Stardew Valley / Bonk Farm – Episode 2 (1.6 update)

It’s the same outfit we wore in the very first playthrough of stard valley that we ever streamed all those years ago that’s pretty special actually I guess we need to get that hat again don’t we it’s your soul outfit I like that yeah I like that a lot all right well

We’re going to dive in in just a minute I’m going to get some headphones on bear with me guys last time I checked uh 50 something but 200 is a lot imagine just updating all those mods has got to be like yeah it’s got to be a lot you know uh

Alexa Rose think about the 35 months hello welcome back to you dude hello I hope I hope you’re having a wonderful day today I’m just like in such a good mood I mean I’m sure my mood could be very easily ruined if like I don’t know somebody spilled a whole pint of um

Stick something sticky on me like a pint of something sticky that would ruin my day for sure but but until that happens and it will happen um yeah then we’re good all right guys day four of spring year one we only have 120 gold to our name but what we lack in uh

Direct funds we make up for in assets we make up foreign assets because we have three chickens p what do you mean you have three chickens it’s only day it’s only day four of spring how have you got three chickens well you must be new around

Here uh there was a brand new staru Valley update and uh there’s a new Farm type called The Meadowlands farm and with the Meadowlands Farm you uh start with a coupe and two chickens that’s pretty Bonkers so we’re checking that out we’re we’re continuing with that um let me

Also I’m going to go ahead and quickly zoom out because uh oh I am zoomed out oh this here is because the mods right show luck icon what does show exact value I guess we’ll see show traveling Merchant sure okay show seasonal for show Hazel

Nots on trees I I don’t see why not so um this tab we uh we have not yet seen anything from this tab yet granted we’re only a few days in we’re only a few days In let’s check the TV the weather tomorrow is going to be clear and sunny now we’re hoping for a few days of rain this this month we’re hoping RNG will give us a few days of rain uh my fortune is they’re annoyed well the spirits might be

Annoyed but I’m not I’m perfectly happy and ready to go you know it feels good to be back everybody it feels good to be back let’s get all of these watered now we might actually want to consider the well piece of call we might want to consider the

Well as an early uh as an early thing cuz running out of water and having to walk all the way down here kind of sucks but maybe once we’ve cleared all this it won’t suck so much uh end magical dinosaur says I’m on Spring 15 I’ve only had one day of rain

Yeah day three is always guaranteed rain but that’s kind of nuts if you’ve only had one day I mean it is again it is all RNG rngesus okay we don’t let’s let’s deposit some things we don’t need all of this uh the question is what do we want

To do today what do we want to do today let’s have a think build a silo doing that pretty soon would be good I kind of feel like I want to plant some more pass Snips I think a good goal is to try and get to level six farming

By summer day one ideally it’s not always possible but ideally uh we could go donate these we could go crack these open over Clint’s head uh quite uh quite fond of doing that uh um okay so uh we don’t need the axe I could also do a little bit more

Fishing another good thing to do would be to race to get to level five fishing which I know is like maybe a little bit boring to watch so I’m sorry about that but getting to level five fishing early is really good for money cuz I haven’t

Sold any of my fish yet and when I do sell them one you going to be nice to Clinton this time to his face yes behind his back obviously not I can say whatever I want about the dweeb um other than that no no no we it’s a we’re being nice to

Clint this play through yeah it’s a pacifist run we’re doing a pacifist run so apparently according to uh sources um apparently the chickens like it if you close the gate at night now um they like that so that is something as well that we can consider

Doing uh let me grab my bamboo pole and uh we don’t need to restock the chicken feed right now cuz they’re eating outside so the blue grass is interesting to me I don’t I still don’t fully know what the blue grass uh does exactly but I’m assuming it feeds the chickens in a

Way that is is good um okay hi m h okay Pokey come to old house Pokey bring coins that’s the H oh that’s the Hat Mouse uh dear farmer PJ I’d like to apologize for joking about your grandpa’s old Cottage when we first met it’s a really nice little house again

The use of the word little there just kind of feels like you’re kind of belittling me in general you have to put me down you have to put me down D okay Robin all right Robin too little too late yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying man I’ve been

Offended I’ve been I’ve offense has been caused um the Blue Grass gives washboard and Banas hell yeah Dude it feels good to be wandering through Pelican town have we spoken to Shane yet ooh getting some cookies from the bin is some people would say that’s incredibly unlucky that’s actually pretty lucky for us that’s actually pretty lucky have we spoken to Shane I think we have haven’t we what do you

Want leave me alone okay we’re going to crack that that nut he’s a tough nut to crack but we’re going to crack him we’re going to crack him wide open I got a catfish from the bin oh hell yeah dude that is excellent bin cookies are the best maybe

Uh I’m Matas thank you very much for the follow welcome on him just doing a little fishing to kill the time is that what you said kill the Time to Kill kill time sorry we have to kill the time Sunfish uh we might need that for the community center I don’t actually remember

Um PJ fishing for catfish like fishing for sturgeon back in Animal Crossing oh those were the days those were the days what up Gunther I got something for you some glass shards um hey teeny tiny Alice thank you for the two months welcome back dude

Appreciate it uh I am uh I am koala thank you very much for the follow welcome on in to you uh all right Clint Clint sorry Clint sorry I’m new around here I’ve only just learned your name uh it’s it’s Clint right Clint let’s get Kracken now we don’t have the most money in the world world so hopefully we get something good out of this oh we don’t have enough money actually to [ __ ] we don’t have enough money to crack the last geode oh that’s incredibly Sad that’s really really sad uh I guess I can I can make a bit of money I can make a little bit of money God it being this poor this early in the game feels so bad um uh suuji they the8 months welcome back to you thank you dude uh Emily

Newom thank you very much for the fresh sub welcome on in I appreciate that thanks for joining us today I was hoping maybe we’d get something from Guna uh no such luck all right I can go sell this fish real quick to uh uh to to

Willie I know I said I wouldn’t sell my fish right now but doesn’t hurt to sell a little fish doesn’t how to sell a little fish uh all this excitement about the update reminded me did you know uh the kind words is getting a sequel I did not

Know that but that’s awesome uh I really uh I really enjoyed kind words all right I’m going to sell this Sunfish there you go we only need a little bit of gold that’s it that’s all we need because guys from this sorry hang on a minute but because from this Frozen

Geode we are about to get something unbelievable this early in the game you’re not going to believe your eyes what’s going to come out of this geod watch and see but I would I would advise I would advise you sit down if you’re standing up for some CH by some reason sit

Down because this is about to blow your Mind check this [ __ ] Out okay well look that’s first of all General name thank you for the for the bit um it’s an ocean Stone it’s not the worst it’s not the best but it’s also not the worst not the best not the worst you know unlike Clint who is just the

Worst so I’m quite Keen to get to Level new reward nine cauliflower seeds guys what did I tell you all right let’s oh um I can’t technically afford to buy any more parsnips but I guess I’ll plant the cauliflower seeds later though later first we fish first we fish I’ve decided I’m going to organize

My clothes today I’ll have to throw out all the last year Styles and make room for new ones Haley fast fashion is terrible for the environment you should be ashamed of yourself now is it better to fish in the ocean in spring for more profitable fish I always forget what’s better

There’s me talking about what’s bad for the environment then I go and start fishing all of the fish out of the lake the mountain lake is the Best Sophie sinus thank you for the two years huzzah to you thank you very kindly dude thank you very much I appreciate that very much uh the mountain okay so we need to go to the mountain then let’s do that um I kind of want to swing by the farm

To drop off some of this stuff I’m going to do that we only currently have two chests the third chest would be really helpful trying to think about it a third chest would be super super helpful cuz we could yeah no we we need we need a

Third chest I’m going to do that I’m going to make a third chest uh it took me L list long to realize haly’s wearing a skirt not an inflatable swimming ring all this time you thought Haley was wearing an inflatable swimming ring okay fair honestly fair enough you

Know pixel art is in the eye of the beholder I think as they say all right sweet we have the means to make another chest that’s excellent you think I would marry her if she was constantly wearing an inflatable swimming ring cuz the answer is yes Yeah in our we we’ve married Haley

Before the our first ever marriage uh in the game we married Haley uh what can I say I kind of have a thing for like you know being treated badly oh look at all the forage BS I see a leak up there as well excuse me guys uh I hate to do this

On stream but I’ve got to take a leak God God guys did you hear what I said did you hear what I did you see I said uh take a leak and then I took this leak guys did you hear did you hear what I Said who are we going to ask to the Spring Dance ooh you know what I haven’t thought about that yet if we want to have a dance at the spring dance we’re going to need to start thinking about that now and start gifting people things now

Um yeah I don’t know who would you want me to dance with at the at the at the Spring Dance who would you like me to dance with who should I pursue Pam oh if only a woman after my own heart if only I could dance with Pam

Um Harvey because twins ow ingred thank you very much for the bids this is late because I was doing the egg hunt oh when you said the leak joke ah okay thank you yes okay I appreciate that did you win the egg hunt Harvey a lot of people want me to dance with

Harvey I could attempt to woo Harvey I mean I haven’t thought too much about the late game yet people are undoubted going to be coming in here and asking who are we marrying this run I don’t know I genuinely have no idea uh all right uh should we do a

Prediction guys I think we Should let’s see what are we at we’re at level we’re at level four farming fishing ready all right guys are you ready for the prediction of a lifetime will PJ reach level five fishing today in game will I in on on this day Thursday the 4th it is currently 2:50 p.m. will I

Reach level 5 fishing oops get your predictions in guys get them in um shrimp shmp boy thank you very much for the follow and uh oh uh somebody else as well thank you for the follow I I’ll read your name once I have caught this fish

Uh uh ad adof passille I’m so sorry if I said your name wrong regretful Sharman thank you for the follow I’ve met a regretful Shaman before he did not mean to summon those Corpses he did not mean to bring those the dead back to life uh it’s Aiden ah got you thank

You all right let me get this let me get this fish here uh dank dank Danny thank you for the follow um so and so thank you for the follow um sorry if this has been asked before but I I’d love to start playing staru but it looks quite confusing is it

Difficult to get into it first and can you play your own Pace like Animal Crossing or you’re expected to get things done with a specific time frame so uh I completely uh respect uh River jelly I respect River jelly I totally respect that you might look at this game and think it’s

Confusing because in a way it is when you first play it but you don’t have to play there is no um other than the daily time limit there’s not really a set Pace like you can kind of play at your own pace you don’t have to get everything done within

Like the first year you can miss birthdays hey guess what the birthday will come around next year um you’re not going to miss anything so important that you can’t do it the next time that day swings around in the next year or whatever so I would say absolutely just

Play at your own pace and enjoy yourself and yeah I’m going going to the Brighton Animation Festival next month uh I didn’t know there was a Brighton Animation Festival uh um but I would love to check that out that sounds awesome dude oddly G thank you for the

Follow uh that sounds awesome an Animation Festival I’d love to go okay let’s uh put some of these fish in here let’s put all of this in here actually I’ll hold on to this in case we need to eat it I’m not afraid to eat the river jelly guys Queen Amor thank you

For the follow been thinking of playing this what is the purpose of this game what is the purpose the purpose is to um to live your best life you know like get Farm fish make friends um go mining uh make a lot of money make your farm look

Good raise some animals um have everlasting memories and relationships with people it really is just like and I mean this by no exaggeration one of the best games ever made which I know sometimes you’re looking at me right now you’re like PJ what really you just just like standing

There throwing a fishing pole into the river yes and it’s [ __ ] amazing uh it’s infinitely replayable yeah precisely I I’m not exaggerating when I say I have like 600 plus hours across all platforms I’ve played this game on I have played a heck ton of stari Valley

Man it’s just like such a good it’s got such a good vibe to it like um yeah it’s it’s it’s very addictive it’s like the early game the early days like you know we’re on day four right now the early days are just kind of like okay

Just getting by doing what you can with your limited resources your limited money and your limited energy but it gets so addictive as the as the days go on and you get better resources you get to do more Stuff have you got food uh I am literally catching the food out of the river out of the lake if I get hungry I will eat the things now I know they say don’t get high on your own Supply guys but you can’t smoke a fish the last time I

Checked uh goth mother thank you very much for the uh for the follow no I if I get hungry which I will do I will eat the river jelly and we’ll eat the river jelly but you can tune a piano Pio hi High peanut you’re absolutely right guys you can tune a

Piano but you can’t tune a fish thank you thank you thank you thank you wait did I do that right I don’t even wait hang on AE fish on ow SE hag thank you thank you do not compare yourself to PJ and his speedrun St staru style yeah I when

I’m playing Stu like because I played this so many times I kind of have an idea in my head of like what I want to do and I will go and do that thing to try and yeah just to try and like do I like

To challenge myself to try and do it as quickly as possible not in the sense of a traditional speedrun cuz I’m literally I’m not speedrunning if I was speedr running I would be doing something completely different I’m still like enjoying the game but in a pace that’s

Kind of like a little a little a little wacky I am also the luckiest gamer in the world so yes do not compare yourself never compare yourself to the luckiest gamer in the world never never never never never okay do you get more experience for a uh for a perfect see there’s still

Things G about the game I still do not know speed walking precisely we’re essentially speed walking in a way do you get more experience for a perfect catch how’s your opinion on Shane changed uh no I wouldn’t say really no I snuck into the caves last night and got

A nasty cut from the rock crab don’t tell anyone okay how did you get into the caves there is literally no access to the caves yet hey see you later dank Danny thanks for joining us today cozy darling thank you for the PO ooh treasure this treasure could be

Big this could be an ancient seed guys ancient seed coming on in hot get ready guys the ancient seed is coming day four let’s go we did it we we got it look no it’s an autus shell I won’t say no to an atilus shell all right do not get

Exhausted today Peach do not get exhausted today okay I’m a doofus I got myself exhausted yesterday okay um it’s only 830 we eat the river jelly M delicious I’m going to have a bad stomach in the Morning um Brian babbles thank you also for the follow and rabbit Sito thank you for the follow um every single time I try to make a Star Stream and I finally make it hell yes dude welcome on in thank you for joining us bu bu bu

Bu I’m going to come back down here I don’t know if it makes a difference exactly where you fish what farm was your favorite before the update uh the forest Farm I would always mostly always choose the forest Farm uh I just loved having access to like good forage bles

Early on in in in abundance that was always really nice oh I don’t know if we’re going to get to level five today guys we might in fact I have a plan oh I have a plan you know what ignore what I just said uh ignore what I just

Said we might have accidentally hit level five sweet okay in that case then let me have a think so what I want to do it’s 940 I wanted to plant those cauliflower seeds actually trees Louise thank you for the 32 months I’ve been away from twitch for a while uh happy to

Be back with p and sweet poats welcome back to you dude thank you very much predy let’s pay it out boys let’s get it paid out will PJ reach level five 90% said yes thank you for believing 90% so let’s have a think here here uh I’m going to head back to the

Farm but I’m not going to sell the fish tonight because am I I’m right and thinking that you don’t get the money from the the fish boost until the next day right so don’t sell them tonight sell them tomorrow okay cool this is great we’re going to have a

Huge influx of money uh so early on in the game like by day day five we’re going to be rolling in it so I’m just going to I’ll leave these here for now we don’t need all these fish but I I must remember that I have fish in this

Box I must remember that guys I guess there’s no reason not to like fill my pockets to the brim or should I say fill my pockets to the bream guys I’m uh I’m on fire today I’m absolutely on fire I cannot be stopped this is what happens when I’m in such a

