s your favorite no obviously it’s axie no everyone comment

That wo is your favorite no one’s going to comment that woodo but actually come on we’re not done just yet we still have this empty room down here and this should be a place where we should hide all of our personal belongings from that mut spider oh yeah that’s right let me

Just store all my Axel in the corner wait what’s axi you’re going to place down your Axel toys I thought we were going to place down valuable things like diamond blocks Gold Blocks things like that my AEL are valuable MCO okay well if you say so so I’m also placing down

These giant chests and these chests are going to have all the treasure in the world oh my gosh if that mutant spider breaks in he’s going to be rich but there’s no way he’s going to break in this is a secret vault and my Axel will

Be watching him exactly axie all I need to do now is just select these two blocks over here just like this and make the walls out of quartz block just like that and check it out now we have quartz walls and that makes this room look a

Lot cooler I’m going to put down a single emerald block for wudo in this corner wait what that’s so messed up he doesn’t even get more than one block no why would that guy get more than one block if he had more than one block his

Base wouldn’t be made of doooo wudo did you hear that that was messed up axie it’s worn now oh gosh are you scared axie why would I be scared of that guy yeah exactly woodo no one’s scared of you especially because we now have keypad protected chest inside of our

Vault that way no one’s definitely going to be able to take our stuff I bet you’ll never be able to get the password Woodle yeah I can it’s probably 1 2 3 4 wait what how did you know our password because it’s so easy okay well actually

I’m going to place down these netherite doors for the door of this Vault that way no one can break into it even if they know the password somehow guys I think the mutant spiders coming soon we should hurry up wait what wo’s right we’ve been spending all this time

Building but the outside of our base still looks really really newbie axy and there’s no defenses against that mutant spider come on what I’m going to do is get this block called a mine do you know what this is does it help you mine things really quick

No a this is a block that whenever you step over it it explodes so whenever that mutant spider steps over these he’s totally going to die wa that’s really dangerous mongle I’m going to stay away from the outside so I don’t accidentally blow up yeah axi you totally should look

I’m going to even use these laser blocks to protect our house even more wo laser blocks are those going to slice Us in half no they’re not going to slice Us in half they’re going to slice that mutant spider if he comes inside but quickly now that we’re done with those we should

Go check out wo’s little mountainous before that mutant spider comes in you’re right let’s see what silly things woodo has in his house manga where’ you come from hi woodo can you show me your base quickly please we don’t have a lot of time um okay well as

You could see I have my very nice green bed over here where you can sit down and watch our giant TV that’s on this side or you can sit on the couch if you want wo you have a small couch with a small bed and a small TV very comfortable wudo

Exactly and I know you get hungry axie which is why I build my very own cake baking area with plenty of cake a why are they all locked up now I liked it when they weren’t locked up wait what you knew that they were unlocked how

Would you know that uh uh my cake senses just told me forget what she said what’s down here wudo well this is my little fun area um ignore all of the dry clothes and fish that’s hanging I didn’t have any other space upstairs ew it stinks in here is there really dirty

Pigs with mud well yeah that’s my pig farm and I know axi loves pigs let me in that pig farm yes yay you love it don’t you axie I do love it oh my gosh axie how could you love that I think I’ve seen enough voodo

Come over to our base quickly your base how do we even get inside well voodo there’s a ghost block over here that you can enter through wo are you kidding me this place is gigantic yeah exactly over here we have have armors to fight against that mutant

Spider then we have weapons along with some Target dummies and oh buo climb up these leaves and see what you see wait what could it be in ooh is this like your relaxation area no this is my bedroom where I can see a very good view

Of your ugly house what that makes this the best view ever worth millions and millions of diamonds sure whatever you say wo and this is my room room with a bunch of aelott and a pool wow I think axe’s room looks better than yours it’s so cute wait what my room is full

Of gold so that means I’m rich which means I’m automatically better but why isn’t there a toilet in the bathroom do you poop in the sink uh no what are you talking about anyways wudo come inside of our ice cream store where you can buy all the ice cream you want yay

Ice cream ice cream I love ice cream did I mention that there’s chocolate and cake chocolate I love chocolate wao waa waa wa woodo let’s relax for a second you can’t just eat everything silly you can have some fun inside the fun room instead is this a basketball no way I’m going to

Hoop on you booya you missed wudo how about you try to dance on the dance floor over here oh yeah Dancy Dancy dance boo oh yeah wood we take this wait what a your dance Bo are better than mine mine are the best okay I think I’ve seen enough come over

Here guys to this back area where the theater room is the theater ooh I want to watch a movie and check it out buo we have giant rainbow chairs with a giant TV mango the rainbow is so annoying why would you want the chairs to be rainbow

If you want the theater room to be dark that’s so stupid because they stand out people are going to come here just for the chairs wudo you wouldn’t understand that is so not true who comes to the movie theater for chairs they come to our movie theater for that woodo what do

You think is Behind These netherite Walls is it a giant cookie vaulton oh my gosh diamonds hey my Axel are watching you and if you steal more they’re going to eat you oh gosh okay I’m sorry aelas wait a second guys do you hear that noise let’s quickly go look outside

And oh my gosh check it out that’s the MU and spider right there it’s setting up the mines oh no how do we survive that we just need to hide inside of our amazing mountain house that we built woodo I’m going to take a nap by bye

Mongo and Wudo have to build secure mountain houses! Who builds the safest mountain house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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