Good star mood okay you violated the law finally they jail me no God please no no it finally happens General name thank you for hitting me over the head with a guitar kiwi thank you very much for the 50 bids thank you guys thank you Aubrey Kitty

Yes thank you guys it’s meant to be funny I’m these are things I’m meant to be saying are meant to be funny did I just tell them myself the things I’m saying are meant to be funny okay so if I close this the chickens will be happy am I right in thinking that

Fish on okay all right guys all right guys this is getting this is getting a bit intense now all right no I’m kidding Bonk away 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N I think uh yeah let’s do this Pock okay this is already getting a

Little full that’s we have 19 coal we haven’t even got into the mines yet and we already have 19 coal you’ve got to be junking me can we make oh we don’t have any we have a bit of stuff can we make fertilizer already or no we can’t make fertilizer yet can

We no no no no keep your eye out for the moss on trees moss on trees uh Lucy thank you for the bits it’s official he’s the funniest guy in town thank you very much cherish cross thank you for the follow welcome on him treezy thank

You for the 16 months welcome back to you uh how do you get the XP bar at the bottom so that is using a mod called UI info site that’s that’s effectively the the one mod we’re using in this game is UI info suite and it’s super duper

Helpful because um it gives you all of the information about leveling up and such uh and it’s really really really helpful three four 5 one 2 three four all right sweet sweet let’s get this planted in the ground lovely okay we should try to remember to give uh mayor

Lewis a birthday gift this year just so like you know just so we we know we’ve done it just so we know we’ve done it his birthday is on the 7th I believe we should give him a birthday gift I want to try to remember people’s birthdays I

Want to try and play this like in a good way I want to be a good egg in this town you know I want to be a good egg um we need to get that Silo built so let’s make sure we’re saving all of our clay now can somebody remind me um the

Penalty for passing out is obviously a money loss do you also wake up with you do wake up with less energy the next day as well actually don’t you no no let’s not do that let’s not pass out I was debating like passing out to try and do

More to go get my other fish from the other box but let’s just not do that let’s just not what I will do however is do this one 2 three 4 I’m going to do this I want to plant some yeah I’m going to do this this

Feels good to me this feels good 10 seeds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 let’s get these in the ground as well uh little low on energy might need to eat a fish uh we’re going to go to bed a little late tonight but I’m okay

With that I’m okay we’re going to bed a little late you don’t lose energy if you level up procras Rachel you absolutely correct um you’re absolutely correct so we’re we’re the the penalty is going to be so minimal that we should just pass out tonight because we know we’re

Leveling up uh I’ve been I’ve been watching your wiggles VOD uh and your uh what’s your favorite staru Valley run you’ve done I’ve never done the JoJo run no I think my favorite staru Valley run is honestly the um the The Wiggles the clown one I think

Operation sister was just so much funny so much funny it was so much funny guys you know what I mean okay is this enough energy 32 to water all of our stuff now the question is do I have enough time to get to the uh to the lake

To the mountain back to the mountain we might do I have a plan I have a plan guys uh so regarding how much money you lose I believe you lose 10% of your money uh up to like 1,000 gold or yeah 2,000 gold or something currently I only have 25 gold

So 10% of that is not much so whoever’s going to rob me tonight is going to be like ah hang on a minute this is pitiful it’d be cheaper for me to not Rob him how does that work trust me I’m going to take this chest with me as well might need

It I don’t think I have time to get to my other chest my other fish chest right now good lose fish if somebody steals my fish that is sick that is that takes one sick individual to steal a fish out of a man’s pocket you know what I

Mean don’t do it guys don’t do it here we go we’re about to pass out a sleeping in the streets uh Sky of Sedonia thank you for the follow welcome on him well how about that guys level five fishing by uh by day five spring fish

Worth 25% more don’t mind if I do do mind if I don’t let’s do it let’s get it right I think we smashed day four quite honestly I think we smashed it uh the traveling carts in town so that’s going to be quite interesting to

Go see we are going to be looking out for a truffle and a red cabbage those are two very late game items that like getting them early would be amazing cuz it just means we don’t have to worry about that it’s going to be beautiful and sunny to tomorrow we want rain the

Spirits are in Good Humor sweet no could ooh carrots hell yeah dude right Cara a fast growing vegetable uh sorry it doesn’t say that a fast growing colorful tuba that makes for a great snack sweet all right okay llama Lima uh La Lam sorry La Lam Lama thank you very much for the

Follow um okay sorry my brain is you might not believe this but I’m I’m trying to I’m thinking also oh we’ve got some new items in stock a deluxe fishing pole and some bait that you can attach to it you use bait to fish to make fish bite

Faster hope you see you soon willly um how have we not had carrot before well it’s brand new it’s a brand new thing in the update large backpack Maybe someone dropped you off at the clinic last night you’d passed out from exhaustion you’d better take care of yourself and go to

Bed at a reasonable hour I’ve build two gold to cover your medical expenses okay so guys this is uh this is what it’s like living in the UK just so you know that’s what it feels like living in the UK whoa what is what is this this is

New to our valued jojamart customers our team members have removed the Landslide caused by our drilling operation near the mountain lake I’d like to remind you that our drilling operation is entirely legal passu want to init L 61091 Joo Amendment responsible stewardship of the local environment is the top priority we

Apologize for any inconvenience this accident may have caused as always we value your continued support and patronage Morris joa customer satisfaction representative okay so we can get to the mines if we wish the mines of Moria if we wish which might not be a bad idea might be a good opportunity to pass

Out in the mines honestly I would have liked to have been had access to a um I would have liked to have access to a a a piece of copper already because uh we could have done some cool things today but we’ll see we’ll see

What we can do we can what I like to sometimes do is go uh Mining and smelting at the same time but it’s not like we’re going to do all the mines in one in one go anyway so we’ve got time uh I might go buy some more pass Snips as well from

Pierre Maybe uh ashw Mar thank you much for the follow ABS precisely always be smelting guys always don’t ever not be smelting okay let’s go say how do you do to our chickens good morning oh I came with full Pockets mistake big mistake open up clu a

Duck the [ __ ] is up clucka Duck um so I’m thinking I’m going to go check out the traveling sales person because I this is going to be this is quite a big thing to do I could go to Willie to sell these fish I could go to Willie to sell the fish basically make any money that I might need for the traveling Merchant yeah I might I might do that I don’t think we’re fishing today should we take the hoe with me maybe yeah take the hoe all right I’m going to swing by the traveling Merchant first I’m going to see if there’s anything of interest to me and if there

Is uh I’ll leave the I want the P am I going to swing by the farm maybe all right okay we got a few errands to do before we uh we have some chores to do before we get to the mines that’s fine we know we’re leveling

Up today as well so we should be tactical if we want to pass out again today we should be tactical about how how much um money we try and make off of selling our fish cuz I have leveled up today already so passing out again wouldn’t be a

Terrible idea hello what do you got hardwood Crystal floor cauliflower seeds ow thank you Grace Elaine Vincent asked me to deliver this did he really did he oh he’s that what a sweet kid so sweet so innocent so willly willly or won’t he willly we don’t we don’t need to buy

Anything here so we actually do not need to go see Willie to sell our fish if anything we actively do not want money today we don’t want money because I want to pass out in the mines to optimize how much time I can spend there so I want to be as little

Money as possible today can you check the spring onion area now am I right in thinking that it’s once per week things spawn again now if I don’t now if I don’t make a bit of money I won’t be able to plant par Snips so what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to sell these fish fish on armless thank you very much for the follow welcome on in um so I need a bit of money if I want to buy some parsnips to plant do I want to plant parsnips today I should PJ yes you should yes you

Should you saw something last stream you saw or something if I don’t want to go all the way down there just for one pnip is the only thing um okay let me think about the order in which I want to do the things I

Want to do so I want to go to Willie to sell some fish to make some money to make some to get some pass Snips to plant the Pips got you okay a plan has been put in place guys I just had to do a quick little brain to figure it out mayor

Lewis oh hi there were you trying to get me to go down there just to pick up one spring onion cuz that is not worth the time that’s that is sabotage what an eyesore this is the Pelican town community center or what’s left of it Anyway it seemed there was something new oh okay well we’ll definitely head down there at some point at some point you have my word at some point it used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with activity going south for a 1% chance of

A red cabbage though Priceless hell yeah dude now just look at it it’s shameful these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV and than engage with the community I’d rather do their making their Tick Tock and eating sand than take part in this

Community but listen to me I sound like an old fool yeah you do yeah you do mate you do a bit JoJo Corporation has been hounding me to sell them to the the land so they can turn it into a warehouse pelicant town could use the money but there’s something stopping me from

Selling I guess old times like me get attached to relics of the past oh well always eating them damn Tic Tacs if any if anyone else buys a JoJo Co membership I’m just going to go ahead and sell it I’m just going to go ahead and jump in

The ocean here let’s go inside uh I was kind of I’m a little busy actually I kind to have stuff to do today okay we’re going inside LS asking us to rebuild his town suck it up buttercup suck it up buttercup don’t trust people who don’t

Eat sand I mean sand is delicious if you think about it how would you know if you ever eaten sand before what’s this I guess Vincent and Jance must have been playing in here this place is even more dilapidated than I remember mayor Lewis behind you look it’s an alien

What only I can see the aliens what’s the matter are you will uh bit [ __ ] rude I think I saw something over there I don’t see anything what’s the matter with you are you ill why would you say that to someone no I just thought I saw something you know there an old

Abandoned B you saw something I wouldn’t be surprised if this place was full of rats I wouldn’t be surprised if your hat is full of rats mate I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a little ratat twoy rat under your hat controlling everything you do because you ain’t a

Human the things you do are unnatural the things you say don’t make any sense sorry mayor Le just gets into my skin a bit you’re worrying me PJ look I think I’m going to go head home I need some lunch lunch it’s like 9:00 a.m. mate it’s 9:00

A.m. hey uh I’ll keep this place unlocked for now maybe you can help catch that rat if you have some extra time uh I bought seru Valley there’s a spring steam cell hell yeah D strange hell yeah that’s awesome uh I’ll have to come back and explore the building yes yes I

Will now interesting now do uh is that part of the update normally when that cut scene would happen I think correct me if I’m wrong oh I can’t read it oh no no correct me if I’m wrong but what does it want me to do

Craft a scarecrow can I do that yet no tomorrow I can do that I can’t believe we already lost the crop did it not used to spawn you all the way back down here or did it always land you outside the community center I don’t actually remember Robin needs a sunfish Sunfish maybe

Maybe maybe oh it always did that okay I seem to not remember that too well hey Pig I mean Vincent oh no M’s making little soup tonight you will respect your mother she does not have to feed you if she didn’t want and quite frankly I wish she wouldn’t

Do I have a sunfish I do so I could give that to Robin on my way up there actually okay note to self PJ do not sell the sunfish sunfish is not for sale capiche I will sell the catfish however save one probably for the community

Center shads I don’t think we need shads for the community center do we what am I doing buying par Snips that’s what I’m doing how many pass Snips am I do I want though um do I really want that amount of pass Snips no ow Au Kitty at

Two uh I’m just currently playing my own music actually but we can put some St B music up uh dis Poland thank you very much for the follow welcome on you need a Shad for the community center do I need a Shad for the community

Okay bre okay so how much money do I roughly want to make I’m I’m guess what I’m thinking here um I want to make roughly how many Pips do I want to plant I suppose I’ve already picked up what 19 I think so if I want to plant 19 * 20 is

380 let’s say I want to plant another um I order ah planting planting parsnips is good to eat them for um energy planting kale is good actually you know what let’s plant some kale as well kale is kale is good for uh for experience

And we want to level up as as soon as humanly possible ideally all right let’s just do this let’s just do this I’ve let’s do this okay we will sell these Fish i’ I’ve not got the maths fully right here but it’s fine this is roughly what I um if you want to see what mods I’m using here exclamation mark mods we’re using very little mods on this playthrough right now we’ve started a brand new save files a new Farm new

Farm new me that’s me okay let’s make some money okay th000 G’s P you could have got the bigger backpack oh [ __ ] yeah that’s what I should have accounted for the bigger backpack cuz I can get that now let’s do that you might think is it worth it to

Get the big backpack like this early on in the game and I honestly think if we’re going mining this early in the game you don’t want to have to decide oh do I want to get rid of this or get rid of this okay so bigger Bank can we

Afford that yeah that’s 900 that’ll get us to 2,000 and then this will get us our pass Snips and then this will get us some other stuff probably it’s 2K yeah yeah yeah I just need to sell some more fish I should have thought about that before I made

This trip to cuz i’ to do the trip twice now but that’s fine actually I wouldn’t have been able to take all those fish in one go anyway so actually this is fine uh yeah the backpack’s always great the backpack’s always worth it I’m usually like somewhat hesitant to um

Oh guys don’t you just love money I’m sometimes uh pretty hesitant to buy the third backpack upgrade I can usually ration things out pretty well until like maybe summer cuz that 10K is is worth a lot early game 10K is a lot of money early

Game okay we will get to the mines I promise the mines of morio we will get to the min that’s a promise guys hello wow I just realized it’s Friday sometimes I totally lose track of time uh first things first I would like this Please you got the large pack yes okay so let’s buy we have 800 gold did we plant a potato we planted yeah one of all of these yes we did so let’s get some pass nips let’s do 10 pass Snips and then the rest I’m thinking kale I’m

Thinking we sink the rest of our money into kale and you know what we have zero dollar zero um I saw your disposable camera video uh sorry the Disposable uh camera lens video I run a company called uh dip Dido lens and would love to send you one of

Our disposable camera lenses oh dude that would be awesome um let me have a think uh let me have a think real quick bu bu bum bum give me just a second I will send you a a whisper I’m going to whisper to you how do I do that how do I

Whisper to you Okay please bear with me Um damn uh if you if you could tweet me I don’t use Twitter very often but I will go on Twitter to check to check for a tweet if you tweet me uh if you tweet me that would be awesome uh potatoes are money makers yeah potatoes

Are are good for making money that is that is true I am thinking of not banking on my crops for money right now this that I sound AIT mad I think my crops are not going to be what’s making me money on this this playthrough right now I’m going to go um

Instagram perfect okay I’ll look out for that thank you um okay so we don’t actually need to take this chest with us actually I’m going to take it just in case I need some food for the mines we’re going to take some passs I think fishing is going to be our

Money and we are going to try and just level up our um parip is going to be our food and Kale’s going to be leveling us up that’s kind of what I’m thinking right now that’s that’s where my mind’s at okay save the cookies save the cookies save the world like let’s plant

Let’s water these crops and then we’re going to go see Robin okay sorry guys my brain is doing a bunch of things at the same time leave the Sunfish at home I will not leave the Sunfish at home I will not I’m assuming just Robin Robin works

On Fridays right I would like to go see Robin speaking of cameras my new film for my secondhand camera that I just bought just arriv oh sweet dude I’ve never really uh experimented with a proper film camera I think maybe I should at some point I think that would be a lot of

Fun do any of you guys ever shoot anything on film I mean apart from Penny who we now know is a seasoned film photographer that’s all right and magical dinosaur you have been forgiven your sins have been forgiven right so we’ll take a chest with us we’ll take some food with

Us um we don’t have anything else to plant do we not going to bother with the rice no all right off we go to the mines okay that’s not too bad actually getting to the mines for this time is not too bad bur Valley thank you for the 14 months can I

Get the biggest toot ever tooted yes you [Applause] can I played all day yesterday and I might be doing it again today hell yeah M that is wonderful news glad to hear it very glad to hear it uh um uh I have a 35 mm camera but it’s an

Ex school camera so it’s definitely a bit beat up hey I mean like a little be bit beat up is is not is not a bad thing if uh especially if you got it just from like from the school that’s pretty good all right Sunfish oh you brought

The item I asked for it looks perfect here’s your payment you’ve made my son sebas right he lives downstairs he lives downstairs right now guys I am not not going to take this money right now I’m not taking the money uh because I want to pass out with zero G’s ideally zero

G’s so I don’t lose any money no need to take it right now oh cindle thank you for the follow I can’t wait to play I’m waiting for the update ready for my cons for console yeah I don’t know when the the console update is going to come I was

Just peering down into this old M shaft it’s been abandoned for decades still there’s probably good ore down there but a dark place undisturbed for so long I’m afraid ore isn’t the only thing you’ll find I kind of see maren as a kind of like a Clint Eastwood kind of guy here

Take this you might need it da da da da you received a rusty sword name’s Marlon by the way I run the adventurous Guild right outside I’ll keep my eye on you prove yourself and I might make I might think about making you a member what a badass yeah the cool Clint

Basically yes uh right guys oh it doesn’t seem to be working fine um prediction shall we do a prediction will PJ get to level 25 of the mines today now that’s today in game it’s currently 2:30 p.m. where’re it’s a very it’s a it’s it’s a

Pretty good luck day not fully good luck but it’s a good luck day I’ve got the most basic ass gear you could ask for I’ve got eight pass Snips and a dream will we get to level 25 of the mines today He let’s get going good start very good start all right we got our copper so tomorrow we can make um we can start making uh Whatchamacallit bars bars yeah I love the mind’s music and St very relaxing very very relaxing oh hello slime weak you’re weak piece of hardwood not going to say

No to a piece of hardwood this earlier you know what actually let’s also grab we should be grabbing this as well no reason not to grab that it’s literally on the floor free to is free so I should be taking it right slice okay we’re getting lucky with these

Ladders but then of course I am the luckiest gamer in the world so you know we must consider that it would be foolish for you to predict against me uh I would love to get a a good weapon early on obviously the club is always appreciated imagine if we got a crab ooh

Baby getting that crab this early is also look at this guys look with the bigger backpack we don’t have to decide you know if we want to get rid of something to keep this crab it’s kind of amazing any doggies no doggies oh okay this is going to uh throw a

Little spanner in the works so that sucks well let’s just try and get through this level as quick as possible it’s not like we can make a Staircase I think conern said something uh about changing uh how uh combat Works a bit in this game I think he said something about like swinging the sword or something CH will change slightly I’m not fully sure what today you learn what spanner means can you just learn what a spanner

Is or are you being sarcastic guys no sarcasm in this chat please only I’m allowed to be sarcastic only the streamer is allowed to be sarcastic God this room sucks man okay where does the ladder appear just here perfect oh despicable absolutely Diabolical Ooh Ow okay we’re currently on level 9 6:50 p.m. grab some copper is that a ladder I see yes it is woo T what t means excellent not British so this Spanish slang is uncalled for sorry I’ll try and keep the slang uh more a bit more General so everybody gets it new shoes

As in not new to 1.6 but we got new shoes which I think is just Wonderful okay should we just dump some things that we don’t need we don’t need all of this you kidding me get this out of here uh mixo RM thank you very much for the 11 months hi ped friends joining for the first time a bit today how’s the new

Update uh the new update’s cool yeah we’ve been uh the the the main thing we’ve seen so far dogey is the the new Farm uh type which has started us out with some chickens which is really cool uh we’ve seen a new a few new items as well new

Crops and stuff like that yeah we’re still just kind of discovering things honestly give me a club geod [Applause] o was level 25 a bit ambitious Maybe yeah this is why we have our Pnps please speak more in American slang so we can understand what you’re saying okay what’s what’s American slang um uh what’s a key piece of America let’s say I’m going to America tomorrow what is the D what’s the number one thing I should say in my Uber car so people think I’m uh

Local I must be perceived as local y’all yeah I I like y’all uh we can’t really get away with it here in the UK you can’t really say y’all just sounds weird coming out of our mouths y’all cuz if I try and say it with just a British accent it’s just how

How are y’all doing it doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense just don’t talk to them and stare at your phone they’ll think you’re American oh Lisa Clover Bloom damn destruction level 1 million guys leave Lisa CL Lisa Clover Bloom just just took you all out in one

Fell Swoop how do you feel about that okay a couple more pass Snips how y’all doing are they wrong you know what that’s that’s a bigger question than I can answer okay I need to remember that I’m passing out here as well I don’t need to rush off home we are committing to

Passing out here tonight cuz we have no money imagine if that was like real life you can pass out on the streets and if you have no money in your pockets you’re perfectly safe we leveled up again we’re on fire guys we’re on fire we’re on fire okay give me the club

No club guys what do I got to do to get a club around here you know what do I got to do to get a the club around here what’s the time 11 already o we’re on level 15 to be fair we did come to the mines quite late today no Clubs how much uh grass do you need to make a scarecrow is it like 50 it’s going to be quite Useful uh we’re not going with a sword for this run this is just the sword I started with oh it’s 25 nice okay not as much as I thought then cool o energy is a little low yeah Ash I I think that’s probably you know what I think that’s I think

That’s not the kind of it’s not not the kind of jokes we like to make here please please refrain from that kind of thing chat likes to get a bit cheeky please keep all junks cheeky and only cheeky oh man cannot find the final ladder well not the final ladder there

Was plenty more ladders we needed uh I can eat this as well um do people actually say a I’m walking here has anybody actually said where does that stereotype really come from hey I’m walking here where does that actually where does that come from has anybody in the history of New York

Ever said a I’m walking here hey I’m walking here when a cab tries to hit you do they do they try to do that maybe from a movie that would make a lot of sense I feel like a lot of things do originate from a fil from

Films and then we’re I’ve run out of food guys I can’t really progress well it doesn’t matter I’m about to pass out anyway so I might as well hit a few more rocks kick rocks oh there’s the ladder it’s from Midnight Cowboy oh is it really level one farming baby we did

It how about that anything else level one mining level one combat and we learn how to make bug steak we love it right right level right day six okay that was a pretty wait how much money did we just Make so we have 2400 gold which is great but I’m actually just wondering oh what level did we get to well I can tell you this not 25 we got to like level 16 16 when I lost money last night you know what let’s let’s talk to clun first uh hi there good morning I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rocks open in fighting ore that’s good if you want to get the most out of the ores you find you’ll little a

Furnace uh-huh who let you on to my farm by the way just so happens I had an extra set of blueprints L around here I want you to have them oh that’s really nice of him actually that’s really kind of him to give to give us These

Blueprints uh uh Fanny man thank you very much for the fresh sub welcome on him learn how to make a furnace sweet um you can’t redeem him I I will try to redeem him the first furn allows you to smell metal bars the bars can be used for crafting construction and Tool

Upgrades uh-huh uh-huh is that a new Shir when you smelled a few copper bars you consider having me upgrade one of your tools it can make you work a lot easier well okay I’m heading home take it easy wow what a what a what a guy what a

What what a guy that he is C he’s definitely a guy I see even exploring the old mines you’ve got the adventur spirit that much I can tell if you can slay 10 slimes you’ll have earned your place in the adventures Guild I’ve already technically earned 10 uh slay 10

Slimes my sources tell me who’ve been poking around inside the old Community Center why don’t you pay me a visit my Chambers are west of the forest lake in stone tower I may have information concerning your rat problem Ras modius wizard Robin here I know there’s a lot of stone scattered right yep

Uh someone dropped you off since you have no money I provided your yes that’s what we wanted to see I was worried because I earned money in the night they were going to take money from me because I passed out with no money I lost no money I provided your medical care free

Of charge this is how it should be guys oh you have no money here you go free take it for free right um good very good very good right we’ll keep these so I don’t think we need to go to the mines right now this second oh I forgot to close my chicken

Door last night you know what it doesn’t matter I can’t remember to do that every day as long as they’re being fed that’s what matters they’re also all fully grown now which is pretty neat meu thank you for the 36 months welcome back to you that is by my calcul

My eyes see 3 years thank you very much dude and welcome back maybe we can befriend him befriend who uh Clint we’ll we’ll see we’ll try we’ll see what we can do ooh we need to clear a path to get down to this water man so if we can level up again today

Well actually no we we don’t want to just be relying on passing out especially now that we’ve got a little bit uh more cash we’re a bit more liquid as they say can we build The Silo I wonder well first of all actually let’s grab this 90 gold from

Robin uh deeper in the mine craft a furnace kill 10 slimes meet the wizard let’s definitely meet the wizard today let’s also how do we make a f let’s see whato um first things first first things first is the mod to see how much skill you’re gaining yes it is uh UI info

Site first things first right we’ll make a furnace well we yeah we need copper bars we okay uh let’s make a scarecrow as well chop down a couple trees scarecrows we need wood probably more wood than that we need this and we need coal question mark we need more wood more wood is

Required luckily we have trees that we can chop I could make some iron bars actually yeah that’s not a bad idea yeah guys abs do you know what ABS stands for not uh irritable bow syndrome no it stands for always be smelting it is a motto we live by here on these

Streams if you’re breathing you should be smelting so I’m going to do that right now amazing bowel syndrome imagine that five copper bars 10 ah yes wait do I not have my to-do list I think to-do list is clearly not working because I don’t see my to-do list

Anywhere okay yeah uh that’s fine I uh I I don’t know actually if I updated it I’ll have to look into that next time 10 clay 100 Stone okay first of all scarecrow clock ah sorry I got a little scared guys because I secretly a

Crow I paint BBS hello happy new F PJ wait are those CH what are those chickens names uh well we have Buttercup myos stiff and pickle ow rachie Luna thank you very much for the 50 bits uh ABS always be spunking spunking is not a word that sounds criminally like another word

Um Liz I saw a video today that made me think of you basically anytime I ever see anything to do with birds I think about you your branding is so strong that that is the power you have that’s the hold you have over me uh I saw a

Video about how silently owls fly and it was incredible um they tested like a pigeon flying over all these microphones they went they tested another bird I forget it what it was I can’t remember the second bird it was like and then they tested an owl and it was silent

It it glided over without making a sound which I believe I mean we have the bird expert here but if if I may I believe is is it to do with hunting like so they can they can silently hunt it’s kind of amazing really oh to be an

Owl that’s why their feets are covered in feathers for strength honestly same um right it’s Saturday I’m tempted to plant some more Things go speak to the wizard just think I’m thinking of all the things I can do if I was a bird what would I what bird would I be what bird would I be um that’s a tough question that’s a tough question bird would I

Be I’d need a I would need a a list of every bird before I could actually give you a a good answer you’re kind of penguiny um what is that supposed to mean what is that supposed to mean I’m kind of penguiny uh I might swing by and buy some more

Crops let’s a this I really need that to-do list man just a Vibe um I’m thinking I’m thinking guys I’m thinking I’m thinking hard I want to see I want to go see the wizard Heron Heron vibes okay I like herons I like herons PJ stands for penguini Junger sure why

Not you’re tall like a heron true true although I never really think to uh describe birds as tall necessarily that’s a tall bird but maybe maybe you would perar J pararon my B bird yes my boss is a bird um right guys you’re distracting me with your talk of

Birds we’re going to go see the wizard we’re going to I want to swing by and donate some stuff to the uh Community Center no not to the community center sorry we don’t we haven’t unlocked that yet to uh the museum plus crack these geod open can also go donate this as

Well uh we don’t need this SL time I could sell more fish to Willie if i n n don’t bother with that peach waste of time I should plant some more crops I think I think I should plant some more crops um um okay okay maybe we do go back to the mines

Get some more smel stuff how long’s this got an hour I’m thinking guys I’m thinking I’m thinking I’m thinking all right I’m going to go see the wizard [ __ ] it I’m just going to go see the wizard it’s in that entire all right I’m going to also clear the farm as I walk

Down as well clear a path he’s coming through guys he’s coming through if I was a bird I would be the one on the front of the wingspan box just so I could say yeah it’s no big deal I just happen to be the the bird on the front of the

Wingspan box it’s really not a big deal guys really seriously stop going on about it it’s really not a big deal yes I know I’m really famous and uh I’m cool enough and colorful enough to have been included on the front of the wingspan box but really not a big deal

Really not that big of a deal people are saying to me is do you think it’s kind of a big deal I’m like not really scissor tailed fly catcher oh hell yeah he even has a cool name imagine Goblin Bailey name of the 18 months welcome back to you so excited

For the new St you yes hell yes dude yeah we’re doing it some would say we’re star doing it um okay let’s talk to this wizard right let me break out my best wizardly voice ah come in I am rasmodius seeker of the Arcane truths mediary between physical and

Ethereal Master of the seven Elementals Keeper of the Sacred you get the point hot wizard voice and you PJ the one whose arrival I have long Foreseen here I’d like to show you something the borders of his room are you oh really what the stone borders that’s cool behold PJ has stalk potential PJ would hate delivering all them kids I yes I would what are you doing you madland you’ve seen one before haven’t you Maybe they call themselves The junimos Mysterious Spirits these ones for some reason they refuse to speak with me maybe because you keep summing them into this demon summoning Circle they don’t like that I’m not sure why they’ve moved into the community center but you have no reason to fear them

H you found a golden scroll written in an unknown language most interesting I never realize how Yeehaw his hat is it’s very yea it’s very yea stay here I’m going to see for myself I’ll return shortly yeaha how did you do that I found the note the language is obscure but I was

Able to decipher it we the junimo are happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest and you will see the true nature of the Scroll H one with the forest what do they mean I know what it means I’ve lived this life many times before uh Miss Genie thank you for the follow by the way I wonder if concerned ape is watching any Stu dreams uh yes he actually has um been

Spotted uh he thinks we didn’t see him he has been spotted spying on my streams before um you may remember a few times I’ve been playing junimo Kart and and he is uh basically really um concerned is the uh is the is the word I would use um

When he sees me playing junim moart because um you’ll find he’s often live patching it to make it harder whilst I’m playing it um so if I’m ever like if I ever die in juniart it’s because it’s like he’s doing he’s live patching it he’s live patching it he’s like oh [ __ ]

I can’t let this guy beat Jud M his first run quickly throw in an impossible level aha that’s why the prizes are also 3.5% now yeah yeah yeah come here I want the animation here to change I want him to dunk my head like you know

When you go bobbing for apples I want this guy to like grab me by the back of my neck and just dunk my head into the cauldron my cauldron is bubbling with ingredients from the forest baby fun Moss grub caramel tops uh toad stool can you smell

It yeah here drink up Let the essence of the forest permeate your body masub gulp gulp Gulp so you want him to Bonk you maybe CeCe stinks thank you for the Follow oh I’ve had one of these dreams before I’ll be lying if I said I haven’t experienced floating green trees before guys I never noticed how crazy he looks in this scene yeah is pretty pretty menacing really you’ve gained the power of forest magic now you can decipher the true

Meaning of the judal Scrolls 320 oh hell yeah dude you know it all day every day ah yes PJ I’ve predicted your arrival long ago young PJ he called me young well that’s nice well that’s nice um popping in say hi got to catch the VOD hell yeah dude thank you very

Much for checking out the VOD and you know what now’s a good time to just to say VOD Watchers thank you I’m sorry you couldn’t join us live obviously we do have a lot of f fun when we’re live I will not not Del deny we have a lot of

Fun dely is when you’re denying a lie I dely those accusations okay so somebody said there was something new down here o well this is good I’ll take it somebody said they saw something new down here if I find out I’ve been lied to there is going to be trouble I see nothing

New wait wait a minute okay Couldn’t go there before so that’s curious or could you we’ll we will revisit this area we will revisit this area at some point if the local fishing scene got a bit more lively or you might expand the sharp Stark um suji thank you for the gifted sub

Dude I appreciate that and 467 o o thank you for the uh sorry I did I I I was going to I was I went to make a sound I didn’t know that would be the sound I was going to make um okay I guess I’ll take these with me

Maybe might leave these at home hey Jodie hello hi oh great hi well I can’t how what am I supposed to do with that I can’t work with that jod you give me nothing to work with hi PJ she’s just saying hi it’s not that

Big a deal it’s just the way she said it you know it’s just the way she said it it’s what she didn’t say well you called her Jodi to be fair well okay fair you know what fair oh hello hello jod in here with the hide

Dot uh back in a day back in uh MSN days when somebody would hit you with the just the letter K you’d ask somebody a question and somebody someone or someone would say k that was big trouble you know you know something’s wrong if somebody’s responding with K they’re not saying

Okay just the letter k something is bad something bad is a foot trouble is a foot people hated it I remember I once said that to somebody to get under their skin and they blocked me Immediately which is kind of like objective that was kind of what I set out to do I set out to get like I said get under their skin so uh yeah I guess Mission success I suppose um yeah you never do that don’t just say that

Don’t just say that in a in a in a message guys all right Mayo’s birthday is tomorrow what is this the invasive craft species are living in the local mine kill a crab get 300 slay four crabs uh maybe four crabs for 300 gold maybe don’t tell anyone but I snuck into

The old Community Center last night I think it’s haunted your dad is right there your father is right there okay I’m going to plant some more kale I think five let’s do five more kale and let’s do five more parsnips maybe [ __ ] it 10 pass Snips I’m feeling mad lad check your special

Abilities Tab you are one with the forest I like that I like that I am one with the forest I’m feeling mad lad even texting now if someone responded with K I’d cry yeah that’s enough to break someone what do they mean uh right bream catfish and Shad we

Technically will need those for the community center so and the oyster maybe we hang on to these okay could really do with another chest let’s do that let’s get another chest ing on we do have to hoard yes are there any theories of how old The Bachelors are in this town any theories

Um I think a lot of people tend to have their own head cannons sort of about how old certain Bachelors Are sweet we’re going make another chest boom baby okay is there going to be any Rhyme or Reason to these chests not really uh muscle okay hang on a minute sell this muscle keep that muscle uh I think Elliot and Harvey are only yeah Harvey definitely strikes me

As a little older I mean to be a doctor like obviously you can be a you can be a doctor from a younger age for sure but to be a you know to be a good doctor well you can still be a young good doctor but I don’t know what I’m

Saying I’m not I’m not I don’t I don’t have an agenda here I promise why does PJ hate young doctors I don’t I don’t he does I I’m saying I don’t you feel like you do but I Don’t did I put this in the right place yes no Crow’s going to get my crops one 2 three oh um okay Catbug Lindsay thank you for the 18 months dude hope you’re enjoying the new Farm type yeah I I like it a lot I like it I really dig it

Can we make fertilizer yet uh no that’s may be level two right we’re not getting a whole lot of forage Ables when we going out and about I’ve noticed I need to be very careful with that cherry bomb otherwise mistakes will be made and I am not restarting this day

Let me tell you that let’s get these crops watered yeah I really like to try and get my my uh farming level up oh I should have been smelting guys you need to be reminding me to always be smelting that’s your responsibility now guys you’ve you you have the wheel here

You have the wheel okay I’ll take my cookies I I might go back to the mines I think the mines of Moria uh I might go back to the mines and attempt to slay these rock crabs so I’ll take a bit of food I’ll take a

Pickaxe do not need our watering can or the wood but we do however need this so we can always be smelting uh dumb question but how do you get the radius of the Scarecrow to show that is not a dumb question at all uh I’m using a mod called UI info Suite

Which is a really really helpful mod um it’s basically the only one we’re using really for this playthrough right now and it is super duper helpful I would really love if that’s like the one thing that like I’m like if concern AE had to take anything from a mod and incorporate

It into the game it would be stuff like showing the radius of the the scarecrows and stuff just because my brain I know it tells you how much it covers but my brain just can’t quite understand that so maybe it’s more of a me problem I’m going to take these spring onions as

Well for eating purposes for eating all right we won’t have very long in the mines but that’s okay that’s oky doie with me are you using UI info Suite one or two I think I’m just using the latest UI info Suite as far as I understand uh simple T simply te thank

You very much for the follow and uh Toro Rio thank you for the follow and electric thank you for the follow welcome on in guys uh I really appreciate all the new follows by the way I’m happy by myself you know I don’t need new friends I’ll be your friend I

Said I don’t need friends I know but I don’t care I will be your friend cheeky little Rose thank you for the follow guys thank you so much uh okie dokie oh we have more copper here ah let’s [ __ ] do this all right it’s it’s 6:40 so that’s

Obviously quite late in the day our energy is shot will we get to level 25 of the mines today though that is the prediction guys will we get to level 25 of the mines uh issue uh p uh pelm and uh zero da thank the follows guys uh Oscars hotel for Fantastical

Creatures by the way I still have the episodes on my computer uh that’s awesome dude thank you right I need to think about this how am I going to get energy should I eat these maybe eat the spring onions right we’re chomping down on some spring onions oh we also need some cave

Lees music uh I oops didn’t episode my sentence CeCe stinks are you okay are you all right do you need do you need some assistance we provide we provide full assistance here in the chat I should really be getting the bug meat actually also Silo remember PJ Silo we need that Silo soon oh my God these bugs they suck get out of here stop it’s all right guys it’s good luck this is good [Applause] luck sorry my brain does that all the time I’d love to get a new sword soon ideally a new weapon a new weapon as

They say in France a a weapon what is a weapon in French we’ll use this as a learning uh learning experience get out of my my face get out of here oh a crab oh we need to kill four of these four crabs and we’re going to make some cash

Money we got the sword catnip party thank you for the 16 months it’s just like arms oh interesting sweet okay we could probably sell that Rusty sword okay do we have a okay advancement all right we did this smelting smelt a copper bar have we not smelted a copper bar

Yet how long does that have 30 minutes okay trying to remember that all right here we go so level oh oh no another over oh man oh wait that level was sorry what what classes as an infestation one bat and one slime that is not an infestation that’s

Just a couple of dudes hanging out yeah mate it’s overrun it’s big time it’s overrun big time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah be careful down there mate be careful [Applause] yeah I don’t think overrun means what you think it means this is more overrun than that previous [Applause] [Applause] level

Stop it these doggies [Applause] man all right we need To I’m I can’t pass out here by the way today my plan is not to pass out um I also need to be careful my inventory is full and if something in the darkness appears like an ancient uh EX uh uh uh uh uh uh uh Hold I swear my God to God I didn’t see That when I said hold On I I didn’t see that when I started saying that I didn’t see that that is actually Bonkers that is actually Bonkers get that clipped man get that clipped talk about manifestation So for anybody who’s like well PJ I don’t understand what just happened so so my inventory was full thank you Lucy thank you my inventory was full and I was wary that in the past I

Have had a full inventory in the mines and missed an ancient seed which is a very rare item to get in the Min especially very early on it’s very cool item to get early on I it just dawned on me that oh I should probably be careful you know I’m

In the dark you know some areas are quite dark hard to see and then I literally saw as I said in case there’s an ancient seed there was an ancient seed on the ground that is that look streamers will do say this until the cows come home whoa that’s that’s insane what that’s

Mad no that is actually that is the biggest moment that has ever happened on these streams nothing will ever top that so we might as well just pack it in now and call it a day because nothing is ever going to be cooler than that guys Wow wow concern ape I look are you uh I hope you’re uh live patching this because I am steamrolling through your game mate steam rolling through it should have added a hard mode in the 1.6 update um wow okay so okay so let me just reassess we’re on level 23 okay

Fine I I need to eat something because I am low on the energy Pet’s going to get a prismatic shot in 2 minutes I mean could you imagine could you imagine would be cool if I did please oh sorry yes sorry I forgot we have a prediction going right

Now sorry the whole that anceny thing really uh really got me uh riled up there that is that that is madness I’m going to need to re-watch the VOD back myself because that is actually mad holy moly okay we only need Toop drop two more levels o a mushroom I would like a

Mushroom actually uh thank you I would also like a ladder if that’s not too much trouble cheeky ladder there we go there’s one okay it’s 1150 I need I’m not I can’t pass out today we we can’t really afford to lose that kind of money this early in the game

So we got to hope for a ladder and we got to hope for a ladder quickly uh don’t eat the cookies no no no no no need to eat the cookies I feel like I miss something big uh kind of I would say it was semi semi

Big it it was semi big it was yeah it was it was a cool moment it was a very very cool moment I would say I mean I described it as the best moment that has ever happened on these streams so maybe you might have missed something somewhat

Exciting okay um what what’s our energy doing ah we need to drop one more level all right I’m going to scrap the mixed seeds I’m going to keep going the only that make it even more boners as if we found another ancient seed like now I’m more pressed about finding this ladder

Honestly yeah it’s 1:00 a.m. I’m really worried that we are going to pass out now actually I don’t know if we can actually get home moment time which is annoying but so be it I don’t know if we leveled up today either so we might also be waking up with less

Energy we might also not find that ladder is it here okay um there it is oh my God ah go go go go wait what oh no no no no no no okay okay okay okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine so unfortunately I am going

To pass out that is sad it’s very sad and unfortunate but that’s okay um sorry I was I hit Level 25 I was not expecting to see a chest room I realized that you don’t get chest rooms on the on the fives on the intervals will PJ get to level 25 yes just

Just just um okay so we are going to pass out unfortunately I guess I can take some of this with me take the bug me I’m going to take the stone because there’s a chance that I might try and make that Silo pretty soon wait I can get home I can get home

I promise is day six the earliest you found on an ancient seed I wonder a small part of me wonders if maybe I found it a little earlier but I’m not sure a measly 46 gold today but the ancient seed is going to be huge cuz

We’re going to go take that to the uh yeah we’re going to go take that to the uh to the guy to the guy Queen of the sa is teaching us how to make a stir fry we love to see thank you weather report tomorrow beautiful and sunny we need a

Bit of rain baby so unfortunately our energy is in a bad position sucks more cookies mom you shouldn’t have um joja Mar Builders that’s new last night a joa team member found you incapacitated a medical team was dispatched to bring you to safety 197 gold not you really I’ve

Never seen jojamart pick me up before I can’t say that I’ve ever seen jojamart uh collect me before let’s make sure we put aside some forages for the community center I think we should get that Silo online today do we have a we need those copper bars though oh [ __ ] my um

My furnace is in the at the mines it’s fine uh lilac uh than about the follow and uh Ellena Ellena grew than for the follow we have to go back yeah unfortunately we we will have to go back maybe because you never read those I read my mail how dare Dare You

Insinuate I don’t read my mail I am very good at reading full stop just so you know just so you know I have read many things in life potato do you need a potato for the community center maybe yes of course you do PJ you’re a potato you’re a

Doofus how dare you call me a doofus Hey donin thank you very much for the follow welcome on in uh right so guys ancient seed o’ clock we can go take this to the museum which would be very good for us very very good for us let’s get our crops watered and let’s

Let our uh our hens roam free these are free range chickens guys if you hover over the item in the menu the tree will flash uh that is true actually yes that is true we need to complete this bundle first before uh we can actually access the other

Uh the other bundles although it’s I need I we are doing a the regular bundle so it’s it should be quite simple I should just remember basically I should just remember these eggs I guess I’m going to save them until I can make mayonnaise when can I make mayonnaise

Machine we need an Earth crystal if we’re going to do that so and we can’t even do it yet anyway um I kind of want to keep this amethyst well no I’m going to sell the amethyst I’m going to sell I’m going to make Clint buy it off of

Us I’m going to I’m going to force him to buy it from us I can do that by the way I have the power to do that I’m very persuasive uh Tori Oro thank you very much uh Tori Oreo sorry thank you for the prime sub welcome on in

Dude thank you very much thank you thank you CCE stinks with the prime sub as well welcome on in thank you very kindly we’ve had a lot of new sweet patat joining the the uh the cult uh Community sorry a lot of new patat joining the community uh XL

Marge or how I think wait I think XL Marge 420 thank you for the follow extra I I’ve heard Large Marge extra large Marge I love it oh our energy is in a bad place luckily the our mom sent us some cookies to make us feel better oh terrible terrible terrible terrible

Terrible yeah passing out doesn’t feel good all right so what do we donating to the museum we’re doing this this take these uh sell this to Clint I need to sell this sword as well to the adventurers Guild maybe we we have time to General name thank you for the bits

Uh Kai fried loser thank you for the fresh sub welcome on in Moxley movy drums thank you for the follows welcome on in guys welcome welcome to the stream carrots are great for energy oh they are good for energy aren’t they okay I’ll I’ll keep that in mind actually I’ll keep that in

Mind take the hoe with us leave this yeah we might need to go to the mines to pick up some stuff I Silo today getting The Silo online today is not actually impossible I only have two clay it’s impossible Um I’m deep in thought everybody I’m deep in thought for the community um Yeah I’m not going to get that clay today so no point in trying to get the silo today I will want The Silo soon I think honestly I should try and get this uh this crab Bounty uh situation going let’s start by heading down to uh the traveling cart see if they have

Anything for Us I’m having a lovely time by the way guys just so you know I just want you to know I’m having a wonderful time I’m enjoying Stu Valley the 1.6 I love these big trees tiger trout snail egg fall seeds pomegranate carp Truffle what the actual F guys what were the two things I I said I wanted from the community center sorry from the um what the hell what were the two things I said I wanted from the traveling car oh my God I wanted a red cabbage seed and a

Truffle and on the same day well this truffle is way too expensive so we can’t get that but we are absolutely and by the way just so you know just so everybody is on the same page nice job team we did not tick the box at the start of the game that said

Make the make the community center year one completable because I forgot to do that so we are blessed I would be foolish to not buy this red cabbage right now we can get a pig later the Truffle is we I’m not look we can’t get the Truffle so everybody forget about

The Truffle but this red cabbage 1,000 gold well spent I will buy that you might be thinking some of you might maybe you’ve not played Stu Valley you might be thinking PJ what’s the big deal why did you just buy that red cabbage for 1,000 gold the red cabbage is not something

You can get in year one you can’t buy a red cabbage seed in year one uh they don’t sell it in year one and if you want to try and complete the community center in the first year which is a goal that a lot of people like to

Do then uh you need to go about acquiring a red cabbage via other means those are our other means baby right there that’s our other means hello um hello the weather’s interesting today don’t you think it certainly is are you sure you don’t have an easy

Mod installed I don’t if there was one I don’t have it installed just quick check of the beach just see if there’s any new stuff on there yeah so we are incredibly lucky to have got that red cabbage right there that is wild the fact that there was a red

Cabbage this is a blessed run the fact that there’s a red cabbage and a truffle in the same in the same list is cuz yeah wow okay cool right and here by the way is our ancient seed that we got yesterday H is it a good luck day it’s

Not no um luck doesn’t really affect I think the things you get from I think we got the ancient seed on a bad luck day as well so yeah holy macaroni guys collect rewards thank you I will take my rewards thank you very much melon seeds um I

Guess we’re going to have to swing by the farm so yeah I’ll take those as well everyday is a lucky day for PJ oh hell yeah he Acorn you got melon seeds yeah I mean what did I get the melon seeds for in fact that’s interesting he hasn’t

Been giving me useless crap so far sorry he hasn’t been giving me decorations 10 coal plus another three that’s quite good actually look at all that coal I’m not going to say no to co uh right energy is terrible so we’re going to eat need to eat

Something I would love to find a dandelion so I could like do the community center spring bundle today hey hey hello uh Prismatic Shard coming out of this trash can no but I’ll take a baked fish honestly free free food is happily happily accepted when I’m when my energy is this

Low I will happily take a baked fish what a day what a lovely day oh hey Haley my sister is so weird sometimes I wonder if we’re actually related I got this flower for you f me thank you you found a red cabbage yes we

Did yes we did uh MGA 6 thank you for the prime sub welcome on in to you welcome to the sweet potato party I’m not above eating a baked fish from a from a bin guys Martin Duke thank you for the 27 months welcome back to

You um so Lewis what does Lewis like as a gift would he uh cuz I want to give him a birthday gift it is his birthday today do I have anything on me that he likes potato what does no he likes uh leak par Snips does he like parsnips well it’s his lucky

Day here you go happy birthday you remember the old mayor’s birthday it’s very thoughtful of you and it’s was a nice gift thank you he loves blueberry is I have trash the best I can do is some trash will he accept a bit of trash you want some trash old man hello

Harve I’m struggling to make ends me I don’t have enough patience that’s probably a good thing though right that’s a good thing though right you technically you don’t want patience cuz that means people are dying surely it’s a good thing if if you don’t have any any patience right H H Javi Um well now that you mention actually I guess if doctors make all their money off of they make their money off of people who are sick surely it’s there in their best interest for people to be Sick okay we don’t need to expand on that thought uh right this red cabbage is being tucked away very neatly in this box and it’s not coming back out until we get the community center uh yes oh oh that feels good that feels really good okay so let’s

Have a look we have this we all right um melon seeds we do not need those on us right now this ancient seed however we do need cuz we’re going to plant it so let’s put it where do we want to put the ancient seed guys I want to slam it right right

Here and hopefully I don’t regret the placement later where’s my ancy oh uh here let me just double check this is yeah this grows in all season doesn’t it let me just double double check that the Scarecrow man can reach yes the Scarecrow Man uh okay let’s take one of these one of these let’s take one of these and one of these uh what do I if I’m going to oh we didn’t sell this to Clint because I forgot so I guess I’ll just dump it in here okay we will go to the community

Center today however to drop off these items I’m also going to um swing by the uh I’m going to swing by the uh Whatchamacallit adventurers Guild going swing by the adventurers Guild uh foodwise actually one to let me you Let’s do let’s do this let’s make some field snacks get our snack

On oh I forgot guys uh in okay in 40 minutes I’m making a deal on the Facebook Marketplace I got someone coming to collect something so I will I’ll will duck out momentarily I’m still wheeling and dealing guys still wheeling and dealing potato uh have you read the patch notes

Uh no I haven’t no I’m kind of letting things be um a bit of a surprise honestly letting it being a little of a a little bit of a surprise if possible I’m not being super massively strict on it but obviously if there’s something really cool and

Exciting that happens you know you don’t need to necessarily like tell me um maybe when we arrive at those moments like I you know we’ve played this game a ton of times so I don’t mind people just like nudging me in the right direction here and there that’s totally fine with

Me okay so I need to go to the mines but I also need to go to the community center okay let’s do this all right we’ll go this way is Fuji for sale no no she’s not no she’s not no she’s not boom boom so we can now donate start donating

Things to the CC come we which is very exciting this playthrough is gr tremendously so far guys tremendously tremendously if they don’t show up I’ll take it for free no you won’t all right here we go boom AB boom aoom AB boom We love to see it give spring seeds thank you

Sweet now actually I’ve just thought we could actually be working towards uh getting the um we could be working towards getting the uh the the the mine carts online pretty soon we Pro we’ve already collected quite a hefty amount of stuff so I would say that we’re if

Anything we’re in a pretty good position to maybe work on that you know within the first few honestly couple of weeks of uh the game obviously we’re this is Sunday this is our final day I think we should be working on getting the Minecarts online that would be big that would be

Good it’s good to take care uh to take a break from work every now and then uh new owl who this love it welcome on in excellent username new owl who this lovely we love to see it oh I can’t go in I’m not a member yet I’m not cool enough to

Enter not yet anyway can’t believe I just started watching your own stari valleys from yesterday now I’m blessed with the live hell Yes uh right oh this crab actually we’re going to need for the Crab Pot so we should take that with us later I’ll leave this here for now leave this as well chat do not let me forget that I have spring seeds in here do not let me forget capish uh

Okay I think we’re going to go for it so we’ve currently got to level 25 let’s aim for level 40 let’s aim for level 40 today will PJ reach level 40 today in game yes or no get your predictions in guys get them in now just

Remember I am the luckiest gamer in the world remember that guys remember that uh 1.6 is live yeah it went live yesterday and uh the internet kind of freaked out everybody was freaking out everybody it’s a lot of copper uh you know what actually this is why we have

Bombs this is why we have ch ch ch ch ch cherry bombs that feels like the good use of a cherry bomb Honestly uh I see something over there that I want uh Cory car thank you for the follow welcome on in thanks for joining us in enjoy your dinner animated Rice have a good one ooh well that’s kind of lucky we get a topaz and a prismatic Diamond guys

Guys he can’t keep getting away with this also we need cave music just realized sorry about that I’ll take it I won’t say no I will say yes do ask don’t tell uh don’t ask do tell topaz plus diamond equals dancing dinosaur hell yeah if there’s one thing

I know about the d The Dinosaurs is that topaz and diamonds made them lose their [ __ ] slice slice okay ladder is coming out of this rock here ladder here how does he do it I won’t tell I won’t tell you my secrets some people have theorized that

I’m actually just pretending to play the game and I’m actually just watching a video of somebody playing the game I would never do that who would do that guys who would do that all right thankfully we have cookies we eat the cookies we feel better about

Ourselves ooh I see a mushroom get the hell out of here I see a mushroom and the ladder and O what we going to get out of all this another ancient seed already did we get anything good there H not really yeah this is just concerned a

Play testing yes are you concerned a uh maybe I can’t I I I don’t like to really uh get into that get into what uh identity theft I don’t really like to get into identity theft I Tred it once before and it did not work out well for me

Guys it also didn’t work out well for the last PJ got you wonder haven’t I I got you wonder well hang on a minute is he the real PJ these levels just always suck man there is no joy to be had also I should have left the I I made a mistake at

Level ah [ __ ] stop I made a mistake I should have left the mines um damn it sorry my brain’s not working these bats are making my brain’s stop working maybe one will give me a ladder oh he gave me a ladder I’ll take it um I think ah I want to

Smelt but I also don’t want to lose my progress ow okay we’re eating more cookies I did I replaced the PJ with the straight hair yes I now curly PJ I mean this level is just I can’t see anything I’m just swinging aimlessly and hoping I live okay y okay very good any

Ladders probably not no do you want to give me a ladder no sorry about that sorry about that guys sorry about that okay uh let’s keep hunting for this I hear another one of those ston men these guys just suck they just suck without the light ring yeah these levels are not

Pleasant I should have remembered to bring a torch with me if I can just get to level 35 I’ll be happy but PJ the prediction is get to level 40 right I will be happy if I get to level 35 we’re on 32 right now that’s pretty good

Ow uh I I don’t think I can craft a ladder no if I could to be honest like at this part of the game oh God damn it another guy uh at this part of the game a 100 stone is kind of steep to spend on a a ladder especially

I need that 100 Stone to make a silo so I wouldn’t do that right now I think we need to leave as well this has been a bust I need to leave sorry guys have you been in Louie house yet I have not been in Louie house I don’t

Know entirely what Lou house is sorry guys I can’t afford to stay any Longer I’m as disappointed as you are believe Me we have not gone oh mayor Lewis May leis uh we have not been in mayor Lewis’s house no should we go in there is something good happening in there okay did we grab anything for the community center let’s have a look um we should also put like donate and

Stuff in here things that we might want to donate to the to the uh bat wings do we need no I don’t remember uh quartz I think we need God it’s been so long since i’ I it’s been a long it’s been a it’s been a

Minute since I’ve played uh with the old uh no no boil I’m thinking Boiler Room I’m thinking about Boiler Room um okay that’s it’s fine I’ll yeah 10 bat wings in that case we can keep those in here I got three mixed seeds I should put those in the ground if I

Can do we have a little bit more water we do all right oh I’m going to pass out I’m going to pass part two level two foraging sweet level two mining now we can make a staircase again I don’t think I would want to spend that those kind of resources

Um at this stage of the game only 180 gold okay I mean we’re okay we don’t need gold right now that’s not really our main priority me clear and sunny all day Spirits are annoyed okay right have a thing let me have a little thing what do we want to

Aim to try and be doing well we should definitely be smelting I’m going to sell some of this ah exotic foraging we already have a mushroom oh prediction sorry about that guys uh will wait no we will not reach level 40 of the minds uh

Okay okay a okay I need to just listen out for the the doorbell my bucks I’m sorry about that guys I did not want you to lose your Peach Buck I I gain no joy from this uh have I caught a goby yet no I have

Not Molina than thank you for the follow welcome on him so we have five iron bars now we need more clay if we’re going to do uh The Silo we need more Clay you can get clay from just like hitting the ground can’t you uh if we do do The Silo as well we need more we need Stone are there any other bundles I can complete like right now not that one I don’t think we can complete another bundle right

Now the spring seeds oh yeah we got spring seeds oh I also need to water hang on a minute I’m a bit apprehensive about planting too much right I mean well with that said spring seeds gives you vegetables doesn’t it so um yeah I should probably be planting

These cuz we need to level up our farming Ian we do have a patat yeah there we go level two level two farming everybody we love to see it yeah today could be a good day to clean up the farm a bit that’s not a

Bad idea do do a few errands around town it’s Monday it’s a brand new week I should be thinking about what I want to try and achieve this week uh is the river by your animals not closer there’s a river by my animals oh it might maybe it’s closer yeah uh

Oh maybe I could pass through the uh if I pass through the gate oh with that said actually let’s let our chickens roam free I think cleaning up the farm a little bit today is not a bad idea at all good morning chickens a merry Lobster thank you for

The the gifted sub and a merry Lobster to one and all uh do you know what the blue hay does I don’t know I’m assuming it’s just like a a very potent type of hay that the chickens can Enjoy uh you can do uh save seeds for tea saplings they give you a lot of gold save seeds for tea saplings um now am I right in thinking that that somebody said that the tea saplings have been nerfed is that correct have the tea saplings in fact been nerfed they got

Nerfed uh Tania thank you for the follow yeah I think yeah they only sell for 250 now instead of uh 500o which uh is less good unfortunately less Good now I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew here I don’t want to be planting so many seeds that I can’t water everything every day and it uses all of my uh energy but this this is why we need to make sure we’re saving ourselves some food so we

Can do our chores do our chores ooh what’s this a piece of stone wow I’m not convinced this scarecrow is reaching every crop this lone scarecrow he’s doing good work actually he’s doing good work he’s doing the Lord’s work and I am the Lord of Bonk Farm how much 10 more

Okay see what we can do Here oh hang on a minute do I have this is the person here hang on a minute guys I’m I need to BB oh [ __ ] BB no not B sorry no I’m no I’m good I’m good it’s just Sophie returning Home we’re all Good see our energy is already pretty low today uh potato I don’t really want to eat the potatoes this is why we have the pass Snips eat the pass Snips I was very quick yes very very yeah we take quick very quick breaks here shockingly quick okay there we go whoa hello Dodger welcome on in dude welcome on in everybody you’re joining us at a tremendous moment CU we are playing Star Valley 1.6 the new update

When am I not playing Star Valley Huh I hope you had a good stream Dodger I hope you had a good one we’re on a clay Quest we’re looking for Clay have you seen any clay let me know right potatoes maybe sell the Potats yeah uh welcome on in everybody if you’ve not seen staru Valley before this is staru Valley uh let’s have a look at our Quest so kill some slimes get to level 40 of the mines build a silo um uh hean 29 thank you for the follow welcome on him

Um yeah we’ve had some really good luck so far on this run like we’ve just been having incredible luck it’s kind of Madness really look at this red cabbage already Madness absolute Madness absolute Madness now this diamond can be taken to the uh yeah quartz as well now hang on a minute do

We need do we need a quartz for the community center or do we need a refined quartz for the community center I don’t actually remember so we should sell this as well yeah I’m going to sell this both okay sell this we need both we did not remix the bundles

No no we did not regular quartz and Fire Quartz oh refine quartz is from maybe a different bundle yeah I’m thinking about the mine carts at the minute trying to I would like to up up uh upgrade the mine carts check the little tree well the problem is we have not unlocked that

Room just yet so I can’t can’t check it just yet we’re still um still early days at the minute soon we’ll have a cauliflower that we can use to to take a take a peek um okay we found any new seeds uh no we found only carrots at the minute only

Carrots I’m going to refine a quartz just in case we do need it for later for later um I guess we can take these down to the uh take these down to the old uh what do you call it you know the place the place the place the museum to the museum Um the old stuff place the place where you go to look at old stuff you know uh I guess we can go crack some geod as well no reason not To have you checked the calendar nothing going on today Vincent’s birthday is on the 10th which kind of means nothing to me uh but there’s a book seller in town on the 12th so that’s that’s interesting that’s interesting to me um I’m trying to think about what I want

To do today like I don’t have any energy really part of me wants to do a bit more fishing my getting getting to level 40 the mines will be really helpful though I Also could you sell the diamond I don’t really need the money right this moment I’m okay for I’m okay for money there’s nothing that’s super pressing that requires lots of money um so I’ll probably donate this one Um a book Mouse would be cute that would be cute it’s Lenny thank you for the follow welcome on sorry I’m just kind of thinking about what I want to do with my day let’s have a look at our craft recipes H bug steak could do a little bit more fishing if we Wish we are level five fish fishing so if we wanted more money quick that would be how oh hi Mark oh this is neat this is the Stars you get for the community Center I wonder what this is as well oh look it tells you level 32 is the lowest

We’ve got in the mines as well oh I like this a lot this is nice I like this um all right let’s head into town I Think y That’s Yoda of course of course uh I’m going to take my fishing rod I I might do a spot of fishing maybe I’m going to see how I feel going to see how I feel pay the mayor a visit all right we’ll we’ll pay

The we we’re going into town so with no no harm in paying the mayor a visit I’m anticipating someone to ring my doorbell any minute now so uh if I need to quickly BRB I might quickly BRB uh not sure but I think the book seller is coming on different days in my

Save oh really interesting hey will someone say hi to everyone in town for me I want to spread the message of the community Spirit today everyone like wait what oh a star rating look say hi to everyone in town are you everyone in town hey Louis sniff sniff don’t you

Sniff me how dare you sniff me hey farmer oh look should we do that I mean it’ll make everybody like us when people like you they give you gifts I stopped by Willies the other day and bought a fresh Shad I’ve never seen one So Fresh So I

Cooked it up for dinner last night and it filled the house with a scrumptious smell he told me you so your house smelled like Shad last night okay good to know the trees look nice today don’t they so why did you become a farmer uh I wanted to escape my old life

That’s pretty much the reason I came here too is that new dialogue oh sweet welcome if you’re looking for seeds you come to the right place I’m actually not looking for seeds I’m looking for love all right we’ll speak to hary before he vanishes are we going to do

This wait is this a two-day quest for oh it’s a two-day Quest so we can do this over two days we a few over the count of medicines at the clinic feel free to stop by if you’re feeling exhausted I know that being a farmer is pretty tired a tiring work

Don’t know do it I’ll try not to hey Jodi maintaining a house is difficult work but somebody has to do it well think about how hard it is to maintain a farm oh oh by what a lovely day Dan meon holy macaroni thank you for the 52 2 months dude welcome back to

You Dan me hello and welcome that’s very kind of you dude uh this next this next message uh is dedicated to you I want to be just like my big brother when I grow up okay bye that one’s dedicated to you okay what am I supposed to do with

That you can do a lot with that you can put it on your ow thank you or britty you can put it on your CV have I told you that uh Haley and I are sisters strange isn’t it oh Haley the person who also lives here okay I want

To guess well she’s not here actually right now Dan and Vincent are brothers um long lost Brothers yes maybe who’s to say all right you want me to go to Mayor Lewis’s house there better be something good in here oh well may Lewis isn’t here ah hello there

PJ I was just loading some more prizes into this machine here prizes you say it’s a new program I’ve come up with to help promote a spirit of Goodwill among the towns folk you included it’s pretty simple sometimes when you help others help out others in town you’ll

Receive a prize ticket you can turn them into rewards there’s some special stuff in there okay my only worry is that people will just go after the tickets rather than cultivating a true compassion I want the tickets old man give me the tickets hand over the tickets I’m in it for the

Prizes I just want to help I just want to help I just want to help is that so well I’m glad to hear that at any rate keep checking at The Help Wanted board in town that’s a good way to get your hands on more tickets tickets I need tickets good look out

There I need tickets tiet tickets I need tickets I need tickets how do I get tickets I need tickets oh so wait I have zero tickets right now 12 carrot seeds I need tickets fast I’m only in it for the tickets I lied I told him that I didn’t care about

The tickets I actually only want tickets I’ve only mve to this town for the tickets that’s my whole game hello Clint smack this for me please and this one as well please and could you smack this one as well please and whilst you’re at it smack this

One and smack this one as well please and whil you’re at it smack yourself in the head uh okay I don’t see how that’s going to help so I I can call it on the uh on the Clint uh on [ __ ] hell thank you smack the head thank you a your

Digital collect rewards star fruit seeds sweet thank you um Okay so we’ve spoken to we actually haven’t technically spoken to Clint have we or have we thank you General name thank you very much Clint no we actually haven’t spoken to him we’ve spoken to him over the counter it’s very different the guitar

One does sound very painful yeah I agree yep I’m a blacksmith my father was also a blacksmith my grand father was all was a blacksmith as well I bet you can’t guess what my great-grandfather was a sastic jerk a blacksmith a silly clown how do you

Know well Clint I’m sorry to say but your your lineage ends with you I mean sorry we’re being nice to Clint aren’t we um well Clint that’s wonderful ow Dan me yes that one is incred inedibly painful ow single Paper thank you for the 29 months some PJ stream after a day

Filled with mind numbing lectures ain’t nothing better kick back relax grab yourself a drink and maybe a snack yeah that was that one was a bit harsh of me wasn’t it I’m kind of new to this town myself but I really feel at home I moved here only a year before you interesting

Okay um to be honest Willie actually we can talk to at the bar cuz he’ll probably be at the bar later won’t he ooh carrot seeds fun that’s fun to find I didn’t know that lore either no Elliot’s uh ellot is a newbie he’s new around here hello Maru whenever I’m struggling

With a technical problem I always take a walk hi oh did you all want something no I’m good did you know I was an Allstar quarterback in high school it’s true it’s time to stop reliving those uh high school days Alex they’re over see this little star in my jacket here that

Proves it okay great H my head I need a hard drink hey farmer I have a name it’s not farmer I’m not much of a talker espe especially not to strangers if you don’t mind me saying fair enough fair Enough so we’ve spoken to I don’t think we have to do this all in one day oh she didn’t even say to do it all in one day why did I assume she did mean to do it all in one day um Pam doesn’t often get complaints about her

Head uh we speaking to you yes we have I can definitely catch some of them at the bar tonight where’s Haley oh she would be taking photography right photos taking photos well Haley doesn’t go to the bar so I can only catch her at her house I

Think let see if we can go catch Haley she here now yes she is hey hey haly this town is so small it sucks I have to drive like 20 miles I need do in clothes that’s why I usually just order online what oh Haley oh someone’s at the door BBY Nice job Team N Hey Hello everybody I’m back sorry about that oh hi Mark what were we doing what were we doing Where were we we got a carrot we were talking to everybody did my birthday present get delivered um no no kiwi thank you for the bits thank you um no there was no birthday present delivery to speak of was I was there supposed to be

Okay do people go to the bar yet or am I a bit early Shane’s here I don’t know you why are you talking to me nice nice to see you to sh ow thank you Silver Lining welcome back Bon thank you welcome to stard drop Saloon can I get you

Anything I was sping to Emily already you know what people are going to say PJ you’re mad you’re a mad lad you’re an absolute mad lad I am thinking I might buy ooh eggplant Parmesan paresan eggplant Parmesan Tangy cheesy and wonderful a lot of energy Mining and defense for

Four minutes that’s not much time actually 175 energy pretty good General name thank you very much for the bits certified madlad that’s me thank you full guy thank you for the follow welcome on him I’m actually going to buy a couple salads it’s a lot of money to spend so

Early but I am confident in my abilities you’re becoming more like your father uh is Willie not coming to the bar tonight have we did we miss Willie is he coming PJ you’re a mad lad thank thank you very much lost Space Ranger thank you for the 3 Months you are a toy um does Willie not go to the bar on Mondays Will he or won’t he he might be fishing outside his house ah okay was I going to do some fishing today maybe I’ve kind of like flip-flopped around and found out I’ve kind of flip-flopped around a bit

Um I’ve wasted a bit of time Today who haven’t we spoken to um Robin can’t speak to her today now anyway sebie Abigail Willie lonus Demetrius jasmani you know what let’s head up this way let’s head up this way we might be able to catch a couple people we might be able to catch seven

I have been to Louis’s house now yes I that ticket machine thing seems really interesting it’s definitely going to incentivize making you want to do tasks for people cuz you definitely get to a point of the game where oh can I get in can I get

In hello I’m here I heard that Lewis showed you around the community center it’d be great if you could fix that place up I’m on it please move hello Demetrius Maru helps me out in the lab sometimes she’s a good kid what are your intentions with my

Daughter just saying hi just meeting her that’s it that’s it oh we can’t go in seb’s room anyway actually I have the list written down you have the what list you have a list oh he’s here smoking you weren’t thinking of a dating her way no no no God no no why what’s

Wrong with her no nothing wait what uh uh need something yeah I need fish on it’s a trap yeah there’s you can’t say you can’t say anything right there is no correct answer I feel like some people are like that where it kind of feels like you you

Don’t fully know what to say to them you’re worried no matter what you say you’re going to piss them off like as if there is no correct answer I’ve definitely met people like that before it’s pretty scary man I don’t know the correct thing to say to you so I’m not I’m just going to be as neutral as possible but then they call you out on being neutral you’re best just to turn around and run the other way that’s what I found turn around run the other way and

Don’t stop running just keep running I’m actually running right now I’m I’ve got a portable stream setup and behind me this is a green screen but I’m actually running right now oh you have family members like that that’s that’s that’s not good that’s not fun It’s Tricky if youve if even family

Members are are like that uh I guess I’ll eat a couple of these couple of these P Snips just saw the coolest Easter egg on gab stream hope you see it someday I really love this update uh cool um I mean we will be exploring every little nook and

Cranny we will be unless you’re talking about the Easter egg hunt gab just did the Easter egg hunt and I just saw I just saw the coolest Easter egg um so usually speaking of Easter it’s become a bit of a tradition well I’ve kind of joined the family

Tradition but Sophie’s parents do an Easter egg hunt in their Garden every year which is always quite fun I’ve I never did that as a kid ever I never did an Easter egg hunt um and this is the first Easter that we actually have a garden that’s not like a complete wreck

And so we’re thinking we might host the Easter egg hunt this year we thought that could be quite fun so uh yeah I think that’ll be really fun um I look forward to that I wish my family still did Easter egg hunt they were so

Fun yeah man it’s uh I the thing I really like about it is that it’s so low stakes for me so I do the Easter egg hunt Sophie normally wins I don’t know how she’s just got those extra Easter egg senses but um I don’t really usually uh fancy like

The chocolate necessarily like I don’t I don’t really have that much chocolate anyway So usually I will just I’ll I’ll speedrun the Easter egg hunt try and get as many eggs as possible and then just give them to everybody else I’ll just that right everybody here you go Easter Bunny Santa Clauses here and I’m giving you all my eggs yeah it’s

Just the thrill of the hunt that I enjoy I just like the hunt uh uh SEI reic thank you for the follow what’s the time 11:30 we should head home after this fish make it a good one with a nice Treasure Chest maybe no Treasure Chest Bullhead that there is what I call

Bullhead I spy Bullhead The Thrill of the hunt does not sound super low staks true true I do like the hunt uh we didn’t speak to lonus actually either should we say quickly say hi to lonus and before I forget or is he going to be sleeping yep he’s sleeping my Bad uh I want to listen to some music I want to listen to like I want to listen to something else um is it weird to gift Easter eggs to friends two weeks past Easter weekend no that’s just free chocolate I don’t think anyone’s going to complain about free

Chocolate I think people will appreciate that did I pet my chickens today I did I I love that tab by the way that tab that tells you if you’ve petted your chickens or not excellent idea can you believe can you believe we are so blessed with this

Game all right Community Center we do need a ballhead uh I recall needing a chub but that’s maybe not until later so I’ll store one chub for now uh the carp will’ll put in there as well we’ll sell the rest sell the chub what does this sell for 125 River

Jelly we’ll keep the river jelly I’m not in a position to be saying no to River jelly at this point in the game time to play along with some staru hell yeah guys is anyone else playing staru right now oh I wanted to plant this actually let me get this carrot in the

Ground I think I have a free Spot somewhere [ __ ] where was it here always be smelting guys always be smelting until in the dead of night still in the dead of night you should still be smelting how’s long 30 minutes I’ll go to bed I Think okay now it’s bedtime I wanted to hit three pieces of wood and now it’s bedtime okay what is the time IRL oh it’s only half five okay we got some more time in us today level two farming baby we can make a mayonnaise Machine I’m what’s our favorite thing in this game mayonnaise baby opal Farm is that your farm stiletto that’s awesome 1,00 gold I won’t say no that’s decent money decent Money weather tomorrow bit of rain no no such Lu although speaking of luck Spirits were in good humor today might be a good day to go big on the mine yeah we got these pnps today’s definitely a min’s day it’s not a mines he say yours that’s that’s nothing

Um oh I thought of a good tagline for a company earlier what was it we uh we feed you you wait we feed on you what what was it I say hang on I said something really good earlier and I can’t remember what it was trust me guys it was really Good oh it was like I was talking to Sophie about something in the car I was saying like a restaurant well okay no we were talking about the you know that Karen’s Diner thing you go to a diner and they like they will uh be very rude to

You but like it’s meant to be funny um that’s meant to be enjoyable Uh I thought their tag line could be you feed on our delicious menu and we feed on your insecurities uh I could never go to the Karen’s Dina thing man like I’m way too like you know I think I’m way too self-conscious uh CU I know obviously

The whole bit is that it’s meant to be like silly and like it’s just meant to be a bit of silly fun but if they commented on something that I was secretly actually really insecure about I would be like oh okay cool um I have to leave I’m suddenly not

Hungry all right we should try and get a mayonnaise machine online I don’t know I’ve had the option to go before but I was never I don’t think I could ever do it I can never do it ma’am always be smelting okay we might be able to make

Some good progress in the mines today if we’re lucky we’ got a good luck day um Yeah uh Moi GOI thank you very much for the uh follow and Ben uh themo TR thank you very much for the follow as well welcome on in guys uh as someone who worked in the the the service industry for years that that’s the dream service

Job really okay so you would take you would take that job I mean there’s definitely something it does make you wonder about the kind of person who would take the job it’s like cuz you get to kind of treat the customer like trash which I’m sure yeah some people

Would like that God we run out of water so quickly that’s that’s a little spooky getting a lot of eggs look at all these eggs the we’re going to turn these eggs into money very soon trust me guys trust me okay pass Snips more par Snips coming

Tomorrow guys very exciting we love to see it uh I could really do with getting some basic sprinklers online actually as well I think that would be really good cuz this is this is taking me ages um copper bars and iron bars right okay okie Smokey copper bars and iron

Bars is it right so we’re going to need iron bars lots of iron bars okay eggs aren’t money guess that’s why my bank hates me they will be money when we turn this into mayonnaise we’re going to be rolling in it rolling in it my friends rolling in

It right an hour can I go to the mines in an hour is that acceptable is that okay with you guys with the shareholders is that okay do you accept those terms no PJ you must go to the mines right now okay well I don’t I don’t think I can do that right

Now I can’t do that right now what can I do what can I do whilst I wait um should we finish talking to everybody we need to talk to five people Robin [ __ ] who are the other people we need to talk to sneaky it doesn’t tell me all right guys does anybody remember

Who we didn’t talk to yesterday wait Sophie has a list no way really hang on a minute I’m writing this down Mani Jass wizard Robin who was the last person uh lonus all right let’s do that and then we go to the mines and then when we’re back

We’ll uh grab our furnace as Well uh oh I did speak to Robin actually no you’re right I did I did speak to Robin so there’s a mysterious fifth person who we did not speak to yesterday so Sophie is gone with the list yes Sophie’s gone man I’ve got man on the list

Here where’s man she’s not here oh my God she’s not here that’s fine I know where to find her I know where to find her Willie that’s it it’s Willie it was always Willie it was always Willie it’s a bit annoying to have to Trek all the way over here just to talk to the wizard I could have planned this way better if I wanted to but never mind never mind we good hello wizard if you have nothing important to tell me leave me be

Okay he just did a little 12l did you see that he did a little spin she was in her house who Mani was man was in her house I didn’t see her unless she was in her room she was in her bedroom she will leave later I demand she exits the house

Now there’s Jass hello Jass what giggle all right we’ve spoken to Jass and The Wizard where is Mani I don’t see her in the bedroom you lie Liars Liars Liars no you weren’t supposed to see that she was there I oh Willie Wily Wily Wily Wily let me see that Willie

Um a true angler as respect for the water don’t you forget that I didn’t see her in the bedroom I respect the water Lewis wants an Earth crystal mate so do I so I can make a mayonnaise machine she’s working out now I swear I

I did not see her in the bedroom if she’s working out there are going to be bans oh she’s all right uh mods ban everyone every everyone what uh PJ what do you mean everyone ban everyone everyone you mean the people who said man was in the house no everyone I want

The entire chat gone and then mods ban yourself I will be playing this game by myself in peace thank you very Much man has been crossed off the list oh my God imagine that just imagine that guys imagine The Madness of that imagine that no God please no no we’ve spoken we’ve spoken to money we need to me two more people hang on a minute

Lonus is on my list who else did we not speak to yesterday there’s there’s someone else we didn’t speak to Yesterday who did we not speak to Evelyn I didn’t speak to Granny I will make this right there she is hey Granny don’t mind my husband George he isn’t very friendly wait I think we did we did speak to her yesterday Abigail was it Abigail well we’ll see I went shopping last night and picked up some smallmouth bass on it on

Chum Bucket sale for only 50 gold oh I would not buy anything from anywhere called Chum Bucket Mate avoid at all costs that’s Clint’s side business that’s Clint’s Chum Bucket is Clint’s side business I would not recommend eating anything from Chum Bucket um so we now need to speak to lonus lus L lus lus L LA L us we need to speak to Lon

Us yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what do you like more Animal Crossing or starw Valley uh probably starw Valley honestly I find myself wanting to play it more I find it more replayable honestly have you come to ridicule me no no okay we did it right let’s see if we

Can get an Earth crystal oh there’s a leak there see if I can remember that before we leave bum I did not grab my furnace oh no I did not crab take crab take the crab all right well we’re going home we don’t need to speak to someone

No the quest is just done zo it’s just done um hey Spacey thank you very much for the follow welcome on him yeah no we we’re not going into the mines without our trusty uh Furnace I thought he an hour before the M yeah I may have miscalculated my time a little bit no surprise there guys just PJ being PJ you know how it is right crab you can go away you can go Away okay so let me grab these as well IDE we kind of want two furnaces uh at the mines really so we’re going to be smelting double full time but that’s we don’t have to worry about that right Now okay I’m just going to put these in here cuz I’m this is the O overflow cuz I’m running out of space all right we’re away I remember when we were trying to write lyrics that song yeah man is it going to be is it going to

Be let’s see if I remember the words uh I for all intents and purposes I do not uh remember the words uh which one what’s the song uh is it going to be is it going to be is it going to is it going to there’s something here [ __ ] uh it doesn’t matter

Is it going to be is it going to be is it going to is it going to is it going to be I actually do not remember the words at all no I don’t Remember don’t go junk in me that’s all I remember I only remember the don’t go Junk In Me Part Okay we should do a prediction by the way uh the prediction is going to be um will PJ reach level 45 today no will PJ get an Earth crystal today that’s the quest will I get an Earth crystal I want one for the mayonnaise machine mayor Lewis also

Wants one I kind of don’t want to give it to him though because I need it I need it God damn it I need it uh right we’ll see what happens honestly we’ll see what happens uh just so you know I’m not really in the right area for Earth

Crystals one might pop out of here though Hardwood I’m not saying no to hardwood though hardwood is a nice little Get These Guys these guys suck and it’s dark and I can’t see anything and I’m sad they take forever to kill it really is just the worst it really is just the worst

I mean guys an Earth crystal surely can’t be too hard for someone of my caliber to find I mean I am the luckiest gamer in the world right right I’ve already found a red cabbage on this playthrough surely uh an Earth crystal should be easy huh 50/50 the bet is

5050 guys that’s almost like half half and half I’ll take an amethyst and a ladder I’ll happily take a ladder too much luck so far you know what that does make sense I have a been I’ve been a little bit too lucky I’ve been suspiciously lucky so far honestly suspiciously

Lucky oh an omni geode regular geod I’m tempted to take this torch with me actually you never know when you might need a torch I just want a ladder man imagine if we get a Shard before an Earth crystal that would be hilarious that would be hilarious I

Would laugh I would laugh uh meline thank you much for the follow welcome on him uh guys thank you so much for following the stream if you’re new around here if you’re new to me hello I’m PJ that’s it that’s that’s all you need to know that’s the

Introduction so many bats oh my God God what is this Gotham City right be uh because of all these uh bats am I right because Batman um basically guys in case you didn’t know Batman lives in Gotham City and he’s like a bat so that’s kind of the joke is what I was

Going for if they didn’t now that’s funny thank you yeah it’s it’s why you boring me I’m right I that’s the thing though I am literally right I am correct you cannot fault the fact that the joke the logic is sound it’s always cat thank for the God

Please no no hi from Puerto Rico hello I have just one thing to say to you how are things in Puerto Rico I’ve never been before ah hot dogs that’s nothing uh God oops okay we’re searching for the all right I might eat my other salad no

No don’t eat the other salad Peach that’s Madness you won’t make the use out of all of the energy today the Batman joke really no it did not make you laugh is the Batman joke what what made you consider following damn dude so uh what you’re telling me is I

Need to make more bad jokes and you’ll and more people will follow it’s risky but it could work it could pay off just got here new save for the new update yes yes yes hell yes we started a brand new Farm it is day nine of um spring we’ve made

Honestly tremendous progress so far the Highlight so far is we got an ancient seed on day uh four or five I can’t remember which one no it must have been not four because uh we weren’t in the mines on day four day five or six we got an ancient seed and

Uh then we got a red cabbage on like day seven we could have also got a truffle on day seven but it was too expensive and I didn’t want to get it from the traveling cart so we didn’t even get the red cabbage seed we got the red

Cabbage so I’m pretty happy with that honestly oh I just want to be out of this Darkness now I have I am fed up of the darkness now I’m talking about Darkness the band by the way I’m fed up of Darkness the band come on this should be a relatively simple level

Right these guys just take so long to kill oh well now that we’re starting to level up actually that’s it makes them a little easier to kill give me a ladder give me a ladder and we we will be cool we’re not cool how are you not dead hey W he gave

Me a ladder he gave me a ladder we’re cool can’t explain all the things all the feelings that you’re making me feel uh we did not by the way get our um Earth crystal today what’s up with that what is up with that Earth crystals are Level 1 to 39 whoa Okay okay well let’s go let’s do a little look let’s have a little lucky it’d be silly of me to not at least have a little Look I mean ideally we wanted two Earth I think we might need to leave guys I don’t want to pass out anything I can take with me sure clear out this box all right let’s head back will PJ get a prizy from the ice levels I mean honestly I might I

Might if I do honestly I’ll gift a million Subs I’m not even kidding I will gift a million Subs I’ll I’ll take out second mortgage on my home I’ll I’ll uh I’ll do what I need to do I’ll move some money around I’ll uh I’ll gift a million

Subs it will break the bank it will financially bankrupt me but I will do it also by the way we need to get into bed now like now now oh I’m going to bed way too late man level two combat sweet level three mining we’d love to see

It but we are no money yesterday it’s going to rain all day tomorrow finally a bit of rain the Fe Spirits are very happy today well well well guys Prismatic Shard day a cat hello PJ hello you see this cat here Do You Believe in a Thing Called Love just

Listen to the rhythm of your heart um maybe yeah is maybe I found it sitting outside the entrance to your farm I think it’s a stray poor little thing I think it likes this place hey um don’t you think this Farm could use a good cat I will adopt the

Cat what do we call it we’ve got a black cat so it’s not food Fuji what’s a good name for a shadow Fuji what do we call oh also I need to pay out that prediction as well uh no I did not get an Earth crystal

GG G that’s a lot of uh lot of little dots there Shuji Salem fujo I think void Fuji is pretty funny honestly I like void Fuji well little void Fuji You’ be a good kitty now Okay I don’t know if you can changed the name but we’ll see oh yes pet the Cat oh there it is is my mission now going to be to pet the cat every Day all right let’s get our chickens out oh I did let them out oops I forgot to close the door last night really not a big deal if you forget I think I think it just enhances the Friendship a bit ooh is that a large egg it is a large

Egg I’ll be back for that right let’s let’s clear a bit of space here uh again we are running out of space quite rapidly first things first ABS amazing bow syndrome second uh we kind of need another chest really I can’t just keep farting about with two chests you

Know would I get a second cap um you know what I don’t know I really love the dynamic we’ve got going with Fuji and I would hate to sort of like ruin that poent you know it’s it’s it’s always an unknown as to whether getting another

CAT will be um detrimental to like the current uh the current house system it would break my heart Fuji didn’t get along with the the other cat she’s interacting with other cats yeah there’s like other cats in the neighborhood that like come around oh can I just not get that stuff

Oh for [ __ ] sake okay I guess I need to get a ring to attract it huh can I make another chest okay we’ll sort these chests at some point don’t worry guys don’t worry about me uh amethysts let’s sell the amethysts uh White algae cell I don’t think we need that for the

CC uh basic retaining soil sell it sell it oh wait you can break the bushes you tell me I can break this bush how many swings to break it doesn’t sound like I can break it oh with a better ax okay that’s a Shame never mind okay currently there is no organization but that’s Fine there is no System uh I tell you what we can do though we can go boom we can go Boom and we can go boom and why not Boom for good measure okay so we can do a couple of sprinklers which you know it just it helps if I can be watering in some place you know if that can take care of some things then it means I’m not having to

Water in other places there’s like an optimal setup to for these sprinklers but I’m not going to I’m not going to bother I will do this actually move that I do want to get to a point where I can actually just like uh let the sprinklers do all the work for

Me for now ABS baby ABS it’s a really good luck day I don’t want to be wasting time on the farm I feel like we need to get to the mines although with that said um the gray Chris thank you for the follow with that said actually the mines

Are kind of a little bit like we’ve got to level 40 now which is like which is good but without an upgraded axe we’re going to struggle to get too much further r really so I’m a little torn I’m a little torn on what to do here what do you guys

Reckon what what do you think would be a good use of my time today it’s the 10th it’s the 10th day of spring um I guess I could be aiming for I could get yeah aim for the Earth crystal and then we can make our mayonnaise machine

Uh that used to be my uh my nickname in high school guys uh mayonnaise machine you [Applause] know because you guys didn’t let me finish my story thank you kiwi you didn’t let me finish my story before you started judging me very icky no good you didn’t let me finish my story before I started judging me they called me the mayonnaise machine God please no no

Because I would put a whole boiled egg in my mouth and I would slush it around and I would this is no better this is no better you know what I’m going to wreck on this that wasn’t my nickname in high school also I’m drunk right now so I don’t know what I’m

Saying I’m as drunk as a skunk No you’re not PJ you’ve not been we’ve not been drinking anything today we would have seen that’s the thing though uh you think this is water uh-uh this is straight Vodka uh I don’t know if that kind of joke is allowed on Twitch therefore I probably will just have to say that is a joke I don’t know are you allowed to drink alcohol on stream actually don’t know can I have some uh sure or bretti sure yeah you can have

Some we’ll put this guy there’s no there’s not really a good space for this is there uh I’ll put this here I guess what I could do is I could get some more crops it’s Wednesday I can’t get more crops all right you stay there all right [ __ ]

It that’s this is not an optimal layout for sprinklers I’m very upset with myself but it’s fine I’m going to go get an Earth crystal same prediction guys will I get an Earth crystal today will P get an Earth crystal today yes or no I need to leave for uh myself one of

These to put in the community sensor as well Crystal then catfish tomorrow oh yeah we can get loads of catfish tomorrow oh tomorrow we can make some real good money tomorrow is the big money maker cuz we’re going to get a lot of catfish tomorrow reinstalling starer on my

Computer what mods should I have that won’t break the new update uh I would say that uh I’m going to grab my hoe I would say say that UI info Suite is just like super duper helpful super duper helpful you’re not going to regret using UI info

Suite other than that that’s the main mod I’m using at the minute so I wouldn’t know what else to suggest but if chat has any suggestions please do put them in the chat yeah I mean uh concern did say you know it’ probably be a decent idea to experience the game vanilla to

Start with like without mods but moders be moding man moders be Moding hello lonus I don’t know you well enough to trust you sorry it’s fine that’s fine that’s fine okay so we’re looking for an Earth crystal I’m also going to try and slay some slimes they’re not particularly like rare really I will slay this slime die slime moders are pogers they’re pretty

Pogers as far as moders go they’re pretty pogers it’s so refreshing as well to like for there to be like a community you know concern AE sort of like put out a statement being like um obviously some you know he’s been working closely with moders behind the scenes before 1.6 came

Out uh to try and make sure that many mods were working correctly uh when the game came out like obviously he didn’t have to do that if he didn’t want to but he he he chose to do that which is really cool and then he put out a

Statement saying like you know I would uh you know I’d advise probably playing vanilla to start with just in case some mods like crash the system and stuff and you know what’s really refreshing being in a community uh of of players where people aren’t just like um what do you say uh

Like theorizing what does he mean by that what does he mean uh does is he trying to make people is trying to put modders out of business is he trying to shun the moders and say that he he don’t use the mods cuz obviously he’s he wouldn’t be

Saying that we know everybody knows he’s not saying that but you know how some people get really conspiracy about it like there’s a bigger meaning to this there’s really not like he’s just advising it it’s just what I’m saying is it’s nice that you don’t see that kind

Of Earth crystal Earth crystal Earth crystal yes we got the Earth crystal the answer is yes Lewis doesn’t want it anymore does he oh he does but he’s going to take it off me I I want to keep it I want to make my mayonnaise machines 150 gold nah

Mate not worth it unless I get another one unbelievable unbelievable anyway what I’m trying to say is guys thanks for being cool thanks for being a cool little piece piece of the big puzzle of life uh 1980 R thank you very much for the uh follow uh [ __ ] it let’s eat the salad

Uh what does void mayot like I don’t know but I guess we’ll discover soon probably when we get it and we can we can taste it all right uh I’m going to go to the deeper levels I think I’ve not been smelting ah always be smelting always be

Smelting chat what do we say here we say ABS what does ABS stand for tell me loud and proud what does ABS stand for always be silly always be silly amazing B amazing B syndrome uh this is a bad level did we do the uh we need to kill one more green slime

Oh [ __ ] okay hang on let me go lower my bad I’m looking for one slime you there sir unfortunately you must die by my hand it brings me no joy well it brings me a little bit of Joy I do like slaying slimes enter The Adventurous Guild okay we’re going to do that

Now we’re going to do that right now always be smelting going to sell this sword animals be sneaky they do be especially Fuji very sneaky little cat good evening ow Silver Lining you have no idea that how much that hurts always be always Bonk something that hurts that hurts a great

Deal more than you know any new Rings or anything no uh okay see okay still okay okay okay fish come back when you got something to okay what’s this present up here is this something I guess we can’t get back there can we slay a thousand monsters to

Enter AJ digital thank you for the bits no we’re not bonking that was uh always Bonk speee speee it doesn’t isn’t a name thank you FL tomorrow thank you no nobody nobody real we just mentioned bong we didn’t say not talking about it you guys need to learn some manners and some

Resp thank you samio yes thank you you need to learn a bit of respect around here okay you do not Bonk the streamer that’s streaming 101 you do not Bonk the streamer you simply do not all right guys we’re going to have some trouble here see hack and G thank you for the

Bits we’re going to have some trouble okay we’re going to have some trouble always Bonk the streamer that is not ow jeez fairy SE thank you that is uh that’s uncalled for guys I thought this meant to be a good luck day I’m experiencing no good luck so far do you want one

More oh this is brutal I will kill these guys though killing is free in this game it costs you no energy you cannot Escape oh there’s quite a few of them as well hey we might get a prismatic Shard if we’re lucky Silver Lining think for the bits

Uh Christina needs a nap thank you for the bits thank you I oh God I really need a new weapon man these uh this sword is is not too good early on well it’s not good anytime really okay Where’s the bedona when you need it honestly I miss that Galaxy Hammer so much uh Hey camping shrimp thank you very much for the uh for the follow there welcome on him cheeky weapon shopping spree oh I mean I could couldn’t I I could go on a little weapon shopping

Spree ooh look at these carrots we just got and Cave carrots sweet oh and a frozen tier ah frozen tier we need that for the minecart room correct I believe we need that for the minecart room okay we will hang on to that oh it’s kills on the energy

Kills uh you found a club on day six excellent yeah the club I would not say no to a club I would not say no to a to a club I could go like farming for one possibly I know where to get it let me get to level 45 at

Least it’s 11:20 we can’t really do much else today that’s Fine if I could get to level 45 I’d be happy oops guess I’m e in this you have the club you you always AC uh you I always sorry hang on I’m trying to ReChat and also survive it’s a tough life get the heck out of here yeah okay

We really need that ladder man I really I really don’t want to turn I don’t want to leave empty-handed you know as in I want to get to level 45 so so just do it then so just do it then newbie okay no need to no need to

Name names no need to no need to bring out the big words okay no need to bring out the big words guys uh what is the mod you’re using called again uh exclamation mark mod to see the mods I’m using Marcus thank you very much for the 11 months I cannot

Wait to lose my life to start you yet again oh hell yeah dude hell yeah dude yeah I’ve already uh I feel my life slipping away no in a good way this is uh it’s self we we it’s self-imposed I want this to happen I want this to happen glow ring APAP

Please um smelting what are we smelting I should really take stock of like what I’ve actually got uh I can make mayonnaise machines now I need wood and stone luckily I have both of those things do I actually have wood I feel like I have 14 wood I need 15 CD player

Thank you for the uh follow welcome on him it’s got a CD player player player player oh I’ll do this tomorrow right okay bedtime all right guys we will do I think one more day in stari Valley today one more day I’m enjoying myself greatly one more

Day uh I have no vision for this Farm no no vision for the farm it’s going to be clear and sunny tomorrow luck today Spirit we in Good Humor all right guys prediction will PJ Catch 10 catfish today yes or no there might be a couple of typos there but please ignore that

Is my kale ready as well oh it is yes yes okay okay okay K Baby I want some kale kale kale baby tag yourself I’m new okay I want to plant like a ton more Kale like a ton more kale that’s what I’m going to do so you say these carrots are good for energy huh they are pretty good for energy actually

Yeah uh right let’s make ourselves a uh I am conscious that we need to get on with some fishing today is how they say in Australia Masha I’m pretty sure that is not how they say in Australia do we have any Australians in the chat who would like to vouch for

This you’re thinking of Nar it’s actually pronounced Nar I’m pretty sure there’s an A in there I think there’s an r in there somewhere maybe a silent h I’m not too sure so actually I’ve made a mistake I should not have done that three hours okay remind me to come back to my

Farm in three Hours I wanted to take that mayonnaise machine with me so I can smell on the go no not smell sorry um what’s the process of making egg uh mayonnaise if if not uh what is Emulsify oh I like the sounds of that Emulsify you know what I want to listen to let’s get some I want to listen to this Animal Crossing rainy day OST that’s what I want to listen to but I don’t want the actual rain this is Summer and she is now able to generate okay cool we got an advert we

Love to see it have we chugged Mayo yet no we have not made Mayon yet all right what’s this missing my ass Axe and my axe I’ll get you your axe don’t worry okay so kale do we sell the kale or keep the kale sell the kale I reckon maybe keep a

Couple okay let me organize my back my backpack my backpack my my backpack my back back backpack sorry my brain sto working for a second there Okay so these are our Edibles this is for the community center these are our eggs we need a fishing rod where is my rod there it is still using the bamboo pole I think we can get away with the do we want a better the next Rod up is 1,800 isn’t it

I could literally go get the next Rod up and have a and have a buck left to spare so uh this gives you foraging XP doesn’t it do I want to plant more spring seeds I think the answer is maybe yes can you put bait on the new fishing rod you can can’t

You so it would be in my best interest to do this wouldn’t it so we discovered that one packet is hold up 35 wait has this been nerfed or am I mistake am I mistaken for something I thought you could make oh no cuz you make 10 you make 10 sorry you

Make 10 you make 10 you make 10 packets when you craft these so technically 350 cuz we talked about this last time we played 350 um is more than the sum of its parts right it’s the tea saplings that got nerfed spring seeds got their foraging XP Nerf from 7 to two oh

Really okay silver little fox thank you very much for the follow welcome on him is it weird that expanded made me forget everything about Stu yeah no no is in no it’s not weird okay so do I even bother planting these now probably not honestly I think

Not I mean I can plant some 2 3 4 5 1 2 three five yeah I’ll just sell the rest why not right um how long’s this got 2 hours 20 minutes all right let’s go get some kale let’s go get some kale why do I have my

Sword I need to head back to the farm anyway would be more watering true true true true very true very true very true it’s locked when will you fish soon soon soon very soon hello Pierre [ __ ] I need that money to buy the

Rod well we need to find a way to get uh money we need to find a way to get money quickly quickly Now so I could go sell this to Willie for 250 and we’re obviously going to get more catfish today so yeah sell the diamond I think I already donated it didn’t I um any other big fish that’s 250 right there which will bring us up to uh 13 14

20 1420 and I need 18 I need 1,800 so okay sell the red cabbage no I’m all right how long’s this got 50 minutes I’m just thinking about the thing that I would make sense to sell right Now okay I know it seems like I’m wasting time but I’m going to wait I’m going to put my sword away I’m going to put this away I’m going to sell this to Willie I’m going to sell this to Pierre if I need a bit more money I’ll sell a couple of

Eggs even though I really would like to not sell an egg but if I must I will I’m going to grab I’m going to wait 40 minutes for this I don’t really want to sell the eggs because I can turn them into mayonnaise which will be just better you know

Better for money this is eating into our catfishing time is the only problem but okay oh man so you can eat this for 50 energy now but will I but will I let’s find out Howry B baby my my plan is to bring the mayonnaise machine with me so I can

Be making uh mayonnaise whilst fishing that’s why I I just I just waited a little longer for it it’s all right guys this is all this is all okay this is all part of the plan okay I’m going to sell you these seeds and I’m going to sell you this mayonnaise

I’m sorry oh our first lost book excellent will I ever read it probably not it might as well have stayed lost never mind maybe fish will yeah maybe the Mayo maybe the fish will bite quicker okay sell this sell the clam fiberglass rod please dushin I’ve not had the book seller yet

No that is uh tomorrow ooh oo right guys enough Clowning Around actually I’m going to keep the chill music on because fishing I was going to put some intense music on but we don’t need that for fishing we literally need the complete opposite Vibe let’s go C fish time catfish

Time now we need to just relax a Bit so I can’t get too comfortable because they are still a little tricky to catch even at this stage there’s One nine more I don’t leave home without my mayonnaise machine you never know when you might need to make a bit of mayonnaise on the way on the road you know just don’t leave just don’t spill that mayonnaise on the road [ __ ] no oh that

Okay yeah that was the one that was a catfish we lost a catfish sucks hope that one doesn’t make the difference n nbmm never not be making Mayo that’s what we say here guys that’s what we say Here I want zucchini pancakes ooh I’ve never had a zucchini pancake before Oh this is not a catfish but we’ll catch it anyway doesn’t hurt to catch it Melby thank you for the follow it’s a Shad I shed myself I shed my Pants oh you know what maybe I have had actually I think I have had one before that actually sounds very Familiar all right we’ll go for the treasure because this is not a catfish so we don’t need to worry what’s our treasure going to be guys a bone flute sweet okay I’ll take it you know what I would prefer though catfish is it are you are you are you is you

Oh he played koi for a second sometimes they’re not as hard to catch or is this maybe that’s not catfish that’s why oh no it is Catfish it Is oh playing Coy yes that was intentional oh you bastard stop just come on mate mate mate if you want to be my mate then you need to play a little bit more friendly Okay be friendly be friendly that’s all I require to take all the bo just that’s the only box to take give up myself that is the only box to tick be friendly all right that one was a lot harder to catch that’s was annoying ABC always be

Catfishing yeah I’ve got to make I I’ve always got a few catfishing uh schemes on the go I’m currently um I’m currently pretending to a very rich King but I am uh I’m a a a sexy uh a sexy 20-year-old uh sort of goblin he’s got a bit of a fantasy Kink

So I’m kind of like you know o I’m a I’m a single sexy Goblin you might say well PJ surely um is that not like really um sort of degrading and demeaning for you no it pays very well so it’s all good like I said he’s a very rich King very rich

King very rich King you might be thinking what what country uh if I if I disclose that then word will get back to him and I can’t allow that it’s my main source of uh Revenue income right now So what is this Trash sugar Goblin I’m a sugar Goblin yeah redundant all goblins are sexy you said it not me you said it not me mate mate mate mate How many is that four catfish so far okay four if we can get one every hour that would be great streaming two days in a row does not make me say weirdest stuff I’m just always a little unhinged okay this is just who I am this is how I am see why

Was that one so much easier to catch tell me I want answers concerned ape I know you’re listening I know you’re watching I want answers Okay I want answers from the man himself I’m scared for tomorrow do not be scared do not be scared I’m s to feel exhausted huh eat the green Alie um lady Cabbage Patch thank you very much for the follow and darbus frog thank you for the follow um yeah thanks for watching the stream everybody if you’re if you’re out there

You’re watching this maybe you’re not following yet feel free to Chuck us a follow come along we’re very friendly here very friendly sometimes a bit too friendly uh some broad thank you for the follow follow for sexy sugar Goblin stay for Stu hell yeah some people might like that some

People might have been listening oh I like the sounds of that this is making my 12-year-old self’s day right now your 12year old self oh happy 12th birthday if it’s your 12th birthday today although you should not be on Twitch if it’s if you’re you’re 12 if

You’re 12 years old [ __ ] okay hang on guys nobody panic this is a catfish so everybody needs to just cool it everybody needs to cool it call chat cool it cool it please just everybody chill just chill just chill what are you doing hurry up just chill fish

On Fish on all right that’s six catfishes so far six catfishes sweeten thank you very much for the follow woo okay six catfish you want one more should have been seven if that that one before wasn’t jerking me around thank you AJ digital krensky thank you

For the six months be boop hey be Boop to you too dude shout out to all the robots in the chat we got any robots in the chat shout out to you guys A shed yeah Masha no binary in the chat please we we class that as an unknown language Wge son feel exhausted okay I’m feeling exhausted of not finding all these catfish you know what I mean all right we might need to eat something a bream hey guys my my pockets are filled to the bream right now with stuff am I right [Applause]

I’m going to eat a carrot what are you going to do stop me nothing that’s what Nothing 7:20 P.m. the lack of cat fish is concerning I left when you made that joke before and you do it again no no no no no no I have not made that joke before that’s the first time I’ve ever made that joke guys please new people might have

Arrived can we please just pretend that I that’s the first time I’ve made that joke today please please can you do me that much can you do me a solid uh carrots are new yes they are they’re very quick to um grow as well which is cool 3 days 3 days to grow

Madness absolute Madness and they help you see in the dark was that a lie was that a lie we were told by our parents carrots help you see in the dark um eating the crust of bread makes your hair curly why would we lied to so much as kids guys [ __ ]

The government will always have your best interest at heart why did my parents say that to me as a kid why are we fed so many lies everyone tells the truth now yeah yeah yeah well it’s not everybody does tell the truth everybody should tell the truth okay uh carrots have carotene

Which is good for vision oh my God what a lucky coincidence that it’s called a carrot and it provides something called carotene you you can’t make the stuff up guys you cannot make the stuff Up so people found carrots and they were like then they did some tests on them and they were like oh [ __ ] this gives you carotene that’s pretty pretty Cool come on we need more catfish oh this is one oh don’t squander this one come on sh oh [ __ ] sh no no no no no no no no no no no no we’re at eight catfish so far guys eight catfish eight we need two more can we do it a bloody hope So Emma thank you very much it’s time to feel exhausted tell me about it story My Life okay I’m going to eat the carrots I’m going to make the mayonnaise am a going to make a the mayonnaise come on now you want one more I would like two more specifically come

On it’s 10 p.m. come on this ain’t a catfish this is a Time waster although I will take this who knows what will be inside that Treasure Chest I’ll take an amphibian fossil I won’t say no I will say Yes come on come on all right yep don’t squand to this one PJ do not squander this one you need right okay good good good good good good good good good right that’s nine catfish that’s nine it feels a little bit bad that I let one go early remember earlier when I

Said I hope that one doesn’t make the difference let’s uh let’s see let’s let’s see let’s See let’s See come on come on come on you ain’t a catfish you’re a waste of time you’re a waste of my Time come on come On remember it has to bite and I have to catch it I don’t know if this is a cat I think this is a catfish I want the treasure but I’m not going to risk it we get the treasure anyway was it a catfish is it no God please no

No guys oh and a lost book guys nice job team 10 count them on all 10 of your fingertips yipp you fish fish fish on will PJ Catch 10 catfish today my God 63% said no 37% said Yus 37% take the win congratulations guys you deserve it you deserve it for believing in

Me if you lost don’t ever give up my son if you lost all I can say is suck it up buttercup echol Laura thank you for the four months I have won every prediction today I am truly winning yes you are yes you are Believe guys believe and you will Prosper I’m going to leave this here so I can collect it on the way to the uh to the place the place you know the museum god it feels good to be a gamer guys it feels good to be a gamer why the fudge thank you for the follow welcome on

Him it feels good to be a gamer and bread I want bread I would I would like the bread I’ll leave these eggs here I suppose I would like the bread uh maguo thank you very much for the follow welcome on him having chest is your fishing spot is smart yes yes

Yes yes yes yes uh and also I don’t know if you guys know this I only just learned this recently NPCs no longer destroy your chests if they walk through them which is just a tremendous update honestly I’m very very happy about that I can’t believe we just managed to do it

Today we just managed to do it okay River fish right uh cool we also have this bream here so I can sell these uh I will have to keep this catfish for the community center uh mayonnaise I guess we don’t need for the community sentencer then

Huh I thought we needed that for the CC guys we have made some insane progress today uh just like you thank you very much for the prime sub welcome on in dude welcome on in all right I’m going to sell this mayonnaise I’m not going to drink this

Mayonnaise I don’t need to drink it so I’m going to sell it do not need to drink all right get me some coal did you get to the book shop no that’s tomorrow Bookshop arrives tomorrow uh however unfortunately we are going to have to wait till next time to

See what that means what’s that all about what is the Bookshop we shall see next time on Star Valley going to refill this ready for tomorrow I’m going to use up the remnants of my uh energy as well just so every last drop counts want not waste

Not um alch thank you for the follow welcome on name guys thank you so much for joining me today I hope you had a wonderful wonderful time with me I certainly I certainly did I had a I had a wonderful time with me as well we’ll get organizing these chests

And such uh next time I need to get to bed I don’t think you can move this can you no um so excited for the update I have this game on switch so I need to wait a long time for it to arrive uh yeah yeah

Um I don’t know when the switch update is coming but at some point at some point we know that at some point it will come uh we learn to make a farmer’s lunch is that new that feels new Farmer’s lunch feels new we can make a bee house speed grow

Level six fishing let’s go bait maker that seems interesting bait maker well we will and a Sona Boba bber baby bber booby uh we’ll figure out what those things are next time and how much money do we make 6,2 Gold Guys the catfish paid off Big Time

3,312 gold we got from all of that catfish so while some of you lost peache bucks I gained money some of you lost your digital money and I gained some digital money so it all worked out in the end it all worked out in the

End made a nice bit of money off of the kale the May as well we’re going to keep making mayonnaise going to keep making mayonnaise more like your father’s wait all right money in the bank that’s it all right guys uh thank you ever so much for joining me today

Let’s get out of here

main channel!
my shop! buy sum stuff!
music –


  1. the ‘carrots improve night vision’ myth (they don’t Improve vision at all, but their vitamins Are good for the health of eyes) arose because brits in ww2 wanted to hide that they used radar technology to know where german crafts were at night, so they had a big propaganda campaign that suggested carrots were the secret lol

